Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 75.70 - NOX mass emissions provisions.

(a) Applicability. The owner or operator of a unit shall comply with the requirements of this subpart to the extent that compliance is required by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that incorporates by reference, or otherwise adopts the provisions of, this subpart.

(1) For purposes of this subpart, the term “affected unit” shall mean any unit that is subject to a State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program requiring compliance with this subpart, the term “non-affected unit” shall mean any unit that is not subject to such a program, the term “permitting authority” shall mean the permitting authority under an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart, and the term “designated representative” shall mean the responsible party under the applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(2) In addition, the provisions of subparts A, C, D, E, F, and G and appendices A through G of this part applicable to NOX concentration, flow rate, NOX emission rate and heat input, as set forth and referenced in this subpart, shall apply to the owner or operator of a unit required to meet the requirements of this subpart by a State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program. When applying these requirements, the term “affected unit” shall mean any unit that is subject to a State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program requiring compliance with this subpart, the term “permitting authority” shall mean the permitting authority under an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart, and the term “designated representative” shall mean the responsible party under the applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart. The requirements of this part for SO2, CO2 and opacity monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting do not apply to units that are subject to a State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program only and are not affected units with an Acid Rain emission limitation.

(b) Compliance dates. The owner or operator of an affected unit shall meet the compliance deadlines established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(c) Prohibitions. (1) No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) shall use any alternative monitoring system, alternative reference method, or any other alternative for the required continuous emission monitoring system without having obtained prior written approval in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section.

(2) No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) shall operate the unit so as to discharge, or allow to be discharged emissions of NOX to the atmosphere without accounting for all such emissions in accordance with the applicable provisions of this part, except as provided in § 75.74.

(3) No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) shall disrupt the continuous emission monitoring system, any portion thereof, or any other approved emission monitoring method, and thereby avoid monitoring and recording NOX mass emissions discharged into the atmosphere, except for periods of recertification or periods when calibration, quality assurance testing, or maintenance is performed in accordance with the provisions of this part applicable to monitoring systems under § 75.71, except as provided in § 75.74.

(4) No owner or operator of an affected unit or a non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) shall retire or permanently discontinue use of the continuous emission monitoring system, any component thereof, or any other approved emission monitoring system under this part, except under any one of the following circumstances:

(i) During the period that the unit is covered by a retired unit exemption that is in effect under the State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart;

(ii) The owner or operator is monitoring NOX mass emissions from the affected unit with another certified monitoring system approved, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section; or

(iii) The designated representative submits notification of the date of certification testing of a replacement monitoring system in accordance with § 75.61.

(d) Initial certification and recertification procedures. (1) The owner or operator of an affected unit that is subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation shall comply with the initial certification and recertification procedures in § 75.20 of this part, except that the owner or operator shall meet any additional requirements set forth in an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected unit that is not subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation shall comply with the initial certification and recertification procedures established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart. The owner or operator of an affected unit that is subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation shall comply with the initial certification and recertification procedures established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart for any additional NOX-diluent CEMS, flow monitors, diluent monitors or NOX concentration monitoring system required under the NOX mass emissions provisions of § 75.71 or the common stack provisions in § 75.72.

(e) Quality assurance and quality control requirements. For units that use continuous emission monitoring systems to account for NOX mass emissions, the owner or operator shall meet the applicable quality assurance and quality control requirements in § 75.21, appendix B to this part, and § 75.74(c) for the NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring systems, flow monitoring systems, NOX concentration monitoring systems, moisture monitoring systems, and diluent monitors required under § 75.71. Units using the low mass emissions excepted methodology under § 75.19 shall meet the applicable quality assurance requirements of that section, except as otherwise provided in § 75.74(c). Units using excepted monitoring methods under appendices D and E to this part shall meet the applicable quality assurance requirements of those appendices.

(f) Missing data procedures. Except as provided in § 75.34, paragraph (g) of this section, and § 75.74(c)(7), the owner or operator shall provide substitute data from monitoring systems required under § 75.71 for each affected unit as follows:

(1) For an owner or operator using a continuous emissions monitoring system, substitute for missing data in accordance with the applicable missing data procedures in §§ 75.31 through 75.37 whenever the unit combusts fuel and:

(i) A valid, quality-assured hour of NOX emission rate data (in lb/mmBtu) has not been measured and recorded for a unit by a certified NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system or by an approved monitoring system under subpart E of this part;

(ii) A valid, quality-assured hour of flow data (in scfh) has not been measured and recorded for a unit from a certified flow monitor or by an approved alternative monitoring system under subpart E of this part;

(iii) A valid, quality-assured hour of heat input rate data (in mmBtu/hr) has not been measured and recorded for a unit from a certified flow monitor and a certified diluent (CO2 or O2) monitor or by an approved alternative monitoring system under subpart E of this part, where heat input is required either for calculating NOX mass or allocating allowances under the applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart;

(iv) A valid, quality-assured hour of NOX concentration data (in ppm) has not been measured and recorded by a certified NOX concentration monitoring system, or by an approved alternative monitoring method under subpart E of this part, where the owner or operator chooses to use a NOX concentration monitoring system with a flow monitor, to calculate NOX mass emissions. The initial missing data procedures for determining monitor data availability and the standard missing data procedures for a NOX concentration monitoring system shall be the same as the procedures specified for a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system under §§ 75.31, 75.32, and 75.33; or

(v) A valid, quality-assured hour of moisture data (in percent H2O) has not been measured or recorded for an affected unit, either by a certified moisture monitoring system or an approved alternative monitoring method under subpart E of this part. This requirement does not apply when a default percent moisture value, as provided in § 75.11(b) or § 75.12(b), is used to account for the hourly moisture content of the stack gas.

(2) For an owner or operator using an excepted monitoring system under appendix D or E of this part, substitute for missing data in accordance with the missing data procedures in section 2.4 of appendix D to this part or in section 2.5 of appendix E to this part whenever the unit combusts fuel and:

(i) A valid, quality-assured hour of fuel flow rate data has not been measured and recorded by a certified fuel flowmeter that is part of an excepted monitoring system under appendix D or E of this part; or

(ii) A fuel sample value for gross calorific value, or if necessary, density or specific gravity, from a sample taken an analyzed in accordance with appendix D of this part is not available; or

(iii) A valid, quality-assured hour of NOX emission rate data has not been obtained according to the procedures and specifications of appendix E to this part.

(g) Reporting data prior to initial certification. If the owner or operator of an affected unit has not successfully completed all certification tests required by the State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart by the applicable date required by that program, he or she shall determine, record and report hourly data prior to initial certification using one of the following procedures, consistent with the monitoring equipment to be certified:

(1) For units that the owner or operator intends to monitor for NOX mass emissions using NOX emission rate and heat input rate, the maximum potential NOX emission rate and the maximum potential hourly heat input of the unit, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter.

(2) For units that the owner or operator intends to monitor for NOX mass emissions using a NOX concentration monitoring system and a flow monitoring system, the maximum potential concentration of NOX and the maximum potential flow rate, as defined in section of appendix A to this part;

(3) For any unit, the reference methods under § 75.22 of this part.

(4) For any unit using the low mass emission excepted monitoring methodology under § 75.19, the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1) or (2) of this section.

(5) Any unit using the procedures in paragraph (g)(2) of this section that is required to report heat input for purposes of allocating allowances shall also report the maximum potential hourly heat input of the unit, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter.

(6) For any unit using continuous emissions monitors, the conditional data validation procedures in § 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through (b)(3)(ix).

(h) Petitions. (1) The designated representative of an affected unit that is subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the Administrator requesting an alternative to any requirement of this subpart. Such a petition shall meet the requirements of § 75.66 and any additional requirements established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart. Use of an alternative to any requirement of this subpart is in accordance with this subpart and with such State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program only to the extent that the petition is approved by the Administrator, in consultation with the permitting authority.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (h)(1) of this section, petitions requesting an alternative to a requirement concerning any additional CEMS required solely to meet the common stack provisions of § 75.72 shall be submitted to the permitting authority and the Administrator and shall be governed by paragraph (h)(3)(ii) of this section. Such a petition shall meet the requirements of § 75.66 and any additional requirements established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(3)(i) The designated representative of an affected unit that is not subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the permitting authority and the Administrator requesting an alternative to any requirement of this subpart. Such a petition shall meet the requirements of § 75.66 and any additional requirements established by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(ii) Use of an alternative to any requirement of this subpart is in accordance with this subpart only to the extent that it is approved by the Administrator and by the permitting authority if required by an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

[63 FR 57507, Oct. 27, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 28624, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40444, June 12, 2002]
§ 75.71 - Specific provisions for monitoring NOX and heat input for the purpose of calculating NOX mass emissions.

(a) Coal-fired units. The owner or operator of a coal-fired affected unit shall either:

(1) Meet the general operating requirements in § 75.10 for a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system (consisting of a NOX pollutant concentration monitor, an O2 or CO2 diluent gas monitor, and a data acquisition and handling system) to measure NOX emission rate and for a flow monitoring system and an O2 or CO2 diluent gas monitoring system to measure heat input rate, except as provided in accordance with subpart E of this part; or

(2) Meet the general operating requirements in § 75.10 for a NOX concentration monitoring system (consisting of a NOX pollutant concentration monitor and a data acquisition and handling system) to measure NOX concentration and for a flow monitoring system. In addition, if heat input is required to be reported under the applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart, the owner or operator also must meet the general operating requirements for a flow monitoring system and an O2 or CO2 monitoring system to measure heat input rate. These requirements must be met, except as provided in accordance with subpart E of this part.

(b) Moisture correction. (1) If a correction for the stack gas moisture content is needed to properly calculate the NOX emission rate in lb/mmBtu (e.g., if the NOX pollutant concentration monitor in a NOX-diluent monitoring system measures on a different moisture basis from the diluent monitor), or to calculate the heat input rate, the owner or operator of an affected unit shall account for the moisture content of the flue gas on a continuous basis in accordance with § 75.12(b).

(2) If a correction for the stack gas moisture content is needed to properly calculate NOX mass emissions in tons, in the case where a NOX concentration monitoring system which measures on a dry basis is used with a flow rate monitor to determine NOX mass emissions, the owner or operator of an affected unit shall account for the moisture content of the flue gas on a continuous basis in accordance with § 75.11(b) except that the term “SO2” shall be replaced by the term “NOX.”

(3) If a correction for the stack gas moisture content is needed to properly calculate NOX mass emissions, in the case where a diluent monitor that measures on a dry basis is used with a flow rate monitor to determine heat input rate, which is then multiplied by the NOX emission rate, the owner or operator shall install, operate, maintain, and quality assure a continuous moisture monitoring system, as described in § 75.11(b).

(c) Gas-fired nonpeaking units or oil-fired nonpeaking units. The owner or operator of an affected unit that, based on information submitted by the designated representative in the monitoring plan, qualifies as a gas-fired or oil-fired unit but not as a peaking unit, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter, shall either:

(1) Meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and, if applicable, paragraph (b) of this section; or

(2) Meet the general operating requirements in § 75.10 for a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, except as provided in accordance with subpart E of this part, and use the procedures specified in appendix D to this part for determining hourly heat input rate. However, for a common pipe configuration, the heat input rate apportionment provisions in section 2.1.2 of appendix D to this part shall not be used to meet the NOX mass reporting provisions of this subpart, unless all of the units served by the common pipe are affected units and have similar efficiencies; or

(3) Meet the requirements of the low mass emission excepted methodology under paragraph (e)(2) of this section and under § 75.19, if applicable.

(d) Gas-fired or oil-fired peaking units. The owner or operator of an affected unit that qualifies as a peaking unit and as either gas-fired or oil-fired, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter, based on information submitted by the designated representative in the monitoring plan, shall either:

(1) Meet the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section; or

(2) Use the procedures in appendix D to this part for determining hourly heat input and the procedure specified in appendix E to this part for estimating hourly NOX emission rate. However, for a common pipe configuration, the heat input apportionment provisions in section 2.1.2 of appendix D to this part shall not be used to meet the NOX mass reporting provisions of this subpart unless all of the units served by the common pipe are affected units and have similar efficiencies. In addition, if after certification of an excepted monitoring system under appendix E to this part, the operation of a unit that reports emissions on an annual basis under § 75.74(a) of this part exceeds a capacity factor of 20.0 percent in any calendar year or exceeds an annual capacity factor of 10.0 percent averaged over three years, or the operation of a unit that reports emissions on an ozone season basis under § 75.74(b) of this part exceeds a capacity factor of 20.0 percent in any ozone season or exceeds an ozone season capacity factor of 10.0 percent averaged over three years, the owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section by no later than December 31 of the following calendar year. If the required CEMS are not installed and certified by that date, the owner or operator shall report hourly NOX mass emissions as the product of the maximum potential NOX emission rate (MER) and the maximum hourly heat input of the unit (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), starting with the first unit operating hour after the deadline and continuing until the CEMS are provisionally certified.

(e) Low mass emissions units. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, for an affected unit using the low mass emissions (LME) unit under § 75.19 to estimate hourly NOX emission rate, heat input and NOX mass emissions, the owner or operator shall calculate the ozone season NOX mass emissions by summing all of the estimated hourly NOX mass emissions in the ozone season, as determined under § 75.19 (c)(4)(ii)(A), and dividing this sum by 2000 lb/ton.

(f) Other units. The owner or operator of an affected unit that combusts wood, refuse, or other materials shall comply with the monitoring provisions specified in paragraph (a) of this section and, where applicable, paragraph (b) of this section.

[63 FR 57508, Oct. 27, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 28624, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40444, 40445, June 12, 2002; 67 FR 53505, Aug. 16, 2002; 73 FR 4358, Jan. 24, 2008]
§ 75.72 - Determination of NOX mass emissions for common stack and multiple stack configurations.

The owner or operator of an affected unit shall either: calculate hourly NOX mass emissions (in lbs) by multiplying the hourly NOX emission rate (in lbs/mmBtu) by the hourly heat input rate (in mmBtu/hr) and the unit or stack operating time (as defined in § 72.2), or, as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, calculate hourly NOX mass emissions from the hourly NOX concentration (in ppm) and the hourly stack flow rate (in scfh). Only one methodology for determining NOX mass emissions shall be identified in the monitoring plan for each monitoring location at any given time. The owner or operator shall also calculate quarterly and cumulative year-to-date NOX mass emissions and cumulative NOX mass emissions for the ozone season (in tons) by summing the hourly NOX mass emissions according to the procedures in section 8 of appendix F to this part.

(a) Unit utilizing common stack with other affected unit(s). When an affected unit utilizes a common stack with one or more affected units, but no nonaffected units, the owner or operator shall either:

(1) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system and a flow monitoring system in the common stack, record the combined NOX mass emissions for the units exhausting to the common stack, and, for purposes of determining the hourly unit heat input rates, either:

(i) Apportion the common stack heat input rate to the individual units according to the procedures in § 75.16(e)(3); or

(ii) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system and diluent monitor in the duct to the common stack from each unit; or

(iii) If any of the units using the common stack are eligible to use the procedures in appendix D to this part,

(A) Use the procedures in appendix D to this part to determine heat input rate for that unit; and

(B) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system and a diluent monitor in the duct to the common stack for each remaining unit; or

(2) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system in the duct to the common stack from each unit and, for purposes of heat input determination, either:

(i) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct to the common stack from each unit; or

(ii) For any unit using the common stack and eligible to use the procedures in appendix D to this part,

(A) Use the procedures in appendix D to determine heat input rate for that unit; and

(B) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct to the common stack for each remaining unit.

(b) Unit utilizing common stack with nonaffected unit(s). When one or more affected units utilizes a common stack with one or more nonaffected units, the owner or operator shall either:

(1) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system in the duct to the common stack from each affected unit and, for purposes of heat input determination,

(i) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct to the common stack from each affected unit; or

(ii) For any affected unit using the common stack and eligible to use the procedures in appendix D to this part,

(A) Use the procedures in appendix D to determine heat input for that unit; however, for a common pipe configuration, the heat input apportionment provisions in section 2.1.2 of appendix D to this part shall not be used to meet the NOX mass reporting provisions of this subpart unless all of the units served by the common pipe are affected units and have similar efficiencies; and

(B) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct to the common stack for each remaining affected unit that exhausts to the common stack; or

(2) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system in the common stack; and

(i) Designate the nonaffected units as affected units in accordance with the applicable State or federal NOX mass emissions reduction program and meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section; or

(ii) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the common stack and a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system in the duct to the common stack from each nonaffected unit. The designated representative shall submit a petition to the permitting authority and the Administrator to allow a method of calculating and reporting the NOX mass emissions from the affected units as the difference between NOX mass emissions measured in the common stack and NOX mass emissions measured in the ducts of the nonaffected units, not to be reported as an hourly value less than zero. The permitting authority and the Administrator may approve such a method whenever the designated representative demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the permitting authority and the Administrator, that the method ensures that the NOX mass emissions from the affected units are not underestimated. In addition, the owner or operator shall also either:

(A) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct from each nonaffected unit or,

(B) For any nonaffected unit exhausting to the common stack and otherwise eligible to use the procedures in appendix D to this part, determine heat input rate using the procedures in appendix D for that unit. However, for a common pipe serving both affected and non-affected units, the heat input rate apportionment provisions in section 2.1.2 of appendix D to this part shall not be used to meet the NOX mass reporting provisions of this subpart. For any remaining nonaffected unit that exhausts to the common stack, install, certify, operate, and maintain a flow monitoring system in the duct to the common stack; or

(iii) Install a flow monitoring system in the common stack and record the combined emissions from all units as the combined NOX mass emissions for the affected units for recordkeeping and compliance purposes, in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section; or

(iv) Submit a petition to the permitting authority and the Administrator to allow use of a method for apportioning NOX mass emissions measured in the common stack to each of the units using the common stack and for reporting the NOX mass emissions. The permitting authority and the Administrator may approve such a method whenever the designated representative demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the permitting authority and the Administrator, that the method ensures that the NOX mass emissions from the affected units are not underestimated.

(c) Unit with a main stack and a bypass stack. Whenever any portion of the flue gases from an affected unit can be routed through a bypass stack to avoid the installed NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system or NOX concentration monitoring system, the owner and operator shall either:

(1) Install, certify, operate, and maintain separate NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring systems and flow monitoring systems on the main stack and the bypass stack and calculate NOX mass emissions for the unit as the sum of the NOX mass emissions measured at the two stacks;

(2) Monitor NOX mass emissions at the main stack using a NOX-diluent CEMS and a flow monitoring system and measure NOX mass emissions at the bypass stack using the reference methods in § 75.22(b) for NOX concentration, flow rate, and diluent gas concentration, or NOX concentration and flow rate, and calculate NOX mass emissions for the unit as the sum of the emissions recorded by the installed monitoring systems on the main stack and the emissions measured by the reference method monitoring systems; or

(3) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent CEMS and a flow monitoring system only on the main stack. If this option is chosen, it is not necessary to designate the exhaust configuration as a multiple stack configuration in the monitoring plan required under § 75.53, since only the main stack is monitored. For each unit operating hour in which the bypass stack is used and the emissions are either uncontrolled (or the add-on controls are not documented to be operating properly), report NOX mass emissions as follows. If the unit heat input is determined using a flow monitor and a diluent monitor, report NOX mass emissions using the maximum potential NOX emission rate, the maximum potential flow rate, and either the maximum potential CO2 concentration or the minimum potential O2 concentration (as applicable). The maximum potential NOX emission rate may be specific to the type of fuel combusted in the unit during the bypass (see § 75.33(c)(8)). If the unit heat input is determined using a fuel flowmeter, in accordance with appendix D to this part, report NOX mass emissions as the product of the maximum potential NOX emission rate and the actual measured hourly heat input rate. Alternatively, for a unit with NOX add-on emission controls, for each unit operating hour in which the bypass stack is used but the add-on NOX emission controls are not bypassed, the owner or operator may report the maximum controlled NOX emission rate (MCR) instead of the maximum potential NOX emission rate provided that the add-on controls are documented to be operating properly, as described in the quality assurance/quality control program for the unit, required by section 1 in appendix B to this part. To provide the necessary documentation, the owner or operator shall record parametric data to verify the proper operation of the NOX add-on emission controls as described in § 75.34(d). Furthermore, the owner or operator shall calculate the MCR using the procedure described in section of appendix A to this part by replacing the words “maximum potential NOX emission rate (MER)” with the words “maximum controlled NOX emission rate (MCR)” and by using the NOX MEC in the calculations instead of the NOX MPC.

(d) Unit with multiple stack or duct configuration. When the flue gases from an affected unit discharge to the atmosphere through more than one stack, or when the flue gases from an affected unit utilize two or more ducts feeding into a single stack and the owner or operator chooses to monitor in the ducts rather than in the stack, the owner or operator shall either:

(1) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system and a flow monitoring system in each of the multiple stacks and determine NOX mass emissions from the affected unit as the sum of the NOX mass emissions recorded for each stack. If another unit also exhausts flue gases into one of the monitored stacks, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, in order to properly determine the NOX mass emissions from the units using that stack;

(2) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system and a flow monitoring system in each of the ducts that feed into the stack, and determine NOX mass emissions from the affected unit using the sum of the NOX mass emissions measured at each duct; or

(3) If the unit is eligible to use the procedures in appendix D to this part and if the conditions and restrictions of § 75.17(c)(2) are fully met, install, certify, operate, and maintain a NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system in one of the ducts feeding into the stack or in one of the multiple stacks, (as applicable) in accordance with § 75.17(c)(2), and use the procedures in appendix D to this part to determine heat input rate for the unit.

(e) Units using a NOX concentration monitoring system and a flow monitoring system to determine NOX mass. The owner or operator may use a NOX concentration monitoring system and a flow monitoring system to determine NOX mass emissions for the cases described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section and in paragraph (d)(1) or paragraph (d)(2) of this section (in place of a NOX-diluent continuous emissions monitoring system and a flow monitoring system). However, this option may not be used for the case described in paragraph (d)(3) of this section. When using this approach, calculate NOX mass according to sections 8.2 and 8.3 in appendix F to this part. In addition, if an applicable State or federal NOX mass reduction program requires determination of a unit's heat input, the owner or operator must either:

(1) Install, certify, operate, and maintain a CO2 or O2 diluent monitor in the same location as each flow monitoring system. In addition, the owner or operator must provide heat input rate values for each unit utilizing a common stack. The owner or operator may either:

(i) Apportion heat input rate from the common stack to each unit according to § 75.16(e)(3), where all units utilizing the common stack are affected units, or

(ii) Measure heat input rate to each affected unit, using a flow monitor and a CO2 or O2 diluent monitor in the duct from each affected unit; or

(2) For units that are eligible to use appendix D to this part, use the procedures in appendix D to this part to determine heat input rate for the unit. However, the use of a fuel flowmeter in a common pipe header and the provisions of sections and of appendix D to this part are not applicable to any unit that is using the provisions of this subpart to monitor, record, and report NOX mass emissions under a State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program and that shares a common pipe with a nonaffected unit.

(f) Procedures for apportioning hourly NOX mass emission rate to the unit level. If the owner or operator of a unit determining hourly NOX mass emission rate at a common stack under this section is subject to a State or Federal NOX mass emissions reduction program under subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter or under a state implementation plan approved pursuant to § 52.38(b)(12) of this chapter, then on and after January 1, 2024, the owner or operator shall apportion the hourly NOX mass emissions rate at the common stack to each unit using the common stack based on the ratio of the hourly heat input rate for each such unit to the total hourly heat input rate for all such units, in conjunction with the appropriate unit and stack operating times, according to the procedures in section 8.5.3 of appendix F to this part.

(g) Procedures for apportioning heat input to the unit level. If the owner or operator of a unit using the common stack monitoring provisions in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section does not monitor and record heat input at the unit level and the owner or operator is required to do so under an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program, apportion heat input from the common stack to each unit according to § 75.16(e)(3).

[63 FR 57507, Oct. 27, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 40445, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4358, Jan. 24, 2008; 88 FR 36895, June 5, 2023]
§ 75.73 - Recordkeeping and reporting.

(a) General recordkeeping provisions. The owner or operator of any affected unit shall maintain for each affected unit and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) a file of all measurements, data, reports, and other information required by this part at the source in a form suitable for inspection for at least three (3) years from the date of each record. Except for the certification data required in § 75.57(a)(4) and the initial submission of the monitoring plan required in § 75.57(a)(5), the data shall be collected beginning with the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the compliance deadline in § 75.70(b). The certification data required in § 75.57(a)(4) shall be collected beginning with the date of the first certification test performed. The file shall contain the following information:

(1) The information required in §§ 75.57(a)(2), (a)(4), (a)(5), (a)(6), (b), (c)(2), (d), (g), and (h).

(2) The information required in §§ 75.58(b)(2) or (b)(3) (for units with add-on NOX emission controls), as applicable, (d) (as applicable for units using Appendix E to this part), and (f) (as applicable for units using the low mass emissions unit provisions of § 75.19).

(3) For each hour when the unit is operating, NOX mass emission rate, calculated in accordance with section 8 of appendix F to this part.

(4) During the second and third calendar quarters, cumulative ozone season heat input and cumulative ozone season operating hours.

(5) Heat input and NOX methodologies for the hour.

(6) Specific heat input record provisions for gas-fired or oil-fired units using the procedures in appendix D to this part. In lieu of the information required in § 75.57(c)(2), the owner or operator shall record the information in § 75.58(c) for each affected gas-fired or oil-fired unit and each non-affected gas- or oil-fired unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) for which the owner or operator is using the procedures in appendix D to this part for estimating heat input.

(7) Specific NOX record provisions for gas-fired or oil-fired units using the optional low mass emissions excepted methodology in § 75.19. In lieu of recording the information in §§ 75.57(b), (c)(2), (d), and (g), the owner or operator shall record, for each hour when the unit is operating for any portion of the hour, the following information for each affected low mass emissions unit for which the owner or operator is using the low mass emissions excepted methodology in § 75.19(c):

(i) Date and hour;

(ii) If one type of fuel is combusted in the hour, fuel type (pipeline natural gas, natural gas, residual oil, or diesel fuel) or, if more than one type of fuel is combusted in the hour, the fuel type which results in the highest emission factors for NOX;

(iii) Average hourly NOX emission rate (in lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth); and

(iv) Hourly NOX mass emissions (in lbs, rounded to the nearest tenth).

(8) Formulas from monitoring plan for total NOX mass.

(b) Certification, quality assurance and quality control record provisions. The owner or operator of any affected unit shall record the applicable information in § 75.59 for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii).

(c) Monitoring plan recordkeeping provisions—(1) General provisions. The owner or operator of an affected unit shall prepare and maintain a monitoring plan for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii). Except as provided in paragraph (d) or (f) of this section, a monitoring plan shall contain sufficient information on the continuous emission monitoring systems, excepted methodology under § 75.19, or excepted monitoring systems under appendix D or E to this part and the use of data derived from these systems to demonstrate that all the unit's NOX emissions are monitored and reported.

(2) Monitoring plan updates. Whenever the owner or operator makes a replacement, modification, or change in the certified continuous emission monitoring system, excepted methodology under § 75.19, excepted monitoring system under appendix D or E to this part, or alternative monitoring system under subpart E of this part, including a change in the automated data acquisition and handling system or in the flue gas handling system, that affects information reported in the monitoring plan (e.g., a change to a serial number for a component of a monitoring system), then the owner or operator shall update the monitoring plan.

(3) Contents of the monitoring plan. Each monitoring plan shall contain the information in § 75.53(g)(1) in electronic format and the information in § 75.53(g)(2) in hardcopy format. In addition, to the extent applicable, each monitoring plan shall contain the information in § 75.53(h)(1)(i) and (h)(2)(i) in electronic format and the information in § 75.53(h)(1)(ii) and (h)(2)(ii) in hardcopy format. For units using the low mass emissions excepted methodology under § 75.19, the monitoring plan shall include the additional information in § 75.53(h)(4)(i) and (ii). The monitoring plan also shall include a seasonal controls indicator and an ozone season fuel-switching flag.

(d) General reporting provisions. (1) The designated representative for an affected unit shall comply with all reporting requirements in this section and with any additional requirements set forth in an applicable State or federal NOX mass emission reduction program that adopts the requirements of this subpart.

(2) The designated representative for an affected unit shall submit the following for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii):

(i) Initial certification and recertification applications in accordance with § 75.70(d);

(ii) Monitoring plans in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section; and

(iii) Quarterly reports in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section.

(3) Other petitions and communications. The designated representative for an affected unit shall submit petitions, correspondence, application forms, and petition-related test results in accordance with the provisions in § 75.70(h).

(4) Quality assurance RATA reports. If requested by the permitting authority, the designated representative of an affected unit shall submit the quality assurance RATA report for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii) by the later of 45 days after completing a quality assurance RATA according to section 2.3 of appendix B to this part or 15 days of receiving the request. The designated representative shall report the hardcopy information required by § 75.59(a)(9) to the permitting authority.

(5) Notifications. The designated representative for an affected unit shall submit written notice to the permitting authority according to the provisions in § 75.61 for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii).

(6) Routine appendix E retest reports. If requested by the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency, the designated representative shall submit a hardcopy report within 45 days after completing a required periodic retest according to section 2.2 of appendix E to this part, or within 15 days of receiving the request, whichever is later. The designated representative shall report the hardcopy information required by § 75.59(b)(5) to the applicable EPA Regional Office, appropriate State, and/or appropriate local air pollution control agency that requested the hardcopy report.

(e) Monitoring plan reporting—(1) Electronic submission. The designated representative for an affected unit shall submit to the Administrator a complete, electronic, up-to-date monitoring plan file for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii), no later than 21 days prior to the initial certification test; at the time of a certification or recertification application submission; and whenever an update of the electronic monitoring plan is required, either under § 75.53 or elsewhere in this part.

(2) Hardcopy submission. The designated representative of an affected unit shall submit all of the hardcopy information required under § 75.53, for each affected unit or group of units monitored at a common stack and each non-affected unit under § 75.72(b)(2)(ii), to the permitting authority prior to initial certification. Thereafter, the designated representative shall submit hardcopy information only if that portion of the monitoring plan is revised. The designated representative shall submit the required hardcopy information as follows: no later than 21 days prior to the initial certification test; with any certification or recertification application, if a hardcopy monitoring plan change is associated with the recertification event; and within 30 days of any other event with which a hardcopy monitoring plan change is associated, pursuant to § 75.53(b). Electronic submittal of all monitoring plan information, including hardcopy portions, is permissible provided that a paper copy of the hardcopy portions can be furnished upon request.

(f) Quarterly reports—(1) Electronic submission. The designated representative for an affected unit shall electronically report the data and information in this paragraph (f)(1) and in paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section to the Administrator quarterly, unless the unit has been placed in long-term cold storage (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter). Each electronic report must be submitted to the Administrator within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter. Each electronic report shall include the information provided in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (x) of this section and shall also include the date of report generation. A unit placed into long-term cold storage is exempted from submitting quarterly reports beginning with the calendar quarter following the quarter in which the unit is placed into long-term cold storage, provided that the owner or operator shall submit quarterly reports for the unit beginning with the data from the quarter in which the unit recommences operation (where the initial quarterly report contains hourly data beginning with the first hour of recommenced operation of the unit).

(i) Facility information:

(A) Identification, including:

(1) Facility/ORISPL number;

(2) Calendar quarter and year data contained in the report; and

(3) Electronic data reporting format version used for the report.

(B) [Reserved]

(ii) The information and hourly data required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, except for:

(A) Descriptions of adjustments, corrective action, and maintenance;

(B) Information which is incompatible with electronic reporting (e.g., field data sheets, lab analyses, quality control plan);

(C) For units with NOX add-on emission controls that do not elect to use the approved site-specific parametric monitoring procedures for calculation of substitute data, the information in § 75.58(b)(3);

(D) Information required by § 75.57(h) concerning the causes of any missing data periods and the actions taken to cure such causes;

(E) Hardcopy monitoring plan information required by § 75.53 and hardcopy test data and results required by § 75.59;

(F) Records of flow polynomial equations and numerical values required by § 75.59(a)(5)(vi);

(G) Daily fuel sampling information required by § 75.58(c)(3)(i) for units using assumed values under appendix D to this part;

(H) Information required by § 75.59(b)(2) concerning transmitter or transducer accuracy tests;

(I) Stratification test results required as part of the RATA supplementary records under § 75.59(a)(7);

(J) Data and results of RATAs that are aborted or invalidated due to problems with the reference method or operational problems with the unit and data and results of linearity checks that are aborted or invalidated due to operational problems with the unit; and

(K) Supplementary RATA information required under § 75.59(a)(7), except that:

(1) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts) in which angular compensation for yaw and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method 2F or 2G in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter), with or without wall effects adjustments;

(2) The applicable data elements under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T) and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through (M) shall be reported for any flow RATA run at a circular stack in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is determined by direct measurement;

(3) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at circular stacks in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a default wall effects adjustment factor is applied; and

(4) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A) through (F) shall be reported for all flow RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in which Method 2 in appendices A-1 and A-2 to part 60 of this chapter is used and a wall effects adjustment factor is applied.

(iii) Average NOX emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth) during the quarter and cumulative NOX emission rate for the calendar year.

(iv) Tons of NOX emitted during quarter, cumulative tons of NOX emitted during the year, and, during the second and third calendar quarters, cumulative tons of NOX emitted during the ozone season.

(v) During the second and third calendar quarters, cumulative heat input for the ozone season.

(vi) Unit or stack or common pipe header operating hours for quarter, cumulative unit, stack or common pipe header operating hours for calendar year, and, during the second and third calendar quarters, cumulative operating hours during the ozone season.

(vii) Reporting period heat input.

(viii) New reporting frequency and begin date of the new reporting frequency (if applicable).

(ix) On and after on January 1, 2024, for a unit subject to subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter or a state implementation plan approved under § 52.38(b)(12) of this chapter and determining NOX mass emission rate at a common stack, apportioned hourly NOX mass emission rate for the unit, lb/hr.

(x) On and after January 1, 2024, for a unit that is subject to subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter or a state implementation plan approved under § 52.38(b)(12) of this chapter, that lists coal or a solid coal-derived fuel as a fuel in the unit's monitoring plan under § 75.53 for any portion of the ozone season in the year for which data are being reported, that serves a generator of 100 MW or larger nameplate capacity, and that is not a circulating fluidized bed boiler, provided that through December 31, 2029, the requirements under this paragraph (f)(1)(x) shall apply to a unit in a given calendar year only if the unit also was equipped with selective catalytic reduction controls on or before September 30 of the previous year:

(A) Daily NOX emissions (lbs) for each day of the reporting period;

(B) Daily heat input (mmBtu) for each day of the reporting period;

(C) Daily average NOX emission rate (lb/mmBtu, rounded to the nearest thousandth) for each day of the reporting period;

(D) Daily NOX emissions (lbs) exceeding the applicable backstop daily NOX emission rate for each day of the reporting period;

(E) Cumulative NOX emissions (tons, rounded to the nearest tenth) exceeding the applicable backstop daily NOX emission rate during the ozone season; and

(F) Cumulative NOX emissions (tons, rounded to the nearest tenth) exceeding the applicable backstop daily NOX emission rate during the ozone season by more than 50 tons, calculated as the remainder of the amount calculated under paragraph (f)(1)(x)(E) of this section minus 50, but not less than zero.

(2) Verification of identification codes and formulas. The designated representative shall certify that the component and system identification codes and formulas in the quarterly electronic reports submitted to the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section represent current operating conditions.

(3) Compliance certification. The designated representative shall submit and sign a compliance certification in support of each quarterly emissions monitoring report based on reasonable inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for ensuring that all of the unit's emissions are correctly and fully monitored. The certification shall state that:

(i) The monitoring data submitted were recorded in accordance with the applicable requirements of this part, including the quality assurance procedures and specifications; and

(ii) With regard to a unit with add-on emission controls and for all hours where data are substituted in accordance with § 75.34(a)(1), the add-on emission controls were operating within the range of parameters listed in the monitoring plan and the substitute values do not systematically underestimate NOX emissions.

(4) Electronic format, method of submission, and explanatory information. The designated representative shall comply with all of the quarterly reporting requirements in § 75.64(d), (f), and (g).

[64 FR 28624, May 26, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 40446, June 12, 2002; 73 FR 4359, Jan. 24, 2008; 88 FR 36896, June 5, 2023]
§ 75.74 - Annual and ozone season monitoring and reporting requirements.

(a) Annual monitoring requirement. (1) The owner or operator of an affected unit subject both to an Acid Rain emission limitation and to a State or federal NOX mass reduction program that adopts the provisions of this part must meet the requirements of this part during the entire calendar year.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected unit subject to a State or federal NOX mass reduction program that adopts the provisions of this part and that requires monitoring and reporting of hourly emissions on an annual basis must meet the requirements of this part during the entire calendar year.

(b) Ozone season monitoring requirements. The owner or operator of an affected unit that is not required to meet the requirements of this subpart on an annual basis under paragraph (a) of this section may either:

(1) Meet the requirements of this subpart on an annual basis; or

(2) Meet the requirements of this subpart during the ozone season, except as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) If the owner or operator of an affected unit chooses to meet the requirements of this subpart on less than an annual basis in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, then:

(1) The owner or operator of a unit that uses continuous emissions monitoring systems or a fuel flowmeter to meet any of the requirements of this subpart shall quality assure the hourly ozone season emission data required by this subpart. To achieve this, the owner or operator shall operate, maintain and calibrate each required CEMS and shall perform diagnostic testing and quality assurance testing of each required CEMS or fuel flowmeter according to the applicable provisions of paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(5) of this section. Except where otherwise noted, the provisions of paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section apply instead of the quality assurance provisions in sections 2.1 through 2.3 of appendix B to this part, and shall be used in lieu of those appendix B provisions.

(2) Quality assurance requirements prior to the ozone season. The provisions of this paragraph apply to each ozone season. The owner or operator shall, at a minimum, perform the following diagnostic testing and quality assurance assessments, and shall maintain the following records, to ensure that the hourly emission data recorded at the beginning of the current ozone season are suitable for reporting as quality-assured data:

(i) For each required gas monitor (i.e., for each NOX pollutant concentration monitor and each diluent gas (CO2 or O2) monitor, including CO2 and O2 monitors used exclusively for heat input determination and O2 monitors used for moisture determination), a linearity check shall be performed and passed in the second calendar quarter no later than April 30.

(A) Conduct each linearity check in accordance with the general procedures in section 6.2 of appendix A to this part, except that the data validation procedures in sections 6.2(a) through (f) of appendix A do not apply.

(B) Each linearity check shall be done “hands-off,” as described in section 2.2.3(c) of appendix B to this part.

(C) In the time period extending from the date and hour in which the linearity check is passed through April 30, the owner or operator shall operate and maintain the CEMS and shall perform daily calibration error tests of the CEMS in accordance with section 2.1 of appendix B to this part. When a calibration error test is failed, as described in section 2.1.4 of appendix B to this part, corrective actions shall be taken. The additional calibration error test provisions of section 2.1.3 of appendix B to this part shall be followed.

(D) If the linearity check is not completed by April 30, data validation shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(E) of this section.

(ii) For each required CEMS (i.e., for each NOX concentration monitoring system, each NOX-diluent monitoring system, each flow rate monitoring system, each moisture monitoring system and each diluent gas CEMS used exclusively for heat input determination), a relative accuracy test audit (RATA) shall be performed and passed in the first or second calendar quarter, but no later than April 30.

(A) Conduct each RATA in accordance with the applicable procedures in sections 6.5 through 6.5.10 of appendix A to this part, except that the data validation procedures in sections 6.5(f)(1) through (f)(6) do not apply, and, for flow rate monitoring systems, the required RATA load level(s) (or operating level(s)) shall be as specified in this paragraph.

(B) Each RATA shall be done “hands-off,” as described in section 2.3.2 (c) of appendix B to this part. The provisions in section of appendix B to this part, pertaining to the number of allowable RATA attempts, shall apply.

(C) For flow rate monitoring systems installed on peaking units or bypass stacks and for flow monitors exempted from multiple-level RATA testing under section 6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this part, a single-load (or single-level) RATA is required. For all other flow rate monitoring systems, a 2-load (or 2-level) RATA is required at the two most frequently-used load or operating levels (as defined under section of appendix A to this part), with the following exceptions. Except for flow monitors exempted from 3-level RATA testing under section 6.5.2(e) of appendix A to this part, a 3-load flow RATA is required at least once every five years and is also required if the flow monitor polynomial coefficients or K factor(s) are changed prior to conducting the flow RATA required under this paragraph.

(D) A bias test of each required NOX concentration monitoring system, each NOX-diluent monitoring system and each flow rate monitoring system shall be performed in accordance with section 7.6 of appendix A to this part. If the bias test is failed, a bias adjustment factor (BAF) shall be calculated for the monitoring system, as described in section 7.6.5 of appendix A to this part and shall be applied to the subsequent data recorded by the CEMS.

(E) In the time period extending from the hour of completion of the required RATA through April 30, the owner or operator shall operate and maintain the CEMS by performing, at a minimum, the following activities:

(1) The owner or operator shall perform daily calibration error tests and (if applicable) daily flow monitor interference checks, according to section 2.1 of appendix B to this part. When a daily calibration error test or interference check is failed, as described in section 2.1.4 of appendix B to this part, corrective actions shall be taken. The additional calibration error test provisions in section 2.1.3 of appendix B to this part shall be followed. Records of the required daily calibration error tests and interference checks shall be kept in a format suitable for inspection on a year-round basis.

(2) If the owner or operator makes a replacement, modification, or change in a certified monitoring system that significantly affects the ability of the system to accurately measure or record NOX mass emissions or heat input or to meet the requirements of § 75.21 or appendix B to this part, the owner or operator shall recertify the monitoring system according to § 75.20(b).

(F) Data validation. For each RATA that is performed by April 30, data validation shall be done according to sections 2.3.2(a)-(j) of appendix B to this part. However, if a required RATA is not completed by April 30, data from the monitoring system shall be invalid, beginning with the first unit operating hour on or after May 1. The owner or operator shall continue to invalidate all data from the CEMS until either:

(1) The required RATA of the CEMS has been performed and passed; or

(2) A probationary calibration error test of the CEMS is passed in accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(ii). Once the probationary calibration error test has been passed, the owner or operator shall perform the required RATA in accordance with the conditional data validation provisions and within the 720 unit or stack operating hour time frame specified in § 75.20(b)(3) (subject to the restrictions in paragraph (c)(3)(xii) of this section), and the term “quality assurance” shall apply instead of the term “recertification.” However, in lieu of the provisions in § 75.20(b)(3)(ix), the owner or operator shall follow the applicable provisions in paragraphs (c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii) of this section.

(3) Quality assurance requirements within the ozone season. The provisions of this paragraph apply to each ozone season. The owner or operator shall, at a minimum, perform the following quality assurance testing during the ozone season, i.e. in the time period extending from May 1 through September 30 of each calendar year:

(i) Daily calibration error tests and (if applicable) interference checks of each CEMS required by this subpart shall be performed in accordance with sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of appendix B to this part. The applicable provisions in sections 2.1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 of appendix B to this part, pertaining, respectively, to additional calibration error tests and calibration adjustments, data validation, and quality assurance of data with respect to daily assessments, shall also apply.

(ii) For each gas monitor required by this subpart, linearity checks shall be performed in the second and third calendar quarters, as follows:

(A) For the second calendar quarter, the pre-ozone season linearity check required under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section shall be performed by April 30.

(B) For the third calendar quarter, a linearity check shall be performed and passed no later than July 30.

(C) Conduct each linearity check in accordance with the general procedures in section 6.2 of appendix A to this part, except that the data validation procedures in sections 6.2(a) through (f) of appendix A do not apply.

(D) Each linearity check shall be done “hands-off,” as described in section 2.2.3(c) of appendix B to this part.

(E) Data Validation. For second and third quarter linearity checks performed by the applicable deadline (i.e., April 30 or July 30), data validation shall be done in accordance with sections 2.2.3(a), (b), (c), (e), and (h) of Appendix B to this part. However, if a required linearity check for the second calendar quarter is not completed by April 30, or if a required linearity check for the third calendar quarter is not completed by July 30, data from the monitoring system (or range) shall be invalid, beginning with the first unit operating hour on or after May 1 or July 31, respectively. The owner or operator shall continue to invalidate all data from the CEMS until either:

(1) The required linearity check of the CEMS has been performed and passed; or

(2) A probationary calibration error test of the CEMS is passed in accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(ii). Once the probationary calibration error test has been passed, the owner or operator shall perform the required linearity check in accordance with the conditional data validation provisions and within the 168 unit or stack operating hour time frame specified in § 75.20(b)(3) (subject to the restrictions in paragraph (c)(3)(xii) of this section), and the term “quality assurance” shall apply instead of the term “recertification.” However, in lieu of the provisions in § 75.20(b)(3)(ix), the owner or operator shall follow the applicable provisions in paragraphs (c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii) of this section.

(F) A pre-season linearity check performed and passed in April satisfies the linearity check requirement for the second quarter.

(G) The third quarter linearity check requirement in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(B) of this section is waived if:

(1) Due to infrequent unit operation, the 168 operating hour conditional data validation period associated with a pre-season linearity check extends into the third quarter; and

(2) A linearity check is performed and passed within that conditional data validation period.

(iii) For each flow monitoring system required by this subpart, except for flow monitors installed on non-load-based units that do not produce electrical or thermal output, flow-to-load ratio tests are required in the second and third calendar quarters, in accordance with section 2.2.5 of appendix B to this part. If the flow-to-load ratio test for the second calendar quarter is failed, the owner or operator shall follow the procedures in section 2.2.5(c)(8) of appendix B to this part. If the flow-to-load ratio test for the third calendar quarter is failed, data from the flow monitor shall be considered invalid at the beginning of the next ozone season unless, prior to May 1 of the next calendar year, the owner or operator has either successfully implemented Option 1 in section of appendix B to this part or Option 2 in section of appendix B to this part, or unless a flow RATA has been performed and passed in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section.

(iv) For each differential pressure-type flow monitor used to meet the requirements of this subpart, quarterly leak checks are required in the second and third calendar quarters, in accordance with section 2.2.2 of appendix B to this part. For the second calendar quarter of the year, only the unit or stack operating hours in the months of May and June shall be used to determine whether the second calendar quarter is a QA operating quarter (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter). Data validation for quarterly flow monitor leak checks shall be done in accordance with section 2.2.3(g) of appendix B to this part. If the leak check for the third calendar quarter is failed and a subsequent leak check is not passed by the end of the ozone season, then data from the flow monitor shall be considered invalid at the beginning of the next ozone season unless a leak check is passed prior to May 1 of the next calendar year.

(v) A fuel flow-to-load ratio test in section 2.1.7 of appendix D to this part shall be performed in the second and third calendar quarters if, for a unit using a fuel flowmeter to determine heat input under this subpart, the owner or operator has elected to use the fuel flow-to-load ratio test to extend the deadline for the next fuel flowmeter accuracy test. Automatic deadline extensions may be claimed for the two calendar quarters outside the ozone season (the first and fourth calendar quarters), since a fuel flow-to-load ratio test is not required in those quarters. If a fuel flow-to-load ratio test is failed, follow the applicable procedures and data validation provisions in section of appendix D to this part. If the fuel flow-to-load ratio test for the third calendar quarter is failed, data from the fuel flowmeter shall be considered invalid at the beginning of the next ozone season unless the requirements of section of appendix D to this part have been fully met prior to May 1 of the next calendar year.

(vi)-(viii) [Reserved]

(ix) If, for any required CEMS, diagnostic linearity checks or RATAs other than those required by this section are performed during the ozone season, use the applicable data validation procedures in section 2.2.3 (for linearity checks) or 2.3.2 (for RATAs) of appendix B to this part.

(x) If any required CEMS is recertified within the ozone season, use the data validation provisions in § 75.20(b)(3) and, if applicable, paragraphs (c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii) of this section.

(xi) If, at the end of the second quarter of any calendar year, a required quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification test of a monitoring system has not been completed, and if data contained in the quarterly report are conditionally valid pending the results of test(s) to be completed in a subsequent quarter, the owner or operator shall indicate this by means of a suitable conditionally valid data flag in the electronic quarterly report for the second calendar quarter. The owner or operator shall resubmit the report for the second quarter if the required quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification test is subsequently failed. In the resubmitted report, the owner or operator shall use the appropriate missing data routine in §§ 75.31 through § 75.37 to replace with substitute data each hour of conditionally valid data that was invalidated by the failed quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification test. Alternatively, if any required quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification test is not completed by the end of the second calendar quarter but is completed no later than 30 days after the end of that quarter (i.e., prior to the deadline for submitting the quarterly report under § 75.73), the test data and results may be submitted with the second quarter report even though the test date(s) are from the third calendar quarter. In such instances, if the quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification test(s) are passed in accordance with the conditional data validation provisions of § 75.20(b)(3), conditionally valid data may be reported as quality-assured, in lieu of reporting a conditional data flag. If the tests are failed and if conditionally valid data are replaced, as appropriate, with substitute data, then neither the reporting of a conditional data flag nor resubmission is required.

(xii) If, at the end of the third quarter of any calendar year, a required quality assurance, diagnostic or recertification test of a monitoring system has not been completed, and if data contained in the quarterly report are conditionally valid pending the results of test(s) to be completed, the owner or operator shall do one of the following:

(A) If the results of the required tests are not available within 30 days of the end of the third calendar quarter and cannot be submitted with the quarterly report for the third calendar quarter, then the test results are considered to be missing and the owner or operator shall use the appropriate missing data routine in §§ 75.31 through § 75.37 to replace with substitute data each hour of conditionally valid data in the third quarter report. In addition, if the data in the second quarterly report were flagged as conditionally valid at the end of the quarter, pending the results of the same missing tests, the owner or operator shall resubmit the report for the second quarter and shall use the appropriate missing data routine in §§ 75.31 through § 75.37 to replace with substitute data each hour of conditionally valid data associated with the missing quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification tests; or

(B) If the required quality assurance, diagnostic, or recertification tests are completed no later than 30 days after the end of the third calendar quarter, the test data and results may be submitted with the third quarter report even though the test date(s) are from the fourth calendar quarter. In this instance, if the required tests are passed in accordance with the conditional data validation provisions of § 75.20(b)(3), all conditionally valid data associated with the tests shall be reported as quality-assured. If the tests are failed, the owner or operator shall use the appropriate missing data routine in §§ 75.31 through § 75.37 to replace with substitute data each hour of conditionally valid data associated with the failed test(s). In addition, if the data in the second quarterly report were flagged as conditionally valid at the end of the quarter, pending the results of the same failed test(s), the owner or operator shall resubmit the report for the second quarter and shall use the appropriate missing data routine in §§ 75.31 through § 75.37 to replace with substitute data each hour of conditionally valid data associated with the failed test(s).

(4) The owner or operator of a unit using the procedures in appendix D of this part to determine heat input rate is required to maintain fuel flowmeters only during the ozone season, except that for purposes of determining the deadline for the next periodic quality assurance test on the fuel flowmeter, the owner or operator shall include all fuel flowmeter QA operating quarters (as defined in § 72.2) for the entire calendar year, not just fuel flowmeter QA operating quarters in the ozone season. For each calendar year, the owner or operator shall record, for each fuel flowmeter, the number of fuel flowmeter QA operating quarters. The owner or operator shall include all calendar quarters in the year when determining the deadline for visual inspection of the primary fuel flowmeter element, as specified in section 2.1.6(c) of appendix D to this part.

(5) The owner or operator of a unit using the procedures in appendix D of this part to determine heat input rate is only required to sample fuel for the purposes of determining density and GCV during the ozone season, except that:

(i) The owner or operator of a unit that performs sampling from the fuel storage tank upon delivery must sample the tank between the date and hour of the most recent delivery before the first date and hour that the unit operates in the ozone season and the first date and hour that the unit operates in the ozone season.

(ii) The owner or operator of a unit that performs sampling upon delivery from the delivery vehicle must ensure that all shipments received during the calendar year are sampled.

(iii) The owner or operator of a unit that performs sampling on each day the unit combusts fuel or that performs fuel sampling continuously must sample the fuel starting on the first day the unit operates during the ozone season. The owner or operator then shall use that sampled value for all hours of combustion during the first day of unit operation, continuing until the date and hour of the next sample.

(6) The owner or operator shall, in accordance with § 75.73, record and report the hourly data required by this subpart and shall record and report the results of all required quality assurance tests, as follows:

(i) All hourly emission data for the period of time from May 1 through September 30 of each calendar year shall be recorded and reported. For missing data purposes, only the data recorded in the time period from May 1 through September 30 shall be considered quality-assured;

(ii) The results of all daily calibration error tests and flow monitor interference checks performed in the time period from May 1 through September 30 shall be recorded and reported;

(iii) For the time periods described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(C) and (c)(2)(ii)(E) of this section, hourly emission data and the results of all daily calibration error tests and flow monitor interference checks shall be recorded. The owner or operator may opt to report unit operating data, daily calibration error test and flow monitor interference check results, and hourly emission data in the time period from April 1 through April 30. However, only the data recorded in the time period from May 1 through September 30 shall be used for NOX mass compliance determination;

(iv) The results of all required quality assurance tests (RATAs, linearity checks, flow-to-load ratio tests and leak checks) performed during the ozone season shall be reported in the appropriate ozone season quarterly report; and

(v) The results of RATAs (and any other quality assurance test(s) required under paragraph (c)(2) or (c)(3) of this section) which affect data validation for the current ozone season, but which were performed outside the ozone season (i.e., between January 1 and April 30 of the current calendar year), shall be reported in the quarterly report for the second quarter of the current calendar year (or in the report for the third calendar quarter of the current calendar year, if the unit or stack does not operate in the second quarter).

(7) The owner or operator shall use only quality-assured data from within ozone seasons in the substitute data procedures under subpart D of this part and section 2.4.2 of appendix D to this part.

(i) The lookback periods (e.g., 2160 quality-assured monitor operating hours for a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, a NOX concentration monitoring system, or a flow monitoring system) used to calculate missing data must include only quality-assured data from periods within ozone seasons.

(ii) The applicable missing data procedures of §§ 75.31 through 75.37 shall be used, with one exception. When a fuel which has a significantly higher NOX emission rate than any of the fuel(s) combusted in prior ozone seasons is combusted in the unit, and no quality-assured NOX data have been recorded in the current, or any previous, ozone season while combusting the new fuel, the owner or operator shall substitute the maximum potential NOX emission rate, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter, from a NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, or the maximum potential concentration of NOX, as defined in section of appendix A to this part, from a NOX concentration monitoring system. The maximum potential value used shall be specific to the new fuel. The owner or operator shall substitute the maximum potential value for each hour of missing NOX data until the first hour that quality-assured NOX data are obtained while combusting the new fuel, and then shall resume use of the missing data routines in §§ 75.31 through 75.37; and

(iii) In order to apply the missing data routines described in §§ 75.31 through 75.37 on an ozone season-only basis, the procedures in those sections shall be modified as follows:

(A) The use of the initial missing data procedures in § 75.31 shall commence with the first unit operating hour in the first ozone season for which emissions data are required to be reported under § 75.64.

(B) In § 75.31(a), the phrases “During the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” and “during the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” apply respectively instead of the phrases “During the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours” and “during the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours”.

(C) In § 75.32(a), the phrases “the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” and “the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” apply, respectively, instead of the phrases “the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours” and “the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours”.

(D) In § 75.32(a)(1), the phrase “Following initial certification, prior to completion of 3,672 unit (or stack) operating hours within the ozone season” applies instead of the phrase “Prior to completion of 8,760 unit (or stack) operating hours following initial certification”.

(E) In Equation 8, the phrase “Total unit operating hours within the ozone season” applies instead of the phrase “Total unit operating hours”.

(F) In § 75.32(a)(2), the phrase “3,672 unit (or stack) operating hours within the ozone season” applies instead of the phrase “8,760 unit (or stack) operating hours”.

(G) In the numerator of Equation 9, the phrase “Total unit operating hours within the ozone season” applies instead of the phrase “Total unit operating hours”, and the phrase “3,672 unit operating hours within the ozone season” applies instead of the phrase “8,760 unit operating hours”. In the denominator of Equation 9, the number “3,672” applies instead of “8,760”.

(H) Use the following instead of the first three sentences in § 75.32(a)(3): “When calculating percent monitor data availability using Equation 8 or 9, the owner or operator shall include all unit or stack operating hours within the ozone season, and all monitor operating hours within the ozone season for which quality-assured data were recorded by a certified primary monitor; a certified redundant or non-redundant backup monitor or a reference method for that unit; or by an approved alternative monitoring system under subpart E of this part. No hours from more than three years (26,280 clock hours) earlier shall be used in Equation 9. For a unit that has accumulated fewer than 3,672 ozone season operating hours in the previous three years, use the following: in the numerator of Equation 9 use ‘Total unit operating hours within the ozone season for which quality-assured data were recorded in the previous three years’; and in the denominator of Equation 9 use ‘Total unit operating hours within the ozone season, in the previous three years’ ”

(I) In § 75.33(a), the phrases “the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” and “the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” apply, respectively, instead of the phrases “the first 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours” and “the first 2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours”.

(J) Instead of the last sentence of § 75.33(a), use “For the purposes of missing data substitution, the owner or operator of a unit shall use only quality-assured monitor operating hours of data that were recorded within the ozone season and no more than three years (26,280 clock hours) prior to the date and time of the missing data period.”

(K) In §§ 75.33(b), 75.33(c), 75.35, 75.36, and 75.37, the phrases “720 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” and “2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” apply, respectively, instead of the phrases “720 quality-assured monitor operating hours” and “2,160 quality-assured monitor operating hours”.

(L) In § 75.34(a)(3) and (a)(5), the phrases “720 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” and “2160 quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season” apply instead of “720 quality-assured monitor operating hours” and “2160 quality-assured monitor operating hours”, respectively.

(8) The owner or operator of a unit with NOX add-on emission controls or a unit capable of combusting more than one fuel shall keep records during ozone season in a form suitable for inspection to demonstrate that the typical NOX emission rate or NOX concentration during the prior ozone season(s) included in the missing data lookback period is representative of the ozone season in which missing data are substituted and that use of the missing data procedures will not systematically underestimate NOX mass emissions. These records shall include:

(i) For units that can combust more than one fuel, the fuel or fuels combusted each hour; and

(ii) For units with add-on emission controls, using the missing data options in §§ 75.34(a)(1) through 75.34(a)(5), the range of operating parameters for add-on emission controls (as defined in the quality assurance/quality control program for the unit required by section 1 in appendix B to this part) and information for verifying proper operation of the add-on emission controls during missing data periods, as described in § 75.34(d).

(9) The designated representative shall certify with each quarterly report that NOX emission rate values or NOX concentration values substituted for missing data under subpart D of this part are calculated using only values from an ozone season, that substitute values measured during the prior ozone season(s) included in the missing data lookback period are representative of the ozone season in which missing data are substituted, and that NOX emissions are not systematically underestimated.

(10) Units may qualify to use the low mass emissions excepted monitoring methodology in § 75.19 on an ozone season basis. In order to be allowed to use this methodology, a unit may not emit more than 50 tons of NOX per ozone season, as provided in § 75.19(a)(1)(i)(A)(3). If any low mass emissions unit fails to provide a demonstration that its ozone season NOX mass emissions are less than or equal to 50 tons, then the unit is disqualified from using the methodology. The owner or operator must install and certify any equipment needed to ensure that the unit is monitored using an acceptable methodology by December 31 of the following year.

(11) Units may qualify to use the optional NOX mass emissions estimation protocol for gas-fired and oil-fired peaking units in appendix E to this part on an ozone season basis. In order to be allowed to use this methodology, the unit must meet the definition of “peaking unit” in § 72.2 of this chapter, except that the words “year”, “calendar year” and “calendar years” in that definition shall be replaced by the words “ozone season”, “ozone season”, and “ozone seasons”, respectively. In addition, in the definition of the term “capacity factor” in § 72.2 of this chapter, the word “annual” shall be replaced by the words “ozone season” and the number “8,760” shall be replaced by the number “3,672”.

[63 FR 57507, Oct. 27, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 28627, May 26, 1999; 67 FR 40446, 40447, June 12, 2002; 67 FR 57274, Sept. 9, 2002; 73 FR 4360, Jan. 24, 2008]
§ 75.75 - Additional ozone season calculation procedures.

(a) The owner or operator of a unit that is required to calculate daily or ozone season heat input shall do so by summing the unit's hourly heat input determined according to the procedures in this part for all hours in which the unit operated during the day or ozone season.

(b) The owner or operator of a unit that is required to determine daily or ozone season NOX emission rate (in lbs/mmBtu) shall do so by dividing daily or ozone season NOX mass emissions (in lbs) determined in accordance with this subpart, by daily or ozone season heat input determined in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

[88 FR 36896, June 5, 2023]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 7651k note
source: 58 FR 3701, Jan. 11, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 75.75