(a) No person may manufacture or import any product in the following sectors or subsectors that uses a regulated substance as listed in this paragraph:
(1) Effective January 1, 2025, self-contained residential and light commercial air conditioning and heat pump products using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(2) Effective January 1, 2025, residential dehumidifiers using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(3) Effective January 1, 2025, household refrigerators and freezers using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(4) Effective January 1, 2025, retail food refrigeration—stand-alone units using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(5) Effective January 1, 2025, vending machines using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(6) Effective January 1, 2025, refrigerated transport—intermodal containers with the temperature of the refrigerant entering the evaporator (for direct heat exchange systems) or the temperature of the fluid exiting (for chillers) of −50 °C (−58 °F) or higher using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(7) Effective January 1, 2025, self-contained products in refrigerated transport—road and refrigerated transport—marine subsectors using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407B, R-408A, R-410B, R-417A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-428A, R-434A, R-438A, R-507A, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RS-44 (2003 formulation) or GHG-X5;
(8) Self-contained automatic commercial ice machines as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2026, ice maker products with a harvest rate as determined in accordance with 10 CFR 431.134, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater as follows:
(A) Batch type, as defined in 10 CFR 431.132, with a harvest rate less than or equal to 1,000 pounds of ice per 24 hours;
(B) Continuous type, as defined in 10 CFR 431.132, with a harvest rate less than or equal to 1,200 pounds of ice per 24 hours;
(ii) Effective January 1, 2027, batch type ice maker products, as defined in 10 CFR 431.132, with a harvest rate greater than 1,000 pounds of ice per 24 hours, as determined in accordance with 10 CFR 431.134, and continuous type ice machine products, as defined in 10 CFR 431.132, with a harvest rate greater than 1,200 pounds of ice per 24 hours, as determined in accordance with 10 CFR 431.134, using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407A, R-407B, R-407C, R-407F, R-408A, R-410A, R-410B, R-411A, R-411B, R-417A, R-417C, R-420A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-426A, R-428A, R-434A, R-437A, R-438A, R-442A, R-507A, HFC-134a, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RB-276, RS-24 (2002 formulation), RS-44 (2003 formulation), GHG-X5, G2018C, or Freeze 12;
(9) Self-contained refrigerated food processing and dispensing products as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2027, products outside the scope of UL 621, “Ice Cream Makers,” Edition 7, dated May 07, 2010, with revisions through September 16, 2020, as of December 26, 2023, with refrigerant charge sizes less than or equal to 500 g using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Effective January 1, 2027, products outside the scope of UL 621, “Ice Cream Makers,” Edition 7, dated May 7, 2010, with revisions through September 16, 2020, as of December 26, 2023, with refrigerant charge sizes greater than 500 g, using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407A, R-407B, R-407C, R-407F, R-407H, R-408A, R-410A, R-410B, R-411A, R-411B, R-417A, R-417C, R-420A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-426A, R-427A, R-428A, R-434A, R-437A, R-438A, R-507A, HFC-134a, HFC-227ea, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RB-276, RS-24 (2002 formulation), RS-44 (2003 formulation), GHG-X5, or Freeze 12; and
(iii) Effective January 1, 2028, for refrigerated food processing and dispensing products within the scope of UL 621, “Ice Cream Makers,” Edition 7, dated May 7, 2010, with revisions through September 16, 2020, as of December 26, 2023, using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407A, R-407B, R-407C, R-407F, R-407H, R-408A, R-410A, R-410B, R-411A, R-411B, R-417A, R-417C, R-420A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-426A, R-427A, R-428A, R-434A, R-437A, R-438A, R-507A, HFC-134a, HFC-227ea, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RB-276, RS-24 (2002 formulation), RS-44 (2003 formulation), GHG-X5, or Freeze 12.
(10) Chillers, when a stand-alone product, as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2025, chillers for comfort cooling using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(ii) Effective January 1, 2025, chillers for ice rinks using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(iii) Effective January 1, 2026, chillers for industrial process refrigeration where the temperature of the fluid exiting the chiller is greater than −22 °F (−30 °C) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(iv) Effective January 1, 2028, chillers for industrial process refrigeration where the temperature of the fluid exiting the chiller is greater than or equal to −50 °C (−58 °F) and less than or equal to −30 °C (−22 °F) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(11) Effective January 1, 2027, self-contained products in data center, information technology equipment facility, and computer room cooling using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(12) Industrial process refrigeration products, other than chillers, as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2026, products with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater and with the refrigerant temperature entering the evaporator higher than −30 °C (−22 °F) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Effective January 1, 2026, products with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds and with the refrigerant temperature entering the evaporator higher than −30 °C (−22 °F), using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iii) Effective January 1, 2028, where the temperature of the refrigerant entering the evaporator is greater than or equal to −50 °C (−58 °F) and is less than or equal to −30 °C (−22 °F), using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(13) Motor vehicle air-conditioning as follows:
(i) Effective October 24, 2024, for Model Year 2025 and subsequent model year light-duty passenger cars and trucks (vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating less than 8,500 lb) using or intended to use a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) For Model Year 2028 and subsequent model year medium-duty passenger vehicles, heavy-duty pick-up trucks, and complete heavy-duty vans, as defined by the Federal Highway Administration at 40 CFR 86.1803-01, which have air conditioning equipment that will not be modified by upfitters using or intended to use a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(iii) Effective January 1, 2028, certain nonroad vehicles (agricultural tractors greater than 40 horsepower; self-propelled agricultural machinery; compact equipment; construction, forestry, and mining equipment; and commercial utility vehicles) using or intended to use a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(14) Effective January 1, 2025, foam products (but not including foam products in paragraph (a)(15) of this section) in the following subsectors using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater:
(i) Rigid polyurethane appliance foam, commercial refrigeration foam, laminated boardstock, marine flotation foam, sandwich panels, and slabstock;
(ii) Flexible polyurethane;
(iii) Integral skin polyurethane;
(iv) Polystyrene—extruded boardstock, billet, and extruded sheet;
(v) Phenolic insulation board and bunstock;
(vi) Polyisocyanurate laminated boardstock;
(vii) Polyolefin; and
(viii) Rigid polyurethane spray foam (i.e., high-pressure two-component, low-pressure two-component, and one-component foam sealants).
(15) Effective January 1, 2026, foam products in the formulations specified in paragraphs (a)(14)(i) through (viii) of this section that are for use in space and military applications, except spray and pour foams that are for use in space vehicles as defined in § 84.3, which are not subject to a use restriction.
(16) Aerosol products as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2025, all aerosol products using a regulated substance with a global warming potential of 150 or greater, except products that use HFC-43-10mee (1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentane) or HFC-245fa (1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane) as an aerosol solvent or those that use HFC-134a in the following specific uses;
(A) Cleaning products for removal of grease, flux and other soils from electrical equipment or electronics;
(B) Refrigerant flushes;
(C) Products for sensitivity testing of smoke detectors;
(D) Lubricants and freeze sprays for electrical equipment or electronics;
(E) Sprays for aircraft maintenance;
(F) Sprays containing corrosion preventive compounds used in the maintenance of aircraft, electrical equipment or electronics, or military equipment;
(G) Pesticides for use near electrical wires or in aircraft, in total release insecticide foggers, or in certified organic use pesticides for which EPA has specifically disallowed all other lower-GWP propellants;
(H) Mold release agents and mold cleaners;
(I) Lubricants and cleaners for spinnerets for synthetic fabrics;
(J) Duster sprays specifically for removal of dust from photographic negatives, semiconductor chips, specimens under electron microscopes, and energized electrical equipment;
(K) Adhesives and sealants in large canisters;
(L) Document preservation sprays;
(M) Wound care sprays;
(N) Topical coolant sprays for pain relief;
(O) Products for removing bandage adhesives from skin.
(ii) Effective January 1, 2028, all aerosol products using a regulated substance with a global warming potential of 150 or greater.
(b) Effective three years after the dates listed for each subsector in paragraph (a) of this section, no person may sell, distribute, offer for sale or distribution, make available for sale or distribution, purchase or receive for sale or distribution, or attempt to purchase or receive for sale or distribution, or export any product that uses a regulated substance as listed in paragraph (a).
(c) No person may install any system, nor have any such system be installed through their position as a designer, owner, or operator of that system, in the following sectors or subsectors that uses a regulated substance as listed in this paragraph (c):
(1) Effective January 1, 2025, residential or light commercial air-conditioning or heat pump systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater, except for variable refrigerant flow air-conditioning and heat pump systems. New residential and light commercial air-conditioning and heat pump systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater may be installed prior to January 1, 2026, where all specified components of that system are manufactured or imported prior to January 1, 2025.
(2) Effective January 1, 2026, variable refrigerant flow systems for use as residential or light commercial air-conditioning or heat pumps, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater. Such new variable refrigerant flow systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater may be installed prior to January 1, 2027, where all specified components of that system are manufactured or imported prior to January 1, 2026. Such new variable refrigerant flow systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater may be installed prior to January 1, 2028, when an approved building permit issued prior to October 5, 2023, specifies the use of a restricted regulated substance, or blend containing a restricted regulated substance, in such system detailed in that building permit, and where all specified components of that system are manufactured or imported prior to January 1, 2026.
(3) Effective January 1, 2025, chillers for comfort cooling using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(4) Effective January 1, 2025, ice rinks using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(5) Effective January 1, 2026, chillers for industrial process refrigeration where the temperature of the fluid exiting the chiller is greater than −22 °F (−30 °C) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(6) Effective January 1, 2028, chillers for industrial process refrigeration where the temperature of the fluid exiting the chiller is greater than or equal to −50 °C (−58 °F) and less than or equal to −30 °C (−22 °F) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(7) Effective January 1, 2025, refrigerated transport—intermodal containers with the temperature of the refrigerant entering the evaporator (for direct heat exchange systems) or the temperature of the fluid exiting (for chillers) of −50 °C (−58 °F) or higher using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(8) Effective January 1, 2025, refrigerated transport—road or refrigerated transport—marine systems using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407B, R-408A, R-410B, R-417A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-428A, R-434A, R-438A, R-507A, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RS-44 (2003 formulation) or GHG-X5;
(9) Effective January 1, 2026, cold storage warehouse systems as follows:
(i) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater, that are not the high temperature side of a cascade system, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iii) Cascade refrigerant systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, on the high temperature side of the system with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(10) Industrial process refrigeration systems, other than chiller systems, as follows:
(i) Effective January 1, 2026, systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater and with the refrigerant temperature entering the evaporator higher than −30 °C (−22 °F), that are not the high temperature side of a cascade system, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Effective January 1, 2026, systems with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds and with the refrigerant temperature entering the evaporator higher than −30 °C (−22 °F), using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iii) Effective January 1, 2026, the high temperature side of cascade systems with the refrigerant temperature entering the evaporator higher than −30 °C (−22 °F) using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iv) Effective January 1, 2028, where the temperature of the refrigerant entering the evaporator is greater than or equal to −50 °C (−58 °F) and is less than or equal to −30 °C (−22 °F), using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(11) Effective January 1, 2026, remote condensing units in retail food refrigeration systems as follows:
(i) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater, that are not the high temperature side of a cascade system, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iii) Cascade refrigerant systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, on the high temperature side of the system with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(12) Effective January 1, 2027, supermarket systems as follows:
(i) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity of 200 pounds or greater, that are not the high temperature side of a cascade system, using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 150 or greater;
(ii) Systems with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(iii) Cascade refrigerant systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, on the high temperature side of the system with a global warming potential of 300 or greater;
(13) Effective January 1, 2027, data center, information technology equipment facility, and computer room cooling systems using a regulated substance, or a blend containing a regulated substance, with a global warming potential of 700 or greater;
(14) Effective January 1, 2027, automatic commercial ice machines with a remote condenser using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407B, R-408A, R-410B, R-417A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-428A, R-434A, R-438A, R-507A, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RS-44 (2003 formulation), or GHG-X5.
(15) Effective January 1, 2027, refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment with a remote condenser using any of the following: R-402A, R-402B, R-404A, R-407A, R-407B, R-407C, R-407F, R-407H, R-408A, R-410A, R-410B, R-411A, R-411B, R-417A, R-417C, R-420A, R-421A, R-421B, R-422A, R-422B, R-422C, R-422D, R-424A, R-426A, R-427A, R-428A, R-434A, R-437A, R-438A, R-507A, HFC-134a, HFC-227ea, R-125/290/134a/600a (55/1/42.5/1.5), RB-276, RS-24 (2002 formulation), RS-44 (2003 formulation), GHG-X5, or Freeze 12.
(d) The compliance date for the installation of a system in paragraph (c) of this section for the industrial process refrigeration systems with a January 1, 2026, compliance date, retail food—supermarket, cold storage warehouse, and ice rink subsectors is extended one year beyond the specified compliance date when an approved building permit issued prior to October 5, 2023, specifies the use of a restricted regulated substance, or blend containing a regulated substance, in a system detailed in that permit.
(e) The following actions, upon charging the system to full charge, are considered an installation of a refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump system under paragraph (c) of this section:
(1) Assembling a system for the first time from used or new components;
(2) Increasing the cooling capacity, in BTU per hour, of an existing system; or
(3) Replacing 75 percent or more of evaporators (by number) and 100 percent of the compressor racks, condensers, and connected evaporator loads of an existing system.
(f) Effective upon the dates listed for each subsector in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section, no person may manufacture, import, sell, distribute, offer for sale or distribution, make available for sale or distribution, purchase or receive for sale or distribution, or attempt to purchase or receive for sale or distribution, or export any product or specified component that is not labeled in accordance with § 84.58.
(g) Every product or system using or intended to use a regulated substance or blend containing a regulated substance that is manufactured, imported, sold, distributed, offered for sale or distribution, made available for sale or distribution, purchased or received for sale or distribution, or attempted to be purchased or received for sale or distribution, or exported in contravention of paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section constitutes a separate violation of this subpart.
(h) No person may provide false, inaccurate, or misleading information to EPA when reporting or providing any communication required under this subpart.
(i) No person may falsely indicate through marketing, packaging, labeling, or other means that a product or specified component uses or is intended to use a regulated substance, blend containing a regulated substance, or substitute that differs from the regulated substance, blend containing a regulated substance, or substitute that is actually used.
(j) Section (k) of the AIM Act states that sections 113, 114, 304, and 307 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7413,7414,7604,7607,rulemaking,or.S.C. 7671 et seq.). Violation of this part is subject to Federal enforcement and the penalties laid out in section 113 of the Clean Air Act.
[88 FR 73205, Oct. 24, 2023; 88 FR 88832, Dec. 26, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 100392, Dec. 12, 2024]