Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 123.61 - Approval process.

(a) After determining that a State program submission is complete, EPA shall publish notice of the State's application in the Federal Register, and in enough of the largest newspapers in the State to attract statewide attention, and shall mail notice to persons known to be interested in such matters, including all persons on appropriate State and EPA mailing lists and all permit holders and applicants within the State. The notice shall:

(1) Provide a comment period of not less than 45 days during which interested members of the public may express their views on the State program;

(2) Provide for a public hearing within the State to be held no less than 30 days after notice is published in the Federal Register;

(3) Indicate the cost of obtaining a copy of the State's submission;

(4) Indicate where and when the State's submission may be reviewed by the public;

(5) Indicate whom an interested member of the public should contact with any questions; and

(6) Briefly outline the fundamental aspects of the State's proposed program, and the process for EPA review and decision.

(b) Within 90 days of the receipt of a complete program submission under § 123.21 the Administrator shall approve or disapprove the program based on the requirements of this part and of CWA and taking into consideration all comments received. A responsiveness summary shall be prepared by the Regional Office which identifies the public participation activities conducted, describes the matters presented to the public, summarizes significant comments received and explains the Agency's response to these comments.

(c) If the Administrator approves the State's program he or she shall notify the State and publish notice in the Federal Register. The Regional Administrator shall suspend the issuance of permits by EPA as of the date of program approval.

(d) If the Administrator disapproves the State program he or she shall notify the State of the reasons for disapproval and of any revisions or modifications to the State program which are necessary to obtain approval.

[48 FR 14178, Apr. 1, 1983; 50 FR 6941, Feb. 19, 1985]
§ 123.62 - Procedures for revision of State programs.

(a) Either EPA or the approved State may initiate program revision. Program revision may be necessary when the controlling Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority is modified or supplemented. The State shall keep EPA fully informed of any proposed modifications to its basic statutory or regulatory authority, its forms, procedures, or priorities. Grounds for program revision include cases where a State's existing approved program includes authority to issue NPDES permits for activities on a Federal Indian reservation and an Indian Tribe has subsequently been approved for assumption of the NPDES program under 40 CFR part 123 extending to those lands.

(b) Revision of a State program shall be accomplished as follows:

(1) The State shall submit a modified program description, Attorney General's statement, Memorandum of Agreement, or such other documents as EPA determines to be necessary under the circumstances.

(2) Whenever EPA determines that the proposed program revision is substantial, EPA shall issue public notice and provide an opportunity to comment for a period of at least 30 days. The public notice shall be mailed to interested persons and shall be published in the Federal Register and in enough of the largest newspapers in the State to provide Statewide coverage. The public notice shall summarize the proposed revisions and provide for the opportunity to request a public hearing. Such a hearing will be held if there is significant public interest based on requests received.

(3) The Administrator will approve or disapprove program revisions based on the requirements of this part (or, in the case of a sewage sludge management program, 40 CFR part 501) and of the CWA.

(4) A program revision shall become effective upon the approval of the Administrator. Notice of approval of any substantial revision shall be published in the Federal Register. Notice of approval of non-substantial program revisions may be given by a letter from the Administrator to the State Governor or his designee.

(c) States with approved programs must notify EPA whenever they propose to transfer all or part of any program from the approved State agency to any other State agency, and must identify any new division of responsibilities among the agencies involved. The new agency is not authorized to administer the program until approved by the Administrator under paragraph (b) of this section. Organizational charts required under § 123.22(b) (or, in the case of a sewage sludge management program, § 501.12(b) of this chapter) must be revised and resubmitted.

(d) Whenever the Administrator has reason to believe that circumstances have changed with respect to a State program, he may request, and the State shall provide, a supplemental Attorney General's statement, program description, or such other documents or information as are necessary.

(e) State NPDES programs only. All new programs must comply with these regulations immediately upon approval. Any approved State section 402 permit program which requires revision to conform to this part shall be so revised within one year of the date of promulgation of these regulations, unless a State must amend or enact a statute in order to make the required revision in which case such revision shall take place within 2 years, except that revision of State programs to implement the requirements of 40 CFR part 403 (pretreatment) shall be accomplished as provided in 40 CFR 403.10. In addition, approved States shall submit, within 6 months, copies of their permit forms for EPA review and approval. Approved States shall also assure that permit applicants, other than POTWs, submit, as part of their application, the information required under §§ 124.4(d) and 122.21 (g) or (h), as appropriate.

(f) Revision of a State program by a Great Lakes State or Tribe (as defined in 40 CFR 132.2) to conform to section 118 of the CWA and 40 CFR part 132 shall be accomplished pursuant to 40 CFR part 132.

[48 FR 14178, Apr. 1, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 31842, Aug. 8, 1984; 50 FR 6941, Feb. 19, 1985; 53 FR 33007, Sept. 6, 1988; 58 FR 67983, Dec. 22, 1993; 60 FR 15386, Mar. 23, 1995; 63 FR 45123, Aug. 24, 1998]
§ 123.63 - Criteria for withdrawal of State programs.

(a) In the case of a sewage sludge management program, references in this section to “this part” will be deemed to refer to 40 CFR part 501. The Administrator may withdraw program approval when a State program no longer complies with the requirements of this part, and the State fails to take corrective action. Such circumstances include the following:

(1) Where the State's legal authority no longer meets the requirements of this part, including:

(i) Failure of the State to promulgate or enact new authorities when necessary; or

(ii) Action by a State legislature or court striking down or limiting State authorities.

(2) Where the operation of the State program fails to comply with the requirements of this part, including:

(i) Failure to exercise control over activities required to be regulated under this part, including failure to issue permits;

(ii) Repeated issuance of permits which do not conform to the requirements of this part; or

(iii) Failure to comply with the public participation requirements of this part.

(3) Where the State's enforcement program fails to comply with the requirements of this part, including:

(i) Failure to act on violations of permits or other program requirements;

(ii) Failure to seek adequate enforcement penalties or to collect administrative fines when imposed; or

(iii) Failure to inspect and monitor activities subject to regulation.

(4) Where the State program fails to comply with the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement required under § 123.24 (or, in the case of a sewage sludge management program, § 501.14 of this chapter).

(5) Where the State fails to develop an adequate regulatory program for developing water quality-based effluent limits in NPDES permits.

(6) Where a Great Lakes State or Tribe (as defined in 40 CFR 132.2) fails to adequately incorporate the NPDES permitting implementation procedures promulgated by the State, Tribe, or EPA pursuant to 40 CFR part 132 into individual permits.

(b) [Reserved]

[48 FR 14178, Apr. 1, 1983; 50 FR 6941, Feb. 19, 1985, as amended at 54 FR 23897, June 2, 1989; 60 FR 15386, Mar. 23, 1995; 63 FR 45123, Aug. 24, 1998]
§ 123.64 - Procedures for withdrawal of State programs.

(a) A State with a program approved under this part (or, in the case of a sewage sludge management program, 40 CFR part 501) may voluntarily transfer program responsibilities required by Federal law to EPA by taking the following actions, or in such other manner as may be agreed upon with the Administrator.

(1) The State shall give the Administrator 180 days notice of the proposed transfer and shall submit a plan for the orderly transfer of all relevant program information not in the possession of EPA (such as permits, permit files, compliance files, reports, permit applications) which are necessary for EPA to administer the program.

(2) Within 60 days of receiving the notice and transfer plan, the Administrator shall evaluate the State's transfer plan and shall identify any additional information needed by the Federal government for program administration and/or identify any other deficiencies in the plan.

(3) At least 30 days before the transfer is to occur the Administrator shall publish notice of the transfer in the Federal Register and in enough of the largest newspapers in the State to provide Statewide coverage, and shall mail notice to all permit holders, permit applicants, other regulated persons and other interested persons on appropriate EPA and State mailing lists.

(b) The following procedures apply when the Administrator orders the commencement of proceedings to determine whether to withdraw approval of a State program.

(1) Order. The Administrator may order the commencement of withdrawal proceedings on his or her own initiative or in response to a petition from an interested person alleging failure of the State to comply with the requirements of this part as set forth in § 123.63 (or, in the case of a sewage sludge management program, § 501.33 of this chapter). The Administrator will respond in writing to any petition to commence withdrawal proceedings. He may conduct an informal investigation of the allegations in the petition to determine whether cause exists to commence proceedings under this paragraph. The Administrator's order commencing proceedings under this paragraph will fix a time and place for the commencement of the hearing and will specify the allegations against the State which are to be considered at the hearing. Within 30 days the State must admit or deny these allegations in a written answer. The party seeking withdrawal of the State's program will have the burden of coming forward with the evidence in a hearing under this paragraph.

(2) Definitions. For purposes of this paragraph the definitions of “Act,” “Administrative Law Judge,” “Hearing Clerk,” and “Presiding Officer” in 40 CFR 22.03 apply in addition to the following:

(i) Party means the petitioner, the State, the Agency, and any other person whose request to participate as a party is granted.

(ii) Person means the Agency, the State and any individual or organization having an interest in the subject matter of the proceeding.

(iii) Petitioner means any person whose petition for commencement of withdrawal proceedings has been granted by the Administrator.

(3) Procedures. (i) The following provisions of 40 CFR part 22 (Consolidated Rules of Practice) are applicable to proceedings under this paragraph:

(A) § 22.02—(use of number/gender);

(B) § 22.04(c)—(authorities of Presiding Officer);

(C) § 22.06—(filing/service of rulings and orders);

(D) § 22.09—(examination of filed documents);

(E) § 22.19(a), (b) and (c)—(prehearing conference);

(F) § 22.22—(evidence);

(G) § 22.23—(objections/offers of proof);

(H) § 22.25—(filing the transcript); and

(I) § 22.26—(findings/conclusions).

(ii) The following provisions are also applicable:

(A) Computation and extension of time—(1) Computation. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed in these rules of practice, except as otherwise provided, the day of the event from which the designated period begins to run shall not be included. Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal legal holidays shall be included. When a stated time expires on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the stated time period shall be extended to include the next business day.

(2) Extensions of time. The Administrator, Regional Administrator, or Presiding Officer, as appropriate, may grant an extension of time for the filing of any pleading, document, or motion (i) upon timely motion of a party to the proceeding, for good cause shown, and after consideration of prejudice to other parties, or (ii) upon his own motion. Such a motion by a party may only be made after notice to all other parties, unless the movant can show good cause why serving notice is impracticable. The motion shall be filed in advance of the date on which the pleading, document or motion is due to be filed, unless the failure of a party to make timely motion for extension of time was the result of excusable neglect.

(3) The time for commencement of the hearing shall not be extended beyond the date set in the Administrator's order without approval of the Administrator.

(B) Ex parte discussion of proceedings. At no time after the issuance of the order commencing proceedings shall the Administrator, the Regional Administrator, the Regional Judicial Officer, the Presiding Officer, or any other person who is likely to advise these officials in the decision on the case, discuss ex parte the merits of the proceeding with any interested person outside the Agency, with any Agency staff member who performs a prosecutorial or investigative function in such proceeding or a factually related proceeding, or with any representative of such person. Any ex parte memorandum or other communication addressed to the Administrator, the Regional Administrator, the Regional Judicial Officer, or the Presiding Officer during the pendency of the proceeding and relating to the merits thereof, by or on behalf of any party, shall be regarded as argument made in the proceeding and shall be served upon all other parties. The other parties shall be given an opportunity to reply to such memorandum or communication.

(C) Intervention—(1) Motion. A motion for leave to intervene in any proceeding conducted under these rules of practice must set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention, the position and interest of the movant and the likely impact that intervention will have on the expeditious progress of the proceeding. Any person already a party to the proceeding may file an answer to a motion to intervene, making specific reference to the factors set forth in the foregoing sentence and paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(C)(3) of this section, within ten (10) days after service of the motion for leave to intervene.

(2) However, motions to intervene must be filed within 15 days from the date the notice of the Administrator's order is first published.

(3) Disposition. Leave to intervene may be granted only if the movant demonstrates that (i) his presence in the proceeding would not unduly prolong or otherwise prejudice that adjudication of the rights of the original parties; (ii) the movant will be adversely affected by a final order; and (iii) the interests of the movant are not being adequately represented by the original parties. The intervenor shall become a full party to the proceeding upon the granting of leave to intervene.

(4) Amicus curiae. Persons not parties to the proceeding who wish to file briefs may so move. The motion shall identify the interest of the applicant and shall state the reasons why the proposed amicus brief is desirable. If the motion is granted, the Presiding Officer or Administrator shall issue an order setting the time for filing such brief. An amicus curiae is eligible to participate in any briefing after his motion is granted, and shall be served with all briefs, reply briefs, motions, and orders relating to issues to be briefed.

(D) Motions—(1) General. All motions, except those made orally on the record during a hearing, shall (i) be in writing; (ii) state the grounds therefor with particularity; (iii) set forth the relief or order sought; and (iv) be accompanied by any affidavit, certificate, other evidence, or legal memorandum relied upon. Such motions shall be served as provided by paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(2) Response to motions. A party's response to any written motion must be filed within ten (10) days after service of such motion, unless additional time is allowed for such response. The response shall be accompanied by any affidavit, certificate, other evidence, or legal memorandum relied upon. If no response is filed within the designated period, the parties may be deemed to have waived any objection to the granting of the motion. The Presiding Officer, Regional Administrator, or Administrator, as appropriate, may set a shorter time for response, or make such other orders concerning the disposition of motions as they deem appropriate.

(3) Decision. The Administrator shall rule on all motions filed or made after service of the recommended decision upon the parties. The Presiding Officer shall rule on all other motions. Oral argument on motions will be permitted where the Presiding Officer, Regional Administrator, or the Administrator considers it necessary or desirable.

(4) Record of proceedings. (i) The hearing shall be either stenographically reported verbatim or tape recorded, and thereupon transcribed by an official reporter designated by the Presiding Officer;

(ii) All orders issued by the Presiding Officer, transcripts of testimony, written statements of position, stipulations, exhibits, motions, briefs, and other written material of any kind submitted in the hearing shall be a part of the record and shall be available for inspection or copying in the Office of the Hearing Clerk, upon payment of costs. Inquiries may be made at the Office of the Administrative Law Judges, Hearing Clerk, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460;

(iii) Upon notice to all parties the Presiding Officer may authorize corrections to the transcript which involves matters of substance;

(iv) An original and two (2) copies of all written submissions to the hearing shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk;

(v) A copy of each submission shall be served by the person making the submission upon the Presiding Officer and each party of record. Service under this paragraph shall take place by mail or personal delivery;

(vi) Every submission shall be accompanied by an acknowledgement of service by the person served or proof of service in the form of a statement of the date, time, and manner of service and the names of the persons served, certified by the person who made service, and;

(vii) The Hearing Clerk shall maintain and furnish to any person upon request, a list containing the name, service address, and telephone number of all parties and their attorneys or duly authorized representatives.

(5) Participation by a person not a party. A person who is not a party may, in the discretion of the Presiding Officer, be permitted to make a limited appearance by making oral or written statement of his/her position on the issues within such limits and on such conditions as may be fixed by the Presiding Officer, but he/she may not otherwise participate in the proceeding.

(6) Rights of parties. (i) All parties to the proceeding may:

(A) Appear by counsel or other representative in all hearing and pre-hearing proceedings;

(B) Agree to stipulations of facts which shall be made a part of the record.

(7) Recommended decision. (i) Within 30 days after the filing of proposed findings and conclusions, and reply briefs, the Presiding Officer shall evaluate the record before him/her, the proposed findings and conclusions and any briefs filed by the parties and shall prepare a recommended decision, and shall certify the entire record, including the recommended decision, to the Administrator.

(ii) Copies of the recommended decision shall be served upon all parties.

(iii) Within 20 days after the certification and filing of the record and recommended decision, all parties may file with the Administrator exceptions to the recommended decision and a supporting brief.

(8) Decision by Administrator. (i) Within 60 days after the certification of the record and filing of the Presiding Officer's recommeded decision, the Administrator shall review the record before him and issue his own decision.

(ii) If the Administrator concludes that the State has administered the program in conformity with the appropriate Act and regulations his decision shall constitute “final agency action” within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 704.

(iii) If the Administrator concludes that the State has not administered the program in conformity with the appropriate Act and regulations he shall list the deficiencies in the program and provide the State a reasonable time, not to exceed 90 days, to take such appropriate corrective action as the Administrator determines necessary.

(iv) Within the time prescribed by the Administrator the State shall take such appropriate corrective action as required by the Administrator and shall file with the Administrator and all parties a statement certified by the State Director that such appropriate corrective action has been taken.

(v) The Administrator may require a further showing in addition to the certified statement that corrective action has been taken.

(vi) If the State fails to take such appropriate corrective action and file a certified statement thereof within the time prescribed by the Administrator, the Administrator shall issue a supplementary order withdrawing approval of the State program. If the State takes such appropriate corrective action, the Administrator shall issue a supplementary order stating that approval of authority is not withdrawn.

(vii) The Administrator's supplementary order shall constitute final Agency action within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 704.

(viii) Withdrawal of authorization under this section and the appropriate Act does not relieve any person from complying with the requirements of State law, nor does it affect the validity of actions by the State prior to withdrawal.

[48 FR 14178, Apr. 1, 1983; 50 FR 6941, Feb. 19, 1985, as amended at 57 FR 5335, Feb. 13, 1992; 63 FR 45123, Aug. 24, 1998]
authority: Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251
source: 48 FR 14178, Apr. 1, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 123.62