Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 141.620 - General requirements.

(a) General. The requirements of subpart V of this part constitute national primary drinking water regulations. The regulations in this subpart establish monitoring and other requirements for achieving compliance with maximum contaminant levels based on locational running annual averages (LRAA) for total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and haloacetic acids (five)(HAA5), and for achieving compliance with maximum residual disinfectant residuals for chlorine and chloramine for certain consecutive systems.

(b) Applicability. You are subject to these requirements if your system is a community water system or a nontransient noncommunity water system that uses a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light or delivers water that has been treated with a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light.

(c) Schedule. You must comply with the requirements in this subpart on the schedule in the following table based on your system type.

If you are this type of system You must comply with subpart V monitoring by: 1
Systems that are not part of a combined distribution system and systems that serve the largest population in the combined distribution system
(1) System serving ≥100,000April 1, 2012.
(2) System serving 50,000-99,999October 1, 2012.
(3) System serving 10,000-49,999October 1, 2013.
(4) System serving <10,000October 1, 2013 if no Cryptosporidium monitoring is required under § 141.701(a)(4) or
October 1, 2014 if Cryptosporidium monitoring is required under § 141.701(a)(4) or (a)(6)
Other systems that are part of a combined distribution system
(5) Consecutive system or wholesale system—at the same time as the system with the earliest compliance date in the combined distribution system.

1 The State may grant up to an additional 24 months for compliance with MCLs and operational evaluation levels if you require capital improvements to comply with an MCL.

(6) Your monitoring frequency is specified in § 141.621(a)(2).

(i) If you are required to conduct quarterly monitoring, you must begin monitoring in the first full calendar quarter that includes the compliance date in the table in this paragraph (c).

(ii) If you are required to conduct monitoring at a frequency that is less than quarterly, you must begin monitoring in the calendar month recommended in the IDSE report prepared under § 141.601 or § 141.602 or the calendar month identified in the subpart V monitoring plan developed under § 141.622 no later than 12 months after the compliance date in this table.

(7) If you are required to conduct quarterly monitoring, you must make compliance calculations at the end of the fourth calendar quarter that follows the compliance date and at the end of each subsequent quarter (or earlier if the LRAA calculated based on fewer than four quarters of data would cause the MCL to be exceeded regardless of the monitoring results of subsequent quarters). If you are required to conduct monitoring at a frequency that is less than quarterly, you must make compliance calculations beginning with the first compliance sample taken after the compliance date.

(8) For the purpose of the schedule in this paragraph (c), the State may determine that the combined distribution system does not include certain consecutive systems based on factors such as receiving water from a wholesale system only on an emergency basis or receiving only a small percentage and small volume of water from a wholesale system. The State may also determine that the combined distribution system does not include certain wholesale systems based on factors such as delivering water to a consecutive system only on an emergency basis or delivering only a small percentage and small volume of water to a consecutive system.

(d) Monitoring and compliance—(1) Systems required to monitor quarterly. To comply with subpart V MCLs in § 141.64(b)(2), you must calculate LRAAs for TTHM and HAA5 using monitoring results collected under this subpart and determine that each LRAA does not exceed the MCL. If you fail to complete four consecutive quarters of monitoring, you must calculate compliance with the MCL based on the average of the available data from the most recent four quarters. If you take more than one sample per quarter at a monitoring location, you must average all samples taken in the quarter at that location to determine a quarterly average to be used in the LRAA calculation.

(2) Systems required to monitor yearly or less frequently. To determine compliance with subpart V MCLs in § 141.64(b)(2), you must determine that each sample taken is less than the MCL. If any sample exceeds the MCL, you must comply with the requirements of § 141.625. If no sample exceeds the MCL, the sample result for each monitoring location is considered the LRAA for that monitoring location.

(e) Violation. You are in violation of the monitoring requirements for each quarter that a monitoring result would be used in calculating an LRAA if you fail to monitor.

[71 FR 488, Jan. 4, 2006; 71 FR 4645, Jan. 27, 2006]
§ 141.621 - Routine monitoring.

(a) Monitoring. (1) If you submitted an IDSE report, you must begin monitoring at the locations and months you have recommended in your IDSE report submitted under § 141.605 following the schedule in § 141.620(c), unless the State requires other locations or additional locations after its review. If you submitted a 40/30 certification under § 141.603 or you qualified for a very small system waiver under § 141.604 or you are a nontransient noncommunity water system serving <10,000, you must monitor at the location(s) and dates identified in your monitoring plan in § 141.132(f), updated as required by § 141.622.

(2) You must monitor at no fewer than the number of locations identified in this paragraph (a)(2).

Source water type Population size category Monitoring Frequency 1 Distribution system monitoring location total per monitoring period 2
Subpart H:
<500per year2
500-3,300per quarter2
3,301-9,999per quarter2
10,000-49,999per quarter4
50,000-249,999per quarter8
250,000-999,999per quarter12
1,000,000-4,999,999per quarter16
≥5,000,000per quarter20
Ground Water:
<500per year2
500-9,999per year2
10,000-99,999per quarter4
100,000-499,999per quarter6
≥500,000per quarter8

1 All systems must monitor during month of highest DBP concentrations.

2 Systems on quarterly monitoring must take dual sample sets every 90 days at each monitoring location, except for subpart H systems serving 500-3,300. Ground water systems serving 500-9,999 on annual monitoring must take dual sample sets at each monitoring location. All other systems on annual monitoring and subpart H systems serving 500-3,300 are required to take individual TTHM and HAA5 samples (instead of a dual sample set) at the locations with the highest TTHM and HAA5 concentrations, respectively. For systems serving fewer than 500 people, only one location with a dual sample set per monitoring period is needed if the highest TTHM and HAA5 concentrations occur at the same location and month.

(3) If you are an undisinfected system that begins using a disinfectant other than UV light after the dates in subpart U of this part for complying with the Initial Distribution System Evaluation requirements, you must consult with the State to identify compliance monitoring locations for this subpart. You must then develop a monitoring plan under § 141.622 that includes those monitoring locations.

(b) Analytical methods. You must use an approved method listed in § 141.131 for TTHM and HAA5 analyses in this subpart. Analyses must be conducted by laboratories that have received certification by EPA or the State as specified in § 141.131.

[71 FR 488, Jan. 4, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 30958, June 29, 2009]
§ 141.622 - Subpart V monitoring plan.

(a)(1) You must develop and implement a monitoring plan to be kept on file for State and public review. The monitoring plan must contain the elements in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) of this section and be complete no later than the date you conduct your initial monitoring under this subpart.

(i) Monitoring locations;

(ii) Monitoring dates;

(iii) Compliance calculation procedures; and

(iv) Monitoring plans for any other systems in the combined distribution system if the State has reduced monitoring requirements under the State authority in § 142.16(m).

(2) If you were not required to submit an IDSE report under either § 141.601 or § 141.602, and you do not have sufficient subpart L monitoring locations to identify the required number of subpart V compliance monitoring locations indicated in § 141.605(b), you must identify additional locations by alternating selection of locations representing high TTHM levels and high HAA5 levels until the required number of compliance monitoring locations have been identified. You must also provide the rationale for identifying the locations as having high levels of TTHM or HAA5. If you have more subpart L monitoring locations than required for subpart V compliance monitoring in § 141.605(b), you must identify which locations you will use for subpart V compliance monitoring by alternating selection of locations representing high TTHM levels and high HAA5 levels until the required number of subpart V compliance monitoring locations have been identified.

(b) If you are a subpart H system serving >3,300 people, you must submit a copy of your monitoring plan to the State prior to the date you conduct your initial monitoring under this subpart, unless your IDSE report submitted under subpart U of this part contains all the information required by this section.

(c) You may revise your monitoring plan to reflect changes in treatment, distribution system operations and layout (including new service areas), or other factors that may affect TTHM or HAA5 formation, or for State-approved reasons, after consultation with the State regarding the need for changes and the appropriateness of changes. If you change monitoring locations, you must replace existing compliance monitoring locations with the lowest LRAA with new locations that reflect the current distribution system locations with expected high TTHM or HAA5 levels. The State may also require modifications in your monitoring plan. If you are a subpart H system serving >3,300 people, you must submit a copy of your modified monitoring plan to the State prior to the date you are required to comply with the revised monitoring plan.

§ 141.623 - Reduced monitoring.

(a) You may reduce monitoring to the level specified in the table in this paragraph (a) any time the LRAA is ≤0.040 mg/L for TTHM and ≤0.030 mg/L for HAA5 at all monitoring locations. You may only use data collected under the provisions of this subpart or subpart L of this part to qualify for reduced monitoring. In addition, the source water annual average TOC level, before any treatment, must be ≤4.0 mg/L at each treatment plant treating surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water, based on monitoring conducted under either § 141.132(b)(1)(iii) or § 141.132(d).

Source water type Population size category Monitoring
frequency 1
Distribution system monitoring location per monitoring period
Subpart H:
<500monitoring may not be reduced.
500-3,300per year1 TTHM and 1 HAA5 sample: one at the location and during the quarter with the highest TTHM single measurement, one at the location and during the quarter with the highest HAA5 single measurement; 1 dual sample set per year if the highest TTHM and HAA5 measurements occurred at the same location and quarter.
3,301-9,999per year2 dual sample sets: one at the location and during the quarter with the highest TTHM single measurement, one at the location and during the quarter with the highest HAA5 single measurement.
10,000-49,999per quarter2 dual sample sets at the locations with the highest TTHM and highest HAA5 LRAAs.
50,000-249,999per quarter4 dual sample sets—at the locations with the two highest TTHM and two highest HAA5 LRAAs.
250,000-999,999per quarter6 dual sample sets—at the locations with the three highest TTHM and three highest HAA5 LRAAs.
1,000,000-4,999,999per quarter8 dual sample sets—at the locations with the four highest TTHM and four highest HAA5 LRAAs.
≥5,000,000per quarter10 dual sample sets—at the locations with the five highest TTHM and five highest HAA5 LRAAs.
Ground Water:
<500every third year1 TTHM and 1 HAA5 sample: one at the location and during the quarter with the highest TTHM single measurement, one at the location and during the quarter with the highest HAA5 single measurement; 1 dual sample set per year if the highest TTHM and HAA5 measurements occurred at the same location and quarter.
500-9,999per year1 TTHM and 1 HAA5 sample: one at the location and during the quarter with the highest TTHM single measurement, one at the location and during the quarter with the highest HAA5 single measurement; 1 dual sample set per year if the highest TTHM and HAA5 measurements occurred at the same location and quarter.
10,000-99,999per year2 dual sample sets: one at the location and during the quarter with the highest TTHM single measurement, one at the location and during the quarter with the highest HAA5 single measurement.
100,000-499,999per quarter2 dual sample sets; at the locations with the highest TTHM and highest HAA5 LRAAs.
≥500,000per quarter4 dual sample sets at the locations with the two highest TTHM and two highest HAA5 LRAAs.

1 Systems on quarterly monitoring must take dual sample sets every 90 days.

(b) You may remain on reduced monitoring as long as the TTHM LRAA ≤0.040 mg/L and the HAA5 LRAA ≤0.030 mg/L at each monitoring location (for systems with quarterly reduced monitoring) or each TTHM sample ≤0.060 mg/L and each HAA5 sample ≤0.045 mg/L (for systems with annual or less frequent monitoring). In addition, the source water annual average TOC level, before any treatment, must be ≤4.0 mg/L at each treatment plant treating surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water, based on monitoring conducted under either § 141.132(b)(1)(iii) or § 141.132(d).

(c) If the LRAA based on quarterly monitoring at any monitoring location exceeds either 0.040 mg/L for TTHM or 0.030 mg/L for HAA5 or if the annual (or less frequent) sample at any location exceeds either 0.060 mg/L for TTHM or 0.045 mg/L for HAA5, or if the source water annual average TOC level, before any treatment, >4.0 mg/L at any treatment plant treating surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water, you must resume routine monitoring under § 141.621 or begin increased monitoring if § 141.625 applies.

(d) The State may return your system to routine monitoring at the State's discretion.

§ 141.624 - Additional requirements for consecutive systems.

If you are a consecutive system that does not add a disinfectant but delivers water that has been treated with a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light, you must comply with analytical and monitoring requirements for chlorine and chloramines in § 141.131 (c) and § 141.132(c)(1) and the compliance requirements in § 141.133(c)(1) beginning April 1, 2009, unless required earlier by the State, and report monitoring results under § 141.134(c).

§ 141.625 - Conditions requiring increased monitoring.

(a) If you are required to monitor at a particular location annually or less frequently than annually under § 141.621 or § 141.623, you must increase monitoring to dual sample sets once per quarter (taken every 90 days) at all locations if a TTHM sample is >0.080 mg/L or a HAA5 sample is >0.060 mg/L at any location.

(b) You are in violation of the MCL when the LRAA exceeds the subpart V MCLs in § 141.64(b)(2), calculated based on four consecutive quarters of monitoring (or the LRAA calculated based on fewer than four quarters of data if the MCL would be exceeded regardless of the monitoring results of subsequent quarters). You are in violation of the monitoring requirements for each quarter that a monitoring result would be used in calculating an LRAA if you fail to monitor.

(c) You may return to routine monitoring once you have conducted increased monitoring for at least four consecutive quarters and the LRAA for every monitoring location is ≤0.060 mg/L for TTHM and ≤0.045 mg/L for HAA5.

§ 141.626 - Operational evaluation levels.

(a) You have exceeded the operational evaluation level at any monitoring location where the sum of the two previous quarters' TTHM results plus twice the current quarter's TTHM result, divided by 4 to determine an average, exceeds 0.080 mg/L, or where the sum of the two previous quarters' HAA5 results plus twice the current quarter's HAA5 result, divided by 4 to determine an average, exceeds 0.060 mg/L.

(b)(1) If you exceed the operational evaluation level, you must conduct an operational evaluation and submit a written report of the evaluation to the State no later than 90 days after being notified of the analytical result that causes you to exceed the operational evaluation level. The written report must be made available to the public upon request.

(2) Your operational evaluation must include an examination of system treatment and distribution operational practices, including storage tank operations, excess storage capacity, distribution system flushing, changes in sources or source water quality, and treatment changes or problems that may contribute to TTHM and HAA5 formation and what steps could be considered to minimize future exceedances.

(i) You may request and the State may allow you to limit the scope of your evaluation if you are able to identify the cause of the operational evaluation level exceedance.

(ii) Your request to limit the scope of the evaluation does not extend the schedule in paragraph (b)(1) of this section for submitting the written report. The State must approve this limited scope of evaluation in writing and you must keep that approval with the completed report.

§ 141.627 - Requirements for remaining on reduced TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.

You may remain on reduced monitoring after the dates identified in § 141.620(c) for compliance with this subpart only if you qualify for a 40/30 certification under § 141.603 or have received a very small system waiver under § 141.604, plus you meet the reduced monitoring criteria in § 141.623(a), and you do not change or add monitoring locations from those used for compliance monitoring under subpart L of this part. If your monitoring locations under this subpart differ from your monitoring locations under subpart L of this part, you may not remain on reduced monitoring after the dates identified in § 141.620(c) for compliance with this subpart.

§ 141.628 - Requirements for remaining on increased TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.

If you were on increased monitoring under § 141.132(b)(1), you must remain on increased monitoring until you qualify for a return to routine monitoring under § 141.625(c). You must conduct increased monitoring under § 141.625 at the monitoring locations in the monitoring plan developed under § 141.622 beginning at the date identified in § 141.620(c) for compliance with this subpart and remain on increased monitoring until you qualify for a return to routine monitoring under § 141.625(c).

§ 141.629 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Reporting. (1) You must report the following information for each monitoring location to the State within 10 days of the end of any quarter in which monitoring is required:

(i) Number of samples taken during the last quarter.

(ii) Date and results of each sample taken during the last quarter.

(iii) Arithmetic average of quarterly results for the last four quarters for each monitoring location (LRAA), beginning at the end of the fourth calendar quarter that follows the compliance date and at the end of each subsequent quarter. If the LRAA calculated based on fewer than four quarters of data would cause the MCL to be exceeded regardless of the monitoring results of subsequent quarters, you must report this information to the State as part of the first report due following the compliance date or anytime thereafter that this determination is made. If you are required to conduct monitoring at a frequency that is less than quarterly, you must make compliance calculations beginning with the first compliance sample taken after the compliance date, unless you are required to conduct increased monitoring under § 141.625.

(iv) Whether, based on § 141.64(b)(2) and this subpart, the MCL was violated at any monitoring location.

(v) Any operational evaluation levels that were exceeded during the quarter and, if so, the location and date, and the calculated TTHM and HAA5 levels.

(2) If you are a subpart H system seeking to qualify for or remain on reduced TTHM/HAA5 monitoring, you must report the following source water TOC information for each treatment plant that treats surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water to the State within 10 days of the end of any quarter in which monitoring is required:

(i) The number of source water TOC samples taken each month during last quarter.

(ii) The date and result of each sample taken during last quarter.

(iii) The quarterly average of monthly samples taken during last quarter or the result of the quarterly sample.

(iv) The running annual average (RAA) of quarterly averages from the past four quarters.

(v) Whether the RAA exceeded 4.0 mg/L.

(3) The State may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the MCL was exceeded or the system is eligible for reduced monitoring in lieu of having the system report that information

(b) Recordkeeping. You must retain any subpart V monitoring plans and your subpart V monitoring results as required by § 141.33.

source: 40 FR 59570, Dec. 24, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 141.621