Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 192.30 - Applicability.

This subpart applies to the management of uranium byproduct materials under section 84 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (henceforth designated “the Act”), as amended, during and following processing of uranium ores, and to restoration of disposal sites following any use of such sites under section 83(b)(1)(B) of the Act.

§ 192.31 - Definitions and cross-references.

References in this subpart to other parts of the Code of Federal Regulations are to those parts as codified on January 1, 1983.

(a) Unless otherwise indicated in this subpart, all terms shall have the same meaning as in Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Rediation Control Act of 1978, subparts A and B of this part, or parts 190, 260, 261, and 264 of this chapter. For the purposes of this subpart, the terms “waste,” “hazardous waste,” and related terms, as used in parts 260, 261, and 264 of this chapter shall apply to byproduct material.

(b) Uranium byproduct material means the tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content. Ore bodies depleted by uranium solution extraction operations and which remain underground do not constitute “byproduct material” for the purpose of this subpart.

(c) Control means any action to stabilize, inhibit future misuse of, or reduce emissions or effluents from uranium byproduct materials.

(d) Licensed site means the area contained within the boundary of a location under the control of persons generating or storing uranium byproduct materials under a license issued pursuant to section 84 of the Act. For purposes of this subpart, “licensed site” is equivalent to “regulated unit” in subpart F of part 264 of this chapter.

(e) Disposal site means a site selected pursuant to section 83 of the Act.

(f) Disposal area means the region within the perimeter of an impoundment or pile containing uranium by product materials to which the post-closure requirements of § 192.32(b)(1) of this subpart apply.

(g) Regulatory agency means the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(h) Closure period means the period of time beginning with the cessation, with respect to a waste impoundment, of uranium ore processing operations and ending with completion of requirements specified under a closure plan.

(i) Closure plan means the plan required under § 264.112 of this chapter.

(j) Existing portion means that land surface area of an existing surface impoundment on which significant quantities of uranium byproduct materials have been placed prior to promulgation of this standard.

(k) As expeditiously as practicable considering technological feasibility means as quickly as possible considering: the physical characteristics of the tailings and the site; the limits of available technology; the need for consistency with mandatory requirements of other regulatory programs; and factors beyond the control of the licensee. The phrase permits consideration of the cost of compliance only to the extent specifically provided for by use of the term “available technology.”

(l) Permanent Radon Barrier means the final radon barrier constructed to achieve compliance with, including attainment of, the limit on releases of radon-222 in § 192.32(b)(1)(ii).

(m) Available technology means technologies and methods for emplacing a permanent radon barrier on uranium mill tailings piles or impoundments. This term shall not be construed to include extraordinary measures or techniques that would impose costs that are grossly excessive as measured by practice within the industry or one that is reasonably analogous, (such as, by way of illustration only, unreasonable overtime, staffing or transportation requirements, etc., considering normal practice in the industry; laser fusion, of soils, etc.), provided there is reasonable progress toward emplacement of a permanent radon barrier. To determine grossly excessive costs, the relevant baseline against which cost increases shall be compared is the cost estimate for tailings impoundment closure contained in the licensee's tailings closure plan, but costs beyond such estimates shall not automatically be considered grossly excessive.

(n) Tailings Closure Plan (Radon) means the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State approved plan detailing activities to accomplish timely emplacement of a permanent radon barrier. A tailings closure plan shall include a schedule for key radon closure milestone activities such as wind blown tailings retrieval and placement on the pile, interim stabilization (including dewatering or the removal of freestanding liquids and recontouring), and emplacement of a permanent radon barrier constructed to achieve compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2-s flux standard as expeditiously as practicable considering technological feasibility (including factors beyond the control of the licensee).

(o) Factors beyond the control of the licensee means factors proximately causing delay in meeting the schedule in the applicable license for timely emplacement of the permanent radon barrier notwithstanding the good faith efforts of the licensee to achieve compliance. These factors may include, but are not limited to, physical conditions at the site; inclement weather or climatic conditions; an act of God; an act of war; a judicial or administrative order or decision, or change to the statutory, regulatory, or other legal requirements applicable to the licensee's facility that would preclude or delay the performance of activities required for compliance; labor disturbances; any modifications, cessation or delay ordered by state, Federal or local agencies; delays beyond the time reasonably required in obtaining necessary governmental permits, licenses, approvals or consent for activities described in the tailings closure plan (radon) proposed by the licensee that result from agency failure to take final action after the licensee has made a good faith, timely effort to submit legally sufficient applications, responses to requests (including relevant data requested by the agencies), or other information, including approval of the tailings closure plan by NRC or the affected Agreement State; and an act or omission of any third party over whom the licensee has no control.

(p) Operational means that a uranium mill tailings pile or impoundment is being used for the continued placement of uranium byproduct material or is in standby status for such placement. A tailings pile or impoundment is operational from the day that uranium byproduct material is first placed in the pile or impoundment until the day final closure begins.

(q) Milestone means an enforceable date by which action, or the occurrence of an event, is required for purposes of achieving compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard.

[48 FR 45946, Oct. 7, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 60355, Nov. 15, 1993]
§ 192.32 - Standards.

(a) Standards for application during processing operations and prior to the end of the closure period. (1) Surface impoundments (except for an existing portion) subject to this subpart must be designed, constructed, and installed in such manner as to conform to the requirements of § 264.221 of this chapter, except that at sites where the annual precipitation falling on the impoundment and any drainage area contributing surface runoff to the impoundment is less than the annual evaporation from the impoundment, the requirements of § 264.228(a)(2) (iii)(E) referenced in § 264.221 do not apply.

(2) Uranium byproduct materials shall be managed so as to conform to the ground water protection standard in § 264.92 of this chapter, except that for the purposes of this subpart:

(i) To the list of hazardous constituents referenced in § 264.93 of this chapter are added the chemical elements molybdenum and uranium,

(ii) To the concentration limits provided in Table 1 of § 264.94 of this chapter are added the radioactivity limits in Table A of this subpart,

(iii) Detection monitoring programs required under § 264.98 to establish the standards required under § 264.92 shall be completed within one (1) year of promulgation,

(iv) The regulatory agency may establish alternate concentration limits (to be satisfied at the point of compliance specified under § 264.95) under the criteria of § 264.94(b), provided that, after considering practicable corrective actions, these limits are as low as reasonably achievable, and that, in any case, the standards of § 264.94(a) are satisfied at all points at a greater distance than 500 meters from the edge of the disposal area and/or outside the site boundary, and

(v) The functions and responsibilities designated in Part 264 of this chapter as those of the “Regional Administrator” with respect to “facility permits” shall be carried out by the regulatory agency, except that exemptions of hazardous constituents under § 264.93 (b) and (c) of this chapter and alternate concentration limits established under § 264.94 (b) and (c) of this chapter (except as otherwise provided in § 192.32(a)(2)(iv)) shall not be effective until EPA has concurred therein.

(3)(i) Uranium mill tailings piles or impoundments that are nonoperational and subject to a license by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an Agreement State shall limit releases of radon-222 by emplacing a permanent radon barrier. This permanent radon barrier shall be constructed as expeditiously as practicable considering technological feasibility (including factors beyond the control of the licensee) after the pile or impoundment ceases to be operational. Such control shall be carried out in accordance with a written tailings closure plan (radon) to be incorporated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State into individual site licenses.

(ii) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State may approve a licensee's request to extend the time for performance of milestones if, after providing an opportunity for public participation, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State finds that compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard has been demonstrated using a method approved by the NRC, in the manner required in 192.32(a)(4)(i). Only under these circumstances and during the period of the extension must compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard be demonstrated each year.

(iii) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State may extend the final compliance date for emplacement of the permanent radon barrier, or relevant milestone, based upon cost if the new date is established after a finding by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State, after providing an opportunity for public participation, that the licensee is making good faith efforts to emplace a permanent radon barrier; the delay is consistent with the definition of “available technology” in § 192.31(m); and the delay will not result in radon releases that are determined to result in significant incremental risk to the public health.

(iv) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State may, in response to a request from a licensee, authorize by license or license amendment a portion of the site to remain accessible during the closure process to accept uranium byproduct material as defined in section 11(e)(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2014(e)(2), or to accept materials similar to the physical, chemical and radiological characteristics of the in situ uranium mill tailings and associated wastes, from other sources. No such authorization may be used as a means for delaying or otherwise impeding emplacement of the permanent radon barrier over the remainder of the pile or impoundment in a manner that will achieve compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard, averaged over the entire pile or impoundment.

(v) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State may, in response to a request from a licensee, authorize by license or license amendment a portion of a pile or impoundment to remain accessible after emplacement of a permanent radon barrier to accept uranium byproduct material as defined in section 11(e)(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. 2014(e)(2), if compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard of § 192.32(b)(1)(ii) is demonstrated by the licensee's monitoring conducted in a manner consistent with § 192.32(a)(4)(i). Such authorization may be provided only if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State makes a finding, constituting final agency action and after providing an opportunity for public participation, that the site will continue to achieve the 20 pCi/m2−s flux standard when averaged over the entire impoundment.

(4)(i) Upon emplacement of the permanent radon barrier pursuant to 40 CFR 192.32(a)(3), the licensee shall conduct appropriate monitoring and analysis of the radon-222 releases to demonstrate that the design of the permanent radon barrier is effective in limiting releases of radon-222 to a level not exceeding 20 pCi/m 2−s as required by 40 CFR 192.32(b)(1)(ii). This monitoring shall be conducted using the procedures described in 40 CFR part 61, Appendix B, Method 115, or any other measurement method proposed by a licensee that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State approves as being at least as effective as EPA Method 115 in demonstrating the effectiveness of the permanent radon barrier in achieving compliance with the 20 pCi/m 2−s flux standard.

(ii) When phased emplacement of the permanent radon barrier is included in the applicable tailings closure plan (radon), then radon flux monitoring required under § 192.32(a)(4)(i) shall be conducted, however the licensee shall be allowed to conduct such monitoring for each portion of the pile or impoundment on which the radon barrier has been emplaced by conducting flux monitoring on the closed portion.

(5) Uranium byproduct materials shall be managed so as to conform to the provisions of:

(i) Part 190 of this chapter, “Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations” and

(ii) Part 440 of this chapter, “Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category: Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards, Subpart C, Uranium, Radium, and Vanadium Ores Subcategory.”

(6) The regulatory agency, in conformity with Federal Radiation Protection Guidance (FR, May 18, 1960, pgs. 4402-4403), shall make every effort to maintain radiation doses from radon emissions from surface impoundments of uranium byproduct materials as far below the Federal Radiation Protection Guides as is practicable at each licensed site.

(b) Standards for application after the closure period. At the end of the closure period:

(1) Disposal areas shall each comply with the closure performance standard in § 264.111 of this chapter with respect to nonradiological hazards and shall be designed 1 to provide reasonable assurance of control of radiological hazards to

1 The standard applies to design with a monitoring requirement as specified in § 192.32(a)(4).

(i) Be effective for one thousand years, to the extent reasonably achievable, and, in any case, for at least 200 years, and,

(ii) Limit releases of radon-222 from uranium byproduct materials to the atmosphere so as to not exceed an average 2 release rate of 20 picocuries per square meter per second (pCi/m2s).

2 This average shall apply to the entire surface of each disposal area over periods of at least one year, but short compared to 100 years. Radon will come from both uranium byproduct materials and from covering materials. Radon emissions from covering materials should be estimated as part of developing a closure plan for each site. The standard, however, applies only to emissions from uranium byproduct materials to the atmosphere.

(2) The requirements of § 192.32(b)(1) shall not apply to any portion of a licensed and/or disposal site which contains a concentration of radium-226 in land, averaged over areas of 100 square meters, which, as a result of uranium byproduct material, does not exceed the background level by more than:

(i) 5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), averaged over the first 15 centimeters (cm) below the surface, and

(ii) 15 pCi/g, averaged over 15 cm thick layers more than 15 cm below the surface.

[48 FR 45946, Oct. 7, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 60355, Nov. 15, 1993]
§ 192.33 - Corrective action programs.

If the ground water standards established under provisions of § 192.32(a)(2) are exceeded at any licensed site, a corrective action program as specified in § 264.100 of this chapter shall be put into operation as soon as is practicable, and in no event later than eighteen (18) months after a finding of exceedance.

§ 192.34 - Effective date.

Subpart D shall be effective December 6, 1983.

Appendix - Table A to Subpart D of Part 192
Combined radium-226 and radium-2285
Gross alpha-particle activity (excluding radon and uranium)15
authority: Sec. 275 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 42 U.S.C. 2022,as,Pub. L. 95-604, as amended
source: 48 FR 602, Jan. 5, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 192.31