Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
§ 194.21 - Inspections.
(a) The Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative(s) shall, at any time:
(1) Be afforded unfettered and unannounced access to inspect any area of the WIPP, and any locations performing activities that provide information relevant to compliance application(s), to which the Department has rights of access. Such access shall be equivalent to access afforded Department employees upon presentation of credentials and other required documents.
(2) Be allowed to obtain samples, including split samples, and to monitor and measure aspects of the disposal system and the waste proposed for disposal in the disposal system.
(b) Records (including data and other information in any form) kept by the Department pertaining to the WIPP shall be made available to the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative upon request. If requested records are not immediately available, they shall be delivered within 30 calendar days of the request.
(c) The Department shall, upon request by the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative, provide permanent, private office space that is accessible to the disposal system. The office space shall be for the exclusive use of the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative(s).
(d) The Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative(s) shall comply with applicable access control measures for security, radiological protection, and personal safety when conducting activities pursuant to this section.
§ 194.22 - Quality assurance.
(a)(1) As soon as practicable after April 9, 1996, the Department shall adhere to a quality assurance program that implements the requirements of ASME NQA-1-1989 edition, ASME NQA-2a-1990 addenda, part 2.7, to ASME NQA-2-1989 edition, and ASME NQA-3-1989 edition (excluding Section 2.1 (b) and (c), and Section 17.1). (Incorporation by reference as specified in § 194.5.)
(2) Any compliance application shall include information which demonstrates that the quality assurance program required pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section has been established and executed for:
(i) Waste characterization activities and assumptions;
(ii) Environmental monitoring, monitoring of the performance of the disposal system, and sampling and analysis activities;
(iii) Field measurements of geologic factors, ground water, meteorologic, and topographic characteristics;
(iv) Computations, computer codes, models and methods used to demonstrate compliance with the disposal regulations in accordance with the provisions of this part;
(v) Procedures for implementation of expert judgment elicitation used to support applications for certification or re-certification of compliance;
(vi) Design of the disposal system and actions taken to ensure compliance with design specifications;
(vii) The collection of data and information used to support compliance application(s); and
(viii) Other systems, structures, components, and activities important to the containment of waste in the disposal system.
(b) Any compliance application shall include information which demonstrates that data and information collected prior to the implementation of the quality assurance program required pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section have been qualified in accordance with an alternate methodology, approved by the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative, that employs one or more of the following methods: Peer review, conducted in a manner that is compatible with NUREG-1297, “Peer Review for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories,” published February 1988 (incorporation by reference as specified in § 194.5); corroborating data; confirmatory testing; or a quality assurance program that is equivalent in effect to ASME NQA-1-1989 edition, ASME NQA-2a-1990 addenda, part 2.7, to ASME NQA-2-1989 edition, and ASME NQA-3-1989 edition (excluding Section 2.1 (b) and (c) and Section 17.1). (Incorporation by reference as specified in § 194.5.)
(c) Any compliance application shall provide, to the extent practicable, information which describes how all data used to support the compliance application have been assessed for their quality characteristics, including:
(1) Data accuracy, i.e., the degree to which data agree with an accepted reference or true value;
(2) Data precision, i.e., a measure of the mutual agreement between comparable data gathered or developed under similar conditions expressed in terms of a standard deviation;
(3) Data representativeness, i.e., the degree to which data accurately and precisely represent a characteristic of a population, a parameter, variations at a sampling point, or environmental conditions;
(4) Data completeness, i.e., a measure of the amount of valid data obtained compared to the amount that was expected; and
(5) Data comparability, i.e., a measure of the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another.
(d) Any compliance application shall provide information which demonstrates how all data are qualified for use in the demonstration of compliance.
(e) The Administrator will verify appropriate execution of quality assurance programs through inspections, record reviews and record keeping requirements, which may include, but may not be limited to, surveillance, audits and management systems reviews.
§ 194.23 - Models and computer codes.
(a) Any compliance application shall include:
(1) A description of the conceptual models and scenario construction used to support any compliance application.
(2) A description of plausible, alternative conceptual model(s) seriously considered but not used to support such application, and an explanation of the reason(s) why such model(s) was not deemed to accurately portray performance of the disposal system.
(3) Documentation that:
(i) Conceptual models and scenarios reasonably represent possible future states of the disposal system;
(ii) Mathematical models incorporate equations and boundary conditions which reasonably represent the mathematical formulation of the conceptual models;
(iii) Numerical models provide numerical schemes which enable the mathematical models to obtain stable solutions;
(iv) Computer models accurately implement the numerical models; i.e., computer codes are free of coding errors and produce stable solutions;
(v) Conceptual models have undergone peer review according to § 194.27.
(b) Computer codes used to support any compliance application shall be documented in a manner that complies with the requirements of ASME NQA-2a-1990 addenda, part 2.7, to ASME NQA-2-1989 edition. (Incorporation by reference as specified in § 194.5.)
(c) Documentation of all models and computer codes included as part of any compliance application performance assessment calculation shall be provided. Such documentation shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(1) Descriptions of the theoretical backgrounds of each model and the method of analysis or assessment;
(2) General descriptions of the models; discussions of the limits of applicability of each model; detailed instructions for executing the computer codes, including hardware and software requirements, input and output formats with explanations of each input and output variable and parameter (e.g., parameter name and units); listings of input and output files from a sample computer run; and reports on code verification, benchmarking, validation, and quality assurance procedures;
(3) Detailed descriptions of the structure of computer codes and complete listings of the source codes;
(4) Detailed descriptions of data collection procedures, sources of data, data reduction and analysis, and code input parameter development;
(5) Any necessary licenses; and
(6) An explanation of the manner in which models and computer codes incorporate the effects of parameter correlation.
(d) The Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative may verify the results of computer simulations used to support any compliance application by performing independent simulations. Data files, source codes, executable versions of computer software for each model, other material or information needed to permit the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative to perform independent simulations, and access to necessary hardware to perform such simulations, shall be provided within 30 calendar days of a request by the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative.
§ 194.24 - Waste characterization.
(a) Any compliance application shall describe the chemical, radiological and physical composition of all existing waste proposed for disposal in the disposal system. To the extent practicable, any compliance application shall also describe the chemical, radiological and physical composition of to-be-generated waste proposed for disposal in the disposal system. These descriptions shall include a list of waste components and their approximate quantities in the waste. This list may be derived from process knowledge, current non-destructive examination/assay, or other information and methods.
(b) The Department shall submit in the compliance certification application the results of an analysis which substantiates:
(1) That all waste characteristics influencing containment of waste in the disposal system have been identified and assessed for their impact on disposal system performance. The characteristics to be analyzed shall include, but shall not be limited to: Solubility; formation of colloidal suspensions containing radionuclides; production of gas from the waste; shear strength; compactability; and other waste-related inputs into the computer models that are used in the performance assessment.
(2) That all waste components influencing the waste characteristics identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section have been identified and assessed for their impact on disposal system performance. The components to be analyzed shall include, but shall not be limited to: metals; cellulosics; chelating agents; water and other liquids; and activity in curies of each isotope of the radionuclides present.
(3) Any decision to exclude consideration of any waste characteristic or waste component because such characteristic or component is not expected to significantly influence the containment of the waste in the disposal system.
(c) For each waste component identified and assessed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the Department shall specify the limiting value (expressed as an upper or lower limit of mass, volume, curies, concentration, etc.), and the associated uncertainty (i.e., margin of error) for each limiting value, of the total inventory of such waste proposed for disposal in the disposal system. Any compliance application shall:
(1) Demonstrate that, for the total inventory of waste proposed for disposal in the disposal system, WIPP complies with the numeric requirements of § 194.34 and § 194.55 for the upper or lower limits (including the associated uncertainties), as appropriate, for each waste component identified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, and for the plausible combinations of upper and lower limits of such waste components that would result in the greatest estimated release.
(2) Identify and describe the method(s) used to quantify the limits of waste components identified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(3) Provide information that demonstrates that the use of acceptable knowledge to quantify components in waste for disposal conforms with the quality assurance requirements of § 194.22.
(4) Provide information which demonstrates that a system of controls has been and will continue to be implemented to confirm that the total amount of each waste component that will be emplaced in the disposal system will not exceed the upper limiting value or fall below the lower limiting value described in the introductory text of paragraph (c) of this section. The system of controls shall include, but shall not be limited to: Measurement; sampling; chain of custody records; record keeping systems; waste loading schemes used; and other documentation.
(5) Identify and describe such controls delineated in paragraph (c)(4) of this section and confirm that they are applied in accordance with the quality assurance requirements found in § 194.22.
(d) The Department shall include a waste loading scheme in any compliance application, or else performance assessments conducted pursuant to § 194.32 and compliance assessments conducted pursuant to § 194.54 shall assume random placement of waste in the disposal system.
(e) Waste may be emplaced in the disposal system only if the emplaced components of such waste will not cause:
(1) The total quantity of waste in the disposal system to exceed the upper limiting value, including the associated uncertainty, described in the introductory text to paragraph (c) of this section; or
(2) The total quantity of waste that will have been emplaced in the disposal system, prior to closure, to fall below the lower limiting value, including the associated uncertainty, described in the introductory text to paragraph (c) of this section.
(f) Waste emplacement shall conform to the assumed waste loading conditions, if any, used in performance assessments conducted pursuant to § 194.32 and compliance assessments conducted pursuant to § 194.54.
(g) The Department shall demonstrate in any compliance application that the total inventory of waste emplaced in the disposal system complies with the limitations on transuranic waste disposal described in the WIPP LWA.
(h) The Administrator will use inspections and records reviews, such as audits, to verify compliance with this section.
[61 FR 5235, Feb. 9, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 42583, July 16, 2004]
§ 194.25 - Future state assumptions.
(a) Unless otherwise specified in this part or in the disposal regulations, performance assessments and compliance assessments conducted pursuant the provisions of this part to demonstrate compliance with § 191.13, § 191.15 and part 191, subpart C shall assume that characteristics of the future remain what they are at the time the compliance application is prepared, provided that such characteristics are not related to hydrogeologic, geologic or climatic conditions.
(b) In considering future states pursuant to this section, the Department shall document in any compliance application, to the extent practicable, effects of potential future hydrogeologic, geologic and climatic conditions on the disposal system over the regulatory time frame. Such documentation shall be part of the activities undertaken pursuant to § 194.14, Content of compliance certification application; § 194.32, Scope of performance assessments; and § 194.54, Scope of compliance assessments.
(1) In considering the effects of hydrogeologic conditions on the disposal system, the Department shall document in any compliance application, to the extent practicable, the effects of potential changes to hydrogeologic conditions.
(2) In considering the effects of geologic conditions on the disposal system, the Department shall document in any compliance application, to the extent practicable, the effects of potential changes to geologic conditions, including, but not limited to: Dissolution; near surface geomorphic features and processes; and related subsidence in the geologic units of the disposal system.
(3) In considering the effects of climatic conditions on the disposal system, the Department shall document in any compliance application, to the extent practicable, the effects of potential changes to future climate cycles of increased precipitation (as compared to present conditions).
§ 194.26 - Expert judgment.
(a) Expert judgment, by an individual expert or panel of experts, may be used to support any compliance application, provided that expert judgment does not substitute for information that could reasonably be obtained through data collection or experimentation.
(b) Any compliance application shall:
(1) Identify any expert judgments used to support the application and shall identify experts (by name and employer) involved in any expert judgment elicitation processes used to support the application.
(2) Describe the process of eliciting expert judgment, and document the results of expert judgment elicitation processes and the reasoning behind those results. Documentation of interviews used to elicit judgments from experts, the questions or issues presented for elicitation of expert judgment, background information provided to experts, and deliberations and formal interactions among experts shall be provided. The opinions of all experts involved in each elicitation process shall be provided whether the opinions are used to support compliance applications or not.
(3) Provide documentation that the following restrictions and guidelines have been applied to any selection of individuals used to elicit expert judgments:
(i) Individuals who are members of the team of investigators requesting the judgment or the team of investigators who will use the judgment were not selected; and
(ii) Individuals who maintain, at any organizational level, a supervisory role or who are supervised by those who will utilize the judgment were not selected.
(4) Provide information which demonstrates that:
(i) The expertise of any individual involved in expert judgment elicitation comports with the level of knowledge required by the questions or issues presented to that individual; and
(ii) The expertise of any expert panel, as a whole, involved in expert judgment elicitation comports with the level and variety of knowledge required by the questions or issues presented to that panel.
(5) Explain the relationship among the information and issues presented to experts prior to the elicitation process, the elicited judgment of any expert panel or individual, and the purpose for which the expert judgment is being used in compliance applications(s).
(6) Provide documentation that the initial purpose for which expert judgment was intended, as presented to the expert panel, is consistent with the purpose for which this judgment was used in compliance application(s).
(7) Provide documentation that the following restrictions and guidelines have been applied in eliciting expert judgment:
(i) At least five individuals shall be used in any expert elicitation process, unless there is a lack or unavailability of experts and a documented rationale is provided that explains why fewer than five individuals were selected.
(ii) At least two-thirds of the experts involved in an elicitation shall consist of individuals who are not employed directly by the Department or by the Department's contractors, unless the Department can demonstrate and document that there is a lack or unavailability of qualified independent experts. If so demonstrated, at least one-third of the experts involved in an elicitation shall consist of individuals who are not employed directly by the Department or by the Department's contractors.
(c) The public shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to present its scientific and technical views to expert panels as input to any expert elicitation process.
§ 194.27 - Peer review.
(a) Any compliance application shall include documentation of peer review that has been conducted, in a manner required by this section, for:
(1) Conceptual models selected and developed by the Department;
(2) Waste characterization analyses as required in § 194.24(b); and
(3) Engineered barrier evaluation as required in § 194.44.
(b) Peer review processes required in paragraph (a) of this section, and conducted subsequent to the promulgation of this part, shall be conducted in a manner that is compatible with NUREG-1297, “Peer Review for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories,” published February 1988. (Incorporation by reference as specified in § 194.5.)
(c) Any compliance application shall:
(1) Include information that demonstrates that peer review processes required in paragraph (a) of this section, and conducted prior to the implementation of the promulgation of this part, were conducted in accordance with an alternate process substantially equivalent in effect to NUREG-1297 and approved by the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized representative; and
(2) Document any peer review processes conducted in addition to those required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. Such documentation shall include formal requests, from the Department to outside review groups or individuals, to review or comment on any information used to support compliance applications, and the responses from such groups or individuals.
§ 194.31 - Application of release limits.
The release limits shall be calculated according to part 191, appendix A of this chapter, using the total activity, in curies, that will exist in the disposal system at the time of disposal.
§ 194.32 - Scope of performance assessments.
(a) Performance assessments shall consider natural processes and events, mining, deep drilling, and shallow drilling that may affect the disposal system during the regulatory time frame.
(b) Assessments of mining effects may be limited to changes in the hydraulic conductivity of the hydrogeologic units of the disposal system from excavation mining for natural resources. Mining shall be assumed to occur with a one in 100 probability in each century of the regulatory time frame. Performance assessments shall assume that mineral deposits of those resources, similar in quality and type to those resources currently extracted from the Delaware Basin, will be completely removed from the controlled area during the century in which such mining is randomly calculated to occur. Complete removal of such mineral resources shall be assumed to occur only once during the regulatory time frame.
(c) Performance assessments shall include an analysis of the effects on the disposal system of any activities that occur in the vicinity of the disposal system prior to disposal and are expected to occur in the vicinity of the disposal system soon after disposal. Such activities shall include, but shall not be limited to, existing boreholes and the development of any existing leases that can be reasonably expected to be developed in the near future, including boreholes and leases that may be used for fluid injection activities.
(d) Performance assessments need not consider processes and events that have less than one chance in 10,000 of occurring over 10,000 years.
(e) Any compliance application(s) shall include information which:
(1) Identifies all potential processes, events or sequences and combinations of processes and events that may occur during the regulatory time frame and may affect the disposal system;
(2) Identifies the processes, events or sequences and combinations of processes and events included in performance assessments; and
(3) Documents why any processes, events or sequences and combinations of processes and events identified pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section were not included in performance assessment results provided in any compliance application.
§ 194.33 - Consideration of drilling events in performance assessments.
(a) Performance assessments shall examine deep drilling and shallow drilling that may potentially affect the disposal system during the regulatory time frame.
(b) The following assumptions and process shall be used in assessing the likelihood and consequences of drilling events, and the results of such process shall be documented in any compliance application:
(1) Inadvertent and intermittent intrusion by drilling for resources (other than those resources provided by the waste in the disposal system or engineered barriers designed to isolate such waste) is the most severe human intrusion scenario.
(2) In performance assessments, drilling events shall be assumed to occur in the Delaware Basin at random intervals in time and space during the regulatory time frame.
(3) The frequency of deep drilling shall be calculated in the following manner:
(i) Identify deep drilling that has occurred for each resource in the Delaware Basin over the past 100 years prior to the time at which a compliance application is prepared.
(ii) The total rate of deep drilling shall be the sum of the rates of deep drilling for each resource.
(4) The frequency of shallow drilling shall be calculated in the following manner:
(i) Identify shallow drilling that has occurred for each resource in the Delaware Basin over the past 100 years prior to the time at which a compliance application is prepared.
(ii) The total rate of shallow drilling shall be the sum of the rates of shallow drilling for each resource.
(iii) In considering the historical rate of all shallow drilling, the Department may, if justified, consider only the historical rate of shallow drilling for resources of similar type and quality to those in the controlled area.
(c) Performance assessments shall document that in analyzing the consequences of drilling events, the Department assumed that:
(1) Future drilling practices and technology will remain consistent with practices in the Delaware Basin at the time a compliance application is prepared. Such future drilling practices shall include, but shall not be limited to: The types and amounts of drilling fluids; borehole depths, diameters, and seals; and the fraction of such boreholes that are sealed by humans; and
(2) Natural processes will degrade or otherwise affect the capability of boreholes to transmit fluids over the regulatory time frame.
(d) With respect to future drilling events, performance assessments need not analyze the effects of techniques used for resource recovery subsequent to the drilling of the borehole.
§ 194.34 - Results of performance assessments.
(a) The results of performance assessments shall be assembled into “complementary, cumulative distribution functions” (CCDFs) that represent the probability of exceeding various levels of cumulative release caused by all significant processes and events.
(b) Probability distributions for uncertain disposal system parameter values used in performance assessments shall be developed and documented in any compliance application.
(c) Computational techniques, which draw random samples from across the entire range of the probability distributions developed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, shall be used in generating CCDFs and shall be documented in any compliance application.
(d) The number of CCDFs generated shall be large enough such that, at cumulative releases of 1 and 10, the maximum CCDF generated exceeds the 99th percentile of the population of CCDFs with at least a 0.95 probability. Values of cumulative release shall be calculated according to Note 6 of Table 1, appendix A of part 191 of this chapter.
(e) Any compliance application shall display the full range of CCDFs generated.
(f) Any compliance application shall provide information which demonstrates that there is at least a 95 percent level of statistical confidence that the mean of the population of CCDFs meets the containment requirements of § 191.13 of this chapter.
§ 194.41 - Active institutional controls.
(a) Any compliance application shall include detailed descriptions of proposed active institutional controls, the controls' location, and the period of time the controls are proposed to remain active. Assumptions pertaining to active institutional controls and their effectiveness in terms of preventing or reducing radionuclide releases shall be supported by such descriptions.
(b) Performance assessments shall not consider any contributions from active institutional controls for more than 100 years after disposal.
§ 194.42 - Monitoring.
(a) The Department shall conduct an analysis of the effects of disposal system parameters on the containment of waste in the disposal system and shall include the results of such analysis in any compliance application. The results of the analysis shall be used in developing plans for pre-closure and post-closure monitoring required pursuant to paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section. The disposal system parameters analyzed shall include, at a minimum:
(1) Properties of backfilled material, including porosity, permeability, and degree of compaction and reconsolidation;
(2) Stresses and extent of deformation of the surrounding roof, walls, and floor of the waste disposal room;
(3) Initiation or displacement of major brittle deformation features in the roof or surrounding rock;
(4) Ground water flow and other effects of human intrusion in the vicinity of the disposal system;
(5) Brine quantity, flux, composition, and spatial distribution;
(6) Gas quantity and composition; and
(7) Temperature distribution.
(b) For all disposal system parameters analyzed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, any compliance application shall document and substantiate the decision not to monitor a particular disposal system parameter because that parameter is considered to be insignificant to the containment of waste in the disposal system or to the verification of predictions about the future performance of the disposal system.
(c) Pre-closure monitoring. To the extent practicable, pre-closure monitoring shall be conducted of significant disposal system parameter(s) as identified by the analysis conducted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. A disposal system parameter shall be considered significant if it affects the system's ability to contain waste or the ability to verify predictions about the future performance of the disposal system. Such monitoring shall begin as soon as practicable; however, in no case shall waste be emplaced in the disposal system prior to the implementation of pre-closure monitoring. Pre-closure monitoring shall end at the time at which the shafts of the disposal system are backfilled and sealed.
(d) Post-closure monitoring. The disposal system shall, to the extent practicable, be monitored as soon as practicable after the shafts of the disposal system are backfilled and sealed to detect substantial and detrimental deviations from expected performance and shall end when the Department can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that there are no significant concerns to be addressed by further monitoring. Post-closure monitoring shall be complementary to monitoring required pursuant to applicable federal hazardous waste regulations at parts 264, 265, 268, and 270 of this chapter and shall be conducted with techniques that do not jeopardize the containment of waste in the disposal system.
(e) Any compliance application shall include detailed pre-closure and post-closure monitoring plans for monitoring the performance of the disposal system. At a minimum, such plans shall:
(1) Identify the parameters that will be monitored and how baseline values will be determined;
(2) Indicate how each parameter will be used to evaluate any deviations from the expected performance of the disposal system; and
(3) Discuss the length of time over which each parameter will be monitored to detect deviations from expected performance.
§ 194.43 - Passive institutional controls.
(a) Any compliance application shall include detailed descriptions of the measures that will be employed to preserve knowledge about the location, design, and contents of the disposal system. Such measures shall include:
(1) Identification of the controlled area by markers that have been designed and will be fabricated and emplaced to be as permanent as practicable;
(2) Placement of records in the archives and land record systems of local, State, and Federal governments, and international archives, that would likely be consulted by individuals in search of unexploited resources. Such records shall identify:
(i) The location of the controlled area and the disposal system;
(ii) The design of the disposal system;
(iii) The nature and hazard of the waste;
(iv) Geologic, geochemical, hydrologic, and other site data pertinent to the containment of waste in the disposal system, or the location of such information; and
(v) The results of tests, experiments, and other analyses relating to backfill of excavated areas, shaft sealing, waste interaction with the disposal system, and other tests, experiments, or analyses pertinent to the containment of waste in the disposal system, or the location of such information.
(3) Other passive institutional controls practicable to indicate the dangers of the waste and its location.
(b) Any compliance application shall include the period of time passive institutional controls are expected to endure and be understood.
(c) The Administrator may allow the Department to assume passive institutional control credit, in the form of reduced likelihood of human intrusion, if the Department demonstrates in the compliance application that such credit is justified because the passive institutional controls are expected to endure and be understood by potential intruders for the time period approved by the Administrator. Such credit, or a smaller credit as determined by the Administrator, cannot be used for more than several hundred years and may decrease over time. In no case, however, shall passive institutional controls be assumed to eliminate the likelihood of human intrusion entirely.
§ 194.44 - Engineered barriers.
(a) Disposal systems shall incorporate engineered barrier(s) designed to prevent or substantially delay the movement of water or radionuclides toward the accessible environment.
(b) In selecting any engineered barrier(s) for the disposal system, the Department shall evaluate the benefit and detriment of engineered barrier alternatives, including but not limited to: Cementation, shredding, supercompaction, incineration, vitrification, improved waste canisters, grout and bentonite backfill, melting of metals, alternative configurations of waste placements in the disposal system, and alternative disposal system dimensions. The results of this evaluation shall be included in any compliance application and shall be used to justify the selection and rejection of each engineered barrier evaluated.
(c)(1) In conducting the evaluation of engineered barrier alternatives, the following shall be considered, to the extent practicable:
(i) The ability of the engineered barrier to prevent or substantially delay the movement of water or waste toward the accessible environment;
(ii) The impact on worker exposure to radiation both during and after incorporation of engineered barriers;
(iii) The increased ease or difficulty of removing the waste from the disposal system;
(iv) The increased or reduced risk of transporting the waste to the disposal system;
(v) The increased or reduced uncertainty in compliance assessment;
(vi) Public comments requesting specific engineered barriers;
(vii) The increased or reduced total system costs;
(viii) The impact, if any, on other waste disposal programs from the incorporation of engineered barriers (e.g., the extent to which the incorporation of engineered barriers affects the volume of waste);
(ix) The effects on mitigating the consequences of human intrusion.
(2) If, after consideration of one or more of the factors in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Department concludes that an engineered barrier considered within the scope of the evaluation should be rejected without evaluating the remaining factors in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, then any compliance application shall provide a justification for this rejection explaining why the evaluation of the remaining factors would not alter the conclusion.
(d) In considering the ability of engineered barriers to prevent or substantially delay the movement of water or radionuclides toward the accessible environment, the benefit and detriment of engineered barriers for existing waste already packaged, existing waste not yet packaged, existing waste in need of re-packaging, and to-be-generated waste shall be considered separately and described.
(e) The evaluation described in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section shall consider engineered barriers alone and in combination.
§ 194.45 - Consideration of the presence of resources.
Any compliance application shall include information that demonstrates that the favorable characteristics of the disposal system compensate for the presence of resources in the vicinity of the disposal system and the likelihood of the disposal system being disturbed as a result of the presence of those resources. If performance assessments predict that the disposal system meets the containment requirements of § 191.13 of this chapter, then the Agency will assume that the requirements of this section and § 191.14(e) of this chapter have been fulfilled.
§ 194.46 - Removal of waste.
Any compliance application shall include documentation which demonstrates that removal of waste from the disposal system is feasible for a reasonable period of time after disposal. Such documentation shall include an analysis of the technological feasibility of mining the sealed disposal system, given technology levels at the time a compliance application is prepared.
§ 194.51 - Consideration of protected individual.
Compliance assessments that analyze compliance with § 191.15 of this chapter shall assume that an individual resides at the single geographic point on the surface of the accessible environment where that individual would be expected to receive the highest dose from radionuclide releases from the disposal system.
§ 194.52 - Consideration of exposure pathways.
In compliance assessments that analyze compliance with § 191.15 of this chapter, all potential exposure pathways from the disposal system to individuals shall be considered. Compliance assessments with part 191, subpart C and § 191.15 of this chapter shall assume that individuals consume 2 liters per day of drinking water from any underground source of drinking water in the accessible environment.
§ 194.53 - Consideration of underground sources of drinking water.
In compliance assessments that analyze compliance with part 191, subpart C of this chapter, all underground sources of drinking water in the accessible environment that are expected to be affected by the disposal system over the regulatory time frame shall be considered. In determining whether underground sources of drinking water are expected to be affected by the disposal system, underground interconnections among bodies of surface water, ground water, and underground sources of drinking water shall be considered.
§ 194.54 - Scope of compliance assessments.
(a) Any compliance application shall contain compliance assessments required pursuant to this part. Compliance assessments shall include information which:
(1) Identifies potential processes, events, or sequences of processes and events that may occur over the regulatory time frame;
(2) Identifies the processes, events, or sequences of processes and events included in compliance assessment results provided in any compliance application; and
(3) Documents why any processes, events, or sequences of processes and events identified pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section were not included in compliance assessment results provided in any compliance application.
(b) Compliance assessments of undisturbed performance shall include the effects on the disposal system of:
(1) Existing boreholes in the vicinity of the disposal system, with attention to the pathways they provide for migration of radionuclides from the site; and
(2) Any activities that occur in the vicinity of the disposal system prior to or soon after disposal. Such activities shall include, but shall not be limited to: Existing boreholes and the development of any existing leases that can be reasonably expected to be developed in the near future, including boreholes and leases that may be used for fluid injection activities.
§ 194.55 - Results of compliance assessments.
(a) Compliance assessments shall consider and document uncertainty in the performance of the disposal system.
(b) Probability distributions for uncertain disposal system parameter values used in compliance assessments shall be developed and documented in any compliance application.
(c) Computational techniques which draw random samples from across the entire range of values of each probability distribution developed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall be used to generate a range of:
(1) Estimated committed effective doses received from all pathways pursuant to § 194.51 and § 194.52;
(2) Estimated radionuclide concentrations in USDWs pursuant to § 194.53; and
(3) Estimated dose equivalent received from USDWs pursuant to § 194.52 and § 194.53.
(d) The number of estimates generated pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section shall be large enough such that the maximum estimates of doses and concentrations generated exceed the 99th percentile of the population of estimates with at least a 0.95 probability.
(e) Any compliance application shall display:
(1) The full range of estimated radiation doses; and
(2) The full range of estimated radionuclide concentrations.
(f) Any compliance application shall document that there is at least a 95 percent level of statistical confidence that the mean and the median of the range of estimated radiation doses and the range of estimated radionuclide concentrations meet the requirements of § 191.15 and part 191, subpart C of this chapter, respectively.
authority: Pub. L. 102-579, 106 Stat. 4777, as amended by Pub. L. 104-201,110 Stat. 2422; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970, 35 FR 15623, Oct. 6, 1970,
5 U.S.C. app. 1; Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,
42 U.S.C. 2011-2296 and 10101-10270
source: 61 FR 5235, Feb. 9, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 194.22