Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 233.30 - Application for a permit.

(a) Except when an activity is authorized by a general permit issued pursuant to § 233.21 or is exempt from the requirements to obtain a permit under § 232.3, any person who proposes to discharge dredged or fill material into State regulated waters shall complete, sign and submit a permit application to the Director. Persons proposing to discharge dredged or fill material under the authorization of a general permit must comply with any reporting requirements of the general permit.

(b) A complete application shall include:

(1) Name, address, telephone number of the applicant and name(s) and address(es) of adjoining property owners.

(2) A complete description of the proposed activity including necessary drawings, sketches or plans sufficient for public notice (the applicant is not generally expected to submit detailed engineering plans and specifications); the location, purpose and intended use of the proposed activity; scheduling of the activity; the location and dimensions of adjacent structures; and a list of authorizations required by other Federal, interstate, State or local agencies for the work, including all approvals received or denials already made.

(3) The application must include a description of the type, composition, source and quantity of the material to be discharged, the method of discharge, and the site and plans for disposal of the dredged or fill material.

(4) A certification that all information contained in the application is true and accurate and acknowledging awareness of penalties for submitting false information.

(5) All activities which the applicant plans to undertake which are reasonably related to the same project should be included in the same permit application.

(c) In addition to the information indicated in § 233.30(b), the applicant will be required to furnish such additional information as the Director deems appropriate to assist in the evaluation of the application. Such additional information may include environmental data and information on alternate methods and sites as may be necessary for the preparation of the required environmental documentation.

(d) The level of detail shall be reasonably commensurate with the type and size of discharge, proximity to critical areas, likelihood of long-lived toxic chemical substances, and potential level of environmental degradation.


EPA encourages States to provide permit applicants guidance regarding the level of detail of information and documentation required under this subsection. This guidance can be provided either through the application form or on an individual basis. EPA also encourages the State to maintain a program to inform potential applicants for permits of the requirements of the State program and of the steps required to obtain permits for activities in State regulated waters.

§ 233.31 - Coordination requirements.

(a) If a proposed discharge may affect the biological, chemical, or physical integrity of the waters of any State(s) other than the State in which the discharge occurs, the Director shall provide an opportunity for such State(s) to submit written comments within the public comment period and to suggest permit conditions. If these recommendations are not accepted by the Director, he shall notify the affected State and the Regional Administrator prior to permit issuance in writing of his failure to accept these recommendations, together with his reasons for so doing. The Regional Administrator shall then have the time provided for in § 233.50(d) to comment upon, object to, or make recommendations.

(b) State section 404 permits shall be coordinated with Federal and Federal-State water related planning and review processes.

§ 233.32 - Public notice.

(a) Applicability.

(1) The Director shall give public notice of the following actions:

(i) Receipt of a permit application.

(ii) Preparation of a draft general permit.

(iii) Consideration of a major modification to an issued permit.

(iv) Scheduling of a public hearing.

(v) Issuance of an emergency permit.

(2) Public notices may describe more than one permit or action.

(b) Timing.

(1) The public notice shall provide a reasonable period of time, normally at least 30 days, within which interested parties may express their views concerning the permit application.

(2) Public notice of a public hearing shall be given at least 30 days before the hearing.

(3) The Regional Administrator may approve a program with shorter public notice timing if the Regional Administrator determines that sufficient public notice is provided for.

(c) The Director shall give public notice by each of the following methods:

(1) By mailing a copy of the notice to the following persons (any person otherwise entitled to receive notice under this paragraph may waive his rights to receive notice for any classes or categories of permits):

(i) The applicant.

(ii) Any agency with jurisdiction over the activity or the disposal site, whether or not the agency issues a permit.

(iii) Owners of property adjoining the property where the regulated activity will occur.

(iv) All persons who have specifically requested copies of public notices. (The Director may update the mailing list from time to time by requesting written indication of continued interest from those listed. The Director may delete from the list the name of any person who fails to respond to such a request.)

(v) Any State whose waters may be affected by the proposed discharge.

(2) In addition, by providing notice in at least one other way (such as advertisement in a newspaper of sufficient circulation) reasonably calculated to cover the area affected by the activity.

(d) All public notices shall contain at least the following information:

(1) The name and address of the applicant and, if different, the address or location of the activity(ies) regulated by the permit.

(2) The name, address, and telephone number of a person to contact for further information.

(3) A brief description of the comment procedures and procedures to request a public hearing, including deadlines.

(4) A brief description of the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use, so as to provide sufficient information concerning the nature of the activity to generate meaningful comments, including a description of the type of structures, if any, to be erected on fills, and a description of the type, composition and quantity of materials to be discharged.

(5) A plan and elevation drawing showing the general and specific site location and character of all proposed activities, including the size relationship of the proposed structures to the size of the impacted waterway and depth of water in the area.

(6) A paragraph describing the various evaluation factors, including the 404(b)(1) Guidelines or State-equivalent criteria, on which decisions are based.

(7) Any other information which would significantly assist interested parties in evaluating the likely impact of the proposed activity.

(e) Notice of public hearing shall also contain the following information:

(1) Time, date, and place of hearing.

(2) Reference to the date of any previous public notices relating to the permit.

(3) Brief description of the nature and purpose of the hearing.

§ 233.33 - Public hearing.

(a) Any interested person may request a public hearing during the public comment period as specified in § 233.32. Requests shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised at the hearing.

(b) The Director shall hold a public hearing whenever he determines there is a significant degree of public interest in a permit application or a draft general permit. He may also hold a hearing, at his discretion, whenever he determines a hearing may be useful to a decision on the permit application.

(c) At a hearing, any person may submit oral or written statements or data concerning the permit application or draft general permit. The public comment period shall automatically be extended to the close of any public hearing under this section. The presiding officer may also extend the comment period at the hearing.

(d) All public hearings shall be reported verbatim. Copies of the record of proceedings may be purchased by any person from the Director or the reporter of such hearing. A copy of the transcript (or if none is prepared, a tape of the proceedings) shall be made available for public inspection at an appropriate State office.

§ 233.34 - Making a decision on the permit application.

(a) The Director will review all applications for compliance with the 404(b)(1) Guidelines and/or equivalent State environmental criteria as well as any other applicable State laws or regulations.

(b) The Director shall consider all comments received in response to the public notice, and public hearing if a hearing is held. All comments, as well as the record of any public hearing, shall be made part of the official record on the application.

(c) After the Director has completed his review of the application and consideration of comments, the Director will determine, in accordance with the record and all applicable regulations, whether or not the permit should be issued. No permit shall be issued by the Director under the circumstances described in § 233.20. The Director shall prepare a written determination on each application outlining his decision and rationale for his decision. The determination shall be dated, signed and included in the official record prior to final action on the application. The official record shall be open to the public.

§ 233.35 - Issuance and effective date of permit.

(a) If the Regional Administrator comments on a permit application or draft general permit under § 233.50, the Director shall follow the procedures specified in that section in issuing the permit.

(b) If the Regional Administrator does not comment on a permit application or draft general permit, the Director shall make a final permit decision after the close of the public comment period and shall notify the applicant.

(1) If the decision is to issue a permit, the permit becomes effective when it is signed by the Director and the applicant.

(2) If the decision is to deny the permit, the Director will notify the applicant in writing of the reason(s) for denial.

§ 233.36 - Modification, suspension or revocation of permits.

(a) General. The Director may reevaluate the circumstances and conditions of a permit either on his own motion or at the request of the permittee or of a third party and initiate action to modify, suspend, or revoke a permit if he determines that sufficient cause exists. Among the factors to be considered are:

(1) Permittee's noncompliance with any of the terms or conditions of the permit;

(2) Permittee's failure in the application or during the permit issuance process to disclose fully all relevant facts or the permittee's misrepresentation of any relevant facts at the time;

(3) Information that activities authorized by a general permit are having more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse effect on the environment, or that the permitted activities are more appropriately regulated by individual permits;

(4) Circumstances relating to the authorized activity have changed since the permit was issued and justify changed permit conditions or temporary or permanent cessation of any discharge controlled by the permit;

(5) Any significant information relating to the activity authorized by the permit if such information was not available at the time the permit was issued and would have justified the imposition of different permit conditions or denial at the time of issuance;

(6) Revisions to applicable statutory or regulatory authority, including toxic effluent standards or prohibitions or water quality standards.

(b) Limitations. Permit modifications shall be in compliance with § 233.20.

(c) Procedures. (1) The Director shall develop procedures to modify, suspend or revoke permits if he determines cause exists for such action (§ 233.36(a)). Such procedures shall provide opportunity for public comment (§ 233.32), coordination with the Federal review agencies (§ 233.50), and opportunity for public hearing (§ 233.33) following notification of the permittee. When permit modification is proposed, only the conditions subject to modification need be reopened.

(2) Minor modification of permits. The Director may, upon the consent of the permittee, use abbreviated procedures to modify a permit to make the following corrections or allowance for changes in the permitted activity:

(i) Correct typographical errors;

(ii) Require more frequent monitoring or reporting by permittee;

(iii) Allow for a change in ownership or operational control of a project or activity where the Director determines that no other change in the permit is necessary, provided that a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between the current and new permittees has been submitted to the Director;

(iv) Provide for minor modification of project plans that do not significantly change the character, scope, and/or purpose of the project or result in significant change in environmental impact;

(v) Extend the term of a permit, so long as the modification does not extend the term of the permit beyond 5 years from its original effective date and does not result in any increase in the amount of dredged or fill material allowed to be discharged.

§ 233.37 - Signatures on permit applications and reports.

The application and any required reports must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity or by that person's duly authorized agent if accompanied by a statement by that person designating the agent. In either case, the signature of the applicant or the agent will be understood to be an affirmation that he possesses or represents the person who possesses the requisite property interest to undertake the activity proposed in the application.

§ 233.38 - Continuation of expiring permits.

A Corps 404 permit does not continue in force beyond its expiration date under Federal law if, at that time, a State is the permitting authority. States authorized to administer the 404 Program may continue Corps or State-issued permits until the effective date of the new permits, if State law allows. Otherwise, the discharge is being conducted without a permit from the time of expiration of the old permit to the effective date of a new State-issued permit, if any.

§ 233.39 - Electronic reporting.

States that choose to receive electronic documents must satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR Part 3—(Electronic reporting) in their state program.

[70 FR 59888, Oct. 13, 2005]
authority: 33 U.S.C. 1251
source: 53 FR 20776, June 1, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 233.32