Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 720.40 - General.

(a) Use of the notice form; electronic submissions. (1) Each person who is required by subpart B of this part to submit a notice must complete, sign, and submit a notice containing the information in the form and manner specified in this paragraph. The information submitted and all attachments (unless the attachment appears in the open scientific literature) must be in English. All information submitted must be true and correct.

(2) All notices must be submitted on EPA Form 7710-25. Notices, and any support documents related to these notices, may only be submitted in a manner set forth in this paragraph.

(i) Submission via CDX. TSCA section 5 notices and any related support documents must be submitted electronically to EPA via CDX. Prior to submission to EPA via CDX, such notices must be generated and completed on EPA Form 7710-25 using e-PMN software.

(ii) You can access the e-PMN software as follows:

(A) Website. Go to EPA's TSCA New Chemicals Program website at and follow the appropriate links.

(B) Telephone. Call the EPA CDX Help Desk at 1-888-890-1995.

(C) E-mail. [email protected].

(b) When to submit a notice. Each person who is required to submit a notice must submit the notice at least 90 calendar days before manufacture of the new chemical substance for commercial purposes begins.

(c) Where to submit a notice or support documents. For submitting notices or support documents via CDX, use the e-PMN software.

(d) General notice requirements. (1) Each person who submits a notice must provide the information described in § 720.45 and specified on the notice form, to the extent such information is known to or reasonably ascertainable by the person. In accordance with § 720.50, the notice must also include any test data in the person's possession or control, and descriptions of other data which are known to or reasonably ascertainable by the person and which concern the health and environmental effects of the new chemical substance.

(2) If information is claimed as confidential pursuant to § 720.80, a person who submits a notice to EPA in the manner set forth in § 720.40(a)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) must also provide EPA with a sanitized copy.

(e) Agency or joint submissions. (1) A manufacturer (including importer) may designate an agent to assist in submitting the notice. If so, only the manufacturer (including importer), and not the agent, signs the certification on the form.

(2) A manufacturer may authorize another person, (e.g., a supplier or a toll manufacturer) to report some of the information required in the notice to EPA on its behalf. The manufacturer should indicate in a cover letter accompanying the notice which information will be supplied by another person and must identify that other person as a joint submitter where indicated on their notice form. The other person supplying information (i.e., the joint submitter) may submit the information to EPA using either the notice form or a Letter of Support, except that if the joint submitter is not incorporated, licensed, or doing business in the United States, the joint submitter must submit the information to EPA in a Letter of Support only, not in a notice form. The joint submitter must indicate in the notice or Letter of Support the identity of the manufacturer. Any person who submits a notice form or Letter of Support for a joint submission must sign and certify the notice form or Letter of Support.

(3) Only the Authorized Official (AO) of a submitting company can certify initial notices and submit all TSCA section 5 documents.

(i) An AO can authorize other persons to be non-certifying AOs who may conduct all section 5 business on behalf of the submitting company except for certifying and submitting initial notices to EPA via CDX.

(ii) An AO may grant access to a support registrant to edit section 5 documents.

(f) New information. During the notice review period, if the submitter possesses, controls, or knows of new information that materially adds to, changes, or otherwise makes significantly more complete the information included in the notice, the submitter must that information to the address listed on the notice form within ten days of receiving the new information, but no later than five days before the end of the notice review period. The new submission must clearly identify the submitter and the notice to which the new information is related. If the new information becomes available during the last five days of the notice review period, the submitter must immediately inform its EPA contract for that notice by telephone.

(g) Chemical substances subject to a section 4 test rule. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this section, if (i) A person intends to manufacture a new chemical substance which is subject to the notification requirements of this part, and (ii) The chemical substance is subject to a test rule promulgated under section 4 of the Act before the notice is submitted, section 5(b)(1) of the Act requires the person to submit the test data required by the testing rule with the notice. The person must submit the data in the form and manner specified in the test rule and in accordance with § 720.50. If the person does not submit the test data, the submission is incomplete and EPA will follow the procedures in § 720.65.

(2) If EPA has granted the submitter an exemption under section 4(c) of the Act from the requirement to conduct tests and submit data, the submitter may not submit a notice until EPA receives the test data.

(3) If EPA has granted the submitter an exemption under section 4(c) of the Act and if another person previously has submitted the test data to EPA, the exempted person may either submit the test data or provide the following information as part of the notice:

(i) The name, title, and address of the person who submitted the test data to EPA.

(ii) The date the test data were submitted to EPA.

(iii) A citation for the test rule.

(iv) A description of the exemption and a reference identifying it.

(h) Chemical substances subject to a section 5(b)(4) rule. (1) If a person (i) intends to manufacture a new chemical substance which is subject to the notification requirements of this part and which is subject to a rule issued under section 5(b)(4) of the Act; and (ii) is not required by a rule issued under section 4 of the Act to submit test data for the substance before the submission of a notice, the person must submit to EPA data described in paragraph (h)(2) of this section at the time the notice is submitted.

(2) Data submitted under paragraph (h)(1) of this section must be data which the person submitting the notice believes show that the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use and disposal of the substance, or any combination of such activities, will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.

[48 FR 21742, May 13, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 34204, June 23, 1993; 60 FR 16309, Mar. 29, 1995; 75 FR 784, Jan. 6, 2010; 78 FR 72827, Dec. 4, 2013; 80 FR 42746, July 20, 2015; 87 FR 39763, July 5, 2022]
§ 720.45 - Information that must be included in the notice form.

Each person who submits a notice must include the information specified in the notice form to the extent it is known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter. However, no person is required to include information which relates solely to exposure of human or ecological populations outside of the United States. The notice form requires the following information relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the new chemical substance:

(a)(1) The specific chemical identity of the substance that the person intends to manufacture or import, which includes the following:

(i) The currently correct Chemical Abstracts (CA) name for the substance, based on the Ninth Collective Index (9CI) of CA nomenclature rules and conventions, and consistent with listings for similar substances in the Inventory. For each substance having a chemical composition that can be represented by a specific, complete chemical structure diagram (a Class 1 substance), a CA Index Name must be provided. For each chemical substance that cannot be fully represented by a complete, specific chemical structure diagram (a Class 2 substance), or if the substance is a polymer, a CA Index Name or CA Preferred Name must be provided (whichever is appropriate based on CA 9CI nomenclature rules and conventions). In addition, for a Class 2 substance, the notice must identify the immediate chemical precursors and reactants by specific chemical name and Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN), if the number is available. Tradenames or generic names of chemical precursors or reactants are not acceptable as substitutes for specific chemical names.

(ii) The currently correct CASRN for the substance if a CASRN already exists for the substance.

(iii) For a Class 1 substance and for any Class 2 substance for which a definite molecular formula is known or reasonably ascertainable, the correct molecular formula.

(iv) For a Class 1 substance, a complete, correct chemical structure diagram; for a Class 2 substance or polymer, a correct representative or partial chemical structure diagram, as complete as can be known, if one can be reasonably ascertained.

(2) For a polymer, the submitter must also report the following:

(i) The specific chemical name and CASRN, if the number is available, of each monomer and other reactant used, at any weight percent, to manufacture the polymer. Tradenames or generic names of chemical reactants or monomers are not acceptable as substitutes for specific chemical names.

(ii) The typical percent by weight of each monomer and other reactant in the polymer (weight of the monomer or other reactant expressed as a percentage of the weight of the polymeric chemical substance manufactured), and the maximum residual amount of each monomer present in the polymer.

(iii) For monomers and other reactants used at 2 weight percent or less (based on the dry weight of the polymer manufactured), indicate on the PMN form any such monomers and other reactants that should be included as part of the polymer description on the Inventory, where the weight percent is based on either (A) the weight of monomer or other reactant actually charged to the reaction vessel, or (B) the minimum weight of monomer or other reactant required in theory to account for the actual weight of monomer or other reactant molecules or fragments chemically incorporated (chemically combined) in the polymeric substance manufactured.

(iv) For a determination that 2 weight percent or less of a monomer or other reactant is incorporated (chemically combined) in a polymeric substance manufactured, as specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, analytical data or appropriate theoretical calculations (if it can be documented that analytical measurement is not feasible or not necessary) to support this determination must be maintained at the site of manufacture or import of the polymer.

(v) Measured or estimated values of the minimum number-average molecular weight of the polymer and the amount of low molecular weight species below 500 and below 1,000 molecular weight, with a description of how the measured or estimated values were obtained.

(3) The person must use one of the following two methods to develop or obtain the specified chemical identity information reported under paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section and must identify the method used in the notice:

(i) Method 1. Obtain the correct chemical identity information required by paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section directly from the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), specifically from the CAS Registry Services Inventory Expert Service, prior to submitting a notice to EPA. A copy of the chemical identification report obtained from CAS must be submitted with the notice.

(ii) Method 2. Obtain the correct chemical identity information required by paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) from any source. The notice will be incomplete according to § 720.65(c)(1)(vi) if the person uses Method 2 and any chemical identity information is determined to be incorrect by EPA.

(4) If an importer submitting the notice cannot provide all the information specified in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section because it is claimed as confidential by the foreign supplier of the substance, the importer must have the foreign supplier follow the procedures in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and provide the correct chemical identity information specified in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section directly to EPA in a joint submission or as a letter of support to the notice, which clearly references the importer's notice and PMN User Fee Identification Number. The statutory review process will commence upon receipt of both the notice and the complete, correct information.

(5) If a manufacturer cannot provide all the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section because the new chemical substance is manufactured using a reactant having a specific chemical identity claimed as confidential by its supplier, the manufacturer must submit a notice directly to EPA containing all the information known by the manufacturer about the chemical identity of the reported substance and its proprietary reactant. In addition, the manufacturer must ensure that the supplier of the confidential reactant submit a letter of support directly to EPA providing the specific chemical identity of the confidential reactant, including the CAS number, if available, and the appropriate PMN or exemption number, if applicable. The letter of support must reference the manufacturer's name and PMN Fee Identification Number. The statutory review period will commence upon receipt of both the notice and the letter of support.

(b) The impurities anticipated to be present in the substance by name, CAS Registry number, and weight percent of the total substance.

(c) Known synonyms or trade names of the new chemical substance.

(d) A description of the byproducts resulting from the manufacture, processing, use, and disposal of the new chemical substance.

(e) The estimated maximum amount to be manufactured during the first year of production and the estimated maximum amount to be manufactured during any 12-month period during the first three years of production.

(f) A description of intended categories of use by function and application, the estimated percent of production volume devoted to each category of use, and the percent of the new substance in the formulation for each commercial or consumer use.

(g) For sites controlled by the submitter:

(1) The identity of sites where the new substance will be manufactured, processed, or used.

(2) A process description of each manufacture, processing, and use operation which includes a diagram of the major unit operations and chemical conversions, the identity and entry point of all feedstocks, and the points of release of the new chemical substance.

(3) Worker exposure information, including worker activities, physical form of the new substance to which workers may be exposed, the number of workers, and the duration of activities.

(4) Information on release of the new substance to the environment, including the quantity and media of release and type of control technology used.

(h) For sites not controlled by the submitter, a description of each type of processing and use operation involving the new chemical substance, including identification of the estimated number of processing or use sites, situations in which worker exposure to and/or environmental release of the new chemical substance will occur, the number of workers exposed and the duration of exposure, and controls which limit worker exposure and environmental release.

(i) Any safety data sheet already developed for the new chemical substance, including draft safety data sheets.

[48 FR 21742, May 13, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 16310, Mar. 29, 1995; 83 FR 52719, Oct. 17, 2018; 87 FR 39763, July 5, 2022]
§ 720.50 - Submission of test data and other data concerning the health and environmental effects of a substance.

(a) Test data on the new chemical substance in the possession or control of the submitter. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, each notice must contain all test data in the submitter's possession or control which are related to the effects on health or the environment of any manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of the new chemical substance or any mixture or article containing the new chemical substance, or any combination of such activities. This includes test data concerning the new chemical substance in a pure, technical grade, or formulated form.

(2) A full report or standard literature citation must be submitted for the following types of test data:

(i) Health effects data.

(ii) Ecological effects data.

(iii) Physical and chemical properties data.

(iv) Environmental fate characteristics.

(v) Monitoring data and other test data related to human exposure to or environmental release of the chemical substance.

(3)(i) If the data do not appear in the open scientific literature, the submitter must provide a full report. A full report includes the experimental methods and materials, results, discussion and data analysis, conclusions, references, and the name and address of the laboratory that developed the data.

(ii) If the data appear in the open scientific literature, the submitter need only provide a standard literature citation. A standard literature citation includes author, title, periodical name, date of publication, volume, and page numbers.

(4)(i) If a study, report, or test is incomplete when a person submits a notice, the submitter must identify the nature and purpose of the study; name and address of the laboratory developing the data; progress to date; types of data collected; significant preliminary results; and anticipated completion date.

(ii) If a test or experiment is completed before the notice review period ends, the person must submit the study, report, or test to the address listed on the notice form, as specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, within ten days of receiving it, but no later than five days before the end of the review period. If the test or experiment is completed during the last five days of the review period, the submitter must immediately inform its EPA contact for that notice by telephone.

(5) For test data in the submitter's possession or control which are not listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a person is not required to submit a complete report. The person must submit a summary of the data. If EPA so requests, the person must submit a full report within ten days of the request, but no later than five days before the end of the review period.

(6) All test data described by paragraph (a) are subject to these requirements, regardless of their age, quality, or results.

(b) Other data concerning the health and environmental effects of the new chemical substance that are known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, any person who submits a notice must describe the following data, including any data from a health and safety study, if the data are related to the effects on health or the environment of any manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of the new chemical substance, of any mixture or article containing the new chemical substance, or of any combination of such activities:

(i) Any data, other than test data, in the submitter's possession or control.

(ii) Any data, including test data, which are not in the submitter's possession or control, but which are known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter. For the purposes of this section, data are known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter if the data are known to any of its employees or other agents who are associated with the research and development, test marketing, or commercial marketing of the substance.

(2) Data that must be described include data concerning the new chemical substance in a pure, technical grade, or formulated form.

(3) The description of data reported under this paragraph must include:

(i) If the data appear in the open scientific literature, a standard literature citation, which includes the author, title, periodical name, date of publication, volume, and pages.

(ii) If the data are not contained in the open scientific literature, a description of the type of data and summary of the results, if available, and the names and addresses of persons the submitter believes may have possession or control of the data.

(4) All data described by this paragraph are subject to these requirements, regardless of their age, quality, or results; and regardless of whether they are complete at the time the notice is submitted.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Data that need not be submitted—(1) Data previously submitted to EPA. (i) A person need not submit any data previously submitted to EPA with no claims of confidentiality if the notice includes the office or person to whom the data were submitted, the date of submission, and, if appropriate, a standard literature citation as specified in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section.

(ii) For data previously submitted to EPA with a claim of confidentiality, the person must resubmit the data with the notice and any claim of confidentiality, under § 720.80.

(2) Efficacy data. This part does not require submission of any data related solely to product efficacy. This does not exempt a person from submitting any of the data specified in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section.

(3) Non-U.S. exposure data. This part does not require submission of any data which relates only to exposure of humans or the environment outside the United States. This does not exclude nonexposure data such as data on health effects (including epidemiological studies), ecological effects, physical and chemical properties, or environmental fate characteristics.

[48 FR 21742, May 13, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 15102, Apr. 22, 1986]
§ 720.57 - Imports.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of this subpart C apply to each person who submits a notice for a new chemical substance which he or she intends to import for a commercial purpose. In addition, each importer must comply with this section.

(b) EPA will hold the principal importer, or the importer that EPA determines must submit the notice when there is no principal importer under § 720.22(b)(2), liable for complying with this part, for completing the notice form and for the completeness and truthfulness of all information which it submits.

[48 FR 21742, May 13, 1983, as amended at 87 FR 39764, July 5, 2022]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604,2607,and
source: 48 FR 21742, May 13, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 720.45