Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 761.180 - Records and monitoring.

This section contains recordkeeping and reporting requirements that apply to PCBs, PCB Items, and PCB storage and disposal facilities that are subject to the requirements of the part.

(a) PCBs and PCB Items in service or projected for disposal. Beginning February 5, 1990, each owner or operator of a facility, other than a commercial storer or a disposer of PCB waste, using or storing at any one time at least 45 kilograms (99.4 pounds) of PCBs contained in PCB Container(s), or one or more PCB Transformers, or 50 or more PCB Large High or Low Voltage Capacitors shall develop and maintain at the facility, or a central facility provided they are maintained at that facility, all annual records and the written annual document log of the disposition of PCBs and PCB Items. The written annual document log must be prepared for each facility by July 1 covering the previous calendar year (January through December). The annual document log shall be maintained for at least 3 years after the facility ceases using or storing PCBs and PCB Items in the quantities prescribed in this paragraph. Annual records (manifests and certificates of disposal) shall be maintained for the same period. The annual records and the annual document log shall be available for inspection at the facility where they are maintained by authorized representatives of EPA during normal business hours, and each owner or operator of a facility subject to these requirements shall know the location of these records. All records and annual documents required to be prepared and maintained by this section prior to February 5, 1990 shall continue to be maintained at the facility for the same time as the annual records and the annual document log. The annual document required for 1989 shall cover the period from January 1, 1989 to February 5, 1990.

(1) The annual records shall include the following:

(i) All signed manifests generated by the facility during the calendar year.

(ii) All Certificates of Disposal that have been received by the facility during the calendar year.

(iii) Records of inspections and cleanups performed in accordance with § 761.65(c)(5).

(2) The written annual document log shall include the following:

(i) The name, address, and EPA identification number of the facility covered by the annual document log and the calendar year covered by the annual document log.

(ii) The unique manifest number of every manifest generated by the facility during the calendar year, and from each manifest and for unmanifested waste that may be stored at the facility, the following information:

(A) For bulk PCB waste (e.g., in a tanker or truck), its weight in kilograms, the first date it was removed from service for disposal, the date it was placed into transport for off-site storage or disposal, and the date of disposal, if known.

(B) The serial number (if available) or other means of identifying each PCB Article (e.g., transformer or capacitor), the weight in kilograms of the PCB waste in each transformer or capacitor, the date it was removed from service for disposal, the date it was placed in transport for off-site storage or disposal, and the date of disposal, if known.

(C) A unique number identifying each PCB Container, a description of the contents of each PCB Container, such as liquid, soil, cleanup debris, etc., including the total weight of the material in kilograms in each PCB Container, the first date material placed in each PCB Container was removed from service for disposal, and the date each PCB Container was placed in transport for off-site storage or disposal, and the date of disposal (if known).

(D) A unique number identifying each PCB Article Container, a description of the contents of each PCB Article Container, such as pipes, capacitors, electric motors, pumps, etc., including the total weight in kilograms of the content of each PCB Article Container, the first date a PCB Article placed in each PCB Article Container was removed from service for disposal, and the date the PCB Article Container was placed in transport for off-site storage or disposal, and the date of disposal (if known.)

(iii) The total number by specific type of PCB Articles and the total weight in kilograms of PCBs in PCB Articles, the total number of PCB Article Containers and total weight in kilograms of the contents of PCB Article Containers, the total number of PCB Containers and the total weight in kilograms of the contents of PCB Containers, and the total weight in kilograms of bulk PCB waste that was placed into storage for disposal or disposed during the calendar year.

(iv) The total number of PCB Transformers and total weight in kilograms of PCBs contained in the transformers remaining in service at the end of the calendar year.

(v) The total number of Large High or Low Voltage PCB Capacitors remaining in service at the end of the calendar year.

(vi) The total weight in kilograms of any PCBs and PCB Items in PCB Containers, including the identification of container contents, remaining in service at the facility at the end of the calendar year.

(vii) For any PCBs or PCB item received from or shipped to another facility owned or operated by the same generator, the information required under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) through (a)(2)(ii)(D) of this section.

(viii) [Reserved]

(ix) Whenever a PCB Item, excluding small capacitors, with a concentration of ≥50 ppm is distributed in commerce for reuse pursuant to § 761.20(c)(1), the name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom the item was transferred, date of transfer, and the serial number of the item or the internal identification number, if a serial number is not available, must be recorded in the annual document log. The serial number or internal identification number shall be permanently marked on the equipment.

(3) [Reserved]

(4) For purposes of this paragraph, PCB Voltage Regulators shall be recorded as PCB Transformers.

(b) Disposers and commercial storers of PCB waste. Beginning February 5, 1990, each owner or operator of a facility (including high efficiency boiler operations) used for the commercial storage or disposal of PCBs and PCB Items shall maintain annual records on the disposition of all PCBs and PCB items at the facility and prepare and maintain a written annual document log that includes the information required by paragraphs (b)(2) of this section for PCBs and PCB Items that were handled as PCB waste at the facility. The written annual document log shall be prepared by July 1 for the previous calendar year (January through December). The written annual document log shall be maintained at each facility for at least 3 years after the facility is no longer used for the storage or disposal of PCBs and PCB Items except that, in the case of chemical waste landfills, the annual document log shall be maintained at least 20 years after the chemical waste landfill is no longer used for the disposal of PCBs and PCB Items. The annual records shall be maintained for the same period. The annual records and written annual document log shall be available at the facility for inspection by authorized representatives of the EPA. All records and annual documents required to be prepared and maintained by this section prior to February 5, 1990 shall continue to be maintained at the facility for the same time as the annual records and the annual document log. The annual document for 1989 shall cover the period from January 1, 1989 to February 5, 1990. From the written annual document log the owner or operator of a facility must prepare the annual report containing the information required by paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (b)(3)(vi) of this section for PCBs and PCB Items that were handled as PCB waste at the facility during the previous calendar year (January through December). The annual report must be submitted by July 15 of each year for the preceding calendar year. If the facility ceases commercial PCB storage or disposal operations, the owner or operator of the facility shall provide at least 60 days advance written notice to the Regional Administrator for the region in which the facility is located of the date the facility intends to begin closure. d

(1) The annual records shall include the following:

(i) All signed manifests generated or received at the facility during the calendar year.

(ii) All Certificates of Disposal that have been generated or received by the facility during the calendar year.

(iii) Records of inspections and cleanups performed in accordance with § 761.65(c)(5).

(2) The written annual document log shall include the following:

(i) The name, address, and EPA identification number of the storage or disposal facility covered by the annual document log and the calendar year covered by the annual document log.

(ii) For each manifest generated or received by the facility during the calendar year, the unique manifest number and the name and address of the facility that generated the manifest and the following information:

(A) For bulk PCB waste (e.g., in a tanker or truck), its weight in kilograms, the first date PCB waste placed in the tanker or truck was removed from service for disposal, the date it was received at the facility, the date it was placed in transport for off-site disposal (if applicable), and the date of disposal, (if known).

(B) The serial number or other means of identifying each PCB Article, not in a PCB Container or PCB Article Container, the weight in kilograms of the PCB waste in the PCB Article, the date it was removed from service for disposal, the date it was received at the facility, the date it was placed in transport for off-site disposal (if applicable), and the date of disposal (if known).

(C) The unique number assigned by the generator identifying each PCB Container, a description of the contents of each PCB Container, such as liquid, soil, cleanup debris, etc., including the total weight of the PCB waste in kilograms in each PCB Container, the first date PCB waste placed in each PCB Container was removed from service for disposal, the date it was received at the facility, the date each PCB Container was placed in transport for off-site storage or disposal (as applicable), and the date the PCB Container was disposed of (if known).

(D) The unique number assigned by the generator identifying each PCB Article Container, a description of the contents of each PCB Article Container, such as pipes, capacitors, electric motors, pumps, etc., including the total weight in kilograms of the PCB waste in each PCB Article Container, the first date a PCB Article placed in each PCB Article Container was removed from service for disposal, the date it was received at the facility, the date each PCB Article Container was placed in transport for off-site storage or disposal (as applicable), and the date the PCB Article Container was disposed of (if known).

(E) Disposers of PCB waste shall include the confirmed date of disposal for items in paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (b)(2)(ii)(D) of this section.

(iii) For any PCB waste disposed at a facility that generated the PCB waste or any PCB waste that was not manifested to the facility, the information required under paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (b)(2)(ii)(E) of this section.

(3) The owner or operator of a PCB disposal facility (including an owner or operator who disposes of their own waste and does not receive or generate manifests) or a commercial storage facility shall submit an annual report using EPA Form 6200-025, which briefly summarizes the records and annual document log required to be maintained and prepared under paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section to the Director, Office Resource Conservation and Recovery at the address listed on the form, by July 15 of each year, beginning with July 15, 1991. The first annual report submitted on July 15, 1991, shall be for the period starting February 5, 1990, and ending December 31, 1990. The annual report shall contain no confidential business information. The annual report shall consist of the information listed in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) The name, address, and EPA identification number of the facility covered by the annual report for the calendar year.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) The total weight in kilograms of PCB waste in PCB Large High or Low Voltage Capacitors, PCB waste in PCB Article Containers, PCB waste in PCB Transformers, bulk PCB waste, PCB waste in PCB Containers, and other PCB waste in storage at the facility at the beginning of the calendar year, received or generated at the facility, transferred to another facility, or disposed of at the facility during the calendar year. The information must be provided for each of these categories, as appropriate.

(iv) The total number of PCB Transformers, the total number of PCB Large High or Low Voltage Capacitors, the total number of PCB Article Containers, and the total number of PCB Containers in storage at the facility at the beginning of the calendar year, received or generated at the facility, transferred to another facility, or disposed of at the facility during the calendar year. The information must be provided for each of these categories, as appropriate.

(v) The total weight in kilograms of each of the following PCB categories: PCB waste in PCB Large High or Low Voltage Capacitors, PCB waste in PCB Article Containers, PCB waste in PCB Transformers, bulk PCB waste, PCB waste in PCB Containers, and other PCB waste remaining in storage for disposal at the facility at the end of the calendar year

(vi) The total number of PCB Transformers, the total number of PCB Large High or Low Voltage Capacitors, the total number of PCB Article Containers, and the total number of PCB Containers remaining in storage for disposal at the facility at the end of the calendar year.

(vii) The requirement to submit annual reports to the Regional Administrator continues until the submission of the annual report for the calendar year during which the facility ceases PCB storage or disposal operations. Storage operations have not ceased until all PCB waste, including any PCB waste generated during closure, has been removed from the facility.

(4) Whenever a commercial storer of PCB waste accepts PCBs or PCB Items at their storage facility and transfers the PCB waste off-site to another facility for storage or disposal, the commercial storer of PCB waste shall initiate a manifest under subpart K of this part for the transfer of PCBs or PCB Items to the next storage or disposal facility.

Note 1 to paragraph (b)(4):

Any requirements for weights in kilograms of PCBs may be calculated values if the internal volume of PCBs in containers and transformers is known and included in the reports, together with any assumptions on the density of the PCBs contained in the containers or transformers. If the internal volume of PCBs is not known, a best estimate may be used.

(5) For purposes of this paragraph, PCB Voltage Regulators shall be recorded and reported as PCB Transformers.

(c) Incineration facilities. Each owner or operator of a PCB incinerator facility shall collect and maintain for a period of 5 years from the date of collection the following information, in addition to the information required in paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) When PCBs are being incinerated, the following continuous and short-interval data:

(i) Rate and quantity of PCBs fed to the combustion system as required in § 761.70(a)(3);

(ii) Temperature of the combustion process as required in § 761.70(a)(4); and

(iii) Stack emission product to include O2, CO, and CO2 as required in § 761.70(a)(7).

(2) When PCBs are being incinerated, data and records on the monitoring of stack emissions as required in § 761.70(a)(6).

(3) Total weight in kilograms of any solid residues generated by the incineration of PCBs and PCB Items during the calendar year, the total weight in kilograms of any solid residues disposed of by the facility in chemical waste landfills, and the total weight in kilograms of any solid residues remaining on the facility site.

(4) When PCBs and PCB Items are being incinerated, additional periodic data shall be collected and maintained as specified by the Regional Administrator pursuant to § 761.70(d)(4).

(5) Upon any suspension of the operation of any incinerator pursuant to § 761.70(a)(8), the owner or operator of such an incinerator shall prepare a document. The document shall, at a minimum, include the date and time of the suspension and an explanation of the circumstances causing the suspension of operation. The document shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Administrator within 30 days of any such suspension.

(d) Chemical waste landfill facilities. Each owner or operator of a PCB chemical waste landfill facility shall collect and maintain until at least 20 years after the chemical waste landfill is no longer used for the disposal of PCBs the following information in addition to the information required in paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) Any water analysis obtained in compliance with § 761.75(b)(6)(iii); and

(2) Any operations records including burial coordinates of wastes obtained in compliance with § 761.75(b)(8)(ii).

(e) High efficiency boiler facilities. Each owner or operator of a high efficiency boiler used for the disposal of liquids between 50 and 500 ppm PCB shall collect and maintain for a period of 5 years the following information, in addition to the information required in paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) For each month PCBs are burned in the boiler the carbon monoxide and excess oxygen data required in § 761.71(a)(1)(viii) and § 761.71(b)(1)(viii);

(2) The quantity of PCBs burned each month as required in § 761.71(a)(1)(vii) and § 761.71(b)(1)(vii); and

(3) For each month PCBs (other than mineral oil dielectric fluid) are burned, chemical analysis data of the waste as required in § 761.71(b)(2)(vi).

(f) Retention of special records by storage and disposal facilities. In addition to the information required to be maintained under paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this section, each owner or operator of a PCB storage or disposal facility (including high efficiency boiler operations) shall collect and maintain for the time period specified in paragraph (b) of this section the following data:

(1) All documents, correspondence, and data that have been provided to the owner or operator of the facility by any State or local government agency and that pertain to the storage or disposal of PCBs and PCB Items at the facility.

(2) All documents, correspondence, and data that have been provided by the owner or operator of the facility to any State or local government agency and that pertain to the storage or disposal of PCBs and PCB Items at the facility.

(3) Any applications and related correspondence sent by the owner or operator of the facility to any local, State, or Federal authorities in regard to waste water discharge permits, solid waste permits, building permits, or other permits or authorizations such as those required by §§ 761.70(d) and 761.75(c).

(g) Reclassification records. If you reclassify electrical equipment using the procedures in § 761.30(a)(2)(v) or § 761.30(h)(2)(v), you must keep records showing that you followed the required reclassification procedures. Where these procedures require testing, the records must include copies of pre- and post-reclassification PCB concentration measurements from a laboratory using quality control and quality assurance procedures. You must make these records available promptly to EPA or to any party possessing the equipment through sale, loan, lease, or for servicing. You must retain the records for at least 3 years after you sell or dispose of the equipment.

(Sec. 6, Pub. L. 94-469, 90 Stat. 2020 (15 U.S.C. 2605) [44 FR 31542, May 31, 1979. Redesignated at 47 FR 19527, May 6, 1982, and further redesignated at 47 FR 37360, Aug. 25, 1982; 49 FR 28191, July 10, 1984; 53 FR 12524, Apr. 15, 1988; 54 FR 52750, Dec. 21, 1989; 55 FR 26205, June 27, 1990; 58 FR 34205, June 23, 1993; 63 FR 35461, June 29, 1998; 66 FR 17619, Apr. 2, 2001; 77 FR 54830, Sept. 6, 2012; 88 FR 59693, Aug. 29, 2023]
§ 761.185 - Certification program and retention of records by importers and persons generating PCBs in excluded manufacturing processes.

(a) In addition to meeting the basic requirements of § 761.1(f) and the definition of excluded manufacturing processes at § 761.3, manufacturers with processes inadvertently generating PCBs and importers of products containing inadvertently generated PCBs must report to EPA any excluded manufacturing process or imports for which the concentration of PCBs in products leaving the manufacturing site or imported is greater than 2 micrograms per gram (2 µg/g, roughly 2 ppm) for any resolvable gas chromatographic peak. Such reports must be filed by October 1, 1984 or, if no processes or imports require reports at the time, within 90 days of having processes or imports for which such reports are required.

(b) Manufacturers required to report by paragraph (a) of this section must transmit a letter notifying EPA of the number, the type, and the location of excluded manufacturing processes in which PCBs are generated when the PCB level in products leaving any manufacturing site is greater than 2 µg/g for any resolvable gas chromatographic peak. Importers required to report by paragraph (a) of this section must transmit a letter notifying EPA of the concentration of PCBs in imported products when the PCB concentration of products being imported is greater than 2 µg/g for any resolvable gas chromatographic peak. Persons must also certify the following:

(1) Their compliance with all applicable requirements of § 761.1(f), including any applicable requirements for air and water releases and process waste disposal.

(2) Whether determinations of compliance are based on actual monitoring of PCB levels or on theoretical assessments.

(3) That such determinations of compliance are being maintained.

(4) If the determination of compliance is based on a theoretical assessment, the letter must also notify EPA of the estimated PCB concentration levels generated and released.

(c) Any person who reports pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) Must have performed either a theoretical analysis or actual monitoring of PCB concentrations.

(2) Must maintain for a period of three years after ceasing process operations or importation, or for seven years, whichever is shorter, records containing the following information:

(i) Theoretical analysis. Manufacturers records must include: the reaction or reactions believed to be generating PCBs; the levels of PCBs generated; and the levels of PCBs released. Importers records must include: the reaction or reactions believed to be generating PCBs and the levels of PCBs generated; the basis for all estimations of PCB concentrations; and the name and qualifications of the person or persons performing the theoretical analysis; or

(ii) Actual monitoring. (A) The method of analysis.

(B) The results of the analysis, including data from the Quality Assurance Plan.

(C) Description of the sample matrix.

(D) The name of the analyst or analysts.

(E) The date and time of the analysis.

(F) Numbers for the lots from which the samples are taken.

(d) The certification required by paragraph (b) of this section must be signed by a responsible corporate officer. This certification must be maintained by each facility or importer for a period of three years after ceasing process operation or importation, or for seven years, whichever is shorter, and must be made available to EPA upon request. For the purpose of this section, a responsible corporate officer means:

(1) A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation.

(2) The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25,000,000 (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures.

(e) Any person signing a document under paragraph (d) of this section shall also make the following certification:

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate information. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Dated: Signature:

(f) This report must be submitted to the Document Control Office (DCO) (7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001, ATTN: PCB Notification. This report must be submitted by October 1, 1984 or within 90 days of starting up processes or commencing importation of PCBs.

(g) This certification process must be repeated whenever process conditions are significantly modified to make the previous certification no longer valid.

(Sec. 6, Pub. L. 94-469, 90 Stat. 2020 (15 U.S.C. 2605) [49 FR 28191, July 10, 1984; 49 FR 33019, Aug. 20, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 12524, Apr. 15, 1988; 58 FR 34205, June 23, 1993; 59 FR 33697, June 30, 1994; 60 FR 34465, July 3, 1995; 71 FR 33642, June 12, 2006]
§ 761.187 - Reporting importers and by persons generating PCBs in excluded manufacturing processes.

In addition to meeting the basic requirements of § 761.1(f) and the definition of excluded manufacturing process at § 761.3, PCB-generating manufacturing processes or importers of PCB-containing products shall be considered “excluded manufacturing processes” only when the following conditions are met:

(a) Data are reported to the EPA by the owner/operator or importer concerning the total quantity of PCBs in product from excluded manufacturing processes leaving any manufacturing site in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 0.0025 percent of that site's rated capacity for such manufacturing processes as of October 1, 1984; or the total quantity of PCBs imported in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 0.0025 percent of the average total quantity of such product containing PCBs imported by such importer during the years 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982.

(b) Data are reported to the EPA by the owner/operator concerning the total quantity of inadvertently generated PCBs released to the air from excluded manufacturing processes at any manufacturing site in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 10 pounds.

(c) Data are reported to the EPA by the owner/operator concerning the total quantity of inadvertently generated PCBs released to water from excluded manufacturing processes from any manufacturing site in any calendar year when such quantity exceeds 10 pounds.

(d) These reports must be submitted to the Document Control Office (DCO) (7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001, ATTN: PCB Notification.

(Sec. 6, Pub. L. 94-469, 90 Stat. 2020 (15 U.S.C. 2605) [49 FR 28192, July 10, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 12524, Apr. 15, 1988; 58 FR 34205, June 23, 1993; 59 FR 33697, June 30, 1994; 60 FR 34465, July 3, 1995; 71 FR 33642, June 12, 2006]
§ 761.193 - Maintenance of monitoring records by persons who import, manufacture, process, distribute in commerce, or use chemicals containing inadvertently generated PCBs.

(a) Persons who import, manufacture, process, distribute in commerce, or use chemicals containing PCBs present as a result of inadvertent generation or recycling who perform any actual monitoring of PCB concentrations must maintain records of any such monitoring for a period of three years after a process ceases operation or importing ceases, or for seven years, whichever is shorter.

(b) Monitoring records maintained pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section must contain:

(1) The method of analysis.

(2) The results of the analysis, including data from the Quality Assurance Plan.

(3) Description of the sample matrix.

(4) The name of the analyst or analysts.

(5) The date and time of the analysis.

(6) Numbers for the lots from which the samples are taken.

(Sec. 6, Pub. L. 94-469, 90 Stat. 2020 (15 U.S.C. 2605) [49 FR 28193, July 10, 1984, as amended at 58 FR 34205, June 23, 1993]
source: 43 FR 7156, Feb. 17, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 761.185