Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1036.701 - General provisions.

(a) You may average, bank, and trade (ABT) emission credits for purposes of certification as described in this subpart and in subpart B of this part to show compliance with the standards of §§ 1036.104 and 1036.108. Participation in this program is voluntary. Note that certification to NOX standards in § 1036.104 is based on a family emission limit (FEL) and certification to CO2 standards in § 1036.108 is based on a Family Certification Level (FCL). This part refers to “FEL/FCL” to simultaneously refer to FELs for NOX and FCLs for CO2. Note also that subpart B of this part requires you to assign an FCL to all engine families, whether or not they participate in the ABT provisions of this subpart.

(b) The definitions of subpart I of this part apply to this subpart in addition to the following definitions:

(1) Actual emission credits means emission credits you have generated that we have verified by reviewing your final report.

(2) Averaging set means a set of engines in which emission credits may be exchanged. See § 1036.740.

(3) Broker means any entity that facilitates a trade of emission credits between a buyer and seller.

(4) Buyer means the entity that receives emission credits as a result of a trade.

(5) Reserved emission credits means emission credits you have generated that we have not yet verified by reviewing your final report.

(6) Seller means the entity that provides emission credits during a trade.

(7) Standard means the emission standard that applies under subpart B of this part for engines not participating in the ABT program of this subpart.

(8) Trade means to exchange emission credits, either as a buyer or seller.

(c) Emission credits may be exchanged only within an averaging set, except as specified in § 1036.740.

(d) You may not use emission credits generated under this subpart to offset any emissions that exceed an FEL/FCL or standard. This paragraph (d) applies for all testing, including certification testing, in-use testing, selective enforcement audits, and other production-line testing. However, if emissions from an engine exceed an FEL/FCL or standard (for example, during a selective enforcement audit), you may use emission credits to recertify the engine family with a higher FEL/FCL that applies only to future production.

(e) You may use either of the following approaches to retire or forego emission credits:

(1) You may retire emission credits generated from any number of your engines. This may be considered donating emission credits to the environment. Identify any such credits in the reports described in § 1036.730. Engines must comply with the applicable FELs even if you donate or sell the corresponding emission credits. Donated credits may no longer be used by anyone to demonstrate compliance with any EPA emission standards.

(2) You may certify an engine family using an FEL/FCL below the emission standard as described in this part and choose not to generate emission credits for that family. If you do this, you do not need to calculate emission credits for those engine families, and you do not need to submit or keep the associated records described in this subpart for that family.

(f) Emission credits may be used in the model year they are generated. Surplus emission credits may be banked for future model years. Surplus emission credits may sometimes be used for past model years, as described in § 1036.745.

(g) You may increase or decrease an FEL/FCL during the model year by amending your application for certification under § 1036.225. The new FEL/FCL may apply only to engines you have not already introduced into commerce.

(h) See § 1036.740 for special credit provisions that apply for greenhouse gas credits generated under 40 CFR 86.1819-14(k)(7) or § 1036.615 or 40 CFR 1037.615.

(i) Unless the regulations in this part explicitly allow it, you may not calculate Phase 1 credits more than once for any emission reduction. For example, if you generate Phase 1 CO2 emission credits for a hybrid engine under this part for a given vehicle, no one may generate CO2 emission credits for that same hybrid engine and the associated vehicle under 40 CFR part 1037. However, Phase 1 credits could be generated for identical vehicles using engines that did not generate credits under this part.

(j) Credits you generate with compression-ignition engines in 2020 and earlier model years may be used in model year 2021 and later as follows:

(1) For credit-generating engines certified to the tractor engine standards in § 1036.108, you may use credits calculated relative to the tractor engine standards.

(2) For credit-generating engines certified to the vocational engine standards in § 1036.108, you may optionally carry over adjusted vocational credits from an averaging set, and you may use credits calculated relative to the emission levels in the following table:

Table 1 to Paragraph (j)(2) of § 1036.701—Emission Levels for Credit Calculation

Medium HDE Heavy HDE
558 g/hp·hr525 g/hp·hr.

(k) Engine families you certify with a nonconformance penalty under 40 CFR part 86, subpart L, may not generate emission credits.

§ 1036.705 - Generating and calculating emission credits.

(a) The provisions of this section apply separately for calculating emission credits for each pollutant.

(b) For each participating family, calculate positive or negative emission credits relative to the otherwise applicable emission standard. Calculate positive emission credits for a family that has an FEL/FCL below the standard. Calculate negative emission credits for a family that has an FEL/FCL above the standard. Sum your positive and negative credits for the model year before rounding.

(1) Calculate emission credits to the nearest megagram (Mg) for each family or subfamily using the following equation:

Where: Std = the emission standard, in (mg NOX)/hp·hr or (g CO2)/hp·hr, that applies under subpart B of this part for engines not participating in the ABT program of this subpart (the “otherwise applicable standard”). FL = the engine family's FEL for NOX, in mg/hp·hr, and FCL for CO2, in g/hp·hr, rounded to the same number of decimal places as the emission standard. CF = a transient cycle conversion factor (hp·hr/mile), calculated by dividing the total (integrated) horsepower-hour over the applicable duty cycle by 6.3 miles for engines subject to spark-ignition standards and 6.5 miles for engines subject to compression-ignition standards. This represents the average work performed over the duty cycle. See paragraph (b)(3) of this section for provisions that apply for CO2. Volume = the number of engines eligible to participate in the averaging, banking, and trading program within the given engine family or subfamily during the model year, as described in paragraph (c) of this section. UL = the useful life for the standard that applies for a given primary intended service class, in miles. c = use 10 6 for CO2 and 10 9 for NOX. Example for Model Year 2025 Heavy HDE Generating CO2 Credits for a Model Year 2028 Heavy HDE: Std = 432 g/hp·hr FL = 401 g/hp·hr CF = 9.78 hp·hr/mile Volume = 15,342 UL = 435,000 miles c = 10 6 Emission credits = (432 − 401) · 9.78 · 15,342 · 435,000 · 10 6 Emission credits = 28,131,142 Mg

(2) [Reserved]

(3) The following additional provisions apply for calculating CO2 credits:

(i) For engine families certified to both the vocational and tractor engine standards, calculate credits separately for the vocational engines and the tractor engines. We may allow you to use statistical methods to estimate the total production volumes where a small fraction of the engines cannot be tracked precisely.

(ii) Calculate the transient cycle conversion factor for vocational engines based on the average of vocational engine configurations weighted by their production volumes. Similarly, calculate the transient cycle conversion factor for tractor engines based on the average of tractor engine configurations weighted by their production volumes. Note that calculating the transient cycle conversion factor for tractors requires you to use the conversion factor even for engines certified to standards based on the SET duty cycle.

(iii) The FCL for CO2 is based on measurement over the FTP duty cycle for vocational engines and over the SET duty cycle for tractor engines.

(4) You may not generate emission credits for tractor engines (i.e., engines not certified to the transient cycle for CO2) installed in vocational vehicles (including vocational tractors certified under 40 CFR 1037.630 or exempted under 40 CFR 1037.631). We will waive this provision where you demonstrate that less than five percent of the engines in your tractor family were installed in vocational vehicles. For example, if you know that 96 percent of your tractor engines were installed in non-vocational tractors but cannot determine the vehicle type for the remaining four percent, you may generate credits for all the engines in the family.

(5) You may generate CO2 emission credits from a model year 2021 or later medium heavy-duty engine family subject to spark-ignition standards for exchanging with other engine families only if the engines in the family are gasoline-fueled. You may generate CO2 credits from non-gasoline engine families only for the purpose of offsetting CH4 and/or N2O emissions within the same engine family as described in paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Compliance with the requirements of this subpart is determined at the end of the model year by calculating emission credits based on actual production volumes, excluding the following engines:

(1) Engines that you do not certify to the CO2 standards of this part because they are permanently exempted under subpart G of this part or under 40 CFR part 1068.

(2) Exported engines.

(3) Engines not subject to the requirements of this part, such as those excluded under § 1036.5. For example, do not include engines used in vehicles certified to the greenhouse gas standards of 40 CFR 86.1819.

(4) Engines certified to state emission standards that are different than the emission standards referenced in this section, and intended for sale in a state that has adopted those emission standards.

(5) Any other engines if we indicate elsewhere in this part that they are not to be included in the calculations of this subpart.

(d) You may use CO2 emission credits to show compliance with CH4 and/or N2O FELs instead of the otherwise applicable emission standards. To do this, calculate the CH4 and/or N2O emission credits needed (negative credits) using the equation in paragraph (b) of this section, using the FEL(s) you specify for your engines during certification instead of the FCL. You must use 34 Mg of positive CO2 credits to offset 1 Mg of negative CH4 credits for model year 2021 and later engines, and you must use 25 Mg of positive CO2 credits to offset 1 Mg of negative CH4 credits for earlier engines. You must use 298 Mg of positive CO2 credits to offset 1 Mg of negative N2O credits.

[88 FR 4487, Jan. 24, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 29764, Apr. 22, 2024]
§ 1036.710 - Averaging.

(a) Averaging is the exchange of emission credits among your engine families. You may average emission credits only within the same averaging set, except as specified in § 1036.740.

(b) You may certify one or more engine families to an FEL/FCL above the applicable standard, subject to any applicable FEL caps and other the provisions in subpart B of this part, if you show in your application for certification that your projected balance of all emission-credit transactions in that model year is greater than or equal to zero, or that a negative balance is allowed under § 1036.745.

(c) If you certify an engine family to an FEL/FCL that exceeds the otherwise applicable standard, you must obtain enough emission credits to offset the engine family's deficit by the due date for the final report required in § 1036.730. The emission credits used to address the deficit may come from your other engine families that generate emission credits in the same model year (or from later model years as specified in § 1036.745), from emission credits you have banked, or from emission credits you obtain through trading.

§ 1036.715 - Banking.

(a) Banking is the retention of surplus emission credits by the manufacturer generating the emission credits for use in future model years for averaging or trading.

(b) You may designate any emission credits you plan to bank in the reports you submit under § 1036.730 as reserved credits. During the model year and before the due date for the final report, you may designate your reserved emission credits for averaging or trading.

(c) Reserved credits become actual emission credits when you submit your final report. However, we may revoke these emission credits if we are unable to verify them after reviewing your reports or auditing your records.

(d) Banked credits retain the designation of the averaging set in which they were generated.

§ 1036.720 - Trading.

(a) Trading is the exchange of emission credits between manufacturers. You may use traded emission credits for averaging, banking, or further trading transactions. Traded emission credits remain subject to the averaging-set restrictions based on the averaging set in which they were generated.

(b) You may trade actual emission credits as described in this subpart. You may also trade reserved emission credits, but we may revoke these emission credits based on our review of your records or reports or those of the company with which you traded emission credits. You may trade banked credits within an averaging set to any certifying manufacturer.

(c) If a negative emission credit balance results from a transaction, both the buyer and seller are liable, except in cases we deem to involve fraud. See § 1036.255(e) for cases involving fraud. We may void the certificates of all engine families participating in a trade that results in a manufacturer having a negative balance of emission credits. See § 1036.745.

§ 1036.725 - Required information for certification.

(a) You must declare in your application for certification your intent to use the provisions of this subpart for each engine family that will be certified using the ABT program. You must also declare the FEL/FCL you select for the engine family for each pollutant for which you are using the ABT program. Your FELs must comply with the specifications of subpart B of this part, including the FEL caps.

(b) Include the following in your application for certification:

(1) A statement that, to the best of your belief, you will not have a negative balance of emission credits for any averaging set when all emission credits are calculated at the end of the year; or a statement that you will have a negative balance of emission credits for one or more averaging sets, but that it is allowed under § 1036.745.

(2) Calculations of projected emission credits (positive or negative) based on projected production volumes as described in § 1036.705(c). We may require you to include similar calculations from your other engine families to project your net credit balances for the model year. If you project negative emission credits for a family, state the source of positive emission credits you expect to use to offset the negative emission credits.

[88 FR 4487, Jan. 24, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 29764, Apr. 22, 2024]
§ 1036.730 - ABT reports.

(a) If you certify any of your engine families using the ABT provisions of this subpart, you must send us a final report by September 30 following the end of the model year.

(b) Your report must include the following information for each engine family participating in the ABT program:

(1) Engine-family designation and averaging set.

(2) The emission standards that would otherwise apply to the engine family.

(3) The FEL/FCL for each pollutant. If you change the FEL/FCL after the start of production, identify the date that you started using the new FEL/FCL and/or give the engine identification number for the first engine covered by the new FEL/FCL. In this case, identify each applicable FEL/FCL and calculate the positive or negative emission credits as specified in § 1036.225(f).

(4) The projected and actual production volumes for calculating emission credits for the model year. If you changed an FEL/FCL during the model year, identify the actual production volume associated with each FEL/FCL.

(5) The transient cycle conversion factor for each engine configuration as described in § 1036.705.

(6) Useful life.

(7) Calculated positive or negative emission credits for the whole engine family. Identify any emission credits that you traded, as described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(c) Your report must include the following additional information:

(1) Show that your net balance of emission credits from all your participating engine families in each averaging set in the applicable model year is not negative, except as allowed under § 1036.745. Your credit tracking must account for the limitation on credit life under § 1036.740(d).

(2) State whether you will reserve any emission credits for banking.

(3) State that the report's contents are accurate.

(d) If you trade emission credits, you must send us a report within 90 days after the transaction, as follows:

(1) As the seller, you must include the following information in your report:

(i) The corporate names of the buyer and any brokers.

(ii) A copy of any contracts related to the trade.

(iii) The averaging set corresponding to the engine families that generated emission credits for the trade, including the number of emission credits from each averaging set.

(2) As the buyer, you must include the following information in your report:

(i) The corporate names of the seller and any brokers.

(ii) A copy of any contracts related to the trade.

(iii) How you intend to use the emission credits, including the number of emission credits you intend to apply for each averaging set.

(e) Send your reports electronically to the Designated Compliance Officer using an approved information format. If you want to use a different format, send us a written request with justification for a waiver.

(f) Correct errors in your report as follows:

(1) If you notify us by the deadline for submitting the final report that errors mistakenly decreased your balance of emission credits, you may correct the errors and recalculate the balance of emission credits. If you notify us that errors mistakenly decreased your balance of GHG emission credits after the deadline for submitting the final report, you may correct the errors and recalculate the balance of emission credits after applying a 10 percent discount to the credit correction, but only if you notify us within 24 months after the deadline for submitting the final report. If you report a negative balance of emission credits, we may disallow corrections under this paragraph (f)(1).

(2) If you or we determine any time that errors mistakenly increased your balance of emission credits, you must correct the errors and recalculate the balance of emission credits.

[88 FR 4487, Jan. 24, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 29764, Apr. 22, 2024]
§ 1036.735 - Recordkeeping.

(a) You must organize and maintain your records as described in this section. We may review your records at any time.

(b) Keep the records required by this section for at least eight years after the due date for the end-of-year report. You may not use emission credits for any engines if you do not keep all the records required under this section. You must therefore keep these records to continue to bank valid credits. Store these records in any format and on any media, as long as you can promptly send us organized, written records in English if we ask for them. You must keep these records readily available. We may review them at any time.

(c) Keep a copy of the reports we require in §§ 1036.725 and 1036.730.

(d) Keep appropriate records to document production volumes of engines that generate or use emission credits under the ABT program. For example, keep available records of the engine identification number (usually the serial number) for each engine you produce that generates or uses emission credits. You may identify these numbers as a range. If you change the FEL/FCL after the start of production, identify the date you started using each FEL/FCL and the range of engine identification numbers associated with each FEL/FCL. You must also identify the purchaser and destination for each engine you produce to the extent this information is available.

(e) We may require you to keep additional records or to send us relevant information not required by this section in accordance with the Clean Air Act.

[88 FR 4487, Jan. 24, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 29764, Apr. 22, 2024]
§ 1036.740 - Restrictions for using emission credits.

The following restrictions apply for using emission credits:

(a) Averaging sets. Except as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, emission credits may be exchanged only within the following averaging sets based on primary intended service class:

(1) Spark-ignition HDE.

(2) Light HDE.

(3) Medium HDE.

(4) Heavy HDE.

(b) Applying credits to prior year deficits. Where your CO2 credit balance for the previous year is negative, you may apply credits to that deficit only after meeting your credit obligations for the current year.

(c) CO2 credits from hybrid engines and other advanced technologies. Phase 1 CO2 credits you generate under § 1036.615 may be used for any of the averaging sets identified in paragraph (a) of this section; you may also use those credits to demonstrate compliance with the CO2 emission standards in 40 CFR 86.1819 and 40 CFR part 1037. Similarly, you may use Phase 1 advanced-technology credits generated under 40 CFR 86.1819-14(k)(7) or 40 CFR 1037.615 to demonstrate compliance with the CO2 standards in this part. In the case of Spark-ignition HDE and Light HDE you may not use more than 60,000 Mg of credits from other averaging sets in any model year.

(1) The maximum CO2 credits you may bring into the following service class groups is 60,000 Mg per model year:

(i) Spark-ignition HDE, Light HDE, and Light HDV. This group comprises the averaging sets listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section and the averaging set listed in 40 CFR 1037.740(a)(1).

(ii) Medium HDE and Medium HDV. This group comprises the averaging sets listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and 40 CFR 1037.740(a)(2).

(iii) Heavy HDE and Heavy HDV. This group comprises the averaging sets listed in paragraph (a)(4) of this section and 40 CFR 1037.740(a)(3).

(2) Paragraph (c)(1) of this section does not limit the advanced-technology credits that can be used within a service class group if they were generated in that same service class group.

(d) NOX and CO2 credit life. NOX and CO2 credits may be used only for five model years after the year in which they are generated. For example, credits you generate in model year 2027 may be used to demonstrate compliance with emission standards only through model year 2032.

(e) Other restrictions. Other sections of this part specify additional restrictions for using emission credits under certain special provisions.

§ 1036.745 - End-of-year CO2 credit deficits.

Except as allowed by this section, we may void the certificate of any engine family certified to an FCL above the applicable standard for which you do not have sufficient credits by the deadline for submitting the final report.

(a) Your certificate for an engine family for which you do not have sufficient CO2 credits will not be void if you remedy the deficit with surplus credits within three model years. For example, if you have a credit deficit of 500 Mg for an engine family at the end of model year 2015, you must generate (or otherwise obtain) a surplus of at least 500 Mg in that same averaging set by the end of model year 2018.

(b) You may not bank or trade away CO2 credits in the averaging set in any model year in which you have a deficit.

(c) You may apply only surplus credits to your deficit. You may not apply credits to a deficit from an earlier model year if they were generated in a model year for which any of your engine families for that averaging set had an end-of-year credit deficit.

(d) You must notify us in writing how you plan to eliminate the credit deficit within the specified time frame. If we determine that your plan is unreasonable or unrealistic, we may deny an application for certification for a vehicle family if its FEL would increase your credit deficit. We may determine that your plan is unreasonable or unrealistic based on a consideration of past and projected use of specific technologies, the historical sales mix of your vehicle models, your commitment to limit production of higher-emission vehicles, and expected access to traded credits. We may also consider your plan unreasonable if your credit deficit increases from one model year to the next. We may require that you send us interim reports describing your progress toward resolving your credit deficit over the course of a model year.

(e) If you do not remedy the deficit with surplus credits within three model years, we may void your certificate for that engine family. We may void the certificate based on your end-of-year report. Note that voiding a certificate applies ab initio. Where the net deficit is less than the total amount of negative credits originally generated by the family, we will void the certificate only with respect to the number of engines needed to reach the amount of the net deficit. For example, if the original engine family generated 500 Mg of negative credits, and the manufacturer's net deficit after three years was 250 Mg, we would void the certificate with respect to half of the engines in the family.

(f) For purposes of calculating the statute of limitations, the following actions are all considered to occur at the expiration of the deadline for offsetting a deficit as specified in paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) Failing to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) Failing to satisfy the conditions upon which a certificate was issued relative to offsetting a deficit.

(3) Selling, offering for sale, introducing or delivering into U.S. commerce, or importing vehicles that are found not to be covered by a certificate as a result of failing to offset a deficit.

§ 1036.750 - Consequences for noncompliance.

(a) For each engine family participating in the ABT program, the certificate of conformity is conditioned upon full compliance with the provisions of this subpart during and after the model year. You are responsible to establish to our satisfaction that you fully comply with applicable requirements. We may void the certificate of conformity for an engine family if you fail to comply with any provisions of this subpart.

(b) You may certify your engine family to an FEL/FCL above an applicable standard based on a projection that you will have enough emission credits to offset the deficit for the engine family. See § 1036.745 for provisions specifying what happens if you cannot show in your final report that you have enough actual emission credits to offset a deficit for any pollutant in an engine family.

(c) We may void the certificate of conformity for an engine family if you fail to keep records, send reports, or give us information we request. Note that failing to keep records, send reports, or give us information we request is also a violation of 42 U.S.C. 7522(a)(2).

(d) You may ask for a hearing if we void your certificate under this section (see § 1036.820).

§ 1036.755 - Information provided to the Department of Transportation.

After receipt of each manufacturer's final report as specified in § 1036.730 and completion of any verification testing required to validate the manufacturer's submitted final data, we will issue a report to the Department of Transportation with CO2 emission information and will verify the accuracy of each manufacturer's equivalent fuel consumption data that required by NHTSA under 49 CFR 535.8. We will send a report to DOT for each engine manufacturer based on each regulatory category and subcategory, including sufficient information for NHTSA to determine fuel consumption and associated credit values. See 49 CFR 535.8 to determine if NHTSA deems submission of this information to EPA to also be a submission to NHTSA.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401—7671q
source: 88 FR 4487, Jan. 24, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1036.740