Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 1039.101 - What exhaust emission standards must my engines meet after the 2014 model year?

The exhaust emission standards of this section apply after the 2014 model year. Certain standards in this section also apply for model year 2014 and earlier. This section presents the full set of emission standards that apply after all the transition and phase-in provisions of §§ 1039.102 and 1039.104 expire. Section 1039.105 specifies smoke standards.

(a) Emission standards for transient testing. Transient exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Table 1 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable transient test procedures described in subpart F of this part. The following engines are not subject to the transient standards in this paragraph (a):

(1) Engines above 560 kW.

(2) Constant-speed engines.

(b) Emission standards for steady-state testing. Steady-state exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Table 1 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable steady-state test procedures described in subpart F of this part.

(c) Optional PM standard for engines below 8 kW. You may certify hand-startable, air-cooled, direct injection engines below 8 kW to an optional Tier 4 PM standard of 0.60 g/kW-hr. The term hand-startable generally refers to engines that are started using a hand crank or pull cord. This PM standard applies to both steady-state and transient testing, as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. Engines certified under this paragraph (c) may not be used to generate PM or NOX + NMHC emission credits under the provisions of subpart H of this part. These engines may use PM or NOX + NMHC emission credits, subject to the FEL caps in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(d) Averaging, banking, and trading. You may generate or use emission credits under the averaging, banking, and trading (ABT) program, as described in subpart H of this part. This requires that you specify a family emission limit (FEL) for each pollutant you include in the ABT program for each engine family. These FELs serve as the emission standards for the engine family with respect to all required testing instead of the standards specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. The FELs determine the not-to-exceed standards for your engine family, as specified in paragraph (e) of this section.

(1) Primary FEL caps. The FEL may not be higher than the limits in Table 2 of this section, except as allowed by paragraph (d)(2) of this section or by § 1039.102:

Table 2 of § 1039.101—Tier 4 FEL Caps After the 2014 Model Year, g/kW-hr

Maximum engine power Application PM NOX NOX + NMHC
kW <19All0.80 1 9.5
19 ≤kW <56All0.057.5
56 ≤kW <130All0.040.80
130 ≤kW ≤560All0.040.80
kW >560Generator sets0.051.07
All except generator sets0.076.2

1 For engines below 8 kW, the FEL cap is 10.5 g/kW-hr for NOX + NMHC emissions.

(2) Alternate FEL caps. For a given power category, you may use the alternate FEL caps shown in Table 3 of this section instead of the FEL caps identified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section for up to 5 percent of your U.S.-directed production volume in a given model year.

Table 3 of § 1039.101—Alternate FEL Caps, g/kW-hr

Maximum engine power Starting model year 1 PM FEL
19 ≤kW <56 2 20160.30
56 ≤kW <1302016 3 0.30 3 3.8
130 ≤kW ≤56020150.203.8
kW >56020190.10 4 3.5

1 See § 1039.104(g) for alternate FEL caps that apply in earlier model years.

2 For manufacturers certifying engines under Option #1 of Table 3 of § 1039.102, these alternate FEL caps apply starting with the 2017 model year.

3 For engines below 75 kW, the FEL caps are 0.40 g/kW-hr for PM emissions and 4.4 g/kW-hr for NOX emissions.

4 For engines above 560 kW, the provision for alternate NOX FEL caps is limited to generator-set engines. For example, if you produce 1,000 generator-set engines above 560 kW in a given model year, up to 50 of them may be certified to the alternate NOX FEL caps.

(e) Not-to-exceed standards. Exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable not-to-exceed (NTE) standards in this paragraph (e).

(1) Measure emissions using the procedures described in subpart F of this part.

(2) Except as noted in paragraph (e)(7) of this section, the NTE standard, rounded to the same number of decimal places as the applicable standard in Table 1 of this section, is determined from the following equation:

NTE standard for each pollutant = (STD) × (M) Where: STD = The standard specified for that pollutant in Table 1 of this section (or paragraph (c) of this section) if you certify without using ABT for that pollutant; or the FEL for that pollutant if you certify using ABT. M = The NTE multiplier for that pollutant, as defined in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(3) The NTE multiplier for each pollutant is 1.25, except in the following cases:

If . . . Or . . . Then . . .
(i) The engine family is certified to a NOX standard less than 2.50 g/kW-hr without using ABTThe engine family is certified to a NOX FEL less than 2.50 g/kW-hr or a NOX + NMHC FEL less than 2.70 g/kW-hrThe multiplier for NOX, NMHC, and NOX + NMHC is 1.50.
(ii) The engine family is certified to a PM standard less than 0.07 g/kW-hr without using ABTThe engine family is certified to a PM FEL less than 0.07 g/kW-hrThe multiplier for PM is 1.50.

(4) There are two sets of specifications of ambient operating regions that will apply for all NTE testing of engines in an engine family. You must choose one set for each engine family and must identify your choice of ambient operating regions in each application for certification for an engine family. You may choose separately for each engine family. Choose one of the following ambient operating regions:

(i) All altitudes less than or equal to 5,500 feet above sea level during all ambient temperature and humidity conditions.

(ii) All altitudes less than or equal to 5,500 feet above sea level, for temperatures less than or equal to the temperature determined by the following equation at the specified altitude:

T = −0.00254 × A + 100 Where: T = ambient air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. A = altitude in feet above sea level (A is negative for altitudes below sea level).

(5) Temperature and humidity ranges for which correction factors are allowed are specified in 40 CFR 86.1370-2007(e).

(i) If you choose the ambient operating region specified in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section, the temperature and humidity ranges for which correction factors are allowed are defined in 40 CFR 86.1370-2007(e)(1).

(ii) If you choose the ambient operating region specified in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, the temperature and humidity ranges for which correction factors are allowed are defined in 40 CFR 86.1370-2007(e)(2).

(6) For engines equipped with exhaust-gas recirculation, the NTE standards of this section do not apply during the cold operating conditions specified in 40 CFR 86.1370-2007(f).

(7) For engines certified to a PM FEL less than or equal to 0.01 g/kW-hr, the PM NTE standard is 0.02 g/kW-hr.

(f) Fuel types. The exhaust emission standards in this section apply for engines using the fuel type on which the engines in the engine family are designed to operate, except for engines certified under § 1039.615. For engines certified under § 1039.615, the standards of this section apply to emissions measured using the specified test fuel. You must meet the numerical emission standards for NMHC in this section based on the following types of hydrocarbon emissions for engines powered by the following fuels:

(1) Alcohol-fueled engines: THCE emissions.

(2) Gaseous-fueled engines: Nonmethane-nonethane hydrocarbon emissions.

(3) Other engines: NMHC emissions.

(g) Useful life. Your engines must meet the exhaust emission standards in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section over their full useful life.

(1) The useful life values are shown in the following table, except as allowed by paragraph (g)(2) of this section:

Table 4 of § 1039.101—Useful Life Values

If your engine is certified as . . . And its maximum power is . . . And its rated speed is . . . Then its useful life is . . .
(i) Variable speed or constant speedkW <19Any Speed3,000 hours or five years, whichever comes first.
(ii) Constant speed19 ≤kW <373,000 rpm or higher3,000 hours or five years, whichever comes first.
(iii) Constant speed19 ≤kW <37Less than 3,000 rpm5,000 hours or seven years, whichever comes first.
(iv) Variable19 ≤kW <37Any Speed5,000 hours or seven years, whichever comes first.
(v) Variable speed or constant speedkW ≥37Any speed8,000 hours or ten years, whichever comes first.

(2) You may request in your application for certification that we approve a shorter useful life for an engine family. We may approve a shorter useful life, in hours of engine operation but not in years, if we determine that these engines will rarely operate longer than the shorter useful life. If engines identical to those in the engine family have already been produced and are in use, your demonstration must include documentation from such in-use engines. In other cases, your demonstration must include an engineering analysis of information equivalent to such in-use data, such as data from research engines or similar engine models that are already in production. Your demonstration must also include any overhaul interval that you recommend, any mechanical warranty that you offer for the engine or its components, and any relevant customer design specifications. Your demonstration may include any other relevant information. The useful life value may not be shorter than any of the following:

(i) 1,000 hours of operation.

(ii) Your recommended overhaul interval.

(iii) Your mechanical warranty for the engine.

(h) Applicability for testing. The emission standards in this subpart apply to all testing, including certification, selective enforcement audits, and in-use testing. For selective enforcement audits, we will require you to perform duty-cycle testing as specified in §§ 1039.505 and 1039.510. The NTE standards of this section apply for those tests. We will not direct you to do additional testing under a selective enforcement audit to show that your engines meet the NTE standards.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 40462, July 13, 2005; 81 FR 74133, Oct. 25, 2016; 86 FR 34499, June 29, 2021]
§ 1039.102 - What exhaust emission standards and phase-in allowances apply for my engines in model year 2014 and earlier?

The exhaust emission standards of this section apply for 2014 and earlier model years. See § 1039.101 for exhaust emission standards that apply to later model years.

(a) Emission standards for transient testing. Transient exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Tables 1 through 6 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable transient test procedures described in subpart F of this part. See paragraph (c) of this section for a description of provisions related to the phase-in and phase-out standards shown in Tables 4 through 6 of this section. The emission standards for transient testing are limited for certain engines, as follows:

(1) The transient standards in this section do not apply for the following engines:

(i) Engines below 37 kW for model years before 2013.

(ii) Engines certified under Option #1 of Table 3 of this section. These are the small-volume manufacturer engines certified to the Option #1 standards for model years 2008 through 2015 under § 1039.104(c), and other engines certified to the Option #1 standards for model years 2008 through 2012.

(iii) Engines certified to an alternate FEL during the first four years of the Tier 4 standards for the applicable power category, as allowed in § 1039.104(g). However, you may certify these engines to the transient standards in this section to avoid using temporary compliance adjustment factors, as described in § 1039.104(g)(2). Note that in some cases this four-year period extends into the time covered by the standards in § 1039.101.

(iv) Constant-speed engines.

(v) Engines above 560 kW.

(2) The transient standards in this section for gaseous pollutants do not apply to phase-out engines that you certify to the same numerical standards (and FELs if the engines are certified using ABT) for gaseous pollutants as you certified under the Tier 3 requirements identified in appendix I of this part. However, except as specified by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the transient PM emission standards apply to these engines.

(b) Emission standards for steady-state testing. Steady-state exhaust emissions from your engines may not exceed the applicable emission standards in Tables 1 through 7 of this section. Measure emissions using the applicable steady-state test procedures described in subpart F of this part. See paragraph (c) of this section for a description of provisions related to the phase-in and phase-out standards shown in Tables 4 through 6 of this section.

Table 2 of § 1039.102—Interim Tier 4 Exhaust Emission Standards (g/kW-hr): 19 ≤kW <37

Model years PM NOX + NMHC CO

Table 4 of § 1039.102—Interim Tier 4 Exhaust Emission Standards (g/kW-hr): 56 ≤kW <75

Model years 1 Phase-in option PM NOX NMHC NOX + NMHC CO
2014All engines0.020.400.195.0

1 See paragraph (d)(2) of this section for provisions that allow for a different phase-in schedule than that specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

Table 5 of § 1039.102—Interim Tier 4 Exhaust Emission Standards (g/kW-hr): 75 ≤kW <130

Model years 1 Phase-in option PM NOX NMHC NOX + NMHC CO
2014All engines0.020.400.195.0

1 See paragraph (d)(2) of this section for provisions that allow for a different phase-in schedule than that specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

Table 7 of § 1039.102—Interim Tier 4 Exhaust Emission Standards (g/kW-hr): kW >560

Model years Maximum engine power Application PM NOX NMHC CO
2011-2014560 <kW ≤900All0.103.50.403.5
kW >900Generator sets0.100.670.403.5
All except generator sets0.103.50.403.5

(c) Phase-in requirements. The following phase-in provisions apply for engines in 56-560 kW power categories meeting the interim Tier 4 standards in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section:

(1) For each model year before 2014 noted in Tables 4 through 6 of this section, you must certify engine families representing at least 50 percent of your U.S.-directed production volume for each power category to the applicable phase-in standards, except as allowed by paragraph (c)(3), (d)(2), or (e) of this section. Any engines not certified to the phase-in standards must be certified to the corresponding phase-out standards.

(2) Engines certified to the phase-out standards in Tables 4 through 6 of this section must comply with all other requirements that apply to Tier 4 engines, except as otherwise specified in this section.

(3) At the time of certification, show how you intend to meet the phase-in requirements of this paragraph (c) based on projected U.S.-directed production volumes. If your actual U.S.-directed production volume fails to meet the phase-in requirements for a given model year, you must make up the shortfall (in terms of number of engines) by the end of the model year representing the final year of the phase-in period. For example, if you plan in good faith to produce 50 percent of a projected 10,000 engines in the 56-130 kW power category (i.e., 5,000 engines) in 2012 in compliance with the Tier 4 phase-in standards for NOX and NMHC in Table 4 of this section, but produce 4,500 such engines of an actual 10,000 engines, you must produce 500 engines in model year 2013 (i.e., the final year of the phase-in for this power category) that meet the Tier 4 phase-in standards above and beyond the production otherwise needed to meet the 50-percent phase-in requirement for model year 2013. If any shortfall exceeds the applicable limit of paragraph (c)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section, that number of phase-out engines will be considered not covered by a certificate of conformity and in violation of § 1068.101(a)(1). The shortfall allowed by this paragraph (c)(3) may not exceed a certain number of engines, as follows:

(i) For engine families certified according to the alternate phase-in schedule described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, for model years prior to the final year of the phase-in, 5 percent of your actual U.S.-directed production volume for that power category in that model year.

(ii) For all other engine families, for model years prior to the final year of the phase-in, 25 percent of your actual U.S.-directed production volume for that power category in that model year.

(iii) No shortfall is allowed in the final year of the phase-in.

(4) Engines you introduce into commerce beyond the limits described in paragraphs (c)(3) of this section will be considered not covered by a certificate of conformity and in violation of § 1068.101(a)(1).

(5) For the purposes of this part, the term “phase-in” means relating to a standard that is identified in this section as a phase-in standard and the term “phase-out” means relating to a standard that is identified in this section as a phase-out standard. For example, a 200-kW engine from the 2012 model year that is certified to the 4.0 g/kW-hr NOX + NMHC standard in Table 6 of § 1039.102 is a phase-out engine.

(d) Banked credits and alternate phase-in for 56-130 kW engines. For engines in the 56-130 kW power category, you may use only one of the following additional provisions:

(1) For model years 2012 through 2014, you may use banked NOX + NMHC credits from any Tier 2 engine at or above 37 kW certified under the standards identified in appendix I of this part to meet the NOX phase-in standards or the NOX + NMHC phase-out standards under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, subject to the additional ABT provisions in § 1039.740.

(2) Instead of meeting the phase-in requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section, you may certify engine families representing at least 25 percent of your U.S.-directed production volume for each model year from 2012 through 2014 to the applicable phase-in standards in Tables 4 and 5 of this section, except as allowed by paragraph (c)(3) or (e) of this section. Any engines not certified to the phase-in standards must be certified to the corresponding phase-out standards. Engines certified under this paragraph (d)(2) may generate NOX emission credits only for averaging within the same power category during the same model year. For engines certified under this paragraph (d)(2), the 2014 model year may not extend beyond December 30, 2014.

(e) Alternate NOX standards. For engines in 56-560 kW power categories during the phase-in of Tier 4 standards, you may certify engine families to the alternate NOX or NOX + NMHC standards in this paragraph (e) instead of the phase-in and phase-out NOX and NOX + NMHC standards described in Tables 4 through 6 of this section. Engines certified to an alternate NOX standard under this section must be certified to an NMHC standard of 0.19 g/kW-hr. Do not include engine families certified under this paragraph (e) in determining whether you comply with the percentage phase-in requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d)(2) of this section. Except for the provisions for alternate FEL caps in § 1039.104(g), the NOX and NOX + NMHC standards and FEL caps under this paragraph (e) are as follows:

(1) For engines in the 56-130 kW power category, apply the following alternate NOX standards and FEL caps:

(i) If you use the provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, your alternate NOX standard for any engine family in the 56-130 kW power category is 2.3 g/kW-hr for model years 2012 and 2013. Engines certified to this standard may not exceed a NOX FEL cap of 3.0 g/kW-hr.

(ii) If you use the provisions of paragraph (d)(2) of this section, your alternate NOX standard for any engine family in the 56-130 kW power category is 3.4 g/kW-hr for model years 2012 through 2014. Engines below 75 kW certified to this standard may not exceed a NOX FEL cap of 4.4 g/kW-hr; engines at or above 75 kW certified to this standard may not exceed a NOX FEL cap of 3.8 g/kW-hr.

(iii) If you do not use the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, you may apply the alternate NOX standard and the appropriate FEL cap from either paragraph (e)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(2) For engines in the 130-560 kW power category, the alternate NOX standard is 2.0 g/kW-hr for model years 2011 through 2013. Engines certified to this standard may not exceed a NOX FEL cap of 2.7 g/kW-hr.

(3) You use NOX + NMHC emission credits to certify an engine family to the alternate NOX + NMHC standards in this paragraph (e)(3) instead of the otherwise applicable alternate NOX and NMHC standards. Calculate the alternate NOX + NMHC standard by adding 0.1 g/kW-hr to the numerical value of the applicable alternate NOX standard of paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section. Engines certified to the NOX + NMHC standards of this paragraph (e)(3) may not generate emission credits. The FEL caps for engine families certified under this paragraph (e)(3) are the previously applicable NOX + NMHC standards identified in appendix I of this part (generally the Tier 3 standards).

(f) Split families. For generating or using credits for engines in 56-560 kW power categories during the phase-in of Tier 4 standards, you may split an engine family into two subfamilies (for example, one that uses credits and one that generates credits for the same pollutant).

(1) Identify any split engine families in your application for certification. Your engines must comply with all the standards and requirements applicable to Tier 4 engines, except as noted in this paragraph (f). You may calculate emission credits relative to different emission standards (i.e., phase-in and phase-out standards) for different sets of engines within the engine family, but the engine family must be certified to a single set of standards and FELs. To calculate NOX + NMHC emission credits, add the NOX FEL to the NMHC phase-in standard for comparison with the applicable NOX + NMHC phase-out standard. Any engine family certified under this paragraph (f) must meet the applicable phase-in standard for NMHC. You may assign the number and configurations of engines within the respective subfamilies any time before the due date for the final report required in § 1039.730. Apply the same label to each engine in the family, including the NOX FEL to which it is certified.

(2) For example, a 10,000-unit engine family in the 75-130 kW power category may be certified to meet the standards for PM, NMHC, and CO that apply to phase-in engines, with a 0.8 g/kW-hr FEL for NOX. When compared to the phase-out NOX + NMHC standard, this engine family would generate positive NOX + NMHC emission credits. When compared to the phase-in NOX standard, this engine family would generate negative NOX emission credits. You could create a subfamily with 2,500 engines (one-quarter of the 10,000 engines) and identify them as phase-in engines. You would count these 2,500, with their negative NOX credits, in determining compliance with the 50-percent phase-in requirement in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. You would calculate negative credits relative to the 0.40 g/kW-hr NOX standard for these 2,500 engines. You would identify the other 7,500 engines in the family as phase-out engines and calculate positive credits relative to the 4.0 g/kW-hr NOX + NMHC standard.

(g) Other provisions. The provisions of § 1039.101(d) through (h) apply with respect to the standards of this section, with the following exceptions and special provisions:

(1) NTE standards. Use the provisions of § 1039.101(e)(3) to calculate and apply the NTE standards, but base these calculated values on the applicable standards in this section or the applicable FEL, instead of the standards in Table 1 of § 1039.101. All other provisions of § 1039.101(e) apply under this paragraph (g)(1). The NTE standards do not apply for certain engines and certain pollutants, as follows:

(i) All engines below 37 kW for model years before 2013.

(ii) All engines certified under Option #1 of Table 3 of this section. These are small-volume manufacturer engines certified to the Option #1 standards for model years 2008 through 2015 under § 1039.104(c), and other engines certified to the Option #1 standards for model years 2008 through 2012.

(iii) All engines less than or equal to 560 kW that are certified to an FEL under the alternate FEL program during the first four years of the Tier 4 standards for the applicable power category, as described in § 1039.104(g). However, if you apply to meet transient emission standards for these engines under § 1039.102(a)(1)(iii), you must also meet the NTE standards in this paragraph (g)(1).

(iv) Gaseous pollutants for phase-out engines that you certify to the same numerical standards and FELs for gaseous pollutants to which you certified under the Tier 3 requirements identified in appendix I of this part. However, the NTE standards for PM apply to these engines.

(2) Interim FEL caps. As described in § 1039.101(d), you may participate in the ABT program in subpart H of this part by certifying engines to FELs for PM, NOX, or NOX + NMHC instead of the standards in Tables 1 through 7 of this section for the model years shown. The FEL caps listed in the following table apply instead of the FEL caps in § 1039.101(d)(1), except as allowed by § 1039.104(g):

(3) Crankcase emissions. The crankcase emission requirements of § 1039.115(a) do not apply to engines using charge-air compression that are certified to an FEL under the alternate FEL program in § 1039.104(g) during the first four years of the Tier 4 standards for the applicable power category.

(4) Special provisions for 37-56 kW engines. For engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW from model years 2008 through 2012, you must add information to the emission-related installation instructions to clarify the equipment manufacturer's obligations under § 1039.104(f).

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 72 FR 53130, Sept. 18, 2007; 73 FR 59191, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 68461, Nov. 8, 2010; 81 FR 74033, Oct. 25, 2016; 86 FR 34500, June 29, 2021]
§ 1039.104 - Are there interim provisions that apply only for a limited time?

The provisions in this section apply instead of other provisions in this part. This section describes when these interim provisions apply.

(a) Incentives for early introduction. This paragraph (a) allows you to reduce the number of engines subject to the applicable standards in § 1039.101 or § 1039.102, when some of your engines are certified to the specified levels earlier than otherwise required. The engines that are certified early are considered offset-generating engines. The provisions of this paragraph (a), which describe the requirements applicable to offset-generating engines, apply beginning in model year 2007. These offset generating engines may generate additional allowances for equipment manufacturers under the incentive program described in § 1039.627; you may instead use these offsets under paragraph (a)(2) of this section in some cases.

(1) For early-compliant engines to generate offsets for use either under this paragraph (a) or under § 1039.627, you must meet the following general provisions:

(i) You may not generate offsets from engines below 19 kW.

(ii) You must begin actual production of engines covered by the corresponding certificate by the following dates:

(A) For engines at or above 19 kW and below 37 kW: September 1, 2012.

(B) For engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW: September 1, 2012 if you choose Option #1 in Table 3 of § 1039.102, or September 1, 2011 if you do not choose Option #1 in Table 3 of § 1039.102.

(C) For engines in the 56-130 kW power category: September 1, 2011.

(D) For engines in the 130-560 kW power category: September 1, 2010.

(E) For engines above 560 kW: September 1, 2014.

(iii) Engines you produce after December 31 of the year shown in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section may not generate offsets.

(iv) You may not use ABT credits to certify offset-generating engines.

(v) Offset-generating engines must be certified to the Tier 4 standards and requirements under this part 1039.

(2) If equipment manufacturers decline offsets for your offset-generating engines under § 1039.627, you may not generate ABT credits with these engines, but you may reduce the number of engines that are required to meet the standards in § 1039.101 or § 1039.102 as follows:

For every . . . With maximum engine power . . . That are certified to the applicable standards in . . . You may reduce the number of engines in the same power category that are required to meet the . . . In later model years by . . .
(i) 2 engines19 ≤kW <37Table 2 of § 1039.102 1PM standard in Table 2 of § 1039.102 applicable to model year 2013 or 2014 engines or the PM standard in Table 1 of § 1039.1013 engines.
(ii) 2 engines56 ≤kW ≤560Table 4, 5, or 6 of § 1039.102 for Phase-out enginesPhase-out standards in Tables 4 through 6 of § 1039.1023 engines.
(iii) 2 engineskW ≥19Table 1 of § 1039.101Standards in Tables 2 through 7 of § 1039.102 or standards in Table 1 of § 1039.1013 engines. 2
(iv) 1 enginekW ≥19Table 1 of § 1039.101 + 0.20 g/kW-hr NOX standardStandards in Tables 2 through 7 of § 1039.102 or standards in Table 1 of § 1039.1012 engines. 2

1 The engine must be certified to the PM standard applicable to model year 2013 engines, and to the NOX + NMHC and CO standards applicable to model year 2012 engines.

2 For engines above 560 kW, offsets from generator-set engines may be used only for generator-set engines. Offsets from engines for other applications may be used only for other applications besides generator sets.

(3) Example: If you produce 100 engines in the 56-130 kW power category in model year 2008 that are certified to the 56-130 kW standards listed in § 1039.101, and you produced 10,000 engines in this power category in model year 2015, then only 9,850 of these model year 2015 engines would need to comply with the standards listed in § 1039.101. The 100 offset-generating engines in model year 2008 could not use or generate ABT credits.

(4) Offset-using engines (that is, those not required to certify to the standards of § 1039.101 or § 1039.102 under paragraph (a)(2) of this section) are subject to the following provisions:

(i) If the offset is being used under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section for an engine that would otherwise be certified to the model year 2013 or 2014 standards in Table 2 of § 1039.102 or the standards in Table 1 of § 1039.101, this engine must be certified to the standards and requirements of this part 1039, except that the only PM standard that applies is the steady-state PM standard that applies for model year 2012. Such an engine may not generate ABT credits.

(ii) If the offset is being used under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section for an engine that would otherwise be certified to the phase-out standards in Tables 4 through 6 of § 1039.102, this engine must be certified to the standards and requirements of this part 1039, except that the PM standard is the Tier 3 PM standard that applies for this engine's maximum power. Such an engine will be treated as a phase-out engine for purposes of determining compliance with percentage phase-in requirements. Such an engine may not generate ABT credits.

(iii) All other offset-using engines must meet the standards and other provisions that apply in model year 2011 for engines in the 19-130 kW power categories, in model year 2010 for engines in the 130-560 kW power category, or in model year 2014 for engines above 560 kW. Show that engines meet these emission standards by meeting all the requirements of § 1068.265. You must meet the labeling requirements in § 1039.135, but add the following statement instead of the compliance statement in § 1039.135(c)(12): “THIS ENGINE MEETS U.S. EPA EMISSION STANDARDS UNDER 40 CFR 1039.104(a).” For power categories with a percentage phase-in, these engines should be treated as phase-in engines for purposes of determining compliance with phase-in requirements.

(5) If an equipment manufacturer claims offsets from your engine for use under § 1039.627, the engine generating the offset must comply with the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section. You may not generate offsets for use under paragraphs (a)(2) and (5) of this section for these engines. You may generate ABT credits from these engines as follows:

(i) To generate emission credits for NOX, NOX + NMHC, and PM, the engine must be certified to FELs at or below the standards in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(ii) Calculate credits according to § 1039.705 but use as the applicable standard the numerical value of the standard to which the engine would have otherwise been subject if it had not been certified under this paragraph (a).

(iii) For the production volume, use the number of engines certified under this paragraph (a) for which you do not claim offsets under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(6) You may include engines used to generate offsets under this paragraph (a) and engines used to generate offsets under § 1039.627 in the same engine family, subject to the provisions of § 1039.230. The engine must be certified to FELs, as specified in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section. The FELs must be below the standard levels specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and those specified in § 1039.627. In the reports required in § 1039.730, include the following information for each model year:

(i) The total number of engines that generate offsets under this paragraph (a).

(ii) The number of engines used to generate offsets under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(iii) The names of equipment manufacturers that intend to use your offsets under § 1039.627 and the number of offsets involved for each equipment manufacturer.

(b) In-use compliance limits. For purposes of determining compliance after title or custody has transferred to the ultimate purchaser, calculate the applicable in-use compliance limits by adjusting the applicable standards or FELs. This applies only for engines at or above 19 kW. The NOX adjustment applies only for engines with a NOX FEL no higher than 2.1 g/kW-hr The PM adjustment applies only for engines with a PM FEL no higher than the PM standard in § 1039.101 for the appropriate power category. Add the following adjustments to the otherwise applicable standards or FELs (steady-state, transient, and NTE) for NOX and PM:

In model years . . . If your engine's maximum power is . . . The NOX adjustment in g/kW-hr is . . . The PM
adjustment in g/kW-hr is . . .
2013-201419 ≤kW <56not allowed0.01
2012-201656 ≤kW <1300.16 for operating hours ≤2000
0.25 for operating hours 2001 to 3400
0.34 for operating hours >3400
2011-2015130 ≤kW <5600.16 for operating hours ≤2000
0.25 for operating hours 2001 to 3400
0.34 for operating hours >3400
2011-2016kW >5600.16 for operating hours ≤2000
0.25 for operating hours 2001 to 3400
0.34 for operating hours >3400

(c) Provisions for small-volume manufacturers. Special provisions apply if you are a small-volume engine manufacturer subject to the requirements of this part. You must notify us in writing before January 1, 2008 if you intend to use these provisions.

(1) You may delay complying with certain otherwise applicable Tier 4 emission standards and requirements as described in the following table:

If your engine's maximum
power is . . .
You may delay meeting . . . Until model year . . . Before that model year the engine must comply with . . .
(i) kW <19The standards and requirements of this part2011The standards and requirements described in appendix I of this part.
(ii) 19 ≤kW <37The Tier 4 standards and requirements of this part that would otherwise be applicable in model year 20132016The Tier 4 standards and requirements that apply for model year 2008.
(iii) 37 ≤kW <56See paragraph (c)(2) of this section for special provisions that apply for engines in this power category.
(iv) 56 ≤kW <130The standards and requirements of this part2015The standards and requirements described in appendix I of this part.

(2) To use the provisions of this paragraph (c) for engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW, choose one of the following:

(i) If you comply with the 0.30 g/kW-hr PM standard in § 1039.102 in all model years from 2008 through 2012 without using PM credits, you may continue meeting that standard through 2015.

(ii) If you do not choose to comply with paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, you may continue to comply with the standards and requirements described in appendix I of this part for model years through 2012, but you must begin complying in 2013 with Tier 4 standards and requirements specified in Table 3 of § 1039.102 for model years 2013 and later.

(3) After the delays indicated in paragraph (c)(1) and (2) of this section, you must comply with the same Tier 4 standards and requirements as all other manufacturers.

(4) For engines not in the 19-56 kW power category, if you delay compliance with any standards under this paragraph (c), you must do all the following things for the model years when you are delaying compliance with the otherwise applicable standards:

(i) Produce engines that meet all the emission standards identified in appendix I of this part and other requirements in this part applicable for that model year, except as noted in this paragraph (c).

(ii) Meet the labeling requirements in this part that apply for certified engines but use the following alternative compliance statement: “THIS ENGINE COMPLIES WITH U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR [CURRENT MODEL YEAR] NONROAD COMPRESSION—IGNITION ENGINES UNDER 40 CFR 1039.104(c).”.

(5) For engines in the 19-56 kW power category, if you delay compliance with any standards under this paragraph (c), you must do all the following things for the model years when you are delaying compliance with the otherwise applicable standards:

(i) Produce engines in those model years that meet all the emission standards and other requirements that applied for your model year 2008 engines in the same power category.

(ii) Meet the labeling requirements in § 1039.135, but use the following compliance statement instead of the compliance statement in § 1039.135: “THIS ENGINE COMPLIES WITH U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR [CURRENT MODEL YEAR] NONROAD COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES UNDER 40 CFR 1039.104(c).”.

(iii) Notify the equipment manufacturer that the engines you produce under this section are excluded from the production volumes associated with the equipment-manufacturer allowance program in § 1039.625.

(6) The provisions of this paragraph (c) may not be used to circumvent the requirements of this part.

(d) Deficiencies for NTE standards. You may ask us to accept as compliant an engine that does not fully meet specific requirements under the applicable NTE standards. Such deficiencies are intended to allow for minor deviations from the NTE standards under limited conditions. We expect your engines to have functioning emission-control hardware that allows you to comply with the NTE standards.

(1) Request our approval for specific deficiencies in your application for certification, or before you submit your application. We will not approve deficiencies retroactively to cover engines already certified. In your request, identify the scope of each deficiency and describe any auxiliary emission-control devices you will use to control emissions to the lowest practical level, considering the deficiency you are requesting.

(2) We will approve a deficiency only if compliance would be infeasible or unreasonable considering such factors as the technical feasibility of the given hardware and the applicable lead time and production cycles—including schedules related to phase-in or phase-out of engines. We may consider other relevant factors.

(3) Our approval applies only for a single model year and may be limited to specific engine configurations. We may approve your request for the same deficiency in the following model year if correcting the deficiency would require unreasonable hardware or software modifications and we determine that you have demonstrated an acceptable level of effort toward complying.

(4) You may ask for any number of deficiencies in the first three model years during which NTE standards apply for your engines. For the next four model years, we may approve up to three deficiencies per engine family. Deficiencies of the same type that apply similarly to different power ratings within a family count as one deficiency per family. We may condition approval of any such additional deficiencies during these four years on any additional conditions we determine to be appropriate. We will not approve deficiencies after the seven-year period specified in this paragraph (d)(4).

(e) Diesel test fuels and corresponding labeling requirements. For diesel-fueled engines in 2011 and later model years, the diesel test fuel is ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel specified in 40 CFR part 1065. For diesel-fueled engines in 2010 and earlier model years, use test fuels and meet labeling requirements as follows:

(1) Use the following test fuels in 2010 and earlier model years:

(i) Unless otherwise specified, the diesel test fuel is low-sulfur diesel fuel specified in 40 CFR part 1065.

(ii) In model years 2007 through 2010, you may use ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel as the test fuel for any engine family that employs sulfur-sensitive technology if you can demonstrate that in-use engines in the family will use diesel fuel with a sulfur concentration no greater than 15 ppm.

(iii) You may use ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel as the test fuel for engine families in any power category below 56 kW, as long as none of the engines in your engine family employ sulfur-sensitive technologies, you ensure that ultimate purchasers of equipment using these engines are informed that ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel is recommended, and you recommend to equipment manufacturers that a label be applied at the fuel inlet recommending 15 ppm fuel.

(iv) For the engines described in § 1039.101(c) that are certified to the 0.60 g/kW-hr PM standard in Table 1 of § 1039.102 in the 2010 model year, you may test with the ultra low-sulfur fuel specified in 40 CFR part 1065.

(2) Meet the labeling requirements of this paragraph (e)(2) (or other labeling requirements we approve) to identify the applicable test fuels specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. Provide instructions to equipment manufacturers to ensure that they are aware of these labeling requirements.

(i) For engines certified under the provisions of paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section, include the following statement on the emission control information label and the fuel-inlet label specified in § 1039.135: “LOW SULFUR FUEL OR ULTRA LOW SULFUR FUEL ONLY”.

(ii) For engines certified under the provisions of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section, include the following statement on the emission control information label and the fuel-inlet label specified in § 1039.135: “ULTRA LOW SULFUR FUEL ONLY”.

(iii) For engines certified under the provisions of paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section, include the following statement on the emission control information label specified in § 1039.135: “ULTRA LOW SULFUR FUEL RECOMMENDED”.

(3) For model years 2010 and earlier, we will use the test fuel that you use under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, subject to the conditions of paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(f) Requirements for equipment manufacturers. If you produce equipment with engines certified to Tier 3 standards under Option #2 of Table 3 of § 1039.102 during model years from 2008 through 2011, then a minimum number of pieces of equipment you produce using 2012 model year engines must have engines certified to the Option #2 standards, as follows:

(1) For equipment you produce with 2012 model year engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW, determine the minimum number of these engines that must be certified to the Option #2 standards in Table 3 of § 1039.102 as follows:

(i) If all the equipment you produce using 2008 through 2011 model year engines use engines certified to Tier 3 standards under Option #2 of Table 3 of § 1039.102, then all the 2012 model year engines you install must be certified to the Option #2 standards of Table 3 of § 1039.102.

(ii) If you produce equipment using 2008 through 2011 model year engines with some engines certified to Option #1 standards of Table 3 of § 1039.102 and some engines certified to Tier 3 standards under Option #2 standards of Table 3 of § 1039.102, calculate the minimum number of 2012 model year engines you must install that are certified to the Option #2 standards of Table 3 of § 1039.102 from the following equation:

Minimum number = [(T-O1−F)/(T−F)−0.05] × P Where: T = The total number of 2008-2010 model year engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW that you use in equipment you produce. O1 = The number of engines from the 2008-2010 model years certified under Option #1 of Table 3 of § 1039.102 that you use in equipment you produce. F = The number of 2008-2010 model year engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW that you use in equipment you produce under the flexibility provisions of § 1039.625. P = The total number of 2012 model year engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW that you use in equipment you produce.

(2) As needed for the calculation required by this paragraph (f), keep records of all equipment you produce using 2008-2012 model year engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW. If you fail to keep these records, you may not use any 2012 model year engines certified to Option #1 standards in your equipment.

(3) If you fail to comply with the provisions of this paragraph (f), then using 2012 model year engines certified under Option #1 of Table 3 of § 1039.102 (or certified to less stringent standards) in such equipment violates the prohibitions in § 1068.101(a)(1).

(g) Alternate FEL caps. You may certify engines to the FEL caps in Table 1 of this section instead of the otherwise applicable FEL caps in § 1039.101(d)(1), § 1039.102(e), or § 1039.102(g)(2) for the indicated model years, subject to the following provisions:

(1) The provisions of this paragraph (g) apply for limited numbers of engines as specified in this paragraph (g)(1). If you certify an engine under an alternate FEL cap in this paragraph (g) for any pollutant, count it toward the allowed percentage of engines certified to the alternate FEL caps.

(i) Except as specified in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section, the number of engines certified to the FEL caps in Table 1 of this section must not exceed 20 percent in any single model year in each power category, and the sum of percentages over the 4-year period must not exceed a total of 40 percent in each power category.

(ii) For the 19-56 kW power category, the number of engines certified to the FEL caps in Table 1 of this section must not exceed 40 percent in any single model year, and the sum of percentages over the 4-year period must not exceed a total of 80 percent.

(2) If your engine is not certified to transient emission standards under the provisions of § 1039.102(a)(1)(iii), you must adjust your FEL upward by a temporary compliance adjustment factor (TCAF) before calculating your negative emission credits under § 1039.705, as follows:

(i) The temporary compliance adjustment factor for NOX and for NOX + NMHC is 1.1.

(ii) The temporary compliance adjustment factor for PM is 1.5.

(iii) The adjusted FEL (FELadj) for calculating emission credits is determined from the steady-state FEL (FELss) using the following equation:

FELadj = (FELss) × (TCAF)

(iv) The unadjusted FEL (FELss) applies for all purposes other than credit calculation.

(3) These alternate FEL caps may not be used for phase-in engines.

(4) Do not apply TCAFs to gaseous emissions for phase-out engines that you certify to the same numerical standards (and FELs if the engines are certified using ABT) for gaseous pollutants as you certified under the Tier 3 requirements identified in appendix I of this part.

Table 2 of § 1039.104—Alternate FEL Caps

Maximum engine power PM FEL cap,
Model years
for the
alternate PM
FEL cap
NOX FEL cap,
g/kW-hr a
Model years for the
alternate NOX
FEL cap
19 ≤kW <560.30 b 2012-2015
56 ≤kW <130 c0.302012-20153.8 d 2012-2015
130 ≤kW ≤5600.202011-20143.8 e 2011-2014
kW >560 f0.102015-20183.52015-2018

a The FEL cap for engines demonstrating compliance with a NOX + NMHC standard is equal to the previously applicable NOX + NMHC standard specified in appendix I of this part (generally the Tier 3 standards).

b For manufacturers certifying engines under Option #1 of Table 3 of § 1039.102, these alternate FEL caps apply to all 19-56 kW engines for model years from 2013 through 2016 instead of the years indicated in this table. For manufacturers certifying engines under Option #2 of Table 3 of § 1039.102, these alternate FEL caps do not apply to 19-37 kW engines except in model years 2013 to 2015.

c For engines below 75 kW, the FEL caps are 0.40 g/kW-hr for PM emissions and 4.4 g/kW-hr for NOX emissions.

d For manufacturers certifying engines in this power category using a percentage phase-in/phase-out approach instead of the alternate NOX standards of § 1039.102(e)(1), the alternate NOX FEL cap in the table applies only in the 2014-2015 model years if certifying under § 1039.102(d)(1), and only in the 2015 model year if certifying under § 1039.102(d)(2).

e For manufacturers certifying engines in this power category using the percentage phase-in/phase-out approach instead of the alternate NOX standard of § 1039.102(e)(2), the alternate NOX FEL cap in the table applies only for the 2014 model year.

f For engines above 560 kW, the provision for alternate NOX FEL caps is limited to generator-set engines.

(5) You may certify engines under this paragraph (g) in any model year provided for in Table 1 of this section without regard to whether or not the engine family's FEL is at or below the otherwise applicable FEL cap. For example, a 200 kW engine certified to the NOX + NMHC standard of § 1039.102(e)(3) with an FEL equal to the FEL cap of 4.0 g/kW-hr may nevertheless be certified under this paragraph (g).

(6) For engines you produce under this paragraph (g) after the Tier 4 final standards take effect, you may certify based on a NOX + NMHC FEL as described in Table 1 of this section. Calculate emission credits for these engines relative to the applicable NOX standard in § 1039.101 or § 1039.102, plus 0.1 g/kW-hr.

(h) Delayed compliance with labeling requirements. Before the 2011 model year, you may omit the dates of manufacture from the emission control information label as specified in § 1039.135(c)(6) if you keep those records and provide them to us upon request.

(i) Lead time for diagnostic controls. Model year 2017 and earlier engines are not subject to the requirements for diagnostic controls as specified in § 1039.110.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 40462, July 13, 2005; 72 FR 53130, Sept. 18, 2007; 75 FR 22988, Apr. 30, 2010; 75 FR 68461, Nov. 8, 2010; 79 FR 7083, Feb. 6, 2014; 81 FR 74133, Oct. 25, 2016; 86 FR 34504, June 29, 2021]
§ 1039.105 - What smoke opacity standards must my engines meet?

(a) The smoke opacity standards in this section apply to all engines subject to emission standards under this part, except for the following engines:

(1) Single-cylinder engines.

(2) Constant-speed engines.

(3) Engines certified to a PM emission standard or FEL of 0.07 g/kW-hr or lower.

(b) Measure smoke opacity as specified in § 1039.501(c). Smoke opacity from your engines may not exceed the following standards:

(1) 20 percent during the acceleration mode.

(2) 15 percent during the lugging mode.

(3) 50 percent during the peaks in either the acceleration or lugging modes.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 88 FR 4658, Jan. 24, 2023]
§ 1039.107 - What evaporative emission standards and requirements apply?

There are no evaporative emission standards for diesel-fueled engines, or engines using other nonvolatile or nonliquid fuels (for example, natural gas). If your engine uses a volatile liquid fuel, such as methanol, you must meet the evaporative emission requirements of 40 CFR part 1048 that apply to spark-ignition engines, as follows:

(a) Follow the steps in 40 CFR 1048.245 to show that you meet the requirements of 40 CFR 1048.105.

(b) Do the following things in your application for certification:

(1) Describe how your engines control evaporative emissions.

(2) Present test data to show that equipment using your engines meets the evaporative emission standards we specify in this section if you do not use design-based certification under 40 CFR 1048.245.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 81 FR 74134, Oct. 25, 2016]
§ 1039.110 - Recording reductant use and other diagnostic functions.

(a) Engines equipped with SCR systems using a reductant other than the engine's fuel must have a diagnostic system that monitors reductant quality and tank levels and alert operators to the need to refill the reductant tank before it is empty, or to replace the reductant if it does not meet your concentration specifications. Unless we approve other alerts, use a warning lamp or an audible alarm. You do not need to separately monitor reductant quality if your system uses input from an exhaust NOX sensor (or other sensor) to alert operators when reductant quality is inadequate. However, tank level must be monitored in all cases.

(b) You may equip your engine with other diagnostic features. If you do, they must be designed to allow us to read and interpret the codes. Note that § 1039.205 requires you to provide us any information needed to read, record, and interpret all the information broadcast by an engine's onboard computers and electronic control units.

[81 FR 74134, Oct. 25, 2016]
§ 1039.115 - What other requirements apply?

Engines that are required to meet the emission standards of this part must meet the following requirements, except as noted elsewhere in this part:

(a) Crankcase emissions. Crankcase emissions may not be discharged directly into the ambient atmosphere from any engine throughout its useful life, except as follows:

(1) Engines may discharge crankcase emissions to the ambient atmosphere if the emissions are added to the exhaust emissions (either physically or mathematically) during all emission testing.

(2) If you take advantage of this exception, you must do the following things:

(i) Manufacture the engines so that all crankcase emissions can be routed into the applicable sampling systems specified in 40 CFR part 1065.

(ii) Account for deterioration in crankcase emissions when determining exhaust deterioration factors.

(3) For purposes of this paragraph (a), crankcase emissions that are routed to the exhaust upstream of exhaust aftertreatment during all operation are not considered to be discharged directly into the ambient atmosphere.

(b)-(d) [Reserved]

(e) Adjustable parameters. Engines that have adjustable parameters must meet all the requirements of this part for any adjustment in the practically adjustable range. We may require that you set adjustable parameters to any specification within the practically adjustable range during any testing, including certification testing, selective enforcement auditing, or in-use testing. General provisions for adjustable parameters apply as specified in 40 CFR 1068.50.

(f) Prohibited controls. (1) General provisions. You may not design your engines with emission control devices, systems, or elements of design that cause or contribute to an unreasonable risk to public health, welfare, or safety while operating. For example, an engine may not emit a noxious or toxic substance it would otherwise not emit that contributes to such an unreasonable risk.

(2) Vanadium sublimation in SCR catalysts. For engines equipped with vanadium-based SCR catalysts, you must design the engine and its emission controls to prevent vanadium sublimation and protect the catalyst from high temperatures. We will evaluate your engine design based on the following information that you must include in your application for certification:

(i) Identify the threshold temperature for vanadium sublimation for your specified SCR catalyst formulation as described in 40 CFR 1065.1113 through 1065.1121.

(ii) Describe how you designed your engine to prevent catalyst inlet temperatures from exceeding the temperature you identify in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section, including consideration of engine wear through the useful life. Also describe your design for catalyst protection in case catalyst temperatures exceed the specified temperature. In your description, include how you considered elevated catalyst temperature resulting from sustained high-load engine operation, catalyst exotherms, DPF regeneration, and component failure resulting in unburned fuel in the exhaust stream.

(g) Defeat devices. You may not equip your engines with a defeat device. A defeat device is an auxiliary emission-control device that reduces the effectiveness of emission controls under conditions that the engine may reasonably be expected to encounter during normal operation and use. This does not apply to auxiliary-emission control devices you identify in your certification application if any of the following is true:

(1) The conditions of concern were substantially included in the applicable test procedures described in subpart F of this part.

(2) You show your design is necessary to prevent engine (or equipment) damage or accidents.

(3) The reduced effectiveness applies only to starting the engine.

(4) The auxiliary emission control device applies only for engines that will be installed in emergency equipment and the need is justified in terms of preventing the equipment from losing speed or power due to abnormal conditions of the emission control system, or in terms of preventing such abnormal conditions from occurring, during operation related to emergency response. Examples of such abnormal conditions may include excessive exhaust backpressure from an overloaded particulate trap, and running out of diesel exhaust fluid for engines that rely on urea-based selective catalytic reduction. The emission standards do not apply when any AECDs approved under this paragraph (g)(4) are active.

(5) The auxiliary emission control device operates only in emergency situations as defined in § 1039.665 and meets all of the requirements of that section, and you meet all of the requirements of that section.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 72 FR 53130, Sept. 18, 2007; 77 FR 34147, June 8, 2012; 88 FR 4659, Jan. 24, 2023]
§ 1039.120 - What emission-related warranty requirements apply to me?

(a) General requirements. You must warrant to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the new nonroad engine, including all parts of its emission-control system, meets two conditions:

(1) It is designed, built, and equipped so it conforms at the time of sale to the ultimate purchaser with the requirements of this part.

(2) It is free from defects in materials and workmanship that may keep it from meeting these requirements.

(b) Warranty period. Your emission-related warranty must be valid for at least as long as the minimum warranty periods listed in this paragraph (b) in hours of operation and years, whichever comes first. You may offer an emission-related warranty more generous than we require. The emission-related warranty for the engine may not be shorter than any basic mechanical warranty you provide without charge for the engine. Similarly, the emission-related warranty for any component may not be shorter than any warranty you provide without charge for that component. This means that your warranty may not treat emission-related and nonemission-related defects differently for any component. If an engine has no hour meter, we base the warranty periods in this paragraph (b) only on the engine's age (in years). The warranty period begins when the engine is placed into service. The minimum warranty periods are shown in the following table:

If your engine is certified as . . . And its maximum power is . . . And its rated speed is . . . Then its warranty period is . . .
Variable speed or constant speedkW <19Any speed1,500 hours or two years, whichever comes first.
Constant speed19 ≤kW <373,000 rpm or higher1,500 hours or two years, whichever comes first.
Constant speed19 ≤kW <37Less than 3,000 rpm3,000 hours or five years, whichever comes first.
Variable speed19 ≤kW <37Any speed3,000 hours or five years, whichever comes first.
Variable speed or constant speedkW ≥37Any speed3,000 hours or five years, whichever comes first.

(c) Components covered. The emission-related warranty covers all components whose failure would increase an engine's emissions of any regulated pollutant, including components listed in 40 CFR part 1068, appendix I, and components from any other system you develop to control emissions. The emission-related warranty covers these components even if another company produces the component. Your emission-related warranty does not need to cover components whose failure would not increase an engine's emissions of any regulated pollutant.

(d) Limited applicability. You may deny warranty claims under this section if the operator caused the problem through improper maintenance or use, as described in 40 CFR 1068.115.

(e) Owners manual. Describe in the owners manual the emission-related warranty provisions from this section that apply to the engine.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 40463, July 13, 2005; 75 FR 22989, Apr. 30, 2010; 81 FR 74134, Oct. 25, 2016]
§ 1039.125 - What maintenance instructions must I give to buyers?

Give the ultimate purchaser of each new nonroad engine written instructions for properly maintaining and using the engine, including the emission-control system. The maintenance instructions also apply to service accumulation on your emission-data engines, as described in § 1039.245 and in 40 CFR part 1065.

(a) Critical emission-related maintenance. Critical emission-related maintenance includes any adjustment, cleaning, repair, or replacement of critical emission-related components. This may also include additional emission-related maintenance that you determine is critical if we approve it in advance. You may schedule critical emission-related maintenance on these components if you meet the following conditions:

(1) You demonstrate that the maintenance is reasonably likely to be done at the recommended intervals on in-use engines. We will accept scheduled maintenance as reasonably likely to occur if you satisfy any of the following conditions, with the exception that paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section do not apply for DEF replenishment:

(i) You present data showing that, if a lack of maintenance increases emissions, it also unacceptably degrades the engine's performance.

(ii) You present survey data showing that at least 80 percent of engines in the field get the maintenance you specify at the recommended intervals.

(iii) You provide the maintenance free of charge and clearly say so in your maintenance instructions.

(iv) You otherwise show us that the maintenance is reasonably likely to be done at the recommended intervals.

(2) For engines below 130 kW, you may not schedule critical emission-related maintenance more frequently than the following minimum intervals, except as specified in paragraphs (a)(4), (b), and (c) of this section:

(i) For EGR-related filters and coolers, DEF filters, crankcase ventilation valves and filters, and fuel injector tips (cleaning only), the minimum interval is 1,500 hours.

(ii) For the following components, including associated sensors and actuators, the minimum interval is 3,000 hours: Fuel injectors, turbochargers, catalytic converters, electronic control units, EGR systems (including related components, but excluding filters and coolers), and other add-on components.

(iii) For SCR systems, the minimum interval for replenishing the diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) is the number of engine operating hours necessary to consume a full tank of fuel based on normal usage starting from full fuel capacity for the equipment. Use good engineering judgment to ensure that equipment manufacturers will meet this requirement for worst-case operation by following your installation instructions. For example, if your highest rate of DEF consumption (relative to fuel consumption) will occur under a steady state operating conditions characterized by one of the modes of the applicable steady-state certification test (to the extent that continuous operation at such mode is representative of real-world conditions), the DEF tank should be large enough that a single tank of DEF would be enough to continue proper operation of the SCR system for the expected operating range with a single tank of fuel at that mode. For engine testing in a laboratory, any size DEF tank and fuel tank may be used; however, for our testing of engines, we may require you to provide us with a production-type DEF tank, including any associated sensors.

(3) For engines at or above 130 kW, you may not schedule critical emission-related maintenance more frequently than the following minimum intervals, except as specified in paragraphs (a)(4), (b), and (c) of this section:

(i) For EGR-related filters and coolers, DEF filters, crankcase ventilation valves and filters, and fuel injector tips (cleaning only), the minimum interval is 1,500 hours.

(ii) For the following components, including associated sensors and actuators, the minimum interval is 4,500 hours: Fuel injectors, turbochargers, catalytic converters, electronic control units, EGR systems (including related components, but excluding filters and coolers), and other add-on components.

(iii) The provisions of paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section apply for SCR systems.

(4) For particulate traps, trap oxidizers, and components related to either of these, scheduled maintenance may include cleaning or repair at the intervals specified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) or (a)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable. Scheduled maintenance may include a shorter interval for cleaning or repair and may also include adjustment or replacement, but only if we approve it. We will approve your request if you provide the maintenance free of charge and clearly state this in your maintenance instructions, and you provide us additional information as needed to convince us that the maintenance will occur.

(5) You may ask us to approve a maintenance interval shorter than that specified in paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section under § 1039.210, including emission-related components that were not in widespread use with nonroad compression-ignition engines before 2011. In your request you must describe the proposed maintenance step, recommend the maximum feasible interval for this maintenance, include your rationale with supporting evidence to support the need for the maintenance at the recommended interval, and demonstrate that the maintenance will be done at the recommended interval on in-use engines. In considering your request, we will evaluate the information you provide and any other available information to establish alternate specifications for maintenance intervals, if appropriate. We will announce any decision we make under this paragraph (a)(5) in the Federal Register. Anyone may request a hearing regarding such a decision (see § 1039.820).

(6) If your engine family has an alternate useful life under § 1039.101(g) that is shorter than the period specified in paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section, you may not schedule critical emission-related maintenance more frequently than the alternate useful life, except as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Recommended additional maintenance. You may recommend any additional amount of maintenance on the components listed in paragraph (a) of this section, as long as you state clearly that these maintenance steps are not necessary to keep the emission-related warranty valid. If operators do the maintenance specified in paragraph (a) of this section, but not the recommended additional maintenance, this does not allow you to disqualify those engines from in-use testing or deny a warranty claim. Do not take these maintenance steps during service accumulation on your emission-data engines.

(c) Special maintenance. You may specify more frequent maintenance to address problems related to special situations, such as atypical engine operation. You must clearly state that this additional maintenance is associated with the special situation you are addressing. You may also address maintenance of low-use engines (such as recreational or stand-by engines) by specifying the maintenance interval in terms of calendar months or years in addition to your specifications in terms of engine operating hours. All special maintenance instructions must be consistent with good engineering judgment. We may disapprove your maintenance instructions if we determine that you have specified special maintenance steps to address maintenance that is unlikely to occur in use, or engine operation that is not atypical. For example, this paragraph (c) does not allow you to design engines that require special maintenance for a certain type of expected operation. If we determine that certain maintenance items do not qualify as special maintenance under this paragraph (c), you may identify this as recommended additional maintenance under paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) Noncritical emission-related maintenance. Subject to the provisions of this paragraph (d), you may schedule any amount of emission-related inspection or maintenance that is not covered by paragraph (a) of this section (that is, maintenance that is neither explicitly identified as critical emission-related maintenance, nor that we approve as critical emission-related maintenance). Noncritical emission-related maintenance generally includes maintenance on the components we specify in 40 CFR part 1068, appendix I, that is not covered in paragraph (a) of this section. You must state in the owners manual that these steps are not necessary to keep the emission-related warranty valid. If operators fail to do this maintenance, this does not allow you to disqualify those engines from in-use testing or deny a warranty claim. Do not take these inspection or maintenance steps during service accumulation on your emission-data engines.

(e) Maintenance that is not emission-related. For maintenance unrelated to emission controls, you may schedule any amount of inspection or maintenance. You may also take these inspection or maintenance steps during service accumulation on your emission-data engines, as long as they are reasonable and technologically necessary. This might include adding engine oil, changing air, fuel, or oil filters, servicing engine-cooling systems or fuel-water separator cartridges or elements, and adjusting idle speed, governor, engine bolt torque, valve lash, or injector lash. You may not perform this nonemission-related maintenance on emission-data engines more often than the least frequent intervals that you recommend to the ultimate purchaser.

(f) Source of parts and repairs. State clearly in your written maintenance instructions that a repair shop or person of the owner's choosing may maintain, replace, or repair emission-control devices and systems. Your instructions may not require components or service identified by brand, trade, or corporate name. Also, do not directly or indirectly condition your warranty on a requirement that the engine be serviced by your franchised dealers or any other service establishments with which you have a commercial relationship. You may disregard the requirements in this paragraph (f) if you do one of two things:

(1) Provide a component or service without charge under the purchase agreement.

(2) Get us to waive this prohibition in the public's interest by convincing us the engine will work properly only with the identified component or service.

(g) Payment for scheduled maintenance. Owners are responsible for properly maintaining their engines. This generally includes paying for scheduled maintenance. However, manufacturers must pay for scheduled maintenance during the useful life if the regulations require it or if it meets all the following criteria:

(1) Each affected component was not in general use on similar engines before the applicable dates shown in paragraph (6) of the definition of new nonroad engine in § 1039.801.

(2) The primary function of each affected component is to reduce emissions.

(3) The cost of the scheduled maintenance is more than 2 percent of the price of the engine.

(4) Failure to perform the maintenance would not cause clear problems that would significantly degrade the engine's performance.

(h) Owners manual. Explain the owner's responsibility for proper maintenance in the owners manual.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 40463, July 13, 2005; 72 FR 53130, Sept. 18, 2007; 73 FR 59191, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 22989, Apr. 30, 2010; 79 FR 46373, Aug. 8, 2014; 81 FR 74134, Oct. 25, 2016]
§ 1039.130 - What installation instructions must I give to equipment manufacturers?

(a) If you sell an engine for someone else to install in a piece of nonroad equipment, give the engine installer instructions for installing it consistent with the requirements of this part. Include all information necessary to ensure that an engine will be installed in its certified configuration.

(b) Make sure these instructions have the following information:

(1) Include the heading: “Emission-related installation instructions”.

(2) State: “Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of nonroad equipment violates federal law (40 CFR 1068.105(b)), subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.”.

(3) Describe the instructions needed to properly install the exhaust system and any other components. Include instructions consistent with the requirements of § 1039.205(u). Also describe how to properly size the DEF tank consistent with the specifications in § 1039.125(a), if applicable.

(4) Describe any necessary steps for installing the diagnostic system described in § 1039.110.

(5) Describe how your certification is limited for any type of application. For example, if your engines are certified only for constant-speed operation, tell equipment manufacturers not to install the engines in variable-speed applications.

(6) Describe any other instructions to make sure the installed engine will operate according to design specifications in your application for certification. This may include, for example, instructions for installing aftertreatment devices when installing the engines.

(7) State: “If you install the engine in a way that makes the engine's emission control information label hard to read during normal engine maintenance, you must place a duplicate label on the equipment, as described in 40 CFR 1068.105.”.

(8) Describe equipment-labeling requirements consistent with § 1039.135. State whether you are providing the label for the fuel inlet or the equipment manufacturer must provide the label.

(c) You do not need installation instructions for engines you install in your own equipment.

(d) Provide instructions in writing or in an equivalent format. For example, you may post instructions on a publicly available website for downloading or printing. If you do not provide the instructions in writing, explain in your application for certification how you will ensure that each installer is informed of the installation requirements.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 40463, July 13, 2005; 79 FR 46373, Aug. 8, 2014; 81 FR 74134, Oct. 25, 2016]
§ 1039.135 - How must I label and identify the engines I produce?

(a) Assign each engine a unique identification number and permanently affix, engrave, or stamp it on the engine in a legible way.

(b) At the time of manufacture, affix a permanent and legible label identifying each engine. The label must meet the requirements of 40 CFR 1068.45.

(c) The label must—

(1) Include the heading “EMISSION CONTROL INFORMATION”.

(2) Include your full corporate name and trademark. You may identify another company and use its trademark instead of yours if you comply with the branding provisions of 40 CFR 1068.45.

(3) Include EPA's standardized designation for the engine family (and subfamily, where applicable).

(4) State the power category or subcategory from § 1039.101 or § 1039.102 that determines the applicable emission standards for the engine family. For engines at or above 37 kW and below 56 kW from model years 2008 through 2012, and for engines less than 8 kW utilizing the provision at § 1039.101(c), you must state the applicable PM standard for the engine family.

(5) State the engine's displacement (in liters); however, you may omit this from the label if all the engines in the engine family have the same per-cylinder displacement and total displacement.

(6) State the date of manufacture [DAY (optional), MONTH, and YEAR]; however, you may omit this from the label if you stamp, engrave, or otherwise permanently identify it elsewhere on the engine, in which case you must also describe in your application for certification where you will identify the date on the engine.

(7) State the FELs to which the engines are certified if certification depends on the ABT provisions of subpart H of this part.

(8) Identify the emission-control system. Use terms and abbreviations as described in 40 CFR 1068.45. You may omit this information from the label if there is not enough room for it and you put it in the owners manual instead.

(9) For diesel-fueled engines, unless otherwise specified in § 1039.104(e)(2), state: “ULTRA LOW SULFUR FUEL ONLY'.

(10) Identify any additional requirements for fuel and lubricants that do not involve fuel-sulfur levels. You may omit this information from the label if there is not enough room for it and you put it in the owners manual instead.

(11) State the useful life for your engine family if we approve a shortened useful life under § 1039.101(g)(2).


(13) For engines above 560 kW, include the following things:

(i) For engines certified to the emission standards for generator-set engines, add the phrase “FOR GENERATOR SETS AND OTHER APPLICATIONS”.

(ii) For all other engines, add the phrase “NOT FOR USE IN A GENERATOR SET”.

(14) If your engines are certified only for constant-speed operation, state “USE IN CONSTANT-SPEED APPLICATIONS ONLY”.

(15) For engines with one or more approved auxiliary emission control devices for emergency equipment applications under § 1039.115(g)(4), the statement: “THIS ENGINE IS FOR INSTALLATION IN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT ONLY.” Note that this label requirement does not apply for engines that include emergency AECDs under § 1039.665 rather than § 1039.115(g)(4).

(d) You may add information to the emission control information label as follows:

(1) You may identify other emission standards that the engine meets or does not meet (such as international standards), as long as this does not cause you to omit any of the information described in paragraphs (c)(5) through (10) of this section. You may add the information about the other emission standards to the statement we specify, or you may include it in a separate statement.

(2) You may add other information to ensure that the engine will be properly maintained and used.

(3) You may add appropriate features to prevent counterfeit labels. For example, you may include the engine's unique identification number on the label.

(e) For model year 2019 and earlier, create a separate label with the statement: “ULTRA LOW SULFUR FUEL ONLY”. Permanently attach this label to the equipment near the fuel inlet or, if you do not manufacture the equipment, take one of the following steps to ensure that the equipment will be properly labeled:

(1) Provide the label to the equipment manufacturer and include the appropriate information in the emission-related installation instructions.

(2) Confirm that the equipment manufacturers install their own complying labels.

(f) You may ask us to approve modified labeling requirements in this part 1039 if you show that it is necessary or appropriate. We will approve your request if your alternate label is consistent with the requirements of this part.

(g) If you obscure the engine label while installing the engine in the equipment such that the label cannot be read during normal maintenance, you must place a duplicate label on the equipment. If others install your engine in their equipment in a way that obscures the engine label, we require them to add a duplicate label on the equipment (see 40 CFR 1068.105); in that case, give them the number of duplicate labels they request and keep the following records for at least five years:

(1) Written documentation of the request from the equipment manufacturer.

(2) The number of duplicate labels you send for each engine family and the date you sent them.

[69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, as amended at 72 FR 53130, Sept. 18, 2007; 73 FR 59191, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 22989, Apr. 30, 2010; 77 FR 34147, June 8, 2012; 79 FR 46373, Aug. 8, 2014; 81 FR 74135, Oct. 25, 2016; 86 FR 34504, June 29, 2021]
§ 1039.140 - What is my engine's maximum engine power?

(a) An engine configuration's maximum engine power is the maximum brake power point on the nominal power curve for the engine configuration, as defined in this section. Round the power value to the nearest whole kilowatt.

(b) The nominal power curve of an engine configuration is the relationship between maximum available engine brake power and engine speed for an engine, using the mapping procedures of 40 CFR part 1065, based on the manufacturer's design and production specifications for the engine. This information may also be expressed by a torque curve that relates maximum available engine torque with engine speed.

(c) The nominal power curve must be within the range of the actual power curves of production engines considering normal production variability. If after production begins it is determined that your nominal power curve does not represent production engines, we may require you to amend your application for certification under § 1039.225.

(d) Throughout this part, references to a specific power value or a range of power values for an engine are based on maximum engine power. For example, the group of engines with maximum engine power above 560 kW may be referred to as engines above 560 kW.

source: 69 FR 39213, June 29, 2004, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1039.104