Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
§ 52.2720 - Identification of plan.

(a) Title of plan: “Clean Air for Puerto Rico.”

(b) The plan was submitted on January 31, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the date specified.

(1) Compliance schedules submitted on April 5, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(2) Compliance schedules submitted on April 9, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(3) Compliance schedules submitted on April 17, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(4) Compliance schedules submitted on May 30, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(5) Compliance schedules submitted on June 18, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(6) Compliance schedules submitted on September 10, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(7) Compliance schedules submitted December 6, 1973, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(8) Information on procedures followed in adoption of compliance schedules submitted on February 1, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(9) Compliance schedules submitted February 7, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(10) Compliance schedules submitted February 7, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(11) Information on procedures followed in adoption of compliance schedules submitted on February 12, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(12) Information on procedures followed in adoption of compliance schedules submitted on March 13, 1974, by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(13) Information on procedures followed in adoption of compliance schedules submitted on March 15, 1974, by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(14) Information on procedures followed in adoption of compliance schedules submitted on March 20, 1974, by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(15) AQMA designations were submitted on May 5, 1974, by the Governor of Puerto Rico.

(16) Compliance schedules submitted June 11, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(17) Compliance schedules submitted on September 6, 1974, by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(18) Revised Article 6 (Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions) was submitted on January 3, 1975, by the Governor of Puerto Rico.

(19) Public hearing information regarding revised Article 6 was submitted on January 17, 1975, by the Executive Director of the Environmental Quality Board.

(20) Information regarding Guayanilla and Aguirre Air Basins was submitted on February 14, 1975, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(21) Emission limitation for one source in the Ponce Air Basin was submitted on March 26, 1976, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(22) Predicted SO2 concentrations for Aguirre Air Basin was submitted on May 8, 1975, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(23) Additional information regarding revised Article 6 was submitted on May 15, 1975, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(24) Predicted SO2 ambient concentrations for Barceloneta and Ensenada submitted on June 2, 1975, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(25) Predicted SO2 ambient concentrations for Barceloneta and Ensenada submitted on January 8, 1976, by the Environmental Quality Board.

(26) A document entitled, “Clean Air for Puerto Rico,” submitted, pursuant to requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act, on June 29, 1979 by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(27) Supplementary submittals of SIP revision material from the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, dated:

(i) October 30, 1979, containing policy statements of EQB with regard to: Its objective to attain both the primary and secondary particulate matter air quality standards by December 31, 1982, assurances with regard to meeting the requirements of reasonable further progress, verification of the detail of its annual reporting effort, clarification of the operation of its offset program and correction of the related inventory and graphical presentations.

(ii) July 24, 1980, providing a comprehensive set of adopted regulations, entitled “Regulation for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution.” Rules 115 and 116 revised in 2011; see paragraph 38 of this section.

(iii) August 6, 1980, providing a commitment to submit “external offsets” as SIP revisions.

(28) A submittal by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board entitled, “Revised Provisions for SIP Air Quality Monitoring Plan,” April 1980.

(29) Revision submitted by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board on April 26, 1982, as modified by a July 8, 1982 letter, which grants a visible emissions standard variance to ovens “A” and “B” of the Owens-Illinois, Inc. Vega Alta plant. This variance remains in effect until November 2, 1985.

(30) Revision submitted on March 3, 1981 by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Environmental Quality Board which establishes fuel oil sulfur content limitations (known as “sulfur assignments”) applicable to the 110 sources. On October 20, 1983, 78 of these 110 sources had their sulfur assignments approved by EPA.

(31) Revision submitted on May 30, 1984 by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Environmental Quality Board which establishes fuel oil sulfur content limitations (known as “sulfur assignments”) applicable to the Bristol Alpha Corporation.

(32) An Implementation Plan for attainment of the lead standard was submitted on September 28, 1984 by the Chairman of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board. On December 12, 1984, the Chairman submitted a schedule for establishing a program to review new sources of lead.

(33) Revision submitted by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board on September 6, 1983, which grants a visible emissions variance from Commonwealth Rule 403, “Visible Emissions,” from 20 percent to 45 percent for the crude unit and from 20 percent to 35 percent for the hot oil/final lube unit located at the Yabucoa Sun Oil Company's plant in Yabucoa.

(34) Revision submitted by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board on December 31, 1986, which grants a visible emissions standard variance to Owen-Illinois, Inc. Vega Alta plant.

(i) Incorporation by reference. Resolution and notification announcing a Certificate of Renewal to Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Law 403 of the Regulation for Control of Atmospheric Pollution; adopted on July 9, 1986.

(ii) Additional material. Documents submitted on December 31, 1986 in support of the above resolution.

(35) A revision submitted on November 14, 1993 by the Chairman of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (EQB) for the Municipality of Guaynabo. The submittal was made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for the Municipality of Guaynabo as outlined in the Clean Air Act of 1990.

(i) Incorporation by reference:

(A) Regulations:

(1) Amendments to Part I, Rule 102, “Definitions,” of the Puerto Rico Regulations for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution, effective April 2, 1994.

(2) Amendments to Part II, Rule 201, “Location Approval,” Rule 202, “Air Quality Impact Analysis,” and Rule 203, “Permit to Construct a Source,” of the Puerto Rico Regulations for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution, effective April 2, 1994.

(3) Amendments to Part IV, Rule 401, “Generic Prohibitions,” Rule 402, “Open Burning,” Rule 403, “Visible Emissions,” Rule 404, “Fugitive Dust,” and Rule 423, “Limitations for the Guaynabo PM10 Nonattainment Area,” of the Puerto Rico Regulations for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution, effective April 2, 1994.

(B) Memoranda of Understanding (MOU):

(1) MOU signed by the Chairman of EQB and the Executive Director of Puerto Rico Electrical Power Authority, San Juan plant, limiting the sulfur-in-fuel level, annual operation capacity, and requiring the submittal of monthly sampling reports of its fuel's sulfur content, effective January 31, 1994.

(2) MOU signed by the Chairman of EQB and the Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works and the Executive Director of the Highway Authority to maintain and control the reconstruction of existing roads and the construction of new roads, effective July 2, 1993.

(3) MOU signed by the Chairman of EQB and the Mayor of the Municipality of Guaynabo to pave and maintain the streets, roads and parking areas located in the Municipality of Guaynabo, effective December 13, 1993.

(4) MOU signed by the Chairman of EQB and the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Port Authority to pave and maintain the streets, roads, and parking areas that lead into the port area in Puerto Nuevo, Guaynabo and San Juan, effective October 14, 1993.

(36) Revisions to the Puerto Rico Regulations for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution (the Regulations) submitted on September 29, 1995 by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (EQB).

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Regulations:

(1) Amendments to Part I, “General Provisions”, Rules 102, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 114, 117, and 121, effective September 28, 1995. Rule 111 revised in 2011; see paragraph 38 of this section.

(2) Amendments to Part II, “Approval and Permit”, Rules 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, and 209, effective September 28, 1995.

(3) Amendments to Part III, “Variance”, Rule 301, effective September 28, 1995.

(4) Amendments to Part IV, “Prohibitions”, Rules 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, and 417, effective September 28, 1995.

(5) Amendments to Part V, “Fees”, Rule 501, effective September 28, 1995.

(ii) Additional information.

(A) Request by EQB to remove Rules 411, 418, 419, 420 and 421 of Part IV, “Prohibitions” of the Regulations from the federally approved SIP dated September 29, 1995.

(B) An October 4, 1996 letter from EQB to EPA requesting that EPA delay approval of Rules 112 and 211.

(37) On March 31, 2009, the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board submitted a Particulate Matter (PM10) Limited Maintenance Plan and requested the redesignation of the Municipality of Guaynabo PM10 Nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. EPA approves Puerto Rico's Limited Maintenance Plan including the 2002 PM10 attainment emissions inventory, attainment plan, maintenance demonstration, contingency measures, monitoring network, transportation conformity analysis and revisions to Rules 102 and 423 of the Puerto Rico Regulation for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution. On July 15, 2009, the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board submitted the official copy of the adopted revisions to Rules 102 and 423.

(i) Limited Maintenance Plan 24-Hour PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the Municipality of Guaynabo Moderate Nonattainment Area which includes amendments to Rules 102 and 423 of the Regulation for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution, approved by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board March 5, 2009; filed with the Secretary of State April 28, 2009; effective May 28, 2009.

(A) Rule 102 Definitions, Guaynabo PM10 Maintenance Area; filed with the Secretary of State April 28, 2009; effective May 28, 2009. Rule 102 revised in 2011; see paragraph 38 of this section.

(B) Rule 423 Limitations for the Guaynabo PM10 Maintenance Area; filed with the Secretary of State April 28, 2009; effective May 28, 2009.

(38) Revisions to the Puerto Rico Regulations for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution submitted on July 13, 2011 by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.

(i) Rule 102, Definitions, filed with the Secretary of State January 19, 2011; effective February 18, 2011. Supersedes version in paragraph 37.

(ii) Rule 111, Applications, Public Hearings and Public Notice; filed with the Secretary of State January 19, 2011; effective February 18, 2011. Supersedes version in paragraph 36.

(iii) Rule 115, Penalties; filed with the Secretary of State January 19, 2011; effective February 18, 2011. Supersedes version in paragraph 27.

(iv) Rule 116, Public Nuisance; filed with the Secretary of State January 19, 2011; effective February 18, 2011. Supersedes version in paragraph 27.

(v) Appendix A, Hazardous Air Pollutants—Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act; filed with the Secretary of State January 19, 2011; effective February 18, 2011.

(39) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (EQB) on November 29, 2006, and supplemented February 1, 2016 for the 1997 ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS; dated January 22, 2013, and supplemented April 16, 2015 and February 1, 2016 for the 2006 PM2.5 and supplemented February 1, 2016 for the 2008 ozone NAAQS; and dated January 31, 2013 and supplemented February 1, 2016 for the 2008 lead NAAQS.

(i) Incorporation by reference. These provisions are intended to apply to any person subject to CAA section 128, and are included in the SIP to address the requirements of CAA sections 110(a)(2)(E)(ii) and 128.

(A) Act 416 (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's “Environmental Public Policy Act”), Title II, “On the Environmental Board,” Section 7, “Creating the Board; Members; Terms,” sections A. and D., approved September 22, 2004;

(B) Act 1 (“Puerto Rico Government Ethics Act of 2011”), Chapter V, “Financial Reports,” approved January 3, 2012.

(40) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (EQB) on August 30, 2016 for the 2008 lead NAAQS.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Additional information—EPA approves Puerto Rico's Attainment Demonstration for the Arecibo Lead Nonattainment Area including the base year emissions inventory, modeling demonstration of lead attainment, contingency measures, reasonably available control measures/reasonably available control technology, and reasonable further progress.

[37 FR 10905, May 31, 1972] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.2720, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 52.2721 - Classification of regions.

The Puerto Rico plan was evaluated on the basis of the following classifications.

Air quality control region Pollutant
Particulate matter Sulfur oxides Nitrogen dioxide Carbon monoxide Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons)
[37 FR 10905, May 31, 1972]
§ 52.2722 - Approval status.

With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Puerto Rico's plans for the attainment and maintenance of national standards under section 110 of the Clean Air Act. Furthermore, the Administrator finds that the plan satisfies all requirements of Part D, Title I, of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977.

§ 52.2723 - EPA-approved Puerto Rico regulations and laws.

Regulation for the Control of Atmospheric Pollution and Puerto Rico Laws

Puerto Rico regulation Commonwealth effective date EPA approval date Comments
Rule 101—Title9/28/951/22/97, 62 FR 3213
Rule 102—Definitions2/18/118/29/12, 77 FR 52235Puerto Rico's Environmental Public Policy Act Law No. 9 of June 18, 1970 was replaced with Law 416 of September 22, 2004.
Rule 103—Source Monitoring, Recordkeeping, Reporting, Sampling and Testing Methods9/28/951/22/97, 62 FR 3213
Rule 104—Emission Data Available to Public Participation9/28/
Rule 105—Malfunction9/28/
Rule 106—Test Methods9/28/
Rule 107—Air Pollution Emergencies9/28/
Rule 108—Air Pollution Control Equipment9/28/
Rule 109—Notice of Violation9/28/
Rule 110—Revision of Applicable Rules and Regulations9/28/
Rule 111—Applications, Public Hearings and Public Notice2/18/118/29/12, 77 FR 52235Puerto Rico's Environmental Public Policy Act Law No. 9 of June 18, 1970 was replaced with Law 416 of September 22, 2004.
Rule 113—Closure of a Source9/28/951/22/97, 62 FR 3213
Rule 114—Compulsory and Optional Hearing9/28/
Rule 115— Penalties2/18/118/29/12, 77 FR 52235Puerto Rico's Environmental Public Policy Act Law No. 9 of June 18, 1970 was replaced with Law 416 of September 22, 2004.
Rule 116— Public Nuisance2/18/118/29/12, 77 FR 52235Puerto Rico's Environmental Public Policy Act Law No. 9 of June 18, 1970 was replaced with Law 416 of September 22, 2004.
Rule 117—Overlapping or Contradictory Provisions9/28/951/22/97, 62 FR 3213
Rule 118—Segregation and Combination of Emissions9/28/
Rule 119—Derogation9/28/
Rule 120—Separability Clause9/28/
Rule 121—Effectiveness9/28/
Rule 201—Location Approval9/28/
Rule 202—Air Quality Impact Analysis9/28/
Rule 203—Permit to Construct a Source9/28/
Rule 204—Permit to Operate a Source9/28/
Rule 205—Compliance Plan for Existing Emission Sources9/28/
Rule 206—Exemptions9/28/
Rule 207—Continuing Responsibility for Compliance9/28/
Rule 208—Agricultural Burning Authorized9/28/
Rule 209—Modification of the Allowed Sulfur-in-Fuel Percentage9/28/
Rule 210—(Reserved) Part III, “Variance”
Rule 301—Variances Authorized9/28/
Rule 302—Emergency Variances9/28/
Rule 401—Generic Prohibitions9/28/
Rule 402—Open Burning9/28/
Rule 403—Visible Emissions9/28/
Rule 404—Fugitive Emissions9/28/
Rule 405—Incineration9/28/
Rule 406—Fuel Burning Equipment9/28/
Rule 407—Process Sources9/28/
Rule 408—Asphaltic Concrete Batching Plants9/28/
Rule 409—Non-Process Sources9/28/
Rule 410—Maximum Sulfur Content in Fuels9/28/
Rule 412—Sulfur Dioxide Emissions: General9/28/
Rule 413—Sulfuric Acid Plants9/28/
Rule 414—Sulfur Recovery Plants9/28/
Rule 415—Non-Ferrous Smelters9/28/
Rule 416—Sulfite Pulp Mills9/28/
Rule 417—Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds9/28/
Rule 423, Limitations for the Guaynabo PM10 Maintenance Area5/28/091/12/10, 75 FR 1543.
Rule 501—Permit Fees9/28/951/22/97; 62 FR 3213
Rule 502—Excess Emission Fees9/28/
Rule 503—Test Fees9/28/
Rule 504—Modification9/28/
Appendix A, Hazardous Air Pollutants—Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act2/18/118/29/12, 77 FR 52235
Act 1 (“Puerto Rico Government Ethics Act of 2011”), Chapter V, “Financial Reports”1/3/129/13/16, 81 FR 62816These provisions are intended to apply to any person subject to Clean Air Act section 128, and are included in the SIP for the limited purpose of satisfying the requirements of Clean Air Act sections 110(a)(2)(E)(ii) and 128. January 3, 2012 is the Commonwealth approval date.
Act 416 (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's “Environmental Public Policy Act”), Title II, “On the Environmental Board,” Section 7, “Creating the Board; Members; Terms,” sections A. and D9/22/04 9/13/16, 81 FR 62816These provisions are intended to apply to any person subject to Clean Air Act section 128, and are included in the SIP for the limited purpose of satisfying the requirements of Clean Air Act sections 110(a)(2)(E)(ii) and 128. September 22, 2004 is the Commonwealth approval date.
[62 FR 3213, Jan. 22, 1997; 62 FR 6619, Feb. 12, 1997, as amended at 75 FR 1546, Jan. 12, 2010; 77 FR 16679, Mar. 22, 2012; 77 FR 52235, Aug. 29, 2012; 81 FR 62816, Sept. 13, 2016]
§ 52.2724 - [Reserved]
§ 52.2725 - General requirements.

(a) The requirements of § 51.116(c) of this chapter are not met, since section 2.4 of the Puerto Rico Regulation for Control of Atmospheric Pollution could, in some circumstances, prohibit the disclosure of emission data to the public. Therefore, section 2.4 is disapproved.

(b) Regulation for public availability of emission data. (1) Any person who cannot obtain emission data from the Agency responsible for making emission data available to the public, as specified in the applicable plan, concerning emissions from any source subject to emission limitations which are part of the approved plan may request that the appropriate Regional Administrator obtain and make public such data. Within 30 days after receipt of any such written request, the Regional Administrator shall require the owner or operator of any such source to submit information within 30 days on the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional Administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the applicable plan.

(2) Commencing after the initial notification by the Regional Administrator pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the owner or operator of the source shall maintain records of the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional Administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the plan. The information recorded shall be summarized and reported to the Regional Administrator, on forms furnished by the Regional Administrator, and shall be submitted within 45 days after the end of the reporting period. Reporting periods are January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31.

(3) Information recorded by the owner or operator and copies of this summarizing report submitted to the Regional Administrator shall be retained by the owner or operator for 2 years after the date on which the pertinent report is submitted.

(4) Emission data obtained from owners or operators of stationary sources will be correlated with applicable emission limitations and other control measures that are part of the applicable plan and will be available at the appropriate regional office and at other locations in the state designated by the Regional Administrator.

[39 FR 34537, Sept. 26, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 55334, Nov. 28, 1975; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]
§ 52.2726 - Legal authority.

(a) The requirements of § 51.230(f) of this chapter are not met, since Article 17 of Puerto Rico Act 9 could, in some circumstances, prohibit the disclosure of emission data to the public. Therefore, Article 17 is disapproved.

[39 FR 34537, Sept. 26, 1974, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]
§ 52.2727 - Control strategy and regulations: Lead.

EPA approves revisions to the Puerto Rico State Implementation Plan submitted on August 30, 2016, consisting of the base year emissions inventory, modeling demonstration of lead attainment, contingency measures, reasonably available control measures/reasonably available control technology, and reasonable further progress for the Arecibo Lead Nonattainment Area. These revisions contain control measures that will bring Puerto Rico into attainment for the Lead NAAQS by the end of 2018.

[82 FR 32480, July 14, 2017]
§ 52.2728 - [Reserved]
§ 52.2729 - Significant deterioration of air quality.

(a) The requirements of sections 160 through 165 of the Clean Air Act are not met, since the plan does not include approvable procedures for preventing the significant deterioration of air quality.

(b) Regulations for preventing significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of § 52.21 except paragraph (a)(1) are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable State plan for the State of Puerto Rico.

[43 FR 26410, June 19, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 52741, Aug. 7, 1980; 68 FR 11325, Mar. 10, 2003; 68 FR 74491, Dec. 24, 2003]
§ 52.2730 - Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements.

(a) 1997 8-hour ozone and the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS— (1) Approval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated November 29, 2006 and supplemented February 1, 2016, to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 1997 ozone and the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. This submittal satisfies the 1997 ozone and the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C) (with the exception of program requirements for PSD), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II) and (ii) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (K), (L), and (M).

(2) Disapproval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated November 29, 2006 and supplemented February 1, 2016, to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 1997 ozone and the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS are disapproved for the following sections: 110(a)(2)(C) (PSD program only), (D)(i)(II), PSD program only), (D)(ii) (PSD program only) and (J) (PSD program only). These requirements are being addressed by § 52.2729 which has been delegated to Puerto Rico to implement.

(b) 2008 ozone and the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS— (1) Approval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated January 22, 2013, supplemented February 1, 2016 to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQS and supplemented April 16, 2015 and February 1, 2016 to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. This submittal satisfies the 2008 ozone and the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C) (with the exception of program requirements for PSD), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II) and (ii) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (K), (L), and (M).

(2) Disapproval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated January 22, 2013 and supplemented April 16, 2015 and February 1, 2016, to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 2008 ozone and the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS are disapproved for the following sections: 110(a)(2)(C) (PSD program only), (D)(i)(II) (PSD program only), (D)(ii) (PSD program only) and (J) (PSD program only). These requirements are being addressed by § 52.2729 which has been delegated to Puerto Rico to implement.

(c) 2008 lead NAAQS— (1) Approval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated January 31, 2013 and supplemented February 1, 2016, to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 2008 lead NAAQS. This submittal satisfies the 2008 lead NAAQS requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C) (with the exception of program requirements for PSD), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II) and (ii) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J) (with the exception of program requirements related to PSD), (K), (L), and (M).

(2) Disapproval. Submittal from Puerto Rico dated January 31, 2013 and supplemented February 1, 2016, to address the CAA infrastructure requirements for the 2008 lead NAAQS are disapproved for the following sections: 110(a)(2)(C) (PSD program only), (D)(i)(II) (PSD program only), (D)(ii) (PSD program only) and (J) (PSD program only). These requirements are being addressed by § 52.2729 which has been delegated to Puerto Rico to implement.

[81 FR 62817, Sept. 13, 2016, as amended at 83 FR 61330, Nov. 29, 2018]
§ 52.2731 - Control strategy and regulations: Sulfur oxides.

(a) The requirements of subpart G of this chapter are not met since the Puerto Rico plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for sulfur oxides in the areas of Aguirre, Barceloneta, Trujillo Alto-Dorado and Ensenada.

(b) Article 6, as submitted to EPA on January 3, 1975, of the Puerto Rico Regulations for Control of Atmospheric Pollution, as it applies to those areas listed in paragraph (a) of this section is disapproved for the following facilities: Puerto RicoWater Resources Authority—Aguirre Complex, Abbott, Merck and Company, Bristol Meyers, Pfizer, Union Carbide, Upjohn, located in the Barceloneta air basin, and Central Guanica, located in the Aquada air basin. Accordingly, these sources, with the exception of the Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority—Aguirre Complex, are required to conform to the sulfur in fuel limitations contained in Article 6 of the Puerto Rico implementation plan as submitted to EPA on January 31, 1972.

(c) On and after the effective date of this paragraph, the maximum allowable sulfur in fuel limitation, by weight, for the Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority Aguirre complex shall be 2.5 percent.

(d) The requirements of section 110 of the Clean Air Act are not met since Article 6 of the Puerto Rico Regulation for Control of Atmospheric Pollution would permit the use of stack height increases in lieu of available methods for emission reduction. Therefore, Section H of Appendix A of Article 6 of the Puerto Rico Regulation for Control of Atmospheric Pollution is disapproved to the extent that it would permit increases in stack height in lieu of available methods of emission reduction.

[40 FR 42194, Sept. 11, 1975. Correctly designated at 41 FR 24586, June 17, 1976, and amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]
§ 52.2732 - Small business technical and environmental compliance assistance program.

On November 16, 1992, the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board submitted a plan for the establishment and implementation of a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program for incorporation in the Puerto Rico state implementation plan. This plan meets the requirements of section 507 of the Clean Air Act, and Puerto Rico must implement the plan as approved by EPA.

[59 FR 34386, July 5, 1994]
cite as: 40 CFR 52.2731