Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 60.290 - Applicability and designation of affected facility.

(a) Each glass melting furnace is an affected facility to which the provisions of this subpart apply.

(b) Any facility under paragraph (a) of this section that commences construction or modification after June 15, 1979, is subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(c) This subpart does not apply to hand glass melting furnaces, glass melting furnaces designed to produce less than 4.55 Mg (5 tons) of glass per day and all-electric melters.

[45 FR 66751, Oct. 7, 1980, as amended at 65 FR 61759, Oct. 17, 2000]
§ 60.291 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the Act and in subpart A of this part, unless otherwise required by the context.

All-electric melter means a glass melting furnace in which all the heat required for melting is provided by electric current from electrodes submerged in the molten glass, although some fossil fuel may be charged to the furnace as raw material only.

Borosilicate recipe means glass product composition of the following approximate ranges of weight proportions: 60 to 80 percent silicon dioxide, 4 to 10 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 5 to 35 percent boric oxides, and 0 to 13 percent other oxides.

Container glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe, clear or colored, which is pressed and/or blown into bottles, jars, ampoules, and other products listed in Standard Industrial Classification 3221 (SIC 3221).

Experimental furnace means a glass melting furnace with the sole purpose of operating to evaluate glass melting processes, technologies, or glass products. An experimental furnace does not produce glass that is sold (except for further research and development purposes) or that is used as a raw material for nonexperimental furnaces.

Flat glass means glass made of soda-lime recipe and produced into continuous flat sheets and other products listed in SIC 3211.

Flow channels means appendages used for conditioning and distributing molten glass to forming apparatuses and are a permanently separate source of emissions such that no mixing of emissions occurs with emissions from the melter cooling system prior to their being vented to the atmosphere.

Glass melting furnace means a unit comprising a refractory vessel in which raw materials are charged, melted at high temperature, refined, and conditioned to produce molten glass. The unit includes foundations, superstructure and retaining walls, raw material charger systems, heat exchangers, melter cooling system, exhaust system, refractory brick work, fuel supply and electrical boosting equipment, integral control systems and instrumentation, and appendages for conditioning and distributing molten glass to forming apparatuses. The forming apparatuses, including the float bath used in flat glass manufacturing and flow channels in wool fiberglass and textile fiberglass manufacturing, are not considered part of the glass melting furnace.

Glass produced means the weight of the glass pulled from the glass melting furnace.

Hand glass melting furnace means a glass melting furnace where the molten glass is removed from the furnace by a glassworker using a blowpipe or a pontil.

Lead recipe means glass product composition of the following ranges of weight proportions: 50 to 60 percent silicon dioxide, 18 to 35 percent lead oxides, 5 to 20 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 0 to 8 percent total R2O3 (e.g., Al2O3), 0 to 15 percent total RO (e.g., CaO, MgO), other than lead oxide, and 5 to 10 percent other oxides.

Pressed and blown glass means glass which is pressed, blown, or both, including textile fiberglass, noncontinuous flat glass, noncontainer glass, and other products listed in SIC 3229. It is separated into:

(1) Glass of borosilicate recipe.

(2) Glass of soda-lime and lead recipes.

(3) Glass of opal, fluoride, and other recipes.

Rebricking means cold replacement of damaged or worn refractory parts of the glass melting furnace. Rebricking includes replacement of the refractories comprising the bottom, sidewalls, or roof of the melting vessel; replacement of refractory work in the heat exchanger; replacement of refractory portions of the glass conditioning and distribution system.

Soda-lime recipe means glass product composition of the following ranges of weight proportions: 60 to 75 percent silicon dioxide, 10 to 17 percent total R2O (e.g., Na2O and K2O), 8 to 20 percent total RO but not to include any PbO (e.g., CaO, and MgO), 0 to 8 percent total R2O3 (e.g., Al2O3), and 1 to 5 percent other oxides.

Textile fiberglass means fibrous glass in the form of continuous strands having uniform thickness.

With modified-processes means using any technique designed to minimize emissions without the use of add-on pollution controls.

Wool fiberglass means fibrous glass of random texture, including fiberglass insulation, and other products listed in SIC 3296.

[45 FR 66751, Oct. 7, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 41035, Oct. 19, 1984; 65 FR 61759, Oct. 17, 2000]
§ 60.292 - Standards for particulate matter.

(a) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no owner or operator of a glass melting furnace subject to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere—

(1) From any glass melting furnace fired exclusively with either a gaseous fuel or a liquid fuel, particulate matter at emission rates exceeding those specified in table CC-1, Column 2 and Column 3, respectively, or

(2) From any glass melting furnace, fired simultaneously with gaseous and liquid fuels, particulate matter at emission rates exceeding STD as specified by the following equation:

STD = X [1.3(Y) + (Z)] Where: STD = Particulate matter emission limit, g of particulate/kg (lb of particulate/ton) of glass produced. X = Emission rate specified in table CC-1 for furnaces fired with gaseous fuel (Column 2). Y = Decimal fraction of liquid fuel heating value to total (gaseous and liquid) fuel heating value fired in the glass melting furnaces as determined in § 60.296(b). (joules/joules). Z = (1-Y).

(b) Conversion of a glass melting furnace to the use of liquid fuel is not considered a modification for the purposes of § 60.14.

(c) Rebricking and the cost of rebricking is not considered a reconstruction for the purposes of § 60.15.

(d) An owner or operator of an experimental furnace is not subject to the requirements of this section.

(e) During routine maintenance of add-on pollution controls, an owner or operator of a glass melting furnace subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section is exempt from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section if:

(1) Routine maintenance in each calendar year does not exceed 6 days;

(2) Routine maintenance is conducted in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions; and

(3) A report is submitted to the Administrator 10 days before the start of the routine maintenance (if 10 days cannot be provided, the report must be submitted as soon as practicable) and the report contains an explanation of the schedule of the maintenance.

Table CC-1—Emission Rates

[g of particulate/kg of glass produced]

Col. 1—Glass manufacturing plant industry segment Col. 2—Furnace fired with gaseous fuel Col. 3—Furnace fired with liquid fuel
Container glass0.10.13
Pressed and blown glass
(a) Borosilicate Recipes0.50.65
(b) Soda-Lime and Lead Recipes0.10.13
(c) Other-Than Borosilicate, Soda-Lime, and Lead Recipes (including opal, fluoride, and other recipes)0.250.325
Wool fiberglass0.250.325
Flat glass0.2250.225
[45 FR 66751, Oct. 7, 1980, as amended at 49 FR 41035, Oct. 19, 1984; 54 FR 6674, Feb. 14, 1989; 65 FR 61759, Oct. 17, 2000]
§ 60.293 - Standards for particulate matter from glass melting furnace with modified-processes.

(a) An owner or operator of a glass melting furnaces with modified-processes is not subject to the provisions of § 60.292 if the affected facility complies with the provisions of this section.

(b) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted by § 60.8 is completed, no owner or operator of a glass melting furnace with modified-processes subject to the provisions of this subpart shall cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from the affected facility:

(1) Particulate matter at emission rates exceeding 0.5 gram of particulate per kilogram of glass produced (g/kg) as measured according to paragraph (e) of this section for container glass, flat glass, and pressed and blown glass with a soda-lime recipe melting furnaces.

(2) Particulate matter at emission rates exceeding 1.0 g/kg as measured according to paragraph (e) of this section for pressed and blown glass with a borosilicate recipe melting furnace.

(3) Particulate matter at emission rates exceeding 0.5 g/kg as measured according to paragraph (e) of this section for textile fiberglass and wool fiberglass melting furnaces.

(c) The owner or operator of an affected facility that is subject to emission limits specified under paragraph (b) of this section shall:

(1) Install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous monitoring system for the measurement of the opacity of emissions discharged into the atmosphere from the affected facility.

(2) During the performance test required to be conducted by § 60.8, conduct continuous opacity monitoring during each test run.

(3) Calculate 6-minute opacity averages from 24 or more data points equally spaced over each 6-minute period during the test runs.

(4) Determine, based on the 6-minute opacity averages, the opacity value corresponding to the 99 percent upper confidence level of a normal distribution of average opacity values.

(5) For the purposes of § 60.7, report to the Administrator as excess emissions all of the 6-minute periods during which the average opacity, as measured by the continuous monitoring system installed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, exceeds the opacity value corresponding to the 99 percent upper confidence level determined under paragraph (c)(4) of this section.

(d)(1) After receipt and consideration of written application, the Administrator may approve alternative continuous monitoring systems for the measurement of one or more process or operating parameters that is or are demonstrated to enable accurate and representative monitoring of an emission limit specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) After the Administrator approves an alternative continuous monitoring system for an affected facility, the requirements of paragraphs (c) (1) through (5) of this section will not apply for that affected facility.

(e) An owner or operator may redetermine the opacity value corresponding to the 99 percent upper confidence level as described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section if the owner or operator:

(1) Conducts continuous opacity monitoring during each test run of a performance test that demonstrates compliance with an emission limit of paragraph (b) of this section,

(2) Recalculates the 6-minute opacity averages as described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, and

(3) Uses the redetermined opacity value corresponding to the 99 percent upper confidence level for the purposes of paragraph (c)(5) of this section.

(f) Test methods and procedures as specified in § 60.296 shall be used to determine compliance with this section except that to determine compliance for any glass melting furnace using modified processes and fired with either a gaseous fuel or a liquid fuel containing less than 0.50 weight percent sulfur, Method 5 shall be used with the probe and filter holder heating system in the sampling train set to provide a gas temperature of 120 ±14 °C (248 ±25 °F).

[49 FR 41036, Oct. 19, 1984, as amended at 64 FR 7466, Feb. 12, 1999; 65 FR 61759, Oct. 17, 2000]
§§ 60.294-60.295 - §[Reserved]
§ 60.296 - Test methods and procedures.

(a) If a glass melting furnace with modified processes is changed to one without modified processes or if a glass melting furnace without modified processes is changed to one with modified processes, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator at least 60 days before the change is scheduled to occur.

(b) When gaseous and liquid fuels are fired simultaneously in a glass melting furnace, the owner or operator shall determine the applicable standard under § 60.292(a)(2) as follows:

(1) The ratio (Y) of liquid fuel heating value to total (gaseous and liquid) fuel heating value fired in the glass melting furnaces shall be computed for each run using the following equation:

Y = (Hl L)/(Hl L + Hg G) where: Y = decimal fraction of liquid fuel heating value to total fuel heating value. Hl = gross calorific value of liquid fuel, J/kg. Hg = gross calorific value of gaseous fuel, J/kg. L = liquid flow rate, kg/hr. G = gaseous flow rate, kg/hr.

(2) Suitable methods shall be used to determine the rates (L and G) of fuels burned during each test period and a material balance over the glass melting furnace shall be used to confirm the rates.

(3) ASTM Method D240-76 or 92 (liquid fuels) and D1826-77 or 94 (gaseous fuels) (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17), as applicable, shall be used to determine the gross calorific values.

(c) In conducting the performance tests required in § 60.8, the owner or operator shall use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in appendix A of this part or other methods and procedures as specified in this section, except as provided in § 60.8(b).

(d) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the particulate matter standards in §§ 60.292 and 60.293 as follows:

(1) The emission rate (E) of particulate matter shall be computed for each run using the following equation:

E = (cs Qsd−A)/P where: E = emission rate of particulate matter, g/kg. cs = concentration of particulate matter, g/dsm. Qsd = volumetric flow rate, dscm/hr. A = zero production rate correction = 227 g/hr for container glass, pressed and blown (soda-lime and lead) glass, and pressed and blown (other than borosilicate, soda-lime, and lead) glass. = 454 g/hr for pressed and blown (borosilicate) glass, wool fiberglass, and flat glass. P = glass production rate, kg/hr.

(2) Method 5 shall be used to determine the particulate matter concentration (cs) and volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of the effluent gas. The sampling time and sample volume for each run shall be at least 60 minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8 dscf). The probe and filter holder heating system may be set to provide a gas temperature no greater than 177 ±14 °C (350 ±25 °F), except under the conditions specified in § 60.293(e).

(3) Direct measurement or material balance using good engineering practice shall be used to determine the amount of glass pulled during the performance test. The rate of glass produced is defined as the weight of glass pulled from the affected facility during the performance test divided by the number of hours taken to perform the performance test.

(4) Method 9 and the procedures in § 60.11 shall be used to determine opacity.

[54 FR 6674, Feb. 14, 1989; 54 FR 21344, May 17, 1989, as amended at 65 FR 61759, Oct. 17, 2000]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 60.293