Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 33.201 - What does this subpart require?

(a) In order to qualify and participate as an MBE or WBE prime or subcontractor for EPA recipients under EPA's DBE Program, an entity must be properly certified as required by this subpart.

(b) EPA's DBE Program is primarily based on two statutes. Public Law 102-389, 42 U.S.C. 4370d,provides,including. Title X of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 7601 note, provides for a 10% objective for awarding contracts under EPA financial assistance agreements for research relating to such amendments to business concerns or other organizations owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (“EPA's 10% statute”).

§ 33.202 - How does an entity qualify as an MBE or WBE under EPA's 8% statute?

To qualify as an MBE or WBE under EPA's 8% statute, an entity must establish that it is owned or controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who are of good character and citizens of the United States. An entity need not demonstrate potential for success.

(a) Ownership or control. “Ownership” and “control” shall have the same meanings as set forth in 13 CFR 124.105 and 13 CFR 124.106, respectively. (See also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations).

(b) Socially disadvantaged individual. A socially disadvantaged individual is a person who has been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of his or her identity as a member of a group without regard to his or her individual qualities and as further defined by the implementing regulations of section 8(a)(5) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(5); 13 CFR 124.103; see also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations).

(c) Economically disadvantaged individual. An economically disadvantaged individual is a socially disadvantaged individual whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system is impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities, as compared to others in the same business area who are not socially disadvantaged and as further defined by section 8(a)(6) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(6)) and its implementing regulations (13 CFR 124.104). (See also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations). Under EPA's DBE Program, an individual claiming disadvantaged status must have an initial and continued personal net worth of less than $750,000.

(d) HBCU. An HBCU automatically qualifies as an entity owned or controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

(e) Women. Women are deemed to be socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Ownership or control must be demonstrated pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, which may be accomplished by certification under § 33.204.

§ 33.203 - How does an entity qualify as an MBE or WBE under EPA's 10% statute?

To qualify as an MBE or WBE under EPA's 10% statute, an entity must establish that it is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who are of good character and citizens of the United States.

(a) Ownership and control. An entity must be at least 51% owned by a socially and economically disadvantaged individual, or in the case of a publicly traded company, at least 51% of the stock must be owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and the management and daily business operations of the business concern must be controlled by such individuals. (See also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations).

(b) Socially disadvantaged individual. A socially disadvantaged individual is a person who has been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of his or her identity as a member of a group without regard to his or her individual qualities and as further defined by the implementing regulations of section 8(a)(5) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(5); 13 CFR 124.103; see also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations).

(c) Economically disadvantaged individual. An economically disadvantaged individual is a socially disadvantaged individual whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system is impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities, as compared to others in the same business area who are not socially disadvantaged and as further defined by section 8(a)(6) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(6)) and its implementing regulations (13 CFR 124.104). (See also 13 CFR 124.109 for special rules applicable to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Corporations; 13 CFR 124.110 for special rules applicable to Native Hawaiian Organizations). Under EPA's DBE Program, an individual claiming disadvantaged status must have an initial and continued personal net worth of less than $750,000.

(d) Presumptions. In accordance with Title X of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 7601 note, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Women and Disabled Americans are presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. In addition, the following institutions are presumed to be entities owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals: HBCUs, Minority Institutions (including Tribal Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions) and private and voluntary organizations controlled by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged.

(e) Individuals not members of designated groups. Nothing in this section shall prohibit any member of a racial or ethnic group that is not designated as socially and economically disadvantaged under paragraph (d) of this section from establishing that they have been impeded in developing a business concern as a result of racial or ethnic discrimination.

(f) Rebuttal of presumptions. The presumptions established by paragraph (d) of this section may be rebutted in accordance with § 33.209 with respect to a particular entity if it is reasonably established that the individual at issue is not experiencing impediments to developing such entity as a result of the individual's identification as a member of a specified group.

(g) Joint ventures. (1) A joint venture may be considered owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, notwithstanding the size of such joint venture, if a party to the joint venture is an entity that is owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individual, and that entity owns 51% of the joint venture.

(2) As a party to a joint venture, a person who is not an economically disadvantaged individual, or an entity that is not owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individual, may not be a party to more than two awarded contracts in a fiscal year solely by joint venture with a socially and economically disadvantaged individual or entity.

§ 33.204 - Where does an entity become certified under EPA's 8% and 10% statutes?

(a) In order to participate as an MBE or WBE prime or subcontractor for EPA recipients under EPA's DBE Program, an entity must first attempt to be certified by the following:

(1) The United States Small Business Administration (SBA), under its 8(a) Business Development Program (13 CFR part 124, subpart A) or its Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Program, (13 CFR part 124, subpart B);

(2) The United States Department of Transportation (DOT), under its regulations for Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in DOT Programs (49 CFR parts 23 and 26); or

(3) an Indian Tribal Government, State Government, local Government or independent private organization in accordance with EPA's 8% or 10% statute as applicable.

(2) Such certifications shall be considered acceptable for establishing MBE or WBE status, as appropriate, under EPA's DBE Program as long as the certification meets EPA's U.S. citizenship requirement under § 33.202 or § 33.203.

(3) An entity may only apply to EPA for MBE or WBE certification under the procedures set forth in § 33.205 if that entity first is unable to obtain MBE or WBE certification under paragraphs (a) (1) through (3) of this section.

(b) [Reserved]

§ 33.205 - How does an entity become certified by EPA?

(a) Filing an application. In accordance with § 33.204, an entity may apply to EPA's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (EPA OSDBU) for certification as an MBE or WBE. EPA's Regional Offices will provide further information and required application forms to any entity interested in MBE or WBE certification. The applicant must attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information on the application form. This shall be done either in the form of an affidavit sworn to by the applicant before a person who is authorized by state law to administer oaths or in the form of an unsworn declaration executed under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States. The application must include evidence demonstrating that the entity is owned or controlled by one or more individuals claiming disadvantaged status under EPA's 8% statute or owned and controlled by one or more individuals claiming disadvantaged status under EPA's 10% statute, along with certifications or narratives regarding the disadvantaged status of such individuals. In addition, the application must include documentation of a denial of certification by a Federal agency, State government, local government, Indian Tribal government, or independent private organization, if applicable.

(b) Application processing. EPA OSDBU will advise each applicant within 15 days, whenever practicable, after receipt of an application whether the application is complete and suitable for evaluation and, if not, what additional information or action is required. EPA OSDBU shall make its certification decision within 30 days of receipt of a complete and suitable application package, whenever practicable. The burden is on the applicant to demonstrate that those individuals claiming disadvantaged status own or control the entity under EPA's 8% statute or own and control the entity under EPA's 10% statute.

(c) Ownership and/or control determination. EPA OSDBU first will determine whether those individuals claiming disadvantaged status own or control the applicant entity under EPA's 8% statute or own and control the applicant entity under EPA's 10% statute. If EPA OSDBU determines that the applicant does not meet the ownership and/or control requirements of this subpart, EPA OSDBU will issue a written decision to the entity rejecting the application and set forth the reasons for disapproval.

(d) Disadvantaged determination. Once EPA OSDBU determines whether an applicant meets the ownership and/or control requirements of this subpart, EPA OSDBU will determine whether the applicable disadvantaged status requirements under EPA's 8% or 10% statute have been met. If EPA OSDBU determines that the applicable disadvantaged status requirements have been met, EPA OSDBU shall notify the applicant that it has been certified and place the MBE or WBE on EPA OSDBU's list of qualified MBEs and WBEs. If EPA OSDBU determines that the applicable disadvantaged status requirements have not been met, EPA OSDBU will reject the entity's application for certification. EPA OSDBU will issue a written decision to the entity setting forth EPA OSDBU's reasons for disapproval.

(e) Evaluation standards. (1) An entity's eligibility shall be evaluated on the basis of present circumstances. An entity shall not be denied certification based solely on historical information indicating a lack of ownership and/or control of the firm by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals at some time in the past, if the entity currently meets the ownership and/or control standards of this subpart.

(2) Entities seeking MBE or WBE certification shall cooperate fully with requests for information relevant to the certification process. Failure or refusal to provide such information is a ground for denial of certification.

(3) In making its certification determination, EPA OSDBU may consider whether an entity has exhibited a pattern of conduct indicating its involvement in attempts to evade or subvert the intent or requirements of the DBE Program.

(4) EPA OSDBU shall not consider the issue of whether an entity performs a commercially useful function in making its certification determination. Consideration of whether an entity performs a commercially useful function or is a regular dealer pertains solely to counting toward MBE and WBE objectives as provided in subpart E of this part.

(5) Information gathered as part of the certification process that may reasonably be regarded as proprietary or other confidential business information will be safeguarded from disclosure to unauthorized persons, consistent with applicable Federal, State, and local law.

(6) To assist in making EPA OSDBU's certification determination, EPA OSDBU itself may take the following steps:

(i) Perform an on-site visit to the offices of the entity. Interview the principal officers of the entity and review their resumes and/or work histories. Perform an on-site visit to local job sites if there are such sites on which the entity is working at the time of the certification investigation. Already existing site visit reports may be relied upon in making the certification;

(ii) If the entity is a corporation, analyze the ownership of stock in the entity;

(iii) Analyze the bonding and financial capacity of the entity;

(iv) Determine the work history of the entity, including contracts it has received and work it has completed;

(v) Obtain a statement from the entity of the type of work it prefers to perform for EPA recipients under the DBE Program and its preferred locations for performing the work, if any; and

(vi) Obtain or compile a list of the equipment owned by or available to the entity and the licenses the entity and its key personnel possess to perform the work it seeks to do for EPA recipients under the DBE Program.

§ 33.206 - Is there a list of certified MBEs and WBEs?

EPA OSDBU will maintain a list of certified MBEs and WBEs on EPA OSDBU's Home Page on the Internet. Any interested person may also obtain a copy of the list from EPA OSDBU.

§ 33.207 - Can an entity reapply to EPA for MBE or WBE certification?

An entity which has been denied MBE or WBE certification may reapply for certification at any time 12 months or more after the date of the most recent determination by EPA OSDBU to decline the application.

§ 33.208 - How long does an MBE or WBE certification from EPA last?

Once EPA OSDBU certifies an entity to be an MBE or WBE by placing it on the EPA OSDBU list of certified MBEs and WBEs specified in § 33.206, the entity will generally remain on the list for a period of three years from the date of its certification. To remain on the list after three years, an entity must submit a new application and receive a new certification.

§ 33.209 - Can EPA re-evaluate the MBE or WBE status of an entity after EPA certifies it to be an MBE or WBE?

(a) EPA OSDBU may initiate a certification determination whenever it receives credible information calling into question an entity's eligibility as an MBE or WBE. Upon its completion of a certification determination, EPA OSDBU will issue a written determination regarding the MBE or WBE status of the questioned entity.

(b) If EPA OSDBU finds that the entity does not qualify as an MBE or WBE, EPA OSDBU will decertify the entity as an MBE or WBE, and immediately remove the entity from the EPA OSDBU list of certified MBEs and WBEs.

(c) If EPA OSDBU finds that the entity continues to qualify as an MBE or WBE, the determination remains in effect for three years from the date of the decision under the same conditions as if the entity had been granted MBE or WBE certification under § 33.205.

§ 33.210 - Does an entity certified as an MBE or WBE by EPA need to keep EPA informed of any changes which may affect the entity's certification?

(a) An entity certified as an MBE or WBE by EPA OSDBU must provide EPA OSDBU, every year on the anniversary of the date of its certification, an affidavit sworn to by the entity's owners before a person who is authorized by state law to administer oaths or an unsworn declaration executed under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States. This affidavit must affirm that there have been no changes in the entity's circumstances affecting its ability to meet disadvantaged status, ownership, and/or control requirements of this subpart or any material changes in the information provided in its application form. Failure to comply may result in the loss of MBE or WBE certification under EPA's DBE Program.

(b) An entity certified as an MBE or WBE by EPA OSDBU must inform EPA OSDBU in writing of any change in circumstance affecting the MBE's or WBE's ability to meet disadvantaged status, ownership, and/or control requirements of this subpart or any material change in the information provided in its application form. The MBE or WBE must attach supporting documentation describing in detail the nature of such change. The notice from the MBE or WBE must take the form of an affidavit sworn to by the applicant before a person who is authorized by State law to administer oaths or of an unsworn declaration executed under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States. The MBE or WBE must provide the written notification within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the change.

§ 33.211 - What is the process for appealing or challenging an EPA MBE or WBE certification determination?

(a) An entity which has been denied MBE or WBE certification by EPA OSDBU under § 33.205 or § 33.209 may appeal that denial. A third party may challenge EPA OSDBU's determination to certify an entity as an MBE or WBE under § 33.205 or § 33.209.

(b) Appeals and challenges must be sent to the Director of OSDBU at Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Mail Code 1230T, Washington, DC 20460.

(c) The appeal or challenge must be sent to the Director of OSDBU (Director) within 90 days of the date of EPA OSDBU's MBE or WBE certification determination. The Director may accept an appeal or challenge filed later than 90 days after the date of EPA OSDBU's MBE or WBE certification determination if the Director determines that there was good cause, beyond the control of the appellant or challenger, for the late filing of the appeal or challenge.

(d) No specific format is required for an appeal or challenge. However, the appeal or challenge must include information and arguments concerning why EPA OSDBU's MBE or WBE certification determination should be reversed. For challenges in which a third party questions EPA OSDBU's determination to certify an entity as an MBE or WBE under § 33.205 or § 33.209, the third party must also send a copy of the challenge to the entity whose MBE or WBE certification is being questioned. In addition, the Director shall request information and arguments from that entity as to why EPA OSDBU's determination to certify the entity as an MBE or WBE should be upheld.

(e) The Director makes his/her appeal or challenge decision based solely on the administrative record and does not conduct a hearing. The Director may supplement the record by adding relevant information made available by any other source, including the EPA Office of Inspector General; Federal, State, or local law enforcement authorities; an EPA recipient; or a private party.

(f) Consistent with Federal law, the Director shall make available, upon the request of the appellant, challenger or the entity affected by the Director's appeal or challenge decision, any supplementary information the Director receives from any source as described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(g) Pending the Director's appeal or challenge decision, EPA OSDBU's MBE or WBE certification determination remains in effect. The Director does not stay the effect of its MBE or WBE certification determination while he/she is considering an appeal or challenge.

(h) The Director shall reverse EPA OSDBU's MBE or WBE certification determination only if there was a clear and significant error in the processing of the certification or if EPA OSDBU failed to consider a significant material fact contained within the entity's application for MBE or WBE certification.

(i) All decisions under this section are administratively final.

§ 33.212 - What conduct is prohibited by this subpart?

An entity that does not meet the eligibility criteria of this subpart may not attempt to participate as an MBE or WBE in contracts awarded under EPA financial assistance agreements or be counted as such by an EPA recipient. An entity that submits false, fraudulent, or deceitful statements or representations, or indicates a serious lack of business integrity or honesty, may be subject to sanctions under § 33.105.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 637 note; 42 U.S.C. 4370d,7601,9605; E.O. 11625, 36 FR 19967, 3 CFR, 1971 Comp., p. 213; E.O. 12138, 49 FR 29637, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 393; E.O. 12432, 48 FR 32551, 3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198, 2 CFR part 200
source: 73 FR 15913, Mar. 26, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 33.206