Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 33.401 - What does this subpart require?

A recipient must negotiate with the appropriate EPA award official or his/her designee, fair share objectives for MBE and WBE participation in procurement under the financial assistance agreements.

§ 33.402 - Are there special rules for loans under EPA financial assistance agreements?

A recipient of an EPA financial assistance agreement to capitalize revolving loan funds must either apply its own fair share objectives negotiated with EPA under § 33.401 to identified loans using a substantially similar relevant geographic market, or negotiate separate fair share objectives with entities receiving identified loans, as long as such separate objectives are based on demonstrable evidence of availability of MBEs and WBEs in accordance with this subpart. If procurements will occur over more than one year, the recipient may choose to apply the fair share objective in place either for the year in which the identified loan is awarded or for the year in which the procurement action occurs. The recipient must specify this choice in the financial assistance agreement, or incorporate it by reference therein.

§ 33.403 - What is a fair share objective?

A fair share objective is an objective based on the capacity and availability of qualified, certified MBEs and WBEs in the relevant geographic market for the procurement categories of construction, equipment, services and supplies compared to the number of all qualified entities in the same market for the same procurement categories, adjusted, as appropriate, to reflect the level of MBE and WBE participation expected absent the effects of discrimination. A fair share objective is not a quota.

§ 33.404 - When must a recipient negotiate fair share objectives with EPA?

A recipient must submit its proposed MBE and WBE fair share objectives and supporting documentation to EPA within 120 days after its acceptance of its financial assistance award. EPA must respond in writing to the recipient's submission within 30 days of receipt, either agreeing with the submission or providing initial comments for further negotiation. Failure to respond within this time frame may be considered as agreement by EPA with the fair share objectives submitted by the recipient. MBE and WBE fair share objectives must be agreed upon by the recipient and EPA before funds may be expended for procurement under the recipient's financial assistance agreement.

§ 33.405 - How does a recipient determine its fair share objectives?

(a) A recipient must determine its fair share objectives based on demonstrable evidence of the number of certified MBEs and WBEs that are ready, willing, and able to perform in the relevant geographic market for each of the four procurement categories (equipment, construction, services, and supplies). The relevant geographic market is the area of solicitation for the procurement as determined by the recipient. The market may be a geographic region of a State, an entire State, or a multi-State area. Fair share objectives must reflect the recipient's determination of the level of MBE and WBE participation it would expect absent the effects of discrimination. A recipient may combine the four procurement categories into one weighted objective for MBEs and one weighted objective for WBEs.

(b) Step 1. A recipient must first determine a base figure for the relative availability of MBEs and WBEs. The following are examples of approaches that a recipient may take. Any percentage figure derived from one of these examples should be considered a basis from which a recipient begins when examining evidence available in its jurisdiction.

(1) MBE and WBE Directories and Census Bureau Data. Separately determine the number of certified MBEs and WBEs that are ready, willing, and able to perform in the relevant geographic market for each procurement category from a MBE/WBE directory, such as a bidder's list. Using the Census Bureau's County Business Pattern (CBP) database, determine the number of all qualified businesses available in the market that perform work in the same procurement category. Separately divide the number of MBEs and WBEs by the number of all businesses to derive a base figure for the relative availability of MBEs and WBEs in the market.

(2) Data from a Disparity Study. Use a percentage figure derived from data in a valid, applicable disparity study conducted within the preceding ten years comparing the available MBEs and WBEs in the relevant geographic market with their actual usage by entities procuring in the categories of construction, equipment, services, and supplies.

(3) The Objective of Another EPA Recipient. A recipient may use, as its base figure, the fair share objectives of another EPA recipient if the recipient demonstrates that it will use the same, or substantially similar, relevant geographic market as the other EPA recipient. (See § 33.411 for exemptions from fair share objective negotiations).

(4) Alternative Methods. Subject to EPA approval, other methods may be used to determine a base figure for the overall objective. Any methodology chosen must be based on demonstrable evidence of local market conditions and be designed to ultimately attain an objective that is rationally related to the relative availability of MBEs and WBEs in the relevant geographic market.

(c) Step 2. After calculating a base figure, a recipient must examine the evidence available in its jurisdiction to determine what adjustment, if any, is needed to the base figure in order to arrive at the fair share objective.

(1) There are many types of evidence that must be considered when adjusting the base figure. These include:

(i) The current capacity of MBEs and WBEs to perform contract work under EPA financial assistance agreements, as measured by the volume of work MBEs and WBEs have performed in recent years;

(ii) Evidence from disparity studies conducted anywhere within the recipient's jurisdiction, to the extent it is not already accounted for in the base figure; and

(iii) If the base figure is the objective of another EPA recipient, it must be adjusted for differences in the local market and the recipient's contracting program.

(2) A recipient may also consider available evidence from related fields that affect the opportunities for MBEs and WBEs to form, grow and compete. These include, but are not limited to:

(i) Statistical disparities in the ability of MBEs and WBEs to get the financing, bonding and insurance required to participate; and

(ii) Data on employment, self-employment, education, training and union apprenticeship programs, to the extent it can be related to the opportunities for MBEs and WBEs to perform in the program.

(3) If a recipient attempts to make an adjustment to its base figure to account for the continuing effects of past discrimination (often called the “but for” factor) or the effects of another ongoing MBE/WBE program, the adjustment must be based on demonstrable evidence that is logically and directly related to the effect for which the adjustment is sought.

§ 33.406 - May a recipient designate a lead agency for fair share objective negotiation purposes?

If an Indian Tribal, State or local Government has more than one agency that receives EPA financial assistance, the agencies within that Government may designate a lead agency to negotiate MBE and WBE fair share objectives with EPA to be used by each of the agencies. Each agency must otherwise negotiate with EPA separately its own MBE and WBE fair share objectives.

§ 33.407 - How long do MBE and WBE fair share objectives remain in effect?

Once MBE and WBE fair share objectives have been negotiated, they will remain in effect for three fiscal years unless there are significant changes to the data supporting the fair share objectives. The fact that a disparity study utilized in negotiating fair share objectives has become more than ten years old during the three-year period does not by itself constitute a significant change requiring renegotiation.

§ 33.408 - May a recipient use race and/or gender conscious measures as part of this program?

(a) Should the good faith efforts described in subpart C of this part or other race and/or gender neutral measures prove to be inadequate to achieve an established fair share objective, race and/or gender conscious action (e.g., apply the subcontracting suggestion in § 33.301(c) to MBEs and WBEs) is available to a recipient and its prime contractor to more closely achieve the fair share objectives, subject to § 33.409. Under no circumstances are race and/or gender conscious actions required by EPA.

(b) Any use of race and/or gender conscious efforts must not result in the selection of an unqualified MBE or WBE.

§ 33.409 - May a recipient use quotas as part of this program?

A recipient is not permitted to use quotas in procurements under EPA's 8% or 10% statute.

§ 33.410 - Can a recipient be penalized for failing to meet its fair share objectives?

A recipient cannot be penalized, or treated by EPA as being in noncompliance with this subpart, solely because its MBE or WBE participation does not meet its applicable fair share objective. However, EPA may take remedial action under § 33.105 for a recipient's failure to comply with other provisions of this part, including, but not limited to, the good faith efforts requirements described in subpart C of this part.

§ 33.411 - Who may be exempted from this subpart?

(a) General. A recipient of an EPA financial assistance agreement in the amount of $250,000 or less for any single assistance agreement, or of more than one financial assistance agreement with a combined total of $250,000 or less in any one fiscal year, is not required to apply the fair share objective requirements of this subpart. This exemption is limited to the fair share objective requirements of this subpart.

(b) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program, and Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) Program Identified Loan Recipients. A recipient under the CWSRF, DWSRF, or BCRLF Program is not required to apply the fair share objective requirements of this subpart to an entity receiving an identified loan in an amount of $250,000 or less or to an entity receiving more than one identified loan with a combined total of $250,000 or less in any one fiscal year. This exemption is limited to the fair share objective requirements of this subpart.

(c) Tribal and Intertribal Consortia recipients of program grants which can be included in Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) under 40 CFR Part 35, Subpart B. Tribal and Intertribal consortia recipients of PPG eligible grants are not required to apply the fair share objective requirements of this subpart to those grants. This exemption is limited to the fair share objective requirements of this subpart.

(d) Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program Recipients. A recipient of a TAG is not required to apply the fair share objective requirements of this subpart to that grant. This exemption is limited to the fair share objective requirements of this subpart.

§ 33.412 - Must an Insular Area or Indian Tribal Government recipient negotiate fair share objectives?

The requirements in this subpart regarding the negotiation of fair share objectives will not apply to an Insular Area or Indian Tribal Government recipient until three calendar years after the effective date of this part. Furthermore, in accordance with § 33.411(c), tribal and intertribal consortia recipients of program grants which can be included in Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) under 40 CFR part 35, subpart B are not required to apply the fair share objective requirements of this subpart to such grants.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 637 note; 42 U.S.C. 4370d,7601,9605; E.O. 11625, 36 FR 19967, 3 CFR, 1971 Comp., p. 213; E.O. 12138, 49 FR 29637, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 393; E.O. 12432, 48 FR 32551, 3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198, 2 CFR part 200
source: 73 FR 15913, Mar. 26, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 33.407