Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 35.500 - Purpose of the subpart.

§ 35.501 - Environmental programs covered by the subpart.

§ 35.502 - Definitions of terms.

§ 35.503 - Exceptions from this subpart.

§ 35.504 - Eligibility of an Intertribal Consortium.


§ 35.505 - Components of a complete application.

§ 35.506 - Time frame for submitting an application.

§ 35.507 - Work plans.

§ 35.508 - Funding period.

§ 35.509 - Consolidated grants.


§ 35.510 - Time frame for EPA action.

§ 35.511 - Criteria for approving an application.

§ 35.512 - Factors considered in determining award amount.

§ 35.513 - Reimbursement for pre-award costs.


§ 35.514 - Amendments and other changes.

§ 35.515 - Evaluation of performance.

§ 35.516 - Direct implementation.

§ 35.517 - Unused funds.

§ 35.518 - Unexpended balances.


§ 35.530 - Purpose of Performance Partnership Grants.

§ 35.532 - Requirements summary.

§ 35.533 - Programs eligible for inclusion.

§ 35.534 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.535 - Activities eligible for funding.

§ 35.536 - Cost share requirements.

§ 35.537 - Application requirements.

§ 35.538 - Project period.


§ 35.540 - Purpose.

§ 35.542 - Definitions. [Reserved]

§ 35.543 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.545 - Eligible activities.

§ 35.548 - Award limitations.


§ 35.570 - Purpose.

§ 35.572 - Definitions.

§ 35.573 - Eligible Tribe.

§ 35.575 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.576 - Maintenance of effort.

§ 35.578 - Award limitation.


§ 35.580 - Purpose.

§ 35.582 - Definitions.

§ 35.583 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.585 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.588 - Award limitations.


§ 35.600 - Purpose.

§ 35.603 - Competitive process.

§ 35.604 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.610 - Purpose.

§ 35.613 - Competitive process.

§ 35.615 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.630 - Purpose.

§ 35.632 - Definition.

§ 35.633 - Eligibility requirements.

§ 35.635 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.636 -

§ 35.638 - Award limitations.


§ 35.640 - Purpose.

§ 35.641 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.642 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.645 - Basis for allotment.


§ 35.646 - Purpose.

§ 35.649 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.650 - Purpose.

§ 35.653 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.655 - Basis for allotment.

§ 35.659 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.660 - Purpose.

§ 35.661 - Competitive process.

§ 35.662 - Definitions.

§ 35.663 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.668 - Award limitation.

§ 35.669 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.670 - Purpose.

§ 35.672 - Definition.

§ 35.673 - Annual amount reserved by EPA.

§ 35.675 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.676 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.678 - Award limitations.


§ 35.680 - Purpose.

§ 35.682 - Definition.

§ 35.683 - Annual amount reserved by EPA.

§ 35.685 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.686 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.688 - Award limitations.


§ 35.690 - Purpose.

§ 35.691 - Funding coordination.

§ 35.693 - Eligible recipients.


§ 35.700 - Purpose.

§ 35.702 - Basis for allotment.

§ 35.703 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.705 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.708 - Award limitations.


§ 35.710 - Purpose.

§ 35.712 - Competitive process.

§ 35.713 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.715 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.718 - Award limitation.


§ 35.720 - Purpose.

§ 35.723 - Competitive process.

§ 35.725 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.730 - Purpose.

§ 35.731 - Eligible recipients.

§ 35.732 - Basis for allotment.

§ 35.735 - Maximum federal share.


§ 35.736 - Purpose.

§ 35.737 - Basis for allotment.

§ 35.738 - Maximum federal share.

§ 35.500 - Purpose of the subpart.

This subpart establishes administrative requirements for all grants awarded to Indian Tribes and Intertribal Consortia for the environmental programs listed in § 35.501. These provisions supplement the EPA general assistance regulations in 2 CFR parts 200 and 1500. Sections 35.500-518 contain administrative requirements that apply to all environmental program grants included in this subpart. Sections 35.530 through 35.718 contain requirements that apply to specified environmental program grants. Many of these environmental programs also have programmatic and technical requirements that are published elsewhere in the Code of Federal Regulations.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.501 - Environmental programs covered by the subpart.

(a) The requirements in this subpart apply to all grants awarded for the following programs:

(1) Performance Partnership Grants (1996 Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-134; 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-299 (1996) and Departments of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1998, Pub. L. 105-65; 111 Stat. 1344, 1373 (1997)).

(2) The Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act of 1992, 42 U.S.C. 4368b.

(3) Clean Air Act. Air pollution control (section 105).

(4) Clean Water Act.

(i) Water pollution control (section 106 and 518).

(ii) Water quality cooperative agreements (section 104(b)(3)).

(iii) Wetlands development grant program (section 104(b)(3)).

(iv) Nonpoint source management (section 319(h)).

(5) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

(i) Pesticide cooperative enforcement (section 23(a)(1)).

(ii) Pesticide applicator certification and training (section 23(a)(2)).

(iii) Pesticide program implementation (section 23(a)(1)).

(6) Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. Pollution prevention grants for Tribes (section 6605).

(7) Safe Drinking Water Act.

(i) Public water system supervision (section 1443(a)).

(ii) Underground water source protection (section 1443(b)).

(8) Toxic Substances Control Act.

(i) Lead-based paint program (section 404(g)).

(ii) Indoor radon grants (section 306).

(iii) Toxic substances compliance monitoring (section 28).

(9) Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105-276; 112 Stat. 2461, 2499; 42 U.S.C. 6908a).

(i) Hazardous Waste Management Program Grants (Pub. L. 105-276; 112 Stat. 2461, 2499; 42 U.S.C. 6908a).

(ii) Underground Storage Tanks Program Grants (Pub. L. 105-276; 112 Stat. 2461, 2499; 42 U.S.C. 6908a).

(10) Tribal Response Program Grants (section 128(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)).

(b) Unless otherwise prohibited by statute or regulation, the requirements in § 35.500 through § 35.518 of this subpart also apply to grants to Indian Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under environmental programs established after this subpart becomes effective, if specified in Agency guidance for such programs.

(c) In the event a grant is awarded from EPA headquarters for one of the programs listed in paragraph (a) of this section, this subpart shall apply and the term “Regional Administrator” shall mean “Assistant Administrator'.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 74 FR 28444, June 16, 2009]
§ 35.502 - Definitions of terms.

Terms are defined as follows when they are used in this regulation:

Consolidated grant. A single grant made to a recipient consolidating funds from more than one environmental grant program. After the award is made, recipients must account for grant funds in accordance with the funds' original environmental program sources. Consolidated grants are not Performance Partnership Grants.

Environmental program. A program for which EPA awards grants under the authorities listed in § 35.501. The grants are subject to the requirements of this subpart.

Federal Indian reservation. All land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States Government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation.

Funding period. The period of time specified in the grant agreement during which the recipient may expend or obligate funds for the purposes set forth in the agreement.

Intertribal Consortium or Consortia. A partnership between two or more Tribes that is authorized by the governing bodies of those Tribes to apply for and receive assistance under one or more of the programs listed in § 35.501.

National program guidance. Guidance issued by EPA's National Program Managers for establishing and maintaining effective environmental programs. This guidance establishes national goals, objectives, and priorities as well as other information to be used in monitoring progress. The guidance may also set out specific environmental strategies, core performance measures, criteria for evaluating programs, and other elements of program implementation.

Outcome. The environmental result, effect, or consequence that will occur from carrying out an environmental program or activity that is related to an environmental or programmatic goal or objective. Outcomes must be quantitative, and they may not necessarily be achievable during a grant funding period. See “output.”

Output. An environmental activity or effort and associated work products related to an environmental goal or objective that will be produced or provided over a period of time or by a specified date. Outputs may be quantitative or qualitative but must be measurable during a grant funding period. See “outcome.”

Performance Partnership Grant. A single grant combining funds from more than one environmental program. A Performance Partnership Grant may provide for administrative savings or programmatic flexibility to direct grant resources where they are most needed to address public health and environmental priorities (see also § 35.530). Each Performance Partnership Grant has a single, integrated budget and recipients do not need to account for grant funds in accordance with the funds' original environmental program sources.

Planning target. The amount of funds that the Regional Administrator suggests a grant applicant consider in developing its application, including the work plan, for an environmental program.

Regional supplemental guidance. Guidance to environmental program grant applicants prepared by the Regional Administrator, based on the national program guidance and specific regional and applicant circumstances, for use in preparing a grant application.

Tribal Environmental Agreement (TEA). A dynamic, strategic planning document negotiated by the Regional Administrator and an appropriate Tribal official. A Tribal Environmental Agreement may include: Long-term and short-term environmental goals, objectives, and desired outcomes based on Tribal priorities and available funding. A Tribal Environmental Agreement can be a very general or specific document that contains budgets, performance measures, outputs and outcomes that could be used as part or all of a Performance Partnership Grant work plan, if it meets the requirements of section 35.507(b).

Tribe. Except as otherwise defined in statute or this subpart, Indian Tribal Government (Tribe) means: Any Indian Tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village, which is recognized as eligible by the United States Department of the Interior for the special services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.

Work plan. The document which identifies how and when the applicant will use funds from environmental program grants and is the basis for management and evaluation of performance under the grant agreement to produce specific outputs and outcomes (see 35.507). The work plan must be consistent with applicable federal statutes; regulations; circulars; executive orders; and EPA delegations, approvals, or authorizations.

Work plan commitments. The outputs and outcomes associated with each work plan component, as established in the grant agreement.

Work plan component. A negotiated set or group of work plan commitments established in the grant agreement. A work plan may have one or more work plan components.

§ 35.503 - Exceptions from this subpart.

EPA will consider and may approve requests for official exceptions from non-statutory provisions of this regulation in accordance with 2 CFR 1500.4.

[87 FR 30398, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.504 - Eligibility of an Intertribal Consortium.

(a) An Intertribal Consortium is eligible to receive grants under the authorities listed in § 35.501 only if the Consortium demonstrates that all members of the Consortium meet the eligibility requirements for the grant and authorize the Consortium to apply for and receive assistance in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) An Intertribal Consortium is eligible to receive a grant under the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act, in accordance with § 35.540, if the Consortium demonstrates that:

(1) A majority of its members meets the eligibility requirements for the grant;

(2) All members that meet the eligibility requirements authorize the Consortium to apply for and receive assistance; and

(3) It has adequate accounting controls to ensure that only members that meet the eligibility requirements will benefit directly from the grant project and will receive and manage grant funds, and the Consortium agrees to a grant condition to that effect.

(c) An Intertribal Consortium must submit to EPA adequate documentation of:

(1) The existence of the partnership between Indian Tribal governments, and

(2) Authorization of the Consortium by all its members (or in the case of the General Assistance Program, all members that meet the eligibility requirements for a General Assistance Program grant) to apply for and receive the grant(s) for which the Consortium has applied.

§ 35.505 - Components of a complete application.

A complete application for an environmental program grant must:

(a) Meet the requirements in 2 CFR part 200, subpart C.

(b) Include a proposed work plan (§ 35.507 of this subpart); and

(c) Specify the environmental program and the amount of funds requested.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.506 - Time frame for submitting an application.

An applicant should submit a complete application to EPA at least 60 days before the beginning of the proposed funding period.

§ 35.507 - Work plans.

(a) Bases for negotiating work plans. The work plan is negotiated between the applicant and the Regional Administrator and reflects consideration of national, regional, and Tribal environmental and programmatic needs and priorities.

(1) Negotiation considerations. In negotiating the work plan, the Regional Administrator and applicant will consider such factors as national program guidance; any regional supplemental guidance; goals, objectives, and priorities proposed by the applicant; other jointly identified needs or priorities; and the planning target.

(2) National program guidance. If an applicant proposes a work plan that differs significantly from the goals and objectives, priorities, or performance measures in the national program guidance associated with the proposed work plan activities, the Regional Administrator must consult with the appropriate National Program Manager before agreeing to the work plan.

(3) Use of existing guidance. An applicant should base the grant application on the national program guidance in place at the time the application is being prepared.

(b) Work plan requirements. (1) The work plan is the basis for the management and evaluation of performance under the grant agreement.

(2) An approvable work plan must specify:

(i) The work plan components to be funded under the grant;

(ii) The estimated work years and estimated funding amounts for each work plan component;

(iii) The work plan commitments for each work plan component, and a time frame for their accomplishment;

(iv) A performance evaluation process and reporting schedule in accordance with § 35.515 of this subpart; and

(v) The roles and responsibilities of the recipient and EPA in carrying out the work plan commitments.

(3) The work plan must be consistent with applicable federal statutes; regulations; circulars; executive orders; and delegations, approvals, or authorizations.

(c) Tribal Environmental Agreement as work plan. An applicant may use a Tribal Environmental Agreement or a portion of the Tribal Environmental Agreement as the work plan or part of the work plan for an environmental program grant if the portion of the Tribal Environmental Agreement that is to serve as the grant work plan:

(1) Is clearly identified as the grant work plan and distinguished from other portions of the Tribal Environmental Agreement; and

(2) Meets the requirements in § 35.507(b).

§ 35.508 - Funding period.

The Regional Administrator and applicant may negotiate the length of the funding period for environmental program grants, subject to limitations in appropriations and authorizing statutes.

§ 35.509 - Consolidated grants.

Any applicant eligible to receive funds from more than one environmental program may submit an application for a consolidated grant. For consolidated grants, an applicant prepares a single budget and work plan covering all of the environmental programs included in the application. The consolidated budget must identify each environmental program to be included, the amount of each program's funds, and the extent to which each program's funds support each work plan component. Recipients of consolidated grants must account for grant funds in accordance with the funds' environmental program sources; funds included in a consolidated grant from a particular environmental program may be used only for that program.

§ 35.510 - Time frame for EPA action.

The Regional Administrator will review a complete application and either approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove it within 60 days of receipt. The Regional Administrator will award grants for approved or conditionally approved applications if funds are available.

§ 35.511 - Criteria for approving an application.

(a) After evaluating other applications as appropriate, the Regional Administrator may approve an application upon determining that:

(2) The application meets the requirements of all applicable federal statutes; regulations; circulars; executive orders; and EPA delegations, approvals, or authorizations;

(3) The proposed work plan complies with the requirements of § 35.507 of this subpart; and

(4) The achievement of the proposed work plan is feasible, considering such factors as the applicant's existing circumstances, past performance, program authority, organization, resources, and procedures.

(b) If the Regional Administrator finds the application does not satisfy the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section, the Regional Administrator may either:

(1) Conditionally approve the application if only minor changes are required, with grant conditions necessary to ensure compliance with the criteria, or

(2) Disapprove the application in writing.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.512 - Factors considered in determining award amount.

(a) After approving an application under § 35.511, the Regional Administrator will consider such factors as the amount of funds available for award to Indian Tribes and Intertribal Consortia, the extent to which the proposed work plan is consistent with EPA guidance and mutually agreed upon priorities, and the anticipated cost of the work plan relative to the proposed work plan components to determine the amount of funds to be awarded.

(b) If the Regional Administrator finds that the requested level of funding is not justified, the Regional Administrator will attempt to negotiate a resolution of the issues with the applicant before determining the award amount.

§ 35.513 - Reimbursement for pre-award costs.

(a) Notwithstanding the requirements of 2 CFR parts 200 and 1500, EPA may reimburse recipients for pre-award costs incurred from the beginning of the budget period established in the grant agreement if such costs would have been allowable if incurred after the award. Pre-award costs must be identified in the grant application EPA approves.

(b) The applicant incurs pre-award costs at its own risk. EPA is under no obligation to reimburse such costs unless they are included in an approved grant application.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30398, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.514 - Amendments and other changes.

The following provisions govern amendments and other changes to grant work plans and budgets after the work plan is negotiated and a grant awarded.

(a) Changes requiring prior approval. The recipient needs the Regional Administrator's prior written approval to make significant post-award changes to work plan commitments. EPA, in consultation with the recipient, will document approval of these changes including budgeted amounts associated with the revisions.

(b) Changes requiring approval. Recipients must request, in writing, grant amendments for changes requiring adjustments in environmental program grant amounts and extensions of the funding period. Recipients may begin implementing a change before the amendment has been approved by EPA but do so at their own risk. If EPA approves the change, EPA will issue a grant amendment. EPA will notify the recipient in writing if the change is disapproved.

(c) Changes not requiring approval. Other than those situations described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, recipients do not need to obtain approval for changes, including changes in grant work plans, budgets, or other parts of grant agreements, unless the Regional Administrator determines approval requirements should be imposed on a specific recipient for a specified period of time.

(d) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) cost principles. The Regional Administrator may waive, in writing, approval requirements for specific recipients and costs contained in OMB cost principles.

(e) Changes in consolidated grants. Recipients of consolidated grants under § 35.509 may not transfer funds among environmental programs.

(f) Subgrants. Subgrantees must request required approvals in writing from the recipient and the recipient shall approve or disapprove the request in writing. A recipient will not approve any work plan or budget revision which is inconsistent with the purpose or terms and conditions of the federal grant to the recipient. If the revision requested by the subgrantee would result in a significant change to the recipient's approved grant which requires EPA approval, the recipient will obtain EPA's approval before approving the subgrantee's request.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30398, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.515 - Evaluation of performance.

(a) Joint evaluation process. The applicant and the Regional Administrator will develop a process for jointly evaluating and reporting progress and accomplishments under the work plan (see § 35.507(b)(2)(iv)). A description of the evaluation process and reporting schedule must be included in the work plan. The schedule must require the recipient to report at least annually and must satisfy the requirements for progress reporting under 2 CFR 200.329.

(b) Elements of the evaluation process. The evaluation process must provide for:

(1) A discussion of accomplishments as measured against work plan commitments;

(2) A discussion of the cumulative effectiveness of the work performed under all work plan components;

(3) A discussion of existing and potential problem areas; and

(4) Suggestions for improvement, including, where feasible, schedules for making improvements.

(c) Resolution of issues. If the joint evaluation reveals that the recipient has not made sufficient progress under the work plan, the Regional Administrator and the recipient will negotiate a resolution that addresses the issues. If the issues cannot be resolved through negotiation, the Regional Administrator may take appropriate measures under 2 CFR 200.339-200.243. The recipient may request review of the Regional Administrator's decision under the dispute processes in 2 CFR part 1500, subpart E.

(d) Evaluation reports. The Regional Administrator will ensure that the required evaluations are performed according to the negotiated schedule and that copies of evaluation reports are placed in the official files and provided to the recipient.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30398, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.516 - Direct implementation.

If funds for an environmental program remain after Tribal and Intertribal Consortia environmental program grants for that program have been awarded or because no grants were awarded, the Regional Administrator may, subject to any limitations contained in appropriation acts, use all or part of the funds to support a federal program required by law in the absence of an acceptable Tribal program.

§ 35.517 - Unused funds.

If funds for an environmental program remain after Tribal and Intertribal Consortia grants for that program have been awarded or because no grants were awarded, and the Regional Administrator does not use the funds under § 35.516 of this subpart, the Regional Administrator may award the funds to any eligible Indian Tribe or Intertribal Consortium in the region (including a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium that has already received funds) for the same environmental program or for a Performance Partnership Grant, subject to any limitations in appropriation acts.

§ 35.518 - Unexpended balances.

Subject to any relevant provisions of law, if a recipient's final Financial Status Report shows unexpended balances, the Regional Administrator will deobligate the unexpended balances and make them available, either to the same recipient or other Tribes or Intertribal Consortia in the region, for environmental program grants.

§ 35.530 - Purpose of Performance Partnership Grants.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.530 through 35.538 govern Performance Partnership Grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia authorized in the Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-134; 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-299 (1996)) and Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998 (Pub. L. 105-65; 111 Stat. 1344, 1373 (1997)).

(b) Purpose of program. Performance Partnership Grants enable Tribes and Intertribal Consortia to combine funds from more than one environmental program grant into a single grant with a single budget. Recipients do not need to account for Performance Partnership Grant funds in accordance with the funds' original environmental program sources; they need only account for total Performance Partnership Grant expenditures. Subject to the requirements of this subpart, the Performance Partnership Grant program is designed to:

(1) Strengthen partnerships between EPA and Tribes and Intertribal Consortia through joint planning and priority setting and better deployment of resources;

(2) Provide Tribes and Intertribal Consortia with flexibility to direct resources where they are most needed to address environmental and public health priorities;

(3) Link program activities more effectively with environmental and public health goals and program outcomes;

(4) Foster development and implementation of innovative approaches, such as pollution prevention, ecosystem management, and community-based environmental protection strategies; and

(5) Provide savings by streamlining administrative requirements.

§ 35.532 - Requirements summary.

(a) Applicants and recipients of Performance Partnership Grants must meet:

(1) The requirements in §§ 35.500 to 35.518 of this subpart which apply to all environmental program grants, including Performance Partnership Grants; and

(2) The requirements in §§ 35.530 to 35.538 of this subpart which apply only to Performance Partnership Grants.

(b) In order to include funds from an environmental program grant listed in § 35.501(a) of this subpart in a Performance Partnership Grant, applicants must:

(1) Meet the requirements for award of each environmental program from which funds are included in the Performance Partnership Grant, except the requirements at §§ 35.548(c), 35.638(b) and (c), 35.691, and 35.708(c), (d), (e), and (g). These requirements can be found in this regulation beginning at § 35.540. If the applicant is an Intertribal Consortium, each Tribe that is a member of the Consortium must meet the requirements.

(2) Apply for the environmental program grant.

(3) Obtain the Regional Administrator's approval of the application for that grant.

(c) If funds from an environmental program are not included in a Performance Partnership Grant, an applicant is not required to meet the eligibility requirements for that environmental program grant in order to carry out activities eligible under that program as provided in § 35.535.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 87 FR 30398, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.533 - Programs eligible for inclusion.

(a) Eligible programs. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the environmental programs eligible for inclusion in a Performance Partnership Grant are listed in § 35.501(a)(2) through (10) of this subpart. Funds awarded to tribes under Tribal Response Program Grants (§ 35.501(a)(10)) to capitalize a revolving loan fund for Brownfield remediation or purchase insurance or develop a risk sharing pool, an indemnity pool, or insurance mechanism to provide financing for response actions may not be included in Performance Partnership Grants. A current list of environmental programs eligible for inclusion in Performance Partnership Grants is available at

(b) Changes in eligible programs. The Administrator may, in guidance or regulation, describe subsequent additions, deletions, or changes to the list of environmental programs eligible for inclusion in Performance Partnership Grants.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 74 FR 28444, June 16, 2009; 87 FR 30399, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.534 - Eligible recipients.

(a) A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible for a Performance Partnership Grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium is eligible for, and the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium receives funding from, more than one of the environmental program grants listed in § 35.501(a) in accordance with the requirements for those environmental programs.

(b) For grants to Tribes, a Tribal agency must be designated by a Tribal government or other authorized Tribal process to receive grants under each of the environmental programs to be combined in the Performance Partnership Grant.

§ 35.535 - Activities eligible for funding.

(a) Delegated, approved, or authorized activities. A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium may use Performance Partnership Grant funds to carry out EPA-delegated, EPA-approved, or EPA-authorized activities, such as permitting and primary enforcement responsibility only if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium receives from the Regional Administrator the delegations, approvals, or authorizations to conduct such activities.

(b) Other program activities. Except for the limitation in paragraph (a) of this section, a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium may use Performance Partnership Grant funds for any activity that is eligible under the environmental programs listed in § 35.501(a) of this subpart, as determined by the Regional Administrator. If an applicant proposes a Performance Partnership Grant work plan that differs significantly from any of the proposed work plans approved for funding that the applicant now proposes to move into a Performance Partnership Grant, the Regional Administrator must consult with the appropriate National Program Managers before agreeing to the Performance Partnership Grant work plan. National Program Managers may expressly waive or modify this requirement for consultation in national program guidance. National Program Managers also may define in national program guidance “significant” differences from a work plan submitted with a Tribe's or a Consortium's application for funds.

§ 35.536 - Cost share requirements.

(a) The Performance Partnership Grant cost share shall be the sum of the amounts required for each environmental program grant included in the Performance Partnership Grant, as determined in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, unless waived under paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) For each environmental program grant included in the Performance Partnership Grant that has a cost share of five percent or less under the provisions of §§ 35.540 through 35.718, the required cost share shall be that identified in §§ 35.540 through 35.718 of this subpart.

(c) For each environmental program grant included in the Performance Partnership Grant that has a cost share of greater than five percent under the provisions of §§ 35.540 through 35.718 of this subpart, the required cost share shall be five percent of the allowable cost of the work plan budget for that program. However, after the first two years in which a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium receives a Performance Partnership Grant, the Regional Administrator must determine through objective assessment whether the Tribe or the members of an Intertribal Consortium meet socio-economic indicators that demonstrate the ability of the Tribe or the Intertribal Consortium to provide a cost share greater than five percent. If the Regional Administrator determines that the Tribe or the members of Intertribal Consortium meets such indicators, then the Regional Administrator shall increase the required cost share up to a maximum of 10 percent of the allowable cost of the work plan budget for each program with a cost share greater than five percent.

(d) The Regional Administrator may waive the cost share required under this section upon request of the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium, if, based on an objective assessment of socio-economic indicators, the Regional Administrator determines that meeting the cost share would impose undue hardship.

§ 35.537 - Application requirements.

An application for a Performance Partnership Grant must contain:

(a) A list of the environmental programs and the amount of funds from each program to be combined in the Performance Partnership Grant;

(b) A consolidated budget;

(c) A consolidated work plan that addresses each program being combined in the grant and which meets the requirements of § 35.507.

§ 35.538 - Project period.

If the projected completion date for a work plan commitment funded under an environmental program grant that is added to a Performance Partnership Grant extends beyond the end of the project period for the Performance Partnership Grant, the Regional Administrator and the recipient will agree in writing as to how and when the work plan commitment will be completed.

§ 35.540 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.540 through 35.547 govern grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 4368b.)

(b) Purpose of program. Indian Environmental General Assistance Program grants are awarded to build capacity to administer environmental programs for Tribes by providing general assistance to plan, develop, and establish environmental protection programs for Tribes.

§ 35.542 - Definitions. [Reserved]
§ 35.543 - Eligible recipients.

The following entities are eligible to receive grants under this program:

(a) Tribes and

(b) Intertribal Consortia as provided in § 35.504.

§ 35.545 - Eligible activities.

Tribes and Intertribal Consortia may use General Assistance Program funds for planning, developing, and establishing environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs for Tribes.

§ 35.548 - Award limitations.

(a) Each grant awarded under the General Assistance Program shall be not less than $75,000. This limitation does not apply to additional funds that may become available for award to the same Tribe or Intertribal Consortium.

(b) The Regional Administrator shall not award a grant to a single Tribe or Intertribal Consortium of more than 10 percent of the total annual funds appropriated under the Act.

(c) The project period of a General Assistance Program award may not exceed four years.

(d) No award under this program shall result in reduction of total EPA grants for environmental programs to the recipient.

§ 35.570 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.570 through 35.578 govern air pollution control grants to Tribes (as defined in section 302(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA)) authorized under sections 105 and 301(d) of the Act and Intertribal Consortia.

(b) Purpose of program. Air pollution control grants are awarded to develop and administer programs that prevent and control air pollution or implement national air quality standards for air resources within the exterior boundaries of the reservation or other areas within the Tribe's jurisdiction.

(c) Associated program regulations. Refer to 40 CFR parts 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 60, 61, 62, and 81 for associated program regulations.

§ 35.572 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions in § 35.502, the following definitions apply to the Clean Air Act's section 105 grant program:

Nonrecurrent expenditures are those expenditures which are shown by the recipient to be of a nonrepetitive, unusual, or singular nature such as would not reasonably be expected to recur in the foreseeable future. Costs categorized as nonrecurrent must be approved in the grant agreement or an amendment thereto.

Recurrent expenditures are those expenses associated with the activities of a continuing environmental program. All expenditures are considered recurrent unless justified by the applicant as nonrecurrent and approved as such in the grant award or an amendment thereto.

§ 35.573 - Eligible Tribe.

(a) A Tribe is eligible to receive section 105 financial assistance under §§ 35.570 through 35.578 if it has demonstrated eligibility to be treated as a State under 40 CFR 49.6. An Intertribal Consortium consisting of Tribes that have demonstrated eligibility to be treated as States under 40 CFR 49.6 is also eligible for financial assistance.

(b) Tribes that have not made a demonstration under 40 CFR 49.6 and Intertribal Consortia consisting of Tribes that have not demonstrated eligibility to be treated as States under 40 CFR 49.6 are eligible for financial assistance under sections 105 and 302(b)(5) of the Clean Air Act.

§ 35.575 - Maximum federal share.

(a) For Tribes and Intertribal Consortia eligible under § 35.573(a), the Regional Administrator may provide financial assistance in an amount up to 95 percent of the approved costs of planning, developing, establishing, or improving an air pollution control program, and up to 95 percent of the approved costs of maintaining that program. After two years from the date of each Tribe's or Intertribal Consortium's initial grant award, the Regional Administrator will reduce the maximum federal share to 90 percent if the Regional Administrator determines that the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium meets certain economic indicators that would provide an objective assessment of the Tribe's or each of the Intertribal Consortiums member's ability to increase its share. For a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium eligible under § 35.573(a), the Regional Administrator may increase the maximum federal share if the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium can demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Regional Administrator that fiscal circumstances within the Tribe or within the member Tribes of the Intertribal Consortium are constrained to such an extent that fulfilling the match requirement would impose undue hardship.

(b) For Tribes and Intertribal Consortia eligible under § 35.573(b), the Regional Administrator may provide financial assistance in an amount up to 60 percent of the approved costs of planning, developing, establishing, or improving an air pollution control program, and up to 60 percent of the approved costs of maintaining that program.

(c) Revenue collected under a Tribal Title V operating permit program may not be used to meet the cost share requirements of this section.

§ 35.576 - Maintenance of effort.

(a) For Tribes and Intertribal Consortia that are eligible for financial assistance under § 35.573(b) of this subpart, the Tribe or each of the Intertribal Consortium's members must expend annually, for recurrent Section 105 program expenditures, an amount of non-federal funds at least equal to such expenditures during the preceding fiscal year.

(1) In order to award grants in a timely manner each fiscal year, the Regional Administrator shall compare a Tribe's or each of the Intertribal Consortium's member's proposed expenditure level, as detailed in the grant application, to its expenditure level in the second preceding fiscal year. When expenditure data for the preceding fiscal year is complete, the Regional Administrator shall use this information to determine the Tribe's or Intertribal Consortium's compliance with its maintenance of effort requirement.

(2) If expenditure data for the preceding fiscal year shows that a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium did not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the Regional Administrator will take action to recover the grant funds for that year.

(3) The Regional Administrator may grant an exception to § 35.576(a) if, after notice and opportunity for a public hearing, the Regional Administrator determines that a reduction in expenditures is attributable to a non-selective reduction of all the Tribe's or each of the Intertribal Consortium's member's programs.

(b) For Tribes and Intertribal Consortia that are eligible under § 35.573(b), the Regional Administrator will not award Section 105 funds unless the applicant provides assurance that the grant will not supplant non-federal funds that would otherwise be available for maintaining the Section 105 program.

§ 35.578 - Award limitation.

The Regional Administrator will not disapprove an application for, or terminate or annul an award of, financial assistance under § 35.573 without prior notice and opportunity for a public hearing within the appropriate jurisdiction or, where more than one area is affected, within one of the affected areas within the jurisdiction

§ 35.580 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.580 through 35.588 govern water pollution control grants to eligible Tribes and Intertribal Consortia (as defined in § 35.502) authorized under sections 106 and 518 of the Clean Water Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Water pollution control grants are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia in administering programs for the prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution, including programs for the development and implementation of ground-water protection strategies.

(c) Associated program requirements. Program requirements for water quality planning and management activities are provided in 40 CFR part 130.

§ 35.582 - Definitions.

Federal Indian reservation. All land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States Government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation.

Tribe. Any Indian Tribe, band, group, or community recognized by the Secretary of the Interior, exercising governmental authority over a federal Indian reservation.

§ 35.583 - Eligible recipients.

A Tribe, including an Intertribal Consortium, is eligible to receive a section 106 grant if EPA determines that the Indian Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium meets the requirements for treatment in a manner similar to a State under section 518(e) of the Clean Water Act (see 40 CFR 130.6(d)).

§ 35.585 - Maximum federal share.

(a) The Regional Administrator may provide up to 95 percent of the approved work plan costs for Tribes or Intertribal Consortia establishing a section 106 program. Work plan costs include costs of planning, developing, establishing, improving or maintaining a water pollution control program.

(b) The Regional Administrator may increase the maximum federal share if the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium can demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Regional Administrator that fiscal circumstances within the Tribe or within each Tribe that is a member of an Intertribal Consortium are constrained to such an extent that fulfilling the match requirement would impose undue hardship.

§ 35.588 - Award limitations.

(a) The Regional Administrator will only award section 106 funds to a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium if:

(1) All monitoring and analysis activities performed by the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium meets the applicable quality assurance and quality control requirements in 2 CFR 1500.12.

(2) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has emergency power authority comparable to that in section 504 of the Clean Water Act and adequate contingency plans to implement such authority.

(3) EPA has not assumed enforcement as defined in section 309(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act in the Tribe's or any Intertribal Consortium member's jurisdiction.

(4) The Tribe or Intertribal Consortium agrees to include a discussion of how the work performed under section 106 addressed water quality problems on Tribal lands in the annual report required under § 35.515(d).

(5) After an initial award of section 106 funds, the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium shows satisfactory progress in meeting its negotiated work plan commitments.

(b) A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible to receive a section 106 grant or section 106 grant funds even if the Tribe or each of the members of an Intertribal Consortium does not meet the requirements of section 106(e)(1) and 106(f)(1) of the Clean Water Act.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30399, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.600 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.600 through 35.604 govern Water Quality Cooperative Agreements to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia authorized under section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act. These sections do not govern Water Quality Cooperative Agreements under section 104(b)(3) to organizations that do not meet the definitions of Tribe or Intertribal Consortium in § 35.502.

(b) Purpose of program. EPA awards Water Quality Cooperative Agreements for investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. EPA issues guidance each year advising EPA regions and headquarters regarding appropriate priorities for funding for this program. This guidance may include such focus areas as National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System watershed permitting, urban wet weather programs, or innovative pretreatment programs and biosolids projects.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.603 - Competitive process.

EPA will award water quality cooperative agreement funds through a competitive process in accordance with national program guidance. After the competitive process is complete, the recipient can, at its discretion, accept the award as a separate cooperative agreement or add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant. If the recipient chooses to add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant, the water quality work plan commitments must be included in the Performance Partnership Grant work plan.

§ 35.604 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of approved work plan costs.

§ 35.610 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.610 through 35.615 govern wetlands development grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act. These sections do not govern wetlands development grants under section 104(b)(3) to organizations that do not meet the definitions of Tribe or Intertribal Consortium in § 35.502.

(b) Purpose of program. EPA awards wetlands development grants to assist in the development of new, or the refinement of existing, wetlands protection and management programs.

[66 FR 3795, Jan. 16, 2001, as amended at 79 FR 76055, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.613 - Competitive process.

Wetlands development grants are awarded on a competitive basis. EPA annually establishes a deadline for receipt of grant applications. EPA reviews applications and decides which grant projects to fund based on criteria established by EPA. After the competitive process is complete, the recipient can, at its discretion, accept the award as a wetlands development program grant or add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant. If the recipient chooses to add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant, the wetlands development program work plan commitments must be included in the Performance Partnership Grant work plan.

§ 35.615 - Maximum federal share.

EPA may provide up to 75 percent of the approved work plan costs for the development or refinement of a wetlands protection and management program.

§ 35.630 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.630 through 35.638 govern nonpoint source management grants to eligible Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under sections 319(h) and 518(f) of the Clean Water Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Nonpoint source management grants may be awarded for the implementation of EPA-approved nonpoint source management programs, including ground-water quality protection activities that will advance the approved nonpoint source management program.

§ 35.632 - Definition.

Tribe. Any Indian Tribe, band, group, or community recognized by the Secretary of the Interior and exercising governmental authority over a federal Indian reservation.

§ 35.633 - Eligibility requirements.

A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible to receive a Nonpoint Source Management grant if EPA has determined that the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium meets the requirements for treatment in a manner similar to a State under section 518(e) of the Clean Water Act (see 40 CFR 130.6(d)).

§ 35.635 - Maximum federal share.

(a) The Regional Administrator may provide up to 60 percent of the approved work plan costs in any fiscal year. The non-federal share of costs must be provided from non-federal sources.

(b) The Regional Administrator may increase the maximum federal share if the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium can demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Regional Administrator that fiscal circumstances within the Tribe or within each Tribe that is a member of the Intertribal Consortium are constrained to such an extent that fulfilling the match requirement would impose undue hardship. In no case shall the federal share be greater than 90 percent.

§ 35.636 -

To receive funds under section 319 in any fiscal year, a Tribe or each member of an Intertribal Consortium must agree that the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium will maintain its aggregate expenditures from all other sources for programs for controlling nonpoint source pollution and improving the quality of the Tribe's or the Intertribal Consortium's members' waters at or above the average level of such expenditures in Fiscal Years 1985 and 1986.

§ 35.638 - Award limitations.

(a) Available funds. EPA may use no more than the amount authorized under the Clean Water Act section 319 and 518(f) for making grants to Tribes or Intertribal Consortia.

(b) Financial assistance to persons. Tribes or Intertribal Consortia may use funds for financial assistance to persons only to the extent that such assistance is related to the cost of demonstration projects.

(c) Administrative costs. Administrative costs in the form of salaries, overhead, or indirect costs for services provided and charged against activities and programs carried out with these funds shall not exceed 10 percent of the funds the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium receives in any fiscal year. The cost of implementing enforcement and regulatory activities, education, training, technical assistance, demonstration projects, and technology transfer programs are not subject to this limitation.

(d) The Regional Administrator will not award section 319(h) funds to any Tribe or Intertribal Consortium unless:

(1) Approved assessment report. EPA has approved the Tribe's or each member of the Intertribal Consortium's Assessment Report on nonpoint sources, prepared in accordance with section 319(a) of the Act;

(2) Approved Tribe or Intertribal Consortium management program. EPA has approved the Tribes's or each member of the Intertribal Consortium's management program for nonpoint sources, prepared in accordance with section 319(b) of the Act;

(3) Progress on reducing pollutant loadings. The Regional Administrator determines, for a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium that received a section 319 funds in the preceding fiscal year, that the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium made satisfactory progress in meeting its schedule for achieving implementation of best management practices to reduce pollutant loadings from categories of nonpoint sources, or particular nonpoint sources, designated in the Tribe's or each Consortium member's management program. The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium must develop this schedule in accordance with section 319(b)(2) of the Act;

(4) Activity and output descriptions. The work plan briefly describes each significant category of nonpoint source activity and the work plan commitments to be produced for each category; and

(5) Significant watershed projects. For watershed projects whose costs exceed $50,000, the work plan contains:

(i) A brief synopsis of the watershed implementation plan outlining the problems to be addressed;

(ii) The project's goals and objectives; and

(iii) The performance measures and environmental indicators that will be used to evaluate the results of the project.

§ 35.640 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.640 through 35.645 govern cooperative agreements to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia authorized under section 23(a)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act for pesticide enforcement.

(b) Purpose of program. Cooperative agreements are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia in implementing pesticide enforcement programs.

(c) Associated program regulations. Refer to 19 CFR part 12 and 40 CFR parts 150 through 189 for associated regulations.

§ 35.641 - Eligible recipients.

Eligible recipients of pesticide enforcement cooperative agreements are Tribes and Intertribal Consortia.

§ 35.642 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.645 - Basis for allotment.

The Administrator allots pesticide enforcement cooperative agreement funds to each regional office. Regional offices award funds to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia based on their programmatic needs and applicable EPA guidance.

§ 35.646 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.646 through 35.649 govern pesticide applicator certification and training grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 23(a)(2) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Pesticide applicator certification and training grants are awarded to train and certify restricted use pesticide applicators.

(c) Associated program regulations. Associated program regulations are found in 40 CFR parts 162, 170, and 171.

§ 35.649 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 50 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.650 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.650 through 35.659 govern Pesticide Program Implementation cooperative agreements to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 23(a)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Cooperative agreements are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia to develop and implement pesticide programs, including programs that protect workers, ground water, and endangered species from pesticide risks and other pesticide management programs designated by the Administrator.

(c) Program regulations. Refer to 40 CFR parts 150 through 189 and 19 CFR part 12 for associated regulations.

§ 35.653 - Eligible recipients.

Eligible recipients of pesticide program implementation cooperative agreements are Tribes and Intertribal Consortia.

§ 35.655 - Basis for allotment.

The Administrator allots pesticide program implementation cooperative agreement funds to each Regional Office. Regional Offices award funds to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia based on their programmatic needs and applicable EPA guidance.

§ 35.659 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.660 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.660 through 35.669 govern grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Pollution Prevention Grants are awarded to promote the use of source reduction techniques by businesses.

§ 35.661 - Competitive process.

EPA Regions award Pollution Prevention Grant funds to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia through a competitive process in accordance with EPA guidance. When evaluating a Tribe's or Intertribal Consortium's application, EPA must consider, among other criteria, whether the proposed program would:

(a) Make specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide onsite technical advice to businesses seeking assistance in the development of source reduction plans;

(b) Target assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; and

(c) Provide training in source reduction techniques. Such training may be provided through local engineering schools or other appropriate means.

§ 35.662 - Definitions.

The following definition applies to the Pollution Prevention Grant program and to §§ 35.660 through 35.669:

(a) Pollution prevention/source reduction is any practice that:

(1) Reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal;

(2) Reduces the hazards to public health and the environment associated with the release of such substances, pollutants, or contaminants; or

(3) Reduces or eliminates the creation of pollutants through:

(i) Increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water, or other resources; or

(ii) Protection of national resources by conservation.

(b) Pollution prevention/source reduction does not include any practice which alters the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics or the volume of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant through a process or activity which itself is not integral to and necessary for the production of a product or the providing of a service.

§ 35.663 - Eligible recipients.

(a) The Regional Administrator will treat a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium as eligible to apply for a Pollution Prevention Grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium:

(1) Is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(2) Has an existing government exercising substantial governmental duties and powers;

(3) Has adequate authority to carry out the grant activities; and

(4) Is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of administering the grant program.

(b) If the Administrator has previously determined that an Indian Tribe has met the prerequisites in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section for another EPA program, the Tribe need provide only that information unique to the Pollution Prevention Grants program required by paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section.

§ 35.668 - Award limitation.

If the Pollution Prevention Grant funds are included in a Performance Partnership Grant, the Pollution Prevention work plan commitments must be included in the Performance Partnership Grant work plan.

§ 35.669 - Maximum federal share.

The federal share for Pollution Prevention Grants will not exceed 50 percent of the allowable Tribe and Intertribal Consortium Pollution Prevention project cost.

§ 35.670 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35. 670 through 35.678 govern public water system supervision grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia authorized under sections 1443(a) and 1451 of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Public water system supervision grants are awarded to carry out public water system supervision programs including implementation and enforcement of the requirements of the Act that apply to public water systems.

(c) Associated program regulations. Associated program regulations are found in 40 CFR parts 141, 142, and 143.

§ 35.672 - Definition.

Tribe. Any Indian Tribe having a federally recognized governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over any area.

§ 35.673 - Annual amount reserved by EPA.

Each year, EPA shall reserve up to seven percent of the public water system supervision funds for grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 1443(a).

§ 35.675 - Maximum federal share.

(a) The Regional Administrator may provide up to 75 percent of the approved work plan costs.

(b) The Regional Administrator may increase the maximum federal share if the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium can demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Regional Administrator that fiscal circumstances within the Tribe or Consortium are constrained to such an extent that fulfilling the match requirement would impose undue hardship, except that the federal share shall not be greater than 90 percent.

§ 35.676 - Eligible recipients.

A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible to apply for a public water system supervision grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium meets the following criteria:

(a) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(b) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has a governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over any area;

(c) The functions to be exercised under the grant are within the area of the Tribal government's jurisdiction; and

(d) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of carrying out the functions to be exercised under the grant.

§ 35.678 - Award limitations.

(a) Initial grant. The Regional Administrator will not make an initial award unless the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has:

(1) Met the requirements of § 35.676 (Eligible recipients);

(2) Established an approved public water system supervision program or agrees to establish an approvable program within three years of the initial award and assumed primary enforcement responsibility within this period; and

(3) Agreed to use at least one year of the grant funding to demonstrate program capability to implement the requirements found in 40 CFR 142.10.

(b) Subsequent grants. The Regional Administrator will not make a subsequent grant, after the initial award, unless the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortia can demonstrate reasonable progress towards assuming primary enforcement responsibility within the three-year period after initial award. After the three-year period expires, the Regional Administrator will not award section 1443(a) funds to an Indian Tribe or Intertribal Consortium unless the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortia has assumed primary enforcement responsibility for the public water system supervision program.

§ 35.680 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.680 through 35.688 govern underground water source protection grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 1443(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

(b) Purpose of program. The Underground Water Source Protection grants are awarded to carry out underground water source protection programs.

(c) Associated program regulations. Associated program regulations are found in 40 CFR parts 124, 144, 145, 146, and 147.

§ 35.682 - Definition.

Tribe. Any Indian Tribe having a federally recognized governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over any area.

§ 35.683 - Annual amount reserved by EPA.

EPA shall reserve up to five percent of the underground water source protection funds each year for underground water source protection grants to Tribes under section 1443(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

§ 35.685 - Maximum federal share.

(a) The Regional Administrator may provide up to 75 percent of the approved work plan costs.

(b) The Regional Administrator may increase the maximum federal share if the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium can demonstrate in writing to the satisfaction of the Regional Administrator that fiscal circumstances within the Tribe or Consortium are constrained to such an extent that fulfilling the match requirement would impose undue hardship, except that the federal share shall not be greater than 90 percent.

§ 35.686 - Eligible recipients.

A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is eligible to apply for an underground water source protection grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium meets the following criteria:

(a) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(b) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has a governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over any area;

(c) The functions to be exercised under the grant are within the area of the Tribal government's jurisdiction; and

(d) The Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of carrying out the functions to be exercised under the grant.

§ 35.688 - Award limitations.

(a) Initial grants. The Regional Administrator will not make an initial award unless the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium has:

(1) Met the requirements of § 35.676 (Eligible recipients); and

(2) Established an approved underground water source protection program or agrees to establish an approvable program within four years of the initial award.

(b) Subsequent grants. The Regional Administrator will not make a subsequent grant, after the initial award, unless the Tribe can demonstrate reasonable progress towards assuming primary enforcement responsibility within the four-year period after initial award. After the four-year period expires, the Regional Administrator shall not award section 1443(b) funds to an Indian Tribe unless the Tribe has assumed primary enforcement responsibility for the underground water source protection program.

§ 35.690 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.690 through 35.693 govern grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 404(g) for the Toxic Substances Control Act .

(b) Purpose of program. Lead-Based Paint Program grants are awarded to develop and carry out authorized programs to ensure that individuals employed in lead-based paint activities are properly trained; that training programs are accredited; and that contractors employed in such activities are certified.

(c) Associated program regulations. Associated program regulations are found in 40 CFR part 745.

§ 35.691 - Funding coordination.

Recipients must use the Lead-Based Paint program funding in a way that complements any related assistance they receive from other federal sources for lead-based paint activities.

§ 35.693 - Eligible recipients.

(a) The Regional Administrator will treat a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium as eligible to apply for a Lead-Based Paint Program grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium:

(1) Is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(2) Has an existing government exercising substantial governmental duties and powers;

(3) Has adequate authority to carry out the grant activities; and

(4) Is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of administering the grant program.

(b) If the Administrator has previously determined that an Indian Tribe has met the prerequisites in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section for another EPA program, the Tribe need provide only that information unique to the Lead-Based Paint Program required by paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section.

§ 35.700 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.700 through 35.708 govern Indoor Radon Grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 306 of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

(b) Purpose of program. (1) Indoor Radon Grants are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia with the development and implementation of programs that assess and mitigate radon and that aim at reducing radon health risks. Indoor Radon Grant funds may be used for the following eligible activities.

(i) Survey of radon levels, including special surveys of geographic areas or classes of buildings (such as public buildings, school buildings, high-risk residential construction types);

(ii) Development of public information and education materials concerning radon assessment, mitigation, and control programs;

(iii) Implementation of programs to control radon on existing and new structures;

(iv) Purchase, by the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium of radon measurement equipment and devices;

(v) Purchase and maintenance of analytical equipment connected to radon measurement and analysis, including costs of calibration of such equipment;

(vi) Payment of costs of Environmental Protection Agency-approved training programs related to radon for permanent Tribal employees;

(vii) Payment of general overhead and program administration costs;

(viii) Development of a data storage and management system for information concerning radon occurrence, levels, and programs;

(ix) Payment of costs of demonstration of radon mitigation methods and technologies as approved by EPA, including Tribal and Intertribal Consortia participation in the Environmental Protection Agency Home Evaluation Program; and

(x) A toll-free radon hotline to provide information and technical assistance.

(2) In implementing paragraphs (b)(1)(iv) and (ix) of this section, a Tribe or Intertribal Consortia should make every effort, consistent with the goals and successful operation of the Tribal Indoor Radon program, to give preference to low-income persons.

§ 35.702 - Basis for allotment.

(a) The Regional Administrator will allot Indoor Radon Grant funds based on the criteria in EPA guidance in accordance with section 306(d) and (e) of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

(b) No Tribe or Intertribal Consortium may receive an Indoor Radon Grant in excess of 10 percent of the total appropriated amount made available each fiscal year.

§ 35.703 - Eligible recipients.

(a) The Regional Administrator will treat a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium as eligible to apply for an Indoor Radon Grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium:

(1) Is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(2) Has an existing government exercising substantial governmental duties and powers;

(3) Has adequate authority to carry out the grant activities; and,

(4) Is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of administering the grant program.

(b) If the Administrator has previously determined that a Tribe has met the prerequisites in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section for another EPA program, the Tribe need provide only that information unique to the radon grant program required by paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) of this section.

§ 35.705 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide Tribes and Intertribal Consortia up to 75 percent of the approved costs for the development and implementation of radon program activities incurred by the Tribe in the first year of a grant to the Tribe or Consortium; 60 percent in the second year; and 50 percent in the third and each year thereafter.

§ 35.708 - Award limitations.

(a) The Regional Administrator shall consult with the Tribal agency which has the primary responsibility for radon programs as designated by the affected Tribe before including Indoor Radon Grant funds in a Performance Partnership Grant with another Tribal agency.

(b) No grant may be made in any fiscal year to a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium which did not satisfactorily implement the activities funded by the most recent grant awarded to the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium for an Indoor Radon program.

(c) The costs of radon measurement equipment or devices (see § 35.820(b)(1)(iv)) and demonstration of radon mitigation, methods, and technologies (see § 35.820(b)(1)(ix)) shall not, in aggregate, exceed 50 percent of a Tribe's or Intertribal Consortium's radon grant award in a fiscal year.

(d) The costs of general overhead and program administration (see § 35.820(b)(1)(vii)) of an indoor radon grant shall not exceed 25 percent of the amount of a Tribe's or Intertribal Consortium's Indoor Radon Grant in a fiscal year.

(e) A Tribe or Intertribal Consortium may use funds for financial assistance to persons only to the extent such assistance is related to demonstration projects or the purchase and analysis of radon measurement devices.

(f) Recipients must provide the Regional Administrator all radon-related information generated in its grant supported activities, including the results of radon surveys, mitigation demonstration projects, and risk communication studies.

(g) Recipients must maintain and make available to the public, a list of firms and individuals that have received a passing rating under the EPA proficiency rating program under section 305(a)(2) of the Act.

(h) Funds appropriated for section 306 may not be used to cover the costs of federal proficiency rating programs under section 305(a)(2) of the Act. Funds appropriated for section 306 and grants awarded under section 306 may be used to cover the costs of the Tribal proficiency rating programs.

§ 35.710 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.710 through 35.715 govern Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring grants to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under section 28 of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

(b) Purpose of program. Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring grants are awarded to establish and operate compliance monitoring programs to prevent or eliminate unreasonable risks to health or the environment associated with chemical substances or mixtures on Tribal lands with respect to which the Administrator is unable or not likely to take action for their prevention or elimination.

(c) Associated program regulations. Refer to 40 CFR parts 700 through 799 for associated program regulations.

§ 35.712 - Competitive process.

EPA will award Toxic Substances Control Act Compliance Monitoring grants to Tribes or Intertribal Consortia through a competitive process in accordance with national program guidance.

§ 35.713 - Eligible recipients.

(a) The Regional Administrator will treat a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium as eligible to apply for a Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring grant if the Tribe or each member of the Intertribal Consortium:

(1) Is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior;

(2) Has an existing government exercising substantial governmental duties and powers;

(3) Has adequate authority to carry out the grant activities; and,

(4) Is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of administering the grant program.

(b) If the Administrator has previously determined that an Indian Tribe has met the prerequisites in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section for another EPA program, the Tribe need provide only that information unique to the Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring grant program required by paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) of this section.

§ 35.715 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 75 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.718 - Award limitation.

If the Toxic Substances Compliance Monitoring grant funds are included in a Performance Partnership Grant, the toxic substances compliance monitoring work plan commitments must be included in the Performance Partnership Grant work plan.

§ 35.720 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.720 through 35.725 govern hazardous waste program grants to eligible Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999, Pub.L. 105-276, 112 Stat. 2461, 2499; 42 U.S.C. 6908a (1998).

(b) Purpose of program. Tribal hazardous waste program grants are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia in developing and implementing programs to manage hazardous waste.

§ 35.723 - Competitive process.

EPA will award Tribal hazardous waste program grants to Tribes or Intertribal Consortia on a competitive basis in accordance with national program guidance. After the competitive process is complete, the recipient can, at its discretion, accept the award as a Tribal hazardous waste program grant or add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant. If the recipient chooses to add the funds to a Performance Partnership Grant, the Tribal hazardous waste program work plan commitments must be included in the Performance Partnership Grant work plan.

§ 35.725 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.730 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Section 35.730 through 35.733 govern underground storage tank program grants to eligible Tribes and Intertribal Consortia under Pub.L. 105-276.

(b) Purpose of program. Tribal underground storage tank program grants are awarded to assist Tribes and Intertribal Consortia in developing and implementing programs to manage underground storage tanks.

§ 35.731 - Eligible recipients.

Eligible recipients of underground storage tank program grants are Tribes and Intertribal Consortia.

§ 35.732 - Basis for allotment.

The Administrator allots underground storage tank program grant funds to each regional office based on applicable EPA guidance. Regional offices award funds to Tribes and Intertribal Consortia based on their programmatic needs and applicable EPA guidance.

§ 35.735 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of the approved work plan costs.

§ 35.736 - Purpose.

(a) Purpose of section. Sections 35.736 through 35.738 govern Tribal Response Program Grants (as defined in section 128(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)).

(b) Purpose of program. Tribal Response Program Grants are awarded to Tribes to establish or enhance the response program of the Tribe; capitalize a revolving loan fund for brownfield remediation under section 104(k)(3) of CERCLA; or purchase insurance or develop a risk sharing pool, an indemnity pool, or insurance mechanism to provide financing for response actions under a Tribal response program.

§ 35.737 - Basis for allotment.

The Administrator allots response program funds to each EPA regional office. Regional Administrators award funds to Tribes based on their programmatic needs and applicable EPA guidance.

§ 35.738 - Maximum federal share.

The Regional Administrator may provide up to 100 percent of the approved work plan costs with the exception of the cost shares required by CERCLA 104(k)(9)(B)(iii) for capitalization of revolving loan funds under CERCLA 104(k)(3).

authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
cite as: 40 CFR 35.518