Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
§ 35.3000 - Purpose.
(a) This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the development, management, and EPA overview of State administration of the wastewater treatment works construction grants program under section 205(g) of the Clean Water Act, as amended. The delegation agreement between EPA and the State is a precondition for construction management assistance under section 205(g). Program requirements for other assistance agreements authorized by section 205(g) for activities under sections 402 and 404 and section 208(b)(4) are provided in part 130. Administration of all section 205(g) assistance agreements follows the procedures established in subpart A of this part.
(b) A State, for purposes of receiving delegation of construction grant program responsibilities under this subpart, shall include a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands (Palau), the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and any Indian Tribe, band, group, or community recognized by the Secretary of the Interior and exercising governmental authority over a Federal Indian reservation, provided that the Tribe satisfies the following criteria:
(1) The Indian Tribe has a governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers. The Tribe must submit a narrative statement to the Regional Administrator describing the form of the Tribal government, describing the types of essential governmental functions currently performed and identifying the source of the authority to perform these functions.
(2) The functions to be exercised by the Indian Tribe pertain to the management and protection of water resources which are held by an Indian Tribe, held by the United States in trust for Indians, held by a member of an Indian Tribe if such property is subject to a trust restriction on alienation, or otherwise within the borders of an Indian reservation. Assertions by the Indian Tribe with respect to this criterion will be provided by EPA to adjacent governmental entities in accordance with 40 CFR 130.15.
(3) The Indian Tribe is reasonably expected to be capable, in the Regional Administrator's judgment, of carrying out the functions to be exercised in a manner consistent with the terms and purposes of the Clean Water Act and applicable regulations.
(c) Where a Tribe has previously qualified for treatment as a State under a Clean Water Act or Safe Drinking Water Act program, the Tribe need only provide the required information which had not been submitted in a previous treatment as a State application.
[48 FR 37818, Aug. 19, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 27098, June 29, 1990]
§ 35.3005 - Policy.
(a) EPA's policy is to delegate management of the wastewater treatment works construction grant program to the maximum extent possible consistent with the objectives of the Act, prudent fiscal management, and EPA's overall national responsibility for the program. The policy is premised on an on-going partnership between EPA and the States that includes consultation with the States in formulation of policy and guidance by EPA. EPA expects States to undertake full delegation of all project level activities, including preliminary determinations of non-delegable requirements. The objective of delegation is to eliminate duplication of Federal and State effort in the management of the construction grant program, to increase State participation in the construction grant program, and to improve operating efficiency.
(b) Program delegation is to be accomplished through a formal delegation agreement between the Regional Administrator and the State. The delegation agreement will specify the functions which the State will perform and procedures for State certification to EPA.
(c) EPA will overview the performance of the program under delegation to ensure that progress is being made toward meeting the construction grant program objectives and that the State is continuing to employ administrative, fiscal, and program controls to guard against fraud, misuse, and mismanagement of public funds. Overview will also include review of the State management process to ensure it is efficient, effective and assures timely State reviews.
§ 35.3010 - Delegation agreement.
(a) Before execution of the delegation agreement, the Regional Administrator must determine that the unit of the State agency designated to implement the agreement is capable of carrying out the delegated functions. The Regional Administrator will evaluate those aspects of the unit which directly affect the State's capability to implement the agreement.
(b) In the delegation agreement, the State agency will assure the Regional Administrator that it will execute its responsibilities under the delegation agreement in conformance with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, orders, and policies.
(c) The delegation agreement will:
(1) Designate the organizational unit within the State responsible for the implementation of the delegation agreement;
(2) List the functions delegated and functions to be delegated, with a schedule for their assumption by the State;
(3) Identify procedures to be followed and records to be kept by the State and EPA in carrying out each delegated function;
(4) Identify the staffing, hiring, training, and funding necessary to carry out the delegated functions;
(5) Estimate program costs by year for the term of the delegation agreement;
(6) Identify an accounting system, acceptable to the Regional Administrator, which will properly identify and relate State costs to the conduct of delegated functions; and
(7) Identify the form and content of the system for EPA overview of State performance consistent with the requirements in § 35.3025 of this subpart, including the frequency, method, and extent of monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
(d) The term of the delegation agreement shall generally be five years. As subsequent construction management assistance is awarded, the delegation agreement may be amended to maintain a five-year period.
(e) The delegation agreement will be revised, as necessary, to reflect substantial program or procedural changes, as determined by the Regional Administrator.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2000-0417)
§ 35.3015 - Extent of State responsibilities.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the Regional Administrator may delegate to the State agency authority to review and certify all construction grant documents required before and after grant award and to perform all construction grant review and management activities necessary to administer the construction grants program.
(b) The State may also act as the manager of waste treatment construction grant projects for small communities. The State, with the approval of the community, may serve as the community contracting agent and undertake responsibilities such as negotiating subagreements, providing technical assistance, and assisting the community in exercising its resident engineering responsibility. In this capacity, the State is in the same position as a private entity and cannot require a small community to hold the State harmless from negligent acts or omissions. The State may also execute an agreement with any organization within the State government, other than the State agency, which is capable of performing these services. The terms of the agreement to provide these services to small communities must be approved by the Regional Administrator before execution of the agreement.
(c) The Regional Administrator shall retain overall responsibility for the construction grant program and exercise direct authority for the following:
(1) Construction grant assistance awards, grant amendments, payments, and terminations;
(2) Projects where an overriding Federal interest requires greater Federal involvement;
(3) Final determinations under Federal statutes and Executive Orders (e.g., the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), except for sections 201, 203, 204, and 212 of the Clean Water Act;
(4) Final resolution of construction grant audit exceptions; and
(5) Procurement determinations listed under 40 CFR 33.001(g).
§ 35.3020 - Certification procedures.
(a) The State will furnish a written certification to the Regional Administrator for each construction grant project application submitted to EPA for award. The certification must state that all Federal requirements, within the scope of authority delegated to the State under the delegation agreement, have been met. This certification must be supported by documentation specified in the delegation agreement. The documentation must be made available to the Regional Administrator upon request.
(b) Certification that a construction grant project application complies with all delegable pre-award requirements consists of certification of compliance with the following sections of subpart I of this part: § 35.2030 (Facilities planning); § 35.2040 (a) and (b) (Grant application); § 35.2042 (Review of grant applications); and §§ 35.2100 (Limitations on award) through and including 35.2125, except for § 35.2101 (Advanced treatment reviews for projects with incremental capital advanced treatment costs of over $3 million), § 35.2112 (Marine waiver discharge applicants), and § 35.2113 (final decisions under the National Environmental Policy Act).
§ 35.3025 - Overview of State performance under delegation.
The Regional Administrator will review the performance of a delegated State through an annual overview program, developed in accordance with procedures agreed to in the delegation agreement (§ 35.3010(c)(7)). The purpose of the overview program is to ensure that both the delegated State and EPA efficiently and effectively execute the fiscal and program responsiblilities under the Clean Water Act and related legislation. The overview program is comprised of three steps:
(a) Developing a plan for overview. The plan for overview specifies priority objectives, key measures of performance, and monitoring and evaluation activities (including State reporting to EPA) for the upcoming year. EPA and the State should agree to a plan for overview in advance of the upcoming year.
(1) Priority objectives will include both program and management objectives. In developing the State priority objectives, the national priorities identified by the Administrator on an annual basis must, at a minimum, be addressed and applied as appropriate to each State. In addition, the Regional Administrator and the State may identify other objectives unique to the situation in the State.
(2) For each priority objective, the plan for overview will specify key measures of performance (both quantitative and qualitative), identify which measures will require the negotiation of outputs, and enumerate the specific monitoring and evaluation activities and methods planned for the upcoming year.
(b) Negotiating annual outputs. Annually, the Region and delegated State will negotiate and agree upon outputs, where required by the plan for overview, to cover priority objectives for the upcoming year. This negotiation should also result in development of the work program required for the section 205(g) assistance application, pursuant to subpart A, § 35.130 of this part. Where the assistance application covers a budget period beyond the annual overview program period, the assistance award may be made for the full budget period, contingent on future negotiation of annual outputs under this paragraph for subsequent years of the budget period.
(c) Monitoring and evaluating program performance. Monitoring and evaluation of program performance (including State reporting) is based on the plan for overview agreed to in advance and should be appropriate to the delegation situation existing between the Region and State. It should take into account past performance of the State and the extent of State experience in administering the delegated functions. An on-site evaluation will occur at least annually and will cover, at a minimum, negotiated annual outputs, performance expected in the delegation agreement and, where applicable, evaluation of performance under the assistance agreement as provided in 40 CFR 35.150. The evaluation will cover performance of both the Region and the State. Upon completion of the evaluation, the delegation agreement may be revised, if necessary, to reflect changes resulting from the evaluation. The Regional Administrator may terminate or annul any section 205(g) financial assistance for cause in accordance with 2 CFR 200.339 through 2 CFR 200.343, Remedies for Noncompliance.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2000-0417)
[48 FR 37818, Aug. 19, 1983, as amended at 79 FR 76057, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30399, May 19, 2022]
§ 35.3030 - Right of review of State decision.
(a) Any construction grant application or grantee who has been adversely affected by a State's action or omission may request Regional review of such action or omission, but must first submit a petition for review to the State agency that made the initial decision. The State agency will make a final decision in accordance with procedures set forth in the delegation agreement. The State must provide, in writing, normally within 45 days of the date it receives the petition, the basis for its decision regarding the disputed action or omission. The final State decision must be labeled as such and, if adverse to the applicant or grantee, must include notice of the right to request Regional review of the State decision under this section. A State's failure to address the disputed action or omission in a timely fashion, or in writing, will not preclude Regional review.
(b) Requests for Regional review must include:
(1) A copy of any written State decision.
(2) A statement of the amount in dispute,
(3) A description of the issues involved, and
(4) A concise statement of the objections to the State decision.
The request must be filed by registered mail, return receipt requested, within thirty days of the date of the State decision or within a reasonable time if the State fails to respond in writing to the request for review.
(c) The Region shall determine whether the State's review is comparable to a dispute decision official's (DDO) review pursuant to 2 CFR part 1500, subpart E. If the State's review is comparable, Regional review of the State's decision will be conducted by the Regional Administrator. If the State's review is not comparable, the DDO will review the State's decision and issue a written decision. Review of either a Regional Administrator or DDO decision may be requested pursuant to 2 CFR part 1500, subpart E.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2040-0095)
[50 FR 45896, Nov. 4, 1985, as amended at 79 FR 76057, Dec. 19, 2014]
§ 35.3035 - Public participation.
(a) Public participation during the development, review, approval, and substantial revision of the delegation agreement will be in accordance with the requirements of section 101(e) of the Act, part 25 of this chapter, and this subpart.
(b) The Regional Administrator or the State, as mutually agreed, will make the draft delegation agreement, any proposed substantial amendment to the delegation agreement, and the proposed annual overview program, available to the public for comment, and provide notice of availability, sufficiently in advance of execution to allow for timely comment.
(c) If, based on comments received, the Regional Administrator or State determines that significant interest exists, the State and EPA will consult with interested and affected groups and citizens prior to execution of the delegation agreement, substantial amendment, or annual overview program. If the Regional Administrator or State determines that significant interest and desire for a public meeting exist, the Region or State will hold one or more public meetings at least 30 days prior to execution.