Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 422.629 - General requirements for applicable integrated plans.

§ 422.630 - Integrated grievances.

§ 422.631 - Integrated organization determinations.

§ 422.632 - Continuation of benefits while the applicable integrated plan reconsideration is pending.

§ 422.633 - Integrated reconsiderations.

§ 422.634 - Effect.

§ 422.560 - Basis and scope.

§ 422.561 - Definitions.

§ 422.562 - General provisions.

§ 422.564 - Grievance procedures.

§ 422.566 - Organization determinations.

§ 422.568 - Standard timeframes and notice requirements for organization determinations.

§ 422.570 - Expediting certain organization determinations.

§ 422.572 - Timeframes and notice requirements for expedited organization determinations.

§ 422.574 - Parties to the organization determination.

§ 422.576 - Effect of an organization determination.

§ 422.578 - Right to a reconsideration.

§ 422.580 - Reconsideration defined.

§ 422.582 - Request for a standard reconsideration.

§ 422.584 - Expediting certain reconsiderations.

§ 422.586 - Opportunity to submit evidence.

§ 422.590 - Timeframes and responsibility for reconsiderations.

§ 422.592 - Reconsideration by an independent entity.

§ 422.594 - Notice of reconsidered determination by the independent entity.

§ 422.596 - Effect of a reconsidered determination.

§ 422.600 - Right to a hearing.

§ 422.602 - Request for an ALJ hearing.

§ 422.608 - Medicare Appeals Council (Council) review.

§ 422.612 - Judicial review.

§ 422.616 - Reopening and revising determinations and decisions.

§ 422.618 - How an MA organization must effectuate standard reconsidered determinations or decisions.

§ 422.619 - How an MA organization must effectuate expedited reconsidered determinations.

§ 422.620 - Notifying enrollees of hospital discharge appeal rights.

§ 422.622 - Requesting immediate QIO review of the decision to discharge from the inpatient hospital.

§ 422.624 - Notifying enrollees of termination of provider services.

§ 422.626 - Fast-track appeals of service terminations to independent review entities (IREs).

§ 422.629 - General requirements for applicable integrated plans.

(a) Scope. The provisions in this section and in §§ 422.630 through 422.634 set forth requirements for unified appeals and grievance processes with which applicable integrated plans must comply. Beginning January 1, 2021, these provisions apply to an applicable integrated plan in lieu of §§ 422.564, 422.566(c) and (d), and 422.568 through 422.590, and 422.618(a) and §§ 438.404 through 438.424 of this chapter; provisions governing Part B drugs in §§ 422.568(b)(2), 422.570(d)(2), 422.572(a)(2), 422.584(d)(1), 422.590(c), and 422.590(e)(2) apply to an applicable integrated plan.

(b) General process. An applicable integrated plan must create integrated processes for enrollees for integrated grievances, integrated organization determinations, and integrated reconsiderations.

(c) State flexibilities. A State may, at its discretion, implement standards for timeframes or notice requirements that are more protective for the enrollee than required by this section and §§ 422.630 through 422.634. The contract under § 422.107 must include any standards that differ from the standards set forth in this section.

(d) Evidence. The applicable integrated plan must do the following:

(1) Provide the enrollee—

(i) A reasonable opportunity, in person and in writing, to present evidence and testimony and make legal and factual arguments for integrated grievances, and integrated reconsiderations; and

(ii) Information on how evidence and testimony should be presented to the plan.

(2) Inform the enrollee of the limited time available for presenting evidence sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for appeals as specified in this section if the case is being considered under an expedited timeframe for the integrated grievance or integrated reconsideration.

(e) Assistance. In addition to the requirements in § 422.562(a)(5), the applicable integrated plan must provide an enrollee reasonable assistance in completing forms and taking other procedural steps related to integrated grievances and integrated appeals.

(f) Applicable requirements. The requirements in §§ 422.560, 422.561, 422.562, 422.566, and 422.592 through 422.626 apply to an applicable integrated plan unless otherwise provided in this section or in §§ 422.630 through 422.634.

(g) Acknowledgement. The applicable integrated plan must send to the enrollee written acknowledgement of integrated grievances and integrated reconsiderations upon receiving the request.

(h) Recordkeeping. (1) The applicable integrated plan must maintain records of integrated grievances and integrated appeals. Each applicable integrated plan that is a Medicaid managed care organization must review the Medicaid-related information as part of its ongoing monitoring procedures, as well as for updates and revisions to the State quality strategy.

(2) The record of each integrated grievance or integrated appeal must contain, at a minimum:

(i) A general description of the reason for the integrated appeal or integrated grievance.

(ii) The date of receipt.

(iii) The date of each review or, if applicable, review meeting.

(iv) Resolution at each level of the integrated appeal or integrated grievance, if applicable.

(v) Date of resolution at each level, if applicable.

(vi) Name of the enrollee for whom the integrated appeal or integrated grievance was filed.

(vii) Date the applicable integrated plan notified the enrollee of the resolution.

(3) The record of each integrated grievance or integrated appeal must be accurately maintained in a manner accessible to the State and available upon request to CMS.

(i) Prohibition on punitive action. Each applicable integrated plan must ensure that no punitive action is taken against a provider that requests an integrated organization determination or integrated reconsideration, or supports an enrollee's request for these actions.

(j) Information to providers and subcontractors. The applicable integrated plan must provide information about the integrated grievance and integrated appeal system to all providers and subcontractors at the time they enter into a contract including, at minimum, information on integrated grievance, integrated reconsideration, and fair hearing procedures and timeframes as applicable. Such information must include the following:

(1) The right to file an integrated grievance and integrated reconsideration.

(2) The requirements and timeframes for filing an integrated grievance or integrated reconsideration.

(3) The availability of assistance in the filing process.

(k) Review decision-making requirements—(1) General rules. Individuals making decisions on integrated appeals and grievances must take into account all comments, documents, records, and other information submitted by the enrollee or their representative without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the initial adverse integrated organization determination.

(2) Integrated grievances. Individuals making decisions on integrated grievances must be individuals who—

(i) Were neither involved in any previous level of review or decision-making nor a subordinate of any such individual; and

(ii) If deciding any of the following, have the appropriate clinical expertise in treating the enrollee's condition or disease:

(A) A grievance regarding denial of expedited resolution of an appeal.

(B) A grievance that involves clinical issues.

(3) Integrated organization determinations. If the applicable integrated plan expects to issue a partially or fully adverse medical necessity (or any substantively equivalent term used to describe the concept of medical necessity) decision based on the initial review of the request, the integrated organization determination must be reviewed by a physician or other appropriate health care professional with expertise in the field of medicine or health care that is appropriate for the services at issue, including knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid coverage criteria, before the applicable integrated plan issues the integrated organization determination decision. The physician or health care professional reviewing the request need not, in all cases, be of the same specialty or subspecialty as the treating physician or other health care provider. The physician or other health care professional must have a current and unrestricted license to practice within the scope of his or her profession in a State, Territory, Commonwealth of the United States (that is, Puerto Rico), or the District of Columbia.

(4) Integrated reconsideration determinations. Individuals making an integrated reconsideration determination must be individuals who—

(i) Were neither involved in any previous level of review or decision-making nor a subordinate of any such individual; and

(ii) If deciding an appeal of a denial that is based on lack of medical necessity (or any substantively equivalent term used to describe the concept of medical necessity), are a physician or other appropriate health care professional who have the appropriate clinical expertise in treating the enrollee's condition or disease, and knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid coverage criteria, before the applicable integrated plan issues the integrated reconsideration determination.

(l) Parties. (1) The following individuals or entities can request an integrated grievance, integrated organization determination, and integrated reconsideration, and are parties to the case:

(i) The enrollee.

(ii) The enrollee's representative, including any person authorized under State law.

(2) When the term “enrollee” is used throughout §§ 422.629 through 422.634, it includes providers that file a request and authorized representatives consistent with this paragraph, unless otherwise specified.

(3) A provider who is providing treatment to the enrollee may, upon providing notice to the enrollee, request a standard or expedited pre-service integrated reconsideration on behalf of an enrollee.

(4) The following individuals or entities may request an integrated reconsideration and are parties to the case:

(i) An assignee of the enrollee (that is, a physician or other provider who has furnished or intends to furnish a service to the enrollee and formally agrees to waive any right to payment from the enrollee for that service).

(ii) Any other provider or entity (other than the applicable integrated plan) who has an appealable interest in the proceeding.

[84 FR 15835, Apr. 16, 2019, as amended at 84 FR 23883, May 23, 2019; 86 FR 6102, Jan. 19, 2021; 87 FR 27897, May 9, 2022; 88 FR 22335, Apr. 12, 2023]
§ 422.630 - Integrated grievances.

(a) General rule. In lieu of complying with § 422.564, and the grievance requirements of §§ 438.402, 438.406, 438.408, 438.414, and 438.416 of this chapter, each applicable integrated plan must comply with this section. Each applicable integrated plan must provide meaningful procedures for timely hearing and resolving integrated grievances between enrollees and the applicable integrated plan or any other entity or individual through which the applicable integrated plan provides covered items and services.

(b) Timing. An enrollee may file an integrated grievance at any time with the applicable integrated plan.

(c) Filing. An enrollee may file an integrated grievance orally or in writing with the applicable integrated plan, or with the State for an integrated grievance related to a Medicaid benefit, if the State has a process for accepting Medicaid grievances.

(d) Expedited grievances. An applicable integrated plan must respond to an enrollee's grievance within 24 hours if the complaint involves the applicable integrated plan's—

(1) Decision to invoke an extension relating to an integrated organization determination or integrated reconsideration; or

(2) Refusal to grant an enrollee's request for an expedited integrated organization determination under § 422.631 or expedited integrated reconsideration under § 422.633.

(e) Resolution and notice. (1) The applicable integrated plan must resolve standard integrated grievances as expeditiously as the case requires, based on the enrollee's health status, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date it receives the integrated grievance.

(i) All integrated grievances submitted in writing must be responded to in writing.

(ii) Integrated grievances submitted orally may be responded to either orally or in writing, unless the enrollee requests a written response.

(iii) All integrated grievances related to quality of care, regardless of how the integrated grievance is filed, must be responded to in writing. The response must include a description of the enrollee's right to file a written complaint with the QIO with regard to Medicare covered services. For any complaint submitted to a QIO, the applicable integrated plan must cooperate with the QIO in resolving the complaint.

(2) The timeframe for resolving the integrated grievance may be extended by 14 calendar days if the enrollee requests an extension or if the applicable integrated plan justifies the need for additional information and documents how the delay is in the interest of the enrollee. When the applicable integrated plan extends the timeframe, it must—

(i) Make reasonable efforts to promptly notify the enrollee orally of the reasons for the delay; and

(ii) Send written notice to the enrollee of the reasons for the delay immediately, but no later than within 2 calendar days of making the decision to extend the timeframe to resolve the integrated grievance. This notice must explain the right to file an integrated grievance if the enrollee disagrees with the decision to delay.

§ 422.631 - Integrated organization determinations.

(a) General rule. An applicable integrated plan must adopt and implement a process for enrollees to request that the plan make an integrated organization determination. The process for requesting that the applicable integrated plan make an integrated organization determination must be the same for all covered benefits. Timeframes and notice requirements for integrated organization determinations for Part B drugs are governed by the provisions for Part B drugs in §§ 422.568(b)(2), 422.570(d)(2), and 422.572(a)(2).

(b) Requests. The enrollee, or a provider on behalf of an enrollee, may request an integrated organization determination orally or in writing, except for requests for payment, which must be in writing (unless the applicable integrated plan or entity responsible for making the determination has implemented a voluntary policy of accepting verbal payment requests).

(c) Expedited integrated organization determinations. (1) An enrollee, or a provider on behalf of an enrollee, may request an expedited integrated organization determination.

(2) The request can be oral or in writing.

(3) The applicable integrated plan must complete an expedited integrated organization determination when the applicable integrated plan determines (based on a request from the enrollee or on its own) or the provider indicates (in making the request on the enrollee's behalf or supporting the enrollee's request) that taking the time for a standard resolution could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, physical or mental health, or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function.

(d) Timeframes and notice—(1) Integrated organization determination notice. (i) The applicable integrated plan must send an enrollee a written notice of any adverse decision on an integrated organization determination (including a determination to authorize a service or item in an amount, duration, or scope that is less than the amount previously requested or authorized for an ongoing course of treatment) within the timeframes set forth in this section.

(ii) For an integrated organization determination not reached within the timeframes specified in this section (which constitutes a denial and is thus an adverse decision), the applicable integrated plan must send a notice on the date that the timeframes expire. Such notice must describe all applicable Medicare and Medicaid appeal rights.

(iii) Integrated organization determination notices must be written in plain language, be available in a language and format that is accessible to the enrollee, and explain the following:

(A) The applicable integrated plan's determination.

(B) The date the determination was made.

(C) The date the determination will take effect.

(D) The reasons for the determination.

(E) The enrollee's right to file an integrated reconsideration and the ability for someone else to file an appeal on the enrollee's behalf.

(F) Procedures for exercising enrollee's rights to an integrated reconsideration.

(G) Circumstances under which expedited resolution is available and how to request it.

(H) If applicable, the enrollee's rights to have benefits continue pending the resolution of the integrated appeal process.

(2) Timing of notice—(i) Standard integrated organization determinations. (A) The applicable integrated plan must send a notice of its integrated organization determination at least 10 days before the date of action (that is, before the date on which a termination, suspension, or reduction becomes effective), in cases where a previously approved service is being reduced, suspended, or terminated, except in circumstances where an exception is permitted under §§ 431.213 and 431.214 of this chapter.

(B) Except as described in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section, the applicable integrated plan must send a notice of its integrated organization determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than either of the following:

(1) For a service or item not subject to the prior authorization rules in § 422.122, 14 calendar days after receiving the request for the standard integrated organization determination.

(2) Beginning on or after January 1, 2026, for a service or item subject to the prior authorization rules in § 422.122, 7 calendar days after receiving the request for the standard integrated organization determination.

(ii) Extensions. The applicable integrated plan may extend the timeframe for a standard or expedited integrated organization determination by up to 14 calendar days if—

(A) The enrollee or provider requests the extension; or

(B) The applicable integrated plan can show that—

(1) The extension is in the enrollee's interest; and

(2) There is need for additional information and there is a reasonable likelihood that receipt of such information would lead to approval of the request, if received.

(iii) Notices in cases of extension. (A) When the applicable integrated plan extends the timeframe, it must notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than upon expiration of the extension, and inform the enrollee of the right to file an expedited integrated grievance if he or she disagrees with the applicable integrated plan's decision to grant an extension.

(B) If the applicable integrated plan extends the timeframe for making its integrated organization determination, it must send the notice of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires and no later than the date the extension expires.

(iv) Expedited integrated organization determinations. (A) The applicable integrated plan must provide notice of its expedited integrated organization determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the request.

(B) If the applicable integrated plan denies the request for an expedited integrated organization determination, it must:

(1) Automatically transfer a request to the standard timeframe and make the determination within the applicable timeframe established in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(B) of this section for a standard integrated organization determination. The timeframe begins the day the applicable integrated plan receives the request for expedited integrated organization determination.

(2) Give the enrollee prompt oral notice of the denial and transfer and subsequently deliver, within 3 calendar days, a written letter that—

(i) Explains that the applicable integrated plan will process the request using the timeframe for standard integrated organization determinations;

(ii) Informs the enrollee of the right to file an expedited integrated grievance if he or she disagrees with the applicable integrated plan's decision not to expedite;

(iii) Informs the enrollee of the right to resubmit a request for an expedited integrated organization determination with any physician's support; and

(iv) Provides instructions about the integrated grievance process and its timeframes.

(C) If the applicable integrated plan must receive medical information from noncontract providers, the applicable integrated plan must request the necessary information from the noncontract provider within 24 hours of the initial request for an expedited integrated organization determination. Noncontract providers must make reasonable and diligent efforts to expeditiously gather and forward all necessary information to assist the applicable integrated plan in meeting the required timeframe. Regardless of whether the applicable integrated plan must request information from noncontract providers, the applicable integrated plan is responsible for meeting the timeframe and notice requirements of this section.

(3) Timeframe for requests for payment. The applicable integrated plan must process requests for payment according to the “prompt payment” provisions set forth in § 422.520.

(e) Dismissing a request. The applicable integrated plan dismisses a standard or expedited integrated organization determination request, either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The individual or entity making the request is not permitted to request an integrated organization determination under § 422.629(l).

(2) The applicable integrated plan determines the party failed to make out a valid request for an integrated organization determination that substantially complies with paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) An enrollee or the enrollee's representative files a request for an integrated organization determination, but the enrollee dies while the request is pending, and both of the following apply:

(i) The enrollee's surviving spouse or estate has no remaining financial interest in the case.

(ii) No other individual or entity with a financial interest in the case wishes to pursue the integrated organization determination.

(4) A party filing the integrated organization determination request submits a timely request for withdrawal of their request for an integrated organization determination with the applicable integrated plan.

(f) Notice of dismissal. The applicable integrated plan must mail or otherwise transmit a written notice of the dismissal of the integrated organization determination request to the parties. The notice must state all of the following:

(1) The reason for the dismissal.

(2) The right to request that the applicable integrated plan vacate the dismissal action.

(3) The right to request reconsideration of the dismissal.

(g) Vacating a dismissal. If good cause is established, the applicable integrated plan may vacate its dismissal of a request for an integrated organization determination within 6 months from the date of the notice of dismissal.

(h) Effect of dismissal. The dismissal of a request for an integrated organization determination is binding unless it is modified or reversed by the applicable integrated plan or vacated under paragraph (g) of this section.

(i) Withdrawing a request. A party that requests an integrated organization determination may withdraw its request at any time before the decision is issued by filing a request with the applicable integrated plan.

[84 FR 15835, Apr. 16, 2019, as amended at 84 FR 23883, May 23, 2019; 86 FR 6102, Jan. 19, 2021; 87 FR 27897, May 9, 2022; 89 FR 8977, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 422.632 - Continuation of benefits while the applicable integrated plan reconsideration is pending.

(a) Definition. As used in this section, timely files means files for continuation of benefits on or before the later of the following:

(1) Within 10 calendar days of the applicable integrated plan sending the notice of adverse integrated organization determination.

(2) The intended effective date of the applicable integrated plan's proposed adverse integrated organization determination.

(b) Continuation of benefits. The applicable integrated plan must continue the enrollee's benefits under Parts A and B of title XVIII and title XIX if all of the following occur:

(1) The enrollee files the request for an integrated appeal timely in accordance with § 422.633(d);

(2) The integrated appeal involves the termination, suspension, or reduction of previously authorized services;

(3) The services were ordered by an authorized provider;

(4) The period covered by the original authorization has not expired; and

(5) The enrollee timely files for continuation of benefits.

(c) Duration of continued or reinstated benefits. If, at the enrollee's request, the applicable integrated plan continues or reinstates the enrollee's benefits, as described in paragraph (b) of this section, while the integrated reconsideration is pending, the benefits must be continued until—

(1) The enrollee withdraws the request for an integrated reconsideration;

(2) The applicable integrated plan issues an integrated reconsideration that is unfavorable to the enrollee related to the benefit that has been continued;

(3) For an appeal involving Medicaid benefits—

(i) The enrollee fails to file a request for a State fair hearing and continuation of benefits, within 10 calendar days after the applicable integrated plan sends the notice of the integrated reconsideration;

(ii) The enrollee withdraws the appeal or request for a State fair hearing; or

(iii) A State fair hearing office issues a hearing decision adverse to the enrollee.

(d) Recovery of costs. In the event the appeal or State fair hearing is adverse to the enrollee—

(1) The applicable integrated plan or State agency may not pursue recovery for costs of services furnished by the applicable integrated plan pending the integrated reconsideration, to the extent that the services were furnished solely under of the requirements of this section.

(2) If, after the integrated reconsideration decision is final, an enrollee requests that Medicaid services continue through a State fair hearing, state rules on recovery of costs, in accordance with the requirements of § 438.420(d) of this chapter, apply for costs incurred for services furnished pending appeal subsequent to the date of the integrated reconsideration decision.

[84 FR 15835, Apr. 16, 2019, as amended at 86 FR 6103, Jan. 19, 2021]
§ 422.633 - Integrated reconsiderations.

(a) General rule. An applicable integrated plan may only have one level of integrated reconsideration for an enrollee.

(b) External medical reviews. If a State has established an external medical review process, the requirements of § 438.402(c)(1)(i)(B) of this chapter apply to each applicable integrated plan that is a Medicaid managed care organization, as defined in section 1903 of the Act.

(c) Case file. Upon request of the enrollee or his or her representative, the applicable integrated plan must provide the enrollee and his or her representative the enrollee's case file, including medical records, other documents and records, and any new or additional evidence considered, relied upon, or generated by the applicable integrated plan (or at the direction of the applicable integrated plan) in connection with the appeal of the integrated organization determination. This information must be provided free of charge and sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for the integrated reconsideration, or subsequent appeal, as specified in this section.

(d) Timing. (1) Timeframe for filing—An enrollee has 60 calendar days after receipt of the adverse organization determination notice to file a request for an integrated reconsideration with the applicable integrated plan.

(i) The date of receipt of the adverse organization determination is presumed to be 5 calendar days after the date of the integrated organization determination notice, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

(ii) For purposes of meeting the 60-calendar day filing deadline, the request is considered as filed on the date it is received by the applicable integrated plan.

(2) Oral inquires—Oral inquires seeking to appeal an adverse integrated organization determination must be treated as a request for an integrated reconsideration (to establish the earliest possible filing date for the appeal).

(3) Extending the time for filing a request—(i) General rule. If a party or physician acting on behalf of an enrollee shows good cause, the applicable integrated plan may extend the timeframe for filing a request for an integrated reconsideration.

(ii) How to request an extension of timeframe. If the 60-day period in which to file a request for an integrated reconsideration has expired, a party to the integrated organization determination or a physician acting on behalf of an enrollee may file a request for integrated reconsideration with the applicable integrated plan. The request for integrated reconsideration and to extend the timeframe must—

(A) Be in writing; and

(B) State why the request for integrated reconsideration was not filed on time.

(e) Expedited integrated reconsiderations. (1) Applicable integrated plans must accept requests to expedite integrated reconsiderations from either of the following:

(i) An enrollee.

(ii) A provider making the request on behalf of an enrollee, when the request is not a request for expedited payment.

(2) The request can be oral or in writing.

(3) The applicable integrated plan must grant the request to expedite the integrated reconsideration when it determines (for a request from the enrollee), or the provider indicates (in making the request on the enrollee's behalf or supporting the enrollee's request), that taking the time for a standard resolution could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, physical or mental health, or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function.

(4) If an applicable integrated plan denies an enrollee's request for an expedited integrated reconsideration, it must automatically transfer a request to the standard timeframe and make the determination within the 30-day timeframe established in paragraph (f)(1) of this section for a standard integrated reconsideration. The 30-day period begins with the day the applicable integrated plan receives the request for expedited integrated reconsideration. The applicable integrated plan must give the enrollee prompt oral notice of the decision, and give the enrollee written notice within 2 calendar days. The written notice must do all of the following:

(i) Include the reason for the denial.

(ii) Inform the enrollee of the right to file a grievance if the enrollee disagrees with the decision not to expedite, including timeframes and procedures for filing a grievance.

(iii) Inform the enrollee of the right to resubmit a request for an expedited determination with any physician's support.

(5) If the applicable integrated plan must receive medical information from noncontract providers, the applicable integrated plan must request the necessary information from the noncontract provider within 24 hours of the initial request for an expedited integrated reconsideration. Noncontract providers must make reasonable and diligent efforts to expeditiously gather and forward all necessary information to assist the applicable integrated plan in meeting the required timeframe. Regardless of whether the applicable integrated plan must request information from noncontract providers, the applicable integrated plan is responsible for meeting the timeframe and notice requirements of this section.

(f) Resolution and notification. The applicable integrated plan must make integrated reconsidered determinations as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than the timeframes established in this section. Integrated reconsidered determinations regarding Part B drugs must comply with the timelines governing Part B drugs established in §§ 422.584(d)(1) and 422.590(c) and (e)(2).

(1) Standard integrated reconsiderations. The applicable integrated plan must resolve integrated reconsiderations as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for the integrated reconsideration. This timeframe may be extended as described in paragraph (f)(3) of this section.

(2) Expedited integrated reconsiderations. The applicable integrated plan must resolve expedited integrated reconsiderations as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than within 72 hours of receipt of the integrated reconsideration. This timeframe may be extended as described in paragraph (f)(3) of this section. In addition to the written notice required under paragraph (f)(4) of this section, the applicable integrated plan must make reasonable efforts to provide prompt oral notice of the expedited resolution to the enrollee.

(3) Extensions. (i) The applicable integrated plan may extend the timeframe for resolving any integrated reconsideration other than those concerning Part B drugs by 14 calendar days if—

(A) The enrollee requests the extension; or

(B) The applicable integrated plan can show that—

(1) The extension is in the enrollee's interest; and

(2) There is need for additional information and there is a reasonable likelihood that receipt of such information would lead to approval of the request, if received.

(ii) If the applicable integrated plan extends the timeframe for resolving the integrated reconsideration, it must make reasonable efforts to give the enrollee prompt oral notice of the delay, and give the enrollee written notice within 2 calendar days of making the decision to extend the timeframe to resolve the integrated reconsideration. The notice must include the reason for the delay and inform the enrollee of the right to file an expedited grievance if he or she disagrees with the decision to grant an extension.

(4) Notice of resolution. The applicable integrated plan must send a written notice to enrollees that includes the integrated reconsidered determination, within the resolution timeframes set forth in this section. The notice of determination must be written in plain language and available in a language and format that is accessible to the enrollee and must explain the following:

(i) The resolution of and basis for the integrated reconsideration and the date it was completed.

(ii) For integrated reconsiderations not resolved wholly in favor of the enrollee:

(A) An explanation of the next level of appeal available under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and what steps the enrollee must take to pursue the next level of appeal under each program, and how the enrollee can obtain assistance in pursuing the next level of appeal under each program; and

(B) The right to request and receive Medicaid-covered benefits while the next level of appeal is pending, if applicable.

(g) Withdrawing a request. The party or physician acting on behalf of an enrollee who files a request for integrated reconsideration may withdraw it by filing a request for withdrawal with the applicable integrated plan.

(h) Dismissing a request. The applicable integrated plan dismisses an expedited or standard integrated reconsideration request, either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The person or entity requesting an integrated reconsideration is not a proper party to request an integrated reconsideration under § 422.629(l).

(2) The applicable integrated plan determines the party failed to make a valid request for an integrated reconsideration that substantially complies with § 422.629(l) of this section.

(3) The party fails to file the integrated reconsideration request within the proper filing timeframe in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(4) The enrollee or the enrollee's representative files a request for an integrated reconsideration, but the enrollee dies while the request is pending, and both of the following criteria apply:

(i) The enrollee's surviving spouse or estate has no remaining financial interest in the case.

(ii) No other individual or entity with a financial interest in the case wishes to pursue the integrated reconsideration.

(5) A party filing the reconsideration request submits a timely request for withdrawal of their request for an integrated reconsideration with the applicable integrated plan.

(i) Notice of dismissal. The applicable integrated plan must mail or otherwise transmit a written notice of the dismissal of the integrated reconsideration request to the parties. The notice must state all of the following:

(1) The reason for the dismissal.

(2) The right to request that the applicable integrated plan vacate the dismissal action.

(3) The right to request review of the dismissal by the independent entity.

(j) Vacating a dismissal. If good cause is established, the applicable integrated plan may vacate its dismissal of a request for integrated reconsideration within 6 months from the date of the notice of dismissal.

(k) Effect of dismissal. The applicable integrated plan's dismissal is binding unless the enrollee or other party requests review by the independent entity in accordance with § 422.590(h) or the dismissal is vacated under paragraph (j) of this section.

[84 FR 15835, Apr. 16, 2019, as amended at 84 FR 23883, May 23, 2019; 84 FR 26579, June 7, 2019; 86 FR 6103, Jan. 19, 2021; 87 FR 27897, May 9, 2022; 89 FR 30827, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 422.634 - Effect.

(a) Failure of the applicable integrated plan to send timely notice of a determination. If the applicable integrated plan fails to adhere to the notice and timing for an integrated organization determination or integrated reconsideration, this failure constitutes an adverse determination for the enrollee.

(1) For an integrated organization determination, this means that the enrollee may request an integrated reconsideration.

(2) For integrated reconsiderations of Medicare benefits, this means the applicable integrated plan must forward the case to the independent review entity, in accordance with the timeframes under paragraph (b) of this section and § 422.592. For integrated reconsiderations of Medicaid benefits, this means that an enrollee or other party may file for a State fair hearing in accordance with § 438.408(f) of this chapter, or if applicable, a State external medical review in accordance with § 438.402(c) of this chapter.

(b) Adverse integrated reconsiderations. (1) Subject to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, when the applicable integrated plan affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse integrated organization determination involving a Medicare benefit—

(i) The issues that remain in dispute must be reviewed and resolved by an independent, outside entity that contracts with CMS, in accordance with §§ 422.592 and 422.594 through 422.619;

(ii) For standard integrated reconsiderations, the applicable integrated plan must prepare a written explanation and send the case file to the independent review entity contracted by CMS, as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date it receives the request (or no later than the expiration of an extension described in § 422.633(f)(3)). The applicable integrated plan must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding information to the independent entity; and

(iii) For expedited integrated reconsiderations, the applicable integrated plan must prepare a written explanation and send the case file to the independent review entity contracted by CMS as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than within 24 hours of its affirmation (or no later than the expiration of an extension described in § 422.633(f)(3)). The applicable integrated plan must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding information to the independent entity.

(2) When the applicable integrated plan affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse integrated organization determination involving a Medicaid benefit, the enrollee or other party (that is not the applicable integrated plan) may initiate a State fair hearing in the timeframe specified in § 438.408(f)(2) following the integrated plan's notice of resolution. If a provider is filing for a State fair hearing on behalf of the enrollee as permitted by State law, the provider needs the written consent of the enrollee, if he or she has not already obtained such consent.

(c) Final determination. The reconsidered determination of the applicable integrated plan is binding on all parties unless it is appealed to the next applicable level. In the event that the enrollee pursues the appeal in multiple forums and receives conflicting decisions, the applicable integrated plan is bound by, and must act in accordance with, decisions favorable to the enrollee.

(d) Services not furnished while the appeal is pending. (1) If an applicable integrated plan reverses its decision to deny, limit, or delay services that were not furnished while the appeal was pending, the applicable integrated plan must authorize or provide the disputed services promptly and as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than the earlier of—

(i) 72 hours from the date it reverses its decision; or

(ii)(A) With the exception of a Part B drug, 30 calendar days after the date the applicable integrated plan receives the request for the integrated reconsideration (or no later than upon expiration of an extension described in § 422.633(f)); or

(B) For a Part B drug, 7 calendar days after the date the applicable integrated plan receives the request for the integrated reconsideration.

(2) For a Medicaid benefit, if a State fair hearing officer reverses an applicable integrated plan's integrated reconsideration decision to deny, limit, or delay services that were not furnished while the appeal was pending, the applicable integrated plan must authorize or provide the disputed services promptly and as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 72 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination.

(3) Reversals by the Part C independent review entity, an administrative law judge or attorney adjudicator at the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals, or the Medicare Appeals Council must be effectuated under same timelines applicable to other MA plans as specified in §§ 422.618 and 422.619.

(e) Services furnished while the appeal is pending. If the applicable integrated plan or the State fair hearing officer reverses a decision to deny, limit, or delay Medicaid-covered benefits, and the enrollee received the disputed services while the integrated reconsideration was pending, the applicable integrated plan or the State must pay for those services, in accordance with State policy and regulations. If the applicable integrated plan reverses a decision to deny, limit, or delay Medicare-covered benefits, and the enrollee received the disputed services while the integrated reconsideration was pending, the applicable integrated plan must pay for those services.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 87 FR 27898, May 9, 2022]
§ 422.560 - Basis and scope.

(a) Statutory basis. (1) Section 1852(f) of the Act provides that an MA organization must establish meaningful grievance procedures.

(2) Section 1852(g) of the Act establishes requirements that an MA organization must meet concerning organization determinations and appeals.

(3) Section 1869 of the Act specifies the amount in controversy needed to pursue a hearing and judicial review and authorizes representatives to act on behalf of individuals that seek appeals. These provisions are incorporated for MA appeals by section 1852(g)(5) of the Act and part 405 of this chapter.

(4) Section 1859(f)(8) of the Act provides for, to the extent feasible, unifying grievances and appeals procedures under sections 1852(f), 1852(g), 1902(a)(3), 1902(a)(5), and 1932(b)(4) of the Act for Medicare and Medicaid covered items and services provided by specialized MA plans for special needs individuals described in subsection 1859(b)(6)(B)(ii) of the Act for individuals who are eligible under titles XVIII and XIX of the Act. Beginning January 1, 2021, procedures established under section 1859(f)(8) of the Act apply in place of otherwise applicable grievances and appeals procedures with respect to Medicare and Medicaid covered items and services provided by applicable integrated plans.

(b) Scope. This subpart sets forth—

(1) Requirements for MA organizations with respect to grievance procedures, organization determinations, and appeal procedures.

(2) The rights of MA enrollees with respect to organization determinations, and grievance and appeal procedures.

(3) The rules concerning notice of noncoverage of inpatient hospital care.

(4) The rules that apply when an MA enrollee requests immediate QIO review of a determination that he or she no longer needs inpatient hospital care.

(5) Requirements for applicable integrated plans with respect to procedures for integrated grievances, integrated organization determinations, and integrated reconsiderations.

(c) Relation to ERISA requirements. Consistent with section 1857(i)(2) of the Act, provisions of this subpart may, to the extent applicable under regulations adopted by the Secretary of Labor, apply to claims for benefits under group health plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 4738, Jan. 28, 2005; 84 FR 15833, Apr. 16, 2019]
§ 422.561 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart, unless the context indicates otherwise—

Appeal means any of the procedures that deal with the review of adverse organization determinations on the health care services the enrollee believes he or she is entitled to receive, including delay in providing, arranging for, or approving the health care services (such that a delay would adversely affect the health of the enrollee), or on any amounts the enrollee must pay for a service, as defined under § 422.566(b). These procedures include reconsiderations by the MA organization, and if necessary, an independent review entity, hearings before ALJs, review by the Medicare Appeals Council (Council), and judicial review.

Applicable integrated plan means either of the following:

(1) Before January 1, 2023. (i) A fully integrated dual eligible special needs plan with exclusively aligned enrollment or a highly integrated dual eligible special needs plan with exclusively aligned enrollment; and

(ii) The Medicaid managed care organization, as defined in section 1903(m) of the Act, through which such dual eligible special needs plan, its parent organization, or another entity that is owned and controlled by its parent organization covers Medicaid services for dually eligible individuals enrolled in such dual eligible special needs plan and such Medicaid managed care organization.

(2) On or after January 1, 2023. (i)(A) A fully integrated dual eligible special needs plan or highly integrated dual eligible special needs plan with exclusively aligned enrollment; and

(B) The Medicaid managed care organization, as defined in section 1903(m) of the Act, through which such dual eligible special needs plan, its parent organization, or another entity that is owned and controlled by its parent organization covers Medicaid services for dually eligible individuals enrolled in such dual eligible special needs plan and such Medicaid managed care organization; or

(ii) A dual eligible special needs plan and affiliated Medicaid managed care plan where—

(A) The dual special needs plan, by State policy, has enrollment limited to those beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicaid managed care organization as described in paragraph (2)(ii)(B) of this definition;

(B) There is a capitated contract between the MA organization, the MA organization's parent organization, or another entity that is owned and controlled by its parent organization; and

(1) A Medicaid agency; or

(2) A Medicaid managed care organization as defined in section 1903(m) of the Act that contracts with the Medicaid agency; and

(C) Through the capitated contract described in paragraph (2)(ii)(B) of this definition, Medicaid benefits including primary care and acute care, including Medicare cost-sharing as defined in section 1905(p)(3)(B), (C), and (D) of the Act, without regard to the limitation of that definition to qualified Medicare beneficiaries, and at a minimum, one of the following: Home health services as defined in § 440.70 of this chapter, medical supplies, equipment, and appliances as described in § 440.70(b)(3) of this chapter, or nursing facility services are covered for the enrollees.

Enrollee means an MA eligible individual who has elected an MA plan offered by an MA organization.

Grievance means any complaint or dispute, other than one that constitutes an organization determination, expressing dissatisfaction with any aspect of an MA organization's or provider's operations, activities, or behavior, regardless of whether remedial action is requested.

Integrated appeal means any of the procedures that deal with, or result from, adverse integrated organization determinations by an applicable integrated plan on the health care services the enrollee believes he or she is entitled to receive, including delay in providing, arranging for, or approving the health care services (such that a delay would adversely affect the health of the enrollee), or on any amounts the enrollee must pay for a service. Integrated appeals cover procedures that would otherwise be defined and covered, for non-applicable integrated plans, as an appeal defined in § 422.561 or the procedures required for appeals in accordance with §§ 438.400 through 438.424 of this chapter. Such procedures include integrated reconsiderations.

Integrated grievance means a dispute or complaint that would be defined and covered, for grievances filed by an enrollee in non-applicable integrated plans, under § 422.564 or §§ 438.400 through 438.416 of this chapter. Integrated grievances do not include appeals procedures and QIO complaints, as described in § 422.564(b) and (c). An integrated grievance made by an enrollee in an applicable integrated plan is subject to the integrated grievance procedures in §§ 422.629 and 422.630.

Integrated organization determination means an organization determination that would otherwise be defined and covered, for a non-applicable integrated plan, as an organization determination under § 422.566, an adverse benefit determination under § 438.400(b), or an action under § 431.201 of this chapter. An integrated organization determination is made by an applicable integrated plan and is subject to the integrated organization determination procedures in §§ 422.629, 422.631, and 422.634.

Integrated reconsideration means a reconsideration that would otherwise be defined and covered, for a non-applicable integrated plan, as a reconsideration under § 422.580 and appeal under § 438.400(b) of this chapter. An integrated reconsideration is made by an applicable integrated plan and is subject to the integrated reconsideration procedures in §§ 422.629 and 422.632 through 422.634.

Physician has the meaning given the term in section 1861(r) of the Act.

Representative means an individual appointed by an enrollee or other party, or authorized under State or other applicable law, to act on behalf of an enrollee or other party involved in the grievance or appeal. Unless otherwise stated in this subpart, the representative will have all the rights and responsibilities of an enrollee or party in filing a grievance, and in obtaining an organization determination or in dealing with any of the levels of the appeals process, subject to the applicable rules described in part 405 of this chapter.

[63 FR 35067, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40328, June 29, 2000; 68 FR 16667, Apr. 4, 2003; 70 FR 4738, Jan. 28, 2005; 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010; 82 FR 5124, Jan. 17, 2017; 84 FR 15833, Apr. 16, 2019; 84 FR 26579, June 7, 2019; 87 FR 27897, May 9, 2022]
§ 422.562 - General provisions.

(a) Responsibilities of the MA organization. (1) An MA organization, with respect to each MA plan that it offers, must establish and maintain—

(i) A grievance procedure as described in § 422.564 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.630 as applicable, for addressing issues that do not involve organization determinations;

(ii) A procedure for making timely organization determinations;

(iii) Appeal procedures that meet the requirements of this subpart for issues that involve organization determinations; and

(2) An MA organization must ensure that all enrollees receive written information about the—

(i) Grievance and appeal procedures that are available to them through the MA organization; and

(ii) Complaint process available to the enrollee under the QIO process as set forth under section 1154(a)(14) of the Act.

(3) In accordance with subpart K of this part, if the MA organization delegates any of its responsibilities under this subpart to another entity or individual through which the organization provides health care services, the MA organization is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the entity or individual satisfies the relevant requirements of this subpart.

(4) An MA organization must employ a medical director who is responsible for ensuring the clinical accuracy of all organization determinations and reconsiderations involving medical necessity. The medical director must be a physician with a current and unrestricted license to practice medicine in a State, Territory, Commonwealth of the United States (that is, Puerto Rico), or the District of Columbia.

(5) An MA organization that offers a dual eligible special needs plan has the following additional responsibilities:

(i) The dual eligible special needs plan must offer to assist an enrollee in that dual eligible special needs plan with obtaining Medicaid covered services and resolving grievances, including requesting authorization of Medicaid services, as applicable, and navigating Medicaid appeals and grievances in connection with the enrollee's own Medicaid coverage, regardless of whether such coverage is in Medicaid fee-for-service or a Medicaid managed care plan, such as a Medicaid MCO, PIHP, or PAHP as defined in § 438.2 of this chapter. If the enrollee accepts the offer of assistance, the plan must provide the assistance. Examples of such assistance include the following:

(A) Explaining to an enrollee how to make a request for Medicaid authorization of a service and how to file appeal following an adverse benefit determination, such as—

(1) Assisting the enrollee in identifying the enrollee's specific Medicaid managed care plan or fee-for-service point of contact;

(2) Providing specific instructions for contacting the appropriate agency in a fee-for-service setting or for contacting the enrollee's Medicaid managed care plan, regardless of whether the Medicaid managed care plan is affiliated with the enrollee's dual eligible special needs plan; and

(3) Assisting the enrollee in making contact with the enrollee's fee-for-service contact or Medicaid managed care plan.

(B) Assisting a beneficiary in filing a Medicaid grievance or a Medicaid appeal.

(C) Assisting an enrollee in obtaining documentation to support a request for authorization of Medicaid services or a Medicaid appeal.

(ii) The dual eligible special needs plan must offer to provide the assistance described in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section whenever it becomes aware of an enrollee's need for a Medicaid-covered service. Offering such assistance is not dependent on an enrollee's specific request.

(iii) The dual eligible special needs plan must offer to provide and actually provide assistance as required by paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section using multiple methods.

(A) When an enrollee accepts the offer of assistance described in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section, the dual eligible special needs plan may coach the enrollee on how to self-advocate.

(B) The dual eligible special needs plan must also provide an enrollee reasonable assistance in completing forms and taking procedural steps related to Medicaid grievances and appeals.

(iv) The dual eligible special needs plan must, upon request from CMS, provide documentation demonstrating its compliance with this paragraph (a)(5).

(v) The obligation to provide assistance under paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section does not create an obligation for a dual eligible special needs plan to represent an enrollee in a Medicaid appeal.

(b) Rights of MA enrollees. In accordance with the provisions of this subpart, enrollees have the following rights:

(1) The right to have grievances between the enrollee and the MA organization heard and resolved, as described in § 422.564 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.630, as applicable.

(2) The right to a timely organization determination, as provided under § 422.566 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.631(c), as applicable.

(3) The right to request an expedited organization determination, as provided under §§ 422.570 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.631(e), as applicable.

(4) If dissatisfied with any part of an organization determination, the following appeal rights:

(i) The right to a reconsideration of the adverse organization determination by the MA organization, as provided under § 422.578 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.633, as applicable.

(ii) The right to request an expedited reconsideration, as provided under § 422.584 or, beginning January 1, 2021, § 422.633(e), as applicable.

(iii) If, as a result of a reconsideration, an MA organization affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse organization determination, the right to an automatic reconsidered determination made by an independent, outside entity contracted by CMS, as provided in § 422.592.

(iv) The right to an ALJ hearing if the amount in controversy is met, as provided in § 422.600.

(v) The right to request Council review of the ALJ hearing decision, as provided in § 422.608.

(vi) The right to judicial review of the hearing decision if the amount in controversy is met, as provided in § 422.612.

(c) Limits on when this subpart applies. (1) If an enrollee receives immediate QIO review (as provided in § 422.622) of a determination of noncoverage of inpatient hospital care the enrollee is not entitled to review of that issue by the MA organization.

(2) If an enrollee has no further liability to pay for services that were furnished by an MA organization, a determination regarding these services is not subject to appeal.

(d) When other regulations apply. (1) Unless this subpart provides otherwise and subject to paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the regulations in part 405 of this chapter (concerning the administrative review and hearing processes and representation of parties under titles II and XVIII of the Act) apply under this subpart to the extent they are appropriate.

(2) The following regulations in part 405 of this chapter, and any references thereto, specifically do not apply under this subpart:

(i) Section 405.950 (time frames for making a redetermination).

(ii) Section 405.970 (time frames for making a reconsideration following a contractor redetermination, including the option to escalate an appeal to the OMHA level).

(iii) Section 405.1016 (time frames for deciding an appeal of a QIC reconsideration, or escalated request for a QIC reconsideration, including the option to escalate an appeal to the Council).

(iv) The option to request that an appeal be escalated from the OMHA level to the Council as provided in § 405.1100(b), and time frames for the Council to decide an appeal of an ALJ's or attorney adjudicator's decision or an appeal that is escalated from the OMHA level to the Council as provided in § 405.1100(c) and (d).

(v) Section 405.1132 (request for escalation to Federal court).

(vi) Sections 405.956(b)(8), 405.966(a)(2), 405.976(b)(5)(ii), 405.1018(c), 405.1028(a), and 405.1122(c), and any other reference to requiring a determination of good cause for the introduction of new evidence by a provider, supplier, or a beneficiary represented by a provider or supplier.

(3) For the sole purpose of applying the regulations at § 405.1038(c) of this chapter, an MA organization is included in the definition of “contractors” as it relates to stipulated decisions.

[63 FR 35067, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40329, June 29, 2000; 70 FR 4738, Jan. 28, 2005; 70 FR 52027, Sept. 1, 2005; 76 FR 21569, Apr. 15, 2011; 82 FR 5110, Jan. 17, 2017; 84 FR 15834, Apr. 16, 2019; 84 FR 26579, June 7, 2019; 86 FR 6101, Jan. 19, 2021]
§ 422.564 - Grievance procedures.

(a) General rule. Each MA organization must provide meaningful procedures for timely hearing and resolving grievances between enrollees and the organization or any other entity or individual through which the organization provides health care services under any MA plan it offers.

(b) Distinguished from appeals. Grievance procedures are separate and distinct from appeal procedures, which address organization determinations as defined in § 422.566(b). Upon receiving a complaint, an MA organization must promptly determine and inform the enrollee whether the complaint is subject to its grievance procedures or its appeal procedures.

(c) Distinguished from the quality improvement organization (QIO) complaint process. Under section 1154(a)(14) of the Act, the QIO must review beneficiaries' written complaints about the quality of services they have received under the Medicare program. This process is separate and distinct from the grievance procedures of the MA organization. For quality of care issues, an enrollee may file a grievance with the MA organization; file a written complaint with the QIO, or both. For any complaint submitted to a QIO, the MA organization must cooperate with the QIO in resolving the complaint.

(d) Method for filing a grievance. (1) An enrollee may file a grievance with the MA organization either orally or in writing.

(2) An enrollee must file a grievance no later than 60 days after the event or incident that precipitates the grievance.

(e) Grievance disposition and notification. (1) The MA organization must notify the enrollee of its decision as expeditiously as the case requires, based on the enrollee's health status, but no later than 30 days after the date the organization receives the oral or written grievance.

(2) The MA organization may extend the 30-day timeframe by up to 14 days if the enrollee requests the extension or if the organization justifies a need for additional information and documents how the delay is in the interest of the enrollee. When the MA organization extends the deadline, it must immediately notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay.

(3) The MA organization must inform the enrollee of the disposition of the grievance in accordance with the following procedures:

(i) All grievances submitted in writing must be responded to in writing.

(ii) Grievances submitted orally may be responded to either orally or in writing, unless the enrollee requests a written response.

(iii) All grievances related to quality of care, regardless of how the grievance is filed, must be responded to in writing. The response must include a description of the enrollee's right to file a written complaint with the QIO. For any complaint submitted to a QIO, the MA organization must cooperate with the QIO in resolving the complaint.

(f) Expedited grievances. An MA organization must respond to an enrollee's grievance within 24 hours if:

(1) The complaint involves an MA organization's decision to invoke an extension relating to an organization determination or reconsideration.

(2) The complaint involves an MA organization's refusal to grant an enrollee's request for an expedited organization determination under § 422.570 or reconsideration under § 422.584.

(g) Recordkeeping. The MA organization must have an established process to track and maintain records on all grievances received both orally and in writing, including, at a minimum, the date of receipt, final disposition of the grievance, and the date that the MA organization notified the enrollee of the disposition.

[68 FR 16667, Apr. 4, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 4738, Jan. 28, 2005]
§ 422.566 - Organization determinations.

(a) Responsibilities of the MA organization. Each MA organization must have a procedure for making timely organization determinations (in accordance with the requirements of this subpart) regarding the benefits an enrollee is entitled to receive under an MA plan, including basic benefits as described under § 422.100(c)(1) and mandatory and optional supplemental benefits as described under § 422.102, and the amount, if any, that the enrollee is required to pay for a health service. The MA organization must have a standard procedure for making determinations, in accordance with § 422.568, and an expedited procedure for situations in which applying the standard procedure could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, health, or ability to regain maximum function, in accordance with §§ 422.570 and 422.572. For an applicable integrated plan, beginning January 1, 2021, the MA organization must comply with §§ 422.629 through 422.634 in lieu of §§ 422.566(c) and (d), 422.568, 422.570 and 422.572 with regard to the procedures for making determinations, including integrated organization determinations and integrated reconsiderations, on a standard and expedited basis.

(b) Actions that are organization determinations. An organization determination is any determination made by an MA organization with respect to any of the following:

(1) Payment for temporarily out of the area renal dialysis services, emergency services, post-stabilization care, or urgently needed services.

(2) Payment for any other health services furnished by a provider other than the MA organization that the enrollee believes—

(i) Are covered under Medicare; or

(ii) If not covered under Medicare, should have been furnished, arranged for, or reimbursed by the MA organization.

(3) The MA organization's refusal to provide or pay for services, in whole or in part, including the type or level of services, that the enrollee believes should be furnished or arranged for by the MA organization.

(4) Reduction, or premature discontinuation, of a previously authorized ongoing course of treatment.

(5) Failure of the MA organization to approve, furnish, arrange for, or provide payment for health care services in a timely manner, or to provide the enrollee with timely notice of an adverse determination, such that a delay would adversely affect the health of the enrollee.

(c) Who can request an organization determination. (1) Those individuals or entities who can request an organization determination are—

(i) The enrollee (including his or her representative);

(ii) Any provider that furnishes, or intends to furnish, services to the enrollee; or

(iii) The legal representative of a deceased enrollee's estate.

(2) Those who can request an expedited determination are—

(i) The enrollee (including his or her representative); or

(ii) A physician (regardless of whether the physician is affiliated with the MA organization).

(d) Who must review organization determinations. If the MA organization expects to issue a partially or fully adverse medical necessity (or any substantively equivalent term used to describe the concept of medical necessity) decision based on the initial review of the request, the organization determination must be reviewed by a physician or other appropriate health care professional with expertise in the field of medicine or health care that is appropriate for the services at issue, including knowledge of Medicare coverage criteria, before the MA organization issues the organization determination decision. The physician or health care professional reviewing the request need not, in all cases, be of the same specialty or subspecialty as the treating physician or other health care provider. The physician or other health care professional must have a current and unrestricted license to practice within the scope of his or her profession in a State, Territory, Commonwealth of the United States (that is, Puerto Rico), or the District of Columbia.

[63 FR 35067, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40329, June 29, 2000; 68 FR 50858, Aug. 22, 2003; 70 FR 4739, Jan. 28, 2005; 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010; 75 FR 32859, June 10, 2010; 76 FR 21569, Apr. 15, 2011; 84 FR 15834, April 16, 2019; 88 FR 22334, Apr. 12, 2023]
§ 422.568 - Standard timeframes and notice requirements for organization determinations.

(a) Method and place for filing a request. An enrollee must ask for a standard organization determination by making a request with the MA organization or, if applicable, to the entity responsible for making the determination (as directed by the MA organization), in accordance with the following:

(1) The request may be made orally or in writing, except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(2) Requests for payment must be made in writing (unless the MA organization or entity responsible for making the determination has implemented a voluntary policy of accepting verbal payment requests).

(b) Timeframes—(1) Requests for service or item. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, when a party has made a request for an item or service, the MA organization must notify the enrollee of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than either of the following:

(i) For a service or item not subject to the prior authorization rules in § 422.122, 14 calendar days after receiving the request for the standard organization determination.

(ii) Beginning on or after January 1, 2026, for a service or item subject to the prior authorization rules in § 422.122, 7 calendar days after receiving the request for the standard organization determination.

(2) Extensions; requests for service or item—(i) Extension of timeframe on a request for service or item. The MA organization may extend the timeframe by up to 14 calendar days under any of the following circumstances:

(A) The enrollee requests the extension.

(B) The extension is justified and in the enrollee's interest due to the need for additional medical evidence from a noncontract provider that may change an MA organization's decision to deny an item or service.

(C) The extension is justified due to extraordinary, exigent, or other non-routine circumstances and is in the enrollee's interest.

(ii) Notice of extension. (A) When the MA organization extends the timeframe, it must—

(1) Notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay; and

(2) Inform the enrollee of the right to file an expedited grievance if the enrollee disagrees with the MA organization's decision to grant an extension.

(B) The MA organization must notify the enrollee of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than upon expiration of the extension.

(3) Requests for a Part B drug. An MA organization must notify the enrollee (and the prescribing physician or other prescriber involved, as appropriate) of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after receipt of the request. This 72-hour period may not be extended under the provisions in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(c) Timeframe for requests for payment. The MA organization must process requests for payment according to the “prompt payment” provisions set forth in § 422.520.

(d) Written notice for MA organization denials. The MA organization must give the enrollee a written notice if—

(1) An MA organization decides to deny a service or an item, Part B drug, or payment in whole or in part, or reduce or prematurely discontinue the level of care for a previously authorized ongoing course of treatment.

(2) An enrollee requests an MA organization to provide an explanation of a practitioner's denial of an item, service or Part B drug, in whole or in part.

(e) Form and content of the MA organization notice. The notice of any denial under paragraph (d) of this section must—

(1) Use approved notice language in a readable and understandable form;

(2) State the specific reasons for the denial;

(3) Inform the enrollee of his or her right to a reconsideration;

(4)(i) For service, item, and Part B drug denials, describe both the standard and expedited reconsideration processes, including the enrollee's right to, and conditions for, obtaining an expedited reconsideration and the rest of the appeal process; and

(ii) For payment denials, describe the standard reconsideration process and the rest of the appeal process; and

(5) Comply with any other notice requirements specified by CMS.

(f) Effect of failure to provide timely notice. If the MA organization fails to provide the enrollee with timely notice of an organization determination as specified in this section, this failure itself constitutes an adverse organization determination and may be appealed.

(g) Dismissing a request. The MA organization dismisses an organization determination request, either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The individual or entity making the request is not permitted to request an organization determination under § 422.566(c).

(2) The MA organization determines the party failed to make out a valid request for an organization determination that substantially complies with paragraph (a) of this section.

(3) An enrollee or the enrollee's representative files a request for an organization determination, but the enrollee dies while the request is pending, and both of the following apply:

(i) The enrollee's surviving spouse or estate has no remaining financial interest in the case.

(ii) No other individual or entity with a financial interest in the case wishes to pursue the organization determination.

(4) A party filing the organization determination request submits a timely request for withdrawal of their request for an organization determination with the MA organization.

(h) Notice of dismissal. The MA organization must mail or otherwise transmit a written notice of the dismissal of the organization determination request to the parties. The notice must state all of the following:

(1) The reason for the dismissal.

(2) The right to request that the MA organization vacate the dismissal action.

(3) The right to request reconsideration of the dismissal.

(i) Vacating a dismissal. If good cause is established, the MA organization may vacate its dismissal of a request for an organization determination within 6 months from the date of the notice of dismissal.

(j) Effect of dismissal. The dismissal of a request for an organization determination is binding unless it is modified or reversed by the MA organization upon reconsideration or vacated under paragraph (i) of this section.

(k) Withdrawing a request. A party that requests an organization determination may withdraw its request at any time before the decision is issued by filing a request with the MA organization.

[65 FR 40329, June 29, 2000, as amended at 70 FR 4739, Jan. 28, 2005; 70 FR 52027, Sept. 1, 2005; 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010; 75 FR 32859, June 10, 2010; 80 FR 7961, Feb. 12, 2015; 84 FR 23880, May 23, 2019; 86 FR 6101, Jan. 19, 2021; 89 FR 8976, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 422.570 - Expediting certain organization determinations.

(a) Request for expedited determination. An enrollee or a physician (regardless of whether the physician is affiliated with the MA organization) may request that an MA organization expedite an organization determination involving the issues described in § 422.566(b)(3) and (b)(4). (This does not include requests for payment of services already furnished.)

(b) How to make a request. (1) To ask for an expedited determination, an enrollee or a physician must submit an oral or written request directly to the MA organization or, if applicable, to the entity responsible for making the determination, as directed by the MA organization.

(2) A physician may provide oral or written support for a request for an expedited determination.

(c) How the MA organization must process requests. The MA organization must establish and maintain the following procedures for processing requests for expedited determinations:

(1) Establish an efficient and convenient means for individuals to submit oral or written requests. The MA organization must document all oral requests in writing and maintain the documentation in the case file.

(2) Promptly decide whether to expedite a determination, based on the following requirements:

(i) For a request made by an enrollee the MA organization must provide an expedited determination if it determines that applying the standard timeframe for making a determination could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the enrollee or the enrollee's ability to regain maximum function.

(ii) For a request made or supported by a physician, the MA organization must provide an expedited determination if the physician indicates that applying the standard timeframe for making a determination could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the enrollee or the enrollee's ability to regain maximum function.

(d) Actions following denial. If an MA organization denies a request for expedited determination, it must take the following actions:

(1) Automatically transfer a request to a standard organization determination and make the determination within the applicable timeframe, established in § 422.568 for a standard determination. The timeframe begins when the MA organization receives the request for expedited determination.

(2) Give the enrollee prompt oral notice of the denial and subsequently deliver, within 3 calendar days, a written letter that—

(i) Explains that the MA organization will process the request using the 14-day timeframe for standard determinations;

(ii) Informs the enrollee of the right to file an expedited grievance if he or she disagrees with the MA organization's decision not to expedite; and

(iii) Informs the enrollee of the right to resubmit a request for an expedited determination with any physician's support; and

(iv) Provides instructions about the grievance process and its timeframes.

(e) Action on accepted request for expedited determination. If an MA organization grants a request for expedited determination, it must make the determination and give notice in accordance with § 422.572.

(f) Prohibition of punitive action. An MA organization may not take or threaten to take any punitive action against a physician acting on behalf or in support of an enrollee in requesting an expedited determination.

(g) Dismissing a request. The MA organization dismisses an expedited organization request in accordance with § 422.568.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40329, June 29, 2000; 70 FR 4739, Jan. 28, 2005; 84 FR 23880, May 23, 2019; 86 FR 6101, Jan. 19, 2021; 89 FR 8977, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 422.572 - Timeframes and notice requirements for expedited organization determinations.

(a) Timeframes—(1) Requests for service or item. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an MA organization that approves a request for expedited determination must make its determination and notify the enrollee (and the physician involved, as appropriate) of its decision, whether adverse or favorable, as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after receiving the request.

(2) Requests for a Part B drug. An MA organization that approves a request for expedited determination must make its determination and notify the enrollee (and the physician or prescriber involved, as appropriate) of its decision as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 24 hours after receiving the request. This 24-hour period may not be extended under the provisions in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Extensions; requests for service or item. (1) When timeframe may be extended. The MA organization may extend the 72-hour deadline for expedited organization determinations for requests for services or items by up to 14 calendar days if—

(i) The enrollee requests the extension;

(ii) The extension is justified and in the enrollee's interest due to the need for additional medical evidence from a noncontract provider that may change an MA organization's decision to deny an item or service; or

(iii) The extension is justified due to extraordinary, exigent, or other nonroutine circumstances and is in the enrollee's interest.

(2) Notice of extension. When the MA organization extends the deadline, it must notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay and inform the enrollee of the right to file an expedited grievance if he or she disagrees with the MA organization's decision to grant an extension. The MA organization must notify the enrollee of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than upon expiration of the extension.

(c) Confirmation of oral notice. If the MA organization first notifies an enrollee of an adverse expedited determination orally, it must mail written confirmation to the enrollee within 3 calendar days of the oral notification.

(d) How the MA organization must request information from noncontract providers. If the MA organization must receive medical information from noncontract providers, the MA organization must request the necessary information from the noncontract provider within 24 hours of the initial request for an expedited organization determination. Noncontract providers must make reasonable and diligent efforts to expeditiously gather and forward all necessary information to assist the MA organization in meeting the required timeframe. Regardless of whether the MA organization must request information from noncontract providers, the MA organization is responsible for meeting the timeframe and notice requirements of this section.

(e) Content of the notice of expedited determination. (1) The notice of any expedited determination must state the specific reasons for the determination in understandable language.

(2) If the determination is not completely favorable to the enrollee, the notice must—

(i) Inform the enrollee of his or her right to a reconsideration;

(ii) Describe both the standard and expedited reconsideration processes, including the enrollee's right to request, and conditions for obtaining, an expedited reconsideration, and the rest of the appeal process; and

(iii) Comply with any other requirements specified by CMS.

(f) Effect of failure to provide a timely notice. If the MA organization fails to provide the enrollee with timely notice of an expedited organization determination as specified in this section, this failure itself constitutes an adverse organization determination and may be appealed.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40329, June 29, 2000; 70 FR 4739, Jan. 28, 2005; 80 FR 7961, Feb. 12, 2015; 84 FR 23881, May 23, 2019]
§ 422.574 - Parties to the organization determination.

The parties to the organization determination are—

(a) The enrollee (including his or her representative);

(b) An assignee of the enrollee (that is, a physician or other provider who has furnished a service to the enrollee and formally agrees to waive any right to payment from the enrollee for that service);

(c) The legal representative of a deceased enrollee's estate; or

(d) Any other provider or entity (other than the MA organization) determined to have an appealable interest in the proceeding.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010]
§ 422.576 - Effect of an organization determination.

The organization determination is binding on all parties unless it is reconsidered under §§ 422.578 through 422.596 or is reopened and revised under § 422.616.

§ 422.578 - Right to a reconsideration.

Any party to an organization determination (including one that has been reopened and revised as described in § 422.616) may request that the determination be reconsidered under the procedures described in § 422.582, which address requests for a standard reconsideration. A physician who is providing treatment to an enrollee may, upon providing notice to the enrollee, request a standard reconsideration of a pre-service request for reconsideration on the enrollee's behalf as described in § 422.582. An enrollee or physician (acting on behalf of an enrollee) may request an expedited reconsideration as described in § 422.584.

[74 FR 1542, Jan. 12, 2009]
§ 422.580 - Reconsideration defined.

A reconsideration consists of a review of an adverse organization determination, the evidence and findings upon which it was based, and any other evidence the parties submit or the MA organization or CMS obtains.

§ 422.582 - Request for a standard reconsideration.

(a) Method and place for filing a request. A party to an organization determination or, upon providing notice to the enrollee, a physician who is treating an enrollee and acting on the enrollee's behalf, must ask for a reconsideration of the determination by making a written request to the MA organization that made the organization determination. The MA organization may adopt a policy for accepting oral requests.

(b) Timeframe for filing a request. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, a request for reconsideration must be filed within 60 calendar days after receipt of the written organization determination notice.

(1) The date of receipt of the organization determination is presumed to be 5 calendar days after the date of the written organization determination, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

(2) For purposes of meeting the 60-calendar day filing deadline, the request is considered as filed on the date it is received by the plan or delegated entity specified in the MA organization's written organization determination.

(c) Extending the time for filing a request. (1) General rule. If a party or physician acting on behalf of an enrollee shows good cause, the MA organization may extend the timeframe for filing a request for reconsideration.

(2) How to request an extension of timeframe. If the 60-day period in which to file a request for reconsideration has expired, a party to the organization determination or a physician acting on behalf of an enrollee may file a request for reconsideration with the MA organization. The request for reconsideration and to extend the timeframe must—

(i) Be in writing; and

(ii) State why the request for reconsideration was not filed on time.

(d) Parties to the reconsideration. The parties to the reconsideration are the parties to the organization determination, as described in § 422.574, and any other provider or entity (other than the MA organization) whose rights with respect to the organization determination may be affected by the reconsideration, as determined by the entity that conducts the reconsideration.

(e) Withdrawing a request. The party or physician acting on behalf of an enrollee who files a request for reconsideration may withdraw it by filing a request for withdrawal at one of the places listed in paragraph (a) of this section.

(f) Dismissing a request. The MA organization dismisses a reconsideration request, either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The person or entity requesting a reconsideration is not a proper party under § 422.578.

(2) The MA organization determines the party failed to make a valid request for a reconsideration that substantially complies with paragraph (a) of this section.

(3) The party fails to file the reconsideration request within the proper filing time frame in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(4) The enrollee or the enrollee's representative files a request for a reconsideration, but the enrollee dies while the request is pending, and both of the following criteria apply:

(i) The enrollee's surviving spouse or estate has no remaining financial interest in the case.

(ii) No other individual or entity with a financial interest in the case wishes to pursue the reconsideration.

(5) A party filing the reconsideration request submits a timely request for withdrawal of the request for a reconsideration with the MA organization.

(g) Notice of dismissal. The MA organization must mail or otherwise transmit a written notice of the dismissal of the reconsideration request to the parties. The notice must state all of the following:

(1) The reason for the dismissal.

(2) The right to request that the MA organization vacate the dismissal action.

(3) The right to request review of the dismissal by the independent entity.

(h) Vacating a dismissal. If good cause is established, the MA organization may vacate its dismissal of a request for reconsideration within 6 months from the date of the notice of dismissal.

(i) Effect of dismissal. The MA organization's dismissal is binding unless the enrollee or other party requests review by the independent entity in accordance with § 422.590(h) or the decision is vacated under paragraph (h) of this section.

[74 FR 1542, Jan. 12, 2009, as amended at 86 FR 6101, Jan. 19, 2021; 89 FR 30827, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 422.584 - Expediting certain reconsiderations.

(a) Who may request an expedited reconsideration. An enrollee or a physician (regardless of whether he or she is affiliated with the MA organization) may request that an MA organization expedite a reconsideration of a determination that involves the issues described in § 422.566(b)(3) and (b)(4). (This does not include requests for payment of services already furnished.)

(b) Procedure and timeframe for filing a request. A request for reconsideration must be filed within 60 calendar days after receipt of the written organization determination notice. (1) To ask for an expedited reconsideration, an enrollee or a physician acting on behalf of an enrollee must submit an oral or written request directly to the MA organization or, if applicable, to the entity responsible for making the reconsideration, as directed by the MA organization.

(2) A physician may provide oral or written support for a request for an expedited reconsideration.

(3) The date of receipt of the organization determination is presumed to be 5 calendar days after the date of the written organization determination, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

(4) For purposes of meeting the 60-calendar day filing deadline, the request is considered as filed on the date it is received by the plan or delegated entity specified in the MA organization's written organization determination.

(c) How the MA organization must process requests. The MA organization must establish and maintain the following procedures for processing requests for expedited reconsiderations:

(1) Handling of requests. The MA organization must establish an efficient and convenient means for individuals to submit oral or written requests, document all oral requests in writing, and maintain the documentation in the case file.

(2) Prompt decision. Promptly decide on whether to expedite the reconsideration or follow the timeframe for standard reconsideration based on the following requirements:

(i) For a request made by an enrollee, the MA organization must provide an expedited reconsideration if it determines that applying the standard timeframe for reconsidering a determination could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the enrollee or the enrollee's ability to regain maximum function.

(ii) For a request made or supported by a physician, the MA organization must provide an expedited reconsideration if the physician indicates that applying the standard timeframe for conducting a reconsideration could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the enrollee or the enrollee's ability to regain maximum function.

(d) Actions following denial. If an MA organization denies a request for expedited reconsideration, it must take the following actions:

(1) Automatically transfer a request to the standard timeframe and make the determination within the 30 calendar day or 7 calendar day, as applicable, timeframe established in § 422.590(a) and (c). The timeframe begins the day the MA organization receives the request for expedited reconsideration.

(2) Give the enrollee prompt oral notice, and subsequently deliver, within 3 calendar days, a written letter that—

(i) Explains that the MA organization will process the enrollee's request using the 30-day timeframe for standard reconsiderations;

(ii) Informs the enrollee of the right to file a grievance if he or she disagrees with the organization's decision not to expedite;

(iii) Informs the enrollee of the right to resubmit a request for an expedited reconsideration with any physician's support; and

(iv) Provides instructions about the grievance process and its timeframes.

(e) Action following acceptance of a request. If an MA organization grants a request for expedited reconsideration, it must conduct the reconsideration and give notice in accordance with § 422.590.

(f) Prohibition of punitive action. An MA organization may not take or threaten to take any punitive action against a physician acting on behalf or in support of an enrollee in requesting an expedited reconsideration.

(g) Dismissing a request. The MA organization dismisses an expedited reconsideration request in accordance with § 422.582(f) through (i).

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40330, June 29, 2000; 70 FR 4739, Jan. 28, 2005; 84 FR 23881, May 23, 2019; 86 FR 6101, Jan. 19, 2021; 89 FR 30827, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 422.586 - Opportunity to submit evidence.

The MA organization must provide the parties to the reconsideration with a reasonable opportunity to present evidence and allegations of fact or law, related to the issue in dispute, in person as well as in writing. In the case of an expedited reconsideration, the opportunity to present evidence is limited by the short timeframe for making a decision. Therefore, the MA organization must inform the parties of the conditions for submitting the evidence.

§ 422.590 - Timeframes and responsibility for reconsiderations.

(a) Standard reconsideration: Requests for service or item. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, if the MA organization makes a reconsidered determination that is completely favorable to the enrollee, the MA organization must issue the determination (and effectuate it in accordance with § 422.618(a)) as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration.

(2) If the MA organization makes a reconsidered determination that affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse organization determination, it must prepare a written explanation and send the case file to the independent entity contracted by CMS as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration (or no later than the expiration of an extension described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section). The organization must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding information to the independent entity.

(b) Standard reconsideration: Requests for payment. (1) If the MA organization makes a reconsidered determination that is completely favorable to the enrollee, the MA organization must issue its reconsidered determination to the enrollee (and effectuate it in accordance with § 422.618(a)(2)) no later than 60 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration.

(2) If the MA organization affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse organization determination, it must prepare a written explanation and send the case file to the independent entity contracted by CMS no later than 60 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration. The organization must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding information to the independent entity.

(c) Standard reconsideration: Requests for a Part B drug. (1) If the MA organization makes a reconsidered determination that is completely favorable to the enrollee, the MA organization must issue the determination (and effectuate it in accordance with § 422.618(a)(3)) as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 7 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration. This 7 calendar-day period may not be extended under the provisions in paragraph (f) of this section.

(2) If the MA organization makes a reconsidered determination that affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse organization determination, it must prepare a written explanation and send the case file to the independent entity contracted with CMS no later than 7 calendar days from the date it receives the request for a standard reconsideration. The organization must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding the information to the independent entity.

(d) Effect of failure to meet timeframe for standard reconsideration. If the MA organization fails to provide the enrollee with a reconsidered determination within the timeframes specified in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, this failure constitutes an affirmation of its adverse organization determination, and the MA organization must submit the file to the independent entity in the same manner as described under paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2), and (c)(2) of this section.

(e) Expedited reconsideration—(1) Timeframe for services or items. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, an MA organization that approves a request for expedited reconsideration must complete its reconsideration and give the enrollee (and the physician involved, as appropriate) notice of its decision as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after receiving the request.

(2) Timeframe for Part B drugs. An MA organization that approves a request for expedited reconsideration must complete its reconsideration and give the enrollee (and the physician or other prescriber involved, as appropriate) notice of its decision as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after receiving the request. This 72-hour period may not be extended under the provisions in paragraph (f) of this section.

(3) Confirmation of oral notice. If the MA organization first notifies an enrollee of a completely favorable expedited reconsideration orally, it must mail written confirmation to the enrollee within 3 calendar days.

(4) How the MA organization must request information from noncontract providers. If the MA organization must receive medical information from noncontract providers, the MA organization must request the necessary information from the noncontract provider within 24 hours of the initial request for an expedited reconsideration. Noncontract providers must make reasonable and diligent efforts to expeditiously gather and forward all necessary information to assist the MA organization in meeting the required timeframe. Regardless of whether the MA organization must request information from noncontract providers, the MA organization is responsible for meeting the timeframe and notice requirements.

(5) Affirmation of an adverse expedited organization determination. If, as a result of its reconsideration, the MA organization affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse expedited organization determination, the MA organization must submit a written explanation and the case file to the independent entity contracted by CMS as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but not later than within 24 hours of its affirmation. The organization must make reasonable and diligent efforts to assist in gathering and forwarding information to the independent entity.

(f) Extensions; requests for service or item. (1) As described in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, the MA organization may extend the standard or expedited reconsideration deadline for services by up to 14 calendar days if—

(i) The enrollee requests the extension; or

(ii) The extension is justified and in the enrollee's interest due to the need for additional medical evidence from a noncontract provider that may change an MA organization's decision to deny an item or service; or

(iii) The extension is justified due to extraordinary, exigent or other non-routine circumstances and is in the enrollee's interest.

(2) When the MA organization extends the deadline, it must notify the enrollee in writing of the reasons for the delay and inform the enrollee of the right to file an expedited grievance if he or she disagrees with the MA organization's decision to grant an extension. The MA organization must notify the enrollee of its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than upon expiration of the extension.

(g) Failure to meet timeframe for expedited reconsideration. If the MA organization fails to provide the enrollee with the results of its reconsideration within the timeframe described in paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable, this failure constitutes an adverse reconsidered determination, and the MA organization must submit the file to the independent entity within 24 hours of expiration of the timeframe set forth in paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section.

(h) Who must reconsider an adverse organization determination. (1) A person or persons who were not involved in making the organization determination must conduct the reconsideration.

(2) When the issue is the MA organization's denial of coverage based on a lack of medical necessity (or any substantively equivalent term used to describe the concept of medical necessity), the reconsidered determination must be made by a physician with expertise in the field of medicine that is appropriate for the services at issue. The physician making the reconsidered determination need not, in all cases, be of the same specialty or subspecialty as the treating physician.

(i) Requests for review of a dismissal by the independent entity. If the MA organization dismisses a request for a reconsideration in accordance with §§ 422.582(f) and 422.584(g), the enrollee or other proper party under § 422.578 has the right to request review of the dismissal by the independent entity. A request for review of a dismissal must be filed in writing with the independent entity within 60 calendar days from the date of the MA organization's dismissal notice.

[84 FR 23881, May 23, 2019, as amended at 86 FR 6102, Jan. 19, 2021; 88 FR 22334, Apr. 12, 2023]
§ 422.592 - Reconsideration by an independent entity.

(a) When the MA organization affirms, in whole or in part, its adverse organization determination, the issues that remain in dispute must be reviewed and resolved by an independent, outside entity that contracts with CMS. In accordance with § 422.590(i), the independent entity is responsible for reviewing MA organization dismissals of reconsideration requests.

(b) The independent outside entity must conduct the review as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but must not exceed the deadlines specified in the contract.

(c) When the independent entity conducts a reconsideration, the parties to the reconsideration are the same parties listed in § 422.582(d) who qualified during the MA organization's reconsideration, with the addition of the MA organization.

(d) The independent entity dismisses a reconsideration request, either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The person or entity requesting a reconsideration is not a proper party under § 422.578.

(2) The independent entity determines the party failed to make out a valid request for a reconsideration that substantially complies with § 422.582(a) or (b).

(3) The enrollee or the enrollee's representative files a request for a reconsideration, but the enrollee dies while the request is pending, and both of the following criteria apply:

(i) The enrollee's surviving spouse or estate has no remaining financial interest in the case.

(ii) No other individual or entity with a financial interest in the case wishes to pursue the reconsideration.

(4) The party filing the reconsideration request submits with the independent review entity a timely request for withdrawal of the request for reconsideration.

(e) The independent entity mails or otherwise transmits a written notice of the dismissal of the reconsideration request to the parties. The notice must state the following:

(1) The reason for the dismissal.

(2) That there is a right to request that the independent entity vacate the dismissal action.

(3) The right to a review of the dismissal under §§ 422.600 and 422.602.

(f) If good cause is established, the independent entity may vacate its dismissal of a request for reconsideration within 6 months from the date of the notice of dismissal.

(g) The independent entity's dismissal is binding and not subject to further review unless a party meets the requirements in § 422.600 and files a proper and timely request under § 422.602 or the dismissal is vacated under paragraph (f) of this section.

(h) The party or physician acting on behalf of an enrollee who files a request for reconsideration may withdraw the request by filing a request for withdrawal with the independent entity.

(i) If the independent entity determines that the MA organization's dismissal was in error, the independent entity vacates the dismissal and remands the case to the plan for reconsideration consistent with § 422.590. The independent entity's decision regarding an MA organization's dismissal, including a decision to deny a request for review of a dismissal, is binding and not subject to further review.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 86 FR 6102, Jan. 19, 2021]
§ 422.594 - Notice of reconsidered determination by the independent entity.

(a) Responsibility for the notice. When the independent entity makes the reconsidered determination, it is responsible for mailing a notice of its reconsidered determination to the parties and for sending a copy to CMS.

(b) Content of the notice. The notice must—

(1) State the specific reasons for the entity's decisions in understandable language;

(2) If the reconsidered determination is adverse (that is, does not completely reverse the MA organization's adverse organization determination), inform the parties of their right to an ALJ hearing if the amount in controversy meets the requirements of § 422.600;

(3) Describe the procedures that a party must follow to obtain an ALJ hearing; and

(4) Comply with any other requirements specified by CMS.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40330, June 29, 2000; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.596 - Effect of a reconsidered determination.

A reconsidered determination is final and binding on all parties unless a party other than the MA organization files a request for a hearing under the provisions of § 422.602, or unless the reconsidered determination is revised under § 422.616.

[65 FR 40331, June 29, 2000]
§ 422.600 - Right to a hearing.

(a) If the amount remaining in controversy after reconsideration meets the threshold requirement established annually by the Secretary, any party to the reconsideration (except the MA organization) who is dissatisfied with the reconsidered determination has a right to a hearing before an ALJ.

(b) The amount remaining in controversy, which can include any combination of Part A and Part B services, is computed in accordance with part 405 of this chapter. For purposes of calculating the amount remaining in controversy under this section, references to coinsurance in § 405.1006(d) of this chapter should be read to include coinsurance and copayment amounts.

(c) If the basis for the appeal is the MA organization's refusal to provide services, CMS uses the projected value of those services to compute the amount remaining in controversy.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 4740, Jan. 28, 2005; 86 FR 6102, Jan. 19, 2021]
§ 422.602 - Request for an ALJ hearing.

(a) How and where to file a request. A party must file a written request for a hearing with the entity specified in the IRE's reconsideration notice.

(b) When to file a request. (1) Except when an ALJ or attorney adjudicator extends the time frame as provided in part 405 of this chapter, a party must file a request for a hearing within 60 calendar days of receipt of the notice of a reconsidered determination. The time and place for a hearing before an ALJ will be set in accordance with § 405.1020 of this chapter.

(2) For purposes of this section, the date of receipt of the reconsideration is presumed to be 5 calendar days after the date of the notice of the reconsidered determination, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

(c) Parties to a hearing. The parties to a hearing are the parties to the reconsideration, the MA organization, and any other person or entity whose rights with respect to the reconsideration may be affected by the hearing, as determined by the ALJ.

(d) Insufficient amount in controversy. (1) If a request for a hearing clearly shows that the amount in controversy is less than that required under § 422.600, the ALJ dismisses the request.

(2) If, after a hearing is initiated, the ALJ finds that the amount in controversy is less than the amount required under § 422.600, the ALJ discontinues the hearing and does not rule on the substantive issues raised in the appeal.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 4740, Jan. 28, 2005; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.608 - Medicare Appeals Council (Council) review.

Any party to the ALJ's or attorney adjudicator's decision or dismissal, including the MA organization, who is dissatisfied with the decision or dismissal, may request that the Council review the decision or dismissal. The regulations under part 405 of this chapter regarding Council review apply to matters addressed by this subpart to the extent that they are appropriate, except as provided in § 422.562(d)(2).

[82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.612 - Judicial review.

(a) Review of ALJ's or attorney adjudicator's decision. Any party, including the MA organization, may request judicial review (upon notifying the other parties) of an ALJ's or attorney adjudicator's decision if—

(1) The Council denied the party's request for review; and

(2) The amount in controversy meets the threshold requirement established annually by the Secretary.

(b) Review of Council decision. Any party, including the MA organization, may request judicial review (upon notifying the other parties) of the Council decision if it is the final decision of CMS and the amount in controversy meets the threshold established in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(c) How to request judicial review. In order to request judicial review, a party must file a civil action in a district court of the United States in accordance with section 205(g) of the Act. See part 405 of this chapter for a description of the procedures to follow in requesting judicial review.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998; 63 FR 52614, Oct. 1, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40331, June 29, 2000; 70 FR 4740, Jan. 28, 2005; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.616 - Reopening and revising determinations and decisions.

(a) An organization or reconsidered determination made by an MA organization, a reconsidered determination made by the independent entity described in § 422.592, or the decision of an ALJ or attorney adjudicator or the Council that is otherwise final and binding may be reopened and revised by the entity that made the determination or decision, under the rules in part 405 of this chapter.

(b) Reopening may be at the instigation of any party.

(c) The filing of a request for reopening does not relieve the MA organization of its obligation to make payment or provide services as specified in § 422.618.

(d) Once an entity issues a revised determination or decision, any party may file an appeal.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998; 63 FR 52614, Oct. 1, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 4740, Jan. 28, 2005; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.618 - How an MA organization must effectuate standard reconsidered determinations or decisions.

(a) Reversals by the MA organization—(1) Requests for service. If, on reconsideration of a request for service, the MA organization completely reverses its organization determination, the organization must authorize or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 30 calendar days after the date the MA organization receives the request for reconsideration (or no later than upon expiration of an extension described in § 422.590(f)).

(2) Requests for payment. If, on reconsideration of a request for payment, the MA organization completely reverses its organization determination, the organization must pay for the service no later than 60 calendar days after the date the MA organization receives the request for reconsideration.

(3) Requests for a Part B drug. If, on reconsideration of a request for a Part B drug, the MA organization completely reverses its organization determination, the MA organization must authorize or provide the Part B drug under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 7 calendar days after the date the MA organization receives the request for reconsideration.

(b) Reversals by the independent outside entity—(1) Requests for service. If, on reconsideration of a request for service, the MA organization's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the independent outside entity, the MA organization must authorize the service under dispute within 72 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination, or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 14 calendar days from that date. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(2) Requests for payment. If, on reconsideration of a request for payment, the MA organization's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the independent outside entity, the MA organization must pay for the service no later than 30 calendar days from the date it receives notice reversing the organization determination. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(3) Requests for a Part B drug. If, on reconsideration of a request for a Part B drug, the MA organization's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the independent outside entity, the MA organization must authorize or provide the Part B drug under dispute within 72 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(c) Reversals other than by the MA organization or the independent outside entity—(1) General rule. If the independent outside entity's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the ALJ or attorney adjudicator, or at a higher level of appeal, the MA organization must pay for, authorize, or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 60 calendar days from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision or that it has appealed the decision.

(2) Effectuation exception when the MA organization files an appeal with the Council. If the MA organization requests Council review consistent with § 422.608, the MA organization may await the outcome of the review before it pays for, authorizes, or provides the service under dispute. A MA organization that files an appeal with the Council must concurrently send a copy of its appeal request and any accompanying documents to the enrollee and must notify the independent outside entity that it has requested an appeal.

[63 FR 35107, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40331, June 29, 2000; 68 FR 50858, Aug. 22, 2003; 80 FR 7962, Feb. 12, 2015; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017; 84 FR 23882, May 23, 2019]
§ 422.619 - How an MA organization must effectuate expedited reconsidered determinations.

(a) Reversals by the MA organization—(1) Requests for service or item. If, on reconsideration of an expedited request for service, the MA organization completely reverses its organization determination, the MA organization must authorize or provide the service or item under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after the date the MA organization receives the request for reconsideration (or no later than upon expiration of an extension described in § 422.590(f)).

(2) Requests for a Part B drug. If, on reconsideration of a request for a Part B drug, the MA organization completely reverses its organization determination, the MA organization must authorize or provide the Part B drug under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after the date the MA organization receives the request for reconsideration.

(b) Reversals by the independent outside entity—(1) Requests for service or item. If the MA organization's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the independent outside entity, the MA organization must authorize or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 72 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(2) Requests for a Part B drug. If, on reconsideration of a request for a Part B drug, the MA organization's determination is reversed in whole or in part by the independent outside entity, the MA organization must authorize or provide the Part B drug under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 24 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(c) Reversals other than by the MA organization or the independent outside entity—(1) General rule. If the independent outside entity's expedited determination is reversed in whole or in part by the ALJ or attorney adjudicator, or at a higher level of appeal, the MA organization must authorize or provide the service under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, but no later than 60 days from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the independent outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(2) Reversals of decisions related to Part B drugs. If the independent outside entity's determination is reversed in whole or in part by an ALJ/attorney adjudicator or at a higher level of appeal, the MA organization must authorize or provide the Part B drug under dispute as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 24 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination. The MA organization must inform the outside entity that the organization has effectuated the decision.

(3) Effectuation exception when the MA organization files an appeal with the Council. If the MA organization requests Council review consistent with § 422.608, the MA organization may await the outcome of the review before it authorizes or provides the service under dispute. A MA organization that files an appeal with the Council must concurrently send a copy of its appeal request and any accompanying documents to the enrollee and must notify the independent outside entity that it has requested an appeal.

[65 FR 40331, June 29, 2000, as amended at 68 FR 50859, Aug. 22, 2003; 80 FR 7962, Feb. 12, 2015; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017; 84 FR 23882, May 23, 2019]
§ 422.620 - Notifying enrollees of hospital discharge appeal rights.

(a) Applicability and scope. (1) For purposes of §§ 422.620 and 422.622, the term hospital is defined as any facility providing care at the inpatient hospital level, whether that care is short term or long term, acute or non acute, paid through a prospective payment system or other reimbursement basis, limited to specialty care or providing a broader spectrum of services. This definition also includes critical access hospitals.

(2) For purposes of §§ 422.620 and 422.622, a discharge is a formal release of an enrollee from an inpatient hospital.

(b) Advance written notice of hospital discharge rights. For all Medicare Advantage enrollees, hospitals must deliver valid, written notice of an enrollee's rights as a hospital inpatient including discharge appeal rights. The hospital must use a standardized notice, as specified by CMS, in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Timing of notice. The hospital must provide the notice at or near admission, but no later than 2 calendar days following the enrollee's admission to the hospital.

(2) Content of the notice. The notice of rights must include the following information:

(i) The enrollee's rights as a hospital inpatient, including the right to benefits for inpatient services and for post hospital services in accordance with 1866(a)(1)(M) of the Act.

(ii) The enrollee's right to request an immediate review, including a description of the process under § 422.622 and the availability of other appeals processes if the enrollee fails to meet the deadline for an immediate review.

(iii) The circumstances under which an enrollee will or will not be liable for charges for continued stay in the hospital in accordance with 1866(a)(1)(M) of the Act.

(iv) The enrollee's right to receive additional information in accordance with section § 422.622(e).

(v) Any other information required by CMS.

(3) When delivery of notice is valid. Delivery of the written notice of rights described in this section is valid if—

(i) The enrollee (or the enrollee's representative) has signed and dated the notice to indicate that he or she has received the notice and can comprehend its contents, except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section; and

(ii) The notice is delivered in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section and contains all the elements described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(4) If an enrollee refuses to sign the notice. The hospital may annotate its notice to indicate the refusal, and the date of refusal is considered the date of receipt of the notice.

(c) Follow up notification. (1) The hospital must present a copy of the signed notice described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section to the enrollee (or enrollee's representative) prior to discharge. The notice should be given as far in advance of discharge as possible, but not more than 2 calendar days before discharge.

(2) Follow up notification is not required if the notice required under 422.620(b) is delivered within 2 calendar days of discharge.

(d) Physician concurrence required. Before discharging an enrollee from the inpatient hospital level of care, the MA organization must obtain concurrence from the physician who is responsible for the enrollee's inpatient care.

[71 FR 68723, Nov. 27, 2006]
§ 422.622 - Requesting immediate QIO review of the decision to discharge from the inpatient hospital.

(a) Enrollee's right to an immediate QIO review. An enrollee has a right to request an immediate review by the QIO when an MA organization or hospital (acting directly or through its utilization committee), with physician concurrence determines that inpatient care is no longer necessary.

(b) Requesting an immediate QIO review. (1) An enrollee who wishes to exercise the right to an immediate review must submit a request to the QIO that has an agreement with the hospital as specified in § 476.78 of this chapter. The request must be made no later than the day of discharge and may be in writing or by telephone.

(2) The enrollee, or his or her representative, upon request by the QIO, must be available to discuss the case.

(3) The enrollee may, but is not required to, submit written evidence to be considered by a QIO in making its decision.

(4) An enrollee who makes a timely request for an immediate QIO review in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section is subject to the financial liability protections under paragraph (f) of this section, as applicable.

(5) When an enrollee does not request an immediate QIO review in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, he or she may request expedited reconsideration by the MA organization as described in § 422.584, but the financial liability rules of paragraph (f) of this section do not apply.

(c) Burden of proof. When an enrollee (or his or her representative, if applicable) requests an immediate review by a QIO, the burden of proof rests with the MA organization to demonstrate that discharge is the correct decision, either on the basis of medical necessity, or based on other Medicare coverage policies. Consistent with paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the MA organization should supply any and all information that a QIO requires to sustain the organization's discharge determination.

(d) Procedures the QIO must follow. (1) When the QIO receives the enrollee's request for an immediate review under paragraph (b), the QIO must notify the MA organization and the hospital that the enrollee has filed a request for an immediate review.

(2) The QIO determines whether the hospital delivered valid notice consistent with § 422.620(b)(3).

(3) The QIO examines the medical and other records that pertain to the services in dispute.

(4) The QIO must solicit the views of the enrollee (or his or her representative) who requested the immediate QIO review.

(5) The QIO must provide an opportunity for the MA organization to explain why the discharge is appropriate.

(6) When the enrollee requests an immediate QIO review in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the QIO must make a determination and notify the enrollee, the hospital, the MA organization, and the physician of its determination within one calendar day after it receives all requested pertinent information.

(7) If the QIO does not receive the information needed to sustain an MA organization's decision to discharge, it may make its determination based on the evidence at hand, or it may defer a decision until it receives the necessary information. If this delay results in extended Medicare coverage of an individual's hospital services, the MA organization may be held financially liable for these services, as determined by the QIO.

(8) When the QIO issues its determination, the QIO must notify the enrollee, the MA organization, the physician, and hospital of its decision by telephone, followed by a written notice that must include the following information:

(i) The basis for the determination.

(ii) A detailed rationale for the determination.

(iii) An explanation of the Medicare payment consequences of the determination and the date an enrollee becomes fully liable for the services.

(iv) Information about the enrollee's right to a reconsideration of the QIO's determination as set forth in § 422.626(f), including how to request a reconsideration and the time period for doing so.

(e) Responsibilities of the MA organization and hospital. (1) When the QIO notifies an MA organization that an enrollee has requested an immediate QIO review, the MA organization must, directly or by delegation, deliver a detailed notice to the enrollee as soon as possible, but no later than noon of the day after the QIO's notification. The detailed notice must include the following information:

(i) A detailed explanation of why services are either no longer reasonable and necessary or are no longer covered.

(ii) A description of any applicable Medicare coverage rule, instruction, or other Medicare policy including information about how the enrollee may obtain a copy of the Medicare policy from the MA organization.

(iii) Any applicable MA organization policy, contract provision, or rationale upon which the discharge determination was based.

(iv) Facts specific to the enrollee and relevant to the coverage determination sufficient to advise the enrollee of the applicability of the coverage rule or policy to the enrollee's case.

(v) Any other information required by CMS.

(2) Upon notification by the QIO of a request for an immediate review, the MA organization must supply any and all information, including a copy of the notices sent to the enrollee, as specified in § 422.620(b) and (c) and paragraph (e)(1) of this section, that the QIO needs to decide on the determination. The MA organization must supply this information as soon as possible, but no later than noon of the day after the QIO notifies the MA organization that a request for an expedited determination has been received from the enrollee. The MA organization must make the information available by phone (with a written record made of any information not transmitted initially in writing) and/or in writing, as determined by the QIO.

(3) In response to a request from the MA organization, the hospital must supply all information that the QIO needs to make its determination, including a copy of the notices required as specified in § 422.620(b) and (c) and paragraph (e)(1) of this section. The hospital must furnish this information as soon as possible, but no later than by close of business of the day the MA organization notifies the hospital of the request for information. At the discretion of the QIO, the hospital must make the information available by phone or in writing (with a written record of any information not transmitted initially in writing).

(4) Upon an enrollee's request, the MA organization must provide the enrollee a copy of, or access to, any documentation sent to the QIO by the MA organization, including written records of any information provided by telephone. The MA organization may charge the enrollee a reasonable amount to cover the costs of duplicating the documentation for the enrollee and/or delivering the documentation to the enrollee. The MA organization must accommodate such a request by no later than close of business of the first day after the day the material is requested.

(f) Coverage during QIO expedited review. (1) An MA organization is financially responsible for coverage of services as provided in this paragraph, regardless of whether it has delegated responsibility for authorizing coverage or discharge determinations to its providers.

(2) When the MA organization determines that hospital services are not, or are no longer, covered,

(i) If the MA organization authorized coverage of the inpatient admission directly or by delegation (or the admission constitutes emergency or urgently needed care, as described in §§ 422.2 and 422.112(c)), the MA organization continues to be financially responsible for the costs of the hospital stay when an appeal is filed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section until noon of the day after the QIO notifies the enrollee of its review determination, except as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of this section. If coverage of the hospital admission was never approved by the MA organization or the admission does not constitute emergency or urgently needed care as described in §§ 422.2 and 422.112(c), the MA organization is liable for the hospital costs only if it is determined on appeal that the hospital stay should have been covered under the MA plan.

(ii) The hospital may not charge the MA organization (or the enrollee) if—

(A) It was the hospital (acting on behalf of the enrollee) that filed the request for immediate QIO review; and

(B) The QIO upholds the non-coverage determination made by the MA organization.

(3) If the QIO determines that the enrollee still requires inpatient hospital care, the hospital must provide the enrollee with a notice consistent with § 422.620(c) of this subpart when the hospital or MA organization once again determines that the enrollee no longer requires inpatient hospital care.

(4) If the hospital determines that inpatient hospital services are no longer necessary, the hospital may not charge the enrollee for inpatient services received before noon of the day after the QIO notifies the enrollee of its review determination.

(g) Effect of an expedited QIO determination. The QIO determination is binding upon the enrollee, physician, hospital, and MA organization except in the following circumstances:

(1) Right to request a reconsideration. If the enrollee is still an inpatient in the hospital and is dissatisfied with the determination, he or she may request a reconsideration according to the procedures described in § 422.626(g).

(2) Right to pursue the standard appeal process. If the enrollee is no longer an inpatient in the hospital and is dissatisfied with this determination, the enrollee may appeal to OMHA for an ALJ hearing, the Council, or a Federal court, as provided for under this subpart.

[71 FR 68723, Nov. 27, 2006, as amended at 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010; 76 FR 21569, Apr. 15, 2011; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017]
§ 422.624 - Notifying enrollees of termination of provider services.

(a) Applicability. (1) For purposes of §§ 422.624 and 422.626, the term provider includes home health agencies (HHAs), skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities (CORFs).

(2) Termination of service defined. For purposes of this section and § 422.626, a termination of service is the discharge of an enrollee from covered provider services, or discontinuation of covered provider services, when the enrollee has been authorized by the MA organization, either directly or by delegation, to receive an ongoing course of treatment from that provider. Termination includes cessation of coverage at the end of a course of treatment preauthorized in a discrete increment, regardless of whether the enrollee agrees that such services should end.

(b) Advance written notification of termination. Prior to any termination of service, the provider of the service must deliver valid written notice to the enrollee of the MA organization's decision to terminate services. The provider must use a standardized notice, required by the Secretary, in accordance with the following procedures—

(1) Timing of notice. The provider must notify the enrollee of the MA organization's decision to terminate covered services no later than two days before the proposed end of the services. If the enrollee's services are expected to be fewer than two days in duration, the provider should notify the enrollee at the time of admission to the provider. If, in a non-institutional setting, the span of time between services exceeds two days, the notice should be given no later than the next to last time services are furnished.

(2) Content of the notice. The standardized termination notice must include the following information:

(i) The date that coverage of services ends.

(ii) The date that the enrollee's financial liability for continued services begins.

(iii) A description of the enrollee's right to a fast-track appeal under § 422.626, including information about how to contact an independent review entity (IRE), an enrollee's right (but not obligation) to submit evidence showing that services should continue, and the availability of other MA appeal procedures if the enrollee fails to meet the deadline for a fast-track IRE appeal.

(iv) The enrollee's right to receive detailed information in accordance with § 422.626 (e)(1) and (2).

(v) Any other information required by the Secretary.

(c) When delivery of notice is valid. Delivery of the termination notice is not valid unless—

(1) The enrollee (or the enrollee's representative) has signed and dated the notice to indicate that he or she has received the notice and can comprehend its contents; and

(2) The notice is delivered in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section and contains all the elements described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(d) Financial liability for failure to deliver valid notice. An MA organization is financially liable for continued services until 2 days after the enrollee receives valid notice as specified under paragraph (c) of this section. An enrollee may waive continuation of services if he or she agrees with being discharged sooner than 2 days after receiving the notice.

[68 FR 16667, Apr. 4, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010]
§ 422.626 - Fast-track appeals of service terminations to independent review entities (IREs).

(a) Enrollee's right to a fast-track appeal of an MA organization's termination decision. An enrollee of an MA organization has a right to a fast-track appeal of an MA organization's decision to terminate provider services.

(1) An enrollee who desires a fast-track appeal must submit a request for an appeal to an IRE under contract with CMS, in writing or by telephone, by noon of the first day after the day of delivery of the termination notice. If, due to an emergency, the IRE is closed and unable to accept the enrollee's request for a fast-track appeal, the enrollee must file a request by noon of the next day that the IRE is open for business.

(2) If an enrollee makes an untimely request to an IRE, the IRE accepts the request and makes a determination as soon as possible, but the timeframe under paragraph (d)(5) of this section and the financial liability protection under paragraph (b) of this section do not apply.

(b) Coverage of provider services. Coverage of provider services continues until the date and time designated on the termination notice, unless the enrollee appeals and the IRE reverses the MA organization's decision. If the IRE's decision is delayed because the MA organization did not timely supply necessary information or records, the MA organization is liable for the costs of any additional coverage required by the delayed IRE decision. If the IRE finds that the enrollee did not receive valid notice, coverage of provider services by the MA organization continues until at least two days after valid notice has been received. Continuation of coverage is not required if the IRE determines that coverage could pose a threat to the enrollee's health or safety.

(c) Burden of proof. When an enrollee appeals an MA organization's decision to terminate services to an IRE, the burden of proof rests with the MA organization to demonstrate that termination of coverage is the correct decision, either on the basis of medical necessity, or based on other Medicare coverage policies.

(1) To meet this burden, the MA organization must supply any and all information that an IRE requires to sustain the MA organization's termination decision, consistent with paragraph (e) of this section.

(2) The enrollee may submit evidence to be considered by an IRE in making its decision.

(3) The MA organization or an IRE may require an enrollee to authorize release to the IRE of his or her medical records, to the extent that the records are necessary for the MA organization to demonstrate the correctness of its decision or for an IRE to determine the appeal.

(d) Procedures an IRE must follow. (1) On the date an IRE receives the enrollee's request for an appeal, the IRE must immediately notify the MA organization and the provider that the enrollee has filed a request for a fast-track appeal, and of the MA organization's responsibility to submit documentation consistent with paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(2) When an enrollee requests a fast-track appeal, the IRE must determine whether the provider delivered a valid notice of the termination decision, and whether a detailed notice has been provided, consistent with paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(3) The IRE must notify CMS about each case in which it determines that improper notification occurs.

(4) Before making its decision, the IRE must solicit the enrollee's views regarding the reason(s) for termination of services as specified in the detailed written notice provided by the MA organization, or regarding any other reason that the IRE uses as the basis of its review determination.

(5) An IRE must make a decision on an appeal and notify the enrollee, the MA organization, and the provider of services, by close of business of the day after it receives the information necessary to make the decision. If the IRE does not receive the information needed to sustain an MA organization's decision to terminate services, it may make a decision on the case based on the information at hand, or it may defer its decision until it receives the necessary information. If the IRE defers its decision, coverage of the services by the MA organization would continue until the decision is made, consistent with paragraph (b) of this section, but no additional termination notice would be required.

(e) Responsibilities of the MA organization. (1) When an IRE notifies an MA organization that an enrollee has requested a fast-track appeal, the MA organization must send a detailed notice to the enrollee by close of business of the day of the IRE's notification. The detailed termination notice must include the following information:

(i) A specific and detailed explanation why services are either no longer reasonable and necessary or are no longer covered.

(ii) A description of any applicable Medicare coverage rule, instruction or other Medicare policy including citations, to the applicable Medicare policy rules, or the information about how the enrollee may obtain a copy of the Medicare policy from the MA organization.

(iii) Any applicable MA organization policy, contract provision, or rationale upon which the termination decision was based.

(iv) Facts specific to the enrollee and relevant to the coverage determination that are sufficient to advise the enrollee of the applicability of the coverage rule or policy to the enrollee's case.

(v) Any other information required by CMS.

(2) Upon an enrollee's request, the MA organization must provide the enrollee a copy of, or access to, any documentation sent to the IRE by the MA organization, including records of any information provided by telephone. The MA organization may charge the enrollee a reasonable amount to cover the costs of duplicating the information for the enrollee and/or delivering the documentation to the enrollee. The MA organization must accommodate such a request by no later than close of business of the first day after the day the material is requested.

(3) Upon notification by the IRE of a fast-track appeal, the MA organization must supply any and all information, including a copy of the notice sent to the enrollee, that the IRE needs to decide on the appeal. The MA organization must supply this information as soon as possible, but no later than by close of business of the day that the IRE notifies the MA organization that an appeal has been received from the enrollee. The MA organization must make the information available by phone (with a written record made of what is transmitted in this manner) and/or in writing, as determined by the IRE.

(4) An MA organization is financially responsible for coverage of services as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, regardless of whether it has delegated responsibility for authorizing coverage or termination decisions to its providers.

(f) Responsibilities of the provider. If an IRE reverses an MA organization's termination decision, the provider must provide the enrollee with a new notice consistent with § 422.624(b) of this subpart.

(g) Reconsiderations of IRE decisions. (1) If the IRE upholds an MA organization's termination decision in whole or in part, the enrollee may request, no later than 60 days after notification that the IRE has upheld the decision that the IRE reconsider its original decision.

(2) The IRE must issue its reconsidered determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than within 14 days of receipt of the enrollee's request for a reconsideration.

(3) If the IRE reaffirms its decision, in whole or in part, the enrollee may appeal the IRE's reconsidered determination to OMHA for an ALJ hearing, the Council, or a Federal court, as provided for under this subpart.

(4) If on reconsideration the IRE determines that coverage of provider services should terminate on a given date, the enrollee is liable for the costs of continued services after that date unless the IRE's decision is reversed on appeal. If the IRE's decision is reversed on appeal, the MA organization must reimburse the enrollee, consistent with the appealed decision, for the costs of any covered services for which the enrollee has already paid the MA organization or provider.

[68 FR 16667, Apr. 4, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 19812, Apr. 15, 2010; 76 FR 21569, Apr. 15, 2011; 82 FR 5125, Jan. 17, 2017; 89 FR 30827, Apr. 23, 2024]
source: 63 FR 18134, Apr. 14, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 422.633