Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 422.1000 - Basis and scope.

§ 422.1002 - Definitions.

§ 422.1004 - Scope and applicability.

§ 422.1006 - Appeal rights.

§ 422.1008 - Appointment of representatives.

§ 422.1010 - Authority of representatives.

§ 422.1012 - Fees for services of representatives.

§ 422.1014 - Charge for transcripts.

§ 422.1016 - Filing of briefs with the Administrative Law Judge or Departmental Appeals Board, and opportunity for rebuttal.

§ 422.1018 - Notice and effect of initial determinations.

§ 422.1020 - Request for hearing.

§ 422.1022 - Parties to the hearing.

§ 422.1024 - Designation of hearing official.

§ 422.1026 - Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge.

§ 422.1028 - Prehearing conference.

§ 422.1030 - Notice of prehearing conference.

§ 422.1032 - Conduct of prehearing conference.

§ 422.1034 - Record, order, and effect of prehearing conference.

§ 422.1036 - Time and place of hearing.

§ 422.1038 - Change in time and place of hearing.

§ 422.1040 - Joint hearings.

§ 422.1042 - Hearing on new issues.

§ 422.1044 - Subpoenas.

§ 422.1046 - Conduct of hearing.

§ 422.1048 - Evidence.

§ 422.1050 - Witnesses.

§ 422.1052 - Oral and written summation.

§ 422.1054 - Record of hearing.

§ 422.1056 - Waiver of right to appear and present evidence.

§ 422.1058 - Dismissal of request for hearing.

§ 422.1060 - Dismissal for abandonment.

§ 422.1062 - Dismissal for cause.

§ 422.1064 - Notice and effect of dismissal and right to request review.

§ 422.1066 - Vacating a dismissal of request for hearing.

§ 422.1068 - Administrative Law Judge's decision.

§ 422.1070 - Removal of hearing to Departmental Appeals Board.

§ 422.1072 - Remand by the Administrative Law Judge.

§ 422.1074 - Right to request Departmental Appeals Board review of Administrative Law Judge's decision or dismissal.

§ 422.1076 - Request for Departmental Appeals Board review.

§ 422.1078 - Departmental Appeals Board action on request for review.

§ 422.1080 - Procedures before the Departmental Appeals Board on review.

§ 422.1082 - Evidence admissible on review.

§ 422.1084 - Decision or remand by the Departmental Appeals Board.

§ 422.1086 - Effect of Departmental Appeals Board Decision.

§ 422.1088 - Extension of time for seeking judicial review.

§ 422.1090 - Basis, timing, and authority for reopening an Administrative Law Judge or Board decision.

§ 422.1092 - Revision of reopened decision.

§ 422.1094 - Notice and effect of revised decision.

§ 422.1000 - Basis and scope.

(a) Statutory basis. (1) Section 1128A(c)(2) of the Act provides that the Secretary may not collect a civil money penalty until the affected party has had notice and opportunity for a hearing.

(2) Section 1857(g) of the Act provides that, for MA organizations out of compliance with the requirements in part 422 specified remedies may be imposed instead of, or in addition to, termination of the MA organization's contract. Section 1857(g)(4) of the Act makes certain provisions of section 1128A of the Act applicable to civil money penalties imposed on MA organizations.

(b) [Reserved]

§ 422.1002 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart—

Affected party means an MA organization impacted by an initial determination or if applicable, by any subsequent determination or decision issued under this part. For this definition, “party” means the affected party or CMS, as appropriate.

ALJ stands for Administrative Law Judge.

Departmental Appeals Board or Board means a Board established in the Office of the Secretary to provide impartial review of disputed decisions made by the operating components of the Department.

MA organization has the meaning given the term in 422.2.

§ 422.1004 - Scope and applicability.

(a) Scope. This subpart sets forth procedures for reviewing initial determinations that CMS makes with respect to the matters specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Initial determinations by CMS. CMS makes initial determinations with respect to the imposition of civil money penalties in accordance with part 422, subpart O.

§ 422.1006 - Appeal rights.

(a) Appeal rights of MA organizations. (1) Any MA organization dissatisfied with an initial determination as specified in 422.1004, has a right to a hearing before an ALJ in accordance with this subpart and may request Departmental Appeals Board review of the ALJ decision.

(2) MA organizations may request judicial review of the Departmental Appeals Board's decision that imposes a CMP.

(b) [Reserved]

§ 422.1008 - Appointment of representatives.

(a) An affected party may appoint as its representative anyone not disqualified or suspended from acting as a representative in proceedings before the Secretary or otherwise prohibited by law.

(b) If the representative appointed is not an attorney, the party must file written notice of the appointment with the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board.

(c) If the representative appointed is an attorney, the attorney's statement that he or she has the authority to represent the party is sufficient.

§ 422.1010 - Authority of representatives.

(a) A representative appointed and qualified in accordance with 422.1008 may, on behalf of the represented party—

(1) Give and accept any notice or request pertinent to the proceedings set forth in this part;

(2) Present evidence and allegations as to facts and law in any proceedings affecting that party to the same extent as the party; and

(3) Obtain information to the same extent as the party.

(b) A notice or request may be sent to the affected party, to the party's representative, or to both. A notice or request sent to the representative has the same force and effect as if it had been sent to the party.

§ 422.1012 - Fees for services of representatives.

Fees for any services performed on behalf of an affected party by an attorney appointed and qualified in accordance with 422.1008 are not subject to the provisions of section 206 of Title II of the Act, which authorizes the Secretary to specify or limit those fees.

§ 422.1014 - Charge for transcripts.

A party that requests a transcript of prehearing or hearing proceedings or Board review must pay the actual or estimated cost of preparing the transcript unless, for good cause shown by that party, the payment is waived by the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board, as appropriate.

§ 422.1016 - Filing of briefs with the Administrative Law Judge or Departmental Appeals Board, and opportunity for rebuttal.

(a) Filing of briefs and related documents. If a party files a brief or related document such as a written argument, contention, suggested finding of fact, conclusion of law, or any other written statement, it must submit an original and 1 copy to the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board, as appropriate. The material may be filed by mail or in person and must include a statement certifying that a copy has been furnished to the other party.

(b) Opportunity for rebuttal. (1) The other party will have 20 calendar days from the date of mailing or in person filing to submit any rebuttal statement or additional evidence. If a party submits a rebuttal statement or additional evidence, it must file an original and 1 copy with the ALJ or the Board and furnish a copy to the other party.

(2) The ALJ or the Board will grant an opportunity to reply to the rebuttal statement only if the party shows good cause.

[72 FR 68726, Dec. 5, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 29960, May 23, 2014]
§ 422.1018 - Notice and effect of initial determinations.

(a) Notice of initial determination. CMS, as required under 422.756(f)(2), mails notice of an initial determination to the affected party, setting forth the basis or reasons for the determination, the effect of the determination, and the party's right to a hearing, and information about where to file the request for hearing.

(b) Effect of initial determination. An initial determination is binding unless—

(1) The affected party requests a hearing; or

(2) CMS revises its decision.

§ 422.1020 - Request for hearing.

(a) Manner and timing of request. (1) An MA organization is entitled to a hearing as specified in 422.1006 and may file a request for a hearing with the Departmental Appeals Board office specified in the initial determination.

(2) The MA organization or its legal representative or other authorized official must file the request, in writing, to the appropriate Departmental Appeals Board office, with a copy to CMS, within 60 calendar days after receipt of the notice of initial determination, to request a hearing before an ALJ to appeal any determination by CMS to impose a civil money penalty.

(b) Content of request for hearing. The request for hearing must—

(1) Identify the specific issues, and the findings of fact and conclusions of law with which the affected party disagrees; and

(2) Specify the basis for each contention that the finding or conclusion of law is incorrect.

[72 FR 68726, Dec. 5, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 29960, May 23, 2014]
§ 422.1022 - Parties to the hearing.

The parties to the hearing are the affected party and CMS, as appropriate.

§ 422.1024 - Designation of hearing official.

(a) The Chair of the Departmental Appeals Board, or his or her delegate designates an ALJ or a member or members of the Departmental Appeals Board to conduct the hearing.

(b) If appropriate, the Chair or the delegate may substitute another ALJ or another member or other members of the Departmental Appeals Board to conduct the hearing.

(c) As used in this part, “ALJ” includes a member or members of the Departmental Appeals Board who are designated to conduct a hearing.

§ 422.1026 - Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge.

(a) An ALJ may not conduct a hearing in a case in which he or she is prejudiced or partial to the affected party or has any interest in the matter pending for decision.

(b) A party that objects to the ALJ designated to conduct the hearing must give notice of its objections at the earliest opportunity.

(c) The ALJ will consider the objections and decide whether to withdraw or proceed with the hearing.

(1) If the ALJ withdraws, another ALJ will be designated to conduct the hearing.

(2) If the ALJ does not withdraw, the objecting party may, after the hearing, present its objections to the Departmental Appeals Board as reasons for changing, modifying, or reversing the ALJ's decision or providing a new hearing before another ALJ.

§ 422.1028 - Prehearing conference.

(a) At any time before the hearing, the ALJ may call a prehearing conference for the purpose of delineating the issues in controversy, identifying the evidence and witnesses to be presented at the hearing, and obtaining stipulations accordingly.

(b) On the request of either party or on his or her own motion, the ALJ may adjourn the prehearing conference and reconvene at a later date.

§ 422.1030 - Notice of prehearing conference.

(a) Timing of notice. The ALJ will fix a time and place for the prehearing conference and mail written notice to the parties at least 10 calendar days before the scheduled date.

(b) Content of notice. The notice will inform the parties of the purpose of the conference and specify what issues are sought to be resolved, agreed to, or excluded.

(c) Additional issues. Issues other than those set forth in the notice of determination or the request for hearing may be considered at the prehearing conference if—

(1) Either party gives timely notice to that effect to the ALJ and the other party; or

(2) The ALJ raises the issues in the notice of prehearing conference or at the conference.

§ 422.1032 - Conduct of prehearing conference.

(a) The prehearing conference is open to the affected party or its representative, to the CMS representatives and their technical advisors, and to any other persons whose presence the ALJ considers necessary or proper.

(b) The ALJ may accept the agreement of the parties as to the following:

(1) Facts that are not in controversy.

(2) Questions that have been resolved favorably to the affected party after the determination in dispute.

(3) Remaining issues to be resolved.

(c) The ALJ may request the parties to indicate the following:

(1) The witnesses that will be present to testify at the hearing.

(2) The qualifications of those witnesses.

(3) The nature of other evidence to be submitted.

§ 422.1034 - Record, order, and effect of prehearing conference.

(a) Record of prehearing conference. (1) A record is made of all agreements and stipulations entered into at the prehearing conference.

(2) The record may be transcribed at the request of either party or the ALJ.

(b) Order and opportunity to object. (1) The ALJ issues an order setting forth the results of the prehearing conference, including the agreements made by the parties as to facts not in controversy, the matters to be considered at the hearing, and the issues to be resolved.

(2) Copies of the order are sent to all parties and the parties have 10 calendar days to file objections to the order.

(3) After the 10 calendar days have elapsed, the ALJ settles the order.

(c) Effect of prehearing conference. The agreements and stipulations entered into at the prehearing conference are binding on all parties, unless a party presents facts that, in the opinion of the ALJ, would make an agreement unreasonable or inequitable.

§ 422.1036 - Time and place of hearing.

(a) The ALJ fixes a time and place for the hearing and gives the parties written notice at least 10 calendar days before the scheduled date.

(b) The notice informs the parties of the general and specific issues to be resolved at the hearing.

§ 422.1038 - Change in time and place of hearing.

(a) The ALJ may change the time and place for the hearing either on his or her own initiative or at the request of a party for good cause shown, or may adjourn or postpone the hearing.

(b) The ALJ may reopen the hearing for receipt of new evidence at any time before mailing the notice of hearing decision.

(c) The ALJ gives the parties reasonable notice of any change in time or place or any adjournment or reopening of the hearing.

§ 422.1040 - Joint hearings.

When two or more affected parties have requested hearings and the same or substantially similar matters are at issue, the ALJ may, if all parties agree, fix a single time and place for the prehearing conference or hearing and conduct all proceedings jointly. If joint hearings are held, a single record of the proceedings is made and a separate decision issued with respect to each affected party.

§ 422.1042 - Hearing on new issues.

(a) Basic rules. (1) Within the time limits specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the ALJ may, at the request of either party, or on his or her own motion, provide a hearing on new issues that impinge on the rights of the affected party.

(2) The ALJ may consider new issues even if CMS has not made initial determinations on them, and even if they arose after the request for hearing was filed or after a prehearing conference.

(3) The ALJ may give notice of hearing on new issues at any time after the hearing request is filed and before the hearing record is closed.

(b) Notice and conduct of hearing on new issues. (1) Unless the affected party waives its right to appear and present evidence, notice of the time and place of hearing on any new issue will be given to the parties in accordance with 422.1036.

(2) After giving notice, the ALJ will, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, proceed to hearing on new issues in the same manner as on an issue raised in the request for hearing.

(c) Remand to CMS. At the request of either party, or on his or her own motion, in lieu of a hearing under paragraph (b) of this section, the ALJ may remand the case to CMS for consideration of the new issue and, if appropriate, a determination. If necessary, the ALJ may direct CMS to return the case to the ALJ for further proceedings.

§ 422.1044 - Subpoenas.

(a) Basis for issuance. The ALJ, upon his or her own motion or at the request of a party, may issue subpoenas if they are reasonably necessary for the full presentation of a case.

(b) Timing of request by a party. The party must file a written request for a subpoena with the ALJ at least 5 calendar days before the date set for the hearing.

(c) Content of request. The request must:

(1) Identify the witnesses or documents to be produced;

(2) Describe their addresses or location with sufficient particularity to permit them to be found; and

(3) Specify the pertinent facts the party expects to establish by the witnesses or documents, and indicate why those facts could not be established without use of a subpoena.

(d) Method of issuance. Subpoenas are issued in the name of the Secretary.

§ 422.1046 - Conduct of hearing.

(a) Participants in the hearing. The hearing is open to the parties and their representatives and technical advisors, and to any other persons whose presence the ALJ considers necessary or proper.

(b) Hearing procedures. (1) The ALJ inquires fully into all of the matters at issue, and receives in evidence the testimony of witnesses and any documents that are relevant and material.

(2) If the ALJ believes that there is relevant and material evidence available which has not been presented at the hearing, he may, at any time before mailing of notice of the decision, reopen the hearing to receive that evidence.

(3) The ALJ decides the order in which the evidence and the arguments of the parties are presented and the conduct of the hearing.

(4) CMS has the burden of coming forward with evidence related to disputed findings that is sufficient (together with any undisputed findings and legal authority) to establish a prima facie case that CMS has a legally sufficient basis for its determination.

(5) The affected party has the burden of coming forward with evidence sufficient to establish the elements of any affirmative argument or defense which it offers.

(6) The affected party bears the ultimate burden of persuasion. To prevail, the affected party must prove by a preponderance of the evidence on the record as a whole that there is no basis for the determination.

(c) Review of the penalty. When an administrative law judge finds that the basis for imposing a civil money penalty exists, as specified in 422.752, the administrative law judge may not—

(1) Set a penalty of zero or reduce a penalty to zero, or

(2) Review the exercise of discretion by CMS to impose a civil money penalty.

§ 422.1048 - Evidence.

Evidence may be received at the hearing even though inadmissible under the rules of evidence applicable to court procedure. The ALJ rules on the admissibility of evidence.

§ 422.1050 - Witnesses.

Witnesses at the hearing testify under oath or affirmation. The representative of each party is permitted to examine his or her own witnesses subject to interrogation by the representative of the other party. The ALJ may ask any questions that he or she deems necessary. The ALJ rules upon any objection made by either party as to the propriety of any question.

§ 422.1052 - Oral and written summation.

The parties to a hearing are allowed a reasonable time to present oral summation and to file briefs or other written statements of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Copies of any briefs or other written statements must be sent in accordance with 422.1016.

§ 422.1054 - Record of hearing.

A complete record of the proceedings at the hearing is made and transcribed in all cases.

§ 422.1056 - Waiver of right to appear and present evidence.

(a) Waiver procedures. (1) If an affected party wishes to waive its right to appear and present evidence at the hearing, it must file a written waiver with the ALJ.

(2) If the affected party wishes to withdraw a waiver, it may do so, for good cause, at any time before the ALJ mails notice of the hearing decision.

(b) Effect of waiver. If the affected party waives the right to appear and present evidence, the ALJ need not conduct an oral hearing except in one of the following circumstances:

(1) The ALJ believes that the testimony of the affected party or its representatives or other witnesses is necessary to clarify the facts at issue.

(2) CMS shows good cause for requiring the presentation of oral evidence.

(c) Dismissal for failure to appear. If, despite the waiver, the ALJ sends notice of hearing and the affected party fails to appear, or to show good cause for the failure, the ALJ will dismiss the appeal in accordance with 422.1060.

(d) Hearing without oral testimony. When there is no oral testimony, the ALJ will—

(1) Make a record of the relevant written evidence that was considered in making the determination being appealed, and of any additional evidence submitted by the parties;

(2) Furnish to each party copies of the additional evidence submitted by the other party; and

(3) Give both parties a reasonable opportunity for rebuttal.

(e) Handling of briefs and related statements. If the parties submit briefs or other written statements of evidence or proposed findings of facts or conclusions of law, those documents will be handled in accordance with 422.1016.

§ 422.1058 - Dismissal of request for hearing.

(a) The ALJ may, at any time before mailing the notice of the decision, dismiss a hearing request if a party withdraws its request for a hearing or the affected party asks that its request be dismissed.

(b) An affected party may request a dismissal by filing a written notice with the ALJ.

§ 422.1060 - Dismissal for abandonment.

(a) The ALJ may dismiss a request for hearing if it is abandoned by the party that requested it.

(b) The ALJ may consider a request for hearing to be abandoned if the party or its representative—

(1) Fails to appear at the prehearing conference or hearing without having previously shown good cause for not appearing; and

(2) Fails to respond, within 10 calendar days after the ALJ sends a “show cause” notice, with a showing of good cause.

§ 422.1062 - Dismissal for cause.

On his or her own motion, or on the motion of a party to the hearing, the ALJ may dismiss a hearing request either entirely or as to any stated issue, under any of the following circumstances:

(a) Res judicata. There has been a previous determination or decision with respect to the rights of the same affected party on the same facts and law pertinent to the same issue or issues which has become final either by judicial affirmance or, without judicial consideration, because the affected party did not timely request reconsideration, hearing, or review, or commence a civil action with respect to that determination or decision.

(b) No right to hearing. The party requesting a hearing is not a proper party or does not otherwise have a right to a hearing.

(c) Hearing request not timely filed. The affected party did not file a hearing request timely and the time for filing has not been extended.

§ 422.1064 - Notice and effect of dismissal and right to request review.

(a) Notice of the ALJ's dismissal action is mailed to the parties. The notice advises the affected party of its right to request that the dismissal be vacated as provided in 422.1066.

(b) The dismissal of a request for hearing is binding unless it is vacated by the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board.

§ 422.1066 - Vacating a dismissal of request for hearing.

An ALJ may vacate any dismissal of a request for hearing if a party files a request to that effect within 60 calendar days from receipt of the notice of dismissal and shows good cause for vacating the dismissal.

§ 422.1068 - Administrative Law Judge's decision.

(a) Timing, basis and content. As soon as practical after the close of the hearing, the ALJ issues a written decision in the case. The decision is based on the evidence of record and contains separate numbered findings of fact and conclusions of law.

(b) Notice and effect. A copy of the decision is mailed to the parties and is binding on them unless—

(1) A party requests review by the Departmental Appeals Board within the time period specified in 422.846, and the Board reviews the case;

(2) The Departmental Appeals Board denies the request for review and the party seeks judicial review by filing an action in a United States District Court or, in the case of a civil money penalty, in a United States Court of Appeals;

(3) The decision is revised by an ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board; or

(4) The decision is a recommended decision directed to the Board.

§ 422.1070 - Removal of hearing to Departmental Appeals Board.

(a) At any time before the ALJ receives oral testimony, the Board may remove to itself any pending request for a hearing.

(b) Notice of removal is mailed to each party.

(c) The Board conducts the hearing in accordance with the rules that apply to ALJ hearings under this subpart.

§ 422.1072 - Remand by the Administrative Law Judge.

(a) If CMS requests remand, and the affected party concurs in writing or on the record, the ALJ may remand any case properly before him or her to CMS for a determination satisfactory to the affected party.

(b) The ALJ may remand at any time before notice of hearing decision is mailed.

§ 422.1074 - Right to request Departmental Appeals Board review of Administrative Law Judge's decision or dismissal.

Either of the parties has a right to request Departmental Appeals Board review of the ALJ's decision or dismissal order, and the parties are so informed in the notice of the ALJ's action.

§ 422.1076 - Request for Departmental Appeals Board review.

(a) Manner and time of filing. (1) Any party that is dissatisfied with an ALJ's decision or dismissal of a hearing request, may file a written request for review by the Departmental Appeals Board.

(2) The requesting party or its representative or other authorized official must file the request with the DAB within 60 calendar days from receipt of the notice of decision or dismissal, unless the Board, for good cause shown by the requesting party, extends the time for filing.

(b) Content of request for review. A request for review of an ALJ decision or dismissal must specify the issues, the findings of fact or conclusions of law with which the party disagrees, and the basis for contending that the findings and conclusions are incorrect.

§ 422.1078 - Departmental Appeals Board action on request for review.

(a) Request by CMS. The Departmental Appeals Board may dismiss, deny, or grant a request made by CMS for review of an ALJ decision or dismissal.

(b) Request by the affected party. The Board may deny or grant the affected party's request for review or may dismiss the request for one of the following reasons:

(1) The affected party requests dismissal of its request for review.

(2) The affected party did not file timely or show good cause for late filing.

(3) The affected party does not have a right to review.

(4) A previous determination or decision, based on the same facts and law, and regarding the same issue, has become final through judicial affirmance or because the affected party failed to timely request reconsideration, hearing, Board review, or judicial review, as appropriate.

(c) Effect of dismissal. The dismissal of a request for Departmental Appeals Board review is binding and not subject to further review.

(d) Review panel. If the Board grants a request for review of the ALJ's decision, the review will be conducted by a panel of three members of the Board, designated by the Chair or Deputy Chair.

§ 422.1080 - Procedures before the Departmental Appeals Board on review.

The parties are given, upon request, a reasonable opportunity to file briefs or other written statements as to fact and law, and to appear before the Departmental Appeals Board to present evidence or oral arguments. Copies of any brief or other written statement must be sent in accordance with 422.1016.

§ 422.1082 - Evidence admissible on review.

(a) The Departmental Appeals Board may admit evidence into the record in addition to the evidence introduced at the ALJ hearing, (or the documents considered by the ALJ if the hearing was waived), if the Board considers that the additional evidence is relevant and material to an issue before it.

(b) If it appears to the Board that additional relevant evidence is available, the Board will require that it be produced.

(c) Before additional evidence is admitted into the record—

(1) Notice is mailed to the parties (unless they have waived notice) stating that evidence will be received regarding specified issues; and

(2) The parties are given a reasonable time to comment and to present other evidence pertinent to the specified issues.

(d) If additional evidence is presented orally to the Board, a transcript is prepared and made available to any party upon request.

§ 422.1084 - Decision or remand by the Departmental Appeals Board.

(a) When the Departmental Appeals Board reviews an ALJ's decision or order of dismissal, or receives a case remanded by a court, the Board may either issue a decision or remand the case to an ALJ for a hearing and decision or a recommended decision for final decision by the Board.

(b) In a remanded case, the ALJ initiates additional proceedings and takes other actions as directed by the Board in its order of remand, and may take other action not inconsistent with that order.

(c) Upon completion of all action called for by the remand order and any other consistent action, the ALJ promptly makes a decision or, as specified by the Board, certifies the case to the Board with a recommended decision.

(d) The parties have 20 calendar days from the date of a notice of a recommended decision to submit to the Board any exception, objection, or comment on the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended decision.

(e) After the 20-calendar day period, the Board issues its decision adopting, modifying or rejecting the ALJ's recommended decision.

(f) If the Board does not remand the case to an ALJ, the following rules apply:

(1) The Board's decision—

(i) Is based upon the evidence in the hearing record and any further evidence that the Board receives during its review;

(ii) Is in writing and contains separate numbered findings of fact and conclusions of law; and

(iii) May modify, affirm, or reverse the ALJ's decision.

(2) A copy of the Board's decision is mailed to each party.

§ 422.1086 - Effect of Departmental Appeals Board Decision.

(a) General rule. The Board's decision is binding unless—

(1) The affected party has a right to judicial review and timely files a civil action in a United States District Court or, in the case of a civil money penalty, in a United States Court of Appeals; or

(2) The Board reopens and revises its decision in accordance with 422.862.

(b) Right to judicial review. Section 422.1006 specifies the circumstances under which an affected party has a right to seek judicial review.

(c) Special Rules: Civil Money Penalty—Finality of Board's decision. When CMS imposes a civil money penalty, notice of the Board's decision (or denial of review) is the final administrative action that initiates the 60-day period for seeking judicial review.

§ 422.1088 - Extension of time for seeking judicial review.

(a) Any affected party that is dissatisfied with a Departmental Appeals Board decision and is entitled to judicial review must commence civil action within 60 calendar days from receipt of the notice of the Board's decision, unless the Board extends the time in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) The request for extension must be filed in writing with the Board before the 60-calendar day period ends.

(c) For good cause shown, the Board may extend the time for commencing civil action.

§ 422.1090 - Basis, timing, and authority for reopening an Administrative Law Judge or Board decision.

(a) Basis and timing for reopening. An ALJ of Departmental Appeals Board decision may be reopened, within 60 calendar days from the date of the notice of decision, upon the motion of the ALJ or the Board or upon the petition of either party to the hearing.

(b) Authority to reopen. (1) A decision of the Departmental Appeals Board may be reopened only by the Departmental Appeals Board.

(2) A decision of an ALJ may be reopened by that ALJ, by another ALJ if that one is not available, or by the Departmental Appeals Board. For purposes of this paragraph, an ALJ is considered to be unavailable if the ALJ has died, terminated employment, or been transferred to another duty station, is on leave of absence, or is unable to conduct a hearing because of illness.

§ 422.1092 - Revision of reopened decision.

(a) Revision based on new evidence. If a reopened decision is to be revised on the basis of new evidence that was not included in the record of that decision, the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board—

(1) Notifies the parties of the proposed revision; and

(2) Unless the parties waive their right to hearing or appearance—

(i) Grants a hearing in the case of an ALJ revision; and

(ii) Grants opportunity to appear in the case of a Board revision.

(b) Basis for revised decision and right to review. (1) If a revised decision is necessary, the ALJ or the Departmental Appeals Board, as appropriate, renders it on the basis of the entire record.

(2) If the decision is revised by an ALJ, the Departmental Appeals Board may review that revised decision at the request of either party or on its own motion.

§ 422.1094 - Notice and effect of revised decision.

(a) Notice. The notice mailed to the parties states the basis or reason for the revised decision and informs them of their right to Departmental Appeals Board review of an ALJ revised decision, or to judicial review of a Board reviewed decision.

(b) Effect—(1) ALJ revised decision. An ALJ revised decision is binding unless it is reviewed by the Departmental Appeals Board.

(2) Departmental Appeals Board revised decision. A Board revised decision is binding unless a party files a civil action in a district court of the United States within the time frames specified in 423.1088.

[72 FR 68726, Dec. 5, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 72909, Nov. 16, 2020]
source: 63 FR 18134, Apr. 14, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 422.1010