Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 435.400 - Scope.

This subpart prescribes general requirements for determining the eligibility of both categorically and medically needy individuals specified in subparts B, C, and D of this part.

§ 435.401 - General rules.

(a) A Medicaid agency may not impose any eligibility requirement that is prohibited under Title XIX of the Act.

(b) The agency must base any optional group covered under subparts B and C of this part on reasonable classifications that do not result in arbitrary or inequitable treatment of individuals and groups and that are consistent with the objectives of Title XIX.

(c) The agency must not use requirements for determining eligibility for optional coverage groups that are—

(1) [Reserved]

(2) For aged, blind, and disabled individuals, more restrictive than those used under SSI, except for individuals receiving an optional State supplement as specified in § 435.230 or individuals in categories specified by the agency under § 435.121.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 81 FR 86454, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 435.402 - [Reserved]
§ 435.403 - State residence.

(a) Requirement. The agency must provide Medicaid to eligible residents of the State, including residents who are absent from the State. The conditions under which payment for services is provided to out-of-State residents are set forth in § 431.52 of this chapter.

(b) Definition. For purposes of this section—Institution has the same meaning as Institution and Medical institution, as defined in § 435.1010. For purposes of State placement, the term also includes foster care homes, licensed as set forth in 45 CFR 1355.20, and providing food, shelter and supportive services to one or more persons unrelated to the proprietor.

(c) Incapability of indicating intent. For purposes of this section, an individual is considered incapable of indicating intent if the individual—

(1) Has an I.Q. of 49 or less or has a mental age of 7 or less, based on tests acceptable to the Intellectual Disability agency in the State:

(2) Is judged legally incompetent; or

(3) Is found incapable of indicating intent based on medical documentation obtained from a physician, psychologist, or other person licensed by the State in the field of intellectual disability.

(d) Who is a State resident. A resident of a State is any individual who:

(1) Meets the conditions in paragraphs (e) through (i) of this section; or

(2) Meets the criteria specified in an interstate agreement under paragraph (k) of this section.

(e) Placement by a State in an out-of-State institution—(1) General rule. Any agency of the State, including an entity recognized under State law as being under contract with the State for such purposes, that arranges for an individual to be placed in an institution located in another State, is recognized as acting on behalf of the State in making a placement. The State arranging or actually making the placement is considered as the individual's State of residence.

(2) Any action beyond providing information to the individual and the individual's family would constitute arranging or making a State placement. However, the following actions do not constitute State placement:

(i) Providing basic information to individuals about another State's Medicaid program, and information about the availability of health care services and facilities in another State.

(ii) Assisting an individual in locating an institution in another State, provided the individual is capable of indicating intent and independently decides to move.

(3) When a competent individual leaves the facility in which the individual is placed by a State, that individual's State of residence for Medicaid purposes is the State where the individual is physically located.

(4) Where a placement is initiated by a State because the State lacks a sufficient number of appropriate facilities to provide services to its residents, the State making the placement is the individual's State of residence for Medicaid purposes.

(f) Individuals receiving a State supplementary payment (SSP). For individuals of any age who are receiving an SSP, the State of residence is the State paying the SSP.

(g) Individuals receiving Title IV-E payments. For individuals of any age who are receiving Federal payments for foster care and adoption assistance under title IV-E of the Social Security Act, the State of residence is the State where the child lives.

(h) Individuals age 21 and over. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, with respect to individuals age 21 and over —

(1) For an individual not residing in an institution as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, the State of residence is the State where the individual is living and—

(i) Intends to reside, including without a fixed address; or

(ii) Has entered the State with a job commitment or seeking employment (whether or not currently employed).

(2) For an individual not residing in an institution as defined in paragraph (b) of this section who is not capable of stating intent, the State of residency is the State where the individual is living.

(3) For any institutionalized individual who became incapable of indicating intent before age 21, the State of residence is—

(i) That of the parent applying for Medicaid on the individual's behalf, if the parents reside in separate States (if a legal guardian has been appointed and parental rights are terminated, the State of residence of the guardian is used instead of the parent's);

(ii) The parent's or legal guardian's State of residence at the time of placement (if a legal guardian has been appointed and parental rights are terminated, the State of residence of the guardian is used instead of the parent's); or

(iii) The current State of residence of the parent or legal guardian who files the application if the individual is institutionalized in that State (if a legal guardian has been appointed and parental rights are terminated, the State of residence of the guardian is used instead of the parent's).

(iv) The State of residence of the individual or party who files an application is used if the individual has been abandoned by his or her parent(s), does not have a legal guardian and is institutionalized in that State.

(4) For any institutionalized individual who became incapable of indicating intent at or after age 21, the State of residence is the State in which the individual is physically present, except where another State makes a placement.

(5) For any other institutionalized individual, the State of residence is the State where the individual is living and intends to reside.

(i) Individuals under age 21. For an individual under age 21 who is not eligible for Medicaid based on receipt of assistance under title IV-E of the Act, as addressed in paragraph (g) of this section, and is not receiving a State supplementary payment, as addressed in paragraph (f) of this section, the State of residence is as follows:

(1) For an individual who is capable of indicating intent and who is emancipated from his or her parent or who is married, the State of residence is determined in accordance with paragraph (h)(1) of this section.

(2) For an individual not described in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, not living in an institution as defined in paragraph (b) of this section and not eligible for Medicaid based on receipt of assistance under title IV-E of the Act, as addressed in paragraph (g) of this section, and is not receiving a State supplementary payment, as addressed in paragraph (f) of this section, the State of residence is:

(i) The State where the individual resides, including without a fixed address; or

(ii) The State of residency of the parent or caretaker, in accordance with paragraph (h)(1) of this section, with whom the individual resides.

(3) For any institutionalized individual who is neither married nor emancipated, the State of residence is—

(i) The parent's or legal guardian's State of residence at the time of placement (if a legal guardian has been appointed and parental rights are terminated, the State of residence of the guardian is used instead of the parent's); or

(ii) The current State of residence of the parent or legal guardian who files the application if the individual is institutionalized in that State (if a legal guardian has been appointed and parental rights are terminated, the State or residence of the guardian is used instead of the parent's).

(iii) The State of residence of the individual or party who files an application is used if the individual has been abandoned by his or her parent(s), does not have a legal guardian and is institutionalized in that State.

(j) Specific prohibitions. (1) The agency may not deny Medicaid eligibility because an individual has not resided in the State for a specified period.

(2) The agency may not deny Medicaid eligibility to an individual in an institution, who satisfies the residency rules set forth in this section, on the grounds that the individual did not establish residence in the State before entering the institution.

(3) The agency may not deny or terminate a resident's Medicaid eligibility because of that person's temporary absence from the State if the person intends to return when the purpose of the absence has been accomplished, unless another State has determined that the person is a resident there for purposes of Medicaid.

(k) Interstate agreements. A State may have a written agreement with another State setting forth rules and procedures resolving cases of disputed residency. These agreements may establish criteria other than those specified in paragraphs (c) through (i) of this section, but must not include criteria that result in loss of residency in both States or that are prohibited by paragraph (j) of this section. The agreements must contain a procedure for providing Medicaid to individuals pending resolution of the case. States may use interstate agreements for purposes other than cases of disputed residency to facilitate administration of the program, and to facilitate the placement and adoption of title IV-E individuals when the child and his or her adoptive parent(s) move into another State.

(l) Continued Medicaid for institutionalized beneficiaries. If an agency is providing Medicaid to an institutionalized beneficiary who, as a result of this section, would be considered a resident of a different State—

(1) The agency must continue to provide Medicaid to that beneficiary from June 24, 1983 until July 5, 1984, unless it makes arrangements with another State of residence to provide Medicaid at an earlier date: and

(2) Those arrangements must not include provisions prohibited by paragraph (i) of this section.

(m) Cases of disputed residency. Where two or more States cannot resolve which State is the State of residence, the State where the individual is physically located is the State of residence.

[49 FR 13531, Apr. 5, 1984, as amended at 55 FR 48609, Nov. 21, 1990; 71 FR 39222, July 12, 2006; 77 FR 17206, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 435.404 - Applicant's choice of category.

The agency must allow an individual who would be eligible under more than one category to have his eligibility determined for the category he selects.

§ 435.406 - Citizenship and noncitizen eligibility.

(a) The agency must provide Medicaid to otherwise eligible individuals who are—

(1) Citizens and nationals of the United States, provided that—

(i) The individual has made a declaration of United States citizenship, as defined in § 435.4, or an individual described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section has made such declaration on the individual's behalf, and such status is verified in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section; and

(ii) For purposes of the declaration and citizenship verification requirements discussed in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) of this section, an individual includes applicants under a section 1115 demonstration (including a family planning demonstration project) for which a State receives Federal financial participation in its expenditures.

(iii) The following groups of individuals are exempt from the requirement to provide documentation to verify citizenship in paragraph (c) of this section:

(A) Individuals receiving SSI benefits under title XVI of the Act.

(B) Individuals entitled to or enrolled in any part of Medicare.

(C) Individuals receiving disability insurance benefits under section 223 of the Act or monthly benefits under section 202 of the Act, based on the individual's disability (as defined in section 223(d) of the Act).

(D) Individuals who are in foster care and who are assisted under Title IV-B of the Act, and individuals who are beneficiaries of foster care maintenance or adoption assistance payments under Title IV-E of the Act.

(E)(1) Individuals who are or were deemed eligible for Medicaid in the State under § 435.117 or § 457.360 of this chapter on or after July 1, 2006, based on being born to a pregnant woman eligible under the State's Medicaid or CHIP state plan or waiver of such plan;

(2) At State option, individuals who were deemed eligible for coverage under § 435.117 or § 457.360 of this chapter in another State on or after July 1, 2006, provided that the agency verifies such deemed eligibility.

(2)(i) Except as specified in 8 U.S.C. 1612(b)(1) (permitting States an option with respect to coverage of certain qualified noncitizens), qualified noncitizens as described in 42 CFR 435.4 (including qualified noncitizens subject to the 5-year bar) who have provided satisfactory documentary evidence of qualified noncitizen status, which status has been verified with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under a declaration required by section 1137(d) of the Act that the applicant or beneficiary is a noncitizen in a satisfactory immigration status.

(ii) The eligibility of qualified noncitizens who are subject to the 5-year bar in 8 U.S.C. 1613 is limited to the benefits described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) For purposes of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), of this section, a declaration of citizenship or satisfactory immigration status may be provided, in writing and under penalty of perjury, by an adult member of the individual's household, an authorized representative, as defined in § 435.923, or if the applicant is a minor or incapacitated, someone acting responsibly for the applicant provided that such individual attests to having knowledge of the individual's status.

(b) The agency must provide payment for the services described in § 440.255(c) of this chapter to residents of the State who otherwise meet the eligibility requirements of the State plan (except for receipt of AFDC, SSI, or State Supplementary payments) who are qualified noncitizens subject to the 5-year bar or who are non-qualified noncitizens who meet all Medicaid eligibility criteria, except non-qualified noncitizens need not present a social security number or document immigration status.

(c) The agency must verify the declaration of citizenship or satisfactory immigration status under paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section in accordance with § 435.956.

[55 FR 36819, Sept. 7, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 10807, Mar. 14, 1991; 71 FR 39222, July 12, 2006; 72 FR 38691, July 13, 2007; 81 FR 86454, Nov. 30, 2016; 89 FR 39436, May 8, 2024]
§ 435.407 - Types of acceptable documentary evidence of citizenship.

(a) Stand-alone evidence of citizenship. The following must be accepted as sufficient documentary evidence of citizenship:

(1) A U.S. passport, including a U.S. Passport Card issued by the Department of State, without regard to any expiration date as long as such passport or Card was issued without limitation.

(2) A Certificate of Naturalization.

(3) A Certificate of U.S. Citizenship.

(4) A valid State-issued driver's license if the State issuing the license requires proof of U.S. citizenship, or obtains and verifies a SSN from the applicant who is a citizen before issuing such license.

(5)(i) Documentary evidence issued by a Federally recognized Indian Tribe identified in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Indian Affairs within the U.S. Department of the Interior, and including Tribes located in a State that has an international border, which—

(A) Identifies the Federally recognized Indian Tribe that issued the document;

(B) Identifies the individual by name; and

(C) Confirms the individual's membership, enrollment, or affiliation with the Tribe.

(ii) Documents described in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section include, but are not limited to:

(A) A Tribal enrollment card;

(B) A Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood;

(C) A Tribal census document;

(D) Documents on Tribal letterhead, issued under the signature of the appropriate Tribal official, that meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section.

(6) A data match with the Social Security Administration.

(7) Verification with a State vital statistics agency documenting a record of birth.

(8) A data match with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program or any other process established by DHS to verify that an individual is a citizen.

(b) Evidence of citizenship. If an applicant does not provide documentary evidence from the list in paragraph (a) of this section, the following must be accepted as satisfactory evidence to establish citizenship if also accompanied by an identity document listed in paragraph (c) of this section—

(1) A U.S. public birth certificate showing birth in one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Swain's Island, Puerto Rico (if born on or after January 13, 1941), the Virgin Islands of the U.S. or the CNMI (if born after November 4, 1986, (CNMI local time)). The birth record document may be issued by a State, Commonwealth, Territory, or local jurisdiction. If the document shows the individual was born in Puerto Rico or the Northern Mariana Islands before the applicable date referenced in this paragraph, the individual may be a collectively naturalized citizen. The following will establish U.S. citizenship for collectively naturalized individuals:

(i) Puerto Rico: Evidence of birth in Puerto Rico and the applicant's statement that he or she was residing in the U.S., a U.S. possession, or Puerto Rico on January 13, 1941.

(ii) Northern Mariana Islands (NMI) (formerly part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI)):

(A) Evidence of birth in the NMI, TTPI citizenship and residence in the NMI, the U.S., or a U.S. Territory or possession on November 3, 1986, (NMI local time) and the applicant's statement that he or she did not owe allegiance to a foreign State on November 4, 1986 (NMI local time);

(B) Evidence of TTPI citizenship, continuous residence in the NMI since before November 3, 1981 (NMI local time), voter registration before January 1, 1975, and the applicant's statement that he or she did not owe allegiance to a foreign State on November 4, 1986 (NMI local time);

(C) Evidence of continuous domicile in the NMI since before January 1, 1974, and the applicant's statement that he or she did not owe allegiance to a foreign State on November 4, 1986 (NMI local time). Note: If a person entered the NMI as a nonimmigrant and lived in the NMI since January 1, 1974, this does not constitute continuous domicile and the individual is not a U.S. citizen.

(2) A Certification of Report of Birth, issued to U.S. citizens who were born outside the U.S.

(3) A Report of Birth Abroad of a U.S. Citizen.

(4) A Certification of birth in the United States.

(5) A U.S. Citizen I.D. card.

(6) A Northern Marianas Identification Card issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (or predecessor agency).

(7) A final adoption decree showing the child's name and U.S. place of birth, or if an adoption is not final, a Statement from a State-approved adoption agency that shows the child's name and U.S. place of birth.

(8) Evidence of U.S. Civil Service employment before June 1, 1976.

(9) U.S. Military Record showing a U.S. place of birth.

(10) Documentation that a child meets the requirements of section 101 of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as amended (8 U.S.C. 1431).

(11) Medical records, including, but not limited to, hospital, clinic, or doctor records or admission papers from a nursing facility, skilled care facility, or other institution that indicate a U.S. place of birth.

(12) Life, health, or other insurance record that indicates a U.S. place of birth.

(13) Official religious record recorded in the U.S. showing that the birth occurred in the U.S.

(14) School records, including pre-school, Head Start and daycare, showing the child's name and U.S. place of birth.

(15) Federal or State census record showing U.S. citizenship or a U.S. place of birth.

(16) If the applicant does not have one of the documents listed in paragraphs (a) or (b)(1) through (15) of this section, he or she may submit an affidavit signed by another individual under penalty of perjury who can reasonably attest to the applicant's citizenship, and that contains the applicant's name, date of birth, and place of U.S. birth. The affidavit does not have to be notarized.

(c) Evidence of identity. (1) The agency must accept the following as proof of identity, provided such document has a photograph or other identifying information sufficient to establish identity, including, but not limited to, name, age, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, or address:

(i) Identity documents listed at 8 CFR 274a.2 (b)(1)(v)(B)(1), except a driver's license issued by a Canadian government authority.

(ii) Driver's license issued by a State or Territory.

(iii) School identification card.

(iv) U.S. military card or draft record.

(v) Identification card issued by the Federal, State, or local government.

(vi) Military dependent's identification card.

(vii) U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card.

(viii) For children under age 19, a clinic, doctor, hospital, or school record, including preschool or day care records.

(ix) A finding of identity from an Express Lane agency, as defined in section 1902(e)(13)(F) of the Act.

(x) Two other documents containing consistent information that corroborates an applicant's identity. Such documents include, but are not limited to, employer identification cards; high school, high school equivalency and college diplomas; marriage certificates; divorce decrees; and property deeds or titles.

(2) Finding of identity from a Federal or State governmental agency. The agency may accept as proof of identity a finding of identity from a Federal agency or another State agency (not described in paragraph (c)(1)(ix) of this section), including but not limited to a public assistance, law enforcement, internal revenue or tax bureau, or corrections agency, if the agency has verified and certified the identity of the individual.

(3) If the applicant does not have any document specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and identity is not verified under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the agency must accept an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by a person other than the applicant who can reasonably attest to the applicant's identity. Such affidavit must contain the applicant's name and other identifying information establishing identity, as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The affidavit does not have to be notarized.

(d) Verification of citizenship by a Federal agency or another State. The agency may rely, without further documentation of citizenship or identity, on a verification of citizenship made by a Federal agency or another State agency, if such verification was done on or after July 1, 2006.

(e) Assistance with obtaining documentation. States must provide assistance to individuals who need assistance in securing satisfactory documentary evidence of citizenship in a timely manner.

(f) Documentary evidence. A photocopy, facsimile, scanned or other copy of a document must be accepted to the same extent as an original document under this section, unless information on the copy submitted is inconsistent with other information available to the agency or the agency otherwise has reason to question the validity of, or the information in, the document.

[81 FR 86455, Nov. 30, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 22866, Apr. 2, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
source: 43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 435.403