Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 435.1001 - FFP for administration.

(a) FFP is available in the necessary administrative costs the State incurs in—

(1) Determining and redetermining Medicaid eligibility and in providing Medicaid to eligible individuals; and

(2) Administering presumptive eligibility.

(b) Administrative costs include any costs incident to an eye examination or medical examination to determine whether an individual is blind or disabled.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 66 FR 2667, Jan. 11, 2001; 81 FR 86460, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 435.1002 - FFP for services.

(a) Except for the limitations and conditions specified in §§ 435.1007, 35.1008, 435.1009, and 438.814 of this chapter, FFP is available in expenditures for Medicaid services for all beneficiaries whose coverage is required or allowed under this part.

(b) FFP is available in expenditures for services provided to beneficiaries who were eligible for Medicaid in the month in which the medical care or services were provided except that, for beneficiaries who establish eligibility for Medicaid by deducting incurred medical expenses from income, FFP is not available for expenses that are the beneficiary's liability. (See §§ 435.915 and 436.901 of this subchapter for regulations on retroactive eligibility for Medicaid.)

(c) FFP is available in expenditures for services covered under the plan that are furnished—

(1) During a presumptive eligibility period to individuals who are determined to be presumptively eligible for Medicaid in accordance with subpart L of this part;

(2) During a period of presumptive eligibility;

(3) By a provider that is eligible for payment under the plan; and

(4) Regardless of whether such individuals file an application for a full eligibility determination or are determined eligible for Medicaid following the period of presumptive eligibility.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 44 FR 17939, Mar. 23, 1979; 66 FR 2667, Jan. 11, 2001; 67 FR 41095, June 14, 2002; 71 FR 39225, July 12, 2006; 77 FR 17212, Mar. 23, 2012; 81 FR 86460, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 435.1003 - FFP for redeterminations.

(a) If the Social Security Administration (SSA) notifies an agency that a beneficiary has been determined ineligible for SSI, FFP is available in Medicaid expenditures for services to the beneficiary as follows:

(1) If the agency receives the SSA notice by the 10th day of the month, FFP is available under this section only through the end of the month unless the beneficiary requests a hearing under subpart E, part 431 of this subchapter.

(2) If the agency receives the SSA notice after the 10th day of the month, FFP is available only through the end of the following month, unless the beneficiary requests a hearing under subpart E, part 431 of this subchapter.

(3) If a beneficiary requests a hearing, FFP is available as specified in subpart E, part 431 of this subchapter.

(b) The agency must take prompt action to determine eligibility after receiving the SSA notice.

(c) When a change in Federal law affects the eligibility of substantial numbers of Medicaid beneficiaries, the Secretary may waive the otherwise applicable FFP requirements and redetermination time limits of this section, in order to provide a reasonable time to complete such redeterminations. The Secretary will designate an additional amount of time beyond that allowed under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, within which FFP will be available, to perform large numbers of redeterminations arising from a change in Federal law.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 44 FR 17939, Mar. 23, 1979; 62 FR 1685, Jan. 13, 1997]
§ 435.1004 - Beneficiaries overcoming certain conditions of eligibility.

(a) FFP is available, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, in expenditures for services provided to beneficiaries who are overcoming certain eligibility conditions, including blindness, disability, continued absence or incapacity of a parent, or unemployment of a parent.

(b) FFP is available for a period not to exceed—

(1) The period during which a recipient of SSI or an optional State supplement continues to receive cash payments while these conditions are being overcome; or

(2) For beneficiaries, eligible for Medicaid only and recipients of SSI or an optional State supplement who do not continue to receive cash payments, the second month following the month in which the beneficiary's Medicaid coverage will have been terminated.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 24887, Apr. 11, 1980; 81 FR 86460, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 435.1000 - Scope.

This subpart specifies when, and the extent to which, FFP is available in expenditures for determining eligibility and for Medicaid services to individuals determined eligible under this part, and prescribes limitations and conditions on FFP for those expenditures.

§ 435.1005 - Beneficiaries in institutions eligible under a special income standard.

For beneficiaries in institutions whose Medicaid eligibility is based on a special income standard established under § 435.236, FFP is available in expenditures for services provided to those individuals only if their income before deductions, as determined by SSI budget methodology, does not exceed 300 percent of the SSI benefit amount payable under section 1611(b)(1) of the Act to an individual in his own home who has no income or resources.

[58 FR 4933, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 435.1006 - Beneficiaries of optional State supplements only.

FFP is available in expenditures for services provided to individuals receiving optional State supplements but not receiving SSI, if their income before deductions, as determined by SSI budget methodology, does not exceed 300 percent of the SSI benefit amount payable under section 1611(b)(1) of the Act to an individual who has no income and resources.

[45 FR 24887, Apr. 11, 1980]
§ 435.1007 - Categorically needy, medically needy, and qualified Medicare beneficiaries.

(a) FFP is available in expenditures for covered services provided to categorically needy beneficiaries, medically needy beneficiaries, and qualified Medicare beneficiaries, subject to the restrictions contained in subpart K of this part and as provided in paragraphs (b) and (e) of this section. However, the restrictions listed in paragraphs (b) and (e) of this section do not apply to expenditures for medical assistance made on behalf of qualified Medicare beneficiaries under section 1905(p) of the Act; individuals receiving Medicaid as categorically needy under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i) (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), or (VII) and section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii) (I), (IX), or (X) and section 1905(u) of the Act; individuals who are eligible to receive benefits (or would be eligible for those benefits if they were not in a medical institution); and any individuals deemed to be members of the groups identified in this sentence.

(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, FFP is not available in State expenditures for individuals (including the medically needy) whose annual income after deductions specified in § 435.831(a) and (c) exceeds the following amounts, rounded to the next higher multiple of $100.

(c) In the case of a family consisting only of two individuals, both of whom are adults and at least one of whom is aged, blind, or disabled, the State of California may use the amount of the AFDC payment most frequently made to a family of one adult and two children for purposes of computing the 133 1/3 percent limitation (under the authority of section 4106 of Public Law 100-230).

(d) For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a State that as of June 1, 1989, has in its State plan (as defined in section 2373(c)(5) of Public Law 98-369 as amended by section 9 of Public Law 100-93) an amount for individuals that was reasonably related to 133 1/3 percent of the highest amount of AFDC which would ordinarily be paid to a family of two without income or resources may use an amount based upon a reasonable relationship to such an AFDC standard for a family of two.

(e) FFP is not available in expenditures for services provided to categorically needy and medically needy beneficiaries subject to the FFP limits if their annual income, after the cash assistance income deductions and any income disregards in the State plan authorized under section 1902(r)(2) of the Act are applied, exceeds the 133 1/3 percent limitation described under paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section.

(f) A State may use the less restrictive income methodologies included under its State plan as authorized under § 435.601 in determining whether a family's income exceeds the limitation described in paragraph (b) of this section.

[58 FR 4933, Jan. 19, 1993, as amended at 66 FR 2321, 2667, Jan. 11, 2001]
§ 435.1008 - FFP in expenditures for medical assistance for individuals who have declared citizenship or nationality or satisfactory immigration status.

(a) This section implements sections 1137 and 1902(a)(46)(B) of the Act.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, FFP is not available to a State for expenditures for medical assistance furnished to individuals unless the State has verified citizenship or immigration status in accordance with § 435.956.

(c) FFP is available to States for otherwise eligible individuals whose declaration of U.S. citizenship or satisfactory immigration status in accordance with section 1137(d) of the Act and § 435.406(c) has been verified in accordance with § 435.956, who are exempt from the requirements to verify citizenship under § 435.406(a)(1)(iii), or for whom benefits are provided during a reasonable opportunity period to verify citizenship, nationality, or satisfactory immigration status in accordance with section § 435.956(b), including the time period during which an appeal is pending if the State has elected the option under § 435.956(b)(3).

[81 FR 86460, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 435.1009 - Institutionalized individuals.

(a) FFP is not available in expenditures for services provided to—

(1) Individuals who are inmates of public institutions as defined in § 435.1010; or

(2) Individuals under age 65 who are patients in an institution for mental diseases unless they are under age 22 and are receiving inpatient psychiatric services under § 440.160 of this subchapter.

(b) The exclusion of FFP described in paragraph (a) of this section does not apply during that part of the month in which the individual is not an inmate of a public institution or a patient in an institution for tuberculosis or mental diseases.

(c) An individual on conditional release or convalescent leave from an institution for mental diseases is not considered to be a patient in that institution. However, such an individual who is under age 22 and has been receiving inpatient psychiatric services under § 440.160 of this subchapter is considered to be a patient in the institution until he is unconditionally released or, if earlier, the date he reaches age 22.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 50 FR 13199, Apr. 3, 1985; 50 FR 38811, Sept. 25, 1985. Redesignated and amended at 71 FR 39225, July 12, 2006]
§ 435.1010 - Definitions relating to institutional status.

For purposes of FFP, the following definitions apply:

Active treatment in intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities means treatment that meets the requirements specified in the standard concerning active treatment for intermediate care facilities for persons with Intellectual Disability under § 483.440(a) of this subchapter.

Child-care institution means a nonprofit private child-care institution, or a public child-care institution that accommodates no more than twenty-five children, which is licensed by the State in which it is situated, or has been approved by the agency of the State responsible for licensing or approval of institutions of this type, as meeting the standards established for licensing. The term does not include detention facilities, forestry camps, training schools or any other facility operated primarily for the detention of children who are determined to be delinquent.

In an institution refers to an individual who is admitted to live there and receive treatment or services provided there that are appropriate to his requirements.

Inmate of a public institution means a person who is living in a public institution. An individual is not considered an inmate if—

(a) He is in a public educational or vocational training institution for purposes of securing education or vocational training; or

(b) He is in a public institution for a temporary period pending other arrangements appropriate to his needs.

Inpatient means a patient who has been admitted to a medical institution as an inpatient on recommendation of a physician or dentist and who—

(1) Receives room, board and professional services in the institution for a 24 hour period or longer, or

(2) Is expected by the institution to receive room, board and professional services in the institution for a 24 hour period or longer even though it later develops that the patient dies, is discharged or is transferred to another facility and does not actually stay in the institution for 24 hours.

Institution means an establishment that furnishes (in single or multiple facilities) food, shelter, and some treatment or services to four or more persons unrelated to the proprietor.

Institution for mental diseases means a hospital, nursing facility, or other institution of more than 16 beds that is primarily engaged in providing diagnosis, treatment or care of persons with mental diseases, including medical attention, nursing care and related services. Whether an institution is an institution for mental diseases is determined by its overall character as that of a facility established and maintained primarily for the care and treatment of individuals with mental diseases, whether or not it is licensed as such. An institution for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities is not an institution for mental diseases.

Institution for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or persons with related conditions means an institution (or distinct part of an institution) that—

(a) Is primarily for the diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or persons with related conditions; and

(b) Provides, in a protected residential setting, ongoing evaluation, planning, 24-hour supervision, coordination, and integration of health or rehabilitative services to help each individual function at his greatest ability.

Institution for tuberculosis means an institution that is primarily engaged in providing diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons with tuberculosis, including medical attention, nursing care, and related services. Whether an institution is an institution for tuberculosis is determined by its overall character as that of a facility established and maintained primarily for the care and treatment of tuberculosis, whether or not it is licensed as such.

Medical institution means an institution that—

(a) Is organized to provide medical care, including nursing and convalescent care;

(b) Has the necessary professional personnel, equipment, and facilities to manage the medical, nursing, and other health needs of patients on a continuing basis in accordance with accepted standards;

(c) Is authorized under State law to provide medical care; and

(d) Is staffed by professional personnel who are responsible to the institution for professional medical and nursing services. The services must include adequate and continual medical care and supervision by a physician; registered nurse or licensed practical nurse supervision and services and nurses' aid services, sufficient to meet nursing care needs; and a physician's guidance on the professional aspects of operating the institution.

Outpatient means a patient of an organized medical facility or distinct part of that facility who is expected by the facility to receive, and who does receive, professional services for less than a 24-hour period regardless of the hour of admission, whether or not a bed is used or whether or not the patient remains in the facility past midnight.

Patient means an individual who is receiving needed professional services that are directed by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts toward maintenance, improvement, or protection of health, or lessening of illness, disability, or pain.

Persons with related conditions means individuals who have a severe, chronic disability that meets all of the following conditions:

(a) It is attributable to—

(1) Cerebral palsy or epilepsy; or

(2) Any other condition, other than mental illness, found to be closely related to Intellectual Disability because this condition results in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of mentally retarded persons, and requires treatment or services similar to those required for these persons.

(b) It is manifested before the person reaches age 22.

(c) It is likely to continue indefinitely.

(d) It results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:

(1) Self-care.

(2) Understanding and use of language.

(3) Learning.

(4) Mobility.

(5) Self-direction.

(6) Capacity for independent living.

Public institution means an institution that is the responsibility of a governmental unit or over which a governmental unit exercises administrative control. The term “public institution” does not include—

(a) A medical institution as defined in this section;

(b) An intermediate care facility as defined in §§ 440.140 and 440.150 of this chapter;

(c) A publicly operated community residence that serves no more than 16 residents, as defined in this section; or

(d) A child-care institution as defined in this section with respect to—

(1) Children for whom foster care maintenance payments are made under title IV-E of the Act; and

(2) Children receiving AFDC—foster care under title IV-A of the Act.

Publicly operated community residence that serves no more than 16 residents is defined in 20 CFR 416.231(b)(6)(i). A summary of that definition is repeated here for the information of readers.

(a) In general, a publicly operated community residence means—

(1) It is publicly operated as defined in 20 CFR 416.231(b)(2).

(2) It is designed or has been changed to serve no more than 16 residents and it is serving no more than 16; and

(3) It provides some services beyond food and shelter such as social services, help with personal living activities, or training in socialization and life skills. Occasional medical or remedial care may also be provided as defined in 45 CFR 228.1; and

(b) A publicly operated community residence does not include the following facilities, even though they accommodate 16 or fewer residents:

(1) Residential facilities located on the grounds of, or immediately adjacent to, any large institution or multiple purpose complex.

(2) Educational or vocational training institutions that primarily provide an approved, accredited, or recognized program to individuals residing there.

(3) Correctional or holding facilities for individuals who are prisoners, have been arrested or detained pending disposition of charges, or are held under court order as material witnesses or juveniles.

(4) Hospitals, nursing facilities, and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 47 FR 28655, July 1, 1982; 47 FR 31532, July 20, 1982; 51 FR 19181, May 28, 1986; 52 FR 47934, Dec. 17, 1987; 53 FR 657, Jan. 11, 1988; 53 FR 20495, June 3, 1988; 56 FR 8854, Mar. 1, 1991; 56 FR 23022, May 20, 1991; 59 FR 56233, Nov. 10, 1994. Redesignated at 71 FR 39225, July 12, 2006]
§ 435.1011 - Requirement for mandatory State supplements.

(a) Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, FFP is not available in Medicaid expenditures in any quarter in which the State does not have in effect an agreement with the Secretary under section 212 of Pub. L. 93-66 (July 9, 1973) for minimum mandatory State supplements of the basic SSI benefit.

(b) This section does not apply to any State that meets the conditions of section 212(f) of Pub. L. 93-66.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978. Redesignated at 71 FR 39225, July 12, 2006]
§ 435.1012 - Requirement for maintenance of optional State supplement expenditures.

(a) This section applies to States that make optional State supplement payments under section 1616(a) of the Act and mandatory supplement payments under section 212(a) of Pub. L. 93-66.

(b) FFP in Medicaid expenditures is not available during any period in which the State does not have in effect an agreement with the Secretary under section 1618 of the Act to maintain its supplementary payments.

[43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 48609, Nov. 21, 1990. Redesignated at 71 FR 39225, July 12, 2006]
§ 435.1015 - FFP for premium assistance for plans in the individual market.

(a) FFP is available for payment of the costs of insurance premiums on behalf of an eligible individual for a health plan offered in the individual market that provides the individual with benefits for which the individual is covered under the State plan, subject to the following conditions:

(1) The insurer is obligated to pay primary to Medicaid for all health care items and services for which the insurer is legally and contractually responsible under the individual health plan, as required under part 433 subpart D of this chapter;

(2) The agency furnishes all benefits for which the individual is covered under the State plan that are not available through the individual health plan;

(3) The individual does not incur any cost sharing charges in excess of any amounts imposed by the agency under subpart A of part 447; and

(4) The total cost of purchasing such coverage, including administrative expenditures, the costs of paying all cost sharing charges in excess of the amounts imposed by the agency under subpart A of part 447, and the costs of providing benefits as required by (a)(2) of this section, must be comparable to the cost of providing direct coverage under the State plan.

(b) A State may not require an individual to receive benefits through premium assistance under this section, and a State must inform an individual that it is the individual's choice to receive either direct coverage under the Medicaid State plan or coverage through premium assistance for an individual health plan. A State must require that an individual who elects premium assistance obtain through the insurance coverage all benefits for which the insurer is responsible and must provide the individual with information on how to access any additional benefits and cost sharing assistance not provided by the insurer.

[78 FR 42303, July 15, 2013]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
source: 43 FR 45204, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 435.1003