Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 436.811 - Medically needy income standard: General requirements.

(a) To determine eligibility of medically needy individuals, the agency must use a single income standard for all covered medically needy groups that meets the requirements of this section.

(b) The income standard must take into account the number of persons in the assistance unit. The standard may not diminish by the number of persons in the unit (for example, if the income level in the standard for an assistance unit of two is set at $400, the income level in the standard for an assistance unit of three may not be less than $400).

(c) The income standard must be set at an amount that is no lower than the lowest income standard used on or after January 1, 1966, to determine eligibility under the cash assistance programs that are related to the State's covered medically needy group or groups of individuals under § 436.301.

(d) The income standard may vary based on the variations between shelter costs in urban areas and rural areas.

[58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 436.814 - Medically needy income standard: State plan requirements.

The State plan must specify the income standard for the covered medically needy groups.

[58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 436.800 - Scope.

This subpart prescribes financial requirements for determining the eligibility of medically needy individuals under subpart D of this part.

§ 436.831 - Income eligibility.

The agency must determine income eligibility of medically needy individuals in accordance with this section.

(a) Budget periods. (1) The agency must use budget periods of not more than 6 months to compute income. The agency may use more than one budget period.

(2) The agency must include in the budget period in which income is computed all or part of the 3-month retroactive period specified in § 435.914. The budget period can begin no earlier then the first month in the retroactive period in which the individual received covered services.

(3) If the agency elects to begin the first budget period for the medically needy in any month of the 3-month period prior to the date of application in which the applicant received covered services, this election applies to all medically needy groups.

(b) Determining countable income. The agency must, to determine countable income, deduct amounts that would be deducted in determining eligibility under the State's approved plan for OAA, AFDC, AB, APTD, or AABD.

(c) Eligibility based on countable income. If countable income determined under paragraph (b) of this section is equal to or less than the applicable income standard under § 436.814, the individual is eligible for Medicaid.

(d) Deduction of incurred medical expenses. If countable income exceeds the income standard, the agency must deduct from income medical expenses incurred by the individual or family or financially responsible relatives that are not subject to payment by a third party. An expense is incurred on the date liability for the expense arises. The agency must determine deductible incurred expenses in accordance with paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of this section and deduct those expenses in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section.

(e) Determination of deductible incurred expenses: Required deductions based on kinds of services. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section, in determining incurred medical expenses to be deducted from income, the agency must include the following:

(1) Expenses for Medicare and other health insurance premiums, and deductibles or coinsurance charges, including enrollment fees, copayments, or deductibles imposed under § 447.52, § 447.53, or § 447.54 of this chapter;

(2) Expenses incurred by the individual or family or financially responsible relatives for necessary medical and remedial services that are recognized under State law but not included in the plan;

(3) Expenses incurred by the individual or family or by financially responsible relatives for necessary medical and remedial services that are included in the plan, including those that exceed agency limitations on amount, duration or scope of services;

(f) Determination of deductible incurred expenses: Required deductions based on the age of bills. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section, in determining incurred medical expenses to be deducted from income, the agency must include the following:

(1) For the first budget period or periods that include only months before the month of application for medical assistance, expenses incurred during such period or periods, whether paid or unpaid, to the extent that the expenses have not been deducted previously in establishing eligibility;

(2) For the first prospective budget period that also includes any of the 3 months before the month of application for medical assistance, expenses incurred during such budget period, whether paid or unpaid, to the extent that the expenses have not been deducted previously in establishing eligibility;

(3) For the first prospective budget period that includes none of the months preceding the month of application, expenses incurred during such budget period and any of the 3 preceding months, whether paid or unpaid, to the extent that the expenses have not been deducted previously in establishing eligibility;

(4) For any of the 3 months preceding the month of application that are not includable under paragraph (f)(2) of this section, expenses incurred in the 3-month period that were a current liability of the individual in any such month for which a spenddown calculation is made and that had not been previously deducted from income in establishing eligibility for medical assistance;

(5) Current payments (that is, payments made in the current budget period) on other expenses incurred before the current budget period and not previously deducted from income in any budget period in establishing eligibility for such period; and

(6) If the individual's eligibility for medical assistance was established in each such preceding period, expenses incurred before the current budget period but not previously deducted from income, to the extent that such expenses are unpaid and are:

(i) Described in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this section; and

(ii) Are carried over from the preceding budget period or periods because the individual had a spenddown liability in each such preceding period that was met without deducting all such incurred, unpaid expenses.

(g) Determination of deductible incurred medical expenses: Optional deductions. In determining incurred medical expenses to be deducted from income, the agency—

(1) May include medical institutional expenses (other than expenses in acute care facilities) projected to the end of the budget period at the Medicaid reimbursement rate;

(2) May include expenses for services that the agency has determined are reasonably constant and predictable, including but not limited to, services identified in a person-centered service plan developed pursuant to § 441.301(b)(1)(i), § 441.468(a)(1), § 441.540(b)(5), or § 441.725 of this chapter and expenses for prescription drugs, projected to the end of the budget period at the Medicaid reimbursement rate;

(3) May, to the extent determined by the agency and specified in its approved plan, include expenses incurred earlier than the third month before the month of application; and

(4) May set reasonable limits on the amount to be deducted for expenses specified in paragraphs (e)(1), (e)(2), and (g)(2) of this section.

(h) Order of deduction. The agency must deduct incurred medical expenses that are deductible under paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) of this section, in the order prescribed under one of the following three options:

(1) Type of service. Under this option, the agency deducts expenses in the following order based on type of service:

(i) Cost-sharing expenses as specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(ii) Services not included in the State plan as specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

(iii) Services included in the State plan as specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section but that exceed agency limitations on amount, duration, or scope of services.

(iv) Services included in the State plan as specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section but that are within agency limitations on amount, duration, or scope of services.

(2) Chronological order by service date. Under this option, the agency deducts expenses in chronological order by the date each service is furnished, or in the case of insurance premiums, coinsurance, or deductibles charges the date such amounts are due. Expenses for services furnished on the same day may be deducted in any reasonable order established by the State.

(3) Chronological order by bill submission date. Under this option, the agency deducts expenses in chronological order by the date each bill is submitted to the agency by the individual. If more than one bill is submitted at one time, the agency must deduct the bills from income in the order prescribed in either paragraph (h)(1) or (h)(2) of this section.

(i) Eligibility based on incurred medical expenses. (1) Whether a State elects partial or full month coverage, an individual who is expected to contribute a portion of his or her income toward the costs of institutional care or home and community-based services under § 436.832 is eligible on the first day of the applicable budget (spenddown) period—

(i) If his or her spenddown liability is met after the first day of the budget period; and

(ii) If beginning eligibility after the first day of the budget period makes the individual's share of health care expenses under § 436.832 greater than the individual's contributable income determined under this section.

(2) At the end of the prospective period specified in paragraph (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section and any subsequent prospective period or, if earlier, when any significant change occurs, the agency must reconcile the projected amounts with the actual amounts incurred, or with changes in circumstances, to determine if the adjusted deduction of incurred expenses reduces income to the income standard.

(3) Except as provided in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, if agencies elect partial month coverage, an individual is eligible for Medicaid on the day that the deduction of incurred health care expenses (and of projected institutional expenses if the agency elects the option under paragraph (g)(1) of this section) reduces income to the income standard.

(4) Except as provided in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, if agencies elect full month coverage, an individual is eligible on the first day of the month in which spenddown liability is met.

(5) Expenses used to meet spenddown liability are not reimbursable under Medicaid. Therefore, to the extent necessary to prevent the transfer of an individual's spenddown liability to the Medicaid program, States must reduce the amount of provider charges that would otherwise be reimbursable under Medicaid.

[59 FR 1674, Jan. 12, 1994, as amended at 78 FR 42305, July 15, 2013; 89 FR 22873, Apr. 2, 2024]
§ 436.832 - Post-eligibility treatment of income of institutionalized individuals: Application of patient income to the cost of care.

(a) Basic rules. (1) The agency must reduce its payment to an institution, for services provided to an individual specified in paragraph (b) of this section, by the amount that remains after deducting the amounts specified in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section from the individual's total income.

(2) The individual's income must be determined in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(3) Medical expenses must be determined in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section.

(b) Applicability. This section applies to medically needy individuals in medical institutions and intermediate care facilities.

(c) Required deductions. The agency must deduct the following amounts, in the following order, from the individual's total income as determined under paragraph (e) of this section. Income that was disregarded in determining eligibility must be considered in this process.

(1) Personal needs allowance. A personal needs allowance that is reasonable in amount for clothing and other personal needs of the individual while in the institution. This protected personal needs allowance must be at least—

(i) $30 a month for an aged, blind, or disabled individual, including a child applying for Medicaid on the basis of blindness or disability;

(ii) $60 a month for an institutionalized couple if both spouses are aged, blind, or disabled and their income is considered available to each other in determining eligibility; and

(iii) For other individuals, a reasonable amount set by the agency, based on a reasonable difference in their personal needs from those of the aged, blind, or disabled.

(2) Maintenance needs of spouse. For an individual with only a spouse at home, an additional amount for the maintenance needs of the spouse. This amount must be based on a reasonable assessment of need but must not exceed the higher of—

(i) The amount of the highest need standard for an individual without income and resources under the State's approved plan for OAA, AFDC, AB, APTD, or AABD; or

(ii) The amount of the highest medically needy income standard for one person established under § 436.811.

(3) Maintenance needs of family. For an individual with a family at home, an additional amount for the maintenance needs of the family. This amount must—

(i) Be based on a reasonable assessment of their financial need;

(ii) Be adjusted for the number of family members living in the home; and

(iii) Not exceed the highest of the following need standards for a family of the same size:

(A) The standard used to determine eligibility under the State's Medicaid plan, as provided for in § 436.811.

(B) The standard used to determine eligibility under the State's approved AFDC plan.

(4) Expenses not subject to third party payment. Amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party, including—

(i) Medicare and other health insurance premiums, deductibles, or coinsurance charges; and

(ii) Necessary medical or remedial care recognized under State law but not covered under the State's Medicaid plan, subject to reasonable limits the agency may establish on amounts of these expenses.

(d) Optional deduction: Allowance for home maintenance. For single individuals and couples, an amount (in addition to the personal needs allowance) for maintenance of the individual's or couple's home if—

(1) The amount is deducted for not more than a 6-month period; and

(2) A physician has certified that either of the individuals is likely to return to the home within that period.

(e) Determination of income—(1) Option. In determining the amount of an individual's income to be used to reduce the agency's payment to the institution, the agency may use total income received or it may project total monthly income for a prospective period not to exceed 6 months.

(2) Basis for projection. The agency must base the projection on income received in the preceding period, not to exceed 6 months, and on income expected to be received.

(3) Adjustments. At the end of the prospective period specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, or when any significant change occurs, the agency must reconcile estimates with income received.

(f) Determination of medical expenses—(1) Option. In determining the amount of medical expenses to be deducted from an individual's income, the agency may deduct incurred medical expenses, or it may project medical expenses for a prospective period not to exceed 6 months.

(2) Basis for projection. The agency must base the estimate on medical expenses incurred in the preceding period, not to exceed 6 months, and medical expenses expected to be incurred.

(3) Adjustments. At the end of the prospective period specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, or when any significant change occurs, the agency must reconcile estimates with incurred medical expenses.

[45 FR 24888, Apr. 11, 1980, as amended at 46 FR 47991, Sept. 30, 1981; 48 FR 5735, Feb. 8, 1983; 53 FR 3597, Feb. 8, 1988; 56 FR 8851, 8854, Mar. 1, 1991; 58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 436.840 - Medically needy resource standard: General requirements.

(a) To determine eligibility of medically needy individuals, the Medicaid agency must use a single resource standard that is set at an amount that is no lower than the lowest resource standard used on or after January 1, 1966, to determine eligibility under the cash assistance programs that are related to the State's covered medically needy group or groups of individuals under § 436.301.

(b) The resource standard established under paragraph (a) of this section may not diminish by an increase in the number of persons in the assistance unit. For example, the resource level in the standard for an assistance unit of three may not be less than that set for an assistance unit of two.

[58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 436.843 - Medically needy resource standard: State plan requirements.

The State plan must specify the resource standard for the covered medically needy groups.

[58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 436.845 - Medically needy resource eligibility.

To determine eligibility on the basis of resources for medically needy individuals, the agency must—

(a) Consider only the individual's resources and those that are considered available to him under the financial responsibility requirements for relatives under § 436.602;

(b) Consider only resources available during the period for which income is computed under § 436.831(a);

(c) Deduct the value of resources that would be deducted in determining eligibility under the State's plan for OAA, AFDC, AB, APTD, or AABD or under the State's less restrictive financial methodology specified in the State Medicaid plan in accordance with § 436.601. In determining the amount of an individual's resources for Medicaid eligibility, States must count amounts of resources that otherwise would not be counted under the conditional eligibility provisions of the AFDC program.

(d) Apply the resource standards established under § 436.840.

[43 FR 45218, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 46 FR 47992, Sept. 30, 1981; 58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
authority: Sec. 1102 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302)
source: 43 FR 45218, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 436.811