Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 438.400 - Statutory basis, definitions, and applicability.

(a) Statutory basis. This subpart is based on the following statutory sections:

(1) Section 1902(a)(3) of the Act requires that a State plan provide an opportunity for a fair hearing to any person whose claim for assistance is denied or not acted upon promptly.

(2) Section 1902(a)(4) of the Act requires that the State plan provide for methods of administration that the Secretary finds necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan.

(3) Section 1932(b)(4) of the Act requires Medicaid managed care organizations to establish internal grievance procedures under which Medicaid enrollees, or providers acting on their behalf, may challenge the denial of coverage of, or payment for, medical assistance.

(4) Section 1859(f)(8)(B) of the Act requires that the Secretary, to the extent feasible, establish procedures unifying grievances and appeals procedures under sections 1852(f), 1852(g), 1902(a)(3), 1902(a)(5), and 1932(b)(4) of the Act for items and services provided, by specialized Medicare Advantage plans for special needs individuals described in section 1859(b)(6)(B)(ii), under Titles XVIII and XIX of the Act.

(b) Definitions. As used in this subpart, the following terms have the indicated meanings:

Adverse benefit determination means, in the case of an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, any of the following:

(1) The denial or limited authorization of a requested service, including determinations based on the type or level of service, requirements for medical necessity, appropriateness, setting, or effectiveness of a covered benefit.

(2) The reduction, suspension, or termination of a previously authorized service.

(3) The denial, in whole or in part, of payment for a service. A denial, in whole or in part, of a payment for a service solely because the claim does not meet the definition of a “clean claim” at § 447.45(b) of this chapter is not an adverse benefit determination.

(4) The failure to provide services in a timely manner, as defined by the State.

(5) The failure of an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP to act within the timeframes provided in § 438.408(b)(1) and (2) regarding the standard resolution of grievances and appeals.

(6) For a resident of a rural area with only one MCO, the denial of an enrollee's request to exercise his or her right, under § 438.52(b)(2)(ii), to obtain services outside the network.

(7) The denial of an enrollee's request to dispute a financial liability, including cost sharing, copayments, premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other enrollee financial liabilities.

Appeal means a review by an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP of an adverse benefit determination.

Grievance means an expression of dissatisfaction about any matter other than an adverse benefit determination. Grievances may include, but are not limited to, the quality of care or services provided, and aspects of interpersonal relationships such as rudeness of a provider or employee, or failure to respect the enrollee's rights regardless of whether remedial action is requested. Grievance includes an enrollee's right to dispute an extension of time proposed by the MCO, PIHP or PAHP to make an authorization decision.

Grievance and appeal system means the processes the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP implements to handle appeals of an adverse benefit determination and grievances, as well as the processes to collect and track information about them.

State fair hearing means the process set forth in subpart E of part 431 of this chapter.

(c) Applicability. (1) Subject to paragraph (c)(2) of this section, this subpart applies to the rating period for contracts with MCOs, PIHPs, and PAHPs beginning on or after July 1, 2017. Until that applicability date, States, MCOs, PIHPs, and PAHPs are required to continue to comply with subpart F contained in the 42 CFR parts 430 to 481, edition revised as of October 1, 2015.

(2) Provisions in this part affecting applicable integrated plans, as defined in § 422.561 of this chapter, are applicable no later than January 1, 2021.

[81 FR 27853, May 6, 2016, as amended at 84 FR 15844, Apr. 16, 2019; 85 FR 72842, Nov. 13, 2020]
§ 438.402 - General requirements.

(a) The grievance and appeal system. Each MCO, PIHP, and PAHP must have a grievance and appeal system in place for enrollees. Non-emergency medical transportation PAHPs, as defined in § 438.9, are not subject to this subpart F. For grievances and appeals at the plan level, an applicable integrated plan as defined in § 422.561 of this chapter is not subject to this subpart F, and is instead subject to the requirements of §§ 422.629 through 422.634 of this chapter. For appeals of integrated reconsiderations, applicable integrated plans are subject to § 438.408(f).

(b) Level of appeals. Each MCO, PIHP, and PAHP may have only one level of appeal for enrollees.

(c) Filing requirements—(1) Authority to file. (i) An enrollee may file a grievance and request an appeal with the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP. An enrollee may request a State fair hearing after receiving notice under § 438.408 that the adverse benefit determination is upheld.

(A) Deemed exhaustion of appeals processes. In the case of an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP that fails to adhere to the notice and timing requirements in § 438.408, the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's appeals process. The enrollee may initiate a State fair hearing.

(B) External medical review. The State may offer and arrange for an external medical review if the following conditions are met.

(1) The review must be at the enrollee's option and must not be required before or used as a deterrent to proceeding to the State fair hearing.

(2) The review must be independent of both the State and MCO, PIHP, or PAHP.

(3) The review must be offered without any cost to the enrollee.

(4) The review must not extend any of the timeframes specified in § 438.408 and must not disrupt the continuation of benefits in § 438.420.

(ii) If State law permits and with the written consent of the enrollee, a provider or an authorized representative may request an appeal or file a grievance, or request a State fair hearing, on behalf of an enrollee. When the term “enrollee” is used throughout subpart F of this part, it includes providers and authorized representatives consistent with this paragraph, with the exception that providers cannot request continuation of benefits as specified in § 438.420(b)(5).

(2) Timing—(i) Grievance. An enrollee may file a grievance with the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP at any time.

(ii) Appeal. Following receipt of a notification of an adverse benefit determination by an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, an enrollee has 60 calendar days from the date on the adverse benefit determination notice in which to file a request for an appeal to the managed care plan.

(3) Procedures—(i) Grievance. The enrollee may file a grievance either orally or in writing and, as determined by the State, either with the State or with the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP.

(ii) Appeal. The enrollee may request an appeal either orally or in writing.

[81 FR 27853, May 6, 2016, as amended at 84 FR 15844, Apr. 16, 2019; 85 FR 72842, Nov. 13, 2020]
§ 438.404 - Timely and adequate notice of adverse benefit determination.

(a) Notice. The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must give enrollees timely and adequate notice of an adverse benefit determination in writing consistent with the requirements below and in § 438.10.

(b) Content of notice. The notice must explain the following:

(1) The adverse benefit determination the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP has made or intends to make.

(2) The reasons for the adverse benefit determination, including the right of the enrollee to be provided upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to and copies of all documents, records, and other information relevant to the enrollee's adverse benefit determination. Such information includes medical necessity criteria, and any processes, strategies, or evidentiary standards used in setting coverage limits.

(3) The enrollee's right to request an appeal of the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's adverse benefit determination, including information on exhausting the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's one level of appeal described at § 438.402(b) and the right to request a State fair hearing consistent with § 438.402(c).

(4) The procedures for exercising the rights specified in this paragraph (b).

(5) The circumstances under which an appeal process can be expedited and how to request it.

(6) The enrollee's right to have benefits continue pending resolution of the appeal, how to request that benefits be continued, and the circumstances, consistent with state policy, under which the enrollee may be required to pay the costs of these services.

(c) Timing of notice. The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must mail the notice within the following timeframes:

(1) For termination, suspension, or reduction of previously authorized Medicaid-covered services, within the timeframes specified in §§ 431.211, 431.213, and 431.214 of this chapter.

(2) For denial of payment, at the time of any action affecting the claim.

(3) For standard service authorization decisions that deny or limit services, within the timeframe specified in § 438.210(d)(1).

(4) If the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP meets the criteria set forth for extending the timeframe for standard service authorization decisions consistent with § 438.210(d)(1)(ii), it must—

(i) Give the enrollee written notice of the reason for the decision to extend the timeframe and inform the enrollee of the right to file a grievance if he or she disagrees with that decision; and

(ii) Issue and carry out its determination as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires and no later than the date the extension expires.

(5) For service authorization decisions not reached within the timeframes specified in § 438.210(d) (which constitutes a denial and is thus an adverse benefit determination), on the date that the timeframes expire.

(6) For expedited service authorization decisions, within the timeframes specified in § 438.210(d)(2).

§ 438.406 - Handling of grievances and appeals.

(a) General requirements. In handling grievances and appeals, each MCO, PIHP, and PAHP must give enrollees any reasonable assistance in completing forms and taking other procedural steps related to a grievance or appeal. This includes, but is not limited to, auxiliary aids and services upon request, such as providing interpreter services and toll-free numbers that have adequate TTY/TTD and interpreter capability.

(b) Special requirements. An MCO's, PIHP's or PAHP's process for handling enrollee grievances and appeals of adverse benefit determinations must:

(1) Acknowledge receipt of each grievance and appeal.

(2) Ensure that the individuals who make decisions on grievances and appeals are individuals—

(i) Who were neither involved in any previous level of review or decision-making nor a subordinate of any such individual.

(ii) Who, if deciding any of the following, are individuals who have the appropriate clinical expertise, as determined by the State, in treating the enrollee's condition or disease.

(A) An appeal of a denial that is based on lack of medical necessity.

(B) A grievance regarding denial of expedited resolution of an appeal.

(C) A grievance or appeal that involves clinical issues.

(iii) Who take into account all comments, documents, records, and other information submitted by the enrollee or their representative without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the initial adverse benefit determination.

(3) Provide that oral inquiries seeking to appeal an adverse benefit determination are treated as appeals.

(4) Provide the enrollee a reasonable opportunity, in person and in writing, to present evidence and testimony and make legal and factual arguments. The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must inform the enrollee of the limited time available for this sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for appeals as specified in § 438.408(b) and (c) in the case of expedited resolution.

(5) Provide the enrollee and his or her representative the enrollee's case file, including medical records, other documents and records, and any new or additional evidence considered, relied upon, or generated by the MCO, PIHP or PAHP (or at the direction of the MCO, PIHP or PAHP) in connection with the appeal of the adverse benefit determination. This information must be provided free of charge and sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for appeals as specified in § 438.408(b) and (c).

(6) Include, as parties to the appeal—

(i) The enrollee and his or her representative; or

(ii) The legal representative of a deceased enrollee's estate.

[81 FR 27853, May 6, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 72842, Nov. 13, 2020]
§ 438.408 - Resolution and notification: Grievances and appeals.

(a) Basic rule. Each MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must resolve each grievance and appeal, and provide notice, as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires, within State-established timeframes that may not exceed the timeframes specified in this section.

(b) Specific timeframes—(1) Standard resolution of grievances. For standard resolution of a grievance and notice to the affected parties, the timeframe is established by the State but may not exceed 90 calendar days from the day the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP receives the grievance.

(2) Standard resolution of appeals. For standard resolution of an appeal and notice to the affected parties, the State must establish a timeframe that is no longer than 30 calendar days from the day the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP receives the appeal. This timeframe may be extended under paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) Expedited resolution of appeals. For expedited resolution of an appeal and notice to affected parties, the State must establish a timeframe that is no longer than 72 hours after the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP receives the appeal. This timeframe may be extended under paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Extension of timeframes. (1) The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP may extend the timeframes from paragraph (b) of this section by up to 14 calendar days if—

(i) The enrollee requests the extension; or

(ii) The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP shows (to the satisfaction of the State agency, upon its request) that there is need for additional information and how the delay is in the enrollee's interest.

(2) Requirements following extension. If the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP extends the timeframes not at the request of the enrollee, it must complete all of the following:

(i) Make reasonable efforts to give the enrollee prompt oral notice of the delay.

(ii) Within 2 calendar days give the enrollee written notice of the reason for the decision to extend the timeframe and inform the enrollee of the right to file a grievance if he or she disagrees with that decision.

(iii) Resolve the appeal as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires and no later than the date the extension expires.

(3) Deemed exhaustion of appeals processes. In the case of an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP that fails to adhere to the notice and timing requirements in this section, the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's appeals process. The enrollee may initiate a State fair hearing.

(d) Format of notice—(1) Grievances. The State must establish the method that an MCO, PIHP, and PAHP will use to notify an enrollee of the resolution of a grievance and ensure that such methods meet, at a minimum, the standards described at § 438.10.

(2) Appeals. (i) For all appeals, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must provide written notice of resolution in a format and language that, at a minimum, meet the standards described at § 438.10.

(ii) For notice of an expedited resolution, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must also make reasonable efforts to provide oral notice.

(e) Content of notice of appeal resolution. The written notice of the resolution must include the following:

(1) The results of the resolution process and the date it was completed.

(2) For appeals not resolved wholly in favor of the enrollees—

(i) The right to request a State fair hearing, and how to do so.

(ii) The right to request and receive benefits while the hearing is pending, and how to make the request.

(iii) That the enrollee may, consistent with state policy, be held liable for the cost of those benefits if the hearing decision upholds the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's adverse benefit determination.

(f) Requirements for State fair hearings—(1) Availability. An enrollee may request a State fair hearing only after receiving notice that the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP is upholding the adverse benefit determination.

(i) Deemed exhaustion of appeals processes. In the case of an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP that fails to adhere to the notice and timing requirements in § 438.408, the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's appeals process. The enrollee may initiate a State fair hearing.

(ii) External medical review. The State may offer and arrange for an external medical review if the following conditions are met.

(A) The review must be at the enrollee's option and must not be required before or used as a deterrent to proceeding to the State fair hearing.

(B) The review must be independent of both the State and MCO, PIHP, or PAHP.

(C) The review must be offered without any cost to the enrollee.

(D) The review must not extend any of the timeframes specified in § 438.408 and must not disrupt the continuation of benefits in § 438.420.

(2) State fair hearing. The enrollee must have no less than 90 calendar days and no more than 120 calendar days from the date of the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's notice of resolution to request a State fair hearing.

(3) Parties. The parties to the State fair hearing include the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, as well as the enrollee and his or her representative or the representative of a deceased enrollee's estate.

[81 FR 27853, May 6, 2016, as amended at 85 FR 72842, Nov. 13, 2020]
§ 438.410 - Expedited resolution of appeals.

(a) General rule. Each MCO, PIHP, and PAHP must establish and maintain an expedited review process for appeals, when the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP determines (for a request from the enrollee) or the provider indicates (in making the request on the enrollee's behalf or supporting the enrollee's request) that taking the time for a standard resolution could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, physical or mental health, or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function.

(b) Punitive action. The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must ensure that punitive action is not taken against a provider who requests an expedited resolution or supports an enrollee's appeal.

(c) Action following denial of a request for expedited resolution. If the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP denies a request for expedited resolution of an appeal, it must—

(1) Transfer the appeal to the timeframe for standard resolution in accordance with § 438.408(b)(2).

(2) Follow the requirements in § 438.408(c)(2).

§ 438.414 - Information about the grievance and appeal system to providers and subcontractors.

The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must provide information specified in § 438.10(g)(2)(xi) about the grievance and appeal system to all providers and subcontractors at the time they enter into a contract.

§ 438.416 - Recordkeeping requirements.

(a) The State must require MCOs, PIHPs, and PAHPs to maintain records of grievances and appeals and must review the information as part of its ongoing monitoring procedures, as well as for updates and revisions to the State quality strategy.

(b) The record of each grievance or appeal must contain, at a minimum, all of the following information:

(1) A general description of the reason for the appeal or grievance.

(2) The date received.

(3) The date of each review or, if applicable, review meeting.

(4) Resolution at each level of the appeal or grievance, if applicable.

(5) Date of resolution at each level, if applicable.

(6) Name of the covered person for whom the appeal or grievance was filed.

(c) The record must be accurately maintained in a manner accessible to the state and available upon request to CMS.

§ 438.420 - Continuation of benefits while the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP appeal and the State fair hearing are pending.

(a) Definition. As used in this section—

Timely files means files for continuation of benefits on or before the later of the following:

(i) Within 10 calendar days of the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP sending the notice of adverse benefit determination.

(ii) The intended effective date of the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's proposed adverse benefit determination.

(b) Continuation of benefits. The MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must continue the enrollee's benefits if all of the following occur:

(1) The enrollee files the request for an appeal timely in accordance with § 438.402(c)(1)(ii) and (c)(2)(ii);

(2) The appeal involves the termination, suspension, or reduction of previously authorized services;

(3) The services were ordered by an authorized provider;

(4) The period covered by the original authorization has not expired; and

(5) The enrollee timely files for continuation of benefits.

(c) Duration of continued or reinstated benefits. If, at the enrollee's request, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP continues or reinstates the enrollee's benefits while the appeal or state fair hearing is pending, the benefits must be continued until one of following occurs:

(1) The enrollee withdraws the appeal or request for state fair hearing.

(2) The enrollee fails to request a state fair hearing and continuation of benefits within 10 calendar days after the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP sends the notice of an adverse resolution to the enrollee's appeal under § 438.408(d)(2).

(3) A State fair hearing office issues a hearing decision adverse to the enrollee.

(d) Enrollee responsibility for services furnished while the appeal or state fair hearing is pending. If the final resolution of the appeal or state fair hearing is adverse to the enrollee, that is, upholds the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's adverse benefit determination, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP may, consistent with the state's usual policy on recoveries under § 431.230(b) of this chapter and as specified in the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's contract, recover the cost of services furnished to the enrollee while the appeal and state fair hearing was pending, to the extent that they were furnished solely because of the requirements of this section.

§ 438.424 - Effectuation of reversed appeal resolutions.

(a) Services not furnished while the appeal is pending. If the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, or the State fair hearing officer reverses a decision to deny, limit, or delay services that were not furnished while the appeal was pending, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP must authorize or provide the disputed services promptly and as expeditiously as the enrollee's health condition requires but no later than 72 hours from the date it receives notice reversing the determination.

(b) Services furnished while the appeal is pending. If the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, or the State fair hearing officer reverses a decision to deny authorization of services, and the enrollee received the disputed services while the appeal was pending, the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, or the State must pay for those services, in accordance with State policy and regulations.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
source: 67 FR 41095, June 14, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 438.400