Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 440.200 - Basis, purpose, and scope.

(a) This subpart implements the following statutory requirements—

(1) Section 1902(a)(10), regarding comparability of services for groups of beneficiaries, and the amount, duration, and scope of services described in section 1905(a) of the Act that the State plan must provide for beneficiaries;

(2) Section 1902(a)(22)(D), which provides for standards and methods to assure quality of services;

(3) Section 1903(v)(1), which provides that no payment may be made to a State under this section for medical assistance furnished to an alien who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law;

(4) Section 1903(v)(2) which provides that FFP will be available for services necessary to treat an emergency medical condition of an alien not described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section if that alien otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the State plan;

(5) Section 1907 on observance of religious beliefs;

(6) Section 1915 on exceptions to section 1902(a)(10) and waivers of other requirements of section 1902 of the Act; and

(7) Sections 245A(h), 210 and 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act which provide that certain aliens who are legalized may be eligible for Medicaid.

(b) The requirements and limits of this subpart apply for all services defined in subpart A of this part.

[55 FR 36822, Sept. 7, 1990]
§ 440.210 - Required services for the categorically needy.

(a) A State plan must specify that, at a minimum, categorically needy beneficiaries are furnished the following services:

(1) The services defined in §§ 440.10 through 440.50, 440.70, and (to the extent nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners are authorized to practice under State law or regulation) the services defined in §§ 440.165 and 440.166, respectively.

(2) Pregnancy-related services and services for other conditions that might complicate the pregnancy.

(i) Pregnancy-related services are those services that are necessary for the health of the pregnant woman and fetus, or that have become necessary as a result of the woman having been pregnant. These include, but are not limited to, prenatal care, delivery, postpartum care, and family planning services.

(ii) Services for other conditions that might complicate the pregnancy include those for diagnoses, illnesses, or medical conditions which might threaten the carrying of the fetus to full term or the safe delivery of the fetus; and

(3) For women who, while pregnant, applied for, were eligible for, and received Medicaid services under the plan, all services under the plan that are pregnancy-related for an extended postpartum period. The postpartum period begins on the last day of pregnancy and extends through the end of the month in which the 60-day period following termination of pregnancy ends.

(b) A State plan must specify that eligible aliens as defined in §§ 435.406(a) and 436.406(a) of this subchapter will receive at least the services provided in paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) A State plan must specify that aliens not defined in §§ 435.406(a) and 436.406(a) of this subchapter will only be provided the limited services specified in § 440.255.

[56 FR 24010, May 28, 1991, as amended at 60 FR 19862, Apr. 21, 1995]
§ 440.220 - Required services for the medically needy.

(a) A State plan that includes the medically needy must specify that the medically needy are provided, as a minimum, the following services:

(1) Prenatal care and delivery services for pregnant women.

(2) Ambulatory services, as defined in the State plan, for:

(i) Individuals under age 18; and

(ii) Groups of individuals entitled to institutional services.

(3) Home health services (§ 440.70) to any individual entitled to skilled nursing facility services.

(4) If the State plan includes services in an institution for mental diseases (§ 440.140 or § 440.160) or in an intermediate care facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (§ 440.150(c)) for any group of medically needy, either of the following sets of services to each of the medically needy groups:

(i) The services contained in §§ 440.10 through 440.50 and (to the extent nurse-midwives are authorized to practice under State law or regulation) § 440.165; or

(ii) The services contained in any seven of the sections in §§ 440.10 through 440.165.

(5) For women who, while pregnant, applied for, were eligible as medically needy for, and received Medicaid services under the plan, services under the plan that are pregnancy-related (as defined in § 440.210(a)(2)(i) of this subpart) for an extended postpartum period. The postpartum period begins on the last day of pregnancy and extends through the end of the month in which the 60-day period following termination of pregnancy ends.

(b) A State plan must specify that eligible aliens as defined in §§ 435.406(a) and 436.406(a) of this subchapter will receive at least the services provided in paragraphs (a)(4) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(c) A State plan must specify that aliens defined in §§ 435.406(b), 435.406(c), 436.406(b) and 436.406(c) of this subchapter will only be provided the limited services specified in § 440.255.

[56 FR 24011, May 28, 1991, as amended at 58 FR 4938, Jan. 19, 1993]
§ 440.225 - Optional services.

Any of the services defined in subpart A of this part that are not required under §§ 440.210 and 440.220 may be furnished under the State plan at the State's option.

[60 FR 19862, Apr. 21, 1995]
§ 440.230 - Sufficiency of amount, duration, and scope.

(a) The plan must specify the amount, duration, and scope of each service that it provides for—

(1) The categorically needy; and

(2) Each covered group of medically needy.

(b) Each service must be sufficient in amount, duration, and scope to reasonably achieve its purpose.

(c) The Medicaid agency may not arbitrarily deny or reduce the amount, duration, or scope of a required service under §§ 440.210 and 440.220 to an otherwise eligible beneficiary solely because of the diagnosis, type of illness, or condition.

(d) The agency may place appropriate limits on a service based on such criteria as medical necessity or on utilization control procedures.

(e) For prior authorization requests for items and services (excluding drugs, as defined in § 431.60(b)(6) of this chapter), the State Medicaid agency must—

(1) Beginning January 1, 2026, make prior authorization decisions within the following timeframes:

(i) For a standard determination, as expeditiously as a beneficiary's health condition requires, but in no case later than 7 calendar days after receiving the request, unless a shorter minimum timeframe is established under State law. The timeframe for standard authorization decisions can be extended by up to 14 calendar days if the beneficiary or provider requests an extension, or if the State agency determines that additional information from the provider is needed to make a decision.

(ii) For an expedited determination, as expeditiously as a beneficiary's health condition requires, but in no case later than 72 hours after receiving the request, unless a shorter minimum timeframe is established under State law.

(2) Provide the beneficiary with notice of the agency's prior authorization decision in accordance with § 435.917 of this chapter and provide fair hearing rights, including advance notice, in accordance with part 431, subpart E, of this chapter.

(3) Beginning in 2026, annually report prior authorization data, excluding data on drugs, as defined in § 431.60(b)(6) of this chapter, at the State level by March 31. The State must make the following data from the previous calendar year publicly accessible by posting them on its website:

(i) A list of all items and services that require prior authorization.

(ii) The percentage of standard prior authorization requests that were approved, aggregated for all items and services.

(iii) The percentage of standard prior authorization requests that were denied, aggregated for all items and services.

(iv) The percentage of standard prior authorization requests that were approved after appeal, aggregated for all items and services.

(v) The percentage of prior authorization requests for which the timeframe for review was extended, and the request was approved, aggregated for all items and services.

(vi) The percentage of expedited prior authorization requests that were approved, aggregated for all items and services.

(vii) The percentage of expedited prior authorization requests that were denied, aggregated for all items and services.

(viii) The average and median time that elapsed between the submission of a request and a determination by the State Medicaid agency, for standard prior authorizations, aggregated for all items and services.

(ix) The average and median time that elapsed between the submission of a request and a decision by the State Medicaid agency for expedited prior authorizations, aggregated for all items and services.

[46 FR 47993, Sept. 30, 1981, as amended at 89 FR 8981, Feb. 8, 2024]
§ 440.240 - Comparability of services for groups.

Except as limited in § 440.250—

(a) The plan must provide that the services available to any categorically needy beneficiary under the plan are not less in amount, duration, and scope than those services available to a medically needy beneficiary; and

(b) The plan must provide that the services available to any individual in the following groups are equal in amount, duration, and scope for all beneficiaries within the group:

(1) The categorically needy.

(2) A covered medically needy group.

[46 FR 47993, Sept. 30, 1981]
§ 440.250 - Limits on comparability of services.

(a) Skilled nursing facility services (§ 440.40(a)) may be limited to beneficiaries age 21 or older.

(b) Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment (§ 440.40(b)) must be limited to beneficiaries under age 21.

(c) Family planning services and supplies must be limited to beneficiaries of childbearing age, including minors who can be considered sexually active and who desire the services and supplies.

(d) If covered under the plan, services to beneficiaries in institutions for mental diseases (§ 440.140) must be limited to those age 65 or older.

(e) If covered under the plan, inpatient psychiatric services (§ 440.160) must be limited to beneficiaries under age 22 as specified in § 441.151(c) of this subchapter.

(f) If Medicare benefits under Part B of title XVIII are made available to beneficiaries through a buy-in agreement or payment of premiums, or part or all of the deductibles, cost sharing or similar charges, they may be limited to beneficiaries who are covered by the agreement or payment.

(g) If services in addition to those offered under the plan are made available under a contract between the agency or political subdivision and an organization providing comprehensive health services, those additional services may be limited to beneficiaries who reside in the geographic area served by the contracting organization and who elect to receive services from it.

(h) Ambulatory services for the medically needy (§ 440.220(a)(2)) may be limited to:

(1) Individuals under age 18; and

(2) Groups of individuals entitled to institutional services.

(i) Services provided under an exception to requirements allowed under § 431.54 may be limited as provided under that exception.

(j) If CMS has approved a waiver of Medicaid requirements under § 431.55, services may be limited as provided by the waiver.

(k) If the agency has been granted a waiver of the requirements of § 440.240 (Comparability of services) in order to provide for home or community-based services under § 440.180 or § 440.181, the services provided under the waiver need not be comparable for all individuals within a group.

(l) If the agency imposes cost sharing on beneficiaries in accordance with 447.53, the imposition of cost sharing on an individual who is not exempted by one of the conditions in section 447.53(b) shall not require the State to impose copayments on an individual who is eligible for such exemption.

(m) Eligible legalized aliens who are not in the exempt groups described in §§ 435.406(a) and 436.406(a), and considered categorically needy or medically needy must be furnished only emergency services (as defined in § 440.255), and services for pregnant women as defined in section 1916(a)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act for 5 years from the date the alien is granted lawful temporary resident status.

(n) Aliens who are not lawful permanent residents, permanently residing in the United States under color of law, or granted lawful status under section 245A, 210 or 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, who, otherwise meet the eligibility requirements of the State plan (except for receipt of AFDC, SSI or a State Supplementary payment) must be furnished only those services necessary to treat an emergency medical condition of the alien as defined in § 440.255(c).

(o) If the agency makes respiratory care services available under § 440.185, the services need not be made available in equal amount, duration, and scope to any individual not eligible for coverage under that section. However, the services must be made available in equal amount, duration, and scope to all individuals eligible for coverage under that section.

(p) A State may provide a greater amount, duration, or scope of services to pregnant women than it provides under its plan to other individuals who are eligible for Medicaid, under the following conditions:

(1) These services must be pregnancy-related or related to any other condition which may complicate pregnancy, as defined in § 440.210(a)(2) of this subpart; and

(2) These services must be provided in equal amount, duration, and scope to all pregnant women covered under the State plan.

(q) [Reserved]

(r) If specified in the plan, targeted case management services may be limited to the following:

(1) Certain geographic areas within a State, without regard to the statewide requirements in § 431.50 of this chapter.

(2) Targeted groups specified by the State.

[43 FR 45224, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 24889, Apr. 11, 1980; 46 FR 48541, Oct. 1, 1981; 48 FR 5735, Jan. 8, 1983; 51 FR 22041, June 17, 1986; 55 FR 36822, Sept. 7, 1990; 56 FR 24011, May 28, 1991; 57 FR 29156, June 30, 1992; 58 FR 4939, Jan. 19, 1993; 59 FR 37717, July 25, 1994; 72 FR 68092, Dec. 4, 2007]
§ 440.255 - Limited services available to certain aliens.

(a) FFP for services. FFP is available for services provided to aliens described in this section which are necessary to treat an emergency medical condition as defined in paragraphs (b)(1) and (c) or services for pregnant women described in paragraph (b)(2).

(b) Legalized aliens eligible only for emergency services and services for pregnant women. Aliens granted lawful temporary resident status, or lawful permanent resident status under sections 245A, 210 or 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, who are not in one of the exempt groups described in §§ 435.406(a)(3) and 436.406(a)(3) and who meet all other requirements for Medicaid will be eligible for the following services—

(1) Emergency services required after the sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in:

(i) Placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy;

(ii) Serious impairment to bodily functions; or

(iii) Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

(2) Services for pregnant women which are included in the approved State plan. These services include routine prenatal care, labor and delivery, and routine post-partum care. States, at their option, may provide additional plan services for the treatment of conditions which may complicate the pregnancy or delivery.

(c) Effective January 1, 1987, aliens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or permanently residing in the United States under the color of law must receive the services necessary to treat the condition defined in paragraph (1) of this section if—

(1) The alien has, after sudden onset, a medical condition (including emergency labor and delivery) manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in:

(i) Placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy;

(ii) Serious impairment to bodily functions; or

(iii) Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part, and

(2) The alien otherwise meets the requirements in §§ 435.406(c) and 436.406(c) of this subpart.

[55 FR 36823, Sept. 7, 1990; 56 FR 10807, Mar. 14, 1991]
§ 440.260 - Methods and standards to assure quality of services.

The plan must include a description of methods and standards used to assure that services are of high quality.

§ 440.262 - Access and cultural conditions.

The State must have methods to promote access and delivery of services in a culturally competent manner to all beneficiaries, including those with limited English proficiency, diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, disabilities, and regardless of sex which includes sex characteristics, including intersex traits; pregnancy or related conditions; sexual orientation; gender identity; and sex stereotypes. These methods must ensure that beneficiaries have access to covered services that are delivered in a manner that meets their individualized needs.

[89 FR 37692, May 6, 2024]
§ 440.270 - Religious objections.

(a) Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the agency may not require any individual to undergo any medical service, diagnosis, or treatment or to accept any other health service provided under the plan if the individual objects, or in the case of a child, a parent or guardian objects, on religious grounds.

(b) If a physical examination is necessary to establish eligibility based on disability or blindness, the agency may not find an individual eligible for Medicaid unless he undergoes the examination.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
source: 43 FR 45224, Sept. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 440.240