Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 457.300 - Basis, scope, and applicability.

(a) Statutory basis. This subpart interprets and implements—

(1) Section 2102 of the Act, which relates to eligibility standards and methodologies, coordination with other health insurance programs, and outreach and enrollment efforts to identify and enroll children who are eligible to participate in other public health insurance programs;

(2) Section 2105(c)(6)(B) of the Act, which relates to the prohibition against expenditures for child health assistance provided to children eligible for coverage under other Federal health care programs other than programs operated or financed by the Indian Health Service; and

(3) Section 2110(b) of the Act, which provides a definition of targeted low-income child.

(4) Section 2107(e)(1)(O) of the Affordable Care Act, which relates to coordination of CHIP with the Exchanges and the State Medicaid agency.

(5) Section 2107(e)(1)(F) of the Affordable Care Act, which relates to income determined based on modified adjusted gross income.

(b) Scope. This subpart sets forth the requirements relating to eligibility standards and to screening, application and enrollment procedures.

(c) Applicability. The requirements of this subpart apply to child health assistance provided under a separate child health program. Regulations relating to eligibility, screening, applications and enrollment that are applicable to a Medicaid expansion program are found at §§ 435.4, 435.229, 435.905 through 435.908, 435.1102, 435.940 through 435.958, 435.1200, 436.3, 436.229, and 436.1102 of this chapter.

[65 FR 33622, May 24, 2000, as amended at 77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.301 - Definitions and use of terms.

As used in this subpart—

Eligibility determination means an approval or denial of eligibility in accordance with § 457.340 as well as a renewal or termination of eligibility under § 457.343 of this subpart.

Family size is defined as provided in § 435.603(b) of this chapter.

Medicaid applicable income level means, for a child, the effective income level (expressed as a percentage of the Federal poverty level and converted to a modified adjusted gross income equivalent level in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary under section 1902(e)(14)(A) and (E) of the Act) specified under the policies of the State plan under title XIX of the Act as of March 31, 1997 for the child to be eligible for Medicaid under either section 1902(l)(2) or 1905(n)(2) of the Act, or under a section 1115 waiver authorized by the Secretary (taking into consideration any applicable income methodologies adopted under the authority of section 1902(r)(2) of the Act).

Non-applicant means an individual who is not seeking an eligibility determination for him or herself and is included in an applicant's or enrollee's household to determine eligibility for such applicant or enrollee.

Period of presumptive eligibility means a period that begins on the date on which a qualified entity determines that a child is presumptively eligible and ends with the earlier of—

(1) In the case of a child on whose behalf a separate child health program application has been filed, the day on which a decision is made on that application; or

(2) In the case of a child on whose behalf an application for the separate child health program has not been filed, the last day of the month following the month in which the determination of presumptive eligibility was made.

Presumptive income standard means the highest income eligibility standard established under the plan that is most likely to be used to establish eligibility of a child of the age involved.

Public agency means a State, county, city or other type of municipal agency, including a public school district, transportation district, irrigation district, or any other type of public entity.

Qualified entity means an entity that is determined by the State to be capable of making determinations of presumptive eligibility for children, and that—

(1) Furnishes health care items and services covered under the approved plan and is eligible to receive payments under the approved plan;

(2) Is authorized to determine eligibility of a child to participate in a Head Start program under the Head Start Act;

(3) Is authorized to determine eligibility of a child to receive child care services for which financial assistance is provided under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990;

(4) Is authorized to determine eligibility of an infant or child to receive assistance under the special nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC) under section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966;

(5) Is authorized to determine eligibility of a child for medical assistance under the Medicaid State plan, or eligibility of a child for child health assistance under the Children's Health Insurance Program;

(6) Is an elementary or secondary school, as defined in section 14101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 8801);

(7) Is an elementary or secondary school operated or supported by the Bureau of Indian Affairs;

(8) Is a State or Tribal child support enforcement agency;

(9) Is an organization that—

(i) Provides emergency food and shelter under a grant under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act;

(ii) Is a State or Tribal office or entity involved in enrollment in the program under this title, Part A of title IV, or title XXI; or

(iii) Determines eligibility for any assistance or benefits provided under any program of public or assisted housing that receives Federal funds, including the program under section 8 or any other section of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437) or under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.); and

(10) Any other entity the State so deems, as approved by the Secretary.

State health benefits plan means a health insurance coverage plan that is offered or organized by the State government on behalf of State employees or other public agency employees within the State. The term does not include a plan in which the State provides no contribution toward the cost of coverage and in which no State employees participate, or a plan that provides coverage only for a specific type of care, such as dental or vision care.

[66 FR 2675, Jan. 11, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 33823, June 25, 2001; 75 FR 48852, Aug. 11, 2010; 77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.305 - State plan provisions.

The State plan must include a description of—

(a) The standards, consistent with § 457.310 and § 457.320 of this subpart, and financial methodologies consistent with § 457.315 of this subpart used to determine the eligibility of children for coverage under the State plan.

(b) The State's policies governing enrollment and disenrollment; processes for screening applicants for and, if eligible, facilitating their enrollment in other insurance affordability programs; and processes for implementing waiting lists and enrollment caps (if any).

[77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.310 - Targeted low-income child.

(a) Definition. A targeted low-income child is a child who meets the standards set forth below and the eligibility standards established by the State under § 457.320.

(b) Standards. A targeted low-income child must meet the following standards:

(1) Financial need standard. A targeted low-income child:

(i) Has a household income, as determined in accordance with § 457.315 of this subpart, at or below 200 percent of the Federal poverty level for a family of the size involved;

(ii) Resides in a State with no Medicaid applicable income level;

(iii) Resides in a State that has a Medicaid applicable income level and has a household income that either—

(A) Exceeds the Medicaid applicable income level for the age of such child, but not by more than 50 percentage points; or

(B) Does not exceed the income level specified for such child to be eligible for medical assistance under policies of the State plan under title XIX on June 1, 1997.

(2) No other coverage standard. A targeted low-income child must not be—

(i) Found eligible or potentially eligible for Medicaid under policies of the State plan (determined through either the Medicaid application process or the screening process described at § 457.350), except for eligibility under § 435.214 of this chapter (related to coverage for family planning services);

(ii) Covered under a group health plan or under health insurance coverage, as defined in section 2791 of the Public Health Service Act, unless the plan or health insurance coverage program has been in operation since before July 1, 1997 and is administered by a State that receives no Federal funds for the program's operation. A child is not considered covered under a group health plan or health insurance coverage if the child does not have reasonable geographic access to care under that plan.

(3) For purposes of this section, policies of the State plan under title XIX plan include policies under a Statewide demonstration project under section 1115(a) of the Act other than a demonstration project that covered an expanded group of eligible children but that either—

(i) Did not provide inpatient hospital coverage; or

(ii) Limited eligibility to children previously enrolled in Medicaid, imposed premiums as a condition of initial or continued enrollment, and did not impose a general time limit on eligibility.

(c) Exclusions. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the following groups are excluded from the definition of targeted low-income children:

(1) Children eligible for certain State health benefits coverage. (i) A targeted low-income child may not be eligible for health benefits coverage under a State health benefits plan in the State on the basis of a family member's employment with a public agency, even if the family declines to accept the coverage.

(ii) A child is considered eligible for health benefits coverage under a State health benefits plan if a more than nominal contribution to the cost of health benefits coverage under a State health benefits plan is available from the State or public agency with respect to the child or would have been available from those sources on November 8, 1999. A contribution is considered more than nominal if the State or public agency makes a contribution toward the cost of an employee's dependent(s) that is $10 per family, per month, more than the State or public agency's contribution toward the cost of covering the employee only.

(2) Residents of an institution. A child must not be—

(i) An inmate of a public institution as defined at § 435.1010 of this chapter; or

(ii) A patient in an institution for mental diseases, as defined at § 435.1010 of this chapter, at the time of initial application or any redetermination of eligibility.

(d) A targeted low-income child must also include any child enrolled in Medicaid on December 31, 2013 who is determined to be ineligible for Medicaid as a result of the elimination of income disregards as specified under § 435.603(g) of this chapter, regardless of any other standards set forth in this section except those in paragraph (c) of this section. Such a child shall continue to be a targeted low-income child under this paragraph until the date of the child's next renewal under § 457.343 of this subpart.

[66 FR 2675, Jan. 11, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 39229, July 12, 2006; 77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012; 81 FR 86463, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.315 - Application of modified adjusted gross income and household definition.

(a) Effective January 1, 2014, the State must apply the financial methodologies set forth in paragraphs (b) through (i) of § 435.603 of this chapter in determining the financial eligibility of all individuals for CHIP. The exception to application of such methods for individuals for whom the State relies on a finding of income made by an Express Lane agency at § 435.603(j)(1) of this subpart also applies.

(b) In the case of determining ongoing eligibility for enrollees determined eligible for CHIP on or before December 31, 2013, application of the financial methodologies set forth in this section will not be applied until March 31, 2014 or the next regularly-scheduled renewal of eligibility for such individual under § 457.343, whichever is later.

[77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.320 - Other eligibility standards.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 39436, May 8, 2024.

(a) Eligibility standards. To the extent consistent with title XXI of the Act and except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the State plan may adopt eligibility standards for one or more groups of children related to—

(1) Geographic area(s) served by the plan;

(2) Age (up to, but not including, age 19);

(3) Income;

(4) Spenddowns;

(5) Residency, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section;

(6) Disability status, provided that such standards do not restrict eligibility;

(7) Access to, or coverage under, other health coverage; and

(8) Duration of eligibility, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) Prohibited eligibility standards. In establishing eligibility standards and methodologies, a State may not

(1) Cover children with a higher household income without covering children with a lower household income within any defined group of covered targeted low-income children;

(2) Deny eligibility based on a preexisting medical condition;

(3) Discriminate on the basis of diagnosis;

(4) Require any family member who is not requesting services to provide a social security number (including those family members whose income or resources might be used in making the child's eligibility determination);

(5) Exclude American Indian or Alaska Native children based on eligibility for, or access to, medical care funded by the Indian Health Service;

(6) Exclude individuals based on citizenship or nationality, to the extent that the children are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals or qualified aliens, (as defined at section 431 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, as amended by the BBA of 1997, except to the extent that section 403 of PRWORA precludes them from receiving Federal means-tested public benefits); or

(7) Violate any other Federal laws or regulations pertaining to eligibility for a separate child health program under title XXI.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Citizenship and immigration status. All individuals seeking coverage under a separate child health plan must make a declaration of United States citizenship or satisfactory immigration status. Such declaration may be made by an adult member of the individual's household, an authorized representative, as defined in § 435.923 of this chapter (referenced at § 457.340), or if the individual is a minor or incapacitated, someone acting responsibly for the individual provided that such individual attests to having knowledge of the individual's status.

(e) Residency. (1) Residency for a non-institutionalized child who is not a ward of the State must be determined in accordance with § 435.403(i) of this chapter.

(2) Residency for a targeted low-income pregnant woman defined at 2112 of the Act must be determined in accordance with § 435.403(h) of this chapter.

(3) A State may not—

(i) Impose a durational residency requirement;

(ii) Preclude the following individuals from declaring residence in a State—

(A) An institutionalized child who is not a ward of a State, if the State is the State of residence of the child's custodial parent or caretaker at the time of placement; or

(B) A child who is a ward of a State, regardless of where the child lives

(4) In cases of disputed residency, the State must follow the process described in § 435.403(m) of this chapter.

(f) Duration of eligibility. (1) The State may not impose a lifetime cap or other time limit on the eligibility of an individual applicant or enrollee, based on the length of time such applicant or enrollee has received benefits under the State's separate child health program.

(2) [Reserved]

[66 FR 2675, Jan. 11, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 33823, June 25, 2001, 77 FR 17214, Mar. 23, 2012; 81 FR 86463, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.330 - Application.

The State shall use the single, streamlined application used by the State in accordance with paragraph (b) of § 435.907 of this chapter, and otherwise comply with such section, except that the terms of § 435.907(c) of this chapter (relating to applicants seeking coverage on a basis other than modified adjusted gross income) do not apply.

[77 FR 17215, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.340 - Application for and enrollment in CHIP.

(a) Application and renewal assistance, availability of program information, and Web site. The terms of §§ 435.905, 435.906, 435.908, and 435.1200(f) of this chapter apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP.

(b) Use of Social Security number. The terms of §§ 435.910 and 435.907(e) of this chapter regarding the provision and use of Social Security Numbers and non-applicant information apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP.

(c) Notice of rights and responsibilities. A State must inform applicants at the time of application, in writing and orally if appropriate, about the application and eligibility requirements, the time frame for determining eligibility, and the right to review of eligibility determinations as described in § 457.1130.

(d) Timely determination and redetermination of eligibility. (1) The terms in § 435.912 of this chapter apply equally to CHIP, except that—

(i) The terms of § 435.912(c)(4)(ii), (c)(5)(iii), and (c)(6)(ii) of this chapter (relating to timelines for completing renewals and redeterminations when States must consider other bases of eligibility) do not apply; and

(ii) The standards for transferring electronic accounts to other insurance affordability programs are pursuant to § 457.350 and the standards for receiving applications from other insurance affordability programs are pursuant to § 457.348.

(2) In applying timeliness standards, the State must define “date of application” and must count each calendar day from the date of application to the day the agency provides notice of its eligibility decision.

(3) In the case of individuals subject to a period of uninsurance under this part, the state must identify and implement processes to facilitate enrollment of CHIP-eligible children who have satisfied a period of uninsurance (as described under § 457.805). To minimize burden on individuals, a state may not require a new application or information already provided by a family immediately preceding the beginning of a waiting period. States must also ensure that the proper safeguards are in place to prevent a disruption in coverage for children transitioning from coverage under another insurance affordability program after the completion of a period of uninsurance.

(e) Notice of eligibility determinations. The State must provide each applicant or enrollee with timely and adequate written notice of any decision affecting his or her eligibility, including an approval, denial or termination, or suspension of eligibility, consistent with §§ 457.315, 457.348, and 457.350. The notice must be written in plain language; and accessible to persons who are limited English proficient and individuals with disabilities, consistent with § 435.905(b) of this chapter and § 457.110.

(1) Content of eligibility notice. (i) Any notice of an approval of CHIP eligibility must include, but is not limited to, the following—

(A) The basis and effective date of eligibility;

(B) The circumstances under which the individual must report and procedures for reporting, any changes that may affect the individual's eligibility;

(C) Basic information on benefits and services and if applicable, any premiums, enrollment fees, and cost sharing required, and an explanation of how to receive additional detailed information on benefits and financial responsibilities; and

(D) Information on the enrollees' right and responsibilities, including the opportunity to request a review of matters described in § 457.1130.

(ii) Any notice of denial, termination, or suspension of CHIP eligibility must include, but is not limited to the following—

(A) The basis supporting the action and the effective date,

(B) Information on the individual's right to a review process, in accordance with § 457.1180;

(iii) In the case of a suspension or termination of eligibility, the State must provide sufficient notice to enable the child's parent or other caretaker to take any appropriate actions that may be required to allow coverage to continue without interruption.

(2) The State's responsibility to provide notice under this paragraph is satisfied by a combined eligibility notice, as defined in § 457.10, provided by an Exchange or other insurance affordability program in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section, except that, if the information described in paragraph (e)(1)(i)(C) of this section is not included in such combined eligibility notice, the State must provide the individual with a supplemental notice of such information, consistent with this section.

(f) Coordination of notices with other programs. The State must—

(1) Include in the agreement into which the State has entered under § 457.348(a) that, a combined eligibility notice, as defined in § 457.10, will be provided:

(i) To an individual, by the State agency administering a separate CHIP or the Medicaid agency, when a determination of CHIP eligibility is completed for such individual by the State agency administering Medicaid in accordance with § 457.348(e), or a determination of Medicaid eligibility is completed by the State in accordance with § 457.350(b)(1);

(ii) To the maximum extent feasible, to an individual who is not described in paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section but who is transferred between the State and another insurance affordability program in accordance with § 457.348 or § 457.350; and

(iii) To the maximum extent feasible, to multiple members of the same household included on the same application or renewal form.

(2) For individuals and other household members who will not receive a combined eligibility notice, include appropriate coordinated content, as defined in § 457.10, in any notice provided by the State in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(g) Effective date of eligibility. A State must specify a method for determining the effective date of eligibility for CHIP, which can be determined based on the date of application or through any other reasonable method that ensures coordinated transition of children between CHIP and other insurance affordability programs as family circumstances change and avoids gaps or overlaps in coverage.

[66 FR 2675, Jan. 11, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 33823, June 25, 2001; 77 FR 17215, Mar. 23, 2012; 78 FR 42312, July 15, 2013; 81 FR 86464, Nov. 30, 2016; 89 FR 22873, Apr. 2, 2024]
§ 457.342 - Continuous eligibility for children.

(a) A State may provide continuous eligibility for children under a separate CHIP in accordance with the terms of § 435.926 of this chapter, and subject to a child remaining ineligible for Medicaid, as required by section 2110(b)(1) of the Act and § 457.310 (related to the definition and standards for being a targeted low-income child) and the requirements of section 2102(b)(3) of the Act and § 457.350 (related to eligibility screening and enrollment).

(b) In addition to the reasons provided at § 435.926(d) of this chapter, a child may be terminated during the continuous eligibility period for failure to pay required premiums or enrollment fees required under the State plan, subject to the disenrollment protections afforded under section 2103(e)(3)(C) of the Act (related to premium grace periods) and § 457.570 (related to disenrollment protections).

[81 FR 86464, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.343 - Periodic renewal of CHIP eligibility.

The renewal procedures described in § 435.916 of this chapter apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP, except that the State shall verify information needed to renew CHIP eligibility in accordance with § 457.380 of this subpart, shall provide notice regarding the State's determination of renewed eligibility or termination in accordance with § 457.340(e) of this subpart and shall comply with the requirements set forth in § 457.350 of this subpart for screening individuals for other insurance affordability programs and transmitting such individuals' electronic account and other relevant information to the appropriate program.

[77 FR 17215, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.344 - Changes in circumstances.

(a) Procedures for reporting changes. The State must:

(1) Have procedures designed to ensure that enrollees understand the importance of making timely and accurate reports of changes in circumstances that may affect their eligibility; and

(2) Accept reports made under paragraph (a)(1) of this section and any other enrollee reported information through any of the modes permitted for submission of applications under § 435.907(a) of this chapter, as cross-referenced at § 457.330.

(b) State action on information about changes. Consistent with the requirements of § 457.380(f), the State must promptly redetermine eligibility between regularly scheduled renewals of eligibility required under § 457.343, whenever it has reliable information about a change in an enrollee's circumstances that may impact the enrollee's eligibility for CHIP, the amount of child or pregnancy-related health assistance for which the enrollee is eligible, or the enrollee's premiums or cost sharing charges. Such redetermination must be completed in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(1) The State must redetermine eligibility based on available information, if possible. When needed information is not available, the State must request such information from the enrollee in accordance with § 435.952(b) and (c) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.380(f).

(2) Prior to furnishing additional child or pregnancy-related assistance or lowering applicable premiums or cost sharing charges based on a reported change:

(i) If the change was reported by the enrollee, the State must verify the information in accordance with §§ 435.940 through 435.960 of this chapter and the State's verification plan as referenced in § 457.380.

(ii) If the change was provided by a third-party data source, the State may verify the information with the enrollee.

(3) If the State is unable to verify a reported change that would result in additional child or pregnancy-related health assistance or lower premiums or cost sharing, the State may not terminate the enrollee's coverage for failure to respond to the request to verify such change.

(4) Prior to taking an action subject to review, as defined in § 457.1130, based on information received from a third-party data source, the State must request information from the enrollee to verify or dispute the information received consistent with § 435.952(d) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.380(f).

(5) If the State determines that a reported change results in an action subject to review, the State must:

(i) Comply with the requirements at § 435.916(d)(2) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.343 (relating to determining potential eligibility for other insurance affordability programs), prior to terminating an enrollee's eligibility in accordance with this section.

(ii) Provide notice and State review rights, in accordance with the requirements of § 457.340(e), and subpart K of this part, prior to taking any action subject to review resulting from a change in an enrollee's circumstances.

(6) If the State has information about anticipated changes in an enrollee's circumstances that may affect his or her eligibility, it must initiate a determination of eligibility at the appropriate time based on such changes consistent with paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section and the requirements at § 435.912(c)(6) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.340(d)(1).

(c) Enrollee response times—(1) State requirements. The State must—

(i) Provide enrollees with at least 30 calendar days from the date the State sends the notice requesting the enrollee to provide the State with any additional information needed for the State to redetermine eligibility.

(ii) Allow enrollees to provide any requested information through any of the modes of submission specified in § 435.907(a) of this chapter, as referenced in § 457.330.

(2) Time standards for redetermining eligibility. The State must redetermine eligibility within the time standards described in § 435.912(c)(5) and (6) of this chapter, except in unusual circumstances, such as those as described in § 435.912(e) of this chapter, as referenced in § 457.340(d)(1); States must document the reason for delay in the individual's case record.

(d) Ninety-day reconsideration period. If an individual terminated for not returning requested information in accordance with this section subsequently submits the information within 90 calendar days after the date of termination, or a longer period elected by the State, the State must—

(1) Reconsider the individual's eligibility without requiring a new application in accordance with the timeliness standards described at § 435.912(c)(3) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.340(d)(1).

(2) Request additional information needed to determine eligibility and obtain a signature under penalty of perjury consistent with § 435.907(e) and (f) of this chapter respectively as referenced in § 457.330 if such information or signature is not available to the State or included in the information described in this paragraph (d).

(e) Scope of redeterminations following a change in circumstances. For redeterminations of eligibility for CHIP enrollees completed in accordance with this section—

(1) The State must limit any requests for additional information under this section to information relating to change in circumstances which may impact the enrollee's eligibility.

(2) If the State has enough information available to it to renew eligibility with respect to all eligibility criteria, the State may begin a new eligibility period under § 457.343.

(f) State action on updated address information—(1) Updated address information received from a third party. (i) The State must have a process in place to regularly obtain updated address information from reliable data sources and to act on such updated address information in accordance with paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section.

(ii) The State may establish a process to obtain updated address information from other third-party data sources and to act on such updated address information in accordance with paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this section.

(iii) For purposes of paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, reliable data sources include:

(A) Mail returned to the State by the United States Postal Service (USPS) with a forwarding address;

(B) The USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) database;

(C) The State's contracted MCOs, PIHPs, PAHPs, PCCMs, and PCCM entities as defined in § 457.10, provided the MCO, PIHP, PAHP, PCCM, or PCCM entity received the information directly from or verified it with the enrollee; and

(D) Other data sources identified by the State and approved by the Secretary.

(2) In-State address changes. The following actions are required when the State receives updated in-State address information for an enrollee.

(i) If the information is provided by a reliable data source described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, the State must—

(A) Accept the information as reliable;

(B) Update the enrollee's case record; and

(C) Notify the enrollee of the update.

(ii) If the information is provided by a data source not described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, the State must check the State's Medicaid Enterprise System (MES) and the most recent address information received from reliable data sources described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section to confirm the accuracy of the information.

(A) If the updated address information is confirmed, the State must accept the information as reliable in accordance with paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section.

(B) If the updated address information is not confirmed by the MES or a reliable data source, the State must make a good-faith effort, as described in paragraph (f)(5) of this section, to contact the enrollee to confirm the information.

(C) If the State is unable to confirm the updated address information, the State may not update the enrollee's address in the case record or terminate the enrollee's coverage for failure to respond to a request to confirm their address or State residency.

(3) Out-of-State address changes. The following actions are required when the State receives updated out-of-State address information for an enrollee through the processes described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

(i) The State must make a good-faith effort, as described in paragraph (f)(5) of this section, to contact the enrollee to confirm the information or obtain information on whether the enrollee continues to meet the State's residency requirement.

(ii) If the State is unable to confirm that the enrollee continues to meet State residency requirements, the State must provide advance notice of termination and individual's rights to a CHIP review consistent with § 457.340(e)(1).

(4) Whereabouts unknown. The following actions are required when enrollee mail is returned to the State with no forwarding address.

(i) The State must check the State's MES and the most recently available information from reliable data sources described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section for additional contact information. If updated in-State address information is available from such a reliable data source, then accept the information as reliable in accordance with paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section.

(ii) If updated address information cannot be obtained and confirmed as reliable in accordance with paragraph (f)(4)(i) of this section, the State must make a good-faith effort, as described in paragraph (f)(5) of this section, to contact the enrollee to obtain updated address information.

(iii) If the State is unable to identify and confirm the enrollee's address pursuant to paragraph (f)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section and the enrollee's whereabouts remain unknown, the State must take appropriate steps to move the enrollee to a fee-for-service delivery system, or to terminate or suspend the enrollee's coverage.

(A) If the State elects to terminate or suspend coverage in accordance with this paragraph (f)(4)(iii), the State must send notice to the enrollee's last known address or via electronic notification, in accordance with the enrollee's election under § 457.110, no later than the date of termination or suspension and provide notice of an individual's rights to a CHIP review in accordance with § 457.340(e).

(B) If whereabouts of an enrollee whose coverage was terminated or suspended in accordance with this paragraph (f)(4)(iii) become known within the enrollee's eligibility period, as defined in § 435.916(b) of this chapter as referenced in § 457.343, the State—

(1) Must reinstate coverage back to the date of termination without requiring the individual to provide additional information to verify their eligibility, unless the State has other information available to it that indicates the enrollee may not meet all eligibility requirements.

(2) May begin a new eligibility period consistent paragraph (e)(2) of this section, if the State has sufficient information available to it to renew eligibility with respect to all eligibility criteria without requiring additional information from the enrollee.

(5) A good-faith effort to contact an enrollee. (i) For purposes of this paragraph (f), a good-faith effort includes:

(A) At least two attempts to contact the enrollee;

(B) Use of two or more modalities (such as, mail, phone, email);

(C) A reasonable period of time between contact attempts; and

(D) At least 30 calendar days for the enrollee to respond to confirm updated address information, consistent with paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(ii) If the State does not have the information necessary to make at least two attempts to contact an enrollee through two or more modalities in accordance with paragraph (f)(5)(i) of this section, the State must make a note of that fact in the enrollee's case record.

[89 FR 22873, Apr. 2, 2024]
§ 457.348 - Determinations of Children's Health Insurance Program eligibility by other insurance affordability programs.

(a) Agreements with other insurance affordability programs. The State must enter into and, upon request, provide to the Secretary one or more agreements with an Exchange and the agencies administering other insurance affordability programs as are necessary to fulfill the requirements of this section, including a clear delineation of the responsibilities of each program to—

(1) Minimize burden on individuals seeking to obtain or renew eligibility or to appeal a determination of eligibility for one or more insurance affordability program;

(2) Ensure compliance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and § 457.350;

(3) Ensure prompt determination of eligibility and enrollment in the appropriate program without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(d), based on the date the application is submitted to any insurance affordability program, and

(4) Provide for a combined eligibility notice and coordination of notices with other insurance, consistent with § 457.340(f), and an opportunity for individuals to submit a joint review request, as defined in § 457.10, consistent with § 457.351.

(5) Provide for a combined appeals decision by an Exchange or Exchange appeals entity (or other insurance affordability program or appeals entity) for individuals who requested an appeal of an Exchange-related determination in accordance with 45 CFR part 155 subpart F (or of a determination related to another program) and an appeal of a denial of CHIP eligibility which is conducted by an Exchange or Exchange appeals entity (or other program or appeals entity) in accordance with the State plan.

(6) Seamlessly transition the enrollment of beneficiaries between CHIP and Medicaid when a beneficiary is determined eligible for one program by the agency administering the other.

(b) Provision of CHIP for individuals found eligible for CHIP by another insurance affordability program. (1) For each individual determined CHIP eligible in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the State must—

(i) Establish procedures to receive, via secure electronic interface, the electronic account containing the determination of CHIP eligibility and notify such program of the receipt of the electronic account;

(ii) Comply with the provisions of § 457.340 to the same extent as if the application had been submitted to the State; and

(iii) Maintain proper oversight of the eligibility determinations made by the other program.

(2) For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, individuals determined eligible for CHIP in this paragraph (b) include:

(i) Individuals determined eligible for CHIP by another insurance affordability program, including the Exchange, pursuant to an agreement between the State and the other insurance affordability program (including as a result of a decision made by the program or the program's appeal entity in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section); and

(ii) Individuals determined eligible for CHIP by the State Medicaid agency (including as the result of a decision made by the Medicaid appeals entity) in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(c) Transfer from other insurance affordability programs to CHIP. For individuals for whom another insurance affordability program has not made a determination of CHIP eligibility, but who have been screened as potentially CHIP eligible by such program (including as a result of a decision made by an Exchange or other program appeals entity), the State must—

(1) Accept, via secure electronic interface, the electronic account for the individual and notify such program of the receipt of the electronic account;

(2) Not request information or documentation from the individual in the individual's electronic account, or provided to the State by another insurance affordability program or appeals entity;

(3) Promptly and without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(g), determine the CHIP eligibility of the individual, in accordance with § 457.340, without requiring submission of another application and, for individuals determined not eligible for CHIP, comply with § 457.350(i) of this section;

(4) Accept any finding relating to a criterion of eligibility made by such program or appeals entity, without further verification, if such finding was made in accordance with policies and procedures which are the same as those applied by the State in accordance with § 457.380 or approved by it in the agreement described in paragraph (a) of this section; and

(5) Notify such program of the final determination of the individual's eligibility or ineligibility for CHIP.

(d) Certification of eligibility criteria. The State must certify for the Exchange and other insurance affordability programs the criteria applied in determining CHIP eligibility.

(e) CHIP determinations made by other insurance affordability programs. The State must accept a determination of eligibility for CHIP from the Medicaid agency in the State. In order to comply with the requirement in this paragraph (e), the agency may:

(1) Apply the same modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based methodologies in accordance with § 457.315, and verification policies and procedures in accordance with § 457.380 as those used by the Medicaid agency in accordance with §§ 435.940 through 435.956 of this chapter, such that the agency will accept any finding relating to a criterion of eligibility made by a Medicaid agency without further verification;

(2) Enter into an agreement under which the State delegates authority to the Medicaid agency to make final determinations of CHIP eligibility; or

(3) Adopt other procedures approved by the Secretary.

[77 FR 17215, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 78 FR 42312, July 15, 2013; 81 FR 86464, Nov. 30, 2016; 89 FR 22875, Apr. 2, 2024]
§ 457.350 - Eligibility screening and enrollment in other insurance affordability programs.

(a) State plan requirement. The State plan shall include a description of the coordinated eligibility and enrollment procedures used, at an initial and any follow-up eligibility determination, including any periodic redetermination, to ensure that:

(1) Only targeted low-income children are furnished CHIP coverage under the plan; and

(2) Enrollment is facilitated for applicants and enrollees found to be eligible or potentially eligible for other insurance affordability programs in accordance with this section.

(b) Evaluation of eligibility for other insurance affordability programs. (1) For individuals described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, promptly and without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(d), the State must:

(i) Determine eligibility for Medicaid on the basis of having household income at or below the applicable modified adjusted gross income standard, as defined in § 435.911(b) of this chapter (“MAGI-based Medicaid”); and

(ii) If unable to make a determination of eligibility for MAGI-based Medicaid, identify potential eligibility for other insurance affordability programs, including Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI, the Basic Health Program (BHP) in accordance with § 600.305(a) of this chapter, or insurance affordability programs available through the Exchange, as indicated by information provided on the application or renewal form provided by or on behalf of the beneficiary, including information obtained by the agency from other trusted electronic data sources.

(2) Individuals to whom paragraph (b)(1) of this section applies include:

(i) Any applicant who submits an application to the State which includes sufficient information to determine CHIP eligibility;

(ii) Any enrollee whose eligibility is being redetermined at renewal or due to a change in circumstance per § 457.343; and

(iii) Any enrollee whom the State determines is not eligible for CHIP, or who is determined not eligible for CHIP as a result of a review conducted in accordance with subpart K of this part.

(3) In determining eligibility for Medicaid as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the State must utilize the option the Medicaid agency has elected at § 435.1200(b)(4) of this chapter to accept determinations of MAGI-based Medicaid eligibility made by a separate CHIP, and which must be detailed in the agreement described at § 457.348(a).

(c) Income eligibility test. To determine eligibility as described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and to identify the individuals described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section who are potentially eligible for BHP or insurance affordability programs available through an Exchange, a State must apply the MAGI-based methodologies used to determine household income described in § 457.315 or such methodologies as are applied by such other programs.

(d) Individuals found eligible for Medicaid based on MAGI. For individuals identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the State must—

(1) Promptly and without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(d), transfer the individual's electronic account to the Medicaid agency via a secure electronic interface; and

(2) Except as provided in § 457.355, find the applicant ineligible for CHIP.

(e) Individuals potentially eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI. For individuals identified as potentially eligible for Medicaid on a non-MAGI basis, as described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, the State must—

(1) Promptly and without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(d), transfer the electronic account to the Medicaid agency via a secure electronic interface.

(2) Complete the determination of eligibility for CHIP in accordance with § 457.340 or evaluation for potential eligibility for other insurance affordability programs in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) Include in the notice of CHIP eligibility or ineligibility provided under § 457.340(e), as appropriate, coordinated content relating to—

(i) The transfer of the individual's electronic account to the Medicaid agency per paragraph (e)(1) of this section;

(ii) The transfer of the individual's account to another insurance affordability program in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, if applicable; and

(iii) The impact that an approval of Medicaid eligibility will have on the individual's eligibility for CHIP or another insurance affordability program, as appropriate.

(4) Disenroll the enrollee from CHIP if the State is notified in accordance with § 435.1200(d)(5) of this chapter that the applicant has been determined eligible for Medicaid.

(f) Children found ineligible for Medicaid based on MAGI, and potentially ineligible for Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI. If a State uses a screening procedure other than a full determination of Medicaid eligibility under all possible eligibility groups, and the screening process reveals that the child does not appear to be eligible for Medicaid, the State must provide the child's family with the following in writing:

(1) A statement that based on a limited review, the child does not appear eligible for Medicaid, but Medicaid eligibility can only be determined based on a full review of a Medicaid application under all Medicaid eligibility groups;

(2) Information about Medicaid eligibility rules, covered benefits, and restrictions on cost sharing; and

(3) Information about how and where to apply for Medicaid under all eligibility groups.

(4) The State will determine the written format and timing of the information regarding Medicaid eligibility, benefits, and the application process required under this paragraph (f).

(g) Individuals found potentially eligible for other insurance affordability programs. For individuals identified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section who have been identified as potentially eligible for BHP or insurance affordability programs available through the Exchange, the State must promptly and without undue delay, consistent with the timeliness standards established under § 457.340(d), transfer the electronic account to the other insurance affordability program via a secure electronic interface.

(h) Evaluation of eligibility for Exchange coverage. A State may enter into an arrangement with the Exchange for the entity that determines eligibility for CHIP to make determinations of eligibility for advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost sharing reductions, consistent with 45 CFR 155.110(a)(2).

(i) Waiting lists, enrollment caps and closed enrollment. The State must establish procedures to ensure that—

(1) The procedures developed in accordance with this section have been followed for each child applying for a separate child health program before placing the child on a waiting list or otherwise deferring action on the child's application for the separate child health program;

(2) Children placed on a waiting list or for whom action on their application is otherwise deferred are transferred to other insurance affordability programs in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section; and

(3) Families are informed that a child may be eligible for other insurance affordability programs, while the child is on a waiting list for a separate child health program or if circumstances change, for Medicaid.

[89 FR 22875, Apr. 2, 2024]
§ 457.351 - Coordination involving appeals entities for different insurance affordability programs.

(a) The terms of § 435.1200(g) of this chapter apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP. References to a “fair hearing” and “joint fair hearing request” in § 435.1200(g) of this chapter are treated as references to a “review” under subpart K of this part and to a “joint appeal request” as defined in § 457.10. Reference to “expedited review of a fair hearing request consistent with § 431.221(a)(1)(ii) of this chapter” is considered a reference to “expedited review of an eligibility or enrollment matter under § 457.1160(a)”. Reference to § 435.1200(b)(3), (c), (d) and (e) are treated as a reference to § 457.348(b), (c) and (d) and § 457.350(c), respectively.

(b) [Reserved]

[81 FR 86466, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.353 - Monitoring and evaluation of screening process.

States must establish a mechanism and monitor to evaluate the screen and enroll process described at § 457.350 of this subpart to ensure that children who are:

(a) Screened as potentially eligible for other insurance affordability programs are enrolled in such programs, if eligible; or

(b) Determined ineligible for other insurance affordability programs are enrolled in CHIP, if eligible.

[77 FR 17216, Mar. 23, 2012]
§ 457.355 - Presumptive eligibility for children.

The State may provide coverage under a separate child health program for children determined by a qualified entity to be presumptively eligible for the State's separate CHIP in the same manner and to the same extent as permitted under Medicaid under § 435.1101 and § 435.1102 of this chapter.

[81 FR 86466, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.360 - Deemed newborn children.

(a) Basis. This section implements section 2112(e) of the Act.

(b) Eligibility. (1) The State must provide CHIP to children from birth until the child's first birthday without application if—

(i) The child's mother was eligible for and received covered services for the date of the child's birth under the State plan as a targeted low-income pregnant woman in accordance with section 2112 of the Act; and

(ii) The child is not eligible for Medicaid under § 435.117 of this chapter.

(2)(i) The State may provide coverage under this section to children who are not eligible for Medicaid under § 435.117 from birth until the child's first birthday without application if the requirement in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section is met and if, for the date of the child's birth, the child's mother was eligible for and received covered services under—

(A) The State plan as a targeted low-income child;

(B) CHIP coverage in another State; or

(C) Coverage under the State's demonstration under section 1115 of the Act as a Medicaid or CHIP population.

(ii) For purposes of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the State may only elect the optional populations described if it elects to cover the corresponding optional populations in Medicaid under § 435.117(b)(2)(ii) of this chapter.

(3) The child is deemed to have applied and been determined eligible under the State's separate CHIP State plan effective as of the date of birth, and remains eligible regardless of changes in circumstances (except if the child dies or ceases to be a resident of the State or the child's representative requests a voluntary termination of the child's eligibility) until the child's first birthday.

(c) CHIP identification number. (1) The CHIP identification number of the mother serves as the child's identification number, and all claims for covered services provided to the child may be submitted and paid under such number, unless and until the State issues a separate identification number for the child.

(2) The State must issue a separate CHIP identification number for the child prior to the effective date of any termination of the mother's eligibility or prior to the date of the child's first birthday, whichever is sooner, except that the State must issue a separate CHIP identification number for the child if the mother was covered in another State at the time of birth.

[81 FR 86466, Nov. 30, 2016]
§ 457.370 - Alignment with Exchange initial open enrollment period.

The terms of § 435.1205 apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP, except that the State shall make available and accept the application described in § 457.330, shall accept electronic accounts as described in § 457.348, and furnish coverage in accordance with § 457.340.

[78 FR 42312, July 15, 2013]
§ 457.380 - Eligibility verification.

(a) General requirements. Except where law requires other procedures (such as for citizenship and immigration status information), the State may accept attestation of information needed to determine the eligibility of an individual for CHIP (either self-attestation by the individual or attestation by an adult who is in the applicant's household, as defined in § 435.603(f) of this subchapter, or family, as defined in section 36B(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, an authorized representative, or if the individual is a minor or incapacitated, someone acting responsibly for the individual) without requiring further information (including documentation) from the individual.

(b) Status as a citizen, national or a non-citizen. (1) Except for newborns identified in § 435.406(a)(1)(iii)(E) of this chapter, who are exempt from any requirement to verify citizenship, the agency must—

(i) Verify citizenship or immigration status in accordance with § 435.956(a) of this chapter, except that the reference to § 435.945(k) is read as a reference to paragraph (i) of this section; and

(ii) Provide a reasonable opportunity period to verify such status in accordance with § 435.956(a)(5) and (b) of this chapter and provide benefits during such reasonable opportunity period to individuals determined to be otherwise eligible for CHIP.

(2) [Reserved]

(c) State residents. If the State does not accept self-attestation of residency, the State must verify residency in accordance with § 435.956(c) of this chapter.

(d) Income. If the State does not accept self-attestation of income, the State must verify the income of an individual by using the data sources and following standards and procedures for verification of financial eligibility consistent with § 435.945(a), § 435.948 and § 435.952 of this chapter.

(e) Verification of other factors of eligibility. For eligibility requirements not described in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section, a State may adopt reasonable verification procedures, consistent with the requirements in § 435.952 of this chapter, except that the State must accept self-attestation of pregnancy unless the State has information that is not reasonably compatible with such attestation.

(f) Requesting information. The terms of § 435.952 of this chapter apply equally to the State in administering a separate CHIP.

(g) Electronic service. Except to the extent permitted under paragraph (i) of this section, to the extent that information sought under this section is available through the electronic service described in § 435.949 of this chapter, the State must obtain the information through that service.

(h) Interaction with program integrity requirements. Nothing in this section should be construed as limiting the State's program integrity measures or affecting the State's obligation to ensure that only eligible individuals receive benefits or its obligation to provide for methods of administration that are in the best interest of applicants and enrollees and are necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan.

(i) Flexibility in information collection and verification. Subject to approval by the Secretary, the State may modify the methods to be used for collection of information and verification of information as set forth in this section, provided that such alternative source will reduce the administrative costs and burdens on individuals and States while maximizing accuracy, minimizing delay, meeting applicable requirements relating to the confidentiality, disclosure, maintenance, or use of information, and promoting coordination with other insurance affordability programs.

(j) Verification plan. The State must develop, and update as modified, and submit to the Secretary, upon request, a verification plan describing the verification policies and procedures adopted by the State to implement the provisions set forth in this section in a format and manner prescribed by the Secretary.

[77 FR 17216, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 81 FR 86466, Nov. 30, 2016]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
source: 65 FR 33622, May 24, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 457.355