Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 510.400 - Quality measures and reporting.

(a) Reporting of quality measures. The following quality measures are used for public reporting, for determining whether a participant hospital is eligible for reconciliation payments under § 510.305(g), and whether a participant hospital is eligible for quality incentive payments under § 510.315(f) in the performance year or performance year subset:

(1) Hospital-level risk-standardized complication rate following elective primary total hip arthroplasty and/or total knee arthroplasty.

(2) Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey.

(b) Requirements for successful voluntary data submission of patient-reported outcomes and limited risk variable data. To be eligible to receive the additional points added to the composite quality score for successful voluntary data submission of patient-reported outcomes and limited risk variable data, as described in § 510.315(b)(4), participant hospitals must submit the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome and limited risk variable data requested by CMS related to the pre- and post-operative periods for elective primary total hip and/or total knee arthroplasty procedures. The data must be submitted within 60 days of the end of the most recent performance period and be accompanied by the patient-reported outcomes and limited risk variable data (eleven elements finalized) as outlined in § 510.315(b)(4).

(1) For each eligible procedure all eleven risk variable data elements are required to be submitted. The eleven risk variables are as follows:

(i) Date of birth.

(ii) Race.

(iii) Ethnicity.

(iv) Date of admission to anchor hospitalization.

(v) Date of eligible THA/TKA procedure.

(vi) Medicare Health Insurance Claim Number.

(vii) Body mass index.

(viii) Use of chronic (≥90 day) narcotics.

(ix) Total painful joint count.

(x) Quantified spinal pain.

(xi) Single Item Health Literacy Screening (SILS2) questionnaire.

(2) Hospitals must also submit the amount of requested THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes data required for each performance year or performance year subset of the model in order to be considered successful in submitting voluntary data.

(i) The amount of requested THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes data to submit, in order to be considered successful will increase each subsequent year of the model over the first 5 years of the model (with the exception of performance year subset 5.2, for which CMS will request the same amount of THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes data as performance year subset 5.1, updated to reflect the timeframe applicable to performance year subset 5.2).

(ii) A phase-in approach that determines the amount of requested THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes data to submit over performance years 1 through 4 and performance year subset 5.1 (with the exception of performance year subset 5.2, for which CMS will request the same amount of THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes as performance year subset 5.1, updated to reflect the timeframe applicable to performance year subset 5.2) of the model will be applied so that in year 1 successful submission of data would mean CMS received all requested THA/TKA patient-reported outcomes and limited risk variable data on both of the following:

(A) Greater than or equal to 50 percent of eligible procedures or greater than or equal to 50 eligible patients during the data collection period.

(B) Submission of requested THA/TKA PRO and limited risk variable data is completed within 60 days of the most recent performance period.

(3) For years 1 through 5 of the model an increasing amount of data is requested by CMS for each performance period as follows:

(i) Year 1 (2016). Submit pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥50% or ≥50 eligible procedures performed between July 1, 2016 and August 31, 2016, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(ii) Year 2 (2017). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥50% or ≥50 eligible procedures performed between July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥60% or ≥75 procedures performed between September 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(iii) Year 3 (2018). Submit—

(A) POST-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥60% or ≥75 procedures performed between September 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥70% or ≥100 procedures performed between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(iv) Year 4 (2019). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥70% or ≥100 procedures performed between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(v) Year 5 (subset 5.1, January 1, 2020-December 31, 2020). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(vi) Year 5 (subset 5.2, January 1, 2021-September 30, 2021). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021, unless CMS requests a more limited data set, in which case, submit all requested data elements.

(4) For years 6 through 8 of the model the following data are requested by CMS for each performance period as follows:

(i) Year 6 (October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥200 procedures performed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥300 procedures performed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

(ii) Year 7 (2023). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% or ≥300 procedures performed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥85% or ≥400 procedures performed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

(iii) Year 8 (2024). Submit—

(A) Post-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥85% or ≥400 procedures performed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023; and

(B) Pre-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥90% or ≥500 procedures performed between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

(c) Public reporting. CMS—

(1) Makes the quality measurement results calculated for the complication and patient survey quality measures described in paragraph (a) of this section for each participant hospital in each performance year publicly available on the CMS Web site in a form and manner as determined by CMS;

(2) Shares each participant hospital's quality metrics with the hospital prior to display on the Web site; and

(3) Does not publicly report the voluntary patient-reported outcomes and limited risk variable data during this model, but indicates whether a hospital has successfully submitted such data in accordance with § 510.400(b).

[80 FR 73540, Nov. 24, 2015, as amended at 82 FR 615, Jan. 3, 2017; 85 FR 71201, Nov. 6, 2020; 86 FR 23574, May 3, 2021; 86 FR 36229, July 9, 2021]
§ 510.405 - Beneficiary choice and beneficiary notification.

(a) Beneficiary choice. The CJR model does not restrict Medicare beneficiaries' ability to choose any Medicare enrolled provider or supplier, or any physician or practitioner who has opted out of Medicare.

(1) As part of discharge planning and referral, participant hospitals must provide a complete list of HHAs, SNFs, IRFs, or LTCHs that are participating in the Medicare program, and that serve the geographic area (as defined by the HHA) in which the patient resides, or in the case of a SNF, IRF, or LTCH, in the geographic area requested by the patient.

(i) This list must be presented to CJR beneficiaries for whom home health care, SNF, IRF, or LTCH services are medically necessary.

(ii) Participant hospitals must specify on the list those post-acute care providers on the list with whom they have a sharing arrangement.

(iii) Participant hospitals may recommend preferred providers and suppliers, consistent with applicable statutes and regulations.

(iv) Participant hospitals may not limit beneficiary choice to any list of providers or suppliers in any manner other than that permitted under applicable statutes and regulations.

(v) Participant hospitals must take into account patient and family preferences when they are expressed.

(2) Participant hospitals may not charge any CJR collaborator a fee to be included on any list of preferred providers or suppliers, nor may the participant hospital accept such payments.

(b) Required beneficiary notification—(1) Participant hospital beneficiary notification—(i) Notification to beneficiaries. Each participant hospital must provide written notification to any Medicare beneficiary that meets the criteria in § 510.205 of his or her inclusion in the CJR model.

(ii) Timing of notification. Prior to discharge from the anchor hospitalization, or prior to discharge from the anchor procedure, as applicable, the participant hospital must provide the CJR beneficiary with a participant hospital beneficiary notification as described in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section.

(iii) List of beneficaries receiving a notification. The participant hospital must be able to generate a list of all beneficiaries receiving such notification, including the date on which the notification was provided to the beneficiary, to CMS or its designee upon request.

(iv) Content of notification. The beneficiary notification must contain all of the following:

(A) A detailed explanation of the model and how it might be expected to affect the beneficiary's care.

(B) Notification that the beneficiary retains freedom of choice to choose providers and services.

(C) Explanation of how patients can access care records and claims data through an available patient portal, and how they can share access to their Blue Button® electronic health information with caregivers.

(D) A statement that all existing Medicare beneficiary protections continue to be available to the beneficiary. These include the ability to report concerns of substandard care to Quality Improvement Organizations or the 1-800-MEDICARE helpline.

(E) A list of the providers, suppliers, and ACOs with whom the CJR participant hospital has a sharing arrangement. This requirement may be fulfilled by the participant hospital including in the detailed notification a Web address where beneficiaries may access the list.

(2) CJR collaborator notice. A participant hospital must require every CJR collaborator to provide written notice to applicable CJR beneficiaries of the structure of the CJR model and the existence of its sharing arrangement with the participant hospital.

(i) With the exception of ACOs, PGPs, NPPGPs, and TGPs, a CJR participant hospital must require every CJR collaborator that furnishes an item or service to a CJR beneficiary during a CJR episode to provide written notice to the beneficiary of the structure of the model and the existence of the individual's or entity's sharing arrangement. The notice must be provided no later than the time at which the beneficiary first receives an item or service from the CJR collaborator during a CJR episode. In circumstances where, due to the patient's condition, it is not feasible to provide notification at such time, the notification must be provided to the beneficiary or his or her representative as soon as is reasonably practicable. The CJR collaborator must be able to generate a list of all beneficiaries who received such a notice, including the date on which the notice was provided to the beneficiary, to CMS upon request.

(ii) A participant hospital must require every PGP, NPPGP, or TGP that is a CJR collaborator where a member of the PGP, member of the NPPGP, or member of the TGP furnishes an item or service to a CJR beneficiary during a CJR episode to provide written notice to the beneficiary of the structure of the model and the existence of the entity's sharing arrangement. The notice must be provided no later than the time at which the beneficiary first receives an item or service from any member of the PGP, member of the NPPGP, or member of the TGP, and the required PGP, NPPGP, or TGP notice may be provided by that member respectively. In circumstances where, due to the patient's condition, it is not feasible to provide notice at such times, the notice must be provided to the beneficiary or his or her representative as soon as is reasonably practicable. The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must be able to generate a list of all beneficiaries who received such a notice, including the date on which the notice was provided to the beneficiary, to CMS upon request.

(iii) A participant hospital must require every ACO that is a CJR collaborator where an ACO participant or ACO provider/supplier furnishes an item or service to a CJR beneficiary during a CJR episode to provide written notice to the beneficiary of the structure of the model and the existence of the entity's sharing arrangement. The notice must be provided no later than the time at which the beneficiary first receives an item or service from any ACO participant or ACO provider/supplier and the required ACO notice may be provided by that ACO participant or ACO provider/supplier respectively. In circumstances where, due to the patient's condition, it is not feasible to provide notice at such times, the notice must be provided to the beneficiary or his or her representative as soon as is reasonably practicable. The ACO must be able to generate a list of all beneficiaries who received such a notice, including the date on which the notice was provided to the beneficiary, to CMS upon request.

(3) Discharge planning notice. A participant hospital must provide the beneficiary with a written notice of any potential financial liability associated with non-covered services recommended or presented as an option as part of discharge planning, no later than the time that the beneficiary discusses a particular post-acute care option or at the time the beneficiary is discharged from an anchor procedure or anchor hospitalization, whichever occurs earlier.

(i) If the participant hospital knows or should have known that the beneficiary is considering or has decided to receive a non-covered post-acute care service or other non-covered associated service or supply, the participant hospital must notify the beneficiary that the service would not be covered by Medicare.

(ii) If the participant hospital is discharging a beneficiary to a SNF prior to the occurrence of a 3-day hospital stay, and the beneficiary is being transferred to or is considering a SNF that would not qualify under the SNF 3-day waiver in § 510.610, the participant hospital must notify the beneficiary in accordance with paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section that the beneficiary will be responsible for payment for the services furnished by the SNF during that stay, except those services that would be covered by Medicare Part B during a non-covered inpatient SNF stay.

(4) Access to records and retention. Lists of beneficiaries that receive notifications or notices must be retained, and access provided to CMS, or its designees, in accordance with § 510.110.

[80 FR 73540, Nov. 24, 2015, as amended at 82 FR 616, Jan. 3, 2017; 86 FR 23574, May 3, 2021]
§ 510.410 - Compliance enforcement.

(a) General. Participant hospitals must comply with all of the requirements outlined in this part. Except as specifically noted in this part, the regulations under this part must not be construed to affect the payment, coverage, program integrity, or other requirements (such as those in parts 412 and 482 of this chapter) that apply to providers and suppliers under this chapter.

(b) Failure to comply. (1) CMS may take one or more of the remedial actions set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this section if a participant hospital or its related CJR collaborators, collaboration agents, or downstream collaboration agents—

(i) Fails to comply with any requirements of this part or is identified as noncompliant through monitoring by HHS (including CMS and OIG) of the CJR model, including but not limited to the following:

(A) Avoiding potentially high cost patients.

(B) Targeting potentially low cost patients.

(C) Failing to provide medically appropriate services or systematically engaging in the over or under delivery of appropriate care.

(D) Failing to provide beneficiaries with complete and accurate information, including required notices.

(E) Failing to allow beneficiary choice of medically necessary options, including non-surgical options.

(F) Failing to follow the requirements related to sharing arrangements.

(G) Failing to participate in CJR model-related evaluation activities conducted by CMS or its contractors or both.

(ii) Has signed a sharing arrangement, distribution arrangement, or downstream distribution arrangement that is noncompliant with the requirements of this part.

(iii) Takes any action that threatens the health or safety of patients;

(iv) Avoids at-risk Medicare beneficiaries, as this term is defined in § 425.20;

(v) Avoids patients on the basis of payer status;

(vi) Is subject to sanctions or final actions of an accrediting organization or federal, state, or local government agency that could lead to the inability to comply with the requirements and provisions of this part;

(vii) Takes any action that CMS determines for program integrity reasons is not in the best interests of the CJR model, or fails to take any action that CMS determines for program integrity reasons should have been taken to further the best interests of the CJR model;

(viii) Is subject to action by HHS (including OIG and CMS) or the Department of Justice to redress an allegation of fraud or significant misconduct, including intervening in a False Claims Act qui tam matter, issuing a pre-demand or demand letter under a civil sanction authority, or similar actions; or

(ix) Is subject to action involving violations of the physician self-referral law, civil monetary penalties law, federal anti-kickback statute, antitrust laws, or any other applicable Medicare laws, rules, or regulations that are relevant to the CJR model.

(2) Remedial actions include the following:

(i) Issuing a warning letter to the participant hospital.

(ii) Requiring the participant hospital to develop a corrective action plan, commonly referred to as a CAP.

(iii) Reducing or eliminating a participant hospital's reconciliation payment.

(iv) Requiring a participant hospital to terminate a sharing arrangement with a CJR collaborator and prohibiting further engagement in sharing arrangements with the participant hospital by that CJR collaborator.

(v) Terminating the participant hospital's participation in the CJR model. Where a participant is terminated from the CJR model, the participant hospital will remain liable for all negative NPRA generated from episodes of care that ended prior to termination.

(3) CMS may add a 25 percent penalty to a repayment amount on the participant hospital's reconciliation report if all of the following conditions are met:

(i) CMS has required a corrective action plan from a participant hospital;

(ii) The participant hospital owes a repayment amount to CMS; and

(iii) The participant hospital fails to timely comply with the corrective action plan or is noncompliant with the CJR model's requirements.

[80 FR 73540, Nov. 24, 2015, as amended at 82 FR 617, Jan. 3, 2017; 82 FR 57104, Dec. 1, 2017]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302,1315a,and
source: 80 FR 73540, Nov. 24, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 510.400