(a) General rules. (1) Any SMI enrollee is, subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in this part and in parts 405, 416 and 424 of this chapter, entitled to have payment made as specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) The services specified in paragraphs (b)(5) through (b)(14) of this section must be furnished by a facility that has in effect a provider agreement or other appropriate agreement to participate in Medicare.
(b) Specific rules. Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, Medicare Part B pays as follows:
(1) To the individual, or to a physician or other supplier on the individual's behalf, for medical and other health services furnished by the physician or other supplier.
(2) To a nonparticipating hospital on the individual's behalf for emergency outpatient services furnished by the hospital, in accordance with subpart G of part 424 of this chapter.
(3) To the individual, for emergency outpatient services furnished by a nonparticipating hospital, in accordance with § 424.53 of this chapter.
(4) To the individual, for physicians' services and ambulance services furnished outside the United States in accordance with § 424.53 of this chapter.
(5) To a provider on the individual's behalf for medical and other health services furnished by the provider (or by others under arrangements made with them by the provider).
(6) To a home health agency on the individual's behalf for home health services furnished by the home health agency.
(7) To a clinic, rehabilitation agency, or public health agency on the individual's behalf for outpatient physical therapy or speech pathology services furnished by the clinic or agency (or by others under arrangements made with them by the clinic or agency).
(8) To a rural health clinic or Federally qualified health center on the individual's behalf for rural health clinic or Federally qualified health center services furnished by the rural health clinic or Federally qualified health center, respectively.
(9) To an ambulatory surgical center (ASC) on the individual's behalf for covered ambulatory surgical center facility services that are furnished in connection with surgical procedures performed in an ASC, as provided in part 416 of this chapter.
(10) To a comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility (CORF) on the individual's behalf for comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility services furnished by the CORF.
(11) To a renal dialysis facility, on the individual's behalf, for institutional or home dialysis services, supplies, and equipment furnished by the facility.
(12) To a critical access hospital (CAH) on the individual's behalf for outpatient CAH services furnished by the CAH.
(13) To a community mental health center (CMHC) on the individual's behalf, for partial hospitalization services or intensive outpatient services furnished by the CMHC (or by others under arrangements made with them by the CMHC).
(14) To an SNF for services (other than those described in § 411.15(p)(2) of this chapter) that it furnishes to a resident (as defined in § 411.15(p)(3) of this chapter) of the SNF who is not in a covered Part A stay.
(15)(i) Prior to January 1, 2022, to the qualified employer of a physician assistant for professional services furnished by the physician assistant and for services and supplies provided incident to his or her services. Payment is made to the employer of a physician assistant regardless of whether the physician assistant furnishes services under a W-2, employer-employee employment relationship, or whether the physician assistant is an independent contractor who receives a 1099 reflecting the relationship. Both types of relationships must conform to the appropriate guidelines provided by the Internal Revenue Service. A qualified employer is not a group of physician assistants that incorporate to bill for their services. Payment is made only if no facility or other provider charges or is paid any amount for services furnished by a physician assistant.
(ii) Effective on or after January 1, 2022, payment is made to a physician assistant for professional services furnished by a physician assistant in all settings in both rural and nonrural areas and for services and supplies furnished incident to those services. Payment is made only if no facility or other provider charges, or is paid, any amount for the furnishing of professional services of the physician assistant.
(16) To a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist for professional services furnished by a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist in all settings in both rural and nonrural areas and for services and supplies furnished incident to those services. Payment is made only if no facility or other provider charges, or is paid, any amount for the furnishing of the professional services of the nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.
(17) To a clinical psychologist on the individual's behalf for clinical psychologist services and for services and supplies furnished as an incident to his or her services.
(18) To a clinical social worker on the individual's behalf for clinical social worker services.
(19) To a participating HHA, for home health services (including medical supplies described in section 1861(m)(5) of the Act, but excluding durable medical equipment to the extent provided for in such section) furnished to an individual who at the time the item or service is furnished is under a plan of care of an HHA (without regard to whether the item or service is furnished by the HHA directly, under arrangement with the HHA, or under any other contracting or consulting arrangement).
(20) To a certified nurse-midwife for professional services furnished by the certified nurse-midwife in all settings and for services and supplies furnished incident to those services. Payment is made only if no facility or other provider charges or is paid any amount for the furnishing of the professional services of the certified nurse-midwife.
(21) To a marriage and family therapist on the individual's behalf for marriage and family therapist services.
(22) To a mental health counselor on the individual's behalf for mental health counseling services.
[51 FR 41339, Nov. 14, 1986, as amended at 53 FR 6648, Mar. 2, 1988; 57 FR 24981, June 12, 1992; 58 FR 30668, May 26, 1993; 59 FR 6577, Feb. 11, 1994; 63 FR 20129, Apr. 23, 1998; 63 FR 26308, May 12, 1998; 63 FR 58909, Nov. 2, 1998; 65 FR 41211, July 3, 2000; 66 FR 39599, July 31, 2001; 75 FR 73615, Nov. 29, 2010; 86 FR 65667, Nov. 19, 2021; 88 FR 79529, Nov. 16, 2023; 88 FR 82179, Nov. 22, 2023]
(a) General provisions—(1) Exclusion from incurred expenses. As used in this section, “incurred expenses” are expenses incurred by an individual, during his or her coverage period, for covered Part B services, excluding the following:
(i) Expenses incurred for services for which the beneficiary is entitled to have payment made under Medicare Part A or would be so entitled except for the application of the Part A deductible and coinsurance requirements.
(ii) Expenses incurred in meeting the Part B blood deductible (§ 410.161).
(iii) In the case of services payable under a formula that takes into account reasonable charges, reasonable costs, customary charges, customary (insofar as reasonable) charges, charges related to reasonable costs, fair compensation, a pre-treatment prospective payment rate, or a standard overhead amount, or any combination of two or more of these factors, expenses in excess of any factor taken into account under that formula.
(iv) Expenses in excess of the outpatient mental health treatment limitation described in § 410.155.
(v) In the case of expenses incurred for outpatient physical therapy services including speech-language pathology services, the expenses excluded are from the incurred expenses under § 410.60(e). In the case of expenses incurred for outpatient occupational therapy including speech-language pathology services, the expenses excluded are from the incurred expenses under § 410.59(e).
(2) Other applicable provisions. Medicare Part B pays for incurred expenses the amounts specified in paragraphs (b) through (k) of this section, subject to the following:
(i) The principles and procedures for determining reasonable costs and reasonable charges and the conditions for Medicare payment, as set forth in parts 405 (subparts E and X), 413, and 424 of this chapter.
(ii) The Part B annual deductible (§ 410.160).
(iii) The special rules for payment to health maintenance organizations (HMOs), health care prepayment plans (HCPPs), and competitive medical plans (CMPs) that are set forth in part 417 of this chapter. (A prepayment organization that does not qualify as an HMO, CMP, or HCPP is paid in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section.)
(b) Basic rules for payment. Except as specified in paragraphs (c) through (h) and (m) and (n) of this section, Medicare Part B pays the following amounts:
(1) For services furnished by, or under arrangements made by, a provider other than a nominal charge provider, whichever of the following is less:
(i) 80 percent of the reasonable cost of the services.
(ii) The reasonable cost of, or the customary charges for, the services, whichever is less, minus 20 percent of the customary (insofar as reasonable) charges for the services.
(2) For services furnished by, or under arrangements made by, a nominal charge provider, 80 percent of fair compensation.
(3) For emergency outpatient hospital services furnished by a nonparticipating hospital that is eligible to receive payment for those services under subpart G of part 424 of this chapter, the amount specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(4) For services furnished by a person or an entity other than those specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section, 80 percent of the reasonable charges or 80 percent of the payment amount computed on any other payment basis for the services.
(c) Amount of payment: Home health services other than durable medical equipment (DME). For home health services other than DME furnished by, or under arrangements made by, a participating HHA, Medicare Part B pays the following amounts:
(1) For services furnished by an HHA that is a nominal charge provider, 100 percent of fair compensation.
(2) For services furnished by an HHA that is not a nominal charge provider, the lesser of the reasonable cost of the services and the customary charges for the services.
(d) Amount of payment: DME furnished as a home health service—(1) Basic rule. Except as specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section—
(i) For DME furnished by an HHA that is a nominal charge provider, Medicare Part B pays 80 percent of fair compensation.
(ii) For DME furnished by an HHA that is not a nominal charge provider, Medicare Part B pays the lesser of the following:
(A) 80 percent of the reasonable cost of the service.
(B) The reasonable cost of, or the customary charge for, the service, whichever is less, minus 20 percent of the customary (insofar as reasonable) charge for the service.
(2) Exception. If the DME is used DME purchased by or on behalf of the beneficiary at a price at least 25 percent less than the reasonable charge for new equipment—
(i) For used DME furnished by an HHA that is a nominal charge provider, Medicare Part B pays 100 percent of fair compensation.
(ii) For used DME furnished by an HHA that is not a nominal charge provider, Medicare Part B pays 100 percent of the reasonable cost of, or the customary charge for, the services, whichever is less.
(e) Amount of payment: Renal dialysis services, supplies, and equipment. Effective for services furnished on or after August 1, 1983, Medicare Part B pays for the institutional dialysis services specified in § 409.250 and the home dialysis services, supplies, and equipment specified in § 409.252, as follows:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, 80 percent of the per treatment prospective reimbursement rate established under § 413.170 of this chapter, for outpatient maintenance dialysis furnished by ESRD facilities approved in accordance with part 494 of this chapter.
(2) Exception. If a home dialysis patient elects to obtain home dialysis supplies or equipment (or both) from a party other than an approved ESRD facility, payment is in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(f) Amount of payment: Rural health clinic (RHC) and Federally qualified health center (FQHC) services. Medicare Part B pays, for services by a participating RHC or FQHC that is authorized to bill under the reasonable cost system, 80 percent of the costs determined under subpart X of part 405 of this chapter, to the extent those costs are reasonable and related to the cost of furnishing RHC or FQHC services or reasonable on the basis of other tests specified by CMS.
(g) Amount of payment: Used durable medical equipment furnished by otherthan an HHA. Medicare Part B pays the following amounts for used DME purchased by or on behalf of the beneficiary at a price at least 25 percent less than the reasonable charge for comparable new equipment:
(1) For used DME furnished by, or under arrangements made by, a nominal charge provider, 100 percent of fair compensation.
(2) For used DME furnished by or under arrangements made by a provider that is not a nominal charge provider, 100 percent of the reasonable cost of the service or the customary charge for the service, whichever is less.
(3) For used DME furnished by other than a provider, 100 percent of the reasonable charge.
(h) Amount of payment: Preventive vaccine administration. For the administration of the preventive vaccines described in paragraph (l)(1) of this section, as furnished by providers described in §§ 409.100 and 410.150 of this subchapter, Medicare Part B pays the following amounts, except as otherwise provided under this subchapter:
(1) Effective January 1, 2022, for administration of an influenza, hepatitis B or pneumococcal vaccine, $30 per dose.
(2) For the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine:
(i) Effective January 1, 2022, for administration of a COVID-19 vaccine, $40 per dose.
(ii) For services furnished on or after January 1 of the year following the year in which the Secretary ends the March 27, 2020 Emergency Use Authorization declaration for drugs and biologicals (issued at 85 FR 18250) pursuant to section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3), for administration of a COVID-19 vaccine, an amount equal to the amount that would be paid for the administration of a preventive vaccine described in paragraph (h)(1) of this section.
(3) Subject to conditions specified in this paragraph, in addition to the payment described in paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section, an additional payment for preventive vaccine administration in the patient's home:
(i) Effective January 1, 2022 for administration of a COVID-19 vaccine in the home, an additional payment of $35.50.
(ii) Effective January 1, 2024, for the administration of one or more of the preventive vaccines described in paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this section in the home, a payment equal to that of the payment in paragraph (h)(3)(i) of this section.
(iii) An additional payment for preventive vaccine administration in the home can be made if:
(A) The patient has difficulty leaving the home, or faces barriers to getting a vaccine in settings other than their home.
(B) The sole purpose of the visit is to administer one or more preventive vaccines.
(C) The home is not an institution that meets the requirements of sections 1861(e)(1), 1819(a)(1), or 1919(a)(1) of the Act, or §§ 409.42(a) of this subchapter.
(4) The payment amount for the administration of a preventive vaccine described in paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this section, and the additional payment for the administration of a preventive vaccine in the home as described in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, is adjusted to reflect geographic cost variations:
(i) For services furnished before January 1, 2023, using the Geographic Practice Cost Indices (GPCIs) established for the year, as described in section 1848(e)(1) of the Act and §§ 414.2 and 414.26 of this subchapter.
(ii) For services furnished on or after January 1, 2023, using the Geographic Adjustment Factor (GAF) established for the year as described in section 1848(e)(2) of the Act and §§ 414.2 and 414.26 of this subchapter.
(5) For services furnished on or after January 1, 2023, the payment amount for administration of a preventive vaccine described in paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this section, and the additional payment for the administration of a preventive vaccine in the home as described in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, is updated annually using the percentage change in the Medicare Economic Index (MEI), as described in section 1842(i)(3) of the Act and § 405.504(d) of this subchapter.
(i) Amount of payment: ASC facility services. (1) For ASC facility services furnished on or after July 1, 1987 and before January 1, 2008, in connection with the surgical procedures specified in part 416 of this chapter, Medicare Part B pays 80 percent of a standard overhead amount as specified in § 416.120(c) of this chapter, except that, for screening flexible sigmoidoscopies and screening colonoscopies, Part B coinsurance is 25 percent of the standard overhead amount and Medicare Part B pays 75 percent of the standard overhead amount.
(2) For ASC services furnished on or after January 1, 2008, in connection with the covered surgical procedures specified in § 416.166 of this subchapter, except as provided in paragraphs (i)(2)(i), (i)(2)(ii), and (l) of this section, Medicare Part B pays the lesser of 80 percent of the actual charge or 80 percent of the prospective payment amount, geographically adjusted, if applicable, as determined under Subpart F of Part 416 of this subchapter. Part B coinsurance is 20 percent of the actual charge or 20 percent of the prospective payment amount, geographically adjusted, if applicable
(i) If the limitation described in § 416.167(b)(3) of this subchapter applies, Medicare pays 80 percent of the amount determined under Subpart B of Part 414 of this subchapter and Part B coinsurance is 20 percent of the applicable payment amount, except as provided in paragraph (l) of this section.
(ii) Between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010, Medicare Part B pays 75 percent of the applicable payment amount for screening flexible sigmoidoscopies and screening colonoscopies, and Part B coinsurance is 25 percent of the applicable payment amount.
(j) Amount of payment: services of Federally funded health facilities prior to October 1, 1991. Medicare Part B pays 80 percent of charges related to the reasonable costs that a Federally funded health facility incurs in furnishing the services. See § 411.8(b)(6) of this chapter.
(k) Amount of payment: Outpatient CAH services. (1) Payment for CAH outpatient services is the reasonable cost of the CAH in providing these services, as determined in accordance with section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act, with § 413.70(b) and (c) of this chapter, and with the applicable principles of cost reimbursement in part 413 and in part 415 of this chapter.
(2) Payment for CAH outpatient services is subject to the applicable Medicare Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts, except as described in § 413.70(b)(2)(iii) of this chapter, with Part B coinsurance being calculated as 20 percent of the customary (insofar as reasonable) charges of the CAH for the services.
(l) Amount of payment: Preventive services. Except as provided otherwise in this paragraph, Medicare Part B pays 100 percent of the Medicare payment amount established under the applicable payment methodology for the service furnished by a provider or supplier for the following preventive services:
(1) Pneumococcal, influenza, hepatitis B, and COVID-19 vaccine and administration.
(2) Screening mammography.
(3) Screening pap tests and screening pelvic exam.
(4) Prostate cancer screening tests (excluding digital rectal examinations).
(5) Colorectal cancer screening tests (excluding barium enemas).
(i) For the colorectal cancer screening tests described in § 410.37(j), Medicare Part B pays at the specified percentage as follows:
(A) 80 percent for CY 2022.
(B) 85 percent for CY 2023 through 2026.
(C) 90 percent for 2027 through 2029.
(D) 100 percent beginning January 1, 2030.
(ii) [Reserved]
(6) Bone mass measurement.
(7) Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) services.
(8) Cardiovascular screening blood tests.
(9) Diabetes screening tests.
(10) Ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
(11) Additional preventive services identified for coverage through the national coverage determination (NCD) process.
(12) Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE).
(13) Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), providing Personalized Prevention Plan Services (PPPS).
(m) Amount of payment: Rebatable drugs. In the case of a rebatable drug (as defined in section 1847A(i)(2)(A) of the Act), including a selected drug (as defined in section 1192(c) of the Act), furnished by providers on or after April 1, 2023, in a calendar quarter during which the payment amount for such drug as specified in section 1847A(i)(3)(A)(ii)(I)(aa) or (bb), as applicable, exceeds the inflation-adjusted amount (as defined in section 1847A(i)(3)(C) of the Act) for such drug, Medicare Part B pays, subject to the deductible, the difference between the allowed payment amount determined under section 1847A of the Act and 20 percent of the inflation-adjusted amount, which is applied as a percent to the payment amount for such calendar quarter.
(n) Amount of payment: Insulin furnished through an item of durable medical equipment. For insulin furnished on or after July 1, 2023 through an item of durable medical equipment (as defined in § 414.202), Medicare Part B pays the difference between the applicable payment amount for such insulin and the coinsurance amount, with the coinsurance amount not to exceed $35 for a month's supply.
(o) Amount of payment: Drugs covered as additional preventive services (DCAPS). For a drug covered as an additional preventive service, as defined at § 410.64, payment must be made as follows:
(1) Payment for a drug covered as an additional preventive service, per section 1861(a)(1)(W)(ii) of the Act and paragraphs (l)(11) of this section and § 410.160(b)(13), is 100 percent of the lesser of—
(i) The actual charge on the claim for program benefits; or
(ii) The amount determined under the fee schedule as described in paragraph (o)(3) of this section.
(2) Payment for the supplying or administration of a drug covered as an additional preventive service per section 1861(a)(1)(W)(ii) of the Act and paragraphs (l)(11) of this section and § 410.160(b)(13), is 100 percent of the lesser of—
(i) The actual charge on the claim for program benefits; or
(ii) The amount determined under the fee schedule as described in paragraph (o)(4) of this section.
(3) The payment limit for a drug covered as an additional preventive service, as defined at § 410.64, appears on the DCAPS fee schedule and is determined as follows:
(i) If Average Sales Price (ASP) data is available for the drug, consistent with part 414, subpart J, of this chapter, then the payment limit is determined using the methodology set forth in section 1847A of the Act and according to the provisions in part 414, subpart K, of this chapter.
(ii) If ASP data is not available, then the payment limit is determined according to the most recently published National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) prices for the drug and is the lesser of the median NADAC price of all generic forms of the drug or the lowest NADAC price brand name product.
(iii) If ASP data and NADAC prices are not available, then the payment limit is determined according to the most recently published pharmaceutical pricing data for the drug as included in the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), as managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs per 48 CFR part 38, and is the lesser of the median FSS price of all generic forms of the drug or the lowest FSS price brand name product.
(iv) If ASP data, NADAC prices, and FSS pharmaceutical prices are not available, then the payment limit is the invoice price determined by the MAC.
(4) The payment limits for supplying and administering a drug covered as an additional preventive service, as defined at § 410.64, appear on the DCAPS fee schedule and are determined as follows:
(i) For a drug that is supplied by a pharmacy, the payment limit for a supplying fee is as follows:
(A) For the first prescription that the pharmacy provides to a beneficiary in a 30-day period for a drug covered as an additional preventive service, $24.
(B) For all subsequent prescriptions that the pharmacy provides to a beneficiary in a 30-day period for a drug covered as an additional preventive service, $16.
(ii) For a drug that is administered by a physician or a non-physician practitioner, the payment limit for administration is set in accordance with part 414, subpart B, of this chapter. This fee is not subject to the Part B deductible, per § 410.160(b)(13). This fee is equal to 100 percent of the Medicare payment amount established under the applicable payment methodology, per paragraph (l)(11) of this section.
[51 FR 41339, Nov. 14, 1986; 52 FR 4499, Feb. 12, 1987]
Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 410.152, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.
(a) Limitation. For services subject to the limitation as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the percentage of the expenses incurred for such services during a calendar year that is considered incurred expenses under Medicare Part B when determining the amount of payment and deductible under § 410.152 and § 410.160 of this part, respectively, is as follows:
(1) For expenses incurred in years before 2010, 62
1/2 percent.
(2) For expenses incurred in 2010 and 2011, 68
3/4 percent.
(3) For expenses incurred in 2012, 75 percent.
(4) For expenses incurred in 2013, 81
1/4 percent.
(5) For expenses incurred in CY 2014 and subsequent years, 100 percent.
(b) Application of the limitation—(1) Services subject to the limitation. Except as specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, services furnished by physicians and other practitioners, whether furnished directly or incident to those practitioners' services, are subject to the limitation if they are furnished in connection with the treatment of a mental, psychoneurotic, or personality disorder (that is, any condition identified by a diagnosis code within the range of 290 through 319) and are furnished to an individual who is not an inpatient of a hospital:
(i) Services furnished by physicians and other practitioners, whether furnished directly or as an incident to those practitioners' services.
(ii) Services provided by a CORF.
(2) Services not subject to the limitation. Services not subject to the limitation include the following:
(i) Services furnished to a hospital inpatient.
(ii) Brief office visits for the sole purpose of monitoring or changing drug prescriptions used in the treatment of mental, psychoneurotic, or personality disorders billed under HCPCS code M0064 (or its successor).
(iii) Partial hospitalization services or intensive outpatient services not directly provided by a physician.
(iv) Psychiatric diagnostic services billed under CPT codes 90801 and 90802 (or successor codes) and diagnostic psychological and neuropsychological tests billed under CPT code range 96101 through 96125 (or successor codes) that are performed to establish a diagnosis.
(v) Medical management such as that furnished under CPT code 90862 (or its successor code), as opposed to psychotherapy, furnished to a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder.
(3) Payment amounts. The Medicare payment amount and the patient liability amounts for outpatient mental health services subject to the limitation for each year during which the limitation is phased out are as follows:
Calendar year
| Recognized incurred
| Patient pays
| Medicare pays
CY 2009 and prior calendar years | 62.50% | 50% | 50%
CYs 2010 and 2011 | 68.75% | 45% | 55%
CY 2012 | 75.00% | 40% | 60%
CY 2013 | 81.25% | 35% | 65%
CY 2014 | 100.00% | 20% | 80% |
(c) General formula. A general formula for calculating the amount of Medicare payment and the patient liability for outpatient mental health services subject to the limitation is as follows:
(1) Multiply the Medicare approved amount by the percentage of incurred expenses that is recognized as incurred expenses for Medicare payment purposes for the year involved;
(2) Subtract from this amount the amount of any remaining Part B deductible for the patient and year involved; and,
(3) Multiply this amount by 0.80 (80 percent) to obtain the Medicare payment amount.
(4) Subtract the Medicare payment amount from the Medicare-approved amount to obtain the patient liability amount.
[63 FR 20129, Apr. 23, 1998, as amended at 73 FR 69934, Nov. 19, 2008; 74 FR 62005, Nov. 25, 2009; 88 FR 82179, Nov. 22, 2023]
(a) Basic rule. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, incurred expenses (as defined in § 410.152) are subject to, and count toward meeting the annual deductible.
(b) Exceptions. Expenses incurred for the following services are not subject to the Part B annual deductible and do not count toward meeting that deductible:
(1) Home health services.
(2) Pneumococcal, influenza, and hepatitis b, and COVID-19 vaccines and their administration.
(3) Federally qualified health center services.
(4) ASC facility services furnished before July 1987 and physician services furnished before April 1988 that met the requirements for payment of 100 percent of the reasonable charges.
(5) Screening mammography services as described in § 410.34 (c) and (d).
(6) Screening pelvic examinations as described in § 410.56.
(7) Beginning January 1, 2007, colorectal cancer screening tests as described in § 410.37.
(8) Beginning January 1, 2011, for a surgical service, and beginning January 1, 2015, for an anesthesia service, furnished in connection with, as a result of, and in the same clinical encounter as a planned colorectal cancer screening test. A surgical or anesthesia service furnished in connection with, as a result of, and in the same clinical encounter as a colorectal cancer screening test means—a surgical or anesthesia service furnished on the same date as a planned colorectal cancer screening test as described in § 410.37.
(9) Beginning January 1, 2009, initial preventive physical examinations as described in § 410.16.
(10) Bone mass measurement.
(11) Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) services.
(12) Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), providing Personalized Prevention Plan Services (PPPS).
(13) Additional preventive services identified for coverage through the national coverage determination (NCD) process.
(c) Application of the Part B annual deductible. (1) Before payment is made under § 410.152, an individual's incurred expenses for the calendar year are reduced by the Part B annual deductible.
(2) The Part B annual deductible is applied to incurred expenses in the order in which claims for those expenses are processed by the Medicare program.
(3) Only one Part B annual deductible may be imposed for any calendar year and it may be met by any combination of expenses incurred in that year.
(d) Special rule for services reimbursable on a formula basis. (1) In applying the formula that takes into account reasonable costs, customary charges, and customary (insofar as reasonable) charges, and is used to determine payment for services furnished by a provider that is not a nominal charge provider, the Medicare intermediary takes the following steps:
(i) Reduces the customary charges for the services by an amount equal to any unmet portion of the deductible for the calendar year, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. (The amount of this reduction is considered to be the amount of the deductible that is met on the basis of the services to which it is applied.)
(ii) Determines 20 percent of any remaining portion of the customary (insofar as reasonable) charge.
(iii) Determines the lesser of the reasonable cost of the services and the customary charges for the services.
(iv) Reduces the amount determined under paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section by the sum of the reduction made under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section and the amount determined under parargaph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.
(v) Reduces the reasonable cost of the services by the amount of the reduction made under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section and multiplies the result by 80 percent.
(2) In accordance with § 410.152(b)(1), the amount payable is the amount determined under paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section, or the amount determined under paragraph (c)(1)(v) of this section, whichever is less.
(e) Special rule for services of an independent rural health clinic. Application of the Part B annual deductible to rural health clinic services is in accordance with § 405.2425(b)(2) of this chapter.
(f) Amount of the Part B annual deductible. (1) Beginning with expenses for services furnished during calendar year 2006, and for all succeeding years, the annual deductible is the previous year's deductible plus the annual percentage increase in the monthly actuarial rate for Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, rounded to the nearest dollar.
(2) For 2005, the deductible is $110.
(3) From 1991 through 2004, the deductible was $100.
(4) From 1982 through 1990, the deductible was $75.
(5) From 1973 through 1981, the deductible was $60.
(6) From 1966 through 1972, the deductible was $50.
(g) Carryover of Part B annual deductible. For calendar years before 1982, the Part B annual deductible was reduced by the amount of expenses incurred during the last quarter of the preceding year that was applied to meet the deductible for that preceding year. Example: If $20 of expenses incurred in November 1980 was used to meet the 1980 deductible, the 1981 deductible was reduced to $40 ($60-$20).
(h) Examples of application of the annual deductible. (1) Mr. A submitted claims for the following expenses incurred during 1982: $20 for services furnished in March by physician X; $30 for services furnished in April by physician Y; $50 for services furnished in June by physician Z, for a total of $100. The carrier determined that the charges as submitted were the reasonable charges. The first $75 of expenses for which claims were processed is applied to meet the $75 deductible for that year. Medicare Part B pays 80 percent of the remaining $25, or $20.
(2) Mr. B submitted a claim that included a $25 charge by a doctor for an examination to prescribe a hearing aid and an $80 charge for office surgery. This was the first claim relating to Mr. B's medical expenses processed in the calendar year. The carrier disallowed the $25 charge because the type of examination is not covered by Medicare. The carrier reduced the $80 surgery charge to a reasonable charge of $40. Only the $40 reasonable charge for covered services will count toward meeting Mr. B's deductible. Since the remainder of the surgery charge constitutes and excess over the reasonable charge, it cannot be applied to satisfy Mr. B's deductible.
(3) Mr. C became entitled to Medicare Part B benefits on July 1, 1982. He incurred expenses of $200 in July, August, and September. The carrier determined that the changes as submitted were reasonable. Even though Mr. C was entitled to benefits for only half the year, he must meet the full $75 deductible. Thus, $75 of this expense constitutes Mr. C's deductible. Medicare would pay $100, which is 80 percent of the remaining $125.
[51 FR 41339, Nov. 14, 1986, as amended at 56 FR 8842, 8852, Mar. 1, 1991; 57 FR 24981, June 12, 1992; 62 FR 59101, Oct. 31, 1997; 69 FR 66423, Nov. 15, 2004; 71 FR 69785, Dec. 1, 2006; 73 FR 69934, Nov. 19, 2008; 75 FR 73615, Nov. 29, 2010; 77 FR 69363, Nov. 16, 2012; 80 FR 71373, Nov. 16, 2015; 85 FR 71197, Nov. 6, 2020]