This subpart implements section 1834(r) of the Act by setting forth the principles and authorities under which CMS is authorized to establish a payment amount for renal dialysis services furnished to beneficiaries with an acute kidney injury in or under the supervision of an ESRD facility that meets the conditions of coverage in part 494 of this chapter and as defined in § 413.171.
For purposes of the subpart, the following definition applies:
Individual with acute kidney injury. The term individual with acute kidney injury means an individual who has acute loss of renal function and does not receive renal dialysis services for which payment is made under section 1881(b)(14) of the Act.
The amount of payment for AKI dialysis services shall be the base rate for renal dialysis services determined for such year under section 1881(b)(14), that is, the ESRD base rate as set forth in § 413.220, updated by the ESRD bundled market basket percentage increase factor minus a productivity adjustment as set forth in § 413.196(d)(1), adjusted for wages as set forth in § 413.231, and adjusted by any other amounts deemed appropriate by the Secretary under § 413.373.
(a) CMS applies the wage-adjusted add-on per treatment adjustment for home and self-dialysis training as set forth at § 413.235(c) to payments for AKI dialysis claims that include such training.
(b) The payment rate for AKI dialysis may be adjusted by the Secretary (on a budget neutral basis for payments under section 1834(r) of the Act) by any other adjustment factor under subparagraph (D) of section 1881(b)(14) of the Act.
[89 FR 89212, Nov. 12, 2024]
(a) The AKI dialysis payment rate applies to renal dialysis services (as defined in subparagraph (B) of section 1881(b)(14) of the Act) furnished under Part B by a renal dialysis facility or provider of services paid under section 1881(b)(14) of the Act, including home services, supplies, and equipment, and self-dialysis.
(b) Other items and services furnished to beneficiaries with AKI that are not considered to be renal dialysis services as defined in § 413.171, but that are related to their dialysis treatment as a result of their AKI, would be separately payable, that is, drugs, biologicals, laboratory services, and supplies that ESRD facilities are certified to furnish and that would otherwise be furnished to a beneficiary with AKI in a hospital outpatient setting.
[81 FR 77965, Nov. 4, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 89212, Nov. 12, 2024]
(a) Changes to the methodology for payment for renal dialysis services furnished to beneficiaries with AKI as well as any adjustments to the AKI payment rate other than wage index will be adopted through notice and comment rulemaking.
(b) Annual updates in the AKI dialysis payment rate as described in § 413.372 that do not include those changes described in paragraph (a) of this section are announced by notice published in the Federal Register without opportunity for public comment.
(c) Effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017, on an annual basis CMS updates the AKI dialysis payment rate.