Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 15, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 136.501 - Definitions.

Alternate resources means health care resources other than those of the Indian Health Service (IHS or Service). Such resources include health care providers and institutions, and health care programs for the payment of health services including but not limited to programs under title XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act (i.e., Medicare, Medicaid), State or local health care programs, and private insurance.

Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund (CHEF) means the fund established by Congress to reimburse extraordinary medical expenses incurred for catastrophic illnesses and disasters paid by a purchased/referred care (PRC) program of the IHS, whether such program is carried out by the IHS or an Indian Tribe or Tribal Organization under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA).

Catastrophic illness refers to a medical condition that is costly by virtue of the intensity and/or duration of its treatment. Examples of conditions that frequently require multiple hospital stays and extensive treatment are cancer, burns, premature births, cardiac disease, end-stage renal disease, strokes, trauma-related cases such as automobile accidents and gunshot wounds, and some mental disorders. The CHEF is intended to insulate the IHS and Tribal PRC operations from financial disruption caused by the intensity of expenses incurred as a result of high cost illnesses and/or disasters.

Disaster means a situation that poses a significant level of threat to life or health or causes loss of life or health stemming from events such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, catastrophic accidents, epidemics, fires, and explosions. The CHEF is intended to insulate the IHS and Tribal PRC operations from financial disruption caused by the intensity of expenses incurred as a result of high cost illnesses and/or disasters.

Episode of care means the period of consecutive days for a discrete health condition during which reasonable and necessary medical services related to the condition occur.

Purchased/referred care means any health service that is—

(1) Delivered based on a referral by, or at the expense of, an Indian health program; and

(2) Provided by a public or private medical provider or hospital which is not a provider or hospital of the Indian health program.

Service Unit means an administrative entity of the Service or a Tribal Health Program through which services are provided, directly or by contract, to eligible Indians within a defined geographic area.

Threshold cost means the annual designated amount above which incurred medical costs will be considered for the CHEF reimbursement after a review of the authorized expenses and diagnosis.

§ 136.502 - Purpose of this subpart.

The CHEF is authorized by section 202 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) [25 U.S.C. 1621a]. The CHEF is administered by the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (“the Secretary”) acting through the Headquarters of IHS, solely for the purpose of meeting extraordinary medical costs associated with treatment of victims of disasters or catastrophic illnesses who are within the responsibility of the Service. This subpart:

(a) Establishes definitions of terms governing the CHEF, including definitions of disasters and catastrophic illnesses for which the cost of treatment provided under contract would qualify for payment from the CHEF;

(b) Establishes a threshold level for reimbursement for the cost of treatment;

(c) Establishes procedures for reimbursement of the portion of the costs incurred by Service Units that exceeds such threshold costs, including procedures for when the exigencies of the medical circumstances warrant treatment prior to the authorization of such treatment by the Service; and

(d) Establishes procedures for reimbursements pending the outcome or payment by alternate resources.

§ 136.503 - Threshold cost.

A Service Unit shall not be eligible for reimbursement from the CHEF until its cost of treating any victim of a catastrophic illness or disaster for an episode of care has reached a certain threshold cost.

(a) The threshold cost shall be established at the level of $19,000 for fiscal year 2024.

(b) The threshold cost in subsequent years shall be calculated from the threshold cost of the previous year, increased by the percentage increase in the medical care expenditure category of the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (United States city average) for the 12-month period ending with December of the previous year. The revised threshold costs shall be published yearly in the Federal Register.

§ 136.504 - Reimbursement procedure.

Service Units whose scope of work and funding include the purchase of medical services from private or public vendors under PRC are eligible to participate. The CHEF payments shall be based only on valid PRC expenditures, including expenditures for exigent medical circumstances without prior PRC authorization. Reimbursement from the CHEF will not be made if applicable PRC requirements are not followed.

(a) Claim submission. Requests for reimbursement from the CHEF must be submitted to the appropriate IHS Area Office. Area PRC programs will review requests for reimbursement to ensure compliance with PRC requirements, including but not limited to: patient eligibility, medical necessity, notification requirements for emergent and non-emergent care, medical priorities, allowable expenditures, and eligibility for alternate resources. Following this review, Area PRC programs may provide Service Units an opportunity to submit missing information or to resubmit documents that are indecipherable. Area PRC programs will then forward all requests to the Division of Contract Care, along with any recommendations or observations from the Area PRC program regarding compliance with PRC or other CHEF requirements. The Division of Contract Care will adjudicate the claim based upon an independent review of the claim documentation, but it may consider any recommendations or observations from the Area PRC program.

(b) Content of claims. All claims submitted for reimbursement may be submitted electronically utilizing the secure IHS system(s) established for this purpose or may be submitted in paper form but must include:

(1) A fully completed Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund Reimbursement Request Form.

(2) A statement of the provider's charges on a form that complies with the format required for the submission of claims under title XVIII of the Social Security Act. For example, charges may be printed on forms such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 1500, UB-04 (formerly CMS-1450), American Dental Association (ADA) dental claim form, or National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) universal claim forms. The forms submitted for review must include specific appropriate diagnostic and procedure codes.

(3) An explanation of benefits or statement of payment identifying how much was paid to the provider by the Service Unit for the catastrophic illness or disaster. Payments to the patient or any other entity are ineligible for the CHEF reimbursement.

(4) The Division of Contract Care may request additional medical documentation describing the medical treatment or service provided, including but not limited to discharge summaries and/or medical progress notes. Cases may be submitted for 50% reimbursement of eligible expenses pending discharge summaries. Medical documentation must be received to close the CHEF case.

(c) Limitation of funds and reimbursement procedure. Because of the limitations of funds, full reimbursement cannot be guaranteed on all requests and will be based on the availability of funds at the time the IHS processes the claim. To the extent funds are available, the CHEF funds may not be used to cover the cost of services or treatment for which the funds were not approved. Unused funds, including but not limited to, funds unused due to overestimates, alternate resources, and cancellations must be returned to the CHEF.

§ 136.505 - Reimbursable services.

The costs of catastrophic illnesses and disasters for distinct episodes of care are eligible for reimbursement from the CHEF in accordance with the medical priorities of the Service. Only services that are related to a distinct episode of care will be eligible for reimbursement. Some of the services that may qualify for reimbursement from the fund are:

(a) Emergency treatment.

(b) Emergent and acute inpatient hospitalization.

(c) Ambulance services; air and ground (including patient escort travel costs).

(d) Attending and consultant physician.

(e) Functionally required reconstructive surgery.

(f) Prostheses and other related items.

(g) Reasonable rehabilitative therapy exclusive of custodial care not to exceed 30 days after discharge.

(h) Skilled nursing care when the patient is discharged from the acute process to a skilled nursing facility.

§ 136.506 - Alternate resources.

(a) Expenses paid by alternate resources are not eligible for payment by PRC or reimbursement by the CHEF. No payment shall be made from the CHEF to any Service Unit to the extent that the provider of services is eligible to receive payment for the treatment from any other Federal, State, local, or private source of reimbursement for which the patient is eligible. A patient shall be considered eligible for such resources and no payment shall be made from the CHEF if:

(1) The patient is eligible for alternate resources; or

(2) The patient would be eligible for alternate resources if he or she were to apply for them; or

(3) The patient would be eligible for alternate resources under Federal, State, or local law or regulation but for the patient's eligibility for PRC, or other health services, from the Indian Health Service or Indian Health Service funded programs.

(b) Patients are not required to expend personal resources for health services to meet alternate resource eligibility, nor are they required to sell valuables or property to become eligible for alternate resources.

(c) When a PRC program pays primary to (i.e., before) a Tribal self-insurance plan, this will not impact whether the PRC program's expenditures are eligible for reimbursement from the CHEF, as long as the Service Unit clearly demonstrates that the PRC program was responsible and did in fact assume that responsibility by making the payments at issue in the CHEF request.

(d) The determination of whether a resource constitutes an alternate resource for the purpose of the CHEF reimbursement shall be made by the Headquarters of the Indian Health Service, irrespective of whether the resource was determined to be an alternate resource at the time of PRC payment.

§ 136.507 - Program integrity.

All the CHEF records and documents will be subject to review by the respective IHS Area Office and by IHS Headquarters. Internal audits and administrative reviews may be conducted as necessary to ensure compliance with the regulations in this part and the CHEF policies.

§ 136.508 - Recovery of reimbursement funds.

In the event a Service Unit has been reimbursed from the CHEF for an episode of care and that same episode of care becomes eligible for and is paid by any Federal, State, local, or private source (including third party insurance) the Service Unit shall return all the CHEF funds received for that episode of care to the CHEF at the IHS Headquarters. These recovered CHEF funds will be used to reimburse other valid CHEF requests.

§ 136.509 - Reconsideration and appeals.

(a) Any Service Unit to whom payment from the CHEF is denied will be notified of the denial in writing together with a statement of the reason for the denial within 130 business days from receipt.

(b) If a decision on the CHEF case is not made by the CHEF Program Manager within 180 calendar days from receipt, the Service Unit that submitted the claim may choose to appeal it as a deemed denial.

(c) In order to seek review of a denial decision or deemed denial, the Service Unit must follow the procedures set forth in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Within 40 business days from the receipt of the denial provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the Service Unit may submit a request in writing for reconsideration of the original denial to the Division of Contract Care. The request for reconsideration must include, as applicable, corrections to the original claim submission necessary to overcome the denial; or a statement and supporting documentation establishing that the original denial was in error. If no additional information is submitted the original denial will stand. The Service Unit may also request a telephone conference with the Division of Contract Care, to further explain the materials submitted, which shall be scheduled within 40 business days from receipt of the request for review. A decision by the Division of Contract Care shall be made within 130 business days of the request for review. The Division of Contract Care Director, or designee, shall review the application de novo with no deference to the original decision maker or to the applicant.

(2) If the original decision is affirmed on reconsideration, the Service Unit will be notified in writing and advised that an appeal may be taken to the Director, Indian Health Service, within 40 business days of receipt of the denial. The appeal shall be in writing and shall set forth the grounds supporting the appeal. The Service Unit may also request a telephone conference through the Division of Contract Care, which shall be scheduled with the Director or a representative designated by the Director, to further explain the grounds supporting the appeal. A decision by the Director shall be made within 180 calendar days of the request for reconsideration. The decision of the Director, Indian Health Service or designee, shall constitute the final administrative action.

§ 136.510 - Severability.

If any provision of this subpart is held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, as applied to any person or circumstance, or stayed pending further agency action, the provision shall be construed to continue to give the maximum effect to the provision permitted by law, including as applied to those not similarly situated or to dissimilar circumstances. However, if such holding is that the provision of this subpart is invalid and unenforceable in all circumstances, the provision shall be severable from the remainder of this subpart and shall not affect the remainder thereof.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 2001 and 2003; 25 U.S.C. 13; and 25 U.S.C. 1621a.
cite as: 42 CFR 136.504