Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 31.1 - Meaning of terms.

As used in this part, the term:

(a) Act means the Public Health Service Act, approved July 1, 1944, 58 Stat. 682, as amended.

(b) Service means the Public Health Service.

(c) Surgeon General means the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service.

(d) Medical relief station means a first-, second-, third-, or fourth-class station of the Service.

(e) First-class stations means a hospital operated by the Service.

(f) Second-class station means a medical relief facility, other than a hospital of the Service, under the charge of a commissioned officer.

(g) Third-class station means a medical relief facility, other than a hospital of the Service, under the charge of a medical officer or employee of the Service other than a commissioned officer.

(h) Fourth-class station means a medical relief facility designated by the Surgeon General, other than a first-, second-, or third-class station.

(i) Designated physician means a physician holding an appointment to act regularly for the Service for a class or classes of specified beneficiaries at a place where there is no medical relief station.

(j) Designated dentist means a dentist holding an appointment to perform dental service for the Service for a class or classes of specified beneficiaries.

(k) Active duty means active duty status as distinguished from being on inactive status or retired and includes periods of authorized leave or liberty.

(l) Dependent members of families in the case of male personnel means the lawful wife, the unmarried children (including stepchildren or adopted children) under 21 years of age, and the father or mother if in fact dependent upon such son for his or her chief support; and in the case of female personnel, the unmarried children (including stepchildren or adopted children) under 21 years of age if their father is dead or they are in fact dependent on such mother for their chief support, the father or mother if in fact dependent upon such daughter for his or her chief support, and the husband if in fact dependent upon such wife for his chief support: Provided, however, That in the case of members of the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard the husbands of such members shall not be considered dependents.

(Sec. 215, 58 Stat. 690, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 216)
§ 31.2 - Persons entitled to treatment.

To the extent and under the circumstances prescribed in §§ 31.2 to 31.10, the following persons shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization by the Service:

(a) Coast Guard. (1) Commissioned officers, chief warrant officers, warrant officers, cadets, and enlisted personnel of the Regular Coast Guard, including those on shore duty and those on detached duty, whether on active duty or retired;

(2) Regular members of the Coast Guard Reserve when on active duty or when retired for disability;

(3) Temporary members of the Coast Guard Reserve when on active duty or in case of physical injury incurred or sickness or disease contracted while performing active Coast Guard duty;

(4) Members of the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard when on active duty or when retired for disability;

(5) Members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in case of physical injury incurred or sickness or disease contracted while performing active Coast Guard duty.

(b) National Ocean Survey. Commissioned officers, ships' officers, and members of the crews of vessels of the National Ocean Survey, including those on shore duty and those on detached duty whether on active duty or retired.

(c) Public Health Service. (1) Commissioned officers of the Regular Corps of the Service, whether on active duty or retired;

(2) Commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps of the Service when on active duty or when retired for disability.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.3 - Use of Service facilities.

Except as otherwise provided in §§ 31.3 to 31.10, the persons specified in § 31.2 shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization only at medical relief stations and by designated physicians and designated dentists, and the cost of services procured elsewhere shall not be borne by the Service.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.4 - Use of other than Service facilities.

(a) When a person specified in § 31.2 who is on active duty requires immediate medical, surgical, or dental treatment or hospitalization and the urgency of the situation does not permit treatment at a medical relief station or by a designated physician or designated dentist, an officer of the same service as the patient may arrange for treatment or hospitalization at the expense of the Service.

(b) When the circumstances are such that an officer of the same service as the patient is not available to make the necessary arrangements, the treatment or hospitalization may be obtained by or on behalf of the patient at the expense of the Service.

(c) In every case of treatment or hospitalization as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, the responsible superior officer of the patient shall be notified as promptly as possible and a full report shall be submitted by such officer to the Surgeon General through appropriate official channels. As soon as practicable, unless the interests of the patient or the Government require otherwise, treatment or hospitalization shall be continued at a medical relief station or by a designated physician or designated dentist or at another appropriate Federal medical facility.

(d) When the necessary medical relief cannot be obtained from a medical relief station or a designated physician or designated dentist, preference shall be given to other Federal medical facilities when reasonably available and when conditions permit.

(e) Vouchers on proper forms covering expenses for treatment or hospitalization under the circumstances specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall be forwarded to the Surgeon General through appropriate official channels. Each such voucher shall be accompanied by or contain a statement of the facts necessitating the treatment or hospitalization. Unreasonable charges for emergency treatment or hospitalization will not be allowed.

(f) Expenses for consultants or special services, or for dental treatment other than emergency measures to relieve pain, shall not be allowed except when authorized in advance by the headquarters of the Service or, in extraordinary cases, when subsequently approved by such headquarters upon receipt of report and satisfactory explanation as to the necessity and urgency therefor.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.5 - Application for treatment; active duty personnel.

(a) An applicant for medical relief who is on active duty shall furnish a certificate identifying him. Such certificate, in the case of Coast Guard personnel, shall be signed by an officer of the Coast Guard, and in the case of National Ocean Survey personnel, shall be signed by an officer of the National Ocean Survey. Commissioned officers of any of the services mentioned in § 31.2 and officers in charge of units may sign their own certificates. In an emergency, the officer in charge of a medical relief station, or a designated physician or designated dentist, may accept other evidence of status satisfactory to him.

(b) A temporary member of the Coast Guard Reserve except when on active duty or a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary shall, when applying for medical relief, furnish a statement signed by a responsible superior officer setting forth the facts and circumstances giving rise to the need for medical relief. In emergencies, such statement shall be furnished promptly after the member has received the immediately required care and treatment. Such statement shall be presumptive evidence of the facts stated, but if investigation indicates that the injury, sickness, or disease was not incurred or contracted in the manner stated, further treatment may be denied.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.6 - Personnel absent without leave.

No member of any of the services enumerated in § 31.2 shall be entitled when absent without leave to medical relief except at a medical relief station or by a designated physician or designated dentist.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.7 - Continuance of medical relief after loss of status.

If a member is separated from any of the services enumerated in § 31.2, except persons specified in § 31.2(a) (3) and (5) who shall be entitled to treatment after separation under the conditions set forth in such paragraphs, while undergoing treatment by the Service, his treatment shall be discontinued immediately unless the physician in charge determines that the condition of the patient does not permit interruption of treatment, in which case the treatment shall be discontinued as soon as practicable and the condition of the patient permits. At that time he shall be discharged from treatment and shall not thereafter be afforded medical relief by the Service by reason of his previous service.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.8 - Retired personnel; extent of treatment.

(a) A retired member of the Coast Guard, National Ocean Survey, or Public Health Service specified in § 31.2 shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization at medical relief stations of the first-, second-, and third-class, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of his status.

(b) Elective medical or surgical treatment requiring hospitalization shall be furnished only at hospitals operated by the Service.

(c) Dental treatment shall be furnished to the extent of available facilities only at medical relief stations where full-time dental officers are on duty; at other medical relief stations the dental treatment shall be limited to emergency measures necessary to relieve pain.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.9 - Dependent members of families; treatment.

To the extent and under the circumstances prescribed in this part, the Service shall provide medical advice and outpatient treatment at first-, second-, and third-class medical relief stations and hospitalization at first-class stations to the dependent members of families of the following persons:

(a) Coast Guard. Commissioned officers, chief warrant officers, warrant officers, cadets, and enlisted personnel of the Regular Coast Guard, including those on shore duty and those on detached duty, whether on active duty or retired; and regular members of the United States Coast Guard Reserve and members of the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard, when on active duty or when retired for disability.

(b) National Ocean Survey. Commissioned officers, ships' officers, and members of the crews of vessels of the United States National Ocean Survey, including those on shore duty and those on detached duty, whether on active duty or retired.

(c) Public Health Service. Commissioned officers of the Regular Corps of the Service, whether on active duty or retired, and commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps of the Service when on active duty or when retired for disability.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.10 - Dependent members of families; use of Service facilities.

(a) A dependent member of the family of any person specified in § 31.9 shall, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of such status, be entitled to medical advice and out-patient treatment at first-, second-, and third-class medical relief stations and hospitalization at first-class stations if suitable accommodations are available therein and if the condition of the dependent is such as to require hospitalization, both as determined by the medical officer in charge.

(b) Hospitalization at first-class stations shall be at a per diem cost to the officer, enlisted person, member of a crew or other person concerned. Such cost shall be at such uniform rate as may be prescribed from time to time by the President for the hospitalization of dependents of naval and Marine Corps personnel at any naval hospital.

(c) Hospitalization at first-class stations and out-patient treatment at first-, second-, and third-class stations may include such services and supplies as, in the judgment of the medical officer in charge, are necessary for reasonable and adequate treatment.

(d) Dental treatment shall be furnished to the extent of available facilities only at medical relief stations where full-time officers are on duty.

(Sec. 326, 58 Stat. 697, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 253)
§ 31.11 - Persons entitled to treatment.

To the extent and under the circumstances prescribed in this part, the following persons shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization by the Service: Lightkeepers, assistant lightkeepers, and officers and crews of vessels of the former Lighthouse Service, including any such persons who subsequent to June 30, 1939, have involuntarily been assigned to other civilian duty in the Coast Guard, who were entitled to medical relief at hospitals and other stations of the Service prior to July 1, 1944, and who are now or hereafter on active duty or who have been or may hereafter be retired under the provisions of section 6 of the act of June 20, 1918, as amended (33 U.S.C. 763).

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
§ 31.12 - Use of Service facilities.

Except as otherwise provided herein, the persons specified in § 31.11 shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization only at medical relief stations and by designated physicians and designated dentists, and the cost of services procured elsewhere shall not be borne by the Service.

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
§ 31.13 - Use of other than Service facilities.

(a) When a person specified in § 31.11 who is on active duty requires immediate medical, surgical, or dental treatment or hospitalization and the urgency of the situation does not permit treatment at a medical relief station or by a designated physician or designated dentist, an officer or other appropriate supervisory official of the Coast Guard may arrange for treatment or hospitalization.

(b) In every such case of treatment or hospitalization, a full report thereof shall be submitted to the Surgeon General through Coast Guard headquarters. As soon as practicable, unless the interests of the patient or the Government require otherwise, treatment or hospitalization shall be continued at a medical relief station or by a designated physician or designated dentist or at another appropriate Federal medical facility.

(c) When the necessary medical relief cannot be obtained from a medical relief station or a designated physician or designated dentist, preference shall be given to other Federal medical facilities when reasonably available and when conditions permit.

(d) Vouchers on proper forms covering expenses for treatment or hospitalization under the circumstances specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be forwarded to the Surgeon General through Coast Guard headquarters. Each such voucher shall be accompanied by or contain a statement of the facts necessitating the treatment or hospitalization. Unreasonable charges for emergency treatment or hospitalization will not be allowed.

(e) Expenses for consultants or special services, or for dental treatment other than emergency measures to relieve pain, shall not be allowed except when authorized in advance by the headquarters of the Service or, in extraordinary cases, when subsequently approved by such headquarters upon receipt of report and satisfactory explanation as to the necessity and urgency therefor.

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714 as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
§ 31.14 - Application for treatment; active duty personnel.

An applicant for medical relief who is on active duty shall furnish a certificate identifying him. Such certificate shall be signed by an officer or other appropriate supervisory official of the Coast Guard. In an emergency, the officer in charge of a medical relief station, or a designated physician or designated dentist, may accept other evidence of status satisfactory to him.

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714 as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
§ 31.15 - Continuance of medical relief after loss of status.

If a person is separated while undergoing treatment by the Service, his treatment shall be discontinued immediately unless the physician or dentist in charge determines that the condition of the patient does not permit interruption of treatment, in which case the treatment shall be discontinued as soon as practicable and the condition of the patient permits. At that time he shall be discharged from treatment and shall not thereafter be afforded medical relief by the Service by reason of his previous service.

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
§ 31.16 - Retired personnel; extent of treatment.

(a) Any retired person specified in § 31.11 shall be entitled to medical, surgical, and dental treatment and hospitalization at medical relief stations of the first, second, and third class, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of his status.

(b) Elective medical or surgical treatment requiring hospitalization shall be furnished only at hospitals operated by the Service.

(c) Dental treatment shall be furnished to the extent of available facilities only at medical relief stations where full-time dental officers are on duty; at other medical relief stations the dental treatment shall be limited to emergency measures necessary to relieve pain.

(Sec. 610(b), 58 Stat. 714, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 763c)
source: 21 FR 9821, Dec. 12, 1956, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 31.9