Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 51c.301 - Applicability.

The regulations of this subpart, in addition to the regulations of subpart A, are applicable to grants awarded pursuant to section 330(d)(1)(A) of the Act for the costs of operation of community health centers which serve medically underserved populations.

§ 51c.302 - Application.

To be approved by the Secretary under this subpart, an application for a grant must, in addition to meeting the requirements of § 51c.104 of subpart A,

(a) Be submitted by an entity which may be a co-applicant which the Secretary determines is a community health center, and

(b) Contain information sufficient to enable the Secretary to determine that the center will meet the requirements of § 51c.103.

[41 FR 53205, Dec. 3, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 60418, Nov. 25, 1977]
§ 51c.303 - Project elements.

A community health center supported under this subpart must:

(a) Provide the health services of the center so that such services are available and accessible promptly, as appropriate, and in a manner which will assure continuity of service to the residents of the center's catchment area.

(b) Implement a system for maintaining the confidentiality of patient records in accordance with the requirements of § 51c.110 of subpart A.

(c) Have an ongoing quality assurance program which provides for the following:

(1) Organizational arrangements, including a focus of responsibility, to support the quality assurance program and the provision of high quality patient care;

(2) Periodic assessment of the appropriateness of the utilization of services and the quality of services provided or proposed to be provided to individuals served by the center. Such assessments shall:

(i) Be conducted by physicians or by other licensed health professionals under the supervision of physicians;

(ii) Be based on the systematic collection and evaluation of patient records; and

(iii) Identify and document the necessity for change in the provision of services by the center and result in the institution of such change, where indicated.

(d) Develop management and control systems which are in accordance with sound financial management procedures, including the provision for an audit on an annual basis (unless waived for cause by the Secretary) by an independent certified public accountant or a public accountant licensed prior to December 31, 1970, to determine, at a minimum, the fiscal integrity of grant financial transactions and reports, and compliance with the regulations of this part and the terms and conditions of the grant.

(e) Where the cost of care and services furnished by or through the project is to be reimbursed under title XIX or title XX of the Social Security Act, obtain or make every reasonable effort to obtain a written agreement with the title XIX or title XX State agency for such reimbursement.

(f) Have prepared a schedule of fees or payments for the provision of its services designed to cover its reasonable costs of operation and a corresponding schedule of discounts adjusted on the basis of the patient's ability to pay. Provided, That such schedule of discounts shall provide for a full discount to individuals and families with annual incomes at or below those set forth in the poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2); and for no discount to individuals and families with annual incomes greater than twice those set forth in such Guidelines, except that nominal fees for services may be collected from individuals with annual incomes at or below such levels where imposition of such fees is consistent with project goals.

(g) Make every reasonable effort, including the establishment of systems for eligibility determination, billing, and collection, to:

(1) Collect reimbursement for its costs in providing health services to persons who are entitled to insurance benefits under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, to medical assistance under a State plan approved under title XIX of such Act, to social services and family planning under title XX of such Act, or to assistance for medical expenses under any other public assistance program, grant program, or private health insurance or benefit program on the basis of the schedule of fees prepared pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section without application of any discounts, and

(2) Secure from patients payments for services in accordance with the schedule of fees and discounts required by paragraph (f) of this section.

(h) Have a governing board which meets the requirements of § 51c.304.

(i) Have developed an overall plan and budget for the center that:

(1) Provides for an annual operating budget and a three-year financial management plan which include all anticipated income and expenses related to items which would, under generally accepted accounting principles, be considered income and expense items;

(2) Provides for a capital expenditures plan for at least a three-year period (including the year to which the operating budget described in paragraph (i)(1) of this section is applicable) which includes and identifies in detail the anticipated sources of financing for, and the objective of, each anticipated expenditure in excess of $100,000 related to the acquisition of land, the improvement of land, buildings, and equipment and the replacement, modernization and expansion of buildings and equipment which would, under generally accepted accounting principles, be considered capital items;

(3) Provides for plan review and updating at least annually; and

(4) Is prepared under the direction of the governing board, by a committee consisting of representatives of the governing board, and administrative staff, and the medical staff, if any, of the center.

(j) Establish basic statistical data, cost accounting, management information, and reporting or monitoring systems which shall enable the center to provide such statistics and other information as the Secretary may reasonably require relating to the center's costs of operation, patterns of utilization of services, and the availability, accessibility, and acceptability of its services and to make such reports to the Secretary in a timely manner with such frequency as the Secretary may reasonably require.

(k) Review its catchment area annually to insure that the criteria set out in § 51c.104(b)(2) of subpart A are met and, where such criteria are not met, revise its catchment area, with the approval of the Secretary, to conform to such criteria to the extent feasible.

(l) In the case of a center which serves a population including a substantial proportion of individuals of limited English-speaking ability, have developed a plan and made arrangements responsive to the needs of such populations for providing services to the extent practicable in the language and cultural context most appropriate to such individuals, and have identified an individual on its staff who is fluent in both that language and in English and whose responsibilities include providing guidance to such individuals and to appropriate staff members with respect to cultural sensitivities and bridging linguistic and cultural differences. If more than one non-English language is spoken by such group or groups, an individual or individuals fluent in those languages and English shall be so identified.

(m) Be operated in a manner calculated to preserve human dignity and to maximize acceptability and effective utilization of services.

(n) To the extent possible, coordinate and integrate project activities with the activities of other Federally funded, as well as State and local, health services delivery projects and programs serving the same population.

(o) Establish means for evaluating progress toward the achievement of the specific objectives of the project.

(p) Provide sufficient staff, qualified by training and experience, to carry out the activities of the center.

(q) Assure that facilities utilized in the performance of the project meet applicable fire and life safety codes.

(r) Utilize, to the maximum extent feasible, other Federal, State, and local, and private resources available for support of the project, prior to use of project funds under this part.

(s) Provide for community participation through, for example, contributions of cash or services, loans of full-or part-time staff, equipment, space, materials, or facilities.

(t) Where the center will provide services through contract or other cooperative arrangements with other providers of services, establish rates and methods of payment for health care. Such payments must be made pursuant to agreements, with a schedule of rates and payment procedures maintained by the project. The project must be prepared to substantiate that such rates are reasonable and necessary.

(u) Operate in a manner such that no person shall be denied service by reason of his inability to pay therefor: Provided, however, That a charge for the provision of services will be made to the extent that a third party (including a Government agency) is authorized or is under legal obligation to pay such charges.

(v) In addition to the above, projects which are supported with grant funds for the operation of a prepaid health care plan also must provide:

(1) A marketing and enrollment plan, including market analysis, marketing strategy, and enrollment growth projections.

(2) A plan that provides for funding on a capitation basis of such portion of the residents of the catchment area of the center, as the Secretary shall determine.

(3) An assurance that services shall be available to all residents of the catchment area without regard to method of payment or health status.

[41 FR 53205, Dec. 3, 1976, as amended at 85 FR 72908, Nov. 16, 2020; 85 FR 83830, Dec. 23, 2020; 86 FR 54396, Oct. 1, 2021]
§ 51c.304 - Governing board.

A governing board for the center shall be established by an applicant as follows:

(a) Size. The board shall consist of at least 9 but not more than 25 members, except that this requirement may be waived by the Secretary for good cause shown.

(b) Composition. (1) A majority of the board members shall be individuals who are or will be served by the center and who, as a group, represent the individuals being or to be served in terms of demographic factors, such as race, ethnicity, sex.

(2) No more than one-half of the remaining members of the board may be individuals who derive more than 10 percent of their annual income from the health care industry.

(3) The remaining members of the board shall be representative of the community in which the center's catchment area is located and shall be selected for their expertise in community affairs, local government, finance and banking, legal affairs, trade unions, and other commercial and industrial concerns, or social service agencies within the community.

(4) No member of the board shall be an employee of the center, or spouse or child, parent, brother or sister by blood or marriage of such an employee. The project director may be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the board.

(c) Selection of members. The method of selection of all governing board members shall be prescribed in the by-laws or other internal governing rules of the center. Such by-laws or other rules must specify a process of selection of individuals on the governing board who represent the population served or to be served by the center so that such individuals, as a group, are representative of such population. Such process of selection in the by-laws or other rules is subject to approval by the Secretary.

(d) Functions and responsibilities. (1) The governing board for the center shall have authority for the establishment of policy in the conduct of the center.

(2) The governing board shall hold regularly scheduled meetings, at least once each month, for which minutes shall be kept.

(3) The governing board shall have specific responsibility for:

(i) Approval for the selection and dismissal of a project director or chief executive officer of the center;

(ii) Establishing personnel policies and procedures, including selection and dismissal procedures, salary and benefit scales, employee grievance procedures, and equal opportunity practices;

(iii) Adopting policy for financial management practices, including a system to assure accountability for center resources, approval of the annual project budget, center priorities, eligibility for services including criteria for partial payment schedules, and long-range financial planning;

(iv) Evaluating center activities including services utilization patterns, productivity of the center, patient satisfaction, achievement of project objectives, and development of a process for hearing and resolving patient grievances;

(v) Assuring that the center is operated in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations; and

(vi) Adopting health care policies including scope and availability of services, location and hours of services, and quality-of-care audit procedures.

§ 51c.305 - Grant evaluation and award.

Within the limits of funds determined by the Secretary to be available for such purpose, the Secretary may award grants under this subpart to applicants therefor which will, in his judgment, best promote the purposes of section 330(d)(1)(A) of the Act and the applicable regulations of this part, taking into consideration;

(a) The extent to which the project would provide for the elements set forth in § 51c.303;

(b) The relative need of the population to be served for the services to be provided;

(c) The potential of the center for the development of new and effective methods for health services delivery and management;

(d) The soundness of the fiscal plan for assuring effective utilization of grant funds and maximizing non-grant revenue;

(e) The administrative and management capability of the applicant;

(f) The extent to which grants approved under this part will provide for an appropriate distribution of resources throughout the country, taking into consideration the following factors:

(1) The urban-rural area to be served;

(2) The nature of the organization applying;

(3) The organizational structure for delivery of services;

(g) The number of users of the center and the level of utilization of services in previous operational periods, if any;

(h) Whether the center's catchment area is exclusive of the area served by another center;

(i) The degree to which the applicant intends to integrate services supported by a grant under this subpart with health services provided under other Federally assisted health services or reimbursement programs or projects;

(j) The extent to which community resources will be utilized by the project;

(k) The extent to which the center will provide preventive health services so as to maintain and improve the health status of the population served; and

(l) The extent to which center operations will emphasize direct health services, efficiency of operations and sound financial management.

authority: Sec. 330, Public Health Service Act, 89 Stat. 342, (42 U.S.C. 254b); sec. 215, Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 690, (42 U.S.C. 216)
source: 41 FR 53205, Dec. 3, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 51c.304