Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 57.1501 - Applicability.
The regulations of this subpart are applicable to loan guarantees and interest subsidy payments made pursuant to section 729 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 293i) to assist nonprofit private entities which are eligible for grants under subpart B of this part in carrying out projects for construction of teaching facilities for health professions personnel.
§ 57.1502 - Definitions.
As used in this subpart:
(a) All terms not defined herein shall have the same meanings as given them in section 724 of the Act.
(b) Act means the Public Health Service Act, as amended.
(c) Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services to whom the authority involved may be delegated.
(d) School means a school of medicine, dentistry, osteopathy, pharmacy, optometry, podiatry, veterinary medicine, or public health which provides a course of study or a portion thereof which leads respectively to a degree of doctor of medicine, doctor of dental surgery or an equivalent degree, doctor of osteopathy, doctor of optometry or an equivalent degree, doctor of podiatry or an equivalent degree, bachelor of science in pharmacy or an equivalent degree, doctor of veterinary medicine or an equivalent degree, or a graduate degree in public health, and which is accredited as provided in section 721(b)(1) of the Act.
(e) Affiliated hospital or affiliated outpatient facility means a hospital or outpatient facility (as defined in section 645 of the Act) which, although not owned by such school, has a written agreement with a school of medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry eligible for assistance under subpart B of this part, providing for effective control by the school of the health professions teaching program in the hospital or outpatient facility.
(f) Nonprofit as applied to any school, hospital, outpatient facility, or other entity means one which is owned and operated by one or more corporations or associations no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
(g) Council means the National Advisory Council on Health Professions Education (established pursuant to section 725 of the Act).
§ 57.1503 - Eligibility.
(a) Eligible applicants. In order to be eligible for a loan guarantee or interest subsidy under this subpart, the applicant shall:
(1) Be a nonprofit private school of medicine, dentistry, osteopathy, pharmacy, optometry, podiatry, veterinary medicine, or public health, or any combination of such schools, or a nonprofit private affiliated hospital or affiliated outpatient facility: Provided, however, That in the case of an affiliated hospital or affiliated outpatient facility, an application which is approved by the school of medicine, osteopathy or dentistry with which the hospital or outpatient facility is affiliated and which otherwise complies with the requirements of subpart B of this part may be filed by any nonprofit private entity qualified to file an application under section 605 of the Act; and
(2) Otherwise meet the applicable requirements set forth in section 721(b) of the Act and § 57.103 with respect to eligiblity for grants for construction of teaching facilities for health professions personnel.
(b) Eligible loans. Subject to the provisions of this subpart, the Secretary may guarantee payment, when due, of principal and interest on, or may pay interest subsidies with respect to, or may both guarantee and pay interest subsidies with respect to any loan or portion thereof made to an eligible applicant by a non-Federal lender: Provided, That no such guarantee or interest subsidy shall apply to any loan the interest on which is exempt from Federal income taxation.
§ 57.1504 - Application.
Each applicant desiring to have a loan guaranteed or to have interest subsidies paid on its behalf, or any combination of such loan guarantee or interest subsidies, shall submit an application for such assistance in such form and manner and at such time as the Secretary may require.
1 Applications and instructions are available from the Division of Facilities Conversion and Utilization, Bureau of Health Maintenance Organizations and Resources Development, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.
(a) The application shall contain or be supported by such information as the Secretary may require to enable him to make the determinations required of him under the Act and this subpart.
(b) The application shall be executed by an individual authorized to act for the applicant and to assume on behalf of the applicant the obligations imposed by the terms and conditions of any loan guarantee or agreement to pay interest subsidies, including the applicable regulations of this subpart.
[38 FR 31836, Nov. 19, 1973, as amended at 49 FR 38113, Sept. 27, 1984]
§ 57.1505 - Approval of applications.
(a) General. Any application for loan guarantee or interest subsidies, or for a combination of both, may be approved by the Secretary, after consultation with the Council, only if he makes each of the applicable determinations set forth in section 721(c) of the Act. In addition:
(1) Any such approval shall be subject to compliance by the applicant with the applicable provisions set forth in §§ 57.106, 57.107, 57.108, and Provided however, That for purposes of the title assurance in § 57.107(a) the period shall be not less than 20 years or the term of the guaranteed loan, whichever is longer or in the case of interim facilities, the term of the guaranteed loan, and
(2) Any such application may be approved by the Secretary only if he determines:
(i) That the applicant will have sufficient financial resources to enable him to comply with the terms and conditions of the loan;
(ii) That the applicant has the necessary legal authority to finance, construct, and maintain the proposed project, to apply for and receive the loan, and to pledge or mortgage any assets or revenues to be given as security for such loan;
(iii) That the loan will be made only with respect to the initial permanent financing of the project;
(iv) That the loan will be secured by a lien against the facilities to be constructed or against other security satisfactory to the Secretary specified in § 57.2210;
(v) That the rate of interest on the loan does not exceed such percent per annum as the Secretary determines to be reasonable, taking into account the range of interest rates prevailing in the private market for similar loans and the risks assumed by the United States; and
(vi) Such additional determinations as the Secretary finds necessary with respect to particular applications in order to protect the financial interests of the United States.
(b) Loan guarantees. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, any application for a loan guarantee may be approved by the Secretary only if he determines that the loan with respect to which such guarantee is sought would not be available to the applicant on reasonable terms and conditions without such guarantee. To assist the Secretary in making such determination, each applicant for a loan guarantee shall submit statements from at least three non-Federal institutions normally engaged in making long-term loans for construction, describing whether, and the terms and conditions under which, each institution would make a loan to the applicant for the project described in the application.
(c) Interest subsidies. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, any application for interest subsidies may be approved by the Secretary only if he determines that without such interest subsidy payments the applicant would not, over a substantial portion of the loan term, be able to repay the principal and interest of the loan without jeopardizing the quality of the educational program.
[38 FR 31836, Nov. 19, 1973, as amended at 85 FR 72908, Nov. 16, 2020]
§ 57.1506 - Priority.
(a) Priority in approving applications for loan guarantee and/or interest subsidies shall be determined in accordance with the factors specified in section 721(d) of the Act, and the following: (1) The relative need for increased enrollment and the availability of students; (2) the relative effectiveness of the project relative to the cost to the Federal Government; and (3) the relative ability of the applicant to make efficient and productive use of the facility constructed.
(b) In the case of applications to aid in the construction of new schools of medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry, the Secretary shall give special consideration to those applications which contain or are reasonably supported by assurances that, because of the use that will be made by such school of already existing facilities (including Federal medical or dental facilities), the school will be able to accelerate the date on which it will begin its teaching program.
§ 57.1507 - Limitations applicable to loan guarantee.
(a) The amount of loan with respect to which a guarantee is made under this subpart shall be determined by the Secretary based upon such considerations as the availability of funds and the applicant's need therefor; Provided, That: (1) Subject to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, no loan with respect to which a guarantee is made for any project under this subpart may be in an amount which, when added to the amount of any grant made with respect to such project under part B of title VII of the Act or any other law of the United States, or to the total of such grants, exceeds 90 percent of the eligible cost of construction of such project as determined by the Secretary;
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the Secretary may in particular cases guarantee loans in excess of the amount specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section where he determines that, because of special circumstances, such additional loan guarantee will further the purposes of part B of title VII of the Act. In making such determinations, the Secretary will in each case consider the following factors:
(i) The need for the project in the area to be served;
(ii) The availability of financing for the project on reasonable terms and conditions without such additional loan guarantee;
(iii) Whether the project can be constructed without such additional loan guarantee; and
(iv) Other relevant factors consistent with the purpose of part B of title VII of the Act and this subpart.
(3) In determining the cost of construction of the project there shall be excluded from such cost all fees, interest, and other charges relating or attributable to the financing of the project except the following:
(i) Reasonable fees attributable to services rendered by legal counsel in connection with such loan;
(ii) With the approval of the Secretary, reasonable fees attributable to the services of a financial advisor in assisting the applicant in securing the loan and arranging for repayment thereof; and
(iii) Interest attributable to the interim financing of construction of the project prior to the initial permanent financing thereof.
(b) No loan guarantee under this subpart shall apply to more than 90 percent of the loss of principal of and interest on such loan incurred by the holder of such loan upon default by the applicant.
§ 57.1508 - Amount of interest subsidy payments; limitations.
The length of time for which interest subsidy payments will be made under the agreement, the amount of loan with respect to which such payments will be made, and the level of such payments shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of the availability of funds and his determination of the applicant's need therefor taking into consideration his analysis of the present and reasonable projected future financial ability of the applicant to repay the principal and interest of the loan without jeopardizing the quality of its educational program: Provided however, That each such interest subsidy payment shall not exceed the amount necessary to reduce by 3 percent per annum the net effective interest rate otherwise payable on the loan or the portion thereof with respect to which such interest subsidy is paid.
§ 57.1509 - Forms of credit and security instruments.
Each loan with respect to which a guarantee is made or interest subsidies are paid under this subpart shall be evidenced by a credit instrument and secured by a security instrument in such forms as may be acceptable to the Secretary.
§ 57.1510 - Security for loans.
Each loan with respect to which a guarantee is made or interest subsidies are paid under this subpart shall be secured in a manner which the Secretary finds reasonably sufficient to insure repayment. The security may be one or a combination of the following:
(a) A first mortgage on the facility and site thereof.
(b) Negotiable stocks or bonds of a quality and value acceptable to the Secretary.
(c) A pledge of unrestricted and unencumbered income from an endowment or other trust fund acceptable to the Secretary.
(d) A pledge of a specified portion of annual general or special revenues of the applicant acceptable to the Secretary.
(e) Such other security as the Secretary may find acceptable in specific instances.
§ 57.1511 - Opinion of legal counsel.
At appropriate stages in the application and approval procedure for a loan guarantee or interest subsidy, the applicant shall furnish to the Secretary a memorandum or opinion of legal counsel with respect to the legality of any proposed note issue, the legal authority of the applicant to issue the note and secure it by the proposed collateral, and the legality of the issue upon delivery. “Legal counsel” means either a law firm or individual lawyer, thoroughly experienced in the long-term financing of construction projects, and whose approving opinions have previously been accepted by lenders or lending institutions. The legal memorandum or opinion to be provided by legal counsel in each case shall be as follows:
(a) A memorandum, submitted with the application for a loan guarantee or interest subsidy, stating that the applicant is or will be lawfully authorized to finance, construct, and maintain the project, and to issue the proposed obligations and to pledge or mortgage the assets and/or revenues offered to secure the loan, citing the basis for such authority; and
(b) A final approving opinion, delivered to the Secretary at the time of delivery of the evidence of indebtedness to the lender, stating that the credit and security instruments executed by the applicant are duly authorized and delivered and that the indebtedness of the applicant is valid, binding, and payable in accordance with the terms on which the loan guarantee was approved by the Secretary.
§ 57.1512 - Length and maturity of loans.
The repayment period for loans with respect to which guarantees are made or interest subsidies paid under this subpart shall be limited to 30 years: Provided, That:
(a) The Secretary may, in particular cases where he determines that a repayment period of less than 30 years is more appropriate to an applicant's total financial plan, approve such shorter repayment period;
(b) The Secretary may, in particular cases where he determines that, because of unusual circumstances, the applicant would be financially unable to amortize the loan over a repayment period of 30 years, approve a longer requirement period which shall in no case exceed 40 years; and
(c) In no case shall a loan repayment period exceed the useful life of the facility to be constructed with the assistance of the loan.
§ 57.1513 - Repayment.
Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Secretary, each loan with respect to which a guarantee is made or interest subsidies are paid shall be repayable in substantially level total annual installments of principal and interest, sufficient to amortize the loan through the final year of the life of the loan.
§ 57.1514 - Loan guarantee and interest subsidy agreements.
For each application for a loan guarantee or interest subsidy, or combination thereof, which is approved by the Secretary under this subpart, an offer to guarantee such loan and/or make interest subsidy payments with respect thereto will be sent to the applicant, setting forth the pertinent terms and conditions for the loan guarantee and/or interest subsidy, and will be conditioned upon the fulfillment of such terms and conditions. The accepted offer will constitute the loan guarantee agreement, the interest subsidy agreement, or the loan guarantee and interest subsidy agreement, as the case may be. Each such agreement shall include the applicable provisions set forth below:
(a) Loan guarantee. Each agreement pertaining to a loan guarantee shall include the following provisions:
(1) That the loan guarantee evidenced by the agreement shall be incontestable (i) in the hands of the applicant on whose behalf such loan guarantee is made except for fraud or misrepresentation on the part of such applicant, and (ii) as to any person who makes or contracts to make a loan to such applicant in reliance on such guarantee, except for fraud or misrepresentation on the part of such other person.
(2) That the applicant shall be permitted to prepay up to 15 percent of the original principal amount of such loan in any calendar year without additional charge. The applicant and the lender may further agree that the applicant shall be permitted to prepay in excess of 15 percent of the original amount of the loan in any calendar year without additional charge, but no such payment in excess of 15 percent shall be made without the prior written approval of the Secretary.
(3) That if the applicant shall default in making periodic payment, when due, of the principal and interest on the loan guaranteed under the agreement, the holder of the loan shall promptly give the Secretary written notification of such default. The Secretary shall, immediately upon receipt of such notice, provide the holder with written acknowledgement of such receipt.
(4) That if such default in making periodic payment when due of the principal and interest on the guaranteed loan is not cured within 90 days after receipt by the Secretary of notice of such default, the holder of the loan shall have the right to make demand upon the Secretary, in such form and manner as the Secretary may prescribe, for payment of 90 percent of the amount of the overdue payments of principal and accrued interest, together with such reasonable late charges as are made in accordance with the terms of the credit instrument or security instrument evidencing or securing such loan. The Secretary shall pay such amount from funds available to him for these purposes.
(5) That in the event of exercise by the holder of the loan of any right to accelerate payment of such loan as a result of the applicants default in making periodic payment when due of the principal and interest on the guaranteed loan, the Secretary shall, upon demand by the holder not less than 90 days after receipt by the Secretary of notification of such default, pay to such holder 90 percent of the total amount of principal and of interest on the loan remaining unpaid after the holder has exercised his right to foreclose upon and dispose of the security and has applied the proceeds thereby received to reduce the outstanding balance of the loan, in accordance with applicable law and the terms of the security instrument.
(6) That the Secretary shall not guarantee any funds which are disbursed by a lender following notification by the Secretary to such lender that the Assurance executed by the Applicant under section 799A of the Act is no longer satisfactory.
(b) Interest subsidy. Each agreement pertaining to the payment of interest subsidies with respect to a loan shall include the following provisions:
(1) That the holder of the loan shall have a contractual right to receive from the United States interest subsidy payments in amounts sufficient to reduce by up to 3 percent per annum the net effective interest rate determined by the Secretary to be otherwise payable on such loan.
(2) That payments of interest subsidies pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section will be made by the Secretary, in accordance with the terms of the loan with respect to which the interest subsidies are paid, directly to the holder of such loan, or to a trustee or agent designated in writing to the Secretary by such holder, until such time as the Secretary is notified in writing by the holder that such loan has been transferred. Pursuant to such written notification of transfer, the Secretary will make such interest payments directly to the new holder (transferee) of the loan: Provided, however, That it shall be the responsibility of the holder to remit any payments of interest subsidy to the new holder which the Secretary may have made to the holder after such transfer and prior to receipt of such written notice, and the Secretary shall not be liable to any party for amounts remitted to the holder prior to receipt of such written notice and acknowledgment in writing by the Secretary of receipt of such notice.
(3) That the holder of the loan will promptly notify the Secretary of any default or prepayment by the applicant with respect to the loan.
(4) In the event of any exercise by the holder of the loan of the right to accelerate payment of such loan, whether as a result of default on the part of the applicant or otherwise, the Secretary's obligations with respect to the payment of interest subsidies shall cease.
(5) Where, during the life of the loan with respect to which interest subsidies are to be paid, the applicant ceases to use the facility for the purposes for which constructed, the Secretary's obligation with respect to the payment of interest subsidies shall cease: Provided, however, That where the applicant is continuing to use the facility for purposes eligible for support under part B of title VII of the act, the Secretary may make a determination, based upon the health manpower needs of the community served by the facility as well as other relevant factors, to continue to make interest subsidy payments in accord with the agreement.
(6) Where during the life of the loan with respect to which interest subsidies are to be paid, it is determined, after an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to 45 CFR part 83, that the Assurance executed by the applicant under section 704 (or its predecessor, section 799A) of the Act, is no longer satisfactory, the Secretary's obligation with respect to the payment of interest subsidies shall cease: Provided, however, That the Secretary shall resume making interest subsidy payments if he determines that a subsequent Assurance submitted by the applicant is satisfactory.
(7) Where during the life of the loan with respect to which interest subsidies are to be paid, it is determined by the Secretary, after an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to 45 CFR parts 80 and 81, that the applicant has ceased to comply with the Assurance it has executed under 45 CFR 80.4(d) concerning nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, the Secretary's obligation with respect to the payment of interest subsidies shall cease: Provided, however, That the Secretary shall resume making interest subsidy payments if he subsequently determines that the applicant has come into compliance with the requirements of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and implementing regulations.
(8) Where during the life of the loan with respect to which interest subsidies are to be paid, it is determined by the Secretary after an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, that the applicant has ceased to comply with such title, and its implementing regulations, the Secretary's obligation with respect to the payment of interest subsidies shall cease: Provided, however, That the Secretary shall resume making interest subsidy payments if he subsequently determines that the applicant has come into compliance with the requirements of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and implementing regulations.
(c) General. In addition to the applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, each agreement, whether pertaining to a loan guarantee or interest subsidy or both, shall contain such other provisions as the Secretary finds necessary in order to protect the financial interests of the United States.
[38 FR 31836, Nov. 19, 1973, as amended at 49 FR 38113, Sept. 27, 1984]
§ 57.1515 - Loan closing.
Closing of any loan with respect to which a guarantee is made or interest subsidies are paid under this subpart shall be accomplished at such time as may be agreed upon by the parties to such loan and found acceptable to the Secretary.
§ 57.1516 - Right of recovery-subordination.
(a) The United States shall be entitled to recover from the applicant for a loan guarantee under this subpart the amount of any payment made pursuant to such guarantee, unless the Secretary waives such right of recovery as provided in § 57.1517.
(b) Upon making of any payments pursuant to a loan guarantee under this subpart, the United States shall be subrogated to all of the rights of the recipient of the payments with respect to which the guarantee was made.
§ 57.1517 - Waiver of right of recovery.
In determining whether there is good cause for waiver of any right of recovery which he may have against any applicant by reason of any payments made pursuant to a loan guarantee under this subpart, the Secretary shall take into consideration the extent to which:
(a) The facility with respect to which the loan guarantee was made will continue to be devoted by the applicant or other owner to the teaching of health professions personnel, or to other purposes in the sciences related to health for which funds are available under part B of title VII of the act and these regulations;
(b) A hospital or outpatient facility will be used as provided for under title VI of the act;
(c) There are reasonable assurances that for the remainder of the repayment period of the loan other facilities not previously utilized for the purpose for which the facility was constructed will be so utilized and are substantially equivalent in nature and extent for such purposes; and
(d) Such recovery would seriously curtail the training of qualified health professions personnel in the area served by the facility.
§ 57.1518 - Modification of loans.
No official of the Department of Health and Human Services will approve any proposal to modify the terms of a loan guaranteed under title VII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 293 et seq.) and this subpart which would permit the use of the guaranteed loan (or the guarantee) as collateral for an issue of tax-exempt securities.
(Secs. 215 and 726, Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 690 and 85 Stat. 432, 42 U.S.C. 216 and 293i, as amended)
[48 FR 42984, Sept. 21, 1983]