Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 59.201 - Applicability.
The regulations in this subpart are applicable to the award of grants pursuant to section 1003 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300a-1) to provide the training for personnel to carry out family planning service programs described in sections 1001 and 1002 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300,300a.
§ 59.202 - Definitions.
As used in this subpart:
(a) Act means the Public Health Service Act.
(b) State means one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
(c) Nonprofit private entity means a private entity no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
(d) Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services to whom the authority involved has been delegated.
(e) Training means job-specific skill development, the purpose of which is to promote and improve the delivery of family planning services.
§ 59.203 - Eligibility.
(a) Eligible applicants. Any public or nonprofit private entity located in a State is eligible to apply for a grant under this subpart.
(b) Eligible projects. Grants pursuant to section 1003 of the Act and this subpart may be made to eligible applicants for the purpose of providing programs, not to exceed three months in duration, for training family planning or other health services delivery personnel in the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for the effective delivery of family planning services: Provided, That the Secretary may in particular cases approve support of a program whose duration is longer than three months where he determines (1) that such program is consistent with the purposes of this subpart and (2) that the program's objectives cannot be accomplished within three months because of the unusually complex or specialized nature of the training to be undertaken.
[37 FR 7093, Apr. 8, 1972, as amended at 40 FR 17991, Apr. 24, 1975]
§ 59.204 - Application for a grant.
(a) An application for a grant under this subpart shall be submitted to the Secretary at such time and in such form and manner as the Secretary may prescribe.
The application shall contain a full and adequate description of the project and of the manner in which the applicant intends to conduct the project and carry out the requirements of this subpart, and a budget and justification of the amount of grant funds requested, and such other pertinent information as the Secretary may require.
1 Applications and instructions may be obtained from the Program Director, Family Planning Services, at the Regional Office of the Department of Health and Human Services for the region in which the project is to be conducted, or the Office of Family Planning, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Washington, DC 20201.
(b) The application shall be executed by an individual authorized to act for the applicant and to assume for the applicant the obligations imposed by the regulations of this subpart and any additional conditions of the grant.
(Sec. 6(c), Public Health Service Act, 84 Stat. 1506 and 1507 (42 U.S.C. 300,300a,and,Apr. 8, 1972, as amended at 49 FR 38116, Sept. 27, 1984]
§ 59.205 - Project requirements.
An approvable application must contain each of the following unless the Secretary determines that the applicant has established good cause for its omission:
(a) Assurances that:
(1) No portion of the Federal funds will be used to train personnel for programs where abortion is a method of family planning.
(2) No portion of the Federal funds will be used to provide professional training to any student as part of his education in pursuit of an academic degree.
(3) No project personnel or trainees shall on the grounds of sex, religion, or creed be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under the project.
(b) Provision of a methodology to assess the particular training (e.g., skills, attitudes, or knowledge) that prospective trainees in the area to be served need to improve their delivery of family planning services.
(c) Provision of a methodology to define the objectives of the training program in light of the particular needs of trainees defined pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Provision of a method for development of the training curriculum and any attendant training materials and resources.
(e) Provision of a method for implementation of the needed training.
(f) Provision of an evaluation methodology, including the manner in which such methodology will be employed, to measure the achievement of the objectives of the training program.
(g) Provision of a method and criteria by which trainees will be selected.
§ 59.206 - Evaluation and grant award.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80067, Oct. 2, 2024.
(a) Within the limits of funds available for such purpose, the Secretary may award grants to assist in the establishment and operation of those projects which will in his judgment best promote the purposes of section 1003 of the Act, taking into account:
(1) The extent to which a training program will increase the delivery of services to people, particularly low-income groups, with a high percentage of unmet need for family planning services;
(2) The extent to which the training program promises to fulfill the family planning services delivery needs of the area to be served, which may include, among other things:
(i) Development of a capability within family planning service projects to provide pre- and in-service training to their own staffs;
(ii) Improvement of the family planning services delivery skills of family planning and health services personnel;
(iii) Improvement in the utilization and career development of paraprofessional and paramedical manpower in family planning services;
(iv) Expansion of family planning services, particularly in rural areas, through new or improved approaches to program planning and deployment of resources;
(3) The capacity of the applicant to make rapid and effective use of such assistance;
(4) The administrative and management capability and competence of the applicant;
(5) The competence of the project staff in relation to the services to be provided; and
(6) The degree to which the project plan adequately provides for the requirements set forth in § 59.205.
(b) The amount of any award shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of his estimate of the sum necessary for all or a designated portion of direct project costs plus an additional amount for indirect costs, if any, which will be calculated by the Secretary either: (1) On the basis of his estimate of the actual indirect costs reasonably related to the project, or (2) on the basis of a percentage of all, or a portion of, the estimated direct costs of the project when there are reasonable assurances that the use of such percentage will not exceed the approximate actual indirect costs. Such award may include an estimated provisional amount for indirect costs or for designated direct costs (such as travel or supply costs) subject to upward (within the limits of available funds) as well as downward adjustments to actual costs when the amount properly expended by the grantee for provisional items has been determined by the Secretary.
(c) Allowability of costs shall be in conformance with the applicable cost principles prescribed by 45 CFR part 75, subpart E.
(d) All grant awards shall be in writing, shall set forth the amount of funds granted and the period for which support is recommended.
(e) Neither the approval of any project nor any grant award shall commit or obligate the United States in any way to make any additional, supplemental, continuation, or other award with respect to any approved project or portion thereof. For continuation support, grantees must make separate application annually at such times and in such form as the Secretary may direct.
[37 FR 7093, Apr. 8, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 26199, Sept. 19, 1973; 81 FR 3009, Jan. 20, 2016]
§ 59.207 - Payments.
The Secretary shall from time to time make payments to a grantee of all or a portion of any grant award, either in advance or by way of reimbursement for expenses incurred or to be incurred in the performance of the project to the extent he determines such payments necessary to promote prompt initiation and advancement of the approved project.
§ 59.208 - Use of project funds.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80067, Oct. 2, 2024.
(a) Any funds granted pursuant to this subpart as well as other funds to be used in performance of the approved project shall be expended solely for carrying out the approved project in accordance with the statute, the regulations of this subpart, the terms and conditions of the award, and, except as may otherwise be provided in this subpart, the applicable cost principles prescribed by 45 CFR part 75, subpart E.
(b) Prior approval by the Secretary of revision of the budget and project plan is required whenever there is to be a significant change in the scope or nature of project activities.
(c) The Secretary may approve the payment of grant funds to trainees for:
(1) Return travel to the trainee's point of origin.
(2) Per diem during the training program, and during travel to and from the program, at the prevailing institutional or governmental rate, whichever is lower.
[37 FR 7093, Apr. 8, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 26199, Sept. 19, 1973; 81 FR 3009, Jan. 20, 2016]
§ 59.209 - Civil rights.
Attention is called to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) and in particular section 601 of such Act which provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. A regulation impelmenting such title VI, which applies to grants made under this part, has been issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the approval of the President (45 CFR part 80).
§ 59.210 - Inventions or discoveries.
Any grant award pursuant to § 59.206 is subject to the regulations of the Department of Health and Human Services as set forth in 45 CFR parts 6 and 8, as amended. Such regulations shall apply to any activity for which grant funds are in fact used whether within the scope of the project as approved or otherwise. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the grantee and by the Secretary to assure that no contracts, assignments or other arrangements inconsistent with the grant obligation are continued or entered into and that all personnel involved in the supported activity are aware of and comply with such obligations. Laboratory notes, related technical data, and information pertaining to inventions and discoveries shall be maintained for such periods, and filed with or otherwise made available to the Secretary, or those he may designate at such times and in such manner, as he may determine necessary to carry out such Department regulations.
§ 59.211 - Publications and copyright.
Except as may otherwise be provided under the terms and conditions of the award, the grantee may copyright without prior approval any publications, films or similar materials developed or resulting from a project supported by a grant under this part, subject, however, to a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license or right in the Government to reproduce, translate, publish, use, disseminate, and dispose of such materials and to authorize others to do so.
§ 59.212 - Grantee accountability.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80067, Oct. 2, 2024.
(a) Accounting for grant award payments. All payments made by the Secretary shall be recorded by the grantee in accounting records separate from the records of all other grant funds, including funds derived from other grant awards. With respect to each approved project the grantee shall account for the sum total of all amounts paid by presenting or otherwise making available evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of expenditures for direct and indirect costs meeting the requirements of this part: Provided, however, That when the amount awarded for indirect costs was based on a predetermined fixed-percentage of estimated direct costs, the amount allowed for indirect costs shall be computed on the basis of such predetermined fixed-percentage rates applied to the total, or a selected element thereof, of the reimbursable direct costs incurred.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Accounting for grant-related income—(1) Interest. Pursuant to section 203 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4213), a State will not be held accountable for interest earned on grant funds, pending their disbursement for grant purposes. A State, as defined in section 102 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, means any one of the several States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States, or any agency or instrumentality of a State, but does not include the governments of the political subdivisions of the State. All grantees other than a State, as defined in this subsection, must return all interest earned on grant funds to the Federal Government.
(d) Grant closeout—(1) Date of final accounting. A grantee shall render, with respect to each approved project, a full account, as provided herein, as of the date of the termination of grant support. The Secretary may require other special and periodic accounting.
(2) Final settlement. There shall be payable to the Federal Government as final settlement with respect to each approved project the total sum of:
(i) Any amount not accounted for pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section;
(ii) Any credits for earned interest pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section;
(iii) Any other amounts due pursuant to 45 CFR 75.307, 75.371 through 75.385, and 75.316-75.325.
Such total sum shall constitute a debt owed by the grantee to the Federal Government and shall be recovered from the grantee or its successors or assignees by setoff or other action as provided by law.
[36 FR 18465, Sept. 15, 1971, as amended at 38 FR 26199, Sept. 19, 1973; 81 FR 3009, Jan. 20, 2016]
§ 59.213 - [Reserved]
§ 59.214 - Additional conditions.
The Secretary may with respect to any grant award impose additional conditions prior to or at the time of any award when in his judgment such conditions are necessary to assure or protect advancement of the approved project, the interests of public health, or the conservation of grant funds.
§ 59.215 - Applicability of 45 CFR part 75.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80067, Oct. 2, 2024.
The provisions of 45 CFR part 75, establishing uniform administrative requirements and cost principles, shall apply to all grants under this part.
[81 FR 3009, Jan. 20, 2016]