Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 62.1 - What is the scope and purpose of the National Health Service Corps scholarship program?

These regulations apply to the award of scholarships under the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program authorized by section 751 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 294t) to students receiving academic training in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and other health professions. The purpose of this program is to assure an adequate supply of trained health professionals for the National Health Service Corps which is used by the Secretary to improve the delivery of health services in health manpower shortage areas.

§ 62.2 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Acceptable level of academic standing means the level at which a full-time student retains eligibility to continue in attendance in school under the school's standards and practices.

Act means the Public Health Service Act, as amended.

Approved graduate training means those programs of graduate training in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry or other health professions which (a) lead to eligibility for board certification or which provide other evidence of completion, and (b) have been approved by the appropriate health professions body as determined by the Secretary.

Full-time student means an individual pursuing a course of study leading to a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry or an equivalent credential for a particular health profession who is enrolled for a sufficient number of credit hours in any academic term to complete the course of study within not more than the number of academic terms normally required at the school. If an individual is enrolled in a school and is pursuing a course of study which is designed to be completed in more than 4 years, the individual will be considered a full-time student for only the last 4 years of the course of study.

Health manpower shortage area means the geographic area, the population group, the public or nonprofit private medical facility, or other public facility which has been determined by the Secretary to have a shortage of health manpower under section 332 of the Act and its implementing regulations (42 CFR part 5).

National of the United States means a citizen of the United States or a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

Public Health and National Health Service Corps Scholarship Training Program, or PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program, means the program authorized by section 225 of the Act as in effect on September 30, 1977, and repealed on October 1, 1977.

Scholarship Program means the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program authorized by section 751 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 294t).

Scholarship Program participant or participant means an individual whose application to the Scholarship Program has been approved and whose contract has been accepted and signed by the Secretary.

School means a school of medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, or other health profession which (a) provides training leading to a degree of doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, doctor of dentistry, or an equivalent credential for a particular health profession, and (b) which is accredited by a body or bodies recognized for accreditation purposes by the Secretary of Education.

School year means all or part of the 12-month period from July 1 through June 30 during which an applicant is enrolled in a school as a full-time student.

Service means the United States Public Health Service.

Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services to whom the authority involved has been delegated.

State means one of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

§ 62.3 -

(a) To be eligible for a scholarship under this part an applicant must:

(1) Be accepted for enrollment, or be enrolled, as a full-time student in a school located in a State;

(2) Be pursuing a course of study or program offered by the school leading to a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, or an equivalent credential for a particular health profession;

(3) Be eligible for, or hold, an appointment as a commissioned officer in the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service or be eligible for selection for civilian service in the National Health Service Corps;

(4) Be a National of the United States; and

(5) Submit an application to participate in the Scholarship Program together with a signed contract as described in section 751(f) of the Act.

(b) Any applicant who owes an obligation for professional practice to a State or other entity under an agreement entered into before filing an application under this part is ineligible for an award unless a written statement satisfactory to the Secretary is submitted from the State or entity that (1) there is no potential conflict in fulfilling the service obligation to the State or entity and the Scholarship Program, and that (2) the Scholarship Program service obligation will be served before the service obligation for professional practice owed to the State or entity.

(c) Any individual who receives a scholarship under the Indian Health Service Scholarship Program (section 757 of the Act) or the Scholarship Program for First-Year Students of Exceptional Financial Need (section 758 of the Act) is ineligible to participate in the Scholarship Program during the School year(s) for which the scholarships under sections 757 or 758 of the Act were awarded.

§ 62.4 - To whom will scholarship program awards be available in addition to those individuals pursuing courses of study leading to degrees in medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry?

The Secretary will, from time-to-time, publish in the Federal Register a list of those health professions in addition to medicine, osteopathy, and dentistry for which the National Health Service Corps has need and for which support is available. The Secretary will also publish any other eligibility criteria, in addition to those in § 62.3, that may be required to assure that participants can be utilized during their periods of obligated service in a manner that will best meet the needs of the National Health Service Corps.

§ 62.5 - How is application made for a scholarship program award?

Each individual desiring a scholarship under this part must submit an application (including a signed contract as required under section 751(f) of the Act) in the form and at the time prescribed by the Secretary.

§ 62.6 - How will individuals be selected to participate in the scholarship program?

(a) General. In deciding which applications for participation in the Scholarship Program will be approved, the Secretary will place the applications into categories based upon the selection priorities described in paragraph (b) of this section. Except for continuation awards (see paragraph (e) of this section) the Secretary will then evaluate each applicant under paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Priorities. (1) First priority will be given to individuals who have previously received a scholarship under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program, a scholarship under this Scholarship Program, or a scholarship under section 758 of the Act, authorizing scholarships for first-year students of exceptional financial need. (2) Second priority will be given to applicants who are entering their first year of study.

(c) Selection. (1) In selecting participants, the Secretary will take into consideration those factors which he or she determines necessary to assure effective participation in the Scholarship Program. These factors may include, but not be limited to (i) work experience, (ii) community background, (iii) career goals, (iv) faculty recommendation, and (v) academic performance.

(2) Special consideration will be given to (i) medical and osteopathic students who indicate their intention to enter family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, or osteopathic general practice residencies, (ii) dental students who indicate their intention to undertake general practice training following graduation or who plan no postgraduate training, and (iii) those individuals who indicate an intent to pursue other types of clinical practice or specialized training for which the National Health Service Corps has a particular need.

(d) Duration of Scholarship award. Subject to the availability of funds for the Scholarship Program, the Secretary will award a participant a scholarship under this part for a period of 1 school year.

(e) Continuation awards. Subject to the availability of funds for the Scholarship Program, the Secretary will award a continuation scholarship if (1) the participant requests a continuation, (2) the award will not extend the total period of Scholarship Program support beyond 4 years, and (3) the participant is eligible for continued participation in the Scholarship Program.

§ 62.7 - What will an individual be awarded for participating in the scholarship program?

(a) Amount of scholarship. (1) A scholarship award for each school year will consist of (i) tuition, (ii) reasonable educational expenses, including required fees, books, supplies, and required educational equipment, and (iii) a monthly stipend for the 12-month period beginning with the first month of each school year in which the individual is a participant. For purposes of this section “required fees” means those fees which are charged by the school to all students pursuing a similar curriculum and “required educational equipment” means educational equipment which must be rented or purchased by all students pursuing a similar curriculum at that school.

(2) The Secretary may enter into a contract with the school in which the participant is enrolled for the direct payment of tuition and reasonable educational expenses in the participant's behalf.

(b) Payment of scholarship: Leave-of-absence; repeated course work. The Secretary will suspend scholarship payments to or on behalf of a participant if the school (1) approves a leave-of-absence for the participant for health, personal, or other reasons, or (2) requires the participant to repeat course work for which the Secretary has previously made scholarship payments under § 62.7. However, if the repeated course work does not delay the participant's graduation date, scholarship payments will continue except for any additional costs relating to the repeated course work. Any scholarship payments suspended under this paragraph will be resumed by the Secretary upon notification by the school that the participant has returned from the leave-of-absence or has completed the repeated course work and is pursuing as a full-time student the course of study for which the scholarship was awarded.

§ 62.8 - What does an individual have to do in return for the scholarship program award?

(a) General. Except as provided in paragraphs (d), (f), and (g) of this section, each participant is obligated to (1) become a member of the National Health Service Corps employed as a Commissioned Officer in the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service or as a Federal civilian in the full-time clinical practice of the participant's profession and (2) serve in the health manpower shortage area to which the participant is assigned by the National Health Service Corps.

(b) Beginning of service. (1) The period of obligated service will begin when the Scholarship Program participant begins to provide services in the health manpower shortage area to which he or she is assigned by the Secretary. Except for those participants who receive a deferral under § 62.9 (a) or (b), this assignment will be made by the Secretary as soon as possible following: (i) the completion of the participant's course of study leading to a degree in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, or an equivalent credential for a particular health profession, and (ii) appointment of the participant as a Commissioned Officer in the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service or as a civilian member of the National Health Service Corps.

(2) For purposes of this paragraph, “appointment” means only those appointments as Commissioned Officers in the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service or as civilian members of the National Health Service Corps made specifically for the purpose of serving a participant's period of obligated service.

(c) Duration of service. Except as provided in § 62.14(b)(1), the period for which the Scholarship Program participant is obligated to serve is equal to 1 year for each school year for which the participant receives a scholarship award under this part, or 2 years, whichever is greater.

(d) Service by detail. If the Secretary determines that there is no need in a health manpower shortage area for a member of the profession in which the Scholarship Program participant is obligated to provide service, the Scholarship Program participant may be detailed to serve the period of obligated service as a full-time member of the profession for which the participant has been trained, in any unit of the Department of Health and Human Services as the Secretary may determine.

(e) Creditability of approved graduate training. Except as provided in § 62.14(b)(2), no period of approved graduate training will be credited toward satisfying the period of obligated service incurred under the Scholarship Program.

(f) Service under the National Research Service Award Program. (1) A Scholarship Program participant who demonstrates exceptional promise for medical research may perform the period of obligated service owed under this section by participating in the National Research Service Award Program for individual postdoctoral fellows authorized under section 472 of the Act.

(2) Exceptional promise for medical research will be demonstrated if the participant applies for a National Research Service Award for individual postdoctoral fellows, is selected to participate in this research program, and accepts the offer of participation. A Scholarship Program participant in the National Research Service Award Program will receive credit toward satisfying the period of obligated service incurred under this section for any period of time he or she is engaged in activities which meet the service requirements of the National Research Service Award Program.

(3) If the time served under the National Research Service Award Program is less than the total period of obligated service owed under the Scholarship Program, the participant will serve the remainder of the Scholarship Program service obligation (i) in activities which meet the criteria for service under the National Research Service Award Program, as approved by the Secretary or (ii) as a member of the National Health Service Corps providing health services in the full-time clinical practice of his or her health profession. A participant who fails to begin or complete the service requirements under the National Research Service Award Program may be subject to the default penalty under § 62.10(c) of this part and the default penalties under the National Research Service Award Program.

(g) Release from service obligation to engage in private practice. The Secretary will release a participant from all or part of the service obligation if the participant applies for a release under section 753 of the Act and agrees in writing to engage for a period equal to the remaining period of the participant's service obligation in the full-time private clinical practice of the participant's health profession, under the requirements of section 753 of the Act.

§ 62.9 - Under what circumstances can the period of obligated service be deferred to complete approved graduate training?

(a) Requested deferment. Upon the request of any participant receiving a degree from a school of medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry or pharmacy, the Secretary will defer the beginning date of the obligated service to allow the participant to complete an approved graduate training program. The period of this deferment may not exceed (1) three years for any participant receiving a degree from a school of medicine, osteopathy or dentistry, or (2) one year for any participant receiving a degree from a school of veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry or pharmacy. The Secretary may, however, extend this period of deferment if the Secretary determines that the extension is consistent with the needs of the National Health Service Corps.

(b) Required deferment. Each participant receiving a degree in medicine or osteopathy who does not intend to enter training which can be completed within the deferment period granted under paragraph (a) of this section must complete at least one year of approved graduate training before beginning the period of obligated service. This one year of training must be in (1) an allopathic flexible first-year program whose sponsorship includes approved residencies in family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, or a categorical first-year program in family practice, internal medicine, or pediatrics; (2) a rotating internship in osteopathic medicine; or (3) such other programs as the Secretary determines provides comparable experience. Any participant receiving a degree in medicine or osteopathy who fails to complete the one year of required training or an approved graduate training program for which a deferment was granted under paragraph (a) of this section will be subject to the default penalties of § 62.10(c).

(c) Altering deferment. Before altering the length or type of approved graduate training for which the period of obligated service was deferred under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, the participant must request and obtain the Secretary's approval of the alteration.

(d) Additional terms of deferment. The Secretary may prescribe additional terms and conditions for deferment under paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section as necessary to carry out the purposes of the Scholarship Program.

(e) Beginning of service after deferment. Any participant whose period of obligated service has been deferred under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section must begin the obligated service when the participant begins to provide health services in the health manpower shortage area to which he or she is assigned by the Secretary. This assignment will be made by the Secretary as soon as possible following (1) the completion of the requested or required graduate training for which the deferment was granted, and (2) appointment as a Commissioned Officer in the Regular or Reserve Corps of the Service or as a civilian member of the National Health Service Corps.

§ 62.10 - What will happen if an individual does not comply with the terms and conditions of participating in the scholarship program?

(a) If a participant, other than one described in paragraph (b) of this section, fails to accept payment or instructs the school not to accept payment of the scholarship provided by the Secretary, the participant must, in addition to any service or other obligation incurred under the contract, pay to the United States the amount of $1,500 liquidated damages. Payment of this amount must be made within 30 days of the date on which the participant fails to accept payment of the scholarship award or instructs the school not to accept payment.

(b) When a participant fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing, is dismissed from the school for disciplinary reasons, or voluntarily terminates the course of study or program for which the scholarship was awarded before completing the course of study or program, the participant must, instead of performing any service obligation, pay to the United States an amount equal to all scholarship funds awarded under § 62.7. Payment of this amount must be made within 3 years of the date the participant becomes liable to make payment under this paragraph.

(c) If a participant fails to begin or complete the period of obligated service incurred under § 62.8, including failing to comply with the applicable terms and conditions of a deferment granted by the Secretary, the participant must pay to the United States an amount determined by the formula set forth in section 754(c) of the Act. Payment of this amount shall be made within 1 year of the date that the participant failed to begin or complete the period of obligated service, as determined by the Secretary.

§ 62.11 - When can a scholarship program payment obligation be discharged in bankruptcy?

In accordance with section 754(d)(3) of the Act, any payment obligation incurred under § 62.10 may not be discharged in bankruptcy under title XI of the United States Code until 5 years after the date on which the payment obligation is due.

§ 62.12 - Under what circumstances can the service or payment obligation be canceled, waived or suspended?

(a) Any obligation of a participant for service or payment will be canceled upon the death of the participant.

(b)(1) A participation may seek a waiver or suspension of the service or payment obligations incurred under this part by written request to the Secretary setting forth the bases, circumstances, and causes which support the requested action. The Secretary may approve a request for a suspension for a period of 1 year. A renewal of this suspension may also be granted.

(2) The Secretary may waive or suspend any service or payment obligation incurred by a participant whenever compliance by the participant (i) is impossible, or (ii) would involve extreme hardship to the participant and if enforcement of the service or payment obligation would be against equity and good conscience.

(c) Compliance by a participant with a service or payment obligation will be considered impossible if the Secretary determines, on the basis of information and documentation as may be required, that the participant suffers from a physical or mental disability resulting in the permanent inability of the participant to perform the service or other activities which would be necessary to comply with the obligation.

(d) In determining whether to waive or suspend any or all of the service or payment obligations of a participant as imposing an undue hardship and being against equity and good conscience, the Secretary, on the basis of information and documentation as may be required, will consider:

(1) The participant's present financial resources and obligations;

(2) The participant's estimated future financial resources and obligations; and

(3) The extent to which the participant has problems of a personal nature, such as physical or mental disability, terminal illness in the immediate family which so intrude on the participant's present and future ability to perform as to raise a presumption that the individual will be unable to perform the obligation incurred.

§ 62.13 - What are the limitations on the receipt of concurrent benefits?

Under section 741(f) or 836(h) of the Act, the Secretary may agree to repay a portion of an individual's educational loans in return for the individual's agreement to practice his or her profession in an area in need of health manpower. However, a Scholarship Program participant may not enter into an agreement with the Secretary under section 741(f) or 836(h) of the Act, until either:

(a) The participant has completed the service obligation under the Scholarship Program,

(b) The Secretary has recovered from the participant an amount determined under § 62.10, or

(c) Any service or payment obligation has been waived under § 62.12.

In no case shall a scholarship received under these regulations be considered an educational loan for the purposes of section 741(f) or 836(h) of the Act.
§ 62.14 - What are the special provisions relating to recipients of awards under the PH/NHSC scholarship training program who will also receive awards under the scholarship program?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, if a participant has previously received an award under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and also receives an award under the Scholarship Program, the terms and conditions of these regulations will apply to the participant's entire obligation incurred under both the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and the Scholarship Program.

(b) If a participant has received an award under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and also receives an award under the Scholarship Program, the following conditions apply:

(1) Period of obligated service—carry over. The period of obligated service owed by the participant is equal to the total number of school years for which scholarship support was awarded under both the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and the Scholarship Program without regard to either Program's minimum support requirement under 42 CFR 62.7(a) (1976) as adopted on May 22, 1974 (see 39 FR 17962), and under § 62.8(c) of this part.

(2) Credit for internship and residency training. (i) If a participant received a scholarship under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program for any school year beginning before October 12, 1976, the participant will receive credit toward satisfying the periods of obligated service incurred under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and under § 62.8 of this part for any periods of internship or residency training served in a Service or National Health Service Corps facility.

(ii) If a participant received a scholarship for the first time during the 1977-78 school year under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program, the participant will only receive 1 year of credit toward satisfying the period of obligated service incurred under the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program for internship or residency training served in a Service or National Health Service Corps facility.

(3) Default penalties. The PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program default penalty will apply to a participant who fails to begin or complete the active duty service obligation incurred under that Program, and the § 62.10 default penalties will apply to a participant who fails to begin or complete the service obligation incurred under § 62.8 of these regulations. In determining which default penalty to apply when an individual who has received a Scholarship award under both the PH/NHSC Scholarship Training Program and the Scholarship Program fails to begin or complete his service obligation, the service obligations will be considered to have been served in the order in which they were incurred.

authority: Sec. 215 of the Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 690, as amended, 63 Stat. 35 (42 U.S.C. 216); sec. 751 of the Public Health Service Act, 90 Stat. 2281 (42 U.S.C. 294t), unless otherwise noted
source: 45 FR 55429, Aug. 20, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 62.4