Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 64a.101 - Purpose.

This part establishes requirements to implement the service payback obligation of individuals who receive clinical traineeships in pyschology, psychiatry, social work, or nursing (that are not of limited duration or experimental nature) under section 303 of the Public Health Service Act.

§ 64a.102 - To whom do these regulations apply?

This part applies to any institution which receives a training grant under section 303 of the Public Health Service Act and to any individual who receives a stipend or other trainee allowances under such a grant for any period beginning on or after July 1, 1981, for clincial training in the field of psychology, psychiatry, nursing, or social work, except for training that is of a limited duration or experimental nature.

§ 64a.103 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Act means the Public Health Service Act as amended by Pub. L. 96-398.

Clinical traineeship means a stipend or other trainee allowances provided to an individual for clinical training in psychology, psychiatry, nursing, or social work, except for training that is of a limited duration or experimental nature, under a training grant authorized by section 303 of the Act.

Community Mental Health Centers Act means the Community Mental Health Centers Act (42 U.S.C. 2689 et seq.) other than Part D thereof.

Experimental nature refers to the training of undergraduates; the training of individuals in disciplines other than psychology, psychiatry, nursing, or social work; and any other training which the Secretary specifically designates as experimental in the notice of award for a training grant under section 303 of the Act.

Limited duration means a period that is equal to or less than 180 days, computed cumulatively over a two year period which begins on the first day of the clinical traineeship.

Mental Health Systems Act means the Mental Health Systems Act (42 U.S.C. 9401 et seq.).

Nonprofit private entity means an agency, organization, institution or other entity which may not lawfully hold or use any part of its net earnings to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual and which does not hold or use its net earnings for that purpose.

Other trainee allowances means financial assistance for those costs not covered by stipends, such as tuition, fees, and trainee travel, which are directly associated with and necessary to the training of individuals receiving stipends and are incurred within the period of training.

Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services or other official of the Department to whom the authority involved has been delegated.

Stipend means financial assistance to an individual that is intended to help meet that individual's subsistence expenses during training.

§ 64a.104 - What requirements are imposed upon grantees?

Recipients of training grants under section 303 of the Act that provide a clinical traineeship to any individual must:

(a) Give each such individual written notice of the service payback and recovery requirements of this part at the time the individual becomes a candidate for the traineeship;

(b) Before awarding a clinical traineeship, conduct an entrance interview with the individual in order to explain and emphasize the service obligation the individual is incurring, obtain the individual's written assurance that he or she will satisfy the requirements of § 64a.105, and document, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, the entrance interview on the form containing the individual's written assurance.

(c) At the time of termination of the clinical traineeship,

(1) Notify the Secretary in writing of the date on which the individual's traineeship is terminated;

(2) Conduct an exit interview with the individual to remind the trainee of the service obligation, to fully explain the consequences that will incur should the trainee fail to satisfy the obligation, and, to tell the individual that the Secretary has been notified of the date of termination of the traineeship; and

(3) Document, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, the exit interview on the form notifying the Secretary of the termination of the traineeship.

(d) Document the entrance and exit interviews with at least the following information: The date of the interview, the names of the participants involved in the interview, and a statement that the interview included an explanation to the individual of the service payback requirement and the consequences of failing to fulfill the service payback requirement.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0930-0120) [46 FR 39979, Aug. 5, 1981, as amended at 52 FR 18359, May 15, 1987]
§ 64a.105 - What are the conditions of obligated service?

In order to receive a clinical traineeship an individual must comply with the following conditions:

(a) Written assurance. Prior to the award of a clinical traineeship, the individual must sign a written assurance (in such form and manner as the Secretary prescribes) that he or she will satisfy the requirements of this section.

(b) Commencement and crediting of service. (1) An individual must start the obligated service within twenty-four months after termination of the clinical traineeship and carry out the service on a continuous basis unless, as specified in paragraph (e) of this section, the individual has requested and had approved, respectively, an extension of the time for beginning the service, or a break in service.

(2) Following termination of the traineeship, the individual must annually provide (in such form and manner as the Secretary prescribes) a written report describing those previous years' activities which are related to service that fulfills the payback obligation. The Secretary will review this report and credit all service performed in those categories specified in paragraph (d) of this section toward the individual's payback obligation, except any service which is performed:

(i) Before termination of the individual's clinical traineeship; and

(ii) As part of any activity, such as course work, preparation of a dissertation or thesis, or practicum, which is needed to complete the training for which the individual received the traineeship.

(c) Duration of obligation. The period of service payback must equal the period of support under the clinical traineeship on a month for month basis.

(d) Performance of the obligated service—(1) General requirements. The obligated service must consist of the provision of service for which the individual was trained (in the training program for which the clinical traineeship was received) and must be performed on a full-time basis (not less than 30 hours per week averaged over the obligated service period).

(2) Preferred service. Except as provided under paragraph (d)(3) of this section, the individual must provide the obligated service in:

(i) A public inpatient mental institution;

(ii) Any entity which is receiving or has received a grant under the Mental Health Systems Act or the Community Mental Health Centers Act;

(iii) A psychiatric manpower shortage area designated by the Secretary under section 332 of the Public Health Service Act and 42 CFR part 5;

(iv) Any public or private nonprofit entity or in any nursing home (whether public, private nonprofit, or for profit) in which 50 percent or more of those served are within one or more of the following groups: Racial or ethnic minorities (American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic), chronically mentally ill, mentally retarded, criminal or delinquent populations, rape victims, physically handicapped, abusers of alcohol, or persons addicted to drugs or other substances, children and adolescents, the elderly, poverty populations, migrants, members of the armed forces (or veterans if seen in a Federal facility), residents of areas other than those defined as urbanized by the Department of Commerce, or any other special populations, such as groups of refugees or disaster victims, which are specifically designated by the Secretary for this purpose.

(3) Alternate service. If the individual obtains the written approval of the Secretary, the individual may fulfill his or her obligation by:

(i) Serving in any public or private nonprofit entity or in any nursing home (whether public, private nonprofit, or for profit) in which not less than 25 percent of those served are within one or more of the underserved population groups listed in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section. The individual must demonstrate a service commitment of more than 50 percent of his or her time to the targeted populations.

(ii) Teaching, conducting research, or conducting evaluation directed at improving alcohol, drug abuse or mental health services to one or more of the priority population groups listed in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section, or working in a position which fosters the closer collaboration of health and alcohol, drug abuse or mental health services.

(iii) Providing in a public or private nonprofit entity consultation, training and education, liaison, community support or other professional services for which the individual was trained when the individual's work is directed toward improving alcohol, drug abuse or mental health services to the priority populations listed in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section.

(e) Conditions for deferral or break in service, waiver, or cancellation. (1) Upon receipt of a written request showing good cause therefor by the individual having a payback obligation, the Secretary may:

(i) Extend the period for beginning the obligated service (24 months after termination of the clinical traineeship), permit breaks in the required continuous service or extend the period for repayment under paragraph (g)(2) of this section, if it is determined that:

(A) An extension or break in service is necessary for the completion of training;

(B) Performance of the obligation must be delayed because a temporary disability makes present performance impossible; or

(C) Performance of the obligation must be delayed because present performance would involve a substantial hardship and failure to extend the period would be against equity and good conscience.

(ii) Waive, in whole or in part, the service payback and recovery requirements of this section if it is determined that fulfillment would be impossible because the individual is permanently and totally disabled.

(iii) In making determinations under § 64a.105(e)(1)(i)(C), the Secretary will take into consideration the following factors:

(A) The individual's present financial resources and obligations;

(B) The individual's estimated future financial resources and obligations;

(C) The reasons for the individual's failure to complete the requirements within the prescribed period, such as problems of a personal nature;

(D) The unavailability of employment opportunities appropriate to the individual's education and training; and

(E) Any other extenuating circumstances.

(2) Upon receipt of written notice giving evidence of a conflicting obligation under section 752 or 753 of the Act or of an election to fulfill an obligation under section 472 of the Act prior to an obligation under this section, the Secretary will extend the period for beginning service (24 months after termination of the clinical traineeship), permit breaks in the required continuous service or extend the period for repayment under paragraph (g)(1), as appropriate.

(3) The service payback and recovery obligations of an individual will be cancelled upon the submission to the Secretary of a certificate of that individual's death or other evidence which the Secretary determines to be satisfactory.

(f) Conflicting or multiple payback obligations. In any case where the individual has, in addition to a payback obligation incurred under this section, an obligation to perform service under section 752 or 753 of the Act (because of receipt of a National Health Service Corps scholarship) or under section 472 of the Act (because of receipt of a National Research Service Award), or both, performance of the same activity may not be counted toward more than one of these obligations. In determining the order in which obligations must be fulfilled, obligations under section 752 or 753 take precedence over obligations incurred under this section. However, with respect to obligations under this section and 472, the individual may elect which obligation to fulfill first. Any individual who has an obligation under section 752 or 753 or makes an election to fulfill an obligation under section 472 prior to an obligation under this section, must give written notice to the Secretary as provided by paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(g) Recovery for failure to perform obligated service. (1) If an individual fails to begin or complete the obligated service in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, that individual is obligated to repay the United States an amount equal to three times the cost of the award (including stipends and other trainee allowances) plus interest on that amount calculated for the total period since the trainee failed to perform the obligated service at the rate set by the Secretary of the Treasury for National Research Service Awards prevailing on the date on which the period of appointment begins, multiplied, in any case in which the service that was required has been performed in part, by the percentage which the length of service that was not performed is to the length of the service that was required to be performed. The amount will be determined under the following formula:

where A = the amount the United States is entitled to recover; θ = the cost of the clinical traineeship (including stipends and other trainee allowances); m = the number of months since the trainee failed to perform obligated service; i = the National Research Service Award rate on the date which the period of appointment begins divided by twelve; t = the total number of months of the service obligation; s = the number of months that have been served.

(2) Unless the Secretary extends the repayment period as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the individual shall pay to the United States the total amount which the United States is entitled to recover under paragraph (g)(1) of this section immediately upon the date that the individual fails to begin or complete the period of obligated service (including failing to comply with the applicable terms and conditions of an extension or break in service granted the individual) or upon the date that the individual indicates his or her intention not to fulfill the service obligation as determined by the Secretary. The amount is considered a debt owed to the United States, with interest accruing monthly upon the total debt as provided under paragraph (g)(1) of this section.

[46 FR 39979, Aug. 5, 1981, as amended at 52 FR 18359, May 15, 1987]
authority: Sec. 803, Pub. L. 96-398, 94 Stat. 1607-1608 (42 U.S.C. 242a)
source: 46 FR 39979, Aug. 5, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 64a.104