Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 71.29 - Administrative records relating to quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(a) The administrative record of an individual under quarantine, isolation, or conditional release shall, where applicable, consist of the following:

(1) The Federal order authorizing quarantine, isolation, or conditional release, including any subsequent Federal orders continuing or modifying the quarantine, isolation or conditional release;

(2) Records of any available medical, laboratory, or other epidemiologic information that are in the agency's possession and that were considered in issuing the Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order, or any subsequent Federal orders;

(3) Records submitted by the individual under quarantine, isolation, or conditional release, or by an authorized advocate or representatives, as part of a request for rescission of the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release or as part of a medical review;

(4) The written findings and report of the medical reviewer, including any transcripts of the medical review and any written objections submitted by the individual under Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release, or by an authorized advocate or representatives;

(b) An individual subject to a Federal public health order shall, upon request, be served with a copy of his or her own administrative record in its entirety.

[82 FR 6975, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.30 - Payment for care and treatment.

(a) The Director may authorize payment for the care and treatment of individuals subject to medical examination, quarantine, isolation, and conditional release, subject to paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section.

(b) Payment for care and treatment shall be in the Director's sole discretion and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) Payment shall be secondary to the obligation of the United States or any third-party (including any State or local governmental entity, private insurance carrier, or employer), under any other law or contractual agreement, to pay for such care and treatment, and shall be paid by the Director only after all third-party payers have made payment in satisfaction of their obligations.

(d) Payment may include costs for providing ambulance or other medical transportation when such services are deemed necessary by the Director for the individual's care and treatment.

(e) Payment shall be limited to those amounts the hospital, medical facility, or medical transportation service would customarily bill the Medicare system using the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM), and relevant regulations promulgated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in existence at the time of billing.

(f) For quarantinable communicable diseases, payment shall be limited to costs for services and items reasonable and necessary for the care and treatment of the individual for the time period beginning when the Director refers the individual to the hospital or medical facility and ends when, as determined by the Director, the period of apprehension, quarantine, isolation, or conditional release expires.

(g) For diseases other than those described in paragraph (f) of this section, such payment shall be limited to costs for services and items reasonable and necessary for care and treatment of the individual for the time period that begins when the Director refers the individual to the hospital or medical facility and ends when the individual's condition is diagnosed, as determined by the Director, as an illness other than a quarantinable communicable disease.

(h) For ambulance or other medical transportation, payment shall be limited to the costs for such services and other items reasonable and necessary for the safe medical transport of the individual.

[82 FR 6975, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.31 - General provisions.

(a) Upon arrival at a U.S. port, a carrier will not undergo inspection unless the Director determines that a failure to inspect will present a threat of introduction of communicable diseases into the United States, as may exist when the carrier has on board individual(s) reportable in accordance with § 71.21 or meets the circumstances described in § 71.42. Carriers not subject to inspection under this section will be subject to sanitary inspection under § 71.41 of this part.

(b) The Director may require detention of a carrier until the completion of the measures outlined in this part that are necessary to prevent the introduction or spread of a communicable disease. The Director may issue a controlled free pratique to the carrier stipulating what measures are to be met, but such issuance does not prevent the periodic boarding of a carrier and the inspection of persons and records to verify that the conditions have been met for granting the pratique.

§ 71.32 - Persons, carriers, and things.

(a) Whenever the Director has reason to believe that any arriving person is infected with or has been exposed to any of the communicable diseases listed in an Executive Order, as provided under section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act, he/she may isolate, quarantine, or place the person under surveillance and may order disinfection or disinfestation, fumigation, as he/she considers necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of the listed communicable diseases. Executive Order 13295, of April 4, 2003, as provided under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264), and as amended by Executive Order 13375 of April 1, 2005, contains the current revised list of quarantinable communicable diseases, and may be obtained at and register. If this Order is amended, HHS will enforce that amended order immediately and update this reference.

(b) Whenever the Director has reason to believe that any arriving carrier or article or thing on board the carrier is or may be infected or contaminated with a communicable disease, he/she may require detention, disinfection, disinfestation, fumigation, or other related measures respecting the carrier or article or thing as he/she considers necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases.

[68 FR 17559, Apr. 10, 2003, as amended at 77 FR 75891, Dec. 26, 2012]
§ 71.33 - Persons: Isolation and surveillance.

(a) The Director will arrange for adequate food and water, appropriate accommodation, appropriate medical treatment, and means of necessary communication for persons who are apprehended or held in isolation or quarantine under this subpart.

(b) The Director may require isolation where surveillance is authorized in this subpart whenever the Director considers the risk of transmission of infection to be exceptionally serious.

(c) Every person who is placed under surveillance by authority of this subpart shall, during the period of surveillance:

(1) Give information relative to his/her health and his/her intended destination and submit to surveillance, including electronic and internet-based monitoring as required by the Director or by the State or local health department having jurisdiction over the areas to be visited, and report for such medical examinations as may be required.

(2) Inform the Director prior to departing the United States or prior to traveling to any address other than that stated as the intended destination.

(d) From time to time the Director may, in accordance with section 322 of the Public Health Service Act, enter into agreements with public or private medical or hospital facilities for providing care and treatment for persons detained under this part.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0920-0134) [50 FR 1519, Jan. 11, 1985; 50 FR 3910, Jan. 29, 1985; 82 FR 6976, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.34 - Carriers of U.S. military services.

(a) Carriers belonging to or operated by the military services of the United States may be exempted from inspection if the Director is satisfied that they have complied with regulations of the military services which also meet the requirements of the regulations in this part. (For applicable regulations of the military services, see Army Regulation No. 40-12, Air Force Regulation No. 161-4, Secretary of the Navy Instruction 6210.2, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction 6210.2).

(b) Notwithstanding exemption from inspection of carriers under this section, animals or articles on board shall be required to comply with the applicable requirements of subpart F of this part.

§ 71.35 - Report of death or illness on carrier during stay in port.

The master of any carrier at a U.S. port shall report immediately to the quarantine station at or nearest the port the occurrence, on board, of any death or any ill person among passengers or crew.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0920-0134)
§ 71.36 - Medical examinations.

(a) The Director may require that an individual arriving into the United States undergo a medical examination as part of a Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(b) The Director shall promptly arrange for the medical examination to be conducted when one is required under this section and shall as part of the Federal order advise the individual that the medical examination shall be conducted by an authorized and licensed health worker, and with prior informed consent.

(c) As part of the medical examination, the Director may require that an individual provide information and undergo such testing, as may be reasonably necessary, to diagnose or confirm the presence, absence, or extent of infection with a quarantinable communicable disease.

(d) Individuals reasonably believed to be infected, based on the results of a medical examination, may be isolated, or if such results are inconclusive or unavailable, individuals may be quarantined or conditionally released in accordance with this part.

[82 FR 6976, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.37 - Requirements relating to the issuance of a Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(a) A Federal order authorizing quarantine, isolation, or conditional release shall be in writing, signed by the Director, and contain the following information:

(1) The identity of the individual or group subject to the order;

(2) The location of the quarantine or isolation or, in the case of conditional release, the entity to who and means by which the individual shall report for public health supervision;

(3) An explanation of the factual basis underlying the Director's reasonable belief that the individual is exposed to or infected with a quarantinable communicable disease;

(4) An explanation that the Federal order will be reassessed no later than 72 hours after it has been served and an explanation of the medical review of the Federal order pursuant to this part, including the right to request a medical review, present witnesses and testimony at the medical review, and to be represented at the medical review by either an advocate (e.g., an attorney, family member, or physician) at the individual's own expense, or, if indigent, to have representatives appointed at the government's expense;

(5) An explanation of the criminal penalties for violating a Federal order of quarantine, isolation, or conditional release; and

(6) An explanation that if a medical examination is required as part of the Federal order that the examination will be conducted by an authorized and licensed health worker, and with prior informed consent.

(b) A Federal order authorizing quarantine, isolation, or conditional release shall be served on the individual no later than 72 hours after the individual has been apprehended, except that the Federal order may be published or posted in a conspicuous location if applicable to a group of individuals and individual service would be impracticable.

(c) The Director shall arrange for translation or interpretation services of the Federal order as needed.

(d) Nothing in these regulations shall affect the constitutional or statutory rights of individuals to obtain judicial review of their federal detention.

[82 FR 6976, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.38 - Mandatory reassessment of a Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release (surveillance).

(a) The Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall reassess the need to continue the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release of an individual no later than 72 hours after the service of the Federal order.

(b) As part of the reassessment, the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall review all records considered in issuing the Federal order, including travel records, records evidencing exposure or infection with a quarantinable communicable disease, as well as any relevant new information.

(c) As part of the reassessment, and where applicable, the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall consider and make a determination regarding whether less restrictive alternatives would adequately serve to protect the public health.

(d) At the conclusion of the reassessment, the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall promptly issue a written Federal order directing that the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release be continued, modified, or rescinded.

(e) In the event that the Director orders that the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release be continued or modified, the written Federal order shall explain the process for requesting a medical review under this part.

(f) The Director's written Federal order shall be promptly served on the individual, except that the Federal order may be served by publication or by posting in a conspicuous location if applicable to a group of individuals and individual service would be impracticable.

(g) The Director shall arrange for translation or interpretation services of the Federal order as needed.

[82 FR 6976, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.39 - Medical review of a Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(a) The Director shall, as soon as practicable, arrange for a medical review upon a request by an individual under Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(b) A request for a medical review may only occur after the Director's mandatory reassessment under 71.38 and following the issuance and service of a Federal order continuing or modifying the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release.

(c) The medical review shall be for the purpose of ascertaining whether the Director has a reasonable belief that the individual is infected with a quarantinable communicable disease.

(d) The Director shall notify the individual in writing of the time and place of the medical review.

(e) The Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall designate a medical reviewer to review the medical or other evidence presented at the review, make medical or other findings of fact, and issue a recommendation concerning whether the Federal order for quarantine, isolation, or conditional release should be rescinded, continued, or modified.

(f) The individual subject to Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release may authorize an advocate (e.g., an attorney, family member, or physician) at his or her own expense to submit medical or other evidence and, in the medical reviewer's discretion, be allowed to present a reasonable number of medical experts. The Director shall appoint representatives at government expense to assist the individual for purposes of the medical review upon a request and certification, under penalty of perjury, by that individual that he/she is indigent.

(g) Prior to the convening of the review, the individual or his/her authorized advocate or representatives shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to examine the available medical and other records involved in the medical review pertaining to that individual.

(h) The Director shall take such measures that he/she determines to be reasonably necessary to allow an individual under Federal quarantine or isolation to communicate with any authorized advocate or representatives in such a manner as to prevent the possible spread of the quarantinable communicable disease.

(i) The medical reviewer may order a medical examination of an individual when, in the medical reviewer's professional judgment, such an examination would assist in assessing the individual's medical condition.

(j) As part of the review, and where applicable, the medical reviewer shall consider and accept into the record evidence concerning whether less restrictive alternatives would adequately serve to protect public health.

(k) The medical review shall be conducted by telephone, audio or video conference, or through other means that the medical reviewer determines in his/her discretion are practicable for allowing the individual under quarantine, isolation, or conditional release to participate in the medical review.

(l) At the conclusion of the review, the medical reviewer shall, based upon his or her review of the facts and other evidence made available during the medical review, issue a written report to the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) concerning whether, in the medical reviewer's professional judgment, the Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release should continue. The written report shall include a determination regarding whether less restrictive alternatives would adequately serve to protect public health. The written report shall be served on the individual and the individual's authorized advocate or representatives.

(m) The Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall, as soon as practicable, review the written report and any objections that may be submitted by the individual or the individual's advocate or representatives that contest the findings and recommendation contained in the medical reviewer's written report. Upon conclusion of the review, the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) shall promptly issue a written Federal order directing that the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release be continued, modified, or rescinded. In the event that the Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) continues or modifies the Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release, the Director's written order shall include a statement that the individual may request that the Director rescind the Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release, but based only on a showing of significant, new or changed facts or medical evidence that raise a genuine issue as to whether the individual should continue to be subject to Federal quarantine, isolation, or conditional release. The written Federal order shall be promptly served on the individual and the individual's authorized advocate or representatives, except that the Federal order may be served by publication or by posting in a conspicuous location if applicable to a group of individual's and individual service would be impracticable.

(n) The Director's written order shall not constitute final agency action until it has been served on the individual or the individual's authorized advocate or representatives, or alternatively, if applicable to a group of individuals and individual service would be impracticable, it is published or posted.

(o) The Director (excluding the CDC official who issued the quarantine, isolation, or conditional release order) may order the consolidation of one or more medical reviews if the number of individuals or other factors makes the holding of individual medical reviews impracticable.

(p) The Director may issue additional instructions as may be necessary or desirable governing the conduct of medical reviews.

(q) The Director shall arrange for translation or interpretation services as needed for purposes of this section.

[82 FR 6976, Jan. 19, 2017]
§ 71.40 - Suspension of the right to introduce and prohibition of the introduction of persons into the United States from designated foreign countries or places for public health purposes.

(a) The Director may prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction into the United States of persons from designated foreign countries (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or places, only for such period of time that the Director deems necessary to avert the serious danger of the introduction of a quarantinable communicable disease, by issuing an order in which the Director determines that:

(1) By reason of the existence of any quarantinable communicable disease in a foreign country (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or place there is serious danger of the introduction of such quarantinable communicable disease into the United States; and

(2) This danger is so increased by the introduction of persons from such country (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or place that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons into the United States is required in the interest of public health.

(b) For purposes of this section:

(1) Introduction into the United States means the movement of a person from a foreign country (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or place, or series of foreign countries or places, into the United States so as to bring the person into contact with persons or property in the United States, in a manner that the Director determines to present a risk of transmission of a quarantinable communicable disease to persons, or a risk of contamination of property with a quarantinable communicable disease, even if the quarantinable communicable disease has already been introduced, transmitted, or is spreading within the United States;

(2) Prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction into the United States of persons means to prevent the introduction of persons into the United States by suspending any right to introduce into the United States, physically stopping or restricting movement into the United States, or physically expelling from the United States some or all of the persons;

(3) Serious danger of the introduction of such quarantinable communicable disease into the United States means the probable introduction of one or more persons capable of transmitting the quarantinable communicable disease into the United States, even if persons or property in the United States are already infected or contaminated with the quarantinable communicable disease;

(4) The term Place includes any location specified by the Director, including any carrier, as that term is defined in 42 CFR 71.1, whatever the carrier's flag, registry, or country of origin; and

(5) Suspension of the right to introduce means to cause the temporary cessation of the effect of any law, rule, decree, or order pursuant to which a person might otherwise have the right to be introduced or seek introduction into the United States.

(c) Any order issued by the Director under this section shall include a statement of the following:

(1) The foreign countries (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or places from which the introduction of persons shall be prohibited;

(2) The period of time or circumstances under which the introduction of any persons or class of persons into the United States shall be prohibited;

(3) The conditions under which that prohibition on introduction shall be effective in whole or in part, including any relevant exceptions that the Director determines are appropriate;

(4) The means by which the prohibition shall be implemented; and

(5) The serious danger posed by the introduction of the quarantinable communicable disease in the foreign country or countries (or one or more political subdivisions or regions thereof) or places from which the introduction of persons is being prohibited.

(d) When issuing any order under this section, the Director shall, as practicable under the circumstances, consult with all Federal departments or agencies whose interests would be impacted by the order. The Director shall, as practicable under the circumstances, provide the Federal departments or agencies with a copy of the order before issuing it. In circumstances when it is impracticable to engage in such consultation before taking action to protect the public health, the Director shall consult with the Federal departments or agencies as soon as practicable after issuing his or her order, and may then modify the order as he or she determines appropriate. In addition, the Director may, as practicable under the circumstances, consult with any State or local authorities that he or she deems appropriate in his or her discretion.

(1) If the order will be implemented in whole or in part by State and local authorities who have agreed to do so under 42 U.S.C. 243(a), then the Director shall explain in the order the procedures and standards by which those authorities are expected to aid in the enforcement of the order.

(2) If the order will be implemented in whole or in part by designated customs officers (including any individual designated by the Department of Homeland Security to perform the duties of a customs officer) or Coast Guard officers under 42 U.S.C. 268(b), or another Federal department or agency, then the Director shall, in coordination with the Secretary of Homeland Security or other applicable Federal department or agency head, explain in the order the procedures and standards by which any authorities or officers or agents are expected to aid in the enforcement of the order, to the extent that they are permitted to do so under their existing legal authorities.

(e) This section does not apply to:

(1) Members of the armed forces of the United States and associated personnel if the Secretary of Defense provides assurance to the Director that the Secretary of Defense has taken or will take measures such as quarantine or isolation, or other measures maintaining control over such individuals, to prevent the risk of transmission of the quarantinable communicable disease into the United States; or

(2) Other United States government employees or contractors on orders abroad, or their accompanying family members who are on their orders or are members of their household, if the Director receives assurances from the relevant head of agency and determines that the head of the agency or department has taken or will take, measures such as quarantine or isolation, to prevent the risk of transmission of a quarantinable communicable disease into the United States.

(f) This section shall not apply to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and lawful permanent residents.

(g) Any provision of this section held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, or as applied to any person or circumstance, shall be construed so as to continue to give the maximum effect to the provision permitted by law, unless such holding shall be one of utter invalidity or unenforceability, in which event the provision shall be severable from this section and shall not affect the remainder thereof or the application of the provision to persons not similarly situated or to dissimilar circumstances.

[85 FR 56458, Sept. 11, 2020]
source: 50 FR 1519, Jan. 11, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 71.30