Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 1007.5 - Single, identifiable entity requirements of Unit.

(a) A Unit must be a single, identifiable entity of the State government.

(b) To be considered a single, identifiable entity of the State government, the Unit must:

(1) Be a single organization reporting to the Unit director;

(2) Operate under a budget that is separate from that of its parent agency; and

(3) Have the headquarters office and any field offices each in their own contiguous space, unless the Unit demonstrates to OIG that circumstances warrant a different arrangement for certain employees.

§ 1007.7 - Prosecutorial authority requirements of Unit.

A Unit must be organized according to one of the following three options related to a Unit's prosecutorial authority:

(a) The Unit is in the office of the State Attorney General or another department of State government that has statewide authority to prosecute individuals for violations of criminal laws with respect to fraud and patient or resident abuse or neglect in the provision or administration of medical assistance under a State plan implementing Title XIX of the Act.

(b) If there is no State agency with statewide authority and capability for criminal fraud or patient or resident abuse or neglect prosecutions, the Unit has established formal written procedures ensuring that the Unit refers suspected cases of criminal fraud in the State Medicaid program or of patient or resident abuse and neglect to the appropriate prosecuting authority or authorities, and coordinates with and assists such authority or authorities in the prosecution of such cases.

(c) The Unit has a formal working relationship with the office of the State Attorney General, or another office with statewide prosecutorial authority, and has formal written procedures for referring to the State Attorney General or other office suspected criminal violations and for effective coordination of the activities of both entities relating to the detection, investigation, and prosecution of those violations relating to the State Medicaid program. Under this working relationship, the office of the State Attorney General, or other office, must agree to assume responsibility for prosecuting alleged criminal violations referred to it by the Unit. However, if the State Attorney General finds that another prosecuting authority has the demonstrated capacity, experience, and willingness to prosecute an alleged violation, he or she may refer a case to that prosecuting authority, as long as the office of the State Attorney General maintains oversight responsibility for the prosecution and for coordination between the Unit and the prosecuting authority.

§ 1007.9 - Relationship and agreement between Unit and Medicaid agency.

(a) The Unit must be separate and distinct from the Medicaid agency.

(b) No official of the Medicaid agency will have authority to review the activities of the Unit or to review or overrule the referral of a suspected criminal violation to an appropriate prosecuting authority.

(c) The Unit will not receive funds paid under this part either from or through the Medicaid agency.

(d) The Unit must enter into a written agreement with the Medicaid agency under which:

(1) The Medicaid agency will agree to comply with all requirements of § 455.21(a) of this title;

(2) The Unit will agree to comply with the requirements of § 1007.11(c) of this title; and

(3) The Medicaid agency and the Unit will agree to:

(i) Establish a practice of regular meetings or communication between the two entities;

(ii) Establish procedures for how they will coordinate their efforts;

(iii) Establish procedures for §§ 1007.9(e) through 1007.9(h) of this title;

(iv) Establish procedures by which the Unit will receive referrals of potential fraud from managed care organizations, if applicable, either directly or through the Medicaid agency, as required at § 438.608(a)(7) of this title; and

(v) Review and, as necessary, update the agreement no less frequently than every five (5) years to ensure that the agreement reflects current law and practice.

(e)(1) The Unit may refer any provider with respect to which there is pending an investigation of a credible allegation of fraud under the Medicaid program to the Medicaid agency for payment suspension in whole or part under § 455.23 of this title.

(2) Referrals may be brief but must be in writing and include sufficient information to allow the Medicaid agency to identify the provider and to explain the credible allegations forming the grounds for the payment suspension.

(f) Any request by the Unit to the Medicaid agency to delay notification to the provider of a payment suspension under § 455.23 of this title must be made promptly in writing.

(g) The Unit should reach a decision on whether to accept a case referred by the Medicaid agency in a timely fashion. When the Unit accepts or declines a case referred by the Medicaid agency, the Unit promptly notifies the Medicaid agency in writing of the acceptance or declination of the case.

(h) Upon request from the Medicaid agency on a quarterly basis under § 455.23(d)(3)(ii), the Unit will certify that any matter accepted on the basis of a referral continues to be under investigation, thus warranting continuation of the payment suspension.

§ 1007.11 - Duties and responsibilities of Unit.

(a) The Unit will conduct a statewide program for investigating and prosecuting (or referring for prosecution) violations of all applicable State laws, including criminal statutes as well as civil false claims statutes or other civil authorities, pertaining to the following:

(1) Fraud in the administration of the Medicaid program, the provision of medical assistance, or the activities of providers.

(2) Fraud in any aspect of the provision of health care services and activities of providers of such services under any Federal health care program (as defined in section 1128B(f)(1)of the Act), if the Unit obtains the written approval of the Inspector General of the relevant agency and the suspected fraud or violation of law in such case or investigation is primarily related to the State Medicaid program.

(b)(1) The Unit will also review complaints alleging abuse or neglect of patients or residents in health care facilities receiving payments under Medicaid and may review complaints of the misappropriation of funds or property of patients or residents of such facilities.

(2) At the option of the Unit, it may review complaints of abuse or neglect, including misappropriation of funds or property, of patients or residents of board and care facilities, regardless of whether payment to such facilities is made under Medicaid.

(3) If the initial review of the complaint indicates substantial potential for criminal prosecution, the Unit will investigate the complaint or refer it to an appropriate criminal investigative or prosecutorial authority.

(4) If the initial review does not indicate a substantial potential for criminal prosecution, the Unit will, if appropriate, refer the complaint to the proper Federal, State, or local agency.

(c) If the Unit, in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, discovers that overpayments have been made to a health care facility or other provider, the Unit will either recover such overpayment as part of its resolution of a fraud case or refer the matter to the appropriate State agency for collection.

(d) Where a prosecuting authority other than the Unit is to assume responsibility for the prosecution of a case investigated by the Unit, the Unit will ensure that those responsible for the prosecutorial decision and the preparation of the case for trial have the fullest possible opportunity to participate in the investigation from its inception and will provide all necessary assistance to the prosecuting authority throughout all resulting prosecutions.

(e)(1) The Unit, if requested, will make available to OIG investigators and attorneys, or to other Federal investigators and prosecutors, all information in the Unit's possession concerning investigations or prosecutions conducted by the Unit.

(2) The Unit will coordinate with OIG investigators and attorneys, or with other Federal investigators and prosecutors, on any Unit cases involving the same suspects or allegations that are also under investigation or prosecution by OIG or other Federal investigators or prosecutors.

(3) The Unit will establish a practice of regular Unit meetings or communication with OIG investigators and Federal prosecutors.

(4) When the Unit lacks the authority or resources to pursue a case, including for allegations of Medicare fraud and for civil false claims actions in a State without a civil false claims act or other State authority, the Unit will make appropriate referrals to OIG investigators and attorneys or other Federal investigators or prosecutors.

(5) The Unit will establish written policy consistent with paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) of this section.

(f) The Unit will guard the privacy rights of all beneficiaries and other individuals whose data is under the Unit's control and will provide adequate safeguards to protect sensitive information and data under the Unit's control.

(g)(1) The Unit will transmit to OIG pertinent information on all convictions, including charging documents, plea agreements, and sentencing orders, for purposes of program exclusion under section 1128 of the Act.

(2) Convictions include those obtained either by Unit prosecutors or non-Unit prosecutors in any case investigated by the Unit.

(3) Such information will be transmitted to OIG within 30 days of sentencing, or as soon as practicable if the Unit encounters delays in receiving the necessary information from the court.

§ 1007.13 - Staffing requirements of Unit.

(a) The Unit will employ sufficient professional, administrative, and support staff to carry out its duties and responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.

(b) The Unit will employ individuals from each of the following categories of professional employees, whose exclusive effort, as defined in § 1007.1, is devoted to the work of the Unit:

(1) One or more attorneys capable of prosecuting the Unit's health care fraud or criminal cases and capable of giving informed advice on applicable law and procedures and providing effective prosecution or liaison with other prosecutors;

(2) One or more experienced auditors capable of reviewing financial records and advising or assisting in the investigation of alleged health care fraud and patient or resident abuse and neglect; and

(3) One or more investigators capable of conducting investigations of health care fraud and patient or resident abuse and neglect matters, including a senior investigator who is capable of supervising and directing the investigative activities of the Unit.

(c) The Unit will employ a director, as defined in § 1007.1, who supervises all Unit employees.

(d) Professional employees:

(1) Will devote their exclusive effort to the work of the Unit, as defined in § 1007.1 and except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section;

(2) May be employed outside the Unit during nonduty hours, only if the employee is not:

(i) Employed with a State agency (other than the Unit itself) or its contractors; or

(ii) Employed with an entity whose mission poses a conflict of interest with Unit function and duties;

(3) May perform non-Unit assignments for the State government only to the extent that such duties are limited in duration; and

(4) Will be under the direction and supervision of the Unit director.

(e) The Unit may employ administrative and support staff, such as paralegals, information technology personnel, interns, and secretaries, who may be full-time or part-time employees and must report to the Unit director or other Unit supervisor.

(f) The Unit will employ, or have available to it, individuals who are knowledgeable about the provision of medical assistance under Title XIX of the Act and about the operations of health care providers.

(g)(1) The Unit may employ, or have available through consultant agreements or other contractual arrangements, individuals who have forensic or other specialized skills that support the investigation and prosecution of cases.

(2) The Unit may not, through consultant agreements or other contractual arrangements, rely on individuals not employed directly by the Unit for the investigation or prosecution of cases.

(h) The Unit will provide training for its professional employees for the purpose of establishing and maintaining proficiency in Medicaid fraud and patient or resident abuse and neglect matters.

§ 1007.15 - Establishment and certification of Unit.

(a) Initial application. In order to demonstrate that it meets the requirements for certification, the State or territory must submit to OIG an application approved by the Governor or chief executive, containing the following:

(1) A description of the applicant's organization, structure, and location within State government, and a statement of whether it seeks certification under § 1007.7(a), (b), or (c);

(2) A statement from the State Attorney General that the applicant has authority to carry out the functions and responsibilities set forth in Subpart B. If the applicant seeks certification under § 1007.7(b), the statement must also specify either that:

(i) There is no State agency with the authority to exercise statewide prosecuting authority for the violations with which the Unit is concerned, or

(ii) Although the State Attorney General may have common law authority for statewide criminal prosecutions, he or she has not exercised that authority;

(3) A copy of whatever memorandum of agreement, regulation, or other document sets forth the formal procedures required under § 1007.7(b), or the formal working relationship and procedures required under § 1007.7(c);

(4) A copy of the agreement with the Medicaid agency required under §§ 1007.9 and 455.21(c);

(5) A statement of the procedures to be followed in carrying out the functions and responsibilities of this part;

(6) A proposed budget for the 12-month period for which certification is sought; and

(7) Current and projected staffing, including the names, education, and experience of all senior professional employees already employed and job descriptions, with minimum qualifications, for all professional positions.

(b) Basis for, and notification of, certification. (1) OIG will make a determination as to whether the initial application under paragraph (a) of this section meets the requirements of §§ 1007.5 through 1007.13 and whether a Unit will be effective in using its resources in investigating Medicaid fraud and patient or resident abuse and neglect.

(2) OIG will certify a Unit only if OIG specifically approves the applicant's formal written procedures under § 1007.7(b) or (c), if either of those provisions is applicable.

(3) If the application is not approved, the applicant may submit a revised application at any time.

(4) OIG will certify a Unit that meets the requirements of this Subpart B for 12 months.

§ 1007.17 - Annual recertification of Unit.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80070, Oct. 2, 2024.

(a) Information required annually for recertification. To continue receiving payments under this part, a Unit must submit to OIG:

(1) Reapplication for recertification. Reapplication is due at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the 12-month certification period. A reapplication must include:

(i) A brief narrative that evaluates the Unit's performance, describes any specific problems it has had in connection with the procedures and agreements required under this part, and discusses any other matters that have impaired its effectiveness. The narrative should include any extended investigative authority approvals obtained pursuant to § 1007.11(a)(2).

(ii) For those Units approved to conduct data mining under § 1007.20, all costs expended by the Unit attributed to data mining activities; the amount of staff time devoted to data mining activities; the number of cases generated from those activities; the outcome and status of those cases, including the expected and actual monetary recoveries (both Federal and non-Federal share); and any other relevant indicia of return on investment from such activities.

(iii) Information requested by OIG to assess compliance with this part and adherence to MFCU performance standards, including any significant changes in the information or documentation provided to OIG in the previous reporting period.

(2) Statistical reporting. By November 30 of each year, the Unit will submit statistical reporting for the Federal fiscal year that ended on the prior September 30 containing the following statistics:

(i) Unit staffing. The number of Unit employees, categorized by attorneys, investigators, auditors, and other employees, on board, and total number of approved Unit positions;

(ii) Caseload. The number of open, new, and closed cases categorized by type of case and the number of open criminal and civil cases categorized by type of provider;

(iii) Criminal case outcomes. The number of criminal convictions and indictments categorized by type of case and by type of provider; the number of acquittals, dismissals, referrals for prosecution, sentences, and other nonmonetary penalties categorized by type of case; and the amount of total ordered criminal recoveries categorized by type of provider; the amount of ordered Medicaid restitution, fines ordered, investigative costs ordered, and other monetary payment ordered categorized by type of case;

(iv) Civil case outcomes. The number of civil settlements and judgments and recoveries categorized by type of provider; the number of global (coordinated among a group of States) civil settlements and successful judgments; the amount of global civil recoveries to the Medicaid program; the amount of other global civil monetary recoveries; the number of other civil cases opened, filed, or referred for filing; the number of other civil case settlements and successful judgments; the amount of other civil case recoveries to the Medicaid program; the amount of other monetary recoveries; and the number of other civil cases declined or closed without successful settlement or judgment;

(v) Collections. The monies actually collected on criminal and civil cases categorized by type of case; and

(vi) Referrals. The number of referrals received categorized by source of referral and type of case; the number of cases opened categorized by source of referral and type of case; and the number of referrals made to other agencies categorized by type of case.

(b) Other information reviewed for recertification. In addition to reviewing information required at § 1007.17(a), OIG will review, as appropriate, the following information when considering recertification of a Unit:

(1) Information obtained through onsite reviews and

(2) Other information OIG deems necessary or warranted.

(c) Basis for recertification. In reviewing the information described at § 1007.17(a) and (b), OIG will evaluate whether the Unit has demonstrated that it effectively carries out the functions and requirements described in section 1903(q) of the Act as implemented by this part. In making that determination, OIG will take into consideration the following factors:

(1) Unit's compliance with this part and other Federal regulations, including those specified in § 1007.23;

(2) Unit's compliance with OIG policy transmittals;

(3) Unit's adherence to MFCU performance standards as published in the Federal Register;

(4) Unit's effectiveness in using its resources in investigating cases of possible fraud in the administration of the Medicaid program, the provision of medical assistance, or the activities of providers of medical assistance under the State Medicaid plan, and in prosecuting cases or cooperating with the prosecuting authorities; and

(5) Unit's effectiveness in using its resources in reviewing and investigating, referring for investigation or prosecution, or criminally prosecuting complaints alleging abuse or neglect of patients or residents in health care facilities receiving payments under the State Medicaid plan and, at the Unit's option, in board and care facilities.

(d) Notification. OIG will notify the Unit by the Unit's recertification date of approval or denial of the recertification reapplication.

(1) Approval subject to conditions. OIG may impose special conditions or restrictions and may require corrective action, as provided in 45 CFR 75.207, before approving a reapplication for recertification.

(2) Written explanation for denials. If the reapplication is denied, OIG will provide a written explanation of the findings on which the denial was based.

(e) Reconsideration of denial of recertification. (1) A Unit may request that OIG reconsider a decision to deny recertification by providing written information contesting the findings on which the denial was based.

(2) Within 30 days of receipt of the request for reconsideration, OIG will provide a final decision in writing, explaining its basis for approving or denying the reconsideration of recertification.

source: 84 FR 10713, Mar. 22, 2019, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 1007.13