Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 1784.0-1 - Purpose.

This subpart contains standards and procedures for the creation, operation and termination of advisory committees to advise the Secretary of the Interior and Bureau of Land Management on matters relating to public lands and resources under the administrative jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management.

§ 1784.0-2 - Objectives.

The objective of advisory committees established under these regulations is to make available to the Department of the Interior and Bureau of Land Management the expert counsel of concerned, knowledgeable citizens and public officials regarding both the formulation of operating guidelines and the preparation and execution of plans and programs for the use and management of public lands, their natural and cultural resources, and the environment.

§ 1784.0-3 - Authority.

(a) The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. Appendix 1) requires establishment of a system governing advisory committees in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government and specifies policies, procedures, and responsibilities for committee creation, management and termination.

(b) The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), as amended by the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (43 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.), requires establishment of advisory councils representative of major citizen interests concerned with resource management planning or the management of public lands.

(c) Section 2 of the Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (5 U.S.C. Appendix,as; 64 Stat. 1262), authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make provisions deemed appropriate authorizing the performance by any other officer, or by any agency or employee or the Department of the Interior of any Departmental function. The establishment of advisory committees is deemed an appropriate action.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 51 FR 39529, Oct. 29, 1986]
§ 1784.0-4 - [Reserved]
§ 1784.0-5 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart, the term:

(a) Advisory committee means any committee, council, or board established or utilized for purposes of obtaining advice or recommendations.

(b) Secretary means Secretary of the Interior.

(c) Director means the Director of the Bureau of Land Management.

(d) Designated Federal officer means the Federal officer or employee designated by an advisory committee charter who approves meeting agendas and attends all meetings of the committee and its subcommittees, if any.

(e) Public lands means any lands and interest in lands owned by the United States administered by the Secretary of the Interior through the Bureau of Land Management, except:

(1) Lands located on the Outer Continental Shelf; and

(2) Lands held for the benefit of Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.0-6 - Policy.

As part of the Department's program for public participation, it is the policy of the Secretary to establish and employ committees representative of major citizens' interests, or where required by law, of special citizen interests, to advise the Secretary and Director regarding policy formulation, program planning, decisionmaking, attainment of program objectives, and achievement of improved program coordination and economies in the management of public lands and resources; to regularly ensure that such committees are being optimally employed; and to limit the number of advisory committees to that essential to the conduct of the public's business.

§ 1784.1 - Establishment, duration, termination, and renewal.
§ 1784.1-1 - Establishment.

(a) An advisory committee required by statute is established or renewed upon the filing of a charter, signed by the Secretary, with the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the United States House of Representatives.

(b) An advisory committee not specifically required by statute shall be established only when the Secretary has—

(1) Determined as a matter of formal record, after consultation with the General Services Administration, that establishment of the committee is in the public interest in connection with duties required of the Department of the Interior by law;

(2) Signed and filed the committee charter; and

(3) Published in the Federal Register a notice of his determination and of the establishment of the committee.

(c) An advisory committee shall not meet or take any action until the Committee's charter has been signed by the Secretary and copies filed with the appropriate committees of the Senate and House of Representatives and the Library of Congress.

§ 1784.1-2 - Duration, termination, and renewal.

(a) An advisory committee not mandated by statute, i.e., established at the discretion of the Secretary, shall terminate not later than 2 years after its establishment unless, prior to that time, it is rechartered by the Secretary and copies of the new charter are filed with the appropriate committees of the Senate and House of Representatives. Any committee so renewed shall continue for not more than 2 additional years unless, prior to expiration of such period, it is again rechartered.

(b) Any advisory committee mandated by statute shall terminate not later than 2 years after the date of its establishment unless its duration is otherwise provided by law. Upon the expiration of each successive two-year period following date of establishment, a new charter shall be prepared and, after Secretarial approval, filed with the appropriate committees of the Senate and House of Representatives for any statutory advisory committee being continued.

§ 1784.2 - Composition, avoidance of conflict of interest.
§ 1784.2-1 - Composition.

(a) Each advisory committee shall be structured to provide fair membership balance, both geographic and interest-specific, in terms of the functions to be performed and points of view to be represented, as prescribed by its charter. Each shall be formed with the objective of providing representative counsel and advice about public land and resource planning, retention, management and disposal. No person is to be denied an opportunity to serve because of race, age, sex, religion or national origin.

(b) Individuals shall qualify to serve on an advisory committee because their education, training, or experience enables them to give informed and objective advice regarding an industry, discipline, or interest specified in the committee's charter; they have demonstrated experience or knowledge of the geographical area under the purview of the advisory committee; and they have demonstrated a commitment to collaborate in seeking solutions to resource management issues.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.2-2 - Avoidance of conflict of interest.

(a) Persons or employees of organizations who hold leases, licenses, permits, contracts or claims which involve lands or resources administered by the Bureau of Land Management normally shall not serve on advisory committees except—

(1) Holders of grazing permits and leases may serve on advisory committees, including resource advisory councils, and may serve on subgroups of such advisory councils;

(2) That the lack of candidates make them the only available candidates; or

(3) When they have special knowledge or experience which is needed to accomplish the committee functions to be performed.

(b) No advisory committee members, including members of resource advisory councils, and no members of subgroups of such advisory committees, shall participate in any matter in which the members have a direct interest.

(c) Members of advisory committees shall be required to disclose their direct or indirect interest in leases, licenses, permits, contracts, or claims and related litigation which involve lands or resources administered by the Bureau of Land Management. For the purposes of this paragraph, indirect interest includes holdings of a spouse or a dependent child.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.3 - Member service.

(a) Appointments to advisory committees shall be for 2-year terms unless otherwise specified in the charter or the appointing document. Terms of service normally coincide with duration of the committee charter. Members may be appointed to additional terms at the discretion of the authorized appointing official.

(1) The term of the member of a council who has been appointed on the basis of his status as an elected official of general purpose government serving the people of the geographical area for which the council is established shall end upon that person's departure from such elective office if such departure occurs before his or her term of appointment or reappointment to the council would otherwise expire. However, the Secretary, in his discretion, may permit the member to complete the term in another vacant position on the council, provided that the member is qualified to represent one of the other categories of major citizens' interests set forth in the charter of the council;

(2) A vacancy occurring by reason of removal, resignation, death, or departure from elective office shall be filled for the balance of the vacating member's term using the same method by which the original appointment was made;

(b) Committee members advise and report only to the official(s) specified in the charter. Service as an advisor, however, does not limit the rights of a member acting as a private citizen or as a member or official of another organization.

(c) The Secretary or the designated Federal officer may, after written notice, terminate the service of an advisor if, in the judgment of the Secretary or the designated Federal officer, such removal is in the public interest, or if the advisor—

(1) No longer meets the requirements under which elected or appointed;

(2) Fails or is unable to participate regularly in committee work; or

(3) Has violated Federal law or the regulations of the Secretary.

(d) For purposes of compensation, members of advisory committees shall be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses when on advisory committee business, as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5703. No reimbursement shall be made for expenses incurred by members of subgroups selected by established committees, except that the designated Federal officer may reimburse travel and per diem expenses to members of subgroups who are also members of the parent committee.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 6429, Feb. 12, 1982; 47 FR 34389, Aug. 9, 1982; 51 FR 39529, Oct. 29, 1986; 52 FR 5284, Feb. 20, 1987; 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.4 - Public participation.
§ 1784.4-1 - Calls for nominations.

Except where otherwise provided, candidates for appointment to advisory committees are sought through public calls for public nominations. Such calls shall be published in the Federal Register and are made through media releases and systematic contacts with individuals and organizations interested in the use and management of public lands and resources.

§ 1784.4-2 - Notice of meetings.

(a) Notices of meetings of advisory committees and any subcommittees that may be formed shall be published in the Federal Register and distributed to the media 30 days in advance of a meeting. However, if urgent matters arise, notices of meetings of advisory committees and any subcommittees shall be published in the Federal Register and distributed to the media at least 15 days in advance of a meeting.

(b) Notices shall set forth meeting locations, topics or issues to be discussed, and times and places for the public to be heard.

§ 1784.4-3 - Open meetings.

(a) All advisory committee and subcommittee meetings and associated field examinations shall be open to the public and news media.

(b) Anyone may appear before or file a statement with a committee or subcommittee regarding matters on a meeting agenda.

(c) The scheduling of meetings and the preparation of agendas shall be done in a manner that will encourage and facilitate public attendance and participation. The amount of time scheduled for public presentations and meeting times may be extended when the authorized representative considers it necessary to accommodate all who seek to be heard regarding matters on the agenda.

§ 1784.5 - Operating procedures.
§ 1784.5-1 - Functions.

The function of an advisory committee is solely advisory, and recommendations shall be made only to the authorized representative specified in its charter. Determinations of actions to be taken on the reports and recommendations of a committee shall be made only by the Secretary or the designated Federal officer.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.5-2 - Meetings.

(a) Advisory committees shall meet only at the call of the Secretary or the designated Federal officer.

(b) No meeting shall be held in the absence of the Secretary or the designated Federal officer.

(c) Each meeting shall be conducted with close adherence to an agenda which has been approved in advance by the authorized representative.

(d) The authorized representative may adjourn an advisory committee meeting at any time when—

(1) Continuance would be inconsistent with either the purpose for which the meeting was called or the established rules for its conduct; or

(2) Adjournment is determined to be in the public interest.

[45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, as amended at 60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.5-3 - Records.

(a) Detailed records shall be kept of each meeting of an advisory committee and any subcommittees that may be formed. These records shall include as a minimum—

(1) The time and place of the meeting;

(2) Copies of the Federal Register and other public notices announcing the meeting;

(3) A list of advisors and Department or Bureau employees present;

(4) A list of members of the public present and who each represented;

(5) The meeting agenda;

(6) A complete and accurate summary description of matters discussed and conclusions reached;

(7) A list of recommendations made by the advisory committee;

(8) Copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the Committee or subcommittee; and

(9) A description of the nature of public participation. The Chairperson of the advisory committee shall certify to the accuracy of meeting records.

(b) All records, reports, transcripts, minutes, recommendations, studies, working papers, and other documents prepared by or submitted to an advisory committee shall be available for public inspection and copying in the Bureau of Land Management office responsible for support of that committee. Upon request, copies shall be provided at the cost of duplication as established by the regulations in 43 CFR part 2 (Appendix A).

§ 1784.6 - Membership and functions of resource advisory councils and sub-groups.
§ 1784.6-1 - Resource advisory councils—requirements.

(a) Resource advisory councils shall be established to cover all lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, except where—

(1) There is insufficient interest in participation to ensure that membership can be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed; or

(2) The location of the public lands with respect to the population of users and other interested parties precludes effective participation.

(b) A resource advisory council advises the Bureau of Land Management official to whom it reports regarding the preparation, amendment and implementation of land use plans for public lands and resources within its area. Except for the purposes of long-range planning and the establishment of resource management priorities, a resource advisory council shall not provide advice on the allocation and expenditure of funds. A resource advisory council shall not provide advice regarding personnel actions.

(c) The Secretary shall appoint the members of each resource advisory council. The Secretary shall appoint at least 1 elected official of general purpose government serving the people of the area to each council. An individual may not serve concurrently on more than 1 resource advisory council. Council members and members of a rangeland resource team or other local general purpose subgroup must reside in 1 of the States within the geographic jurisdiction of the council or subgroup, respectively. Council members and members of general purpose subgroups shall be representative of the interests of the following 3 general groups:

(1) Persons who—

(i) Hold Federal grazing permits or leases within the area for which the council is organized;

(ii) Represent interests associated with transportation or rights-of-way;

(iii) Represent developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users, or commercial recreation activities;

(iv) Represent the commercial timber industry; or

(v) Represent energy and mineral development.

(2) Persons representing—

(i) Nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations;

(ii) Dispersed recreational activities;

(iii) Archeological and historical interests; or

(iv) Nationally or regionally recognized wild horse and burro interest groups.

(3) Persons who—

(i) Hold State, county or local elected office;

(ii) Are employed by a State agency responsible for management of natural resources, land, or water;

(iii) Represent Indian tribes within or adjacent to the area for which the council is organized;

(iv) Are employed as academicians in natural resource management or the natural sciences; or

(v) Represent the affected public-at-large.

(d) In appointing members of a resource advisory council from the 3 categories set forth in paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), and (c)(3) of this section, the Secretary shall provide for balanced and broad representation from within each category.

(e) In making appointments to resource advisory councils the Secretary shall consider nominations made by the Governor of the State or States affected and nominations received in response to public calls for nominations pursuant to § 1784.4-1. Persons interested in serving on resource advisory councils may nominate themselves. All nominations shall be accompanied by letters of reference from interests or organizations to be represented.

(f) Persons appointed to resource advisory councils shall attend a course of instruction in the management of rangeland ecosystems that has been approved by the Bureau of Land Management State Director.

(g) A resource advisory council shall meet at the call of the designated Federal officer and elect its own officers. The designated Federal officer shall attend all meetings of the council.

(h) Council charters must include rules defining a quorum and establishing procedures for sending recommendations forward to BLM. A quorum of council members must be present to constitute an official meeting of the council. Formal recommendations shall require agreement of at least a majority of each of the 3 categories of interest from which appointments are made.

(i) Where the resource advisory council becomes concerned that its advice is being arbitrarily disregarded, the council may request that the Secretary respond directly to such concerns within 60 days of receipt. Such a request can be made only upon the agreement of all council members. The Secretary's response shall not constitute a decision on the merits of any issue that is or might become the subject of an administrative appeal, and shall not be appealable.

(j) Administrative support for a resource advisory council shall be provided by the office of the designated Federal officer.

[60 FR 9958, Feb. 22, 1995]
§ 1784.6-2 - Resource advisory councils—optional features.

(a) Resource advisory councils must be established consistent with any 1 of the 3 models in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of this section. The model type and boundaries for resource advisory councils shall be established by the BLM State Director(s) in consultation with the Governors of the affected States and other interested parties.

(1) Model A

(i) Council jurisdiction. The geographic jurisdiction of a council shall coincide with BLM District or ecoregion boundaries. The Governor of the affected States or existing resource advisory councils may petition the Secretary to establish a resource advisory council for a specified Bureau of Land Management resource area. The councils will provide advice to the Bureau of Land Management official to whom they report regarding the preparation, amendment and implementation of land use plans. The councils will also assist in establishing other long-range plans and resource management priorities in an advisory capacity, including providing advice on the development of plans for range improvement or development programs.

(ii) Membership. Each council shall have 15 members, distributed equally among the 3 interest groups specified in § 1784.6-1(c).

(iii) Quorum and voting requirements. At least 3 council members from each of the 3 categories of interest from which appointments are made pursuant to § 1784.6-1(c) must be present to constitute an official meeting of the council. Formal recommendations shall require agreement of at least 3 council members from each of the 3 categories of interest from which appointments are made.

(iv) Subgroups. Local rangeland resource teams may be formed within the geographical area for which a resource advisory council provides advice, down to the level of a single allotment. These teams may be formed by a resource advisory council on its own motion or in response to a petition by local citizens. Rangeland resource teams will be formed for the purpose of providing local level input to the resource advisory council regarding issues pertaining to the administration of grazing on public land within the area for which the rangeland resource team is formed.

(A) Rangeland resource teams will consist of 5 members selected by the resource advisory council. Membership will include 2 persons holding Federal grazing permits or leases. Additional members will include 1 person representing the public-at-large, 1 person representing a nationally or regionally recognized environmental organization, and 1 person representing national, regional, or local wildlife or recreation interests. Persons selected by the council to represent the public-at-large, environmental, and wildlife or recreation interests may not hold Federal grazing permits or leases. At least 1 member must be selected from the membership of the resource advisory council.

(B) The resource advisory council will be required to select rangeland resource team members from nominees who qualify by virtue of their knowledge or experience of the lands, resources, and communities that fall within the area for which the team is formed. All nominations must be accompanied by letters of recommendation from the groups or interests to be represented.

(C) All members of rangeland resource teams will attend a course of instruction in the management of rangeland ecosystems that has been approved by the BLM State Director. Rangeland resource teams will have opportunities to raise any matter of concern with the resource advisory council and to request that BLM form a technical review team, as described below, to provide information and options to the council for their consideration.

(D) Technical review teams can be formed by the BLM authorized officer on the motion of BLM or in response to a request by the resource advisory council or a rangeland resource team. The purpose of such teams is to gather and analyze data and develop recommendations to aid the decisionmaking process, and functions will be limited to tasks assigned by the authorized officer. Membership will be limited to Federal employees and paid consultants. Members will be selected based upon their knowledge of resource management or their familiarity with the specific issues for which the technical review team has been formed. Technical review teams will terminate upon completion of the assigned task.

(2) Model B

(i) Council jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the council shall be Statewide, or on an ecoregion basis. The purpose of the council is to promote federal, state, and local cooperation in the management of natural resources on public lands, and to coordinate the development of sound resource management plans and activities with other states. It will provide an opportunity for meaningful public participation in land management decisions at the state level and will foster conflict resolution through open dialogue and collaboration.

(ii) Membership. The council shall have 15 members, distributed equally among the 3 interest groups specified in § 1784.6-1(c), and will include at least one representative from wildlife interest groups, grazing interests, minerals and energy interests, and established environmental/conservation interests. The Governor shall chair the council.

(iii) Quorum and voting requirements. The charter of the council shall specify that 80% or 12 members must be present to constitute a quorum and conduct official business, and that 80% or 12 members of the council must vote affirmatively to refer an issue to BLM Federal officer.

(iv) Subgroups. Local rangeland resource teams may be formed by the Statewide council, down to the level of a 4th order watershed. Rangeland resource teams will be formed for the purpose of providing local level input to the resource advisory council. They will meet at least quarterly and will promote a decentralized administrative approach, encourage good stewardship, emphasize coordination and cooperation among agencies, permittees and the interested public, develop proposed solutions and management plans for local resources on public lands, promote renewable rangeland resource values, develop proposed standards to address sustainable resource uses and rangeland health, address renewable rangeland resource values, propose and participate in the development of area-specific National Environmental Policy Act documents, and develop range and wildlife education and training programs. As with the resource advisory council, an 80% affirmative vote will be required to send a recommendation to the resource advisory council.

(A) Rangeland resource teams will not exceed 10 members and will include at least 2 persons from environmental or wildlife groups, 2 grazing permittees, 1 elected official, 1 game and fish district representative, 2 members of the public or other interest groups, and a Federal officer from BLM. Members will be appointed for 2 year terms by the resource advisory council and may be reappointed. No member may serve on more than 1 rangeland resource team.

(B) Technical review teams can be formed by the BLM authorized officer on the motion of BLM or in response to a request by the resource advisory council or a rangeland resource team. The purpose of such teams is to gather and analyze data and develop recommendations to aid the decisionmaking process, and functions will be limited to tasks assigned by the authorized officer. Membership will be limited to Federal employees and paid consultants. Members will be selected based upon their knowledge of resource management or their familiarity with the specific issues for which the technical review team has been formed. Technical review teams will terminate upon completion of the assigned task.

(3) Model C

(i) Council jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the council shall be on the basis of ecoregion, State, or BLM district boundaries.

(ii) Membership. Membership of the council shall be 10 to 15 members, distributed in a balanced fashion among the 3 interest groups defined in § 1784.6-1(c).

(iii) Quorum and voting requirements. The charter of each council shall specify that a majority of each interest group must be present to constitute a quorum and conduct official business, and that a majority of each interest group must vote affirmatively to refer an issue to BLM Federal officer.

(iv) Subgroups. Resource advisory councils may form more local teams to provide general local level input to the resource advisory council on issues necessary to the successful functioning of the council. Such subgroups can be formed in response to a petition from local citizens or on the motion of the resource advisory council. Membership in any subgroup formed for the purpose of providing general input to the resource advisory council on grazing administration should be constituted in accordance with provisions for membership in § 1784.6-1(c).

(A) Technical review teams can be formed by the BLM authorized officer on the motion of BLM or in response to a request by the resource advisory council or a local team. The purpose of such technical review teams is to gather and analyze data and develop recommendations to aid the decisionmaking process, and functions will be limited to tasks assigned by the authorized officer. Membership will be limited to Federal employees and paid consultants. Members will be selected based upon their knowledge of resource management or their familiarity with the specific issues for which the technical review team has been formed. Technical review teams will terminate upon completion of the assigned task.

(B) [Reserved]

[60 FR 9959, Feb. 22, 1995] Group 1800—Public Administrative Procedures
authority: 5 U.S.C. App. (Federal Advisory Committee Act); 43 U.S.C. 1739.
source: 45 FR 8177, Feb. 6, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 1784.4-2