Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 2430.1 - Use of criteria.

In addition to the general criteria in subpart 2410 the following criteria will govern classifications under the authorities listed in § 2400.0-3 for sale, selection, grant or other disposal under the Public Land Sale Act (78 Stat. 988, 43 U.S.C. 1421-1427) and other laws authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of public lands. The criteria are set forth in terms of land use classes. Where appropriate, the applicability of specific disposal laws to lands in each use class is discussed.

§ 2430.2 - General criteria for disposal classification.

The general approach to determine the act under which lands are to be classified and disposed of is as follows:

(a) Consideration under criteria listed in this part will first be given to whether the lands can be classified for retention for multiple use management, for disposal, or for both. If, under these criteria, they could be classified for both, the principles of § 2410.2 will be applied.

(b) If the lands are found to be suitable for disposal, consideration under the criteria of this part will be given to whether the lands are needed for urban or suburban purposes or whether they are chiefly valuable for other purposes. Lands found to be valuable for public purposes will be considered chiefly valuable for public purposes, except in situations where alternate sites are available to meet the public needs involved.

§ 2430.3 - Additional criteria for classification of lands needed for urban or suburban purposes.

(a) To be needed for urban or suburban purposes it must be anticipated that a community will embrace the lands within 15 years.

(b) Lands determined to be needed for urban or suburban purposes may be classified for sale pursuant to the Public Land Sale Act as being required for the orderly growth and development of a community, if (1) adequate zoning regulations are in effect and (2) adequate local governmental comprehensive plans have been adopted.

(c) Lands determined to be needed for urban or suburban purposes may be classified for disposal under any appropriate law other than the Public Land Sale Act, if disposal under such other authority would be consistent with local comprehensive plans, or in the absence of such plans, with the views of local governmental authorities.

(d) Where more than one form of disposal is possible, the authorized officer will select that course of action which will best promote development of the land for urban or suburban purposes.

§ 2430.4 - Additional criteria for classification of lands valuable for public purposes.

(a) To be valuable for public purposes, lands must be suitable for use by a State or local governmental entity or agency for some noncommercial and nonindustrial governmental program or suitable for transfer to a non-Federal interest in a transaction which will benefit a Federal, State, or local governmental program.

(b) Lands found to be valuable for public purposes may be classified for sale pursuant to the Public Land Sale Act as chiefly valuable for public uses or development or for transfer in satisfaction of a State land grant, or for transfer to a State or local governmental agency in exchange for other property, or for transfer to a governmental agency under any applicable act of Congress other than the Recreation and Public Purposes Act (44 Stat. 741), as amended (43 U.S.C. 869-869-4), if (1) the proposed use includes profit activities or if the interested, qualified governmental agency and the authorized officer agree that there is no need for the perpetual dedication of the lands to public uses required by the Recreation and Public Purposes Act, and (2) in the case of sales under the Public Land Sale Act, adequate zoning regulations exist in the area in which the lands are located.

(c) Lands found to be valuable for public purposes will ordinarily be classified for sale or lease under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act (see part 2740 and subpart 2912 of this chapter) if the proposed use involves nonprofit activities and if it is determined by the authorized officer that the provisions of that Act are required to insure the continued dedication of the lands to such uses, or otherwise to carry out the purposes of the Act.

(d) Lands may be classified for exchange under appropriate authority where they are found to be chiefly valuable for public purposes because they have special values, arising from the interest of exchange proponents, for exchange for other lands which are needed for the support of a Federal program.

§ 2430.5 - Additional criteria for classification of lands valuable for residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial purposes.

(a) Lands which have value for residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial purposes, or for more than one of such purposes, will be considered chiefly valuable for that purpose which represents the highest and best use of the lands, i.e., their most profitable legal use in private ownership.

(b) Lands may be classified for sale pursuant to the Public Land Sale Act as being chiefly valuable for residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial uses or development (other than grazing use or use for raising native forage crops), if (1) adequate zoning regulations are in effect, and, where the lands also are needed for urban or suburban development, (2) adequate local governmental comprehensive plans have been adopted.

(c) Lands determined to be valuable for residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial purposes may be classified for disposal under any appropriate authority other than the Public Land Sale Act if (1) disposal under such other authority would be consistent with local governmental comprehensive plans, or (2) in the absence of such plans, with the views of local governmental authorities.

(d) Lands outside of Alaska may be classified as suitable for homestead entry under part 2510 of this chapter if they are (1) chiefly valuable for agricultural purposes, and (2) suitable for development as a home and farm for a man and his family, and (3) the anticipated return from agricultural use of the land would support the residents. If it is determined that the irrigation of land otherwise suitable for homestead entry would endanger the supply of adequate water for existing users or cause the dissipation of water reserves, such land will not be classified for entry. Land may be classified for homestead entry only if rainfall is adequate, or if under State law, there is available to the land sufficient irrigation water, to permit agricultural development of its cultivable portions.

(e) Lands may be classified as suitable for desert land entry under part 2520 of this chapter if (1) the lands are chiefly valuable for agricultural purposes, and (2) all provisions concerning irrigation water set forth in § 2430.5(d) are met.

(f) Lands outside of Alaska may be classified as suitable for Indian allotment under part 2530 of this chapter if (1) the lands are valuable for agricultural purposes, and (2) the lands are on the whole suitable for a home for an Indian and his family, and (3) the anticipated return from agricultural use of the land would support the residents, and (4) the requirements for water supplies set forth in § 2430.5(d) are met.

(g) Lands determined to be valuable for purposes other than public purposes may be determined to be suitable for exchange if the acquisition of the offered lands, the disposition of the public lands, and the anticipated costs of consummating the exchange will not disrupt governmental operations.

§ 2430.6 - Additional criteria for lands valuable for other purposes.

Lands may be classified for disposal under any applicable authority where they are found to be chiefly valuable for purposes other than those described in §§ 2430.2-2430.5 of this section and to be not suitable for retention for multiple use management.

source: 35 FR 9561, June 13, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2430.5