Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 2805.10 - How will I know whether the BLM has approved or denied my application or if my bid for a solar or wind energy development grant or lease is successful or unsuccessful?

(a) The BLM will send you a written response when it has made a decision on your application or if you are the successful bidder for a solar or wind energy development grant or lease. If we approve your application, we will send you an unsigned grant for your review and signature. If you are the successful bidder for a solar or wind energy lease inside a designated leasing area under § 2809.15, we may send you an unsigned lease for your review and signature. If your bid is unsuccessful, it will be refunded under § 2804.30(e)(4) or § 2809.14(d) and you will receive written notice from us.

(b) Your unsigned grant or lease document:

(1) Will include any terms, conditions, and stipulations that we determine to be in the public interest, such as modifying your proposed use or changing the route or location of the facilities;

(2) May include terms that prevent your use of the right-of-way until you have an approved Plan of Development (POD) and BLM has issued a Notice to Proceed; and

(3) Will impose a specific term for the grant or lease. Each grant or lease that we issue for 20 or more years will contain a provision requiring periodic review at the end of the twentieth year and subsequently at 10-year intervals. We may change the terms and conditions of the grant or lease, including leases issued under subpart 2809, as a result of these reviews in accordance with § 2805.15(e).

(c) If you agree with the terms and conditions of the unsigned grant or lease, you should sign and return it to the BLM with any payment required under § 2805.16. The BLM will issue the right-of-way by signing the grant or lease and transmitting it to you, if the regulations in this part, including § 2804.26, remain satisfied.

(d) If BLM denies your application, we will send you a written decision that will:

(1) State the reasons for the denial (see § 2804.26 of this part);

(2) Identify any processing costs you must pay (see § 2804.14 of this part); and

(3) Notify you of your right to appeal this decision under § 2801.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92212, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 35679, May 1, 2024]
§ 2805.11 - What does a grant or lease contain?

The grant states what your rights are on the lands subject to the grant and contains information about:

(a) What lands you can use or occupy. The lands may or may not correspond to those for which you applied. BLM will limit the grant to those lands which BLM determines:

(1) You will occupy with authorized facilities;

(2) Are necessary for constructing, operating, maintaining, and terminating the authorized facilities;

(3) Are necessary to protect the public health and safety;

(4) Will not unnecessarily damage the environment; and

(5) Will not result in unnecessary or undue degradation.

(b) Right of ingress and egress to a right-of-way. To facilitate the use of a right-of-way, the authorized officer must include in the grant rights of ingress and egress, as may be necessary for access to and from the right-of-way. Access routes must be identified in the grant and may include existing roads or other infrastructure.

(c) How long you can use the right-of-way. Each grant will state the length of time that you are authorized to use the right-of-way.

(1) BLM will consider the following factors in establishing a reasonable term:

(i) The public purpose served;

(ii) Cost and useful life of the facility;

(iii) Time limitations imposed by licenses or permits required by other Federal agencies and state, tribal, or local governments; and

(iv) The time necessary to accomplish the purpose of the grant.

(2) Specific terms for energy grants and leases, such as solar or wind energy development projects, are as follows:

(i) For an energy site-specific testing grant, the term is 3 years or less, without the option of renewal;

(ii) For an energy project-area testing grant, the initial term is 3 years or less, with the option to renew for one additional 3-year period when the renewal application is also accompanied by a solar or wind energy development application and a POD as required by § 2804.25(e)(3);

(iii) For a short-term grant for all other associated actions not specifically included in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, such as geotechnical testing and other temporary land disturbing activities, the term is 3 years or less;

(iv) Energy generation facilities, including solar or wind energy development facilities, are authorized with a grant or lease for up to 50 years (plus initial partial year of issuance), subject to the terms and conditions including but not limited to § 2805.12(c); and

(v) Energy storage facilities which are separate from energy generation facilities are authorized with a right-of-way grant for up to 50 years, subject to the terms and conditions including but not limited to § 2805.12(c);

(3) All grants and leases, except those issued for a term of 3 years or less and those issued in perpetuity, will expire on December 31 of the final year of the grant or lease. For grants and leases with terms greater than 3 years, the actual term includes the number of full years specified, plus the initial partial year, if any.

(4) Electric transmission lines with a capacity of 100 kV or more are authorized with a right-of-way grant for up to 50 years.

(d) How you can use the right-of-way. You may only use the right-of-way for the specific use the grant authorizes.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65071, Oct. 31, 2008; 81 FR 92213, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25962, Apr. 12, 2024; 89 FR 35679, May 1, 2024; 89 FR 53870, June 28, 2024]
§ 2805.12 - With what terms and conditions must I comply?

(a) By accepting a grant or lease, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. During construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of the project you must:

(1) To the extent practicable, comply with all existing and subsequently enacted, issued, or amended Federal laws and regulations and State laws and regulations applicable to the authorized use;

(2) Rebuild and repair roads, fences, and established trails destroyed or damaged by the project;

(3) Build and maintain suitable crossings for existing roads and significant trails that intersect the project;

(4) Do everything reasonable to prevent and suppress wildfires on or adjacent to the right-of-way;

(5) Not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment during any stage of the project because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin. You must also require subcontractors to not discriminate;

(6) Pay monitoring fees and rent described in § 2805.16 and subpart 2806;

(7) Assume full liability if third parties are injured or damages occur to property on or near the right-of-way (see § 2807.12);

(8) Comply with project-specific terms, conditions, and stipulations, including requirements to:

(i) Restore, revegetate, and curtail erosion or conduct any other rehabilitation measure the BLM determines necessary;

(ii) Ensure that activities in connection with the grant comply with air and water quality standards or related facility siting standards contained in applicable Federal or State law or regulations;

(iii) Control or prevent damage to:

(A) Scenic, aesthetic, cultural, and environmental values, including fish and wildlife habitat;

(B) Public and private property; and

(C) Public health and safety;

(iv) Provide for compensatory mitigation for residual impacts associated with the right-of-way;

(v) Protect the interests of individuals living in the general area who rely on the area for subsistence uses as that term is used in Title VIII of Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) (16 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.);

(vi) Ensure that you construct, operate, maintain, and decommission the facilities authorized by the right-of-way in a manner consistent with the grant, including the approved POD, if one was required, or any approved operating plan or agreement;

(vii) When the State standards are more stringent than Federal standards, comply with State standards for public health and safety, environmental protection, and siting, constructing, operating, and maintaining any facilities and improvements on the right-of-way; and

(viii) Grant the BLM an equivalent authorization for an access road across your land if the BLM determines that a reciprocal authorization is needed in the public interest and the authorization the BLM issues to you is also for road access;

(9) Immediately notify all Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies of any release or discharge of hazardous material reportable to such entity under applicable law. You must also notify the BLM at the same time and send the BLM a copy of any written notification you prepared;

(10) Not dispose of or store hazardous material on your right-of-way, except as provided by the terms, conditions, and stipulations of your grant;

(11) Certify your compliance with all requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, (42 U.S.C. 11001 et seq.), when you receive, assign, renew, amend, or terminate your grant;

(12) Control and remove any release or discharge of hazardous material on or near the right-of-way arising in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way, whether or not the release or discharge is authorized under the grant. You must also remediate and restore lands and resources affected by the release or discharge to the BLM's satisfaction and to the satisfaction of any other Federal, State, tribal, or local agency having jurisdiction over the land, resource, or hazardous material;

(13) Comply with all liability and indemnification provisions and stipulations in the grant;

(14) As the BLM directs, provide diagrams or maps showing the location of any constructed facility;

(15) As the BLM directs, provide, or give access to, any pertinent environmental, technical, and financial records, reports, and other information, such as Power Purchase and Interconnection Agreements or the production and sale data for electricity generated from the approved facilities on public lands. Failure to comply with such requirements may, at the discretion of the BLM, result in suspension or termination of the right-of-way authorization. The BLM may use this and similar information for the purpose of monitoring your authorization and for periodic evaluation of financial obligations under the authorization, as appropriate. Any records the BLM obtains will be made available to the public subject to all applicable legal requirements and limitations for inspection and duplication under the Freedom of Information Act. Any information marked confidential or proprietary will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law; and

(16) Comply with all other stipulations that the BLM may require.

(b) You must comply with the bonding requirements under § 2805.20. The BLM will not issue a Notice to Proceed or give written approval to proceed with ground disturbing activities until you comply with this requirement.

(c) By accepting a grant or lease for solar or wind energy development, you also agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. You must:

(1) Not begin any ground disturbing activities until the BLM issues a Notice to Proceed (see § 2807.10) or written approval to proceed with ground disturbing activities;

(2) Complete construction within the timeframes in the approved POD, but no later than 24 months after the start of construction, unless the project has been approved for staged development, or as otherwise authorized by the BLM;

(3) If an approved POD provides for staged development, unless otherwise approved by the BLM:

(i) Begin construction of the initial phase of development within 12 months after issuance of the Notice to Proceed, but no later than 24 months after the effective date of the right-of-way authorization;

(ii) Begin construction of each stage of development (following the first) within 3 years of the start of construction of the previous stage of development, and complete construction of that stage no later than 24 months after the start of construction of that stage, unless otherwise authorized by the BLM; and

(iii) Have no more than 3 development stages, unless otherwise authorized by the BLM;

(4) Maintain all onsite electrical generation equipment and facilities in accordance with the design standards in the approved POD;

(5) Repair and place into service, or remove from the site, damaged or abandoned facilities that:

(i) Have been inoperative for any continuous period of 3 months and present a hazard to the public lands; or

(ii) Present a hazard to human health or safety. You must take appropriate remedial action within 30 days after receipt of a written noncompliance notice unless you have been provided an extension of time by the BLM. Alternatively, you must show good cause for any delays in repairs, use, or removal; estimate when corrective action will be completed; provide evidence of diligent operation of the facilities; and submit a written request for an extension of the 30-day deadline. If you do not comply with this provision, the BLM may suspend or terminate the authorization under §§ 2807.17 through 2807.19; and

(6) Comply with the diligent development provisions of the authorization or the BLM may suspend or terminate your grant or lease under §§ 2807.17 through 2807.19. Before suspending or terminating the authorization, the BLM will send you a notice that gives you a reasonable opportunity to correct any noncompliance or to start or resume use of the right-of-way (see § 2807.18). In response to this notice, you must:

(i) Provide reasonable justification for any delays in construction (for example, delays in equipment delivery, legal challenges, and acts of God);

(ii) Provide the anticipated date of completion of construction and evidence of progress toward the start or resumption of construction; and

(iii) Submit a written request under paragraph (e) of this section for extension of the timelines in the approved POD. If you do not comply with the requirements of paragraph (c)(7) of this section, the BLM may deny your request for an extension of the timelines in the approved POD.

(7) In addition to the RCE requirements of § 2805.20(a)(5) for a grant, the bond secured for a grant or lease must cover the estimated costs of cultural resource and Indian cultural resource identification, protection, and mitigation for project impacts.

(8) Comply with the operational standards in this section for solar or wind energy development projects on public lands. The holder of a grant or lease for solar or wind energy development is authorized to operate for the purpose of generating energy. Diligent operation requires the holder to annually maintain at least 75 percent of energy generation capacity for the authorized development. Failure to meet this required generation in continuous two calendar year period during the term of the grant or lease may support suspension or termination of the grant or lease under §§ 2807.17 through 2807.19. Before suspending or terminating the authorization, the BLM will send you a notice that gives you a reasonable opportunity to correct any noncompliance or to start or resume use of the right-of-way (see § 2807.18). In response to this notice, you must:

(i) Provide reasonable justification for any reductions in energy generation (for example, delays in equipment delivery, legal challenges, and Acts of God);

(ii) Provide the anticipated date in which production of energy generation will resume; and

(iii) Submit a written request under paragraph (e) of this section for extension of the period in which the holder must satisfy the minimum energy threshold. If you do not comply with the requirements of paragraph (c)(8) of this section, the BLM may deny your request for an extension of the period for complying with the minimum energy generation threshold.

(d) For energy site or project testing grants:

(1) You must install all monitoring facilities within 12 months after the effective date of the grant or other authorization. If monitoring facilities under a site testing and monitoring right-of-way authorization have not been installed within 12 months after the effective date of the authorization or consistent with the timeframe of the approved POD, you must request an extension pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section;

(2) You must maintain all onsite equipment and facilities in accordance with the approved design standards;

(3) You must repair and place into service, or remove from the site, damaged or abandoned facilities that:

(i) Have been inoperative for any continuous period of 3 months and present a hazard to the public lands; or

(ii) Present a hazard to human health or safety; and

(4) If you do not comply with the diligent development provisions of either the site testing and monitoring authorization or the project testing and monitoring authorization, the BLM may terminate your authorization under § 2807.17.

(e) Notification of noncompliance and request for alternative requirements. (1) As soon as you anticipate that you will not meet any stipulation, term, or condition of the approved right-of-way grant or lease, or in the event of your noncompliance with any such stipulation, term, or condition, you must notify the BLM in writing and show good cause for the noncompliance, including an explanation of the reasons for the failure.

(2) You may also request that the BLM consider alternative stipulations, terms, or conditions, other than rents or fees, and except as provided in § 2806.52(b)(1)(i). Any proposed alternative stipulation, term, or condition must comply with applicable law in order to be considered. Any proposed alternative to applicable bonding requirements must provide the United States with adequate financial assurance for potential liabilities associated with your right-of-way grant or lease. Any such request is not approved until you receive BLM approval in writing.

[81 FR 92213, Dec. 19, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 25962, Apr. 12, 2024; 89 FR 35679, May 1, 2024]
§ 2805.13 - When is a grant or lease effective?

A grant is effective after both you and the BLM sign it. You must accept its terms and conditions in writing and pay any necessary rent and monitoring fees as set forth in subpart 2806 of this part and § 2805.16 of this subpart. Your written acceptance constitutes an agreement between you and the BLM that your right to use the public lands, as specified in the grant or lease, is subject to the terms and conditions of the grant or lease and applicable laws and regulations.

[89 FR 35680, May 1, 2024]
§ 2805.14 - What rights does a right-of-way grant or lease convey?

The grant conveys to you only those rights which it expressly contains. BLM issues it subject to the valid existing rights of others, including the United States. Rights which the grant conveys to you include the right to:

(a) Use the described lands to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate facilities within the right-of-way for authorized purposes under the terms and conditions of the grant;

(b) If your authorization specifically allows for subleasing, you may allow other parties to use your facility for the purposes specified in your authorization and you may charge fees for such use. If your authorization does not specifically allow subleasing, you may not let anyone else use your facility and you may not charge for its use unless the BLM authorizes or requires it in writing;

(c) Allow others to use the land as your agent in the exercise of the rights that the grant specifies;

(d) Do trimming, pruning, and removal of vegetation to maintain the right-of-way or facility and protect public health and safety;

(e) Use common varieties of stone and soil which are necessarily removed during construction of the project in constructing the project within the authorized right-of-way, or use vegetation removed during maintenance of the right-of-way, so long as any necessary authorization to remove or use such materials has been obtained from the BLM pursuant to applicable laws;

(f) Assign the grant to another, provided that you obtain the BLM's prior written approval, unless your grant specifically states that that such approval is unnecessary; and

(g) Apply to renew your right-of-way grant or lease under § 2807.22;

(h) Apply to renew your energy project-area testing grant for one additional term of 3 years or less when the renewal application also includes an energy development application under § 2801.9(d)(2).

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65071, Oct. 31, 2008; 81 FR 92215, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25962, Apr. 12, 2024; 89 FR 35680, May 1, 2024]
§ 2805.15 - What rights does the United States retain?

The United States retains and may exercise any rights the grant does not expressly convey to you. These include BLM's right to:

(a) Access the lands and enter the facilities described in the authorization. The BLM will give you reasonable notice before it enters any facility on the right-of-way;

(b) Require common use of your right-of-way, including facilities (see § 2805.14(b)), subsurface, and air space, and authorize use of the right-of-way for compatible uses. You may not charge for the use of the lands made subject to such additional right-of-way grants;

(c) Retain ownership of the resources of the land, including timber and vegetative or mineral materials and any other living or non-living resources. You have no right to use these resources, except as noted in § 2805.14(e) of this subpart;

(d) Determine whether or not your grant is renewable; and

(e) Change the terms and conditions of your grant as a result of changes in legislation, regulation, or as otherwise necessary to protect public health or safety or the environment. After a grant is signed by the BLM, any modification of the terms and conditions generally requires the BLM to issue a new or amended grant;

(f) Terminate your authorization for non-compliance; and

(g) Require you to provide applicable financial documents and supporting documents including, but not limited to, contractual and subleasing agreements.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92215, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25962, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2805.16 - If I hold a grant, what cost recovery fees must I pay?

(a) You must pay a fee to the BLM for the reasonable costs the Federal Government incurs in processing, inspecting, and monitoring the construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of the project and protection and rehabilitation of the public lands that your grant covers. Instead of paying the BLM a fee for the reasonable costs incurred by other Federal agencies in processing or monitoring your grant, you may pay the other Federal agencies directly for such costs. The BLM will annually adjust the Category 1 through 4 cost recovery fees in the manner described at § 2804.14(b). The BLM will update Category 5 cost recovery fees as specified in the applicable Master Agreement. Category 6 cost recovery fees are addressed at § 2805.17(c). The BLM categorizes the cost recovery fees based on the estimated number of work hours necessary to process and monitor your grant. Category 1 through 4 cost recovery fees are not refundable. The Federal work hours for each category and their descriptions are found at § 2804.14(b).

(b) The BLM will update the cost recovery fee schedule for Categories 1 through 4 each calendar year, based on the previous year's change in the IPD-GDP, as measured second quarter to second quarter and rounded to the nearest dollar. The BLM will update Category 5 cost recovery fees as specified in the applicable Master Agreement.

(c) You may obtain a copy of the current year's cost recovery fee schedule from any BLM state, district, or field office, or by writing: Attention to the Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Director (HQ-350), Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240. The BLM also posts the current cost recovery fee schedule at

[89 FR 25963, Apr., 12, 2024]
§ 2805.17 - When do I pay monitoring fees?

(a) Monitoring Categories 1 through 4. Unless BLM otherwise directs, you must pay monitoring fees when you submit to BLM your written acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant.

(b) Monitoring Category 5. You must pay monitoring fees as specified in the Master Agreement. BLM will not issue your grant until it receives the required payment.

(c) Monitoring Category 6. BLM may periodically estimate the costs of monitoring your use of the grant. BLM will include this fee in the costs associated with processing fees described at § 2804.14 of this part. If BLM has underestimated the monitoring costs, we will notify you of the shortfall. If your payments exceed the reasonable costs that Federal employees incurred for monitoring, BLM will either reimburse you the difference, or adjust the next billing to reflect the overpayment. Unless BLM gives you written authorization, you may not offset or deduct the overpayment from your payments.

(d) Monitoring Categories 1-4 and 6. If you disagree with the category BLM has determined for your grant, you may appeal the decision under § 2801.10 of this part.

§ 2805.20 - Bonding requirements.

If you hold a grant or lease under this part, you must comply with the following bonding requirements:

(a) The BLM may require that you obtain, or certify that you have obtained, a performance and reclamation bond or other acceptable bond instrument to cover any losses, damages, or injury to human health, the environment, or property in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way, including costs associated with terminating the grant, and to secure all obligations imposed by the grant and applicable laws and regulations. If you plan to use hazardous materials in the operation of your grant, you must provide a bond that covers liability for damages or injuries resulting from releases or discharges of hazardous materials. The BLM will periodically review your bond for adequacy and may require a new bond, an increase or decrease in the value of an existing bond, or other acceptable security at any time during the term of the grant or lease.

(1) The BLM must be listed as an additionally named insured on the bond instrument if a State regulatory authority requires a bond to cover some portion of environmental liabilities, such as hazardous material damages or releases, reclamation, or other requirements for the project. The bond must:

(i) Be redeemable by the BLM;

(ii) Be held or approved by a State agency for the same reclamation requirements as specified by our right-of-way authorization; and

(iii) Provide the same or greater financial guarantee that we require for the portion of environmental liabilities covered by the State's bond.

(2) Bond acceptance. The BLM authorized officer must review and approve all bonds, including any State bonds, prior to acceptance, and at the time of any right-of-way assignment, amendment, or renewal.

(3) Bond amount. Unless you hold a solar or wind energy lease under subpart 2809, the bond amount will be determined based on the preparation of a RCE, which the BLM may require you to prepare and submit. The estimate must include our cost to administer a reclamation contract and will be reviewed periodically for adequacy. The BLM may also consider other factors, such as salvage value, when determining the bond amount.

(4) You must post a bond on or before the deadline that we give you.

(5) Bond components that must be addressed when determining the RCE amount include, but are not limited to:

(i) Environmental liabilities such as use of hazardous materials waste and hazardous substances, herbicide use, the use of petroleum-based fluids, and dust control or soil stabilization materials;

(ii) The decommissioning, removal, and proper disposal, as appropriate, of any improvements and facilities; and

(iii) Interim and final reclamation, re-vegetation, recontouring, and soil stabilization. This component must address the potential for flood events and downstream sedimentation from the site that may result in offsite impacts.

(6) You may ask us to accept a replacement performance and reclamation bond at any time after the approval of the initial bond. We will review the replacement bond for adequacy. A surety company is not released from obligations that accrued while the surety bond was in effect unless the replacement bond covers those obligations to our satisfaction.

(7) You must notify us that reclamation has occurred and you may request that the BLM reevaluate your bond. If we determine that you have completed reclamation, we may release all or part of your bond.

(8) If you hold a grant, you are still liable under § 2807.12 if:

(i) We release all or part of your bond;

(ii) The bond amount does not cover the cost of reclamation; or

(iii) There is no bond in place;

(b) If you hold a grant for solar energy development outside of designated leasing areas, you must provide a performance and reclamation bond (see paragraph (a) of this section) prior to the BLM issuing a Notice to Proceed (see § 2805.12(c)(1)). We will determine the bond amount based on the RCE (see paragraph (a)(3) of this section) and it must be no less than $10,000 per acre that will be disturbed;

(c) If you hold a grant for wind energy development outside of designated leasing areas, you must provide a performance and reclamation bond (see paragraph (a) of this section) prior to the BLM issuing a Notice to Proceed (see § 2805.12(c)(1)). We will determine the bond amount based on the RCE (see paragraph (a)(3) of this section) and it must be no less than $10,000 per authorized turbine less than 1 MW in nameplate capacity or $20,000 per authorized turbine equal to or greater than 1 MW in nameplate capacity; and

(d) For short-term right-of-way grants for energy site or project-area testing, the bond amount must be no less than $2,000 per authorized meteorological tower or instrumentation facility location and must be provided before the written approval to proceed with ground disturbing activities (see § 2805.12(c)(1)).

[81 FR 92215, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2805.21 - What is an operating plan or agreement for electric transmission and distribution and other rights-of-way?

(a) Operating plans or agreements. An operating plan or agreement:

(1) Is required for all new, renewed, and amended powerline rights-of-way (see section 2804.25(c)(2)); and

(2) May be submitted on a voluntary basis by:

(i) Holders of powerline rights-of-way not subject to Section (a)(1); and

(ii) Holders of rights-of-way other than powerline rights-of-way.

(b) Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) standards: Holders subject to mandatory reliability standards established by the ERO (or superseding standards) may use those standards as part of the operating plan or agreement.

(c) Plan requirements: An operating plan or agreement must:

(1) Identify the applicable transmission or distribution facilities to be maintained;

(2) Take into account the holder's own operations and maintenance plans for the applicable right-of-way;

(3) Include vegetation management, inspection, operation and maintenance, and fire prevention plans, including methods to comply with applicable law, such as fire safety requirements and reliability standards established by the ERO;

(4) Include schedules for:

(i) The holder to notify the BLM about routine and major maintenance;

(ii) The holder to request approval from the BLM to undertake routine and major maintenance; and

(iii) The BLM to respond to a request by a holder under paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section;

(5) Describe processes for:

(i) Identifying changes in conditions; and

(ii) Modifying the approved operating plan or agreement, if necessary; and

(6) Provide for the disposition of cut trees and branches, including plans for sale of forest products.

(d) Plan approval. The BLM will, to the extent practicable, review and decide whether to approve an operating plan or agreement within 120 days.

(e) Operating plan or agreement modifications: The BLM may notify a holder that changed conditions warrant a modification to the operating plan or agreement.

(1) The BLM will provide advance reasonable notice that the holder must submit an operating plan or agreement modification.

(2) The holder must submit a proposed operating plan or agreement modification to the BLM to address the changed condition identified by the BLM.

(3) The BLM will, to the extent practicable, review and approve modifications in the same 120-day timeframe that applies to the initial submission of an operating plan or agreement.

(4) The holder may continue to implement any element of an approved operating plan or agreement that does not directly and adversely affect the condition precipitating the need for modification.

(f) Agreements in lieu of an operating plan: Certain holders meeting the requirements described in paragraph (g) of this section may enter into an agreement with the BLM in lieu of an operating plan.

(g) Eligibility to enter into an agreement: Holders of a right-of-way for an electric transmission or distribution facility are eligible to enter into an agreement with the BLM if they:

(1) Are not subject to the mandatory reliability standards established by the ERO; or

(2) Sold less than or equal to 1,000,000 megawatt hours of electric energy for purposes other than resale during each of the 3 calendar years prior to submitting a request to enter into an agreement to the BLM.

[89 FR 25963, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2805.22 - Special provisions for vegetation management for electric transmission and distribution rights-of-way.

(a) Emergency Conditions. If vegetation or hazard trees have contacted or present an imminent danger of contacting an electric transmission or distribution line from within or adjacent to an electric transmission or distribution right-of-way, the electric transmission or distribution line holder:

(1) May prune or remove the vegetation or hazard tree to avoid the disruption of electric service or to eliminate immediate fire and safety hazards; and

(2) Shall notify the authorized officer not later than 1 day after the date of the response to emergency conditions.

(b) Non-Emergency Conditions. For non-emergency conditions, the holder of a right-of-way for an electric transmission or distribution facility must conduct vegetation management activities in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant, §§ 2805.12(a)(4) and 2805.14(d), and any approved operating plan or agreement.

(1) You must request approval from the BLM for a proposed activity if your plan:

(i) Requires you to seek specific approval for the proposed activity; or

(ii) Does not address the proposed activity. You may also need to amend your operating plan or agreement if you anticipate conducting this activity on a recurring basis.

(2) If the BLM does not timely respond to your request according to the schedule set forth in the approved operating plan or agreement, if your request pertains to vegetation management activities, including the removal of hazard trees or other wildfire risk reduction activities, and if the proposed action does not conflict with your approved operating plan or agreement, you may proceed with the proposed activity.

(c) Wildfire prevention. You must do everything reasonable to prevent and suppress wildfires on or adjacent to the right-of-way. Reasonable actions include:

(1) Pruning or removal of vegetation or hazard trees to prevent fire ignition from electric transmission and distribution facilities during emergency conditions or cyclic maintenance; and

(2) Cooperating with the BLM in its efforts to investigate, suppress, and respond to fires within and near the right-of-way.

[89 FR 25963, Apr. 12, 2024]
source: 70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2805.10