Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 2807.10 - When can I start activities under my grant?

When you can start depends on the terms of your grant. You can start activities when you receive the grant you and BLM signed, unless the grant includes a requirement for BLM to provide a written Notice to Proceed. If your grant contains a Notice to Proceed requirement, you may not initiate construction, operation, maintenance, or termination until BLM issues you a Notice to Proceed.

§ 2807.11 - When must I contact BLM during operations?

You must contact BLM:

(a) At the times specified in your grant;

(b) When your use requires a substantial deviation from the grant. You must seek an amendment to your grant under § 2807.20 and obtain the BLM's approval before you begin any activity that is a substantial deviation;

(c) When there is a change affecting your application or grant, including, but not limited to, changes in:

(1) Mailing address;

(2) Partners;

(3) Financial conditions; or

(4) Business or corporate status;

(d) Whenever site-specific circumstances or conditions result in the need for changes to an approved right-of-way grant or lease, POD, site plan, mitigation measures, or construction, operation, or termination procedures that are not substantial deviations in location or use authorized by a right-of-way grant or lease. Changes for authorized actions, project materials, or adopted mitigation measures within the existing, approved right-of-way area must be submitted to us for review and approval;

(e) To identify and correct discrepancies or inconsistencies;

(f) When you submit a certification of construction, if the terms of your grant require it. A certification of construction is a document you submit to BLM after you have finished constructing a facility, but before you begin operating it, verifying that you have constructed and tested the facility to ensure that it complies with the terms of the grant and with applicable Federal and state laws and regulations; or

(g) When BLM requests it. You must update information or confirm that information you submitted before is accurate.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92222, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2807.12 - If I hold a grant, for what am I liable?

(a) If you hold a grant, you are liable to the United States and to third parties for any damage or injury they incur in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way.

(b) You are strictly liable for any activity or facility associated with your right-of-way area which BLM determines presents a foreseeable hazard or risk of damage or injury to the United States. BLM will specify in the grant any activity or facility posing such hazard or risk, and the financial limitations on damages commensurate with such hazard or risk.

(1) BLM will not impose strict liability for damage or injury resulting primarily from an act of war, an act of God, or the negligence of the United States, except as otherwise provided by law.

(2) As used in this section, strict liability extends to costs incurred by the Federal government to control or abate conditions, such as fire or oil spills, which threaten life, property, or the environment, even if the threat occurs to areas that are not under Federal jurisdiction. This liability is separate and apart from liability under other provisions of law.

(3) You are strictly liable to the United States for damage or injury up to $2 million for any one incident. BLM will update this amount annually to adjust for changes in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average (CPI-U) as of July of each year (difference in CPI-U from July of one year to July of the following year), rounded to the nearest $1,000. This financial limitation does not apply to the release or discharge of hazardous substances on or near the grant, or where liability is otherwise not subject to this financial limitation under applicable law.

(4) BLM will determine your liability for any amount in excess of the $2 million strict liability limitation (as adjusted) through the ordinary rules of negligence.

(5) The rules of subrogation apply in cases where a third party caused the damage or injury.

(c) If you cannot satisfy claims for injury or damage, all owners of any interests in, and all affiliates or subsidiaries of any holder of, a grant, except for corporate stockholders, are jointly and severally liable to the United States.

(d) If BLM issues a grant to more than one person, each is jointly and severally liable.

(e) By accepting the grant, you agree to fully indemnify or hold the United States harmless for liability, damage, or claims arising in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way area.

(f) We address liability of state, tribal, and local governments in § 2807.13 of this subpart.

(g) The BLM will not impose strict liability for damages or injuries resulting from:

(1) The BLM unreasonably withholding or delaying approval of an operating plan or agreement submitted under § 2805.21; or

(2) The BLM failing to adhere to an applicable schedule in an approved plan (see § 2805.21(d)).

(h) The provisions of this section do not limit or exclude other remedies.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005 , as amended at 89 FR 25964, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2807.13 - As grant holders, what liabilities do state, tribal, and local governments have?

(a) If you are a state, tribal, or local government or its agency or instrumentality, you are liable to the fullest extent law allows at the time that BLM issues your grant. If you do not have the legal power to assume full liability, you must repair damages or make restitution to the fullest extent of your powers.

(b) BLM may require you to provide a bond, insurance, or other acceptable security to:

(1) Protect the liability exposure of the United States to claims by third parties arising out of your use and occupancy of the right-of-way;

(2) Cover any losses, damages, or injury to human health, the environment, and property incurred in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way; and

(3) Cover any damages or injuries resulting from the release or discharge of hazardous materials incurred in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way.

(c) Based on your record of compliance and changes in risk and conditions, BLM may require you to increase or decrease the amount of your bond, insurance, or security.

(d) The provisions of this section do not limit or exclude other remedies.

§ 2807.14 - How will BLM notify me if someone else wants a grant for land subject to my grant or near or adjacent to it?

BLM will notify you in writing when it receives a grant application for land subject to your grant or near or adjacent to it. BLM will consider your written recommendations as to how the proposed use affects the integrity of, or your ability to operate, your facilities. The notice will contain a time period within which you must respond. The notice may also notify you of additional opportunities to comment.

§ 2807.15 - How is grant administration affected if the land my grant encumbers is transferred to another Federal agency or out of Federal ownership?

(a) If there is a proposal to transfer the land your grant encumbers to another Federal agency, BLM may, after reasonable notice to you, transfer administration of your grant for the lands BLM formerly administered to another Federal agency, unless doing so would diminish your rights. If BLM determines your rights would be diminished by such a transfer, BLM can still transfer the land, but retain administration of your grant under existing terms and conditions.

(b) The BLM will provide reasonable notice to you if there is a proposal to transfer the land your grant encumbers out of Federal ownership. If you request, the BLM will negotiate new grant terms and conditions with you. This may include increasing the term of your grant to a perpetual grant or providing for an easement. These changes, if any, become effective prior to the time the land is transferred out of Federal ownership. The BLM may then, in conformance with existing policies and procedures:

(1) Transfer the land subject to your grant or easement. In this case, administration of your grant or easement for the lands BLM formerly administered is transferred to the new owner of the land;

(2) Transfer the land, but BLM retains administration of your grant or easement; or

(3) Reserve to the United States the land your grant or easement encumbers, and BLM retains administration of your grant or easement.

(c) You and the new land owner may agree to negotiate new grant terms and conditions any time after the land encumbered by your grant is transferred out of Federal ownership.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65073, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2807.16 - Under what conditions may BLM order an immediate temporary suspension of my activities?

(a) If BLM determines that you have violated one or more of the terms, conditions, or stipulations of your grant, we can order an immediate temporary suspension of activities within the right-of-way area to protect public health or safety or the environment. BLM can require you to stop your activities before holding an administrative proceeding on the matter.

(b) BLM may issue the immediate temporary suspension order orally or in writing to you, your contractor or subcontractor, or to any representative, agent, or employee representing you or conducting the activity. When you receive the order, you must stop the activity immediately. BLM will, as soon as practical, confirm an oral order by sending or hand delivering to you or your agent at your address a written suspension order explaining the reasons for it.

(c) You may file a written request for permission to resume activities at any time after BLM issues the order. In the request, give the facts supporting your request and the reasons you believe that BLM should lift the order. BLM must grant or deny your request within 5 business days after receiving it. If BLM does not respond within 5 business days, BLM has denied your request. You may appeal the denial under § 2801.10 of this part.

(d) The immediate temporary suspension order is effective until you receive BLM's written notice to proceed with your activities.

§ 2807.17 - Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant?

(a) BLM may suspend or terminate your grant if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or any terms, conditions, or stipulations of the grant (such as rent payments), or if you abandon the right-of-way.

(b) A grant also terminates when:

(1) The grant contains a term or condition that has been met that requires the grant to terminate;

(2) BLM consents in writing to your request to relinquish the grant;

(3) A court terminates it or requires the BLM to terminate it; or

(4) It is required by law to terminate.

(c) Your failure to use your right-of-way for its authorized purpose for any continuous 5-year period creates a presumption of abandonment, except for solar and wind energy rights-of-way. Consistent with § 2805.12(c)(8), a presumption of abandonment or insufficient productivity of a grant or lease for a solar or wind energy generation occurs for any continuous two calendar-year period.

(d) The BLM may suspend or terminate another Federal agency's grant only if:

(1) The terms and conditions of the Federal agency's grant allow it; or

(2) The agency head holding the grant consents to it.

(e) You may appeal a decision under this section under § 2801.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92223, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25965, Apr. 12, 2024; 89 FR 35682, May 1, 2024]
§ 2807.18 - How will I know that BLM intends to suspend or terminate my grant?

(a) Before BLM suspends or terminates your grant under § 2807.17(a) of this subpart, it will send you a written notice stating that it intends to suspend or terminate your grant and giving the grounds for such action. The notice will give you a reasonable opportunity to correct any noncompliance or start or resume use of the right-of-way, as appropriate.

(b) To suspend or terminate a grant issued as an easement, BLM must give you written notice and refer the matter to the Office of Hearings and Appeals for a hearing before an ALJ under 5 U.S.C. 554. No hearing is required if the grant provided by its terms for termination on the occurrence of a fixed or agreed upon condition, event, or time. If the ALJ determines that grounds for suspension or termination exist and such action is justified, BLM will suspend or terminate the grant.

§ 2807.19 - When my grant terminates, what happens to any facilities on it?

(a) After your grant terminates, you must remove any facilities within the right-of-way within a reasonable time, as determined by BLM, unless BLM instructs you otherwise in writing, or termination is due to non-payment of rent (see § 2806.13(c) of this part).

(b) After removing the facilities, you must remediate and restore the right-of-way area to a condition satisfactory to BLM, including the removal and clean up of any hazardous materials.

(c) If you do not remove all facilities within a reasonable period as determined by BLM, BLM may declare them to be the property of the United States. However, you are still liable for the costs of removing them and for remediating and restoring the right-of-way area.

§ 2807.20 - When must I amend my application, seek an amendment of my grant, or obtain a new grant?

(a) You must amend your application or seek an amendment of your grant when there is a proposed substantial deviation in location or use.

(b) The requirements to amend an application or grant are the same as those for a new application, including paying processing and monitoring fees and rent according to §§ 2804.14, 2805.16, and 2806.10, except for solar and wind energy development grants and leases per § 2806.51(c) requesting a rent adjustment addressed under paragraph (f) of this section.

(c) Any activity not authorized by your grant may subject you to prosecution under applicable law and to trespass charges under subpart 2808 of this part.

(d) Grants issued prior to October 21, 1976:

(1) If there is a proposed substantial deviation in the location or use, or terms and conditions of your right-of-way grant, you must apply for a new grant consistent with the remainder of this section. The BLM may keep the old grant in effect for the portion of the right-of-way not amended and issue a new grant for the new use or location, or terms and conditions.

(2) If you wish to renew your grant, you must apply for a new grant.

(3) If the BLM has terminated your grant due to non-compliance with the terms and conditions of your grant, you must apply for a new grant.

(4) If the BLM approves your application for an amendment, the BLM will terminate your old grant and you will receive a new grant under 43 U.S.C. 1761 et seq. and the regulations in this part. The BLM may include the same terms and conditions in the new grant as were in the original grant as to annual rent, duration, and nature of interest if the BLM determines, based on current land use plans and other management decisions, that it is in the public interest to do so.

(e) You must apply for a new grant to allow realignment of your railroad and appurtenant communication facilities. BLM must issue a decision within 6 months after it receives your complete application. BLM may include the same terms and conditions in the new grant as were in the original grant as to annual rent, duration, and nature of interest if:

(1) These terms are in the public interest;

(2) The lands are of approximately equal value; and

(3) The lands involved are not within an incorporated community.

(f) A request to the BLM per § 2806.51(c) to adjust your solar or wind energy rates must be received before July 1, 2026. The BLM will re-issue your grant or lease, without further review, for the remainder of your existing term consistent with the requirements of this part, including processing and monitoring costs under §§ 2804.14 and 2805.16, the terms and conditions under § 2805.12, and rent provision under § 2806.50.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 89 FR 25965, Apr. 12, 2024; 89 FR 35682, May 1, 2024]
§ 2807.21 - May I assign or make other changes to my grant or lease?

(a) With the BLM's approval, you may assign, in whole or in part, any right or interest in a grant or lease. Assignment actions that may require BLM approval include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) The transfer by the holder (assignor) of any right or interest in the grant or lease to a third party (assignee); and

(2) Changes in ownership or other related change in control transactions involving the BLM right-of-way holder and another business entity (assignee), including corporate mergers or acquisitions, but not transactions within the same corporate family.

(b) The BLM may require a grant or lease holder to file new or revised information in some circumstances that do not constitute an assignment (see subpart 2803 and §§ 2804.12(e) and 2807.11). Circumstances that would not constitute an assignment but may necessitate this filing include, but are not limited to:

(1) Transactions within the same corporate family;

(2) Changes in the holder's name only (see paragraph (h) of this section); and

(3) Changes in the holder's articles of incorporation.

(c) In order to assign a grant or lease, the proposed assignee must file an assignment application and follow the same procedures and standards as for a new grant or lease, including paying application and processing fees, and the grant must be in compliance with the terms and conditions of § 2805.12. The preliminary application review meetings and public meeting under §§ 2804.12 and 2804.25 are not required for an assignment. We will not approve any assignment until the assignor makes any outstanding payments that are due (see § 2806.13(g)).

(d) The assignment application must also include:

(1) Documentation that the assignor agrees to the assignment; and

(2) A signed statement that the proposed assignee agrees to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions of the grant that is being assigned and all applicable laws and regulations.

(e) Your assignment is not recognized until the BLM approves it in writing. We will approve the assignment if doing so is in the public interest. We may modify the grant or lease or add bonding and other requirements, including additional terms and conditions, to the grant or lease when approving the assignment, except that we may only modify solar or wind energy leases where modification is warranted under § 2805.15(e). We may decrease rents if the new holder qualifies for an exemption (see § 2806.14) or waiver or reduction (see § 2806.15) and the previous holder did not. Similarly, we may increase rents if the previous holder qualified for an exemption or waiver or reduction and the new holder does not. If we approve the assignment, the benefits and liabilities of the grant or lease apply to the new grant or leaseholder.

(f) The processing time and conditions described at § 2804.25(d) of this part apply to assignment applications.

(g) Only interests in issued right-of-way grants and leases are assignable. Except for applications submitted by a preferred applicant under § 2804.30(g), pending right-of-way applications do not create any property rights or other interest and may not be assigned from one entity to another, except that an entity with a pending application may continue to pursue that application even if that entity becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of a new third party.

(h) To complete a change in name only, (i.e., when the name change in question is not the result of an underlying change in control of the right-of-way grant), the following requirements must be met:

(1) The holder must file an application requesting a name change and follow the same procedures as for a new grant, including paying processing fees. However, the application fees (see subpart 2804 of this part) and the preliminary application review and public meetings (see §§ 2804.12 and 2804.25) are not required. The name change request must include:

(i) If the name change is for an individual, a copy of the court order or other legal document effectuating the name change; or

(ii) If the name change is for a corporation, a copy of the corporate resolution(s) proposing and approving the name change, a copy of the acceptance of the change in name by the State or Territory in which it is incorporated, and a copy of the appropriate resolution, order or other documentation showing the name change.

(2) When reviewing a proposed name change only, we may determine it is necessary to:

(i) Modify a grant issued under subpart 2804 to add bonding and other requirements, including additional terms and conditions to the grant; or

(ii) Modify a lease issued under subpart 2809 in accordance with § 2805.15(e).

(3) Your name change is not recognized until the BLM approves it in writing.

[81 FR 92223, Dec. 19, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 35682, May 1, 2024]
§ 2807.22 - How do I renew my grant or lease?

(a) If your grant or lease specifies the terms and conditions for its renewal, and you choose to renew it, you must request a renewal from the BLM at least 120 calendar days before your grant or lease expires consistent with the renewal terms and conditions specified in your grant or lease. We will renew the grant or lease if you are in compliance with the renewal terms and conditions; the other terms, conditions, and stipulations of the grant or lease; and other applicable laws and regulations.

(b) If your grant or lease does not specify the terms and conditions for its renewal, you may apply to us to renew the grant or lease. You must send us your application at least 120 calendar days before your grant or lease expires. In your application you must show that you are in compliance with the terms, conditions, and stipulations of the grant or lease and other applicable laws and regulations, and explain why a renewal of your grant or lease is necessary. We may approve or deny your application to renew your grant or lease.

(c) Submit your application under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section and include the same information necessary for a new application (see subpart 2804 of this part). You must reimburse BLM in advance for the administrative costs of processing the renewal in accordance with § 2804.14 of this part.

(d) We will review your application and determine the applicable terms and conditions of any renewed grant or lease.

(e) BLM will not renew grants issued before October 21, 1976. If you hold such a grant and would like to continue to use the right-of-way beyond your grant's expiration date, you must apply to BLM for a new FLPMA grant (see subpart 2804 of this part). You must send BLM your application at least 120 calendar days before your grant expires.

(f) If you make a timely and sufficient application for a renewal of your existing grant, in accordance with this section, and you are in conformance with applicable laws, regulations, and terms and conditions in your grant, the existing grant does not expire until the BLM has issued a decision to approve or deny the renewal application. Within 60 days of receiving an application for a renewal, the BLM will notify you in writing of its determination regarding the timeliness and sufficiency of your application. If the BLM determines that your application is timely and sufficient, the BLM's written notice will confirm that until the BLM issues a decision on your renewal application, your existing grant will remain valid, provided that you remain in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and terms and conditions.

(g) If BLM denies your application, you may appeal the decision under § 2801.10 of this part.

(h) If you do not submit your application under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section at least 120 days prior to grant expiration, it is considered delinquent; the BLM will not be subject to the customer service standards in this section; and it will be processed only as the BLM has time and resources available.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92223, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25965, Apr. 12, 2024]
source: 70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2807.11