Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 2812.0-3 - Authority.

§ 2812.0-5 - Definitions.

§ 2812.0-6 - Statement of policy.

§ 2812.0-7 - Cross reference.

§ 2812.0-9 - Information collection.

§ 2812.1 - Application procedures.

§ 2812.1-1 - Filing.

§ 2812.1-2 - Contents.

§ 2812.1-3 - Unauthorized use, occupancy, or development.

§ 2812.2 - Nature of permit.

§ 2812.2-1 - Nonexclusive license.

§ 2812.2-2 - Right of permittee to authorize use by third parties.

§ 2812.2-3 - Construction in advance of permit.

§ 2812.3 - Right-of-way and road use agreement.

§ 2812.3-1 - Rights over lands controlled by applicant.

§ 2812.3-2 - Other roads and rights-of-way controlled by applicant.

§ 2812.3-3 - Form of grant to the United States, recordation.

§ 2812.3-4 - Where no road use agreement is required.

§ 2812.3-5 - Use by the United States and its licensees of rights received from a permittee.

§ 2812.3-6 - Duration and location of rights granted or received by the United States.

§ 2812.3-7 - Permittee's agreement with United States respecting compensation and adjustment of road use.

§ 2812.4 - Arbitration and agreements.

§ 2812.4-1 - Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting compensation payable by licensee to permittee for use of road.

§ 2812.4-2 - Compensation payable by United States to permittee for use of road.

§ 2812.4-3 - Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting adjustment of road use.

§ 2812.4-4 - Arbitration procedure.

§ 2812.5 - Payment to the United States, bond.

§ 2812.5-1 - Payment required for O. and C. timber.

§ 2812.5-2 - Payment to the United States for road use.

§ 2812.5-3 - Bonds in connection with existing roads.

§ 2812.6 - Approval and terms of permit.

§ 2812.6-1 - Approval.

§ 2812.6-2 - Terms and conditions of permit.

§ 2812.7 - Assignment of permit.

§ 2812.8 - Cause for termination of permittee's rights.

§ 2812.8-1 - Notice of termination.

§ 2812.8-2 - Remedies for violations by licensee.

§ 2812.8-3 - Disposition of property on termination of permit.

§ 2812.9 - Appeals.

§ 2812.0-3 - Authority.

Sections 303 and 310 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1732,1733,and,and,1937.S.C. 1181a and 1181b), provide for the conservation and management of the Oregon and California Railroad lands and the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands and authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue regulations providing for the use, occupancy, and development of the public lands through permits and rights-of-way.

[54 FR 25855, June 20, 1989]
§ 2812.0-5 - Definitions.

Except as the context may otherwise indicate, as the terms are used in this paragraph:

(a) Bureau means Bureau of Land Management.

(b) Timber of the United States or federal timber means timber owned by the United States or managed by any agency thereof, including timber on allotted and tribal Indian lands in the O. and C. area.

(c) State Director means the State Director, Bureau of Land Management, or his authorized representative.

(d) Authorized Officer means an employee of the Bureau of Land Management to whom has been delegated the authority to take action.

(e) O. and C. lands means the Revested Oregon and California Railroad and Reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, other lands administered by the Bureau under the provisions of the act approved August 28, 1937, and the public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management which are in Oregon and in and west of Range 8 E., Willamette Meridian, Oregon.

(f) Tramroads include tramways, and wagon or motor-truck roads to be used in connection with logging, and the manufacturing of lumber; it also includes railroads to be used principally for the transportation, in connection with such activities, of the property of the owner of such railroad.

(g) Management means police protection, fire presuppression and suppression, inspection, cruising, reforesting, thinning, stand improvement, inventorying, surveying, construction and maintenance of improvements, disposal of land, the eradication of forest insects, pests and disease, and other activities of a similar nature.

(h) Licensee of the United States is, with respect to any road or right-of-way, any person who is authorized to remove timber or forest products from lands of the United States, or to remove timber or forest products from other lands committed by a cooperative agreement to coordinated administration with the timber of the United States over such road or right-of-way while it is covered by an outstanding permit, or while a former permittee is entitled to receive compensation for such use under the provisions of these regulations. A licensee is not an agent of the United States.

(i) Direct control of a road, right-of-way, or land, by an applicant for a permit hereunder means that such applicant has authority to permit the United States and its licensees to use such road, right-of-way of land in accordance with this paragraph.

(j) Indirect control of a road, right-of-way, or land, by an applicant hereunder means that such road, right-of-way, or land, is not directly controlled by him but is subject to use by him or by:

(1) A principal, disclosed or undisclosed, of the applicant; or

(2) A beneficiary of any trust or estate administered or established by the applicant; or

(3) Any person having or exercising the right to designate the immediate destination of the timber to be transported over the right-of-way for which application is made; or

(4) Any person who at any time has owned, or controlled the disposition of the timber to be transported over the right-of-way applied for, and during the 24 months preceding the filing of the application has disposed of such ownership or control to the applicant or his predecessor, under an agreement reserving or conferring upon the grantor the right to share directly or indirectly in the proceeds realized upon the grantee's disposal to third persons of the timber or products derived therefrom or the right to reacquire ownership or control of all or any part of the timber prior to the time when it undergoes its first mechanical alteration from the form of logs; or

(5) Any person who stands in such relation to the applicant that there is liable to be absence of arm's length bargaining in transactions between them relating to such road, rights-of-way, or lands.

§ 2812.0-6 - Statement of policy.

(a) The intermingled character of the O. and C. lands presents peculiar problems of management which require for their solution the cooperation between the Federal Government and the owners of the intermingled lands, particularly with respect to timber roads.

(b) It is well established that the value of standing timber is determined in significant part by the cost of transporting the logs to the mill. Where there is an existing road which is adequate or can readily be made adequate for the removal of timber in the area, the failure to make such road available for access to all the mature and overmature timber it could tap leads to economic waste. Blocks of timber which are insufficient in volume or value to support the construction of a duplicating road may be left in the woods for lack of access over the existing road. Moreover, the duplication of an existing road reduces the value of the federal and other timber which is tapped by the existing road.

(c) It is also clear that the Department of the Interior, which is responsible for the conservation of the resources of the O. and C. lands and is charged specifically with operating the timber lands on a sustained-yield basis, must have access to these lands for the purpose of managing them and their resources. In addition, where the public interest requires the disposition of Federal timber by competitive bidding, prospective bidders must have an opportunity to reach the timber to be sold. Likewise, where other timber is committed by cooperative agreement to coordinated administration with timber of the United States, there must be access to both.

(d) Accordingly, to the extent that in the judgment of the authorized officer it appears necessary to accomplish these purposes, when the United States, acting through the Bureau of Land Management, grants a right-of-way across O. and C. lands to a private operator, the private operator will be required to grant to the United States for use by it and its licensees:

(1) Rights-of-way across lands controlled directly or indirectly by him;

(2) The right to use, to the extent indicated in §§ 2812.3-5 and 2812.3-6, any portions of the road system or rights-of-way controlled directly or indirectly by the private operator which is adequate or can economically be made adequate to accommodate the probable normal requirements of both the operator and of the United States and its licensees, and which form an integral part of or may be added to the road system with which the requested right-of-way will connect;

(3) The right to extend such road system across the operator's lands to reach federal roads or timber; and

(4) In addition, in the limited circumstances set forth in § 2812.3-2 of this subpart the right to use certain other roads and rights-of-way. The permit will describe by legal subdivisions the lands of the operator as to which the United States receives rights. In addition, the extent and duration of the rights received by the United States will be specifically stated in the permit and ordinarily will embrace only those portions of such road system, rights-of-way and lands as may be actually needed for the management and removal of federal timber, or other timber committed by a cooperative agreement to coordinated administration with timber of the United States.

(e) When the United States or a licensee of the United States uses any portion of a permittee's road system for the removal of forest products, the permittee will be entitled to receive just compensation, including a fair share of the maintenance and amortization charges attributable to such road, and to prescribe reasonable road operating rules, in accordance with §§ 2812.3-7 to 2812.4-4.

(f) As some examples of how this policy would be applied in particular instances, the United States may issue a permit under subpart 2812 without requesting any rights with respect to roads, rights-of-way or lands which the authorized officer finds will not be required for management of or access to Federal timber, or timber included in a cooperative agreement. Where, however, the authorized officer finds that there is a road controlled directly or indirectly by the applicant, which will be needed for such purposes and which he finds either has capacity to accommodate the probable normal requirements both of the applicant and of the Government and its licensees, or such additional capacity can be most economically provided by an investment in such road system by the Government rather than by the construction of a duplicate road, he may require, for the period of time during which the United States and its licensees will have need for the road, the rights to use the road for the marketing and management of its timber and of timber included in a cooperative agreement in return for the granting of rights-of-way across O. and C. lands, and an agreement that the road builder will be paid a fair share of the cost of the road and its maintenance. Where it appears to the authorized officer that such a road will not be adequate or cannot economically be enlarged to handle the probable normal requirements both of the private operator and of the United States and its licensees, or even where the authorized officer has reasonable doubt as to such capacity, he will not request rights over such a road. Instead, the Bureau will make provision for its own road system either by providing in its timber sale contracts that in return for the road cost allowance made in fixing the appraised value of the timber, timber purchasers will construct or extend a different road system, or by expending for such construction or by extension monies appropriated for such purposes by the Congress, or, where feasible, by using an existing duplicating road over which the Government has obtained road rights. In such circumstances, however, road cost and maintenance allowances made in the stumpage price of O. and C. timber will be required to be applied to the road which the Bureau has the right to use, and thereafter will not in any circumstances be available for amortization or maintenance costs of the applicant's road.

(g) When a right-of-way permit is issued for a road or road system over which the United States obtains rights of use for itself and its licensees, the authorized officer will seek to agree with the applicant respecting such matters as the time, route, and specifications for the future development of the road system involved; the portion of the capital and maintenance costs of the road system to be borne by the timber to be transported over the road system by the United States and its licensees; a formula for determining the proportion of the capacity of the road system which is to be available to the United States and its licensees for the transportation of forest products; and other similar matters respecting the use of the road by the United States and its licensees and the compensation payable therefor. To the extent that any such matter is not embraced in such an agreement, it will be settled by negotiation between the permittee and the individual licensees of the United States who use the road, and, in the event of their disagreement, by private arbitration between them in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.

(h) The authorized officer may in his discretion, issue short term right-of-way permits for periods not exceeding three years, subject to one-year extensions in his discretion. Such permits shall specify the volume of timber which may be carried over the right-of-way and the area from which such timber may be logged. The permits shall be revocable by the authorized officer, the State Director, or the Secretary for violation of their terms and conditions or of these regulations or if hazardous conditions result from the construction, maintenance or use of the rights-of-way by the permittees or those acting under their authority. As a condition for the granting of such permits, the applicant must comply with §§ 2812.3-1 and 2812.3-3 of this subpart to the extent that rights-of-way and road use rights are needed to remove government timber offered for sale in the same general area during the period for which the short term right-of-way is granted.

(i) The authorized officer may, in his discretion, issue to private operators rights-of-way across O. and C. lands, needed for the conduct of salvage operations, for a period not to exceed five years. A salvage operation as used in this paragraph means the removal of trees injured or killed by windstorms, insect infestation, disease, or fire, together with any adjacent green timber needed to make an economic logging show. As a condition of the granting of such rights-of-way, the operator will be required, when the authorized officer deems it necessary, to grant to the United States and its licensees for the conduct of salvage operations on O. and C. lands for a period not to exceed five years, rights-of-way across lands controlled directly or indirectly by him and to grant the right to use to the extent indicated in §§ 2812.3-5 and 2812.3-6 any portions of the road system controlled directly or indirectly by the private operator which is adequate or can economically be made adequate to accommodate the requirements of both the operator and of the United States and its licensees.

[35 FR 9637, June 13, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 21642, May 27, 1976]
§ 2812.0-7 - Cross reference.

For disposal of timber or material to a trespasser, see § 9239.0-9 of this chapter.

§ 2812.0-9 - Information collection.

The information collection requirements contained in part 2810 of Group 2800 have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned clearance numbers 1004-0102 and 1004-0107. The information is being collected to permit the authorized officer to determine if use of the public lands should be granted for rights-of-way grants or temporary use permits. The information will be used to make this determination. A response is required to obtain a benefit.

[60 FR 57072, Nov. 13, 1995]
§ 2812.1 - Application procedures.
§ 2812.1-1 - Filing.

(a) An application for a permit for a right-of-way over the O. and C. lands must be submitted in duplicate on a form prescribed by the Director and filed in the appropriate district office. Application forms will be furnished upon request.

(b) Any application filed hereunder, including each agreement submitted by the applicant as a part thereof or as a condition precedent to the issuance of a permit, may be withdrawn by the applicant by written notice delivered to the authorized officer prior to the time the permit applied for has been issued to, and accepted by, the applicant.

[35 FR 9637, June 13, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 21642, May 27, 1976]
§ 2812.1-2 - Contents.

(a) An individual applicant and each member of any unincorporated association which is an applicant must state in the application whether he is a native born or a naturalized citizen of the United States. Naturalized citizens will be required to furnish evidence of naturalization pursuant to the provisions of § 2802.1-4.

(b) An application by a private corporation must be accompanied by two copies of its articles of incorporation, one of which must be certified by the proper official of the company under its corporate seal, or by the secretary of the State where organized. A corporation organized in a State other than Oregon must submit a certificate issued by the State of Oregon attesting that the corporation is authorized to transact business within that State. The requirements of this paragraph shall be deemed satisfied if the corporation, having once filed the required documents, makes specific reference to the date and case number of such previous applications, states what changes, if any, have been made since the prior filings, and includes a statement that the right of the company to do business in the State of Oregon has not lapsed or terminated.

(c) Where the application is for a right-of-way on any portion of which the applicant proposes to construct a road, it must be accompanied by two copies of a map prepared on a scale of 4 inches or 8 inches to the mile. Showing the survey of the right-of-way so that it may be accurately located on the ground. The map should comply with the following requirements, except as the authorized officer may waive in any particular instance all or any of such requirements:

Courses and distances of the center line of the right-of-way should be given; the courses referred to the true meridian and the distance in feet and decimals thereof. The initial and terminal points of the survey must be accurately connected by course and distance to the nearest readily identifiable corner of the public land surveys, or, if there be no such corner within two miles, then connected to two permanent and prominent monuments or natural objects. All subdivisions of the public lands surveys, any part of which is within the limits of the survey, should be shown in their entirety, based upon the official subsisting plat with subdivisions, section, township, and range clearly marked. The width of the right-of-way should be given; and if not of uniform width, the locations and amount of change must be definitely shown. There shall also be a statement on the face of or appended to the map indicating the grade and usable width of the road to be constructed, the type of material which will be used for the surface, the type and extent of the drainage facilities, and the type of construction and estimated capacity of any bridges. The map should bear upon its face the statement of the person who made the survey, if any, and the certificate of the applicant; such statement and certificate should be as set out in Forms as approved by the Director.

(d) Where the application is for the use of an existing road, a map adequate to show the location thereof will be required, together with a statement of the specific nature and location of any proposed improvements to such road. A blank map suitable for most cases may be procured from the appropriate district forester.

(e) Every application for a right-of-way must also be accompanied by a diagram indicating the roads and rights-of-way which form an integral part of the road system with which the requested right-of-way will connect, the portions of such road system which the applicant directly controls within the meaning of § 2812.0-5(i), the portions thereof which the applicant indirectly controls within the meaning of § 2812.0-5(j), and the portions thereof as to which the applicant has no control within the meaning of such sections. As to the portions over which the applicant has no control, he must furnish a statement showing for the two years preceding the date of the filing of the application, all periods of time that he had direct or indirect control thereof, and the date and nature of any changes in such control. The diagram shall also contain the name of the person whom the applicant believes directly controls any portion of such road system which the applicant does not directly control. Where a right-of-way for a railroad is involved, the applicant must indicate which portions of the right-of-way will be available for use as truck roads upon the removal of the rails and ties and the probable date of such removal. Blank diagram forms, suitable for most cases, may be obtained from the appropriate district forester.

§ 2812.1-3 - Unauthorized use, occupancy, or development.

Any use, occupancy, or development of the Revested Oregon and California Railroad and Reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands (O&C) lands (as is defined in 43 CFR 2812.0-5(e)), for tramroads without an authorization pursuant to this subpart, or which is beyond the scope and specific limitations of such an authorization, or that cause unnecessary or undue degradation, is prohibited and shall constitute a trespass as defined in § 2808.10 of this chapter. Anyone determined by the authorized officer to be in violation of this section shall be notified of such trespass in writing and shall be liable to the United States for all costs and payments determined in the same manner as set forth in subpart 2808 of this chapter.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005]
§ 2812.2 - Nature of permit.
§ 2812.2-1 - Nonexclusive license.

Permits for rights-of-way for tramroads, do not constitute easements, and do not confer any rights on the permittee to any material for construction or other purposes except, in accordance with the provisions of §§ 2812.6-2 and 2812.8-3, such materials as may have been placed on such lands by a permittee. The permits are merely nonexclusive licenses to transport forest products owned by the permittee. Such permits may be canceled pursuant to § 2812.8.

§ 2812.2-2 - Right of permittee to authorize use by third parties.

A permittee may not authorize other persons to use the right-of-way for the transportation of forest products which are not owned by the permittee. Any person, other than the permittee or a licensee of the United States who desires to use the right-of-way for such purposes, is required to make application therefor and to comply with all the provisions of these regulations relating to applications and applicants: Provided, however, That upon the request of a permittee the authorized officer may, with respect to an independent contractor who desires to use such right-of-way for the transportation of forest products owned by such independent contractor and derived from timber or logs acquired by him from such permittee, waive the requirements of this sentence. Where the right-of-way involved has been substantially improved by the holder of an outstanding permit, any subsequent permit issued for the same right-of-way will be conditioned upon the subsequent permittee's agreement while the prior permit is outstanding, to be bound by the road rules of and to pay fair compensation to, the prior permittee, such rules and compensation to be agreed upon by the prior and subsequent permittee in accordance with the procedures and standards established by the regulations in §§ 2812.4-1, 2812.4-3, and 2812.4-4 of this subpart.

§ 2812.2-3 - Construction in advance of permit.

The authorized officer may grant an applicant authority to construct improvements on a proposed right-of-way prior to a determination whether the permit should issue. Such advance authority shall not be construed as any representation or commitment that a permit will issue. Upon demand by the authorized officer, the applicant will fully and promptly comply with all the requirements imposed under and by this paragraph. Advance construction will not be authorized unless and until applicant has complied with §§ 2812.1-1, 2812.1-2, 2812.3-1 and 2812.5-1.

§ 2812.3 - Right-of-way and road use agreement.
§ 2812.3-1 - Rights over lands controlled by applicant.

Where, in the judgment of the authorized officer, it appears necessary in order to carry out the policy set forth in § 2812.0-6, he may require the applicant, as a condition precedent to the issuance of the permit:

(a) To grant to the United States, for use by it and its licensees and permittees, rights-of-way across lands in the O. and C. area directly controlled by the applicant; and as to lands in such area which are indirectly controlled by him, either to obtain such rights for the United States or to make a showing satisfactory to the authorized officer that he has negotiated therefor in good faith and to waive as to the United States, its licensees and permittees any exclusive or restricted right he may have to such lands as are indirectly controlled by him.

(b) In addition, to agree to permit the United States and its licensees, upon the payment of fair compensation as hereinafter provided, to use under the terms and conditions of this paragraph such portion as the applicant directly controls of the road system and rights-of-way which are an integral part of or may be added to the road system with which the right-of-way applied for will connect, and as to the portions of such road system or rights-of-way as the applicant indirectly controls, either to obtain such rights for the United States and its licensees or to make a showing satisfactory to the authorized officer that he has negotiated therefor in good faith and, in such latter circumstance, to waive as to the United States and its licensees any exclusive or restricted right he may have in such portion of the road system and rights-of-way.

§ 2812.3-2 - Other roads and rights-of-way controlled by applicant.

In addition to the private road systems and rights-of-way described in § 2812.3-1 in the event the applicant controls directly or indirectly other roads or rights-of-way in any O. and C. area where the authorized officer of the Bureau finds that, as of the time of filing or during the pendency of the application, the United States is unreasonably denied access to its timber for management purposes or where, as of such time, competitive bidding by all prospective purchasers of timber managed by the Bureau in the O. and C. area, or of other Federal timber intermingled with or adjacent to such timber, is substantially precluded by reason of the applicant's control, direct or indirect, of such roads or rights-of-way, the authorized officer may require the applicant to negotiate an agreement granting to the United States and its licensees the right to use, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this paragraph such portion of such roads or rights-of-way as may be necessary to accommodate such management or competitive bidding.

§ 2812.3-3 - Form of grant to the United States, recordation.

Any grant of rights to the United States under this section shall be executed on a form prescribed by the Director which shall constitute and form a part of any permit issued upon the application involved. The applicant shall record such agreement in the office of land records of the county or counties in which the roads, rights-of-way, or lands, subject to the agreement are located, and submit evidence of such recordation to the appropriate district manager.

§ 2812.3-4 - Where no road use agreement is required.

Where, in the judgment of the authorized officer, it is consistent with the policy set forth in subpart 2811 he may issue a permit without requesting the applicant to grant any rights to the United States under this paragraph.

§ 2812.3-5 - Use by the United States and its licensees of rights received from a permittee.

The use by the United States and its licensees of any of the rights received from a permittee hereunder shall be limited to that which is necessary for management purposes, or to reach, by the most reasonably direct route, involving the shortest practicable use of the permittee's road system, a road or highway which is suitable for the transportation of forest products in the type and size of vehicle customarily used for such purposes and which is legally available for public use for ingress to and the removal of forest products from Government lands or from other lands during such periods of time as the timber thereon may be committed by a cooperative agreement to coordinated administration with timber of the United States. However, the type and size of vehicle which may be used by the licensee on the permittee's road shall be governed by §§ 2812.3-7 and 2812.4-3.

§ 2812.3-6 - Duration and location of rights granted or received by the United States.

The rights-of-way granted by the United States under any permit issued under § 2812.6, subject to the provisions of § 2812.7, will be for a stated term or terms which may vary for each portion of the right-of-way granted; such term or terms will normally be coincident with the probable period of use for the removal of forest products by the permittee and any successor in interest of the various portions of the right-of-way requested. In the same manner the permit will also state the duration of the rights of the United States to use and to permit its licensees to use, and the location by legal subdivisions of, each of the various portions, if any, of the roads, rights-of-way, and lands which a permittee hereunder authorizes the United States and its licensees to use; and, similarly, the duration of such rights received by the United States will normally be coincident with the probable period of use for the removal of forest products, by the United States and its existing and prospective licensees, of such roads, rights-of-way, and lands.

§ 2812.3-7 - Permittee's agreement with United States respecting compensation and adjustment of road use.

(a) Where the United States receives rights over any road, right-of-way, or lands, controlled directly or indirectly by a permittee, the authorized officer will seek to arrive at an advance agreement with the permittee respecting any or all of such matters as the time, route, and specifications for the development of the road system in the area; the total volume of timber to be moved over such road system, and the proportion of such timber which belongs to the United States or is embraced in a cooperative agreement for coordinated management with timber of the United States managed by the Bureau; the consequent proportion of the capital costs of the road system to be borne by such timber of the United States or embraced in such cooperative agreement; the period of time over, or rate at which, the United States or its licensees shall be required to amortise such capital cost; provisions for road maintenance; the use in addition to the uses set forth in § 2812.3-5 which the United States and its licensees may make of the road system involved, a formula for determining the proportionate capacity of the road system or portions thereof which shall be available to the United States and its licensees for the transportation of forest products; the amount and type of insurance to be carried, and the type of security to be furnished by licensees of the United States who use such road; and such other similar matters as the authorized officer may deem appropriate. To the extent necessary to fulfill the obligations of the United States under any such advance agreement, subsequent contracts for the sale of timber managed by the Bureau and tapped by such road system, and subsequent cooperative agreements for the coordinated management of such timber with other timber, will contain such provisions as may be necessary or appropriate to require such licensees to comply with the terms of the advance agreement. Where such an advance agreement between the United States and the permittee includes provisions relating to the route and specifications for extensions of the road system involved, the authorized officer may agree that upon the filing of proper applications in the future the applicant or his successor in interest shall receive the necessary permits for such road extensions as may cross lands managed by the Bureau: Provided, however, That the applicant shall have substantially complied with the terms of such advance agreement and of the outstanding permits theretofore issued to him.

(b) The provisions of § 2812.4 shall not be applicable to any matters embraced in an agreement made pursuant to this section.

§ 2812.4 - Arbitration and agreements.
§ 2812.4-1 - Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting compensation payable by licensee to permittee for use of road.

(a) In the event the United States exercises the rights received from a permittee hereunder to license a person to remove forest products over any road, right-of-way, or lands of the permittee or of his successor in interest, to the extent that such matters are not covered by an agreement under § 2812.3-7 of this subpart, such licensee will be required to pay the permittee or his successor in interest such compensation and to furnish him such security, and to carry such liability insurance as the permittee or his successor in interest and the licensee may agree upon. If the parties do not agree, then upon the written request of either party delivered to the other party, the matter shall be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the procedures established by § 2812.4-4. During the pendency of such arbitration proceedings the licensee shall be entitled to use the road, right-of-way, or lands involved upon payment, or tender thereof validly maintained, to the permittee of an amount to be determined by the authorized officer and upon the furnishing to the permittee of a corporate surety bond in an amount equal to the difference between the amount fixed by the authorized officer and the amount sought by the permittee. The licensee shall also, as a condition of use in such circumstances, maintain such liability insurance in such amounts covering any additional hazard and risk which might accrue by reason of the licensee's use of the road, as the authorized officer may prescribe.

(b) The arbitrators shall base their award as to the compensation to be paid by the licensee to the permittee or his successor in interest upon the amortization of the replacement costs for a road of the type involved, including in such replacement costs an extraordinary cost peculiar to the construction of the particular road involved and subtracting therefrom any capital investment made by the United States or its licensees in the particular road involved or in improvements thereto used by and useful to the permittee or his successor in interest plus a reasonable interest allowance on the resulting cost figure, taking into account the risk involved, plus costs of maintenance if furnished by the permittee or his successor, including costs of gates and gateman. In arriving at the amortization item, the arbitrators shall take into account the probable period of time, past and present, during which such road may be in existence, and the volume of timber which has been moved and the volume of timber currently merchantable, which probably will be moved from all sources over such road. The arbitrators shall also take into account the extent to which the use which the licensee might otherwise economically make of the road system is limited by § 2812.3-5. In addition, the arbitrators may fix the rate at which payments shall be made by the licensee during his use of the road. The arbitrators shall require the licensee to provide adequate bond, cash deposit, or other security to indemnify the permittee or his successor in interest against failure of the licensee to comply with the terms of the award and against damage to the road not incident to normal usage and for any other reasonable purpose, and also to carry appropriate liability insurance covering any additional hazard and risks which may accrue by reason of the licensee's use of the road.

(c) Where improvements or additions are required to enable a licensee to use a road or right-of-way to remove timber or forest products, the cost of such improvements will be allowable to the licensee.

(d) The full value at current stumpage prices will be allocable against a licensee for all timber to be cut, removed, or destroyed by the licensee on a permittee's land in the construction or improvement of the road involved.

§ 2812.4-2 - Compensation payable by United States to permittee for use of road.

In the event the United States itself removes forest products over any road or right-of-way of the permittee or his successor in interest, the United States, if there has been no agreement under § 2812.3-7 covering the matter, shall pay to the permittee or his successor in interest reasonable compensation as determined by the State Director, who shall base his determination upon the same standards established by this paragraph for arbitrators in the determination of the compensation to be paid by a licensee to a permittee: Provided, however, That no bond or other security or liability insurance is to be required of the United States. When the United States constructs or improves a road on a permittee's land or right-of-way it shall pay to the permittee the full value at current stumpage prices of all timber of the permittee cut, removed, or destroyed in the construction or maintenance of such road or road improvements. Current stumpage prices shall be determined by the application of the standard appraisal formula, used in appraising O. and C. timber for sale, to the volume and grade of timber. Such volume and grade shall be determined by a cruise made by the permittee or, at his request, by the authorized officer. If either the permittee or the authorized officer does not accept the cruise made by the other, the volume and grade shall be determined by a person or persons acceptable both to the permittee and the State Director.

§ 2812.4-3 - Agreements and arbitration between permittee and licensee respecting adjustment of road use.

(a) When the United States exercises the right received under this paragraph to use or to license any person to use a road of a permittee, the permittee or his successor in interest shall not unreasonably obstruct the United States or such licensee in such use. If there has been no agreement under § 2812.3-7 covering such matters, the permittee shall have the right to prescribe reasonable operating regulations, to apply uniformly as between the permittee and such licensee, covering the use of such road for such matters as speed and load limits, scheduling of hauls during period of use by more than one timber operator, coordination of peak periods of use, and such other matters as are reasonably related to safe operations and protection of the road; if the capacity of such road should be inadequate to accommodate the use thereof which such licensee and permittee desire to make concurrently, they shall endeavor to adjust their respective uses by agreement.

(b) If the permittee and such licensee are unable to agree as to the reasonableness of such operating regulations or on the adjustment of their respective uses where the capacity of the road is inadequate to accommodate their concurrent use, then upon the written request of either party delivered to the other party, the matter shall be referred to and finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the procedures established by § 2812.4-4.

(c) The arbitrators may make such disposition of a dispute involving the reasonableness of such operating regulations as appears equitable to them, taking into account the capacity and the construction of the road and the volume of use to which it will be subjected. In the determination of a dispute arising out of the inadequacy of the capacity of a road to accommodate the concurrent use by a permittee and a licensee, the arbitrators may make such disposition thereof as appears equitable to them, taking into account, among other pertinent facts, the commitments of the permittee and the licensee with respect to the cutting and removal of the timber involved and the disposition of the products derived therefrom; the extent to which each of the parties may practicably satisfy any of the aforesaid commitments from other timber currently controlled by him; the past normal use of such road by the permittee; the extent to which federal timber has contributed to the amortization of the capital costs of such road; and the extent to which the United States or its licensees have enlarged the road capacity.

§ 2812.4-4 - Arbitration procedure.

(a) Within 10 days after the delivery of a written request for arbitration under § 2812.4-1 or § 2812.4-3 of this subpart each of the parties to the disagreement shall appoint an arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall select a third arbitrator. If either party fails to appoint an arbitrator as provided herein, the other party may apply to a court of record of the State of Oregon for the appointment of such an arbitrator, as provided by the laws of such State. If within ten days of the appointment of the second of them, the original two arbitrators are unable to agree upon a third arbitrator who will accept the appointment, either party may petition such a court of record of the State of Oregon for the appointment of a third arbitrator. Should any vacancy occur by reason of the resignation, death or inability of one or more of the arbitrators to serve, the vacancy shall be filled according to the procedures applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator whose death, disability, or other inability to serve, created the vacancy.

(b) By mutual agreement, the parties may submit to a single arbitration proceeding controversies arising under both §§ 2812.4-1 and 2812.4-3.

(c) The arbitrators shall hear and determine the controversy and make, file, and serve their award in accordance with the substantive standards prescribed in §§ 2812.4-1 and 2812.4-3, for the type of controversy involved and in accordance with the procedures established by the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to arbitration proceedings. A copy of the award shall also be served at the same time upon the authorized officer or the State Director, either personally or by registered mail.

(d) Costs of the arbitration proceedings shall be assessed by the arbitrators against either or both of the parties, as may appear equitable to the arbitrators, taking into account the original contentions of the parties, the ultimate decision of the arbitrators and such other matter as may appear relevant to the arbitrators.

[35 FR 9638, June 13, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 21642, May 27, 1976]
§ 2812.5 - Payment to the United States, bond.
§ 2812.5-1 - Payment required for O. and C. timber.

An applicant will be required to pay to the Bureau of Land Management, in advance of the issuance of the permit, the full stumpage value as determined by the authorized officer of the estimated volume of all timber to be cut, removed, or destroyed, on O. and C. lands in the construction or operation of the road.

§ 2812.5-2 - Payment to the United States for road use.

(a) A permittee shall pay a basic fee of $5 per year per mile or fraction thereof for the use of any existing road or of any road constructed by the permittee upon the right-of-way. If the term of the permit is for 5 years or less, the entire basic fee must be paid in advance of the issuance of the permit. If the term of the permit is longer than 5 years, the basic fee for each 5-year period or for the remainder of the last period, if less than 5 years, must be paid in advance at 5-year intervals: Provided, however, That in those cases where the permittee has executed under §§ 2812.3-1 to 2812.3-5 an agreement respecting the use of roads, rights-of-way or lands, no such basic fee shall be paid: Provided further, This paragraph shall not apply where payment for road use is required under § 2812.3-1(b).

(b) Where the permittee receives a right to use a road constructed or acquired by the United States, which road is under the administrative jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the permittee will be required to pay to the United States a fee to be determined by the authorized officer who may also fix the rate at which payments shall be made by the permittee during his use of the road. The authorized officer shall base his determination upon the amortization of the replacement costs for a road of the type involved, together with a reasonable interest allowance on such costs plus costs of maintenance if furnished by the United States and any extraordinary costs peculiar to the construction or acquisition of the particular road. In the case of federally acquired or constructed access roads, an allowance representing a reasonable allocation for recreational or other authorized uses shall be deducted from the replacement costs of the road before the amortization item is computed. A similar allowance and deduction shall be made in cases involving roads constructed as a part of a timber sale contract when, and if, subsequent to completion of such contract any such road becomes subject to recreational or other authorized uses. In arriving at the amortization item, the authorized officer shall take into account the probable period of time, past and present, during which such road may be in existence, and the volume of timber which has been moved, and the volume of timber currently merchantable which probably will be moved from all sources over such road: Provided, however, That this subdivision shall not apply where the permittee transports forest products purchased from the United States through the Bureau of Land Management, or where payment for such road use to another permittee is required under this subpart 2812: Provided further, That where the United States is entitled to charge a fee for the use of a road, the authorized officer may waive such fee if the permittee grants to the United States and its licensees the right to use, without charge, permittee's roads of approximately equal value as determined under the methods provided in this subdivision and § 2812.4-1(b), as may be applicable.

(c) If an application is filed to use a road built on O. and C. lands by the applicant or his predecessor in interest under a permit which has expired, the authorized officer may issue a new permit which provides that as to such road the applicant's road use payments shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section except that he shall be required to pay a road use fee which is adequate to amortize only his proportionate share of any capital improvements which have been or may be placed on the road by the United States or its licensees together with a reasonable interest allowance thereon plus cost of maintenance if furnished by the United States: Provided, however, That if the application is for use of a road which has been built by a predecessor in interest the permit shall provide that the applicant may use the road only for the purpose of reaching the lands of the predecessor in interest that were served by the road. As a condition for the granting of such a permit, the applicant must comply with §§ 2812.3-1 to 2812.3-5 to the extent that rights-of-way and road use rights are needed to manage lands of the United States or to remove timber therefrom.

§ 2812.5-3 - Bonds in connection with existing roads.

An applicant for permit or a permittee desiring to use an existing road owned or controlled by the United States, shall prior to such use post a bond on a form prescribed by the Director. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the authorized officer but in no event less than five hundred dollars ($500) per mile or fraction thereof. The bond shall be executed by an approved corporate surety, or the permittee may deposit an equivalent amount in cash or negotiable securities of the United States and the bond shall be conditioned upon compliance with subpart 2812 and the terms and conditions of the permit.

§ 2812.6 - Approval and terms of permit.
§ 2812.6-1 - Approval.

(a) Upon the applicant's compliance with the appropriate provisions of this paragraph and if it is determined that the approval of the application will be in the public interest, the authorized officer may, in his discretion, issue an appropriate permit, upon a form prescribed by the Director.

(b) The authorized officer may waive the requirements of §§ 2812.1-2 (c) and (e) and 2812.5-3 in the case of a natural person who applies for a right-of-way for not to exceed a period of twelve weeks. Not more than one such waiver shall be allowed in each consecutive twelve calendar months on behalf of or for the benefit of the same person.

§ 2812.6-2 - Terms and conditions of permit.

(a) As to all permits: Every permittee shall agree:

(1) To comply with the applicable regulations in effect as of the time when the permit is issued and, as to the permittee's roads as to which the United States has received rights under §§ 2812.3-1 to 2812.3-5 with such additional regulations as may be issued from time to time relating to the use of roads for the purpose of access by properly licensed hunters and fishermen and by other recreationalists to lands of the United States in the O. and C. area which are suitable for such recreational purposes, where such use will not unreasonably interfere with the use of the road by the permittee for the transportation of forest products or unduly enhance the risk of fire, collision, or other hazards on such road and on lands in the vicinity thereof. If, notwithstanding the request of the authorized officer that the permittee allow use of a road in conformity with such additional regulations the permittee shall unreasonably withhold his assent, the authorized officer shall refer the disagreement through the proper channels to the Director of the Bureau for his consideration, and, if the Director concurs in the conclusion of the authorized officer and if the matter is still in dispute, he shall refer the matter to the Secretary of the Interior for his consideration. In the event of the Secretary's concurrence in the conclusions of the authorized officer, and if the permittee nevertheless unreasonably withholds such assent, the United States may institute such judicial proceedings as may be appropriate to enforce said regulations.

(2) Not to cut, remove, or destroy any timber not previously purchased on the right-of-way without having first obtained specific authority from the authorized officer and making payment therefor.

(3) To take adequate precaution to prevent forest, brush, and grass fires; to endeavor with all available personnel to suppress any fire originating on or threatening the right-of-way on which a road is being used or constructed by the permittee or any fire caused by the permittee; to do no burning on or near the right-of-way without State permit during the seasons that permits are required and in no event to set fire on or near the right-of-way that will result in damage to any natural resource or improvement.

(4) To submit to arbitration proceedings and to be bound by the resulting arbitral awards, pursuant to §§ 2812.4-1, 2812.4-3, and 2812.4-4.

(5) In the event that the United States acquires by purchase or eminent domain the land or any interest therein, over which there passes a road which the United States has acquired the right to use under §§ 2812.3-1 to 2812.3-5 of this subpart to waive compensation for the value of the road, equivalent to the proportion that the amount the United States has contributed bears to the total actual cost of construction of the road. Such contribution shall include any investment in or amortization of the cost of such road, or both, as the case may be, made by the United States or a licensee either by way of direct expenditures upon such road, or by way of payment by the United States or a licensee to the permittee, or by way of allowance made by the United States to the permittee in any timber sales contract for such amortization or capital investment.

(6) To construct all roads and other improvements as described in the application for the permit, except as the authorized officer may authorize modification or abandonment of any such proposed construction.

(7) To use the permit and right-of-way afforded subject to all valid existing rights, to such additional rights-of-way as may be granted under this paragraph to a reservation of rights-of-way for ditches and canals constructed under authority of the United States.

(8) Not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin, and to require an identical provision to be included in all subcontracts.

(9) Except as the authorized officer may otherwise permit or direct to clean up and remove from the road and right-of-way within six months after the expiration or other termination of the permit, all debris, refuse, and waste material which may have resulted from his operations and use of said road; to repair all damage to said road resulting directly or indirectly from his use thereof; and to remove therefrom all structures, timbers, and other objects that may have been installed or placed thereon by him in connection with said operations or use; Provided, however, That the road and all usable road improvements shall be left in place.

(10) Upon request of an authorized officer, to submit to the Bureau within 30 days with permission to publish, the detailed terms and conditions, including the fee which the permittee will ask as a condition of such licensee's use for the removal of forest products over any road or right-of-way which the United States and its licensees have acquired a right to use under §§ 2812.1-3 to 2812.1-5.

(11) To grant to the United States, upon request of an authorized officer in lieu of the rights-of-way across legal subdivisions granted pursuant to §§ 2812.1-3 to 2812.1-5, such permanent easements on specifically described locations as may be necessary to permit the Bureau to construct roads on such legal subdivisions with appropriated funds: Provided, That at the time of the grant of such permanent easements the Bureau shall release, except for necessary connecting spur roads, the rights-of-way across such legal subdivisions previously granted: Provided further, That if the United States builds a road on such permanent easements it shall pay for any timber of the permittee which is cut, removed, or destroyed in accordance with § 2812.4-2. The authorized officer shall waive the requirement under this paragraph, however, if the permittee makes a satisfactory showing to the authorized officer that he does not own a sufficient interest in the land to grant a permanent easement, and that he has negotiated therefor in good faith without success.

(b) As to permits for the use of an existing road: In addition, every permittee to whom a permit is issued for the use of an existing road is required to agree:

(1) To maintain such a road in an adequate and satisfactory condition or to arrange therefor with the other users of the road. In the absence of satisfactory performance, the authorized officer may have such maintenance work performed as may be necessary in his judgment, determine the proportionate share allocable to each user, and collect the cost thereof from the parties or the sureties on the bonds furnished by said parties.

(2) Upon the expiration or other termination of his right to its use, to leave said road and right-of-way in at least as good a condition as existed prior to the commencement of his use.

§ 2812.7 - Assignment of permit.

Any proposed assignment of a permit must be submitted in duplicate, within 90 days after the date of its execution, to the authorized officer for approval, accompanied by the same showing and undertaking by the assignee as is required of an applicant by §§ 2812.1-2 and 2812.3-1 to 2812.3-5, and must be supported by a stipulation that the assignee agrees to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions of the permit and the applicable regulations of the Department of the Interior in force as of the date of such approval of the assignment.

[35 FR 9638, June 13, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 21642, May 27, 1976]
§ 2812.8 - Cause for termination of permittee's rights.
§ 2812.8-1 - Notice of termination.

(a) The authorized officer in his discretion may elect upon 30 days' notice to terminate any permit or right-of-way issued under this paragraph if:

(1) In connection with the application made therefor, the applicant represented any material fact knowing the same to be false or made such representation in reckless disregard of the truth; or

(2) A permittee, subsequent to the issuance of a permit or right-of-way to him, represents any material fact to the Bureau, in accordance with any requirement of such permit or this paragraph, knowing such representation to be false, or makes such representation in reckless disregard of the truth.

(b) The authorized officer in his discretion may elect to terminate any permit or right-of-way issued under this paragraph, if the permittee shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of such regulations or make defaults in the performance or obligation of any of the conditions of the permit, and such failure or default shall continue for 60 days after service of written notice thereof by the authorized officer.

(c) Notice of such termination shall be served personally or by registered mail upon the permittee, shall specify the misrepresentation, failure or default involved, and shall be final, subject, however, to the permittee's right of appeal.

(d) Termination of the permit and of the right-of-way under this section shall not operate to terminate any right granted to the United States pursuant to this paragraph, nor shall it affect the right of the permittee, after the termination of his permit and right-of-way to receive compensation and to establish road operating rules with respect to roads controlled by him which the United States has the right to use and to permit its licensees to use; nor shall it relieve the permittee of his duty under this paragraph, to submit to and be bound by arbitration pursuant to §§ 2812.4-1, 2812.4-3, and 2812.4-4.

§ 2812.8-2 - Remedies for violations by licensee.

(a) No licensee of the United States will be authorized to use the roads of a permittee except under the terms of a timber sale contract or a cooperative agreement with the United States which will require the licensee to comply with all the applicable provisions of this paragraph, and any agreements or awards made pursuant thereto. If a licensee fails to comply with the regulations, agreements, or awards, the authorized officer will take such action as may be appropriate under the provisions of the timber sale contract or cooperative agreement.

(b) A permittee who believes that a licensee is violating the provisions of such a timber sale contract or cooperative agreement pertaining to use of the permittee's roads, rights-of-way, or lands, may petition the authorized officer, setting forth the grounds for his belief, to take such action against the licensee as may be appropriate under the contract or the cooperative agreement. In such event the permittee shall be bound by the decision of the authorized officer, subject, however, to a right of appeal pursuant to § 2812.9 and subject, further, to the general provisions of law respecting review of administrative determinations. In the alternative, a permittee who believes that a licensee has violated the terms of the timber sale contract or cooperative agreement respecting the use of the permittee's roads may proceed against the licensee in any court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such relief as may be appropriate in the premises.

§ 2812.8-3 - Disposition of property on termination of permit.

Upon the expiration or other termination of the permittee's rights, in the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the permittee will be allowed 6 months in which to remove or otherwise dispose of all property or improvements, other than the road and usable improvements to the road, placed by him on the right-of-way, but if not removed within this period, all such property and improvements shall become the property of the United States.

§ 2812.9 - Appeals.

An appeal pursuant to part 4 of 43 CFR Subtitle A, may be taken from any final decision of the authorized officer, to the Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary.

[41 FR 29123, July 15, 1976]
cite as: 43 CFR 2812.6-1