Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 2884.10 - What should I do before I file my application?

§ 2884.11 - What information must I submit in my application?

§ 2884.12 - What are the fee categories for cost recovery?

§ 2884.13 - When will the BLM waive cost recovery fees?

§ 2884.14 - When does the BLM reevaluate the cost recovery fees?

§ 2884.15 - What is a Master Agreement (Cost Recovery Category 5) and what information must I provide to the BLM when I request one?

§ 2884.16 - What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?

§ 2884.17 - How will the BLM manage my Category 6 project?

§ 2884.18 - What if there are two or more competing applications for the same pipeline?

§ 2884.19 - Where do I file my application for a grant or TUP?

§ 2884.20 - What are the public notification requirements for my application?

§ 2884.21 - How will BLM process my application?

§ 2884.22 - Can BLM ask me for additional information?

§ 2884.23 - Under what circumstances may BLM deny my application?

§ 2884.24 - What fees must I pay if the BLM denies my application, or if I withdraw my application or relinquish my grant or TUP?

§ 2884.25 - What activities may I conduct on BLM lands covered by my application for a grant or TUP while BLM is processing my application?

§ 2884.26 - When will BLM issue a grant or TUP when the lands are managed by two or more Federal agencies?

§ 2884.27 - What additional requirements are necessary for grants for pipelines 24 or more inches in diameter?

§ 2884.30 - Showing of good cause.

§ 2884.10 - What should I do before I file my application?

(a) When you determine that a proposed oil and gas pipeline system would cross Federal lands under BLM jurisdiction, or under the jurisdiction of two or more Federal agencies, you should notify BLM.

(b) Before filing an application with BLM, we encourage you to make an appointment for a preapplication meeting with the appropriate personnel in the BLM field office nearest the lands you seek to use. During the preapplication meeting BLM can:

(1) Identify potential routing and other constraints;

(2) Determine whether or not the lands are located within a designated or existing right-of-way corridor;

(3) Tentatively schedule the processing of your proposed application;

(4) Provide you information about qualifications for holding grants and TUPs, and inform you of your financial obligations, such as processing and monitoring costs and rents; and

(5) Identify any work which will require obtaining one or more TUPs.

(c) BLM may share this information with Federal, state, tribal, and local government agencies to ensure that these agencies are aware of any authorizations you may need from them.

(d) BLM will keep confidential any information in your application that you mark as “confidential” or “proprietary” to the extent allowed by law.

§ 2884.11 - What information must I submit in my application?

(a) File your application on Form SF-299 or as part of an Application for Permit to Drill or Reenter (BLM Form 3160-3) or Sundry Notice and Report on Wells (BLM Form 3160-5), available from any BLM office. The application must include the applicant's original signature or meet the BLM standards for electronic commerce. Your complete application must include:

(1) The exact diameters of the pipes and locations of the pipelines;

(2) Proposed construction and reclamation techniques; and

(3) The estimated life of the facility.

(b) File with BLM copies of any applications you file with other Federal agencies, such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (see 18 CFR chapter I), for licenses, certificates, or other authorities involving the right-of-way.

(c) BLM may ask you to submit additional information beyond that required in the form to assist us in processing your application. This information may include:

(1) A list of any Federal and state approvals required for the proposal;

(2) A description of alternative route(s) and mode(s) you considered when developing the proposal;

(3) Copies of, or reference to, all similar applications or grants you have submitted, currently hold, or have held in the past;

(4) A statement of the need and economic feasibility of the proposed project;

(5) The estimated schedule for constructing, operating, maintaining, and terminating the project (a POD). Your POD must be consistent with the development schedule and other requirements as noted on the POD template for oil and gas pipelines at;

(6) A map of the project, showing its proposed location and showing existing facilities adjacent to the proposal. The required map may include Geographic Information Systems (GIS) file geodatabases (FGDB), or equivalent format such as shapefiles or .kmz files, as requested by the BLM;

(7) A statement certifying that you are of legal age and authorized to do business in the state(s) where the right-of-way would be located, and that you have submitted correct information to the best of your knowledge;

(8) A statement of the environmental, social, and economic effects of the proposal;

(9) A statement of your financial and technical capability to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate the project;

(10) Proof that you are a United States citizen; and

(11) Any other information BLM considers necessary to process your application.

(d) Before BLM reviews your application for a grant, grant amendment, or grant renewal, you must submit the following information and material to ensure that the facilities will be constructed, operated, and maintained as common carriers under 30 U.S.C. 185(r):

(1) Conditions for, and agreements among, owners or operators to add pumping facilities and looping, or otherwise to increase the pipeline or terminal's throughput capacity in response to actual or anticipated increases in demand;

(2) Conditions for adding or abandoning intake, offtake, or storage points or facilities; and

(3) Minimum shipment or purchase tenders.

(e) If conditions or information affecting your application change, promptly notify BLM and submit to BLM in writing the necessary changes to your application. BLM may deny your application if you fail to do so.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92226, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25973, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.12 - What are the fee categories for cost recovery?

(a) You must pay a cost recovery fee with the application to cover the costs to the Federal Government of processing your application before the Federal Government incurs them. These cost recovery fees are for the processing and monitoring activities associated with your grant. Subject to applicable laws and regulations, if your application will involve Federal agencies other than the BLM, your fee may also include the reasonable costs estimated to be incurred by those Federal agencies. Instead of paying the BLM a fee for the estimated work of other Federal agencies in processing your application, you may pay other Federal agencies directly for the costs estimated to be incurred by them. The cost recovery fees for Categories 1 through 4 (see paragraph (b) of this section) are not refundable. The fees are categorized based on an estimate of the amount of time that the Federal Government will spend to process your application and monitor your grant.

(b) The BLM bases cost recovery fees on categories. The BLM will update the fee schedule for Categories 1 through 4 each calendar year, based on the previous year's change in the IPD-GDP, as measured second quarter to second quarter, rounded to the nearest dollar. The BLM will update Category 5 fees, which may include preliminary application review, processing, and monitoring, as specified in the applicable Master Agreement. Category 6 fees are for situations when a right-of-way activity will require more than 64 hours, or when an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required and may include preliminary application review costs. The cost recovery categories and the estimated range of Federal work hours for each category are:

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)—MLA Right-of-Way Cost Recovery Fee Categories

MLA right-of-way cost recovery category descriptions Federal work hours involved
Category 1. Processing and monitoring associated with an application or existing grant or TUPEstimated Federal work hours are ≤8.
Category 2. Processing and monitoring associated with an application or existing grant or TUPEstimated Federal work hours are >8 ≤24.
Category 3. Processing and monitoring associated with an application or existing grant or TUPEstimated Federal work hours are >24 ≤40.
Category 4. Processing and monitoring associated with an application or existing grant or TUPEstimated Federal work hours are >40 ≤64.
Category 5. Master AgreementsVaries, depending on the agreement.
Category 6. Processing and monitoring associated with an application or existing grant or TUP, including preliminary-application reviews.*Estimated Federal work hours are >64.

* Preliminary application review costs are those expenses related to meetings held between a Federal agency and the applicant to discuss a right-of-way application. These reviews are not required but are encouraged.

(c) You may obtain a copy of the current cost recovery fee schedule at, by contacting your local BLM state, district, or field office, or by writing: Attention to the Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240.

(d) After an initial review of your application, the BLM will notify you of the processing category into which your application fits. You must then submit the appropriate payment for that category before the BLM will begin processing your application. Your signature on a cost recovery Master Agreement constitutes your agreement with the cost recovery category decision. For reimbursement of the BLM's costs for Category 5 and 6 right-of-way applications or grants, see §§ 2884.15, 2884.16, and 2884.17. If you disagree with the category that the BLM has determined for your application, you may appeal the decision under § 2881.10. If you paid the cost recovery fee and you appeal a Category 1 through 4 determination, the BLM will work on your application, grant, or TUP while the appeal is pending. If IBLA finds in your favor, you will receive a refund or adjustment of your cost recovery fee.

(e) In processing your application, the BLM may determine at any time that the application requires preparing an EIS. If this occurs, the BLM will send you a decision changing your cost recovery category to Category 6. You may appeal the decision under § 2881.10.

(f) If you hold an authorization relating to TAPS, the BLM will send you a written statement seeking reimbursement of actual costs within 60 calendar days after the close of each quarter. Quarters end on the last day of March, June, September, and December. In processing applications and administering authorizations relating to TAPS, the Department of the Interior will avoid unnecessary employment of personnel and needless expenditure of funds.

[89 FR 25973, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.13 - When will the BLM waive cost recovery fees?

(a) The BLM may waive your cost recovery fees if you are a:

(1) State or local government, or an agency of such a government, and the BLM issues the grant for governmental purposes benefitting the general public. However, if you collect revenue from charges you levy on customers for services similar to those of a profit-making corporation or business, or you assess similar fees to the United States for similar purposes, cost recovery fees will not be waived; or

(2) Federal agency, and your cost recovery category determination is Category 1 to 4.

(b) The BLM will not waive your cost recovery fees if you are in trespass.

[89 FR 25974, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.14 - When does the BLM reevaluate the cost recovery fees?

BLM reevaluates the processing and monitoring fees (see § 2885.23 of this part) for each category and the categories themselves within 5 years after they go into effect and at 10-year intervals after that. When reevaluating processing and monitoring fees, BLM considers all factors that affect the fees, including, but not limited to, any changes in:

(a) Technology;

(b) The procedures for processing applications and monitoring grants;

(c) Statutes and regulations relating to the right-of-way program; or

(d) The IPD-GDP.

§ 2884.15 - What is a Master Agreement (Cost Recovery Category 5) and what information must I provide to the BLM when I request one?

(a) A Master Agreement (Cost Recovery Category 5) is a written agreement covering processing and monitoring fees (see § 2884.16 of this part) negotiated between the BLM and you that involves multiple BLM grant or TUP approvals for projects within a defined geographic area or for a specific common activity for many projects.

(b) Your request for a Master Agreement must:

(1) Describe the geographic area covered by the Agreement and the scope of the activity you plan;

(2) Include a preliminary work plan. This plan must state what work you must do and what work BLM must do to process your application. Both parties must periodically update the work plan, as specified in the Agreement, and mutually agree to the changes;

(3) Contain a preliminary cost estimate and a timetable for processing the application and completing the project;

(4) State whether you want the Agreement to apply to future applications in the same geographic area that are not part of the same project(s); and

(5) Contain any other relevant information that BLM needs to process the application.

[70 FR 21058, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 89 FR 25974, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.16 - What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?

(a) A Master Agreement:

(1) Specifies that you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations;

(2) Describes the work you will do and the work the BLM will do to complete right-of-way activities;

(3) Describes the method of periodic billing, payment, and auditing;

(4) Describes the processes, studies, or evaluations you will pay for;

(5) Explains how the BLM will monitor actions on a grant or TUP and how the BLM will receive payment for this work;

(6) Describes existing agreements between the BLM and other Federal agencies for cost reimbursement;

(7) Contains provisions allowing for periodic review and updating, if required;

(8) Contains specific conditions for terminating the Agreement;

(9) May be prepared so that it includes previously granted rights-of-way held by the right-of-way holder; and

(10) Contains any other provisions BLM considers necessary.

(b) BLM will not enter into any Agreement that is not in the public interest.

(c) If you sign a Master Agreement, you waive your right to request a reduction of cost recovery fees.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25974, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.17 - How will the BLM manage my Category 6 project?

(a) For Category 6 applications, you and the BLM must enter into a written agreement that describes how the BLM will process your application or monitor your grant. The BLM may require that the final agreement contains a work plan and a financial plan, and a description of any existing agreements you have with other Federal agencies for cost reimbursement associated with such application or grant.

(b) In processing your application, BLM will:

(1) Determine the issues subject to analysis under NEPA;

(2) Prepare a preliminary work plan;

(3) Develop a preliminary financial plan, if applicable, which estimates the actual costs of processing your application and monitoring your project;

(4) Collect, in advance and at the BLM's discretion, a deposit for your Category 6 project to initiate processing your application while all of the plans and agreements are being completed;

(5) Discuss with you:

(i) The preliminary plans and data;

(ii) The availability of funds and personnel;

(iii) Your options for the timing of processing and monitoring fee payments; and

(iv) Financial information you must submit; and

(6) Complete final scoping and develop final work and financial plans which reflect any work you have agreed to do. BLM will also present you with the final estimate of the costs you must reimburse the United States, including the cost for monitoring the project.

(c) BLM retains the option to prepare any environmental documents related to your application. If BLM allows you to prepare any environmental documents and conduct any studies that BLM needs to process your application, you must do the work following BLM standards. For this purpose, you and BLM may enter into a written agreement. BLM will make the final determinations and conclusions arising from such work.

(d) BLM will periodically, as stated in the agreement, estimate processing costs for a specific work period and notify you of the amount due. You must pay the amount due before BLM will continue working on your application. If your payment exceeds the costs that the United States incurred for the work, BLM will either adjust the next billing to reflect the excess, or refund you the excess under 43 U.S.C. 1734. You may not deduct any amount from a payment without BLM's prior written approval.

(e) We may collect funds to reimburse the Federal Government for reasonable costs for processing applications and other documents under this part relating to the Federal lands.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25974, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.18 - What if there are two or more competing applications for the same pipeline?

(a) If there are two or more competing applications for the same pipeline and your application is in:

(1) Processing Categories 1 through 4. You must reimburse the Federal Government for processing costs as if the other application or applications had not been filed.

(2) Processing Category 6. You are responsible for processing costs identified in your application. If BLM cannot readily separate costs, such as costs associated with preparing environmental analyses, you and any competing applicants must pay an equal share or a proportion agreed to in writing among all applicants and BLM. If you agree to share costs that are common to your application and that of a competing applicant, and the competitor does not pay the agreed upon amount, you are liable for the entire amount due. The applicants must pay the entire processing fee in advance. BLM will not process the application until we receive the advance payments.

(b) Who determines whether competition exists? BLM determines whether the applications are compatible in a single right-of-way or are competing applications to build the same pipeline.

(c) If we determine that competition exists, we will describe the procedures for a competitive bid through a bid announcement in the Federal Register and may use other notification methods, such as a newspaper of general circulation or the Internet. We may offer lands through a competitive process on our own initiative.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2884.19 - Where do I file my application for a grant or TUP?

(a) If BLM has exclusive jurisdiction over the lands involved, file your application with the BLM Field Office having jurisdiction over the lands described in the application.

(b) If another Federal agency has exclusive jurisdiction over the land involved, file your application with that agency and refer to its regulations for its requirements.

(c) If there are no BLM-administered lands involved, but the lands are under the jurisdiction of two or more Federal agencies, you may file your application at the BLM office in the vicinity of the pipeline. BLM will notify you where to direct future communications about the pipeline.

(d) If two or more Federal agencies, including BLM, have jurisdiction over the lands in the application, file it at any BLM office having jurisdiction over a portion of the Federal lands. BLM will notify you where to direct future communications about the pipeline.

§ 2884.20 - What are the public notification requirements for my application?

(a) When the BLM receives your application, it will publish a notice in the Federal Register and may use other notification methods, such as a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the lands involved or the Internet. If we determine the pipeline(s) will have only minor environmental impacts, we are not required to publish this notice. The notice will, at a minimum, contain:

(1) A description of the pipeline system; and

(2) A statement of where the application and related documents are available for review.

(b) BLM will send copies of the published notice for review and comment to the:

(1) Governor of each state within which the pipeline system would be located;

(2) Head of each local or tribal government or jurisdiction within which the pipeline system would be located; and

(3) Heads of other Federal agencies whose jurisdiction includes lands within which the pipeline system would be located.

(c) If your application involves a pipeline that is 24 inches or more in diameter, BLM will also send notice of the application to the appropriate committees of Congress in accordance with 30 U.S.C. 185(w).

(d) We may hold public hearings or meetings on your application if we determine that there is sufficient interest to warrant the time and expense of such hearings or meetings. We will publish a notice in the Federal Register and may use other notification methods, such as a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the lands involved or the Internet, to announce in advance any public hearings or meetings.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2884.21 - How will BLM process my application?

(a) BLM will notify you in writing when it receives your application and will identify your processing fee described at § 2884.12 of this subpart.

(b) The BLM will not process your application if you have any trespass action pending against you for any activity on BLM-administered lands (see § 2888.11) or have any unpaid debts owed to the Federal Government. The only applications the BLM would process are those to resolve the trespass with a right-of-way as authorized in this part, or a lease or permit under the regulations found at 43 CFR part 2920, but only after outstanding debts are paid. Outstanding debts are those currently unpaid debts owed to the Federal Government after all administrative collection actions have occurred, including any appeal proceedings under applicable Federal regulations and the Administrative Procedure Act.

(c) Customer service standard. The BLM will process your complete application as follows:

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)

Processing time Conditions
1-460 calendar daysIf processing your application(s) for a right-of-way or TUP will take longer than 60 calendar days, the BLM will notify you in writing of this fact prior to the 30th calendar day and inform you of when you can expect a final decision on your application.
5As specified in the Master AgreementThe BLM will process your right-of-way or TUP application(s) as specified in the Master Agreement.
6Over 60 calendar daysThe BLM will notify you in writing within the initial 60-day processing period of the estimated processing time.

(d) Before issuing a grant or TUP, BLM will:

(1) Complete a NEPA analysis for the application or approve a NEPA analysis previously completed for the application, as required by 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508;

(2) Determine whether or not your proposed use complies with applicable Federal and state laws, regulations, and local ordinances;

(3) Consult, as necessary, with other governmental entities;

(4) Hold public meetings, if sufficient public interest exists to warrant their time and expense. The BLM will publish a notice in the Federal Register and may use other methods, such as a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the lands involved or the Internet, to announce in advance any public hearings or meetings; and

(5) Take any other action necessary to fully evaluate and decide whether to approve or deny your application.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25974, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.22 - Can BLM ask me for additional information?

(a) If we ask for additional information, we will follow the procedures in § 2804.25(c) of this chapter.

(b) BLM may also ask other Federal agencies for additional information, for terms and conditions or stipulations which the grant or TUP should contain, and for advice as to whether or not to issue the grant or TUP.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2884.23 - Under what circumstances may BLM deny my application?

(a) BLM may deny your application if:

(1) The proposed use is inconsistent with the purpose for which BLM or other Federal agencies manage the lands described in your application;

(2) The proposed use would not be in the public interest;

(3) You are not qualified to hold a grant or TUP;

(4) Issuing the grant or TUP would be inconsistent with the Act, other laws, or these or other regulations;

(5) You do not have or cannot demonstrate the technical or financial capability to construct the pipeline or operate facilities within the right-of-way or TUP area; or

(6) You do not comply with a deficiency notice (see § 2804.25(c)) or with any requests from the BLM for additional information needed to process the application.

(b) If you are unable to meet any of the requirements in this section you may request an alternative from the BLM (see § 2884.30).

(c) If BLM denies your application, you may appeal the decision under § 2881.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.24 - What fees must I pay if the BLM denies my application, or if I withdraw my application or relinquish my grant or TUP?

If the BLM denies your application, you withdraw it, or you relinquish your grant or TUP, you owe the current fees for the applicable cost recovery category as set forth at § 2884.12(b), unless you have a Category 5 or 6 application. Then, the following conditions apply:

(a) If the BLM denies your Category 5 or 6 application, you are liable for the actual costs that the United States incurred in processing it. The money you have not paid is due within 30 calendar days after receiving a bill for the amount due;

(b) If you withdraw your application in writing before the BLM issues a grant or TUP, you are liable for all actual processing costs the United States has incurred up to the time you withdraw the application and for the actual costs of terminating your application. Any money you have not paid is due within 30 calendar days after receiving a bill for the amount due; and

(c) If you relinquish your grant or TUP in writing, you are liable for all actual costs the United States has incurred up to the time you relinquish the grant and for the actual costs of closing your grant. Any cost recovery money you have not previously paid is due within 30 calendar days after receiving a bill for the amount due. The BLM will refund any cost recovery money you paid in Categories 5 or 6 that was not used to cover costs the United States incurred as a result of your grant.

[89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.25 - What activities may I conduct on BLM lands covered by my application for a grant or TUP while BLM is processing my application?

(a) You may conduct casual use activities on BLM lands covered by the application, as may any other member of the public. BLM does not require a grant or TUP for casual use on BLM lands.

(b) For any activities on BLM lands that are not casual use, you must obtain prior BLM approval. To conduct activities on lands administered by other Federal agencies, you must obtain any prior approval those agencies require.

§ 2884.26 - When will BLM issue a grant or TUP when the lands are managed by two or more Federal agencies?

If the application involves lands managed by two or more Federal agencies, BLM will not issue or renew the grant or TUP until the heads of the agencies administering the lands involved have concurred. Where concurrence is not reached, the Secretary of the Interior, after consultation with these agencies, may issue or renew the grant or TUP, but not through lands within a Federal reservation where doing so would be inconsistent with the purposes of the reservation.

§ 2884.27 - What additional requirements are necessary for grants for pipelines 24 or more inches in diameter?

If an application is for a grant for a pipeline 24 inches or more in diameter, the BLM will not issue or renew the grant until after the BLM notifies the appropriate committees of Congress in accordance with 30 U.S.C. 185(w).

[89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2884.30 - Showing of good cause.

If you are unable to meet any of the processing requirements in this subpart, you may request approval for an alternative requirement from the BLM. Any such request is not approved until you receive BLM approval in writing. Your request to the BLM must:

(a) Show good cause for your inability to meet a requirement;

(b) Suggest an alternative requirement and explain why that requirement is appropriate; and

(c) Be received in writing by the BLM in a timely manner, before the deadline to meet a particular requirement has passed.

[81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 185 and 189, and 43 U.S.C. 1732(b), 1733, and 1740
source: 70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2884.19