Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 2885.10 - When is a grant or TUP effective?

A grant or TUP is effective after both you and BLM sign it. You must accept its terms and conditions in writing and pay any necessary rent and monitoring fees as set out in §§ 2885.19 and 2885.23 of this subpart. Your written acceptance constitutes an agreement between you and the United States that your right to use the Federal lands, as specified in the grant or TUP, is subject to the terms and conditions of the grant or TUP and applicable laws and regulations.

§ 2885.11 - What terms and conditions must I comply with?


(a) Duration. All grants, except those issued for a term of 3 years or less, will expire on December 31 of the final year of the grant. The term of a grant may not exceed 30 years, with the initial partial year of the grant considered to be the first year of the term. The term of a TUP may not exceed 3 years. The BLM will consider the following factors in establishing a reasonable term:

(1) The cost of the pipeline and related facilities you plan to construct, operate, maintain, or terminate;

(2) The pipeline's or related facility's useful life;

(3) The public purpose served; and

(4) Any potentially conflicting land uses; and

(b) Terms and conditions of use. BLM may modify your proposed use or change the route or location of the facilities in your application. By accepting a grant or TUP, you agree to use the lands described in the grant or TUP for the purposes set forth in the grant or TUP. You also agree to comply with, and be bound by, the following terms and conditions. During construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of the project you must:

(1) To the extent practicable, comply with all existing and subsequently enacted, issued, or amended Federal laws and regulations, and state laws and regulations applicable to the authorized use;

(2) Rebuild and repair roads, fences, and established trails destroyed or damaged by constructing, operating, maintaining, or terminating the project;

(3) Build and maintain suitable crossings for existing roads and significant trails that intersect the project;

(4) Do everything reasonable to prevent and suppress fires on or in the immediate vicinity of the right-of-way or TUP area;

(5) Not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment during any phase of the project because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. You must also require subcontractors to not discriminate;

(6) Pay the rent and monitoring fees described in §§ 2885.19 and 2885.23 of this subpart;

(7) The BLM may require that you obtain, or certify that you have obtained, a performance and reclamation bond or other acceptable security to cover any losses, damages, or injury to human health, the environment, and property incurred in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area, including terminating the grant or TUP, and to secure all obligations imposed by the grant or TUP and applicable laws and regulations. Your bond must cover liability for damages or injuries resulting from releases or discharges of hazardous materials. We may require a bond, an increase or decrease in the value of an existing bond, or other acceptable security at any time during the term of the grant or TUP. This bond is in addition to any individual lease, statewide, or nationwide oil and gas bonds you may have. All other provisions in§ 2805.12(b) of this chapter regarding bond requirements for grants and leases issued under FLPMA also apply to grants or TUPs for oil and gas pipelines issued under this part;

(8) Assume full liability if third parties are injured or damages occur to property on or near the right-of-way or TUP area (see § 2886.13 of this part);

(9) Comply with project-specific terms, conditions, and stipulations, including requirements to:

(i) Restore, revegetate, and curtail erosion or any other rehabilitation measure BLM determines is necessary;

(ii) Ensure that activities in connection with the grant or TUP comply with air and water quality standards or related facility siting standards contained in applicable Federal or state law or regulations;

(iii) Control or prevent damage to scenic, aesthetic, cultural, and environmental values, including fish and wildlife habitat, and to public and private property and public health and safety;

(iv) Protect the interests of individuals living in the general area who rely on the area for subsistence uses as that term is used in Title VIII of ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.); and

(v) Ensure that you construct, operate, maintain, and terminate the facilities on the lands in the right-of-way or TUP area in a manner consistent with the grant or TUP;

(10) Immediately notify all Federal, state, tribal, and local agencies of any release or discharge of hazardous material reportable to such entity under applicable law. You must also notify BLM at the same time, and send BLM a copy of any written notification you prepared;

(11) Not dispose of or store hazardous material on your right-of-way or TUP area, except as provided by the terms, conditions, and stipulation of your grant or TUP;

(12) Certify that your compliance with all requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. 11001 et seq., when you receive, assign, renew, amend, or terminate your grant or TUP;

(13) Control and remove any release or discharge of hazardous material on or near the right-of-way or TUP area arising in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area, whether or not the release or discharge is authorized under the grant or TUP. You must also remediate and restore lands and resources affected by the release or discharge to BLM's satisfaction and to the satisfaction of any other Federal, state, tribal, or local agency having jurisdiction over the land, resource, or hazardous material;

(14) Comply with all liability and indemnification provisions and stipulations in the grant or TUP;

(15) As BLM directs, provide diagrams or maps showing the location of any constructed facility;

(16) Construct, operate, and maintain the pipeline as a common carrier. This means that the pipeline owners and operators must accept, convey, transport, or purchase without discrimination all oil or gas delivered to the pipeline without regard to where the oil and gas was produced (i.e., whether on Federal or non-federal lands). Where natural gas not subject to state regulatory or conservation laws governing its purchase by pipeline companies is offered for sale, each pipeline company must purchase, without discrimination, any such natural gas produced in the vicinity of the pipeline. Common carrier provisions of this paragraph do not apply to natural gas pipelines operated by a:

(i) Person subject to regulation under the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.); or

(ii) Public utility subject to regulation by state or municipal agencies with the authority to set rates and charges for the sale of natural gas to consumers within the state or municipality.

(17) Within 30 calendar days after BLM requests it, file rate schedules and tariffs for oil and gas, or derivative products, transported by the pipeline as a common carrier with the agency BLM prescribes, and provide BLM proof that you made the required filing;

(18) With certain exceptions (listed in the statute), not export domestically produced crude oil by pipeline without Presidential approval (see 30 U.S.C. 185(u) and (s) and 50 U.S.C. App. 2401);

(19) Not exceed the right-of-way width that is specified in the grant without BLM's prior written authorization. If you need a right-of-way wider than 50 feet plus the ground occupied by the pipeline and related facilities, see § 2885.14 of this subpart;

(20) Not use the right-of-way or TUP area for any use other than that authorized by the grant or TUP. If you require other pipelines, looping lines, or other improvements not authorized by the grant or TUP, you must first secure BLM's written authorization;

(21) Not use or construct on the land in the right-of-way or TUP area until:

(i) BLM approves your detailed plan for construction, operation, and termination of the pipeline, including provisions for rehabilitation of the right-of-way or TUP area and environmental protection; and

(ii) You receive a Notice to Proceed for all or any part of the right-of-way or TUP area. In certain situations BLM may waive this requirement in writing; and

(22) Comply with all other stipulations that BLM may require.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65073, Oct. 31, 2008; 81 FR 92227, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2885.12 - What rights does a grant or TUP provide?

The grant or TUP conveys to you only those rights which it expressly contains. BLM issues it subject to the valid existing rights of others, including the United States. Rights which the grant or TUP conveys to you include the right to:

(a) Use the described lands to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate facilities within the right-of-way or TUP area for authorized purposes under the terms and conditions of the grant or TUP;

(b) Allow others to use the land as your agent in the exercise of the rights that the grant or TUP specifies;

(c) Do minor trimming, pruning, and removing of vegetation to maintain the right-of-way or TUP area or facility;

(d) Use common varieties of stone and soil which are necessarily removed during construction of the pipeline, without additional BLM authorization or payment, in constructing the pipeline within the authorized right-of-way or TUP area; and

(e) Assign the grant or TUP to another, provided that you obtain the BLM's prior written approval, unless your grant or TUP specifically states that such approval is unnecessary.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65073, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2885.13 - What rights does the United States retain?

The United States retains and may exercise any rights the grant or TUP does not expressly convey to you. These include the United States' right to:

(a) Access the lands covered by the grant or TUP at any time and enter any facility you construct on the right-of-way or TUP area. BLM will give you reasonable notice before it enters any facility on the right-of-way or TUP area;

(b) Require common use of your right-of-way or TUP area, including subsurface and air space, and authorize use of the right-of-way or TUP area for compatible uses. You may not charge for the use of the lands made subject to such additional right-of-way grants;

(c) Retain ownership of the resources of the land covered by the grant or TUP, including timber and vegetative or mineral materials and any other living or non-living resources. You have no right to use these resources, except as noted in § 2885.12 of this subpart;

(d) Determine whether or not your grant is renewable; and

(e) Change the terms and conditions of your grant or TUP as a result of changes in legislation, regulation, or as otherwise necessary to protect public health or safety or the environment.

§ 2885.14 - What happens if I need a right-of-way wider than 50 feet plus the ground occupied by the pipeline and related facilities?

(a) You may apply to BLM at any time for a right-of-way wider than 50 feet plus the ground occupied by the pipeline and related facilities. In your application you must show that the wider right-of-way is necessary to:

(1) Properly operate and maintain the pipeline after you have constructed it;

(2) Protect the environment; or

(3) Provide for public safety.

(b) BLM will notify you in writing of its finding(s) and its decision on your application for a wider right-of-way. If the decision is adverse to you, you may appeal it under § 2881.10 of this part.

§ 2885.15 - How will BLM charge me rent?

(a) BLM will charge rent beginning on the first day of the month following the effective date of the grant or TUP through the last day of the month when the grant or TUP terminates. Example: If a grant or TUP becomes effective on January 10 and terminates on September 16, the rental period would be February 1 through September 30, or 8 months.

(b) There are no reductions or waivers of rent for grants or TUPs, except as provided under § 2885.20(b).

(c) BLM will set or adjust the annual billing periods to coincide with the calendar year by prorating the rent based on 12 months.

(d) If you disagree with the rent that BLM charges, you may appeal the decision under § 2881.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92228, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2885.16 - When do I pay rent?

(a) You must pay rent for the initial rental period before we issue you a grant or TUP. We prorate the initial rental amount based on the number of full months left in the calendar year after the effective date of the grant or TUP. If your grant qualifies for annual payments, the initial rent consists of the remaining partial year plus the next full year. If your grant or TUP allows for multi-year payments, your initial rent payment may be for the full term of the grant or TUP. See § 2885.21 for additional information on payment of rent.

(b) You make all other rental payments according to the payment plan described in § 2885.21 of this subpart.

(c) After the first rental payment, all rent is due on January 1 of the first year of each succeeding rental period for the term of your grant.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92228, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2885.17 - What happens if I do not pay rents and fees or if I pay the rents or fees late?

(a) If BLM does not receive the rent payment within 15 calendar days after the rent was due under § 2885.16 of this subpart, BLM will charge you a late payment fee of $25.00 or 10 percent of the rent you owe, whichever is greater, not to exceed $500 per authorization.

(b) If BLM does not receive your rent payment and late payment fee within 30 calendar days after rent was due, BLM may collect other administrative fees provided by statute.

(c) If BLM does not receive your rent, late payment fee, and any administrative fees within 90 calendar days after the rent was due, BLM may terminate your grant under § 2886.17 of this part and you may not remove any facility or equipment without BLM's written permission. The rent due, late payment fees, and any administrative fees remain a debt that you owe to the United States.

(d) If you pay the rent, late payment fees, and any administrative fees after BLM has terminated the grant, BLM does not automatically reinstate the grant. You must file a new application with BLM. BLM will consider the history of your failure to timely pay rent in deciding whether to issue you a new grant.

(e) The BLM will retroactively bill for uncollected or under-collected rent, including late payment and administrative fees.

(f) You may appeal any adverse decision BLM takes against your grant or TUP under § 2881.10 of this part.

(g) The BLM will not approve any further activities associated with your right-of-way until the BLM receives any outstanding payments that are due.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92228, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2885.18 - When must I make estimated rent payments to BLM?

To expedite the processing of your application for a grant or TUP, BLM may estimate rent payments and require you to pay that amount when it issues the grant or TUP. The rent amount may change once BLM determines the actual rent of the grant or TUP. BLM will credit you any rental overpayment, and you are liable for any underpayment. This section does not apply to rent payments made under the rent schedule in this part.

§ 2885.19 - What is the rent for a linear right-of-way grant?

(a) The BLM will use the Per Acre Rent Schedule (see paragraph (b) of this section) to calculate the rent. Counties (or other geographical areas) are assigned to a County Zone Number and Per Acre Zone Value based upon 80 percent of their average per acre land and building value published in the NASS Census. The initial assignment of counties to the zones in the Per Acre Rent Schedule for the 5-year period from 2006 to 2010 is based upon data contained in the most recent NASS Census (2002). Subsequent assignments of counties will occur every 5 years following the publication of the NASS Census. The Per Acre Rent Schedule is also adjusted periodically as follows:

(1) Each calendar year the BLM will adjust the per acre rent values in §§ 2806.20 and 2885.19(b) for all types of linear right-of-way facilities in each zone based on the average annual change in the IPD-GDP for the 10-year period immediately preceding the year that the NASS Census data becomes available. For example, the average annual change in the IPD-GDP from 1994 to 2003 (the 10-year period immediately preceding the year (2004) that the 2002 NASS Census data became available) is 1.9 percent. This annual adjustment factor is applied to years 2006 through 2015 of the Per Acre Rent Schedule. Likewise, the average annual change in the IPD-GDP from 2004 to 2013 (the 10-year period immediately preceding the year (2014) when the 2012 NASS Census data will become available) will be applied to years 2016 through 2025 of the Per Acre Rent Schedule.

(2) The BLM will review the NASS Census data from the 2012 NASS Census, and each subsequent 10-year period, and as appropriate, revise the number of county zones and the per acre zone values. Any revision must include 100 percent of the number of counties and listed geographical areas for all states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and must reasonably reflect the increases or decreases in the average per acre land and building values contained in the NASS Census.

(b) You may obtain a copy of the current Per Acre Rent Schedule at, by contacting your local BLM state, district, or field office, or by writing: Attention to the Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240.

[73 FR 65073, Oct. 31, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 92228, Dec. 19, 2016; 89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2885.20 - How will the BLM calculate my rent for linear rights-of-way the Per Acre Rent Schedule covers?

(a) Except as provided by § 2885.22, the BLM calculates your rent by multiplying the rent per acre for the appropriate county (or other geographical area) zone from the current schedule by the number of acres (as rounded up to the nearest tenth of an acre) in the right-of-way or TUP area that fall in each zone and multiplying the result by the number of years in the rental payment period (the length of time for which the holder is paying rent).

(b) Phase-in provisions. If, as the result of any revisions made to the Per Acre Rent Schedule under § 2885.19(a)(2), the payment of your new annual rental amount would cause you undue hardship, you may qualify for a 2-year phase-in period if you are a small business entity as that term is defined in Small Business Administration regulations and if it is in the public interest. We will require you to submit information to support your claim. If approved by the BLM State Director, payment of the amount in excess of the previous year's rent may be phased-in by equal increments over a 2-year period. In addition, the BLM will adjust the total calculated rent for year 2 of the phase-in period by the annual index provided by § 2885.19(a)(1).

(c) If the BLM has not previously used the rent schedule to calculate your rent, we may do so after giving you reasonable written notice.

[73 FR 65073, Oct. 31, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 92228, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2885.21 - How must I make rental payments for a linear grant or TUP?

(a) Term grants or TUPs. For TUPs you must make a one-time nonrefundable payment for the term of the TUP. For grants, except those that have been issued in perpetuity, you must make either nonrefundable annual payments or a nonrefundable payment for more than 1 year, as follows:

(1) One-time payments. You may pay in advance the total rent amount for the entire term of the grant or any remaining years.

(2) Multiple payments. If you choose not to make a one-time payment, you must pay according to one of the following methods:

(i) Payments by individuals. If your annual rent is $100 or less, you must pay at 10-year intervals not to exceed the term of the grant. If your annual rent is greater than $100, you may pay annually or at 10-year intervals, not to exceed the term of the grant. For example, if you have a grant with a remaining term of 30 years, you may pay in advance for 10 years, 20 years, or 30 years, but not any other multi-year period.

(ii) Payments by all others. If your annual rent is $500 or less, you must pay rent at 10-year intervals, not to exceed the term of the grant. If your annual rent is greater than $500, you may pay annually or at 10-year intervals, not to exceed the term of the grant.

(b) Perpetual grants issued prior to November 16, 1973. Except as provided by § 2885.22(a), you must make either nonrefundable annual payments or a nonrefundable payment for more than 1 year, as follows:

(1) Payments by individuals. If your annual rent is $100 or less, you must pay at 10-year intervals, not to exceed 30 years. If your annual rent is greater than $100, you may pay annually or at 10-year intervals, not to exceed 30 years.

(2) Payments by all others. If your annual rent is $500 or less, you must pay rent at 10-year intervals, not to exceed 30 years. If your annual rent is greater than $500, you may pay annually or at 10-year intervals, not to exceed 30 years.

(c) Proration of payments. The BLM considers the first partial calendar year in the initial rental payment period (the length of time for which the holder is paying rent) to be the first year of the term. The BLM prorates the first year rental amount based on the number of months left in the calendar year after the effective date of the grant.

[73 FR 65074, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2885.22 - How may I make rental payments when land encumbered by my term or perpetual linear grant is being transferred out of Federal ownership?

(a) One-time payment option for existing perpetual grants issued prior to November 16, 1973. If you have a perpetual grant and the land your grant encumbers is being transferred out of Federal ownership, you may choose to make a one-time rental payment. The BLM will determine the one-time payment for perpetual right-of-way grants by dividing the current annual rent for the subject property by an overall capitalization rate calculated from market data, where the overall capitalization rate is the difference between a market yield rate and a percent annual rent increase as described in the formula in paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section. The formula for this calculation is: One-time Payment = Annual Rent/(Y−CR), where:

(1) Annual Rent = Current Annual Rent Applicable to the Subject Property from the Per Acre Rent Schedule;

(2) Y = Yield Rate from the Per Acre Rent Schedule (5.27 percent); and

(3) CR = Annual Percent Change in Rent as Determined by the Most Recent 10-Year Average of the difference in the IPD-GDP Index from January of one year to January of the following year.

(b) In paragraph (a) of this section, the annual rent is determined from the Per Acre Rent Schedule (see § 2885.19(b)), as updated under § 2885.19(a)(1) and(2). However, the per acre zone value and zone number used in this annual rental determination will be based on the per acre land value from acceptable market information or an appraisal report, if any, for the land transfer action and not the county average per acre land and building value from the NASS Census. You may also submit an appraisal report on your own initiative in accordance with § 2806.25(d) of this chapter.

(c) When no acceptable market information is available and no appraisal report has been completed for the land transfer action, or when the BLM requests it, you must prepare an appraisal report as required under § 2806.25(d) of this chapter.

(d) Term Grant. If the land your grant encumbers is being transferred out of Federal ownership, you may pay in advance the total rent amount for the entire term of the grant or any remaining years. The BLM will use the annual rent calculated from the Per Acre Rent Schedule multiplied by the number of years in the rent payment period (the length of time for which the holder is paying rent) to determine the one-time rent. However, this amount must not exceed the one-time rent payment for a perpetual grant as determined under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

[73 FR 65074, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2885.23 - How will BLM calculate rent for communication uses ancillary to a linear grant, TUP, or other use authorization?

When a communication use is ancillary to, and authorized by BLM under, a grant or TUP for a linear use, or some other type of authorization (e.g., a mineral lease or sundry notice), BLM will determine the rent using the linear rent schedule (see § 2885.19 of this subpart) or rent scheme associated with the other authorization, and not the communication use rent schedule (see § 2806.30 of this chapter).

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005. Redesignated at 73 FR 65074, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2885.24 - If I hold a grant or TUP, what cost recovery fees must I pay?

(a) Subject to § 2886.11, you must pay a fee to the BLM for any costs the Federal Government incurs in processing, inspecting, and monitoring the construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of the pipeline and protection and rehabilitation of the Federal lands your grant or TUP covers. The BLM categorizes the cost recovery fees based on the estimated number of work hours necessary to manage your grant or TUP. Categories 1 through 4 fees are not refundable. The description of each Category and the associated work hours is found at § 2884.12(b).

(b) The BLM will update the cost recovery fee schedule for Categories 1 through 4 each calendar year, based on the previous year's change in the IPD-GDP, as measured second quarter to second quarter rounded to the nearest dollar. The BLM will update Category 5 cost recovery fees as specified in the applicable Master Agreement.

(c) You may obtain a copy of the current cost recovery fee schedule at, by contacting your local BLM state, district, or field office, or by writing: Attention to the Division of Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop 2134LM, Washington, DC 20240.

[89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2885.25 - When do I pay monitoring fees?

(a) Monitoring Categories 1 through 4. Unless BLM otherwise directs, you must pay monitoring fees when you submit to BLM your written acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant or TUP.

(b) Monitoring Category 5. You must pay the monitoring fees as specified in the Master Agreement. BLM will not issue your grant or TUP until it receives the required payment.

(c) Monitoring Category 6. BLM may periodically estimate the costs of monitoring your use of the grant or TUP. BLM will include this fee in the costs associated with processing fees described at § 2884.12 of this part. If BLM has underestimated the monitoring costs, we will notify you of the shortfall. If your payments exceed the actual costs that Federal employees incurred for monitoring, BLM will either reimburse you the difference, or adjust the next billing to reflect the overpayment. Unless BLM gives you written authorization, you may not offset or deduct the overpayment from your payments.

(d) Monitoring Categories 1-4 and 6. If you disagree with the category BLM has determined for your application, you may appeal the decision under § 2881.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005. Redesignated at 73 FR 65074, Oct. 31, 2008]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 185 and 189, and 43 U.S.C. 1732(b), 1733, and 1740
source: 70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2885.13