Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 2886.10 - When can I start activities under my grant or TUP?

(a) When you can start depends on the terms of your grant or TUP. You can start activities when you receive the grant or TUP you and BLM signed, unless the grant or TUP includes a requirement for BLM to provide a written Notice to Proceed. If your grant or TUP contains a Notice to Proceed requirement, you may not initiate construction, operation, maintenance, or termination until BLM issues you a Notice to Proceed.

(b) Before you begin operating your pipeline or related facility authorized by a grant or TUP, you must certify in writing to BLM that the pipeline system:

(1) Has been constructed and tested according to the terms of the grant or TUP; and

(2) Is in compliance with all required plans, specifications, and Federal and state laws and regulations.

§ 2886.11 - Who regulates activities within my right-of-way or TUP area?

After BLM has issued the grant or TUP, the head of the agency having administrative jurisdiction over the Federal lands involved will regulate your grant or TUP activities in conformance with the Act, appropriate regulations, and the terms and conditions of the grant or TUP. BLM and the other agency head may reach another agreement under 30 U.S.C. 185(c).

§ 2886.12 - When must I contact BLM during operations?

You must contact BLM:

(a) At the times specified in your grant or TUP;

(b) When your use requires a substantial deviation from the grant or TUP. You must seek an amendment to your grant or TUP under § 2887.10 and obtain our approval before you begin any activity that is a substantial deviation;

(c) When there is a change affecting your application, grant, or TUP including, but not limited to changes in:

(1) Mailing address;

(2) Partners;

(3) Financial conditions; or

(4) Business or corporate status; and

(d) Whenever site-specific circumstances or conditions arise that result in the need for changes to an approved right-of-way grant or TUP, POD, site plan, mitigation measures, or construction, operation, or termination procedures that are not substantial deviations in location or use authorized by a right-of-way grant or TUP. Changes for authorized actions, project materials, or adopted mitigation measures within the existing, approved right-of-way or TUP area must be submitted to the BLM for review and approval;

(e) To identify and correct discrepancies or inconsistencies;

(f) When you submit a certification of construction, if the terms of your grant require it. A certification of construction is a document you submit to the BLM after you have finished constructing a facility, but before you begin operating it, verifying that you have constructed and tested the facility to ensure that it complies with the terms of the grant and with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations; and

(g) When BLM requests it, such as to update information or confirm that information you submitted before is accurate.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 81 FR 92229, Dec. 19, 2016]
§ 2886.13 - If I hold a grant or TUP, for what am I liable?

(a) If you hold a grant or TUP, you are liable to the United States and to third parties for any damage or injury they incur in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area.

(b) You are strictly liable for any activity or facility associated with your right-of-way or TUP area which BLM determines presents a foreseeable hazard or risk of damage or injury to the United States. BLM will specify in the grant or TUP any activity or facility posing such hazard or risk, and the financial limitations on damages commensurate with such hazard or risk.

(1) BLM will not impose strict liability for damage or injury resulting primarily from an act of war or the negligence of the United States, except as otherwise provided by law.

(2) As used in this section, strict liability extends to costs incurred by the Federal government to control or abate conditions, such as fire or oil spills, which threaten life, property, or the environment, even if the threat occurs to areas that are not under Federal jurisdiction. This liability is separate and apart from liability under other provisions of law.

(3) You are strictly liable to the United States for damage or injury up to $2 million for any one incident. BLM will update this amount annually to adjust for changes in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average (CPI-U) as of July of each year (difference in CPI-U from July of one year to July of the following year), rounded to the nearest $1,000. This financial limitation does not apply to the release or discharge of hazardous substances on or near the grant or TUP area, or where liability is otherwise not subject to this financial limitation under applicable law.

(4) BLM will determine your liability for any amount in excess of the $2 million strict liability limitation (as adjusted) through the ordinary rules of negligence.

(5) The rules of subrogation apply in cases where a third party caused the damage or injury.

(c) If you cannot satisfy claims for injury or damage, all owners of any interests in, and all affiliates or subsidiaries of any holder of, a grant or TUP, except for corporate stockholders, are jointly and severally liable to the United States.

(d) If BLM issues a grant or TUP to more than one holder, each is jointly and severally liable.

(e) By accepting the grant or TUP, you agree to fully indemnify or hold the United States harmless for liability, damage, or claims arising in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area.

(f) We address liability of state, tribal, and local governments in § 2886.14 of this subpart.

(g) The provisions of this section do not limit or exclude other remedies.

§ 2886.14 - As grant or TUP holders, what liabilities do state, tribal, and local governments have?

(a) If you are a state, tribal, or local government or its agency or instrumentality, you are liable to the fullest extent law allows at the time that BLM issues your grant or TUP. If you do not have the legal power to assume full liability, you must repair damages or make restitution to the fullest extent of your powers.

(b) BLM may require you to provide a bond, insurance, or other acceptable security to:

(1) Protect the liability exposure of the United States to claims by third parties arising out of your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area;

(2) Cover any losses, damages, or injury to human health, the environment, and property incurred in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area; and

(3) Cover any damages or injuries resulting from the release or discharge of hazardous materials incurred in connection with your use and occupancy of the right-of-way or TUP area.

(c) Based on your record of compliance and changes in risk and conditions, BLM may require you to increase or decrease the amount of your bond, insurance, or security.

(d) The provisions of this section do not limit or exclude other remedies.

§ 2886.15 - How is grant or TUP administration affected if the BLM land my grant or TUP encumbers is transferred to another Federal agency or out of Federal ownership?

(a) If there is a proposal to transfer the BLM land your grant or TUP encumbers to another Federal agency, BLM may, after reasonable notice to you, transfer administration of your grant or TUP, for the lands BLM formerly administered, to another Federal agency, unless doing so would diminish your rights. If BLM determines your rights would be diminished by such a transfer, BLM can still transfer the land, but retain administration of your grant or TUP under existing terms and conditions.

(b) The BLM will provide reasonable notice to you if there is a proposal to transfer the BLM land your grant or TUP encumbers out of Federal ownership. If you request, the BLM will negotiate new grant or TUP terms and conditions with you. This may include increasing the term of your grant to a 30-year term or replacing your TUP with a grant. These changes, if any, become effective prior to the time the land is transferred out of Federal ownership. The BLM may then, in conformance with existing policies and procedures:

(1) Transfer the land subject to your grant or TUP. In this case, administration of your grant or TUP for the lands BLM formerly administered is transferred to the new owner of the land;

(2) Transfer the land, but BLM retains administration of your grant or TUP; or

(3) Reserve to the United States the land your grant or TUP encumbers, and BLM retains administration of your grant or TUP.

(c) You and the new land owner may agree to negotiate new grant or TUP terms and conditions any time after the land encumbered by your grant or TUP is transferred out of Federal ownership.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65074, Oct. 31, 2008]
§ 2886.16 - Under what conditions may BLM order an immediate temporary suspension of my activities?

(a) Subject to § 2886.11, BLM can order an immediate temporary suspension of grant or TUP activities within the right-of-way or TUP area to protect public health or safety or the environment. BLM can require you to stop your activities before holding an administrative proceeding on the matter and may order immediate remedial action.

(b) BLM may issue the immediate temporary suspension order orally or in writing to you, your contractor or subcontractor, or to any representative, agent, or employee representing you or conducting the activity. BLM may take this action whether or not any action is being or has been taken by other Federal or state agencies. When you receive the order, you must stop the activity immediately. BLM will, as soon as practical, confirm an oral order by sending or hand delivering to you or your agent at your address a written suspension order explaining the reasons for it.

(c) You may file a written request for permission to resume activities at any time after BLM issues the order. In the request, give the facts supporting your request and the reasons you believe that BLM should lift the order. BLM must grant or deny your request within 5 business days after receiving it. If BLM does not respond within 5 business days, BLM has denied your request. You may appeal the denial under § 2881.10 of this part.

(d) The immediate temporary suspension order is effective until you receive BLM's written notice to proceed with your activities.

§ 2886.17 - Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?

(a) Subject to § 2886.11, BLM may suspend or terminate your grant if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or any terms, conditions, or stipulations of the grant, or if you abandon the right-of-way.

(b) Subject to § 2886.11, BLM may suspend or terminate your TUP if you do not comply with applicable laws and regulations or any terms, conditions, or stipulations of the TUP, or if you abandon the TUP area.

(c) A grant or TUP also terminates when:

(1) The grant or TUP contains a term or condition that has been met that requires the grant or TUP to terminate;

(2) The BLM consents in writing to your request to relinquish the grant or TUP;

(3) A court terminates it or requires the BLM to terminate it; or

(4) It is required by law to terminate.

(d) Your failure to use your right-of-way for its authorized purpose for any continuous 2-year period creates a presumption of abandonment. BLM will notify you in writing of this presumption. You may rebut the presumption of abandonment by proving that you used the right-of-way or that your failure to use the right-of-way was due to circumstances beyond your control, such as acts of God, war, or casualties not attributable to you.

(e) You may appeal a decision under this section under § 2881.10 of this part.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 89 FR 25975, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2886.18 - How will I know that BLM intends to suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?

(a) Grants. When BLM determines that it will suspend or terminate your grant under § 2886.17 of this subpart, it will send you a written notice of this determination. The determination will provide you a reasonable opportunity to correct the violation, start your use, or resume your use of the right-of-way, as appropriate. In the notice BLM will state the date by which you must correct the violation or start or resume use of the right-of-way.

(1) If you have not corrected the violation or started or resumed use of the right-of-way by the date specified in the notice, BLM will refer the matter to the Office of Hearings and Appeals. An ALJ in the Office of Hearings and Appeals will provide an appropriate administrative proceeding under 5 U.S.C. 554 and determine whether grounds for suspension or termination exist. No administrative proceeding is required where the grant by its terms provides that it terminates on the occurrence of a fixed or agreed upon condition, event, or time.

(2) BLM will suspend or terminate the grant if the ALJ determines that grounds exist for suspension or termination and the suspension or termination is justified.

(b) TUPs. When BLM determines that it will suspend or terminate your TUP, it will send you a written notice and provide you a reasonable opportunity to correct the violation or start or resume use of the TUP area. The notice will also provide you information on how to file a written request for reconsideration.

(1) You may file a written request with the BLM office that issued the notice, asking for reconsideration of the determination to suspend or terminate your TUP. BLM must receive this request within 10 business days after you receive the notice.

(2) BLM will provide you with a written decision within 20 business days after receiving your request for reconsideration. The decision will include a finding of fact made by the next higher level of authority than that who made the suspension or termination determination. The decision will also inform you whether BLM suspended or terminated your TUP or cancelled the notice made under paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) If the decision is adverse to you, you may appeal it under § 2881.10 of this part.

§ 2886.19 - When my grant or TUP terminates, what happens to any facilities on it?

(a) Subject to § 2886.11, after your grant or TUP terminates, you must remove any facilities within the right-of-way or TUP area within a reasonable time, as determined by BLM, unless BLM instructs you otherwise in writing, or termination is due to non-payment of rent (see § 2885.17(c) of this part).

(b) After removing the facilities, you must remediate and restore the right-of-way or TUP area to a condition satisfactory to BLM, including the removal and clean-up of any hazardous materials.

(c) If you do not remove all facilities within a reasonable period, as determined by BLM, BLM may declare them to be the property of the United States. However, you are still liable for the costs of removing them and for remediating and restoring the right-of-way or TUP area.

authority: 30 U.S.C. 185 and 189, and 43 U.S.C. 1732(b), 1733, and 1740
source: 70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2886.18