Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 2920.0-1 - Purpose.

The purpose of the regulations in this part is to establish procedures for the orderly and timely processing of proposals for non-Federal use of the public lands. The procedural and informational requirements set by these regulations vary in relation to the nature of the anticipated use.

§ 2920.0-3 - Authority.

Sections 302, 303 and 310 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1732,1733,1740,occupancy,and,permits,and.

[52 FR 49115, Dec. 29, 1987]
§ 2920.0-5 - Definitions.

As used in this part, the term:

(a) Applicant means any person who submits an application for a land use authorization under this part.

(b) Authorized officer means any employee of the Bureau of Land Management to whom has been delegated the authority to perform the duties described in this part.

(c) Casual use means any short-term non-commercial activity that does not cause appreciable damage or disturbance to the public lands, their resources, or improvements, and that is not prohibited by closure of the lands to such activities.

(d) Cost recovery is a fee charged to an applicant or holder to reimburse the United States for processing and monitoring costs that concern applications and other documents relating to the public lands, or that are incurred when processing, inspecting, or monitoring any proposed or authorized leases, permits, and easements located on the public lands.

(e) Easement means an authorization for a non-possessory, non-exclusive interest in lands which specifies the rights of the holder and the obligation of the Bureau of Land Management to use and manage the lands in a manner consistent with the terms of the easement.

(f) Knowing and willful means that a violation is knowingly and willfully committed if it constitutes the voluntary or conscious performance of an act which is prohibited or the voluntary or conscious failure to perform an act or duty that is required. The term does not include performances or failures to perform which are honest mistakes or which are merely inadvertent. The term includes, but does not require, performances or failures to perform which result from a criminal or evil intent or from a specific intent to violate the law. The knowing or willful nature of conduct may be established by plain indifference to or reckless disregard of the requirements of law, regulations, orders, or terms of a lease, permit, and easement. A consistent pattern of performance or failure to perform also may be sufficient to establish the knowing or willful nature of the conduct, where such consistent pattern is neither the result of honest mistake nor mere inadvertency. Conduct which is otherwise regarded as being knowing or willful is rendered neither accidental nor mitigated in character by the belief that the conduct is reasonable or legal.

(g) Land use authorization means any authorization to use the public lands issued under this part.

(h) Land use proposal means an informal statement, in writing, from any person to the authorized officer requesting consideration of a specified use of the public lands.

(i) Land use plan means resource management plans or management framework plans prepared by the Bureau of Land Management pursuant to its land use planning system.

(j) Lease means an authorization to possess and use public lands for a fixed period of time.

(k) Permit means a short-term revocable authorization to use public lands for specified purposes.

(l) Person means any person or entity legally capable of conveying and holding lands or interests therein, under the laws of the State within which the lands or interests therein are located, who is a citizen of the United States, or in the case of a corporation, is subject to the laws of any State or of the United States.

(m) Proponent means any person who submits a land use proposal, either on his/her own initiative or in response to a notice for submission of such proposals.

(n) Public lands means lands or interests in lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, except lands located on the Outer Continental Shelf and lands held for the benefit of Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos.

[89 FR 25976, APR. 12, 2024]
§ 2920.0-6 - Policy.

(a) Land use authorizations shall be issued only at fair market value and only for those uses that conform with Bureau of Land Management plans, policy, objectives and resource management programs. Conformance with land use authorizations will be determined through the planning process and procedures provided in part 1600 of this title.

(b) In determining the informational and procedural requirements, the authorized officer will consider the duration of the anticipated use, its impact on the public lands and resources and the investment required by the anticipated use.

§ 2920.0-9 - Information collection.

(a) The information collection requirements contained in Part 2920 have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and assigned clearance number 1004-0009. The BLM will use the information in considering land use proposals and applications. You must respond to obtain a benefit under Section 302 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1732).

(b) Public reporting burden for this information is estimated to average 7.43 hours, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Land Management (DW-101), Building 50, Denver Federal Center, P.O. Box 25047, Denver, Colorado 80225, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, 1004-0009, Washington, D.C. 20503.

[61 FR 32353, June 24, 1996]
§ 2920.1 - Uses.
§ 2920.1-1 - Authorized use.

Any use not specifically authorized under other laws or regulations and not specifically forbidden by law may be authorized under this part. Uses which may be authorized include residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial, and uses that cannot be authorized under title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act or section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act. Land use authorizations shall be granted under the following categories:

(a) Leases shall be used to authorize uses of public lands involving substantial construction, development, or land improvement and the investment of large amounts of capital which are to be amortized over time. A lease conveys a possessory interest and is revocable only in accordance with its terms and the provisions of § 2920.9-3 of this title. Leases shall be issued for a term, determined by the authorized officer, that is consistent with the time required to amortize the capital investment.

(b) Permits shall be used to authorize uses of public lands for not to exceed 3 years that involve either little or no land improvement, construction, or investment, or investment which can be amortized within the term of the permit. A permit conveys no possessory interest. The permit is renewable at the discretion of the authorized officer and may be revoked in accordance with its terms and the provisions of § 2920.9-3 of this title. Permits shall be issued on a form approved by the Director, Bureau of Land Management, that has been filed by the applicant with the appropriate Bureau of Land Management office.

(c) Easements may be used to assure that uses of public lands are compatible with non-Federal uses occurring on adjacent or nearby land. The term of the easement shall be determined by the authorized officer. An easement granted under this part may be issued only for purposes not authorized under title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act or section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act.

(d) No land use authorization is required under the regulations in this part for casual use of the public lands.

[52 FR 49115, Dec. 29, 1987]
§ 2920.1-2 - Unauthorized use.

(a) Any use, occupancy, or development of the public lands, other than casual use as defined in § 2920.0-5(k) of this title, without authorization under the procedures in § 2920.1-1 of this title, shall be considered a trespass. Anyone determined by the authorized officer to be in trespass on the public lands shall be notified of such trespass and shall be liable to the United States for:

(1) The administrative costs incurred by the United States as a consequence of such trespass; and

(2) The fair market value rental of the lands for the current year and past years of trespass; and

(3) Rehabilitating and stabilizing the lands that were the subject of such trespass, or if the person determined to be in trespass does not rehabilitate and stabilize the lands determined to be in trespass within the period set by the authorized officer in the notice, he/she shall be liable for the costs incurred by the United States in rehabilitating and stabilizing such lands.

(b) In addition, the following penalties may be assessed by the authorized officer for a trespass not timely resolved under paragraph (a) of this section and where the trespass is determined to be:

(1) Nonwillful, twice the fair market rental value which has accrued since the inception of the trespass, not to exceed a total of 6 years; or

(2) Knowing and willful, three times the fair market rental value which has accrued since the inception of the trespass, not to exceed a total of 6 years.

(c) For any person found to be in trespass on the public lands under this section, the authorized officer may take action under § 2920.9-3 of this title to terminate, revoke, or cancel any land use authorization issued to such person under this part.

(d) Failure to satisfy the liability and penalty requirements imposed under this section for unauthorized use of the public lands may result in denial of:

(1) A use authorization under this part; and

(2) A request to purchase or exchange public lands filed under subparts 2711 and 2201 of this title.

(e) Any person who knowingly and willfully violates the regulations in this part by using the public lands without the authorization required by this part, in addition to the civil penalties provided for in this part, may be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment of not more than 12 months, or both under subpart 9262 of this title.

(f) Any person adversely affected by a decision issued under this section, may appeal that decision under the provisions of part 4 of this title.

[52 FR 49115, Dec. 29, 1987]
§ 2920.2 - Procedures for public-initiated land use proposals.
§ 2920.2-1 - Discussion of proposals.

(a) Suggestions by land use proponent. Any person who seeks to use public lands may contact the Bureau of Land Management office having jurisdiction over the public lands in question and discuss the land use proposal. This contact should be made as early as possible so that administrative requirements and potential conflicts with other land uses can be identified.

(b) Response by the authorized officer. The authorized officer will discuss with the land use proponent whether the requested land use, suitability or non-suitability of the requested land use based on a preliminary examination of existing land use plans, where available, is or is not in conformance with Bureau of Land Management policies and programs for the lands, local zoning ordinances and any other pertinent information. The authorized officer will discuss administrative requirements for the type of land use authorization which may be granted (lease, permit or easement), including, but not limited to: additional information which may be required; qualifications; cost reimbursement requirements; associated clearances, other permits or licenses which may be required; environmental and management considerations; and special requirements such as competitive bidding and identification of on-the-ground investigations which may be required in order to issue a land use authorization.

§ 2920.2-2 - Minimum impact permits.

(a) The authorized officer may, without publication of a notice of realty action, issue a permit for a land use upon a determination that the proposed use is in conformance with Bureau of Land Management plans, policies and programs, local zoning ordinances and any other requirements and will not cause appreciable damage or disturbance to the public lands, their resources or improvements.

(b) Permit decisions made under paragraph (a) of this section take effect immediately upon execution, and remain in effect during the period of time specified in the decision to issue the permit. Any person whose interest is adversely affected by a decision to grant or deny a permit under paragraph (a) of this section may appeal to the Board of Land Appeals under part 4 of this title. However, decisions and permits issued under paragraph (a) of this section will remain in effect until stayed.

[46 FR 5777, Jan. 19, 1981, as amended at 61 FR 32354, June 24, 1996]
§ 2920.2-3 - Other land use proposals.

(a) A proposal for a land use authorization, including permits not covered by § 2920.2-2 of this title, shall be submitted in writing to the Bureau of Land Management office having jurisdiction over the public lands covered by the proposal.

(b) The submission of a proposal gives no right to use the public lands.

§ 2920.2-4 - Proposal content.

(a) Proposals for a land use authorization shall include a description of the proposed land use in sufficient detail to enable the authorized officer to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed land use, the impacts if any, on the environment, the public or other benefits from the proposed land use, the approximate cost of the proposal, any threat to the public health and safety posed by the proposal and whether the proposal is, in the proponent's opinion, in conformance with Bureau of Land Management plans, programs and policies for the public lands covered by the proposal. The description shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) Details of the proposed uses and activities;

(2) A description of all facilities for which authorization is sought, access needs and special types of easements that may be needed;

(3) A map of sufficient scale to allow all of the required information to be legible and a legal description of primary and alternative project locations; and

(4) A schedule for construction of any facilities.

(b) The proposal shall include the name, legal mailing address and telephone number of the land use proponent.

§ 2920.2-5 - Proposal review.

(a) A land use proposal shall, upon submission, be reviewed to determine if the public lands covered by the proposal are appropriate for the proposed land use and if the proposal is otherwise legal.

(b) If the proposal is found to be appropriate for further consideration, the authorized officer shall examine the proposal and make one of the following determinations:

(1) The proposed land use is in conformance with the appropriate land use plan and can be approved;

(2) The proposed land use has not been addressed in an existing land use plan and shall be addressed in accordance with the procedure in part 1600 of this title;

(3) The proposed land use is in an area not covered in an existing land use plan and shall be processed in accordance with the procedure in § 1601.8 of this title; or

(4) The proposed land use is not in conformance with the approved land use plan. This determination may be appealed under 43 CFR 4.400 for review of the question of conformance with the land use plan.

(c)(1) If a proposed land use does not meet the requirements of this subpart or is found not to be in conformance with the land use plan, the authorized officer shall so advise the proponent and shall provide a written explanation of the reasons the proposed use does not meet the requirements of this subpart and/or is not in conformance with an existing land use plan.

(2) Where a proposed land use is determined not to be in conformance with an approved land use plan, with the land use plan, the authorized officer may consider the proposal for land use as an application to amend or revise the existing land use plan under part 1600 of this title.

§ 2920.3 - Bureau of Land Management initiated land use proposals.

Where, as a result of the land use planning process, the desirability of allowing use of the public lands or providing increased service to the public from such use of the public lands is demonstrated, the authorized officer may identify a use for the public land and notify the public that proposals for utilizing the land through a lease, permit or easement will be considered.

§ 2920.4 - Notice of realty action.

(a) A notice of realty action indicating the availability of public lands for non-Federal uses through lease, permit or easement shall be issued, published and sent to parties of interest by the authorized officer, including, but not limited to, adjoining land owners and current or past land users, when a determination has been made that such public lands are available for a particular use either through the submission of a public initiated proposal or through the land use planning process.

(b) The notice shall include the use proposed for the public lands and shall notify the public that applications for a lease, permit or easement shall be considered. The notice shall specify the form of negotiation, whether by competitive or non-competitive bidding, under which the land use authorization shall be issued. A notice of realty action is not a specific action implementing a resource management plan or amendment.

(c) The notice of realty action shall be published once in the Federal Register and once a week for 3 weeks thereafter in a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the public lands included in the land use proposal.

(d) An application submitted before a notice of realty action is published shall not be processed and shall be returned to the person who submitted it. Return of an application shall not be subject to appeal or protest.

§ 2920.5 - Application procedure.
§ 2920.5-1 - Filing of applications for land use authorizations.

(a) Only after publication of a notice of realty action shall an application for a land use authorization be filed with the Bureau of Land Management office having jurisdiction over the public lands covered by the application.

(b) The filing of an application gives no right to use the public lands.

§ 2920.5-2 - Application content.

(a) Applications for land use authorizations shall include a reference to the notice of realty action under which the application is filed and a description of the proposed land use in sufficient detail to enable the authorized officer to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed land use, the impacts, if any, on the environment, the public or other benefits from the land use, the approximate cost of the proposed land use, any threat to the public health and safety posed by the proposed use and whether the proposed use is, in the opinion of the applicant, in conformance with the Bureau of Land Management plans, programs and policies for the public lands covered by the proposed use. The description shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) Details of the proposed uses and activities;

(2) A description of all facilities for which authorization is sought, access needs and special types of easements that may be needed;

(3) A map of sufficient scale to allow all of the required information to be legible and a legal description of primary and alternative project locations; and

(4) A schedule for construction of any facilities.

(b) Additional information:

(1) After review of the project description, the authorized officer may require the applicant(s) to fund or to perform additional studies or submit additional environmental data, or both, so as to enable the Bureau of Land Management to prepare an environmental analysis in accordance with section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); and comply with the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470); The Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.); Executive Order 11593, “Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment” of May 13, 1971 (36 FR 8921); “Procedures for the Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties” (36 CFR part 300); and other laws and regulations as applicable.

(2) An application for the use of public lands may require additional private, State, local or other Federal agency licenses, permits, easements, certificates or other approval documents. The authorized officer may require the applicant to furnish such documents, or proof of application for such documents, as part of the application.

(3) The authorized officer may require evidence that the applicant has, or prior to commencement of construction will have, the technical and financial capability to construct, operate, maintain and terminate the authorized land use.

(c) The application shall include the name and legal mailing address of the applicant.

(d) Business Associations. If the applicant is other than an individual, the application shall include the name and address of an agent authorized to receive notice of actions pertaining to the application.

(e) Federal departments and agencies. Federal departments and agencies are not qualified to hold land use authorizations under this authority.

(f) If any of the information required in this section has already been submitted as part of a land use proposal submitted under § 2920.2 of this title, the application need only refer to that proposal by filing date, office and case number. The applicant shall certify that there have been no changes in any of the information.

§ 2920.5-3 - Application review.

Every application shall be reviewed to determine if it conforms to the notice of realty action. If the application does not meet the requirements of this subpart, the application may be denied, and the applicant shall be so advised in writing, with an explanation.

§ 2920.5-4 - Competitive or non-competitive bids.

(a) Competitive. Land use authorizations may be offered on a competitive basis if, in the judgment of the authorized officer, a competitive interest exists or if no equities, such as prior use of the lands, warrant non-competitive land use authorization. Land use authorizations shall be awarded on the basis of the public benefit to be provided, the financial and technical capability of the bidder to undertake the project and the bid offered. A bid at less than fair market value shall not be considered. Each bidder shall submit information required by the notice of realty action.

(b) Non-competitive. Land use authorizations may be offered on a negotiated, non-competitive basis, when, in the judgement of the authorized officer equities, such as prior use of the lands, exist, no competitive interest exists or where competitive bidding would represent unfair competitive and economic disadvantage to the originator of the unique land use concept. The non-competitive bid shall not be for less than fair market value.

§ 2920.5-5 - Application processing.

(a) After review of applications filed, the authorized officer shall select one application for further processing in accordance with the notice of realty action. The authorized officer shall provide public notice of the selection of an applicant and notify the selected applicant, in writing, of the selection. All other applications shall be rejected and returned to the applicants.

(b) The selected land use applicant shall submit any additional information that the authorized officer considers necessary to process the land use authorization.

§ 2920.6 - Payment of cost recovery fees.

(a) When two or more applications are submitted for a land use authorization, each applicant shall be liable for the identifiable costs of processing his (or her) application. Where the costs of processing two or more applications cannot be readily identified with particular applications, all applicants shall be liable for such costs, to be divided equally among them.

(b) The selected land use applicant shall pay cost recovery fees to the United States for reasonable administrative and other costs incurred by the United States in processing a land use authorization application and in monitoring construction, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of facilities authorized under this part, including preparation of reports and statements required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (43 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). The payment of cost recovery fees shall be in accordance with the provisions of §§ 2804.14 and 2805.16 of this chapter.

(c) The authorized officer may, before beginning any processing of a land use authorization application, require payment, as may be needed, to cover the estimated costs of processing the application. Before granting a land use authorization, the authorized officer shall assess and collect the actual costs of processing after furnishing the applicant with a statement of costs. This payment shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of §§ 2804.14 and 2805.16 of this chapter.

(d) A selected applicant who withdraws, in writing, a land use application before a final decision is reached on the authorization is responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by the United States in processing the application up to the day that the authorized officer receives notice of the withdrawal and for costs subsequently incurred by the United States in terminating the proposed land use authorization process. Payment of cost recovery fees shall be made within 30 days of receipt of notice from the authorized officer of the amount due.

(e) Advance payments based on a schedule of rates developed by the authorized officer, are required for monitoring of operations and maintenance during the term of the land use authorization, which amount shall be paid simultaneously with the rental payment required by § 2920.8(a) of this title.

(f) The selected applicant shall, before a land use authorization is issued, submit a payment based on a schedule of rates developed by the Director, Bureau of Land Management, for monitoring rehabilitation or restoration of the lands upon expiration of the land use authorization.

(g) If payment, as required by paragraphs (b), (d) and (e) of this section, exceeds actual costs to the United States, refund may be made by the authorized officer from applicable funds under authority of 43 U.S.C. 1734,or. Neither an applicant nor a holder of land use authorization shall set off or otherwise deduct any debt due to or any sum claimed to be owed them by the United States without the prior written approval of the authorized officer.

(h) The authorized officer shall, on request, give a selected applicant an estimate, based on the best available cost information, of the reasonable costs that may be incurred by the United States in processing the proposed land use authorization. However, payment of cost recovery fees shall not be limited to the estimate of the authorized officer if actual costs exceed the projected estimate.

(i) When through partnership, joint venture or other business arrangement, more than one person, partnership, corporation, association or other entity jointly make application for a land use authorization, each such party shall be jointly and severally liable for the costs under this section.

(j) Requests for modification of or addition to the land use authorization or reconstruction or relocation of any authorized facilities shall be treated as a new application for cost recovery purposes and are subject to the cost requirements of this section.

[46 FR 5777, Jan. 19, 1981, as amended at 70 FR 21090, Apr. 22, 2005; 73 FR 65075, Oct. 31, 2008; 89 FR 25976, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2920.7 - Terms and conditions.

(a) In all land use authorizations the United States reserves the right to use the public lands or to authorize the use of the public lands by the general public in any way compatible or consistent with the authorized land use and such reservations shall be included as a part of all land use authorizations. Authorized representatives of the Department of the Interior, other Federal agencies and State and local law enforcement personnel shall at all times have the right to enter the premises on official business. Holders shall not close or otherwise obstruct the use of roads or trails commonly in public use.

(b) Each land use authorization shall contain terms and conditions which shall:

(1) Carry out the purposes of applicable law and regulations issued thereunder;

(2) Minimize damage to scenic, cultural and aesthetic values, fish and wildlife habitat and otherwise protect the environment;

(3) Require compliance with air and water quality standards established pursuant to applicable Federal or State law; and

(4) Require compliance with State standards for public health and safety, environmental protection, siting, construction, operation and maintenance of, or for, such use if those standards are more stringent than applicable Federal standards.

(c) Land use authorizations shall also contain such other terms and conditions as the authorized officer considers necessary to:

(1) Protect Federal property and economic interests;

(2) Manage efficiently the public lands which are subject to the use or adjacent to or occupied by such use;

(3) Protect lives and property;

(4) Protect the interests of individuals living in the general area of the use who rely on the fish, wildlife and other biotic resources of the area for subsistence purposes;

(5) Require the use to be located in an area which shall cause least damage to the environment, taking into consideration feasibility and other relevant factors; and

(6) Otherwise protect the public interest.

(d) A holder shall be required to secure authorization under applicable law to pay in advance the fair market value, as determined by the authorized officer, of any mineral, vegetative materials (including timber) to be cut, removed, used or destroyed on public lands.

(e) A holder shall not use the public lands for any purposes other than those specified in the land use authorization without the approval of the authorized officer.

(f) Liability provisions:

(1) Holders of a land use authorization and all owners of any interest in, and all affiliates or subsidiaries of any holder of a land use authorization issued under these regulations shall pay the United States the full value for all injuries or damage to public lands or other property of the United States caused by the holder or by its employees, agents or servants, or by a contractor, its employees, agents or servants, except holders shall be held to standards of strict liability where the Secretary of the Interior determines that the activities taking place on the area covered by the land use authorization present a foreseeable hazard or risk of danger to public lands or other property of the United States. Strict liability shall not be applied where such damages or injuries result from acts of war or negligence of the United States.

(2) Holders of a land use authorization and all owners of any interest in, and affiliates or subsidiaries of any holder of a land use authorization issued under these regulations shall pay third parties the full value of all injuries or damage to life, person or property caused by the holder, its employees, agents or servants or by a contractor, its employees, agents or servants.

(3) Holders of a land use authorization shall indemnify or hold harmless the United States against any liability for damages to life, person or property arising from the authorized occupancy or use of the public lands under the land use authorization. Where a land use authorization is issued to a State or local government or any agency or instrumentality thereof, which has no legal power to assume such liability with respect to damages caused by it to lands or property, such State or local government or agency in lieu thereof shall be required to repair all damages.

(g) The authorized officer may require a bond or other security satisfactory to him/her to insure the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the land use authorization.

(h) Any land use authorization existing on the effective date of this regulation is not affected by this regulation and shall continue to be administered under the statutory authority under which it was issued. However, by filing a proposal for amendment or renewal, the holder of a land use authorization shall be considered to have agreed to convert the entire authorization to the current statutory authority and the regulations in effect at the time of approval of the amendment or renewal.

(i) The holder of a land use authorization who has complied with the provisions thereof, shall, upon the filing of a request for renewal, be the preferred user for a new land use authorization provided that the public lands are not needed for another use. Renewal, if granted, shall be subject to new terms and conditions. If so specified in the terms of a permit, the permit may be automatically renewable upon payment of the annual rental unless the authorized officer notifies the permittee within 60 days of the expiration date of the permit that the permit shall not be renewed.

(j) Land use authorizations may be transferred in whole or in part but only under the following conditions:

(1) The transferee shall comply with the provisions of § 2920.2-3 of this title;

(2) The authorized officer may modify the terms and conditions of the land use authorization and the transferee shall agree, in writing, to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions of the authorization as modified; and

(3) Transfers shall not take effect until approved by the authorized officer.

(k) If public lands included in a lease or easement are to be disposed of, the conveyance shall be made subject to the lease or easement. Permits shall be revoked prior to disposal of the public lands.

§ 2920.8 - Fees.

(a) Rental. (1) Holders of a land use authorization shall pay annually or otherwise as determined by the authorized officer, in advance, a rental as determined by the authorized officer. The rental shall be based either upon the fair market value of the rights authorized in the land use authorization or as determined by competitive bidding. In no case shall the rental be less than fair market value.

(2) Rental fees for leases and easements may be adjusted every 5 years or earlier, as determined by the authorized officer, to reflect current fair market value.

(3) The rental fees required by this section are payable when due, and a late charge of 1 percent per month of the unpaid amount or $15 per month, whichever is greater, shall be assessed if subsequent billings are required. Failure to pay the rental fee in a timely manner is cause for termination of the land use authorization.

(b) Cost Recovery fees. Each request for renewal, transfer, or assignment of a lease or easement must be accompanied by non-refundable cost recovery fees determined in accordance with the provisions of §§ 2804.14 and 2805.16 of this chapter.

[70 FR 21078, Apr. 22, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65075, Oct. 31, 2008; 89 FR 25977, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 2920.9 - Supervision of the land use authorization.
§ 2920.9-1 - Construction phase.

(a) Unless otherwise stated in the land use authorization, construction may proceed immediately upon receipt and acceptance of the land use authorization by the selected applicant.

(b) Where an authorization to use public lands provides that no construction shall occur until specific permission to begin construction is granted, no construction shall occur until an appropriate Notice to Proceed has been issued by the authorized officer, following the submission and approval of required plans or documents.

(c) The authorized officer shall inspect and monitor construction as necessary, to assure compliance with approved plans and protection of the resources, the environment and the public health, safety and welfare.

(d) The holder of a land use authorization may be required to designate a field representative who can accept and act on guidance and instructions from the authorized officer.

(e) The holder of a land use authorization may be required to provide proof of construction to the approved plan and required standards. Thereafter, operation of the authorized facilities may begin.

§ 2920.9-2 - Operation and maintenance.

The authorized officer shall inspect and monitor the operation and maintenance of the land use authorization area, its facilities and improvements to assure compliance with the plan of management and protection of the resources, the environment and the public health, safety and welfare, and the holder of the land use authorization shall take corrective action as required by the authorized officer.

§ 2920.9-3 - Termination and suspension.

(a) Land use authorizations may be terminated under the following circumstances:

(1) If a land use authorization provides by its terms that it shall terminate on the occurrence of a fixed or agreed-upon event, the land use authorization shall thereupon automatically terminate by operation of law upon the occurrence of such event.

(2) Noncompliance with applicable law, regulations or terms and conditions of the land use authorization.

(3) Failure of the holder to use the land use authorization for the purpose for which it was authorized. Failure to construct or nonuse for any continuous 2-year period shall constitute a presumption of abandonment and termination.

(4) Mutual agreement that the land use authorization should be terminated.

(5) Nonpayment of rent for 2 consecutive months, following notice of payment due.

(6) So that the public lands covered by the permit can be disposed of or used for any other purpose.

(b)(1) Upon determination that there is noncompliance with the terms and conditions of a land use authorization which adversely affects the public health, safety or welfare or the environment, the authorized officer shall issue an immediate temporary suspension.

(2) The authorized officer may give an immediate temporary susension order orally or in writing at the site of the activity to the holder or a contractor or subcontractor of the holder, or to any representative, agent, employee or contractor of any of them, and the suspended activity shall cease at that time. As soon as practicable, the authorized officer shall confirm the order by a written notice to the holder addressed to the holder or the holder's designated agent. The authorized officer may also take such action considered necessary to require correction of such defects prior to an administrative proceeding.

(3) The authorized officer may order immediate temporary suspension of an activity regardless of any action that has been or is being taken by another Federal agency or a State agency.

(4) An order of temporary suspension of activities shall remain effective until the authorized officer issues an order permitting resumption of activities.

(5) Any time after an order of suspension has been issued, the holder may file with the authorized officer a request for permission to resume. The request shall be in writing and shall contain a statement of the facts supporting the request.

(6) The authorized officer may render an order to either grant or deny the request to resume within 5 working days of the date the request is filed. If the authorized officer does not render an order on the request within 5 working days, the request shall be considered denied, the holder shall have the same right to appeal the denial as if an order denying the request had been issued.

(c) Process for termination or suspension other than temporary immediate suspension.

(1) Prior to commencing any proceeding to suspend or terminate a land use authorization, the authorized officer shall give written notice to the holder of the legal grounds for such action and shall give the holder a reasonable time to correct any noncompliance.

(2) After due notice of termination or suspension to the holder of a land use authorization, if noncompliance still exists after a reasonable time, the authorized officer shall give written notice to the holder and refer the matter to the Office of Hearings and Appeals for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge pursuant to 43 CFR 4.420-4.439. The authorized officer shall suspend or revoke the land use authorization if the Administrative Law Judge determines that grounds for suspension or revocation exists and that such action is justified.

(3) The authorized officer shall terminate a suspension order when the authorized officer determines that the violation causing such suspension has been rectified.

(d) Upon termination, revocation or cancellation of a land use authorization, the holder shall remove all structures and improvements except those owned by the United States within 60 days of the notice of termination, revocation or cancellation and shall restore the site to its pre-use condition, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing or in the land use authorization. If the holder fails to remove all such structures or improvements within a reasonable period, they shall become the property of the United States, but that shall not relieve the holder of liability for the cost of their removal and restoration of the site.

authority: 43 U.S.C. 1740.
source: 46 FR 5777, Jan. 19, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 2920.1-1