Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 3138.10 - When will BLM enter into a subsurface storage agreement in NPR-A covering federally-owned lands?

BLM will enter into a subsurface storage agreement in NPR-A covering federally-owned lands to allow you to use either leased or unleased federally-owned lands for the subsurface storage of oil and gas, whether or not the oil or gas you intend to store is produced from federally-owned lands, if you demonstrate that storage is necessary to—

(a) Avoid waste; or

(b) Promote conservation of natural resources.

§ 3138.11 - Applications for a subsurface storage agreement.

(a) An application for a subsurface storage agreement must include:

(1) The reason for forming a subsurface storage agreement;

(2) A description of the area to be included in the subsurface storage agreement;

(3) A description of the formation to be used for storage;

(4) The proposed storage fees or rentals. The fees or rentals must be based on the value of the subsurface storage, injection, and withdrawal volumes, and rental income or other income generated by the operator for letting or subletting the storage facilities;

(5) The payment of royalty for native oil or gas (oil or gas that exists in the formation before injection and that is produced when the stored oil or gas is withdrawn);

(6) A description of how often and under what circumstances the operator and the BLM intend to renegotiate fees and payments;

(7) The proposed effective date and term of the subsurface storage agreement;

(8) Certification that all owners of mineral rights (leased or unleased) and lease interests have consented to the gas storage agreement in writing;

(9) An ownership schedule showing lease or land status;

(10) A schedule showing the participation factor for all parties to the subsurface storage agreement;

(11) Supporting data (geologic maps showing the storage formation, reservoir data, etc.) demonstrating the capability of the reservoir for storage; and

(12) The processing fee found in the fee schedule in § 3000.120 of this chapter.

(b) The BLM will negotiate the terms of a subsurface storage agreement with the operator, including bonding, and reservoir management.

(c) The BLM may request documentation in addition to that which the operator provides under paragraph (a) of this section.

[89 FR 30987, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 3138.12 - What must I pay for storage?

You must pay any combination of storage fees, rentals, or royalties to which you and BLM agree. The royalty you pay on production of native oil and gas from leased lands will be the royalty required by the underlying lease(s).

authority: 42 U.S.C. 6508,43.S.C. 1733 and 1740
source: 46 FR 55497, Nov. 9, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 3138.10