Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 3165.1 - Relief from operating and/or producing requirements.

(a) Applications for relief from either the operating or the producing requirements of a lease, or both, must be filed with the authorized officer, and must include a full statement of the circumstances that render such relief necessary.

(b) The authorized officer will act on applications submitted for a suspension of operations or production, or both, filed pursuant to 43 CFR 3103.42. The application for suspension must be filed with the authorized officer prior to the expiration date of the lease; must be executed by all operating rights owners or by the operator on behalf of the operating rights owners; and must include a full statement of the circumstances that makes such relief necessary.

(c) The authorized officer will not approve an application for a suspension of a lease where the applicant only cites, as the basis for the suspension, a pending application for permit to drill filed less than 90 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the lease.

(d) If approved, a suspension of operations and production will be effective on the first of the month in which the completed application was filed or the date specified by the authorized officer in the approval. Approved suspensions will not exceed 1 year. If the circumstances warrant all operating rights owners, or the operator on behalf of the operating rights owners, may submit a request to extend the suspension prior to the end of the suspension.

(e) BLM-directed suspensions may exceed 1 year.

(f) Suspensions will lift when the basis provided for the suspension no longer exists, when lifting the suspension is in the public interest, or as otherwise stated by the authorized officer in the approval letter.

[89 FR 30996, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 3165.1-1 - Relief from royalty and rental requirements.

Applications for any modification authorized by law of the royalty or rental requirements of a lease for lands of the United States shall be filed in the office of the authorized officer having jurisdiction of the lands. (For other regulations relating to royalty and rental relief, and suspension of operations and production, see part 3103 of this title.)

[48 FR 36586, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988]
§ 3165.2 - Conflicts between regulations.

In the event of any conflict between the regulations in this part and the regulations in title 25 CFR concerning oil and gas operations on Federal and Indian leaseholds, the regulations in this part shall govern with respect to the obligations in the conduct of oil and gas operations, acts of noncompliance, and the jurisdiction and authority of the authorized officer.

[47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982. Redesignated and amended at 48 FR 36583, Aug. 12, 1983, further amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988]
§ 3165.3 - Notice, State Director review and hearing on the record.

(a) Notice. (1) Whenever any person fails to comply with any provisions of the lease, the regulations in this part, applicable orders or notices, or any other appropriate order of the authorized officer, the authorized officer will issue a written notice or order to the appropriate party and the lessee(s) to remedy any defaults or violations.

(2) Whenever any purchaser or transporter, who is not an operating rights owner or operator, fails or refuses to comply with 30 U.S.C. 1713 or applicable rules or regulations regarding records relevant to determining the quality, quantity, and disposition of oil or gas produced from or allocable to a Federal or Indian oil and gas lease, applicable orders or notices, or any other appropriate orders of the authorized officer, the authorized officer will give written notice or order to the purchaser or transporter to remedy any violations.

(3) Written orders or a notice of violation, assessment, or proposed penalty will be issued and served by personal service by the authorized officer, or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Service will be deemed to occur when the document is received or 7 business days after the date it is mailed, whichever is earlier.

(4) Any person may designate a representative to receive any notice of violation, order, assessment, or proposed penalty on that person's behalf.

(5) In the case of a major violation, the authorized officer will make a good faith effort to contact such designated representative by telephone, to be followed by a written notice or order. Receipt of a notice or order will be deemed to occur at the time of such verbal communication, and the time of notice and the name of the receiving party will be documented in the file. If the good faith effort to contact the designated representative is unsuccessful, notice of the major violation or order may be given to any person conducting or supervising operations subject to the regulations in this part.

(6) In the case of a minor violation, the authorized officer will only provide a written notice or order to the designated representative.

(7) A copy of all orders, notices, or instructions served on any contractor or field employee or designated representative will also be mailed to the operator. Any notice involving a civil penalty against an operator will be mailed to the operator, with a copy to the operating rights owner.

(b) State Director review. Any adversely affected party that contests a notice of violation or assessment or an instruction, order, or decision of the authorized officer issued under the regulations in this part, may request an administrative review, before the State Director, either with or without oral presentation. Such request, including all supporting documentation, shall be filed in writing with the appropriate State Director within 20 business days of the date such notice of violation or assessment or instruction, order, or decision was received or considered to have been received and shall be filed with the appropriate State Director. Upon request and showing of good cause, an extension for submitting supporting data may be granted by the State Director. Such review shall include all factors or circumstances relevant to the particular case. Any party who is adversely affected by the State Director's decision may appeal that decision to the Interior Board of Land Appeals as provided in § 3165.4 of this part.

(c) Review of proposed penalties. Any adversely affected party wishing to contest a notice of proposed penalty shall request an administrative review before the State Director under the procedures set out in paragraph (b) of this section. However, no civil penalty shall be assessed under this part until the party charged with the violation has been given the opportunity for a hearing on the record in accordance with section 109(e) of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act. Therefore, any party adversely affected by the State Director's decision on the proposed penalty, may request a hearing on the record before an Administrative Law Judge or, in lieu of a hearing, may appeal that decision directly to the Interior Board of Land Appeals as provided in § 3165.4(b)(2) of this part. If such party elects to request a hearing on the record, such request shall be filed in the office of the State Director having jurisdiction over the lands covered by the lease within 30 days of receipt of the State Director's decision on the notice of proposed penalty. Where a hearing on the record is requested, the State Director shall refer the complete case file to the Office of Hearings and Appeals for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge in accordance with part 4 of this title. A decision shall be issued following completion of the hearing and shall be served on the parties. Any party, including the United States, adversely affected by the decision of the Administrative Law Judge may appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals as provided in § 3163.4 of this title.

(d) Action on request for State Director review. The State Director will issue a final decision within 10 business days after the receipt of a complete request for administrative review or, where oral presentation has been made, within 10 business days after the oral presentation. The State Director's decision represents the final Bureau decision from which further review may be obtained as provided in paragraph (c) of this section for proposed penalties, and in § 3165.4 for all other decisions.

(e) Effect of request for State Director review or for hearing on the record. (1) Any request for review by the State Director under this section shall not result in a suspension of the requirement for compliance with the notice of violation or proposed penalty, or stop the daily accumulation of assessments or penalties, unless the State Director to whom the request is made so determines.

(2) Any request for a hearing on the record before an administrative law judge under this section shall not result in a suspension of the requirement for compliance with the decision, unless the administrative law judge so determines. Any request for hearing on the record shall stop the accumulation of additional daily penalties until such time as a final decision is rendered, except that within 10 days of receipt of a request for a hearing on the record, the State Director may, after review of such request, recommend that the Director reinstate the accumulation of daily civil penalties until the violation is abated. Within 45 days of the filing of the request for a hearing on the record, the Director may reinstate the accumulation of civil penalties if he/she determines that the public interest requires a reinstatement of the accumulation and that the violation is causing or threatening immediate, substantial and adverse impacts on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty income. If the Director does not reinstate the daily accumulation within 45 days of the filing of the request for a hearing on the record, the suspension shall continue.

[52 FR 5394, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988; 66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001; 81 FR 81421, Nov. 17, 2016]
§ 3165.4 - Appeals.

(a) Appeal of decision of State Director. Any party adversely affected by the decision of the State Director after State Director review, under § 3165.3(b) of this title, of a notice of violation or assessment or of an instruction, order, or decision may appeal that decision to the Interior Board of Land Appeals pursuant to the regulations set out in part 4 of this title.

(b) Appeal from decision on a proposed penalty after a hearing on the record. (1) Any party adversely affected by the decision of an Administrative Law Judge on a proposed penalty after a hearing on the record under § 3165.3(c) of this title may appeal that decision to the Interior Board of Land Appeals pursuant to the regulations in part 4 of this title.

(2) In lieu of a hearing on the record under § 3165.3(c) of this title, any party adversely affected by the decision of the State Director on a proposed penalty may waive the opportunity for such a hearing on the record by appealing directly to the Interior Board of Land Appeals under part 4 of this title. However, if the right to a hearing on the record is waived, further appeal to the District Court under section 109(j) of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act is precluded.

(c) Effect of an appeal on an approval/decision by a State Director or Administrative Law Judge. All decisions and approvals of a State Director or Administrator Law Judge under this part shall remain effective pending appeal unless the Interior Board of Land Appeals determines otherwise upon consideration of the standards stated in this paragraph. The provisions of 43 CFR 4.21(a) shall not apply to any decision or approval of a State Director or Administrative Law Judge under this part. A petition for a stay of a decision or approval of a State Director or Administrative Law Judge shall be filed with the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Office of Hearings and Appeals, Department of the Interior, and shall show sufficient justification based on the following standards:

(1) The relative harm to the parties if the stay is granted or denied,

(2) The likelihood of the appellant's success on the merits,

(3) The likelihood of irreparable harm to the appellant or resources if the stay is not granted, and

(4) Whether the public interest favors granting the stay.

Nothing in this paragraph shall diminish the discretionary authority of a State Director or Administrative Law Judge to stay the effectiveness of a decision subject to appeal pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section upon a request by an adversely affected party or on the State Director's or Administrative Law Judge's own initiative. If a State Director or Administrative Law Judge denies such a request, the requester can petition for a stay of the denial decision by filing a petition with the Interior Board of Land Appeals that addresses the standards described above in this paragraph.

(d) Effect of appeal on compliance requirements. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, any appeal filed pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall not result in a suspension of the requirement for compliance with the order or decision from which the appeal is taken unless the Interior Board of Land Appeals determines that suspension of the requirements of the order or decision will not be detrimental to the interests of the lessor or upon submission and acceptance of a bond deemed adequate to indemnify the lessor from loss or damage.

(e) Effect of appeal on assessments and penalties. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, an appeal filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall suspend the accumulation of additional daily assessments. However, the pendency of an appeal shall not bar the authorized officer from assessing civil penalties under § 3163.2 of this title in the event the operator has failed to abate the violation which resulted in the assessment. The Board of Land Appeals may issue appropriate orders to coordinate the pending appeal and the pending civil penalty proceeding.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, an appeal filed pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall suspend the accumulation of additional daily civil penalties.

(3) When an appeal is filed under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the State Director may, within 10 days of receipt of the notice of appeal, recommend that the Director reinstate the accumulation of assessments and daily civil penalties until such time as a final decision is rendered or until the violation is abated. The Director may, if he/she determines that the public interest requires it, reinstate such accumulation(s) upon a finding that the violation is causing or threatening immediate substantial and adverse impacts on public health and safety, the environment, production accountability, or royalty income. If the Director does not act on the recommendation to reinstate the accumulation(s) within 45 days of the filing of the notice of appeal, the suspension shall continue.

(4) When an appeal is filed under paragraph (a) of this section from a decision to require drainage protection, BLM's drainage determination will remain in effect during the appeal, notwithstanding the provisions of 43 CFR 4.21. Compensatory royalty and interest determined under 30 CFR Part 218 will continue to accrue throughout the appeal.

(f) Judicial review. Any person who is aggrieved by a final order of the Secretary under this section may seek review of such order in the United States District Court for the judicial district in which the alleged violation occurred. Because section 109 of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act provides for judicial review of civil penalty determinations only where a person has requested a hearing on the record, a waiver of such hearing precludes further review by the district court. Review by the district court shall be on the administrative record only and not de novo. Such an action shall be barred unless filed within 90 days after issuance of final decision as provided in § 4.21 of this title.

[52 FR 5395, Feb. 20, 1987; 52 FR 10225, Mar. 31, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 17365, May 16, 1988; 57 FR 9013, Mar. 13, 1992; 66 FR 1894, Jan. 10, 2001]
authority: 25 U.S.C. 396d and 2107; 30 U.S.C. 189,306,359,and; 43 U.S.C. 1732(b), 1733, 1740; and Sec. 107, Pub. L. 114-74, 129 Stat. 599, unless otherwise noted
source: 47 FR 47765, Oct. 27, 1982, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 48 FR 36583, Aug. 12, 1983.
cite as: 43 CFR 3165.1