Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 3602.10 - Applying for a mineral materials sales contract.

§ 3602.11 - How do I request a sale of mineral materials?

§ 3602.12 - How does the mineral materials sales process affect other users of the same public lands?

§ 3602.13 - How does BLM measure and establish the price of mineral materials?

§ 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

§ 3602.15 - What will happen to my bond if I transferred all of my interests or operations to another bonded party?


§ 3602.20 - Administration of mineral materials sales.

§ 3602.21 - What payment terms apply to my mineral materials sales contract?

§ 3602.22 - When will a contract terminate?

§ 3602.23 - When will BLM make refunds or allow credits?

§ 3602.24 - When may I assign my materials sales contract?

§ 3602.25 - What rights and responsibilities does my assignee assume?

§ 3602.26 - If I assign my contract, when do my obligations under the contract end?

§ 3602.27 - When will BLM extend the term of a contract?

§ 3602.28 - What records must I maintain and how long must I keep them?

§ 3602.29 - How will BLM verify my production?


§ 3602.30 - Noncompetitive sales.

§ 3602.31 - What volume limitations and fees generally apply to noncompetitive mineral materials sales?

§ 3602.32 - What volume and other limitations pertain to noncompetitive sales associated with public works projects?

§ 3602.33 - How will BLM dispose of mineral materials for use in developing Federal mineral leases?

§ 3602.34 - What is the term of a noncompetitive contract?


§ 3602.40 - Competitive sales.

§ 3602.41 - When will BLM sell mineral materials on a competitive basis?

§ 3602.42 - How does BLM publicize competitive mineral materials sales?

§ 3602.43 - How does BLM conduct competitive mineral materials sales?

§ 3602.44 - How do I make a bid deposit?

§ 3602.45 - What final steps will BLM take before issuing me a contract?

§ 3602.46 - What is the term of a competitive contract?

§ 3602.47 - When and how may I renew my competitive contract and what is the fee?

§ 3602.48 - What may BLM require when renewing my contract?

§ 3602.49 - When will BLM issue a non-renewable contract?

§ 3602.10 - Applying for a mineral materials sales contract.
§ 3602.11 - How do I request a sale of mineral materials?

(a) You may submit a written request for sale of mineral materials to the BLM office with jurisdiction over the site containing the materials. No particular form is required for this request.

(b) BLM also may initiate a sale without a request under paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) You must pay a processing fee as provided in §§ 3602.31(b) and 3602.44(f). If the request is for mineral materials that are from a community pit or common use area this requirement does not apply.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005; 72 FR 50888, Sept. 5, 2007]
§ 3602.12 - How does the mineral materials sales process affect other users of the same public lands?

(a) When BLM designates tracts for competitive or noncompetitive sale of mineral materials, and notes the designation in the public land records, it creates a right to remove the materials superior to any subsequent claim, entry, or other conflicting use of the land, including subsequent mining claim locations.

(b) The superior right under paragraph (a) of this section is part of all contracts and permits BLM authorizes within 2 years after the date we designate the tract. BLM may extend this 2-year period for one additional year for good cause. The right continues for the entire term of the contract or permit and any renewal term. The superior right under paragraph (a) of this section also applies to any subsequent contracts or permits that BLM authorizes within 2 years after the previous contract or permit expires or terminates.

(c) This right does not prevent other uses or segregate the land from the operation of the public land laws, including the mining and mineral leasing laws. However, such subsequent uses must not interfere with the extraction of mineral materials.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001; 67 FR 68778, Nov. 13, 2002]
§ 3602.13 - How does BLM measure and establish the price of mineral materials?

(a) BLM will not sell mineral materials at less than fair market value. BLM determines fair market value by appraisal.

(b) BLM may periodically reappraise the value of mineral materials not yet removed, and adjust your contract price accordingly. BLM will not adjust the price during the first 2 years of the contract. BLM also will not adjust the contract price during the 2-year period following any adjustment. However, BLM may adjust the price at the beginning of any contract renewal period.

(c) BLM measures mineral materials by in-place volume or weight equivalent. When BLM requires you to measure materials, we may either designate the method you must use or allow you to choose either method. We will verify your results.

§ 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

(a) For contracts of $2,000 or more, BLM will require a performance bond of an amount sufficient to meet the reclamation standards provided for in the contract, but at least $500. If you have a sales contract from a community pit or common use area and you pay a reclamation fee, BLM will not require you to post a performance bond.

(b) BLM may require a performance bond for contracts of less than $2,000. We will not require a bond amount greater than 20 percent of the total contract value.

(c) A performance bond may be a—

(1) Bond of a corporate surety shown on the approved list (Circular 570) issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, including surety bonds arranged or paid for by third parties;

(2) Certificate of deposit that:

(i) Is issued by a financial institution whose deposits are Federally insured;

(ii) Does not exceed the maximum insurable amount set by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;

(iii) Is made payable or assigned to the United States;

(iv) Grants BLM authority to demand immediate payment if you fail to meet the terms and conditions of the contract;

(v) States that no party may redeem it before BLM approves its redemption; and

(vi) Otherwise conforms to BLM's instructions as found in the contract terms;

(3) Cash bond, with a power of attorney to BLM to convert it upon your failure to meet the terms and conditions of the contract;

(4) Irrevocable letter of credit from a bank or financial institution organized or authorized to transact business in the United States, with a power of attorney to BLM to redeem it upon your failure to meet the terms and conditions of the contract; or

(5) Negotiable Treasury bond of the United States of a par value equal to the amount of the required bond, together with a power of attorney to BLM to sell it upon your failure to meet the terms and conditions of the contract.

§ 3602.15 - What will happen to my bond if I transferred all of my interests or operations to another bonded party?

BLM will cancel your bond obligations following approval of the transfer of your interests or operations if the transferee provides a bond that assumes all of your existing liabilities as required in § 3602.24. However, under § 3602.26, you remain liable for any reclamation or other obligation that accrued during the time you held your interest.

§ 3602.20 - Administration of mineral materials sales.
§ 3602.21 - What payment terms apply to my mineral materials sales contract?

(a) Under a sales contract for mineral materials—

(1) For sales of $2,000 or less, you must pay the full amount before BLM will sign the contract.

(2) When the sale exceeds $2,000, you may make installment payments. The first installment payment must be the greater of $500 or 5 percent of the total purchase price. If you elect to make installment payments—

(i) For non-competitive sales, you must pay the first installment at or before the time BLM awards the contract;

(ii) For competitive sales, you must pay the first installment as a deposit at the time you submit the bid; and

(iii) For noncompetitive and competitive sales—

(A) Once you have removed materials, you must make each subsequent installment payment monthly in an amount equal to the value of the minerals you remove each month. You must make the payment by the 15th day following the end of the month for which you are reporting. However, you must pay the balance of the purchase price not later than 60 days before the expiration date of the contract. BLM will credit your first installment payment to you at the time of your final payment unless we cancel your contract under § 3601.61; or

(B) You may make advance payment for your annual production based on the previous year's production or your projection of the current year's production, so long as you resume paying on a monthly basis as required in paragraph (a)(2)(iii)(A) of this section if your annual payment does not cover your actual production for the current year. You must resume monthly payments no later than the 15th day following the end of the month in which production exceeds the projected production on which payments were based.

(3) You must annually (as provided in your contract) produce an amount sufficient to pay to the United States a sum of money equal to the first installment determined under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. In lieu of such production, you may make an annual payment in the amount of the first installment. If in any contract year you make production payments that are less than the first installment, you must pay the difference between the production payments and the amount of the first installment. These annual payments are due on or before each anniversary date of the contract.

(b) If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and BLM cancels your contract under § 3601.61, you will forfeit all moneys that you paid.

§ 3602.22 - When will a contract terminate?

(a) Your contract terminates when—

(1) Its term expires;

(2) You have completed production under your contract or permit and any renewal, and completed required reclamation; or

(3) BLM cancels your contract under § 3601.60 et seq. of this part.

(b) You and BLM may, by agreement, terminate the sales contract at any time.

§ 3602.23 - When will BLM make refunds or allow credits?

(a) BLM may make refunds or allow credits if—

(1) When your contract expires, your total payments exceed the total value of mineral materials included in the contract;

(2) BLM determines that insufficient mineral materials existed in the sales area to fulfill the terms of the contract; or

(3) Materials you paid for are unavailable as a result of terminating your contract by mutual agreement under § 3602.22(b).

(b) If your refund or credit is a result of terminating your contract by mutual agreement under § 3602.22(b), BLM will reduce the amount of the refund or credit by the amount of the administrative cost of processing the disposal action. If these administrative costs exceed your total payments, BLM will not make a refund or allow a credit.

(c) BLM may credit to future production on the same contract, but not refund, payments that you make in lieu of production under § 3602.21(a)(3). However, if, upon expiration of the contract, the total value of payments you have made exceeds the total value of mineral materials included in your contract, BLM will refund the difference in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

§ 3602.24 - When may I assign my materials sales contract?

(a) You may not assign the contract or any interest therein unless BLM approves the transfer in writing.

(b) BLM will not approve your proposed assignment of contract, unless—

(1) Your assignee—

(i) Furnishes a financial guarantee as required by § 3602.14; or

(ii) Obtains a written commitment from the previous surety that it will be bound by the assignment when BLM approves it; and

(2) The assignment contains all the terms and conditions in your contract.

§ 3602.25 - What rights and responsibilities does my assignee assume?

When BLM approves your assignment, your assignee is entitled to all the rights and is subject to all the obligations under the contract.

§ 3602.26 - If I assign my contract, when do my obligations under the contract end?

When BLM approves your assignment, you are released from any further liability under the contract for actions the assignee may take after the effective date of the assignment. You continue to be responsible for obligations that accrued before the approval date, whether or not you knew of them at the time of the transfer.

§ 3602.27 - When will BLM extend the term of a contract?

BLM may grant a one-time extension of the contract not to exceed 1 year, if:

(a) (1) For contracts with terms over 90 days, BLM receives your written request between 30 and 90 days before the contract expires; or

(2) For contracts with terms of 90 days or less, BLM receives your written request not later than 15 days before the contract expires; and

(b) You show in writing that the delay in removing the mineral materials was due to causes beyond your control and was not due to your fault or negligence.

§ 3602.28 - What records must I maintain and how long must I keep them?

(a) BLM may require you to maintain and preserve for 6 years records, maps, and surveys relating to production verification and valuation. These include, but are not limited to, detailed records of quantity, types, and value of commodities you moved, processed, sold, delivered, or used.

(b) You must make such records available to BLM to allow us to determine whether you have complied with statutes, regulations, and the terms of the contract.

§ 3602.29 - How will BLM verify my production?

(a) You must submit at least one report per contract year of the amount of mineral materials you have mined or removed under your sales contract so BLM can verify that you have made the required payments. BLM will specify the timing of the reports in your contract or permit.

(b) BLM may require more frequent reporting if we find it necessary.

(c) BLM may require you to conduct pre-operation, annual, and post-operation volumetric surveys of the mine site.

§ 3602.30 - Noncompetitive sales.

In addition to the following sections, §§ 3602.31 through 3602.35, the provisions of §§ 3602.11 through 3602.29 also apply to noncompetitive sales.

§ 3602.31 - What volume limitations and fees generally apply to noncompetitive mineral materials sales?

(a) BLM may sell, at not less than fair market value, and without advertising or calling for bids, mineral materials not greater than 200,000 cubic yards (or weight equivalent) in any individual sale, when BLM determines it to be:

(1) In the public interest; and

(2) Impracticable to obtain competition.

(b) BLM will charge the purchaser a processing fee on a case-by-case basis as described in § 3000.11 of this chapter.

(c) BLM will not approve multiple noncompetitive sales that exceed a total of 300,000 cubic yards (or weight equivalent) made in any one State for the benefit of any one purchaser, whether an individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity, in any period of 12 consecutive months.

(d) The volume limitations in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section do not apply to sales in the State of Alaska that BLM determines are needed for construction, operation, maintenance, or termination of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System or the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System.

(e) The volume limitations in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section do not apply if:

(1) BLM determines that circumstances make it impossible to obtain competition; or

(2) There is insufficient time to invite competitive bids, because of an emergency situation affecting public property, health, or safety.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005; 73 FR 35592, June 24, 2008]
§ 3602.32 - What volume and other limitations pertain to noncompetitive sales associated with public works projects?

BLM may sell mineral materials not exceeding 400,000 cubic yards (or weight equivalent), at not less than fair market value, without advertising or calling for bids if:

(a) BLM determines the sale to be in the public interest; and

(b) The materials will be used in connection with an urgent public works improvement program on behalf of a Federal, State, or local governmental agency, and time does not permit advertising for a competitive sale.

§ 3602.33 - How will BLM dispose of mineral materials for use in developing Federal mineral leases?

(a) If you propose to use mineral materials in connection with developing a mineral lease issued by BLM, we may, without calling for competitive bids, sell you at fair market value a volume of mineral materials not exceeding a total of 200,000 cubic yards (or weight equivalent) in one State in any period of 12 consecutive months.

(b) If the materials remain within the boundaries of the lease, BLM will not charge for mineral materials that you must move in order to extract minerals under a Federal lease, whether or not you use them for lease development.

§ 3602.34 - What is the term of a noncompetitive contract?

BLM will not issue a noncompetitive contract for the sale of mineral materials for a term exceeding 5 years, excluding any contract extension under § 3602.27 and any period that BLM may allow for removal of equipment and improvements under § 3601.52.

§ 3602.40 - Competitive sales.

In addition to the following sections, §§ 3602.41 through 3602.49, the provisions of §§ 3602.11 through 3602.29 also apply to competitive sales.

§ 3602.41 - When will BLM sell mineral materials on a competitive basis?

Except for sales from community pits and common use areas under subpart 3603 of this part, and noncompetitive sales under § 3602.30 et seq., BLM will make sales only after inviting competitive bids through publication and posting under § 3602.42.

§ 3602.42 - How does BLM publicize competitive mineral materials sales?

(a) When offering mineral materials for sale by competitive bidding, BLM:

(1) Will advertise the sale by publishing a sale notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the material is located, on the same day once a week for 2 consecutive weeks; and

(2) Will post a sale notice in a conspicuous place in the office where you will submit bids.

(b) In the sale notice, BLM will state:

(1) By legal description, the location of the tract or tracts on which we are offering the materials;

(2) The kind of materials we are offering;

(3) The estimated quantities of materials we are offering;

(4) The unit of measurement;

(5) The appraised prices;

(6) The time and place for receiving and opening of bids;

(7) The minimum deposit we require;

(8) If the sale is by request, the total cost recovery fee paid to BLM by the applicant up to 21 days before the sale;

(9) The site access that will be available to the purchaser;

(10) The method of bidding;

(11) If applicable, that the purchaser must file mining or reclamation plans;

(12) The bonding requirement;

(13) The location for inspection of contract terms and proposed stipulations;

(14) The address and telephone number of the office where you may obtain additional information;

(15) Whether BLM will renew the contract; and

(16) Any additional information that BLM deems necessary.

(c) BLM may, in its discretion, extend the period of time for advertising;

(d) BLM will not hold sales sooner than 1 week after the last advertisement.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3602.43 - How does BLM conduct competitive mineral materials sales?

(a) The applicant requesting a mineral materials sale must pay a processing fee on a case-by-case basis as described in § 3000.11 of this chapter as modified by the provisions in this section and in § 3602.42(b)(8). The cost recovery process for a competitive mineral materials sale follows:

(1) The applicant requesting the sale must pay the cost recovery fee amount before BLM will publish a sale notice.

(2) Before the contract is issued:

(i) The successful bidder, if someone other than the applicant, must pay to BLM the cost recovery amount specified in the sale notice; and

(ii) The successful bidder must pay all processing costs BLM incurs after the date of the sale notice.

(3) If the successful bidder is someone other than the applicant, BLM will refund to the applicant the amount paid under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(b) In conducting a competitive sale, BLM may require submission of sealed written bids, oral bids, or a combination of both. The sale notice will state how you must submit your bid. If 2 or more persons make identical high sealed bids, BLM will determine the highest bid by holding an oral auction among the persons making the identical high bids. If no oral bid is made higher than the sealed bids, BLM will pick the successful bidder by lot. After BLM announces the high bid at an oral auction, if you are the high bidder you must confirm that bid in writing at least by the close of business on the date of the sale, or by such time as BLM may specify in the sale notice.

(c) When BLM determines that it is in the public interest to do so, we may reject any or all bids, or may waive minor deficiencies in the bids that would not ordinarily affect the outcome of the bidding.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3602.44 - How do I make a bid deposit?

(a) If you wish to make a bid to purchase mineral materials, you must submit a deposit in advance of the sale.

(1) Your sealed bids must contain a deposit.

(2) At an oral auction, you must make your deposit before the opening of the bidding.

(b) Your deposit must be the greater of $500 or 5 percent of the appraised value as we specify in the sale notice.

(c) Your deposit may be in the form of cash, a money order, a bank draft, or a cashier's or certified check made payable to the Bureau of Land Management.

(d) If you are not the successful bidder, BLM will return your bid deposit when the bidding concludes.

(e) If you are the successful bidder, BLM will apply your deposit to the purchase price.

(f) BLM will charge the successful bidder a processing fee on a case-by-case basis as described in § 3000.11 of this chapter and § 3602.43.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3602.45 - What final steps will BLM take before issuing me a contract?

(a) Ability to perform. BLM may require you to furnish information we find necessary to determine whether you are able to meet the obligations of the contract.

(b) Reasons for denying a contract. We will deny you the contract, even if you made the highest bid, if—

(1) We determine that you are unable to meet the obligations of the contract,

(2) You are unwilling to accept the terms of the contract, or

(3) BLM rejects all bids.

(c) Refund of deposit. If BLM denies you a contract under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(3) of this section, we will refund your deposit.

(d) Awarding a contract. BLM will notify you of your contract award by presenting you with or sending you the contract.

(e) Accepting a contract. If BLM awards you the contract, you must, within 60 days after receiving it, sign and return the contract, together with a performance bond and mining and reclamation plan when BLM requires them. BLM may extend this period an additional 30 days if you request it in writing within the first 60-day period. If you fail to sign and return the contract within the first 60-day period, or an approved 30-day extension period, you will forfeit the bid deposit.

(f) Awarding the contract to the second-highest bidder. If BLM determines that you are unable to meet the obligations of the contract, or if you fail to sign and return the contract within the time period specified, BLM may offer and award the contract for the amount of the high bid to the person making the next highest complete bid. That person must be qualified and willing to accept the contract, and must redeposit the amount required under § 3602.44(b).

(g) Contract form. BLM will make all sales on BLM standard contract forms approved by the Director, Bureau of Land Management. We will include as necessary additional provisions and stipulations in the contract to conform to the provisions of the competitive sale notice and to address environmental concerns or other site-specific issues.

§ 3602.46 - What is the term of a competitive contract?

The term of the contract will be in the sales notice. BLM will not issue a competitive contract for the sale of mineral materials for a term exceeding 10 years. However, the 10-year period does not include any contract extension under § 3602.27, any contract renewal under § 3602.47, and any periods for removal of equipment and improvements under § 3601.52 of this part.

§ 3602.47 - When and how may I renew my competitive contract and what is the fee?

(a) Applying for competitive contract renewal. When you have paid the United States the full contract price for the mineral materials you purchased under a competitive contract, you may apply for renewal of the contract without further competitive bidding in order to purchase and extract additional material that may be available at the contract site. You must submit your request for renewal of the contract at least 90 days before it expires. You do not need to use a specific form.

(b) BLM's response to the application. BLM will renew your contract if—

(1) You meet all the requirements of this section;

(2) Your contract is not limited under § 3602.49; and

(3) BLM determines that you are able to fulfill the obligations of a new contract.

(c) Renewal term. BLM will renew your contract for a maximum term of 10 additional years. The renewal may be for less than 10 years if you do not request that much time, or if BLM finds that the quantity of material involved does not justify a 10-year term.

(d) Number of times BLM may renew a contract. There is no maximum number of times BLM may renew a contract.

(e) Fee. BLM will charge a processing fee on a case-by-case basis as described in § 3000.11 of this chapter.

[66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, as amended at 70 FR 58878, Oct. 7, 2005]
§ 3602.48 - What may BLM require when renewing my contract?

(a) Reappraisal. BLM will not grant a renewal without requiring a reappraisal under § 3602.13.

(b) Bond amount and terms. Before renewing your contract, BLM may require you to increase, or allow you to decrease, the amount of the performance bond you posted under § 3602.14. BLM may also require other bond modifications to ensure coverage for the renewed contract.

(c) Environmental protection requirements. Before renewing your contract, BLM will perform additional environmental analysis as required, and may require you to adopt additional measures to prevent hazards to public health and safety, and to minimize and mitigate environmental damage.

(d) Other requirements. BLM may require additions or changes to other terms or conditions of your contract.

§ 3602.49 - When will BLM issue a non-renewable contract?

(a) BLM may offer you a contract restricted to a single term or otherwise limited in its duration. We will base this restriction on a finding that—

(1) The land should be used for another, possibly conflicting, purpose after mineral materials are removed;

(2) The deposit of mineral materials may be appropriate for future use by multiple operators or by the local community; or

(3) Other circumstances make renewal inappropriate.

(b) If BLM limits a contract under this section, the sale notice under § 3602.42 will include this information.

(c) If your contract is in existence on December 24, 2001, BLM will decide whether you may request renewal of that contract. You must ask BLM for this decision at least 90 days before the contract expires. If fewer than 120 days remain on your existing contract on December 24, 2001, BLM may approve a renewal request that you submit less than 90 days before the contract expires if we decide the contract qualifies for renewal and we have sufficient time to process your request before your contract is due to expire.

authority: 30 U.S.C. 601
source: 66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 3602.48