Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 3821.0-3 - Authority.
The authorities for the regulations in this subpart are the Act of April 8, 1948 (62 Stat. 162); Section 314 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1744); and 30 U.S.C. 28f-28k,as,2001. 414).
[67 FR 38206, June 3, 2002]
§ 3821.1 - General provisions.
(a) The Act of April 8, 1948 (62 Stat. 162) reopens the revested Oregon and California Railroad and Reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands (hereinafter referred to in this section as the O. and C. lands) in Oregon, except power sites, to exploration, location, entry, and disposition under the United States Mining Laws. The Act also validates mineral claims, if otherwise valid, located on the O. and C. lands during the period from August 28, 1937 to April 8, 1948.
(b) The procedure in the locating of mining claims, performance of annual labor, and the prosecution of mineral patent proceedings in connection with O. and C. lands is the same as provided by the United States Mining Laws and the general regulations in this part, and is also subject to the additional conditions and requirements hereinafter set forth.
§ 3821.2 - Requirements for filing notices of locations of claims; descriptions.
The owner of any unpatented mining claim, mill site, or tunnel site located on land described in § 3821.1 shall file all notices or certificates of location, amended notices or certificates, and transfers of interest in the proper State Office of the Bureau of Land Management pursuant to part 3833 of this chapter of this title and shall pay the applicable maintenance, location, and service fees required by parts 3830 through 3839 of this chapter. The notice or certificate of location, or amendment thereto, shall be marked by the owner as being filed under the Act of April 8, 1948, and, if located on powersite lands, also the Act of August 11, 1955, as prescribed by §§ 3734.1 and part 3833 of this chapter.
[59 FR 44857, Aug. 30, 1994, as amended at 68 FR 61064, Oct. 24, 2003]
§ 3821.3 - Requirement for filing statement of assessment work.
The owner of an unpatented mining claim, mill site, or tunnel site located on O and C lands may either:
(a) Perform and record proof of annual assessment work if qualified as a small miner under part 3835 of this chapter; or
(b) Pay an annual maintenance fee of $100 per unpatented mining claim, mill site, or tunnel site under part 3834 of this chapter.
[68 FR 61064, Oct. 24, 2003]
§ 3821.4 - Restriction on use of timber; application for such use.
The owner of any unpatented mining claim located upon O. and C. lands on or after August 28, 1937, shall not acquire title, possessory or otherwise, to the timber, now or hereafter growing upon such claim. Such timber may be managed and disposed of under existing law or as may be provided by subsequent law. The owner of such unpatented mining claim, until such time as the timber is otherwise disposed of by the United States, if he wishes to cut and use so much of the timber upon his claim as may be necessary in the development and operation of his mine, shall file a written application with the district forester for permission to do so. The application shall set forth the estimated quantity and kind of timber desired and the use to which it will be put. The applicant shall not cut any of the timber prior to the approval of the application therefor.
§ 3821.5 - Applications for final certificates and patents.
Applications for patents and final certificates in connection with mining claims located upon O. and C. lands on or after August 28, 1937 must be noted “Mining claims on O. and C. lands, under the Act of April 8, 1948.” All patents issued on such claims located on or after August 28, 1937, shall contain an appropriate reference to the Act of April 8, 1948, and shall indicate that the patent is issued subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act.